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Project planning and scheduling

A project can be considered to be any series of activities and tasks that:-

 Have a specific objectives to be completed within certain specified time and specification.
 Have defined start and end dates.
 Have funding limits.
 Consume resources (i.e. money, people, equipments)
 Have uniqueness from different perspectives.

#characteristics of projects:-
A project has the following characteristics:-

I. Specific objective:-
A project has clearly defined specific objectives. It is focused on end results. A
project without objective is unthinkable. Its output is measureable. The objectives are

II. Life span:-

All project have a life span. It has definite beginning and end. A project is a one - time -
only set of activities. It is a temporary endeavor. Its life span can be short or long depending on
nature and scope.

III. Unique:-
Each project is different. No similar project do exist. Clearly, no two projects are exactly
similar. Every project is unique in some elements.

IV. Team work:-

Project works through team work. A project consists of multi - functional team. A
project manager is the leader of the team. He/she makes unity in diversity and manage the
conflicts among stakeholders.

V. Flexibility:-
Project have flexibility. They are not rigid. A project operates in dynamic environment.

VI. Resources integration:-

Project consume and co-ordinate resources. A project integrates physical,
financial, human information. It maintains appropriate interrelations with them.

VII. Planning and control:-

Projects work to plan. A project requires effective and efficient planning and
control systems.

VIII. Constraints:-
Project planning and scheduling
All projects have constraints. A project operates within the constraints of time, cost
and quality performance. It has a time schedule for various activities and a completion date or
dead time.

IX. Contracting and sub-contracting:-

Most projects are contract based. The project work is characterized
by high level of contracting and sub-contracting. Contracts can be of various types such as lump-
sum contract, unit price contract etc. proper contract planning and management is the key to
effective project management.

X. Beneficiaries:-
All projects have beneficiaries. Beneficiaries are the ultimate users of the project

#construction management:-
Construction management is the systematic way of performing
construction activities to complete the work within the estimated budget and estimated time.

#function of construction management:-

To achieve goal, construction project needs different staff
function as per the nature of the works to be performed. General activities/function are listed
below to determine the construction project.

A. Construction works:-
a) Designing:- It does all the engineering/designing works.
b) Planning and programming
c) Estimating
d) Supervision
e) Monitoring, reporting and control (monitor should be report all the progression
of project and quality control.)

B. Financial management and control:-

a) Accounting and auditing:-
Account should be able to keep all the accounting and auditing report.
b) Payment:-
Payment should be regular for all the stakeholders after achieving purposes.
c) Cash:-
Cash for immediately purchasing condition for the project.

d) Taxation:-
Taxation to the government as per rules and regulation of the country.

C. Administration:-
Project planning and scheduling
a) Record keeping:-
All the progress report should kept under administration.
b) Correspondence:-
Administration should correspondence well behaviors show to all the staffs involving
in the project.
c) Staffing:-
Administration should staffing the project in progression way and as per requirement
of work under project construction and so on.

#objective of construction management:-

The main objective of construction management are :-
i. Completing the work within estimated budget and stipulated time .
ii. Evolving a reputation for high quality workmanship .
iii. Providing safe and satisfactory working condition for all personnel and workers .
iv. Taking sound decision at the lowest practical of management level through deligation of
v. Motivation people to give of their best within their capacities
vi. Creating an organization that works as a team
Project planning and scheduling
Planning is the most important constituent of the construction management. Planning is
the future line of action to achieve the desired result and taking it into consideration for present
needs and future requirements. So, planning is done to:-
i. Eliminate or reduce uncertainity
ii. Improve efficiency of the operation
iii. Obtain better understanding of the objectives and
iv. Provide basis for monitoring and controlling

#Objectives of planning:-
The main purpose of planning of work is to execute work most economically in
terms of both money and time. The effective planning depends upon the following factors:-

i. Proper design of each elements of the project

ii. Proper selection of plant and equipment
iii. Proper arrangement of repair and maintenance of tools and plants at site
iv. Ensure employment of skilled and unskilled employee
v. To provide welfare schemes for the workers
vi. To provide incentives for good workers
vii. To provide constant flow of funds entire project duration
viii. To provide required level of safety and compensation
ix. Proper arrangements of communication and mobility in site
x. To arrange the procurements of required materials

#principles of planning:-
Followings are the principles of planning:-

→ The plan should be readily understandable

→ The plan should be realistic (not an optimistic)
→ The plan should be flexible
→ The plan should be compressive
→ The plan should incorporate the system of monitoring and controlling

#steps in planning:-
Following steps are involved in the effective planning:-
i. Identifying the likely problems to be encountered in the execution of the work and obtaining
necessary information
ii. Ascertaining alternatives feasibility of execution of work and selection of the optimum plan
iii. Fixing the time of starting the execution of work
Project planning and scheduling
iv. Deciding the time of delivering the materials at site
v. Deciding the quantities and duration of various types of machine and equipment
vi. Deciding the number of different types of labours for different works and duration of their
vii. Estimation of duration of completion work
viii. Estimation of financial need
ix. Evaluation of effectiveness of plan adopted

#important of planning:-
i. Planning reduced or minimized overall uncertainty
ii. Planning is done to improve overall efficiency of project
iii. Planning of project, we can obtain better understanding of purposes
iv. Planning provide basis for monitoring and controlling or overall supervision
v. Planning gives how to design each elements of the project
vi. Planning helps to select plants and equipment as well as manpower
vii. Planning makes the project flexible and it is key for succession
viii. Planning gives pre-information about overall time, cost and quality of the project

#construction site planning:-

Construction site planning (CPS) is one of the important aspects to be considered by a project engineer or a
supervisor. CPS helps in effective and efficient execution of construction works. CPS helps in minimizing the
chances of wastages, deteriorations and losses and also minimize the chances of accidents in construction site.

Since each and every project differs from one to another there is not
readymade solution for CSP. However, we can say that construction site are needed to be planned logically and
orderly, well planned construction site will have positive impact or construction cost and safety.

#factor affecting CSP:-

Nature of the work:-

Every construction project is unique in itself because of its nature, type and conditions of the site. The
availability of labor and materials and requirement supporting facilities also affects the CPS.

Site condition:-

Topography, location and space available at the site also affect the CPS. Therefore, developing CPS, a
careful observation of the site is very essential.

Method of execution:-

Construction works can be executed using more construction equipment(following capital intensive
method) or by using more human labor(following labor intensive method) construction methods, process and
sequence to be followed will affect planning of a construction site. Therefore CPS is to be done considering the
methods, process and sequences of work to executed.
Project planning and scheduling
#factors to be considered in construction site planning:-

Construction site planning is a planning of construction site to ease construction work at site, to
maximize site safely and to achieve construction economy. In a planning, a construction site, following
considerations are made:-

Access to site:-

There should be an entrance to enter the site besides this entry/

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