Material - Resources-Submittal Requirements

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Patni computer Systems- Credit Submittal

Documentation Requirement



9 0 4 Chapter 4: Material & Resources Maximum Points - 13

Y Storage and collection of recyclables Prerequisite 1


Facilitate the reduction of waste generated by building occupants that

is hauled to and disposed of in landfills.


Provide the LEED Letter Template, signed by the architect or owner,

declaring that the area dedicated to recycling is easily accessible and
accommodates the building’s recycling needs.

Provide a plan showing the area(s) dedicated to recycled material collection

and storage

1 Building reuse, Maintain 75% of existing shell Credit



Extend the life cycle of existing building stock, conserve resources,

retain cultural resources, reduce waste and reduce environmental
impacts of new buildings as they relate to materials manufacturing and

This point is not applicable for the project.

Building reuse, Maintain 100% of shell Credit

See comments in credit 1.1 above.

1 Building reuse, Maintain 100% shell & 50%Non-shell Credit


See comments in credit 1.1 above.

Ankoor Sanghvi – LEED Facilitator
Patni computer Systems- Credit Submittal
Documentation Requirement



9 0 4 Chapter 4: Material & Resources Maximum Points - 13

1 Construction waste management, divert 50% Credit



Divert construction, demolition and land clearing debris from landfill

disposal. Redirect recyclable recovered resources back to the
manufacturing process. Redirect reusable materials to appropriate

It is required to list out various items, which can be recycled during

construction. Examples are, land clearing debris like trees, rocks,
cardboard, clean dimensional wood, steel, ductwork, bricks, glass,
jute bags, containers, etc.

The plan should include where these materials will be sent to and
the mode of transportation also.

By documenting measures implemented at site, the project will

qualify for this point.

The Architect / Construction team is to ensure that atleast 51% by

weight of the construction debris is recycled or reused.


Complete the construction waste calculation tables in the submittal

Template. The following information will be required to fill in these tables:

 General description of each type/category of waste generated.

 Location of Receiving Agent (recycler/landfill/Receiver of donation)
 Quantity of waste diverted in tons or cubic yards

Provide a narrative describing the Project’s waste management approach.

The narrative should include the Project’s Waste Management Plan.

Receipts of sale, and donation should be included in the submittal. Gate

passes with the weight noted should also be submitted. Also some
Photographs of the material being reused on site may be included. The unit
for calculations should remain consistent throughout the credit i.e. the
percentages are calculated either by weight or by volume.

1 Construction waste management, divert 75% Credit 2.2

Submittal requirements are same as above, but to achieve this

credit, very aggressive efforts from the construction management
team are necessary.

Ankoor Sanghvi – LEED Facilitator

Patni computer Systems- Credit Submittal
Documentation Requirement



9 0 4 Chapter 4: Material & Resources Maximum Points - 13

2 Materials reuse, specify 5%,10% Credit



Reuse building materials and products in order to reduce demand for

virgin materials and to reduce waste, thereby reducing impacts
associated with the extraction and processing of virgin resources.

Develop and implement a waste management plan, quantifying material
diversion goals.
Recycle and/or salvage an additional 25% (75% total) of construction,
demolition and land clearing waste. Calculations can be done by weight or
volume, but must be consistent throughout.


Provide the project materials cost. If break up of cost is not

available apply 45% f the total cost towards the cost of the material
and the rest towards labour.

Provide a tabulation of each salvaged/reused material use on the

project. The tabulation must include a description of the material,
the source/vendor for the material and the product cost.

Provide a narrative describing the materials reuse strategy

implemented by the project. Include specific information about the
reused/salvaged materials used on the Project.

A Master Material Data Spreadsheet should be prepared. I

have attached a sample of such a spreadsheet with all the
necessary formulae, which may be used for MR credits 3-7


Identify those building materials that are salvaged and use Equation 1 to
determine the salvage percentage for the project.

Ankoor Sanghvi – LEED Facilitator

Patni computer Systems- Credit Submittal
Documentation Requirement



9 0 4 Chapter 4: Material & Resources Maximum Points - 13

The salvaged or refurbished status of each material must be

validated by a statement from the provider of that material.
If major mechanical, plumbing and/or electrical components are part of the
salvaged materials contributing to credit compliance, then add mechanical,
plumbing and/or electrical material costs in the calculation (numerator and
denominator). If the cost of the salvaged or refurbished material is below
market value, use replacement cost to estimate the material value. For
example, if reclaimed plywood is used in the project at a cost of Rs 645/-
per sheet and new plywood costs Rs 1,075/- per sheet, use the new cost in
salvage and reuse calculations.

While 5% is typically achievable to reach the goal of 10% very aggressive

approach from the design team is required

1 Recycled content, 10% of value Credit



Increase demand for building products that incorporate recycled

content materials, therefore reducing the impacts resulting from
extraction of new virgin materials.

The sum of post consumer recycled content plus one-half of post industrial
recycled content should comprise 5% of building materials to qualifies for
this point.

Typically materials would include flyash cement & blocks, rerolled steel,
Aluminium frame, wood from wood waste, tiles, false ceiling, Glass, Tiles,

Typical materials with High Recycled Content available in the market are:

Materials % Recycled content

Fly ash blocks 30-40
Glass 10-15
Ceramic Tiles 20-30
MDF wood 15
Steel 20-25
False roof 25-30

The Architect / Project team should ensure use of material with

high recycled content to achieve atleast 10% recycled content.

Ankoor Sanghvi – LEED Facilitator

Patni computer Systems- Credit Submittal
Documentation Requirement



9 0 4 Chapter 4: Material & Resources Maximum Points - 13

1 Recycled content, 20% of value Credit


This credit has been considered doubtful as it requires very

aggressive effort on part of the design team to achieve this credit in
a project of this nature.

Submittal for 4.1 & 4.2

Provide the project materials cost. If break up of cost is not

available apply 45% f the total cost towards the cost of the material
and the rest towards labour.

Provide manufacturer’s data where possible stating the recycled

content in the material/assembly and the associated costs.

Provide a tabulation of each material used on the project that is

being tracked for recycled content. The tabulation must include a
description of the material, the manufacturer of the material, the
product cost and the pre-consumer – post consumer recycled
content data.

Calculations to be submitted

The following calculation methodology is used to support the credit


List all recycled content materials and products and their associated costs.
For each product, identify the percentage of post-consumer and/or post-
industrial recycled content by weight, and list the recycled content
information source. Mechanical and electrical systems components are not
applicable to this credit (e.g., HVAC equipment, ductwork, wiring and
lighting fixtures and controls). Plumbing products may be excluded. If
plumbing products are included, the Letter Template’s default materials cost
cannot be used (plumbing items must be added into the materials cost

Pre-Consumer recycled content is consumer waste that has become a

raw material (feedstock) for another product. It originates from products
that have served a useful purpose in the consumer market.

Post-industrial recycled content products are those that contain waste

from industrial processes that has been traded through the marketplace.
For instance, a cement block manufacturer may purchase (or haul away for
free) flyash from a thermal power generation plant.

Ankoor Sanghvi – LEED Facilitator

Patni computer Systems- Credit Submittal
Documentation Requirement



9 0 4 Chapter 4: Material & Resources Maximum Points - 13

The following equations should be used to calculate the recycled

content value of each assembly

Post Construction recycled value + ½ Pre -Consumer recycled value

to exceed 20% of the total cost.

1 Regional Materials: 10% extracted, processed and manufactured

regionally Credit 5.1


Increase demand for building materials and products that are extracted
and manufactured within the region, thereby supporting the regional
economy and reducing the environmental impacts resulting from

The broad intent of this credit is to use materials and products

manufactured locally and thereby encourage the local economy.

It is required to show that 10% of building materials (by cost) is

extracted, harvested or recovered and manufactured within a radius
of 500 miles (800 km). A 500 mile radius from Mumbai includes an
area with a strong manufacturing base, hence this credit can be

Ankoor Sanghvi – LEED Facilitator

Patni computer Systems- Credit Submittal
Documentation Requirement



9 0 4 Chapter 4: Material & Resources Maximum Points - 13

1 Regional Materials: 20% extracted, processed and manufactured

regionally Credit

It is required to show that 20% of building materials (by cost) is extracted,

harvested or recovered and manufactured within a radius of 500 miles (800


 Tabulate all the materials and products used in the project. Identify those
products that were manufactured within 800 kms of the project site. On a
Map of India draw a radius of 800 kms, and locate the manufacturing/
harvesting locations on it.
 Submit the following calculations to support the credit submittal:

Sum up all the regionally manufactured product costs, and divide this value
by the total materials cost to obtain the regionally manufactured product
percentage (see Equation 1).

Sum up all the regionally extracted materials costs and divide this value by
the regionally manufactured products cost to obtain the regionally extracted
materials percentage (see Equation 2).

Prepare a Spreadsheet that adds the product costs to the “manufactured”

and “extracted” totals depending on the distances data that is entered.

Steel is manufactured within 800 kms of the project site, but the raw
materials originate from locations greater than 800 kms from the project.
Therefore, the material cost for steel is only included in the regionally
manufactured products tally.

Note that material costs exclude installation expenses (e.g., labor and
equipment), and “company” refers to the manufacturer or a manufacturer’s
representative. The total materials cost figure may be derived from a
default calculation (45% of total construction cost) or a tally of actual
material costs.

Ankoor Sanghvi – LEED Facilitator

Patni computer Systems- Credit Submittal
Documentation Requirement



9 0 4 Chapter 4: Material & Resources Maximum Points - 13

Certified Wood Credit

1 7.0


Encourage environmentally responsible forest management.

The broad intent of this credit is to preserve the forest resources. Sourcing
wood from forest department as “Certified Wood” is encouraged.
Alternately, an equivalent quantum of wood can also be harvested.

Atleast 50% of total new wood used in the building should be in accordance
with Forest Stewardship Council guidelines.


 Provide the LEED Letter Template, signed by the architect, owner or

responsible party, declaring that the credit requirements have been
 Provide a listing of the FSC certified materials and products used. Include
calculations demonstrating that the project incorporates the required
percentage of FSC-certified materials/products and their cost together
with the total cost of all materials for the project.
 For each material/ product used to meet these requirements, provide the
vendor’s or manufacturer’s Forest Stewardship Council chain-of-custody
certificate number.

Ankoor Sanghvi – LEED Facilitator


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