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SESSION – 2019-2020
Note: Holiday Homework for all the subjects to be done on A4 size paper.

1. Suppose you are a board appearing student and you are anxious about your performance. Write a letter
to God, praying for help in scoring well besides your efforts and studies. (100-120 words).
2. ‘Humanity can be rekindled with love and compassion’. In light of the above statement write a
paragraph in about 120 words on a similar situation in your life where you succumbed to your
temptation and repented later on.

3. The story ‘Black Aeroplane’ from ‘Two Stories about Flying’ is a blend of horror, suspense, thrill and
adventure, but, does not lead to a proper conclusion. Give an appropriate conclusion to the lingering mystery of
the story in 150-200 words.


पा पु क / पू रक पुक

1. िन िलखत ों का उर अपने शों म िलखए-

i) गोिपयाँ ा तक दे कर यं को िनगु ण  की आराधना करने म अ समथ कहती ह?

’ सूरदास के‘पद’ के आधार पर इस कथन की िववेचना कीिजए।

ii)‘बु"# की चतुराई &ेम म बाधक है

iii) परशु राम जी ने आ0-प2रचय म कौन-कौन सी बात बताई ह? पाठ के आधार पर िल"खए।

iv) ल7ण ने परशु राम की वीरता पर कैसे 8ं 9 िकया?

v)‘उ;ाह’ किवता म बादलों के मा<म से किव ने ा सं देश िदया है

vi) फागुन के साँस लेने पर वातावरण म ा- ा प2रवत न िदखाई दे ने लगता है

vii) सामािजक >ां ित या बदलाव म सािह? की ा भू िमका होती है

viii) मूित लगाने का &यास सफल और सराहनीय ों था?

? तक सिहत उDर दीिजए।

ix) पानवाला और कैBन म से अ सली लँ गड़ा कौन है

x)‘बालगोिबन भगत की कथनी और करनी म एकEपता थी’। उदाहरण Fारा GH कीिजए।

xi)‘बालगोिबन भगत’ पाठ के आधार पर िस# कीिजए िक सं Iास का आधार बाJाडं बर नहीं ब"L
कत 8परायण होना है ।
xii) &Mु त पाठ म िवNालय म ले खक को दं ड दे ने का उOे ख Pआ है
। आप अ पने िवचार से िल"खए िक
िवNालय म दं ड दे ना िकतना उिचत और अ नु िचत है?
xiii) लेखक को रोते Pए दे खकर माँ भी हालात जानने से पूव रोने लगती है
। इस &सं ग के आधार पर
माता के अ ं चल की 8ाQा कीिजए।
xiv) रानी एिलज़ाबे थ िFतीय के भारत आगमन से पूव अ िधका2रयों को ा िचं ता Pई? दे श का नाक बचाने
के िलए कौन-कौन से जी-तोड़ कोिशश की गई?
?‘जॉज पंचम की नाक’ पाठ के आधार पर िल"खए।
xv) समाचार पTों की जन-जागरण म ा भू िमका होती है


2. िन िलखत िवषयों पर 200 शों म िनबं ध िलखए-

क) ामी दयानं द ख) मेरे ि&य िशVक
3. क) मॉनसू न से पू व शहर की नािलयों और कूड़े दान को साफ़ करने तथा जगह-जगह बने गXों को भरने एवं िबजली
की समु िचत 8वYथा करने की &ाथ ना करते Pए नगर िनगम के अिधकारी को पT िल"खए।
ख) अपने आस-पास के ग़रीब ब[ों को पढ़ाने के िलए &े2रत करते Pए िमT को पT िल"खए।
4. र]दान करने के िलए लोगों को &े2रत करते Pए 25 श^ों म एक िव_ापन िल"खए।


* Read and memorise the meaning of the text (chapter 1, 2, 3 – शु चपयावरणम,् बु बलवती सदा , यायामः सवदा प"यः)
* Memorise Question no. 2, 3, 5(क)&(ख), 7 of शु चपयावरणम ्
* Memorise Question no. 2, 3, 6(अ), 7(आ) of बुबलवती सदा |

* Write 3(Three) examples of each SANDHI * य*जनसि.धः-तग
ु ागमः, मोsनु3वारः, वग4य5थम7राणां तत
ृ ीयवण: प;रवतनम,्
5थमवण3य प*चमवण: प;रवतनम ् * वसगसि.धः – वस=3य उ
वं, र
वम,् वसगलोपः, वसग3थाने स,श
् ,ष
् ्
* Write 3(Three) examples of each अ यय- उAचैः, च, Cवः, Dयः, अEय, अF-तF, यF-कुF, इदानीम,् अधन
ु ा, सH5Iत, साH5तम,् यदा, तदा,
कदा, सहसा, वथ
ृ ा, शनैः, अप, कुतः, इत3ततः, यद-तह

* Write 5+5 sentences from two चFम ् (Picture description)|
* Write two letters using म*जष
ू ा |


 ujj   o    я    
 g ।”- e я b  

।e a #$ %&kt,

*k e%, -./ %j # p$ 23 & e я b  

e4 ,kp я.% 6&  । (120* b)
2। n k :- + = m+ = m+= d+=  h+=
3B+C= я/D+C= %+EF= m+#= +nd
3। n% c :- %J/, ujj, *n, n& ., n, j, udN ,
 ,, %Ns, m
4।e4 -R % S
$  a-j я / %n  e4 t E6।

1. Given that the zeroes of the cubic polynomial p(x) = x3-6x2+3x+10 are of the form
a, a+b, a+2b for some real numbers a and b. Find the values of a and b as well as the
zeroes of the polynomial.

2. For which values of a and b, are the zeroes of q(x) = x3+2x2+a also the zeroes of the
polynomial p(x) = x5-x4-4x3+3x2+3x+b? Which zeroes of p(x) are not the zeros of

3. For any positive integer n, prove that n3-n is divisible by 6.

4. If p and q are the zeroes of the polynomial x2+4x-3 , find the polynomial whose
zeroes are 1+ and 1+ .

5. If the polynomial x4-6x3+16x2-25x+10 is exactly divisible by x2-2x+k the remainder

comes out to be x+a , then find the value of a and k.

6. Find the HCF of 1620, 1725 and 255 by Euclid’s Division algorithm.

7. Prove that, √5 +2√3 is an irrational number.

8. If (a2-b2)sin x + 2abcos x = (a2+b2) , find the value of tan x.


If + = , then prove that , + =
    ( )

10. If sin "+sin2 "+sin3 "=1 then prove that cos6 "-4cos4 " + 8$%& ' " = 4
,-,. ,. -,0
11. If Tn= &)*+ " + $%& + " , then prove that ,/


+ =1 then prove that , + =1
1234 5 36+4 5 1234 36+4


Q1) Give reasons :

(a) Silver nitrate solution cannot be stirred with a copper spoon.

(b) Fat and oil containing food packets are flushed with Nitrogen gas.
(c) Blue colour of Copper sulphate starts fading when Zinc rod is dipped in it.

Q2) Why do we store silver chloride in dark coloured bottles?

Q3) Zinc liberates hydrogen gas when reacted with dil. Hydrochloric acid, whereas copper does not. Explain

Q4) On heating blue coloured powder of copper (II) nitrate in a boiling tube, copper oxide (black), Oxygen gas
and a brown gas X is formed :

(a) Write a balanced chemical equation of the reaction.

(b) Identify the brown gas X- evolved.
(c) Identify the type of reaction.
(d) What could be the pH range of aqueous Solution of the gas X?

Q5) Can a displacement reaction be a redox reaction? Explain with the help of an example


1. Draw a labelled diagram of Alimentary canal of Human.

2. Give the schematic representation of double circulation in humans.
3. How desert plants perform photosynthesis?
4. What happens to glucose molecule in following situation?
a) Presence of Oxygen b) Absence of Oxygen
5. How does the transport of oxygen and Carbon dioxide take place in human beings?

1. A wire of 3Ω resistance and 15cm in length is stretched to 45cm length. Calculate (i) new resistance
and (ii) new resistivity. Assume wire has uniform cross-sectional area 0.5 x 10-7 Ωm.
2. How can three resistors of resistance2 Ω, 3 Ω, and 6 Ω be connected to give a total resistance of (a) 4 Ω
and (b) 1 Ω? Support your answer with suitable diagram.
3. Two lamps, one rated 60W at 220V and the other 40W at 220V, are connected in parallel to the electric
supply at 220V.
(a) Draw the circuit diagram to show the connections.
(b) Calculate the current drawn from the electric supply.
(c) Calculate the total energy consumed by the two lamps together when they operate for one hour.
4. In a factory, 220V bulbs are connected in parallel and each bulb takes a current of 0.1A at 220V.
Calculate the combined resistance of all the bulbs and current drawn from the source.
5. Two coils have combined resistance of (i) 9Ω when connected in series and (ii) 2Ω when connected in
parallel. Find the resistance of each coil.

1. Project to be done in Practical string file.

2. Cover page should have relevant decoration.

3. Index(Compulsory)

4. Sequence of pages-
i) Acknowledgement
ii) Introduction- Who is a consumer? Need for consumer awareness.
iii) Common ways in which consumers are exploited in the market place.
iv) Short History of Consumer Movement in India.
v) Consumer Protection Act(COPRA)
vi) Conduct a survey on 10 people your locality by supplying the
questionnaire attached to get an idea as to how alert they are as consumers.
vii) Criticism of the Consumer Movement in India
ix) Conclusion drawn on the basis of the survey
xi) Bibliography

5. Performa-(Last page of the project) Preferably in printed form

a) Name of the School-
b) Name of the Student-
c) Class, Section and Roll No.-
d) Date of submission-
e) Rubrics of Assessment-


i) Content accuracy and originality and analysis 2
ii) Presentation and creativity 2
iii) Viva Voce 1
f) Teacher’s Remark-
g) Teacher’s Signature and Date-

6. No. of pages-15 to 20. The project should be Hand written by the students themselves and emphasis should be given
to visual representation. Questionnaire should be printed and response pages added to the file.
NAME OF THE RESPONDANT: ___________________________________

GENDER: ___________ AGE:______ EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATION:_________________________

PROFESSION: __________________ AVERAGE MONTHLY INCOME: a) Upto Rs. 5000

b) Between Rs.5000-10,000
c) Between Rs. 10,000-20,000
d) Above Rs.2000

For each question choose the correct option ALWAYS SOMETIMES NEVER

1 When you buy some item, do you insist on a bill?

2 Do you keep the bill carefully?

3 If you realise that you have been tricked by the

shopkeeper, have you bothered to complain to him?

4 Have you been able to convince him that you’ve been


5 Do you simply grumble to yourself reconciling that it

is your fate that you are often being victimised so and
it is nothing new?

6 Do you look for ISI mark, expiry date etc.?

7 If the expiry date mentioned is just a month or so

away,do you insist on a fresh packet?

8 Do you raise an objection if a vegetable seller uses

stones in place of the exact weight?

9 Do you strongly believe that your shopkeeper never

cheats a regular customer like you?

10 14. Do you compare the price paid by you with those

of others?

11 12. Do you associate high price with good quality (to

reassure yourself that after all you have not paid a
higher price just like that)?

12 Do you unhesitatingly respond to catchy offers?



Q. 1: What is Web Application?

Q. 2: Define Network & Describe the purpose of establishing the
Q. 3: Explain in detail about the various types of Network.
Q. 4: Write Notes On:
Q. 5: Define Web Browser & Web Server.
Q .6: Explain in detail about the various types of Network Topology.
Q .7: What is OSI Model? Describe the services or functions of all its
Q. 8: Differentiate between Peer to Peer and Client Server Network.
Q. 9: What is Internet? Differentiate between Internet & Intranet.
Q. 10: Define the following terms:
1. Routers.
2. Repeaters.
3. ISP (Internet Service Provider).
4. World Wide Web (W.W.W).

Question 1: Open the MS Word or Open Office and do the following:

 Create a table in MS-Word and type your class time

 Insert a picture or an image on your word Document.
 How to insert specific Shape on your word Document.
Write name of the shape onto the shape.
 Create chart in MS word.
 Create the hyperlink and link any content with any URL
 Add Header to your page like CLASS X PRACTICAL
 Add Footer to your page and mention your Name, Roll no
& Class-section.
 Display DAV MODEL DURGAPUR using word art to
your page.
 Display any content by setting Font, Size and Color like
Font-Times New Roman, Size- 14 & color as red.
 Break your page into multiple columns.
 Align the text or sentence or paragraph I,e some part
appear on Left, Some appear on Right & Some appear on
 Add water mark to your page display DAV MODEL
DURGAPUR as your Water Mark Content.
 Add page border option i.e. all your page will consist of
 Set page color.

Note: Holiday Homework for all the subjects to be done on A4 size paper.

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