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The Modernization of Childhood

Current cultural is altering the lives of generation Z

By Audrey Young
Public Relations Professional
Nov. 24, 2019

Young children glued to cell phones Credit...IStock Photo

OKLAHOMA— Technology is increasingly consuming our society.

I grew up as technology was on the rise, everything was still new and somewhat
unknown, the time of the iPhone 3 and the IPod Nano. Where you would watch PBS
Kids and sprint to the television to make it back before the commercial break ended.
Since technology was relatively new, children before Generation Z had spent their
childhood outdoors, with friends, or using your creatively to build a rocket out of
cardboard boxes.

As a child I vividly remember having a CD player and a CD case chalk full of all my
favorite KidzBop singles. Now children have a brand new IPhone 11 accompanied by an
IPad and Smart Television. Social media, video games and television are kidnapping the
attention of children everywhere.

The constant development of new technology is changing the world whether we like to
think so or not. Although the improvement of technology does come with benefits,
childhood and child development is being drastically altered.

The Mayo Clinic, an American nonprofit academic medical organization, offers insight
into the negative effect’s technology imposes upon young children. The organization

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