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Acharya Institute of Technology

Soladevanahalli, Bengaluru-560107.
INTERNAL ASSESSMENT - I [Academic Year: 2019-20]

Subject with Code Cryptography, Network Security and Cyber Law (17CS61) Date: 15/05/2020
Semester/Section: 6th SEM A, B & C Max Marks: 30

Note: Answer all Questions. ALL questions carry 5 marks each.

Q. No CO/Marks

1) CO2
With a neat diagram illustrate Deffie-Hellman Key Exchange Algorithm with an example.
5 Marks

2) CO2
Write RSA algorithm with an example.
5 Marks
3) CO1
Illustrate Fiestel structure and Round function in DES construction with a neat diagram.
10 Marks
4) CO1
Illustrate computation of SHA-1 with a neat diagram.
10 Marks
5) CO4
Differentiate between weak collision resistance and strong collision resistance
5 Marks

6) CO4
Differentiate between MAC and HMAC 5 Marks
a) Use Hill cipher with m=2 (block size=2) with key K as shown below: K= 3 7
7) Find the plaintext for the given ciphertext [CWBEPV] 15 12 CO2
10 Marks
b) Use extended Euclidean algorithm to find inverse of 12 modulo 79?

a) Assume that p= 11 and g=2, message = 10, r=7 and private key of sender is 5. Use El
Gamal encryption to encrypt and decrypt the message.
8) CO2
10 Marks
b) Find an Integer that has remainder of 3 when divided by 7 and 13 and completely
divisible by 12. (N=1092). Use Chinese remainder theorem to solve for X.

Course Outcomes: The Student will be able to

CO1: Illustrate the concepts of cryptography, cyber security, and IT act
CO2: Apply various cryptographic techniques to secure information.
CO3: Apply the knowledge of key management techniques and security protocols to ensure authentication and
secure information.
CO4: Analyse various cryptosystem, cryptographic hash techniques, intrusion detection and prevention system.

Signature Staff In-charge Module Coordinator Head of the Department

Shrutika C Rampure
Shruthi H R

Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Acharya Institute of Technology, Bangalore-560107

1 A Y

Acharya Institute of Technology

Soladevanahalli, Bengaluru-560107.

Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Acharya Institute of Technology, Bangalore-560107

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