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Feedback can improve

A) Stability
B) accuracy
C) unstability
D) easy of construction

To increase the loop gain

A) Open loop
B) closed loop
C) both
D) none

To change time constant of the system

A) Open loop
B) closed loop
C) both
D) none

A closed loop constrol system is usually more_____ than the open loop system
A) Accurate
B) less cost
C) less complex
D) cheap

Feedback systems are some times used for improving

A) Sensitivity
B) reducing complexity
C) both
D) none

Feedback can increase the gain of system in one frequency range but ____ in
another frequency range
[ ]
A) Increase
B) decrease
C) not effected
D) none

AC Control system has the advantage

A) Availability of rugged high power amplifiers
B) Smaller frame sixe of ac components
C) Both a and b
D) None

Any physical system which do not automatically correct for variation on its
output called as
A) Unstable
B) openloop
C) closed looop
D) none

In a control sysem the comparator compares the output response and reference
input and actuates input and acuates the [
A) Primary sensing element
B) Transducer
C) Signal coditioner
D) Control elements

Transfer function of a control system depends on

A) Nature of output
B) nature of input
C) initial conditions of input and output
D) sytem parameters only

The open loop control system one in which

A) output is indepenent of control input
B) only system parametrs have effect on the control output
C) output is dependent on control input
D) all of the above

the order of the system is determined by number of

A) poles of the system
B) poles at the origin
C) stable roots of the system
D) zeros

the transfer function of the system is defined as the

A) step response
B) response due to an exponentially varying input
C) laplace transform of the impulse response
D) all of the above

Which one of the following is an example of open-loop system

A) A windscreen wiper
B) Aqualung
C) Respiratory system of an animal
D) A system for controlling Anti-rocket-missiles

When a human being tries to approach an object, his brain acts as

A) an error measuring device

B) a controller
C) an actuator
D) anamplifier

In a continuous data system

A) data may be a continuous function of time at all points in the system
B) data is necessarily a continuous function of time at all points in the system
C) data is continuous at the input and output parts of the system but not
during intermediate processing of the data.
D) Only the reference signal is a continuous function of time.

As compared to a closed-loop system, an open-loop system is

A) more stable as well as more accurate
B) less stable as well as less accurate
C) more stable but less accurate
D) less stable but more accurate

The principles of homogeneity and superposition are applied to

A) linear time variant systems

B) non-linear time variant systems
C) linear time invariant systems
D) non-linear time invariant systems

Consider the loop transfer function G(s) H(s) = K(s+6)/(s+3)(s+5) In the

root-locus diagram, the centroid will be located at
A) negative4
B) negative1
C) negative2
D) negative3

The intersection of asymptotes of root-loci of a system with open-loop

transfer function is G(s) H(s) =k/ s(s+l)(s+3)
A) l.44
B) l.33
C) negativel.44
D) negativel.33

The root locus plot of the system having the loop transfer function has O(s)
H(s) = K/ s(s+4)(s2 +4s+5)
A) no breakaway point
B) three real breakaway points
C) only one breakaway point
D) one real and two complex breakaway points

An open loop transfer function is given by O(s) H(s) = k(S+1)/ s(s+2)(s+2s+2)

It has
A) one zero at infinity
B) two zeros at infinity
C) three zeros at infinity
D) four zeros at infinity

The intersection of root locus branches with the imaginary axis can be
detennined by the use of
A) Nyquist criterion
B) Routh's criterion
C) Polar plot
D) None of the above.

The characteristic equation of a unity feedback control system is given by s3

+ K1s2 + S + K2 = 0
Consider the following statements in this regard :
1. For a given value of K1, all the root-locus branches will tenninate at infinity
variable K2 in the positive direction.
2. For a given value of K2, all the root-locus branches will tenninate at infinity
variable Kl in the positive direction.
3. For a given value of~, only one root-locus branch will tenninate at infinity for
variable Kl in the positive direction.
Of these statments
A) I and 2 are correct
B) 3 alone is correct
C) 2 alone is correct
D) 1 and 3 are correct

The breakaway point of the root locus for the system is G(s) H(s) = k/ s(s +
1)(s + 4)
A) negative0.465
B) negative2.87
C) negative1.0
D) negative2.0

The loop transfer function GH of a control system is given by GH= K/s(s + 1)

(s + 2)(s + 3)
Which of the following statements regarding the conditions of the system root
diagram is/are correct
1. There will be four asymptotes,
2. There will be three separate root loci.
3. Asymptotes will intersect at real axis at cr A = -2/3
Select the correct answer using the codes given below:

A) 1 alone
B) 2 alone
C) 3 alone
D) 1,2 and 3

Feedback control systems are

A) Insensitive to both forward-and feedback-path parameter changes
B) Less sensitive to feedback-path parameter changes than to forward-path
parameter changes
C) less sensitive to forward-path parameter changes than to feedback-path
parameter changes.
D) equally sensitive to forward and feedback-path parameter changes.

Laplace transform of the output response of a linear system is the system

transfer function when the input is
A) a step signal
B) a ramp signal
C) an inpulse signal
D) a sinusoidal signal

Which of the following is used in digital position control systems

A) Stepper motor
B) AC servo motor
C) Synchro
D) DC servo motr

A synchro transmitter consists of a

A) salient pole rotor winding excited by an ac supply and a three-phase balanced
stator winding
B) three-phase balanced stator winding excited by a three-phase balanced ac
signal and rotor connected to a dc voltage source
c) salient pole rotor winding excited by a dc signal
d) cylindrical rotor winding and a stepped stator excited by pulses

The torque-speed characteristic of two-phase induction motor is largely

affected by
A) voltage
B) R/X and speed
C) X/R
D) supply voltage frequency

Consider the following statements regarding A.C. servometer

1. The torque-speed curve has negative slope.
2. It is sensitive to noise.
3. The rotor has high resistance and low inertia
4. It has slow acceleration.

Which of the following are the characteristic of A.C. servomotor as control

A) 1 and 2
B) 2 and 3
C) 1 and 3
D) 2 and 4

Which of the following are the characteristics of closed-loop systems

1.It does not compensate for disturbances.
2.It reduces the sensitivity of plant-parameter variations.
3.It does not involve output measurements.
4.It has the ability to control the system transient response.

Select the correct answer using the codes given below

A) 1 and 4
B) 2 and 4
C) 1 and 3
D) 2 and 3

A stepper motor
a) is a two phase induction motor
b) is a kind of rotating amplifier
c) is an electromagnetic transducer commonly used to convert an angular position
of a shaft into an electrical system
d) is an electromechanical device which-actuates a train of step angular (or
linear)movements in response to a train of input pulses on one to one basis.

The ac motor used in servo applications is a

A) single-phase induction motor
B) two-phase indl,lction motor
C) three-phase induction motor
D) synchronous motor

An electromechanical device which actuates a train of step angular movements

in response
to a train of input pulses on one to one basis is
A) synchro control transformer
C) stepper motor
D) ac tachogenerator

For a two-phase servo motor which one of the following statements is not true

A) The rotor diameter is small

B) The rotor resistance is low
C) The applied voltages are seldom balanced
D) The torque speed characteristics are linear

Which one ofthe following transducers is used to obtain the output position
in a position control system
A) Strain Gauge
B) Loadcell
C) Synchro
D) Thermistor

potentiometers are used in control system

A) to improve stability
B) to improve frequency response
C) as error sensing transducer
D) to improve time response

A control system with excessive noise lkely to suffer from

A) loss of gain
B) vibrations
C) oscillations
D) saturation is amplifying stages

In control system, the use of negative feedback

A) increases the influence of variations of component parameters on the system
B) reduces the effects of disturbance and noise signals in the forward path
C) increases the reliability
D) eliminates the chances of instability

Feedback control systems are

A) insensitive to both forward and feedback path parameter changes
B) less sensitive to feedback path parameter changes than to forward path
parameter changes
C) less sensitive to forward to forward and feedback path paramater changes
D) equally sensitive to forward and feedback path paramaters changes

A linear time invariant system initially at rest, when subjected to a unit

stepinput, gives a esponse y(t)=t e-t,t greaterthan zero. The transfer function of
the system
A) 1/(S+1)2
B) 1/s(S+1)
C) 1/(S+1)
D) 1/S(S+1)

For a tachometer, if tita(t) is the rotor displacement in radians, e(t) is

the output voltage and kt is the tachometer constant in v/rad/sec, then the
transfer function E(s)/tita(s), will be
A) Kt S2
B) Kt/S
C) KtS
D) Kt

Tachometer feedback in a dc position control system enhances

A) stability
B) non acurate
C) non stability
D) none

A linear time invariant system has an impulse response e2t, t grater than 0
if the intial conditions are zero and the input is e3t, then output for t grater
then 0 is
A) e3t minus e2t
B) e5t
C) e3t+e2t
D) none

The laplace trans form of a 4 second transportation lag element is

A) 1/(S+1)
B) e4s
C) eminus4s
D) eminuss/4

The TF is the laplace transform of the

A) square wave response
B) step response
C) ramp response
D) impulse response

A TF has two zeros at infinity then tghe relation between te numerator

degree(N) and the denominator degree(M) of TF is
A) N=M+2
B) N=Mminus2
C) N=M+1
D) N=Mminus1

Which one of the following effects in the system is not caused by negative
A) reduction in gain
B) increase in bandwidth
C) increase in distortion
D) reduction in output impedance

With negative feedback in a closed loop control system, the system

sensitivity to parameter variation
A) increases
B) decreases
C) becomes zero
D) become infinite

The impulse response of a lineat time invariant system is given as g(t)=e-t,t

greater than 0. The transfer function of the system is equal to
A) 1/s
B) 1/S(S+1)
C) 1/(S+1)
D) S/(S+1)

What is the characteristic of a good control system

A) sensitive to parameter variation
B) insensitive to input command
C) neither sensitive to parameter variation nor sensitive to input commands
D) insensitive to input commands

Which of the following may result in instability problem

A) large error
B) high selectivity
C) high gain
D) noise

A negative feedback closed-loop system is supplied to an input of 5v the

sytem has a forward gain of 1 and a feedback gain of 1. What is the output voltage
A) 1v
B) 1.5v
C) 2v
D) 2.5v

In closed loop control system. What is the sensitivity of the gain of the
overall system, M to te variation in G
A) 1/1+G(s)H(S)
B) 1/1+G(S)
C) G(S)/1+G(s)H(s)
D) G(S)/1+G(S)

Find the laplace transform of cos(Wt+pai)

A) 1/s
B) 1/s2
c) 1/(s2+w2) (scos(pai) minus wsin(pai))
D) none

find the fourier transform of unity

A) 2 pai delta(w)
B) pai delta(w)
C) delta(w)
D) none

Charactaristic of a linear system is that the magnitude of the scaling factor

is preserved. This is referred to as
A) principle of reciprocity
B) principle of homogeneity
c) principlke of superposition
D) principle of conservation of energy

Which of the following statement is not true for the TF

A) defined for only lineat system
B) obtained by taking he laplace transform of IR of the system
C) depends on the input to the system
D) zero initial conditions are assumed

Inverse laplace transformation of se-pai s/(s2+1)

A) cos(t minus pai)u(t minus pai)
B) cos(t minus pai)
C) e minus pai t cos t
D) sin(t minus pai)u(t minus pai)

Laplace transform of the function 10u(t-2) is

A) 10/s
B) 10/S+2
C) 10/s e minus 2s
D) 10/sminus 2

A system is lineat if only

A) Priniciple of superposition is satisfied
B) Priniciple of homogeneity is satisfied
C) Both principle of hogeneity and superposition is satisfied
D) neither principle of superposition nor homogeneity is satisfied

Intersection of root locus branches with imaginary axis may be determined by

the use of
A) nyquist plot
B) routh criterian
C) polar plot
D) none of the above

Considering the root locus diagram for a system with k(S+5)/S(S+2)(S+4)

(s2+2s+2) the meeting point of the asymptotes on the realaxis occurs at
A) minus 1.2
B) minus 0.85
C) minus 1.05
D) minus 0.75

When all the routh array are zero the characterstic equation has roots on
A) positive real axis
B) negative real axix
C) imaginary axis
D) none of these

he root locus plot is symmetrical about the real axis because there are
A) all roots occurring in pari
B) more real roots
C) more imaginary roots
D) complex roots occurring in conjugate pairs

the starting point of root loci are

A) open loop poles
B) closed loop poles
C) open loop zeros
D) closed loop zeros

the break away point of root loci

A) on the axis only
B) on the imaginary axis only
C) points where multiple roots of characterstic equation occur
D) the solution of GH(s)=0

the number of root loci branches which do not terminate at zeros are equal to
number of
A) poles
B) zeros
C) sum of 1 and 2
D) difference of 1 and 2

for characterstic equation having more number of ploles than zeros,yhe number
of root locus branches will be equal to
A) number of zeros
B) number of poles
C) sum of 1 and 2
D) difference of 1 and 2

in root locus plot,the number of asymptote is 360 degrees divided by number

A) poles
B) zeros
C) sum of 1 and 2
D) difference of 1 and 2

at break away point ,several branches of root loci coalse because system
characterstic equation has
A) single root
B) all root on right hand side of s-plane
C) several roots
D) imaginary roots only

number of separate parts of root locus is equal to the

A) number of zeros in open loop transfer function
B) number of poles in closed loop transfer function
C) difference between 1 and 2
D) the order of the characterstic equation of the system

for the system having charactestic equation 1+{k/(s(s+1)(s+2))}=0 The

centroid of the asymptotes in root locus is given by,
A) 0
B) minus 1
C) 2
D) minus 2

when the gain k of a system becomes zero,the root of the loci

A) move away from the poles
B) move away from zeros
C) coincide with poles
D) coincide with zeros

the root loci of a system has four separate loci.the system can have
A) four poles and four zeros
B) four poles or four zeros
C) two poles and two zeros
D) two poles and 6 zeros

the root loci of a system has three asymptotes the system can have
A) three poles
B) four poles and one zero
C) five poles and two zeros
D) all of these

at the point where 180 degrees locus crosses the j-axis the system is
A) absolutely stable
B) absolutely unstable
C) conditionally stable
D) none of these

the first two rows of routh tabulation of a fourth order system are
S4 1 10 5
S3 2 20
The number of roots of the system lying on the right half of s-plane is
A) 0
B) 2
C) 3
D) 4
The natural frequency of a system is Wn rad/sec, the point of intersectionof
the RLD imaginary axis is
A) + or minus jwn2
B) + or minus jsqrt wn
C) + or minus j wn
D) + or minus jwn3

The RLD of a system with G(S)H(S)=K(S+1)/S2(S+3.6) will intersect the

imaginary axis at
A) one point
B) two points
C) + or minus j
D) none

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