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Cross fertilization - This happens when two or more people • Only one idea per turn is offered by an individual

have a part of an idea which on its own may seem irrelevant

Q but when all are brought together an useful original idea is • A member, having no idea, simply says Pass
U generated.
A • No idea should be treated as stupid. Criticism or
L Suspending judgment - This is crucial, the brainstorming ridicule would inhibit free flow of ideas
I session is purely for generation of ideas, not evaluation.
• Rigid formality should be avoided. Good-natured humor
T Suspending judgments helps to avoid looking in one enthuses members to open up freely
Y particular area of ideas, thus exhausting opportunities to
explore all the possibilities. • The Leader should help in summarizing an idea and
T guide members in clarity of expression
O No idea should be considered ridiculous. It is a part of the
O Chairman's role to prevent participants from making • No evaluation of ideas is done during brainstorming
L comments such as “That would never work because'
or 'we have done it before”. • A black-board, a large sheet of paper or transparent
sheets for use on an overhead projector could be used
Formality of setting - particularly at the early stages, for listing out ideas
this helps to remove some of the tension that people may
feel, which makes them hesitant to suggest ideas. • After all the ideas are exhausted and brainstorming is
over, each ideas is taken up for detailed discussion
As people become more familiar with the technique and
and a consensus by voting is taken, if necessary, to
expressing ideas. The setting often has the influence.
select those ideas which are vital, and valid
Brainstorming works most effectively when there is a group
of people responding within the following frame work. • The brainstorming technique can be effectively used to
identify problems affecting the work-area, factors which
It is the role of the chairman to ensure this happens. can prevent potential problems, causes responsible for
• Define the central issue and make sure everyone problems, solutions to problems, etc.,
understands and agrees upon it. • The members might find it useful to ask questions to
• Everyone should be allowed and encouraged to themselves based on the five Ws and one H, i.e.,
contribute, No one should dominate. • What?
• Don't discuss - just concentrate on writing up ideas as • Why?
possible concentrate on writing up ideas as quickly as
possible. • When?

• Never criticize ideas • Where?

• Builds on other's suggestions - by using the thoughts • Who?

of others to trigger one's own thought process - the
• How?
classic lateral thinking approach.
• Make no attempt to evaluate ideas • If an outsider happens to drop in during a brainstorming
session, he may be asked to join in
• Go for Quantity - by trying to write up as many ideas
• If an agenda is distributed to members prior to the
as possible within a period of time, say five or ten
minutes. meeting, it would enable them to think about the topic
scheduled for brainstorming in advance, and thus be
• When the team drives up, try to get more ideas of your ready with many ideas, when the meeting starts
own, urging them on, or by selecting the wildest idea
• It would be useful to keep records of brainstorming for
and building in it.
future reference.
• The session should run for a set time or until all ideas
The Technique and the Result
have been exhausted, whichever is shorter
Brainstorming usually involves six to eight persons and
Great enjoyment and feeling of contributing can be gained the generation of ideas run from thirty minutes to one hour.
from brain storming, particularly when an idea is found
that would not have come from an individual member alone. Even 'outsiders' who are not normally connected with the
activity under consideration are included in the sitting with
The underlying goal of brainstorming is the maximum
a belief that a fresh mind may come out with an idea which
number of ideas generated not the quality
does not occur to those who are living with the problem.
Guidelines for Brainstorming
An one hour session is likely to produce 50 to 150 ideas.
• Each member, in rotation, is asked for ideas. This Most ideas will be impractical, but some will merit serious
continues until all ideas are exhausted consideration.

144 Employability Skills - (NSQF) Quality Tools : Theory 2.5.64

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