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Competent  Learner  Model  Academy  and  Course  of  study  with  Virtual  
Coaching  for  Families  in  UAE.  
This  entire  course  sequence  is  designed  to  take  18-­‐24  months  to  
This  program  is  designed  to  empower  parents  who  are  unable  to  access  intervention  
services  and  are  keen  to  learn  and  implement  an  ABA  based  intervention  for  their  
child.  Parents  will  receive  gradual,  step-­‐by-­‐step,  practical  coaching,  guidance  and  
support  to  run  their  own  implementation  at  home.    
How  it  works:    
The  entire  course  is  based  on  Personalized  System  of  Instruction.  The  coach  can  help  
you  set  up  a  timeline  for  completion,  but  it  is  entirely  up  to  you  to  keep  to  it.  In  case  of  
any  unplanned  events,  you  may  contact  your  coach  and  reframe  the  timeline.  There  
are  no  tests  or  exams,  ONLY  practical  checkouts.    
We  need  to  see  that  you  can  “DO  IT”.  
First  you  will  begin  with  the  CLM  Academy  online:  there  is  about  20  hours  of  online  
presentation  +  videos  that  you  will  follow.  There  are  few  tasks  you  will  do  by  yourself  
and  few  other  tasks  with  your  coach  and  other  team  members  or  with  your  learner  
(Child).  The  coach  will  meet  with  you  online  on  periodic  intervals  and  help  you  with  
any  terms  or  procedures  you  find  difficult.  This  segment  will  require  10  hours  of  
virtual  coaching  time.    
Upon  completion  of  this  segment  you  may  choose  to  move  forward  or  stop  and  get  the  
CLM  Academy  attendance  certificate.    
If  you  move  forward,  you  will  take  CLM  Course  of  study  in  three  segments  in  a  similar  
way  as  above,  courses  are  online,  and  a  CLM  Coach  provides  coaching  virtually  for  
agreed  hours.  CLM  coach  will  also  support  you  in  implementing  the  program  for  your  
child,  they  will  virtually  view  and  coach  you  while  you  are  working  with  your  child,  
review  data  and  videos  on  order  to  suggest  evidence  based  strategies  for  best  
outcomes  that  you  may  produce.    
Pre  Requisites  to  Take  the  CLM  CoS  are:  A  Bachelor’s  degree,  fluent  computer  skills,  
good  fluency  in  English  language  (written  and  spoken),  keen  interest  to  learn,  and  a  
commitment  to  work  hard.    


Your  child:  
You  can  bring  your  child  for  an  initial  assessment  upon  your  completion  of  CLM  
Academy.  After  that,  you  will  be  required  to  bring  your  child  to  us  once  a  month  for  
program  and  planning  review  and  update.    
In  this  meeting  you  will  show  us  how  you  work  with  your  child,  the  data  you  have  
collected,  the  material  etc;  and  then  we  will  show  you  the  next  steps.    
If  your  child  has  severely  aggressive  or  injurious  behaviors  then  we  recommend  you  
also  procure  services  of  a  BCBA  immediately.    
Structure  and  Fees:    
Course  1:    
CLM  Online  Academy  =  950AED  
Virtual  Coaching  10  hours  1500  AED    
Total  2450  
One  time  Purchase  For  each  Child  -­‐  Cloud  Based  Learner  Folder:  1100  AED    (CLM  
Curriculum  and  Data  recording  Online  Cloud  Based  System  with  access  to  team  
Course  2:    
CLM  Course  of  Study  Online  Units  1-­‐5  =  950  AED  
Virtual  Coaching:  10  hours  1500  AED  
Total  2450  AED  
Course  3:    
CLM  Course  of  Study  (Units  6-­‐8)  =  950  AED  
Virtual  Coaching:  10  hours  1500  AED  
Total  2450  AED  
Course  4:    
CLM  Course  of  Study  (Units  9-­‐12)=  950  AED  
Virtual  Coaching:  15  hours  2250  AED  
Total:  3200  AED  
Mandatory:  Program  Planning  &  Review  Monthly  Meetings  Onsite  
(Dubai)  with  CLM  Supervising  coach  and  your  coach  –  800-­‐1000  AED  
meeting  for  observation  and  coaching  (90  Minutes)  
Completion  of  all  units  leads  to  CLM  Instructor  Certification.    

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