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Summary of the OJT Experience

As part of our requirements, we have to undergo an on-the-job training for 600 hours.
First day I started my duty was not that too hard for me to adapt the environment inside the
office because they warmly welcomed me. All I can do as students is to learn whatever  I can in
school, be inspired, love the path I take, and finally do our best in everything I do, with a positive
outlook in mind.

It took us more than a week to experience variety of clerical work then I have got
to communicate and approach different type of people in the office. I do encoding information of
every students and sorting documents. I abled to apply my computer skills in this institution and
it enhances more my skills about computer. Because of the good working environment in the
office, it wasn't very hard for me to create my reports during the duration of the OJT period. I
believe that the things I've learned in this experience will greatly influence my life and on how I
tackle obstacles that will come ahead. Work experience equips me with certain soft skills such as
communication skills through answering the phone call, face to face talked and etc. Gaining
work experience as a student is that it gives me the chance to try things to see if what it suit for
me. Even though I’m just a student trainee. I didn’t take my OJT for granted, I always want to do
my best during my OJT. When it comes to my mistake, I’m not afraid to be corrected by
someone better than me when it comes to work because mistakes can be a best teacher.

Knowing how to handle and tackle different issues and still be diplomatic in both action
and words is important. The whole experience was quite memorable. Also, I was able to get a
glimpse of how the office of registrar in STI works when I met new people during the time. It is
so exciting in the ‘real’ world being independent and figuring things out on my own. This also
means having to deal with different people more often, so it is really good to know what you’re
doing, and to love it.

I also learned that office management is very important it resembles respect for others
and good image for me as a trainee. Having a job in a certain office made me like a real
professional, I got the chance to communicate with people much older than and with much
higher position not only in the office but in standing in life. This was the second time that I’ve
felt being like an employee. They say that nothing beats experience, as my professor would say,
as the perfect learning tool. One of the most important things I’ve learned is that talent alone is
not enough. It is important, but it is no guarantee of success. One must also be hardworking and
should practice self-discipline. Sacrifice is important, too. I learned to sacrifice a lot of things, I
hardly have time for anything else, I Start with what I know, and remove the unknown. Simply
put, begin at the beginning and then work on how to solve the problems one at a time. I
experience how to interact and communicate with people.

I have developed as a trainee to follow strictly on instructions to ensure that the process is
properly sequence. Ask question, if required, to clarify my understanding about things. I can say
that I gained to work effectively and competently in the organization. I improve my self
confidence in socializing to people. I have the initiative in doing something. I’ve learned to be
flexible, because culture is always changing. In my 600 hours of OJT I can say that the course I
enrolled is exactly where I want and I will probably stay in this profession for as long job
opportunities are present. I have learned that each employee’s engagements are to be performed
by having competence in analytical approach and process.

Professional care must be exercised at all times. It involves diligence and appropriate
attention in carrying assignments. I learned how the document process go through the
department, what are the corresponding document need to satisfy in order for the one process
document go through. Actually, the experience I had was proof that learning’s is not only got
from school but most of it comes from our experience in life (work) which was not though in
school. I were able to accomplish the job well because of some motivational ways of ma’am
Thea, ma’aam Lara and ma’am Nikki, I've never imagined that I can be able to finish my work
on time. All of the struggling, sacrifices, pain, laughter and the happiness It’s amazing how I've
been able to gained such memories and experience for a very short period of time.

As I entered college I am prepared that one day I will be working in the real world.
During the training i almost forgot that I was just a student, I felt that I was already an employee
and I’ve been part of the company. I just feel sad right now because sooner or later all of this
thing will end, eventually. But everything that I have experienced during the precious days of
training, I think all seems to worth it. Imagine for a short period of time in training I’ve been able
to do things which also an employee does I’ve been asked to do something like even a very
lowest employees work, I’ve learned on how to cooperate with others regardless if I am an
employee or just an OJT students, and the best part of everything that I’ve learned was
communicating with others was really the most important thing to learn, because doing things
without consulting someone or asking for suggestions of the others will make everything worst,
relying only to yourself and trusting on things that you only got will end up to a total chaos. I
have to cooperate with others, because we cannot make things successful by relying only to
ourselves and that's a really a great lesson that I’ve learned during the training days. Also, I was
able to budget my time, energy and money at the same time. I was bonded with different people
of different kind and I admire most of them especially the stories of their lives. I learned how to
act with speed and urgency with minimal errors, not missing any single details. I enjoyed so
much the field where I was involved with and it has given me some of the best teachers in
In terms of the “real life” experience, I can say that the “happy-go-lucky-life” is so much easier
and definitely more fun. I really didn’t believe the principle that going to school is better than
working. Now, I totally believe it. I’m not saying that I won’t be working in the future, but I
guess I must be prepared enough to face the challenges of the “real life”. OJT’s have always
been one of the most enjoyable and exciting moments of college days. I’ve been through to a lot
of great experiences in my days. So OJT is over, but the learning experiences will continue. But
don't get me wrong, having my on the job training at Registrar’s Office was really a privilege to
me. Being trained there for my future job is really one of a kind and it is something to be proud
of. And the kindness and generosity of my head added to this lucky experience. So after taking
this on-the-job training I am assuring myself that this will help me in my future job. I know that
600 hours is not enough to fully understand the real situation in working in real world but I am
sure that I can cope up easily and flexibly to whatever my future job will be. I am grateful that I
will be entering a new chapter in my life after graduation.

Having knowledge isn’t enough to succeed. We need to use it on the right way.
Intelligence is one of the key to succeed. No one can take it away from us. We have to persist to
anything undertaken to attain our goals. In my On the Job Training I learned a lot such as
improving my whole personality in terms of socialization and vision towards life.

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