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Rubric: Chart Making

Criteria Outstanding Proficient Consolidating Emerging

Use of Graphics All graphics are All graphics are Some graphics Graphics do not
related to the related to the relate to the relate to the
topic and make it topic and most topic. topic.
easier to make it easier to
understand. understand.
Organization Information is Information is Information is The information
very organized organized with organized, but appears to be
with clear titles titles and titles and disorganized.
and subheadings. subheadings. subheadings are
missing or do not
help the reader
Mechanics No grammatical, Almost no A few Many
spelling or grammatical, grammatical, grammatical,
punctuation spelling or spelling, or spelling, or
errors. punctuation punctuation punctuation
errors errors. errors.
Focus on The chart clearly The chart covers Few elements of There is very
assigned topic focuses on the major aspects of research were little focus on the
key elements of research with missing in the research. The
the research and sufficient facts chart. chart did not
includes convey the
sufficient facts message

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