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Final: VTFT II Ed College Research Lesson Plan

Intern Names: ​Ms. Banks, Ms. Brooks, Ms. Everhart, Ms. Reiss, Ms. Wasinger
Lesson Title: ​College Planning (How to Choose a Teacher Prep Program)
Grade:​ 11-12 (The Ones!)
Length of Lesson​: 75-90 minutes
Date Taught:​ 09/26/19
In this lesson…​ Students will research and learn about different colleges and what
Overview opportunities they provide for future educators.

Rising educators will be able to:

● Describe, compare and contrast the characteristics of various teacher
preparation programs at colleges and universities of interest.
Objectives ● Explain application requirements and processes for teacher preparation
programs at colleges and universities around the State.

● What career paths in education interest me, and how do I pursue them?
Essential Questions ● How do I select the right college for me?
Necessary Prior Students should have some ideas about what college(s) they want to pursue.

● Sticky Notes
● Slideshow about College Questions
● Notes Sheet for Students
● Big Sheets of Paper
Materials ● Markers
● Chromebooks
● Promethean Board
● Teachers’ own mini-posters (as examples)

At the end of the class before, students will participate in a pre-assessment. The
teachers will write three general questions about Virginia colleges and universities on
the board, and students will answer them on post-its. These questions include:
1. What Virginia college(s) do you want to attend?
Introduction/Hook 2. Are you considering TCC? If so, for a degree or for transfer credit?
3. What do you want to know about Virginia colleges?
Between this and the next class, teachers will analyze this information in order to create
an introductory presentation, and also groups.
1. As students enter the classroom, they will be instructed to sit in the assigned
groups. (5min) These groups will be made according to the colleges the students’
responses to the pre-assessment last class:
Instructional ○ JMU: Julie, Olivia, Kailey
○ ODU: Kayla T, Caila, Tiyah
Activities & ○ TCC: Maddy, Lin, Ricardo
Strategies ○ VCU: Nayo, Gabriella, Mae, Emma
○ Virginia Tech: Victoria, Justin, Kayla B. Madi,
2. Instruction (15min): The teachers will give information about applying to TPPs in
general, and also answer questions that students put on the survey from last class.
These topics include: the application process, scholarships, and what to do when
you receive an acceptance letter, and the difference between various types of
3. College-Specific Info (5-10min): Teachers will show their mini-posters to the
class in order to model the group activity.
4. Group Activity (30-40min): In groups, the students will research their assigned
college. They must locate the answers to at least the following questions:
● Tuition and fees
● Name of the Teacher Prep Program/College of Education
● Undergraduate Program options/Majors
● Is there a 5-year Master's program?
● Fun Facts
Using this information, the students will create a poster about their assigned college.
While students work, teachers first meet with a specific group to help with the
“learning curve” of college websites. Once the group is started, teachers will
mingle between groups to make sure everyone understands and is contributing to
the group
5. Presentations (15min): When time is up, all groups will present their posters to the
class using their “teacher voices.”

● EPP: Educator Preparation Program

Key Vocabulary or ● TPP: Teacher Preparation Program
Concepts ● Associates, Bachelor’s, Master’s, PHD,
● 5-Year Master’s Program
The students’ posters will showcase the information that they learned from researching
Assessments their college. Students will receive a participation grade.
When all groups have presented, teachers will ask for a round of applause for all the
Closure Activity presentations. Teachers will ask if there are any remaining questions (and answer them,
if applicable.)
For absent students, Posters will be put up on the walls of the class so others can see if
Accommodations they had missed this lesson.
TCC: ​
ODU: ​
JMU: ​
VCU: ​
Resources VT: ​
The Beginner’s Guide to Teaching:

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