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In one way or another, all people around the world work for the ultimate purpose
of seeking a better life. It is widely believed that people work solely for money.
However, it is only one of the numerous important purposes of working, and
oftentimes there are a lot of benefits that people obtain from working without even
consciously realizing them. Nowadays, except for money, people still work for
many reasons, including to understand and fulfill their responsibilities in society, to
avoid wastefulness, and to keep their minds active.

Each of us has a unique working style. As for me, I usually make a time table so
that I can accomplish my work one at a time. I work best when I’m alone and
solitary. I organize my work by doing the easier ones first followed by the more
complex ones.

Since I’m a working mom, time management is important to me. There are times
that I’m having a hard time following my time table because I have to cater first
the needs of my family especially my children. There are times that I want to give
up my career just for the sake of my family but then personally, work is very
important to me, without work I feel very futile and ineffective. I’ve been working
for roughly 16 years now and work gives me a lot of satisfaction and contentment.
I feel productive when I’m working.

I have to admit that my first priority is my family than my career since they
complete my whole being. Furthermore, when I was admitted as a High School
teacher in SMAH in 2010, things became more complicated because being a
teacher is not easy, it requires a lot of patience and hard work. There are times that
I have to sleep in the wee hours of the night just to complete my lesson plan and
prepare my lesson for the next day. The reason why I do my work during night
time is that I can concentrate and focus on my paper works (such as grades and
examinations) because there are no distractions and noise. I am at best when I’m
isolated and solitary and when everybody’s sleeping.
As American President Richard Nixon once said “The work ethic holds that labor
is good in itself; that a man or woman at work not only makes a contribution to his
fellow man but becomes a better person by virtue of the act of working.”


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A devoted professional teacher, loving wife, caring and dedicated mother. View all posts by cesvaldez13

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