1.case Summary

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Case Summary
Give a summary of the Case…
2.Company Overview
Brief overview of the company, history, type, owner etc…
3.Ferrari IPO Facts
(48-52 USD IPO) (Initially 17.175 million shares (10%) would be
offered) (Rest would be distributed after a few months to Fiat
Shareholders) (Investment will go towards Fiat and not Ferrari)
4.What to consider as an Investor
(Whether the Investment is worth it or not?) (Whether to buy
at IPO or at later stage) (Is the valuation overpriced or
5.Which Industry to Benchmark with
(Comparable with both Auto Industry and Luxury Goods
(Picture 1 and Picture 2)
6.EBITDA multiplier and EV
(Ferrari EV and EBIDTA Multiplier)
(Picture 3)
7.Industry Analysis- Ferrari
(Picture 4)
(EBIDTA 8.77)
(More than Auto Industry Companies) (Less than Luxury Goods
8.Valuation of Ferrari
(Picture 5)
(EV 5955.0051)
(Market Valuation 9391-10173)
(EBIDTA Multiplier (MV)- 13.8-14.98)
9.Qualitative Considerations
(Only 10% shares sold at IPO) (Market will be flooded with
more shares after a few months) (10 times Oversubscribed)
(Investment not going towards growth of Ferrari) (Less scope of
growth for Ferrari)
10. Decision
(IPO is Overpriced) (Share Price will decrease in the short run
once more shares flood the market) (Good investment in the
long run) (Should invest, but after a few months, when prices
11. Thank You

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