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This essay is a reflection of my leadership knowledge knowledge at the time of my

graduation. I have seen various different parts for the reflection related to leadership. I gained

knowledge of various personal development skills. This reflective essay talks about the

events with the help of which I gained experience in different areas after a critical assessment

of each point, I have discussed the final conclusion on my part to develop an understanding

of my stand that demonstrated my areas of enhancement in long-term. This essay is

developed as per the received supervisor’s feedback after completion of residential address. It

has advanced my own experience regarding such activity. Throughout the events at fall

barrow, I have developed my residential experience and gained my learning about myself that

I did not notice earlier from now. This occasion has increased my both professional and

personal knowledge as well as real-world involvements.


Throughout the events, I gained an appreciation of myself that I did not notice earlier.

This event has increased my both professional and personal experience (Jackson, & Parry,

2018). The first Thing is to endorse me to extant to the team my leadership services in

particular my plan opinions. The task did not go good because my leadership skills were not

up to the mark and I executed it very badly. According to my understanding I was not able to

connect my strategies with the employees which is a very important thing being a leader.

According to various researchers transformational leadership is a kind of leadership style that

helps in motivating, inspiring and innovating to create changes the helps the employee grow.

During this event I realized that I performed the transformational leadership style very badly.

Reflecting on this even i believe that I need to put effort on my leadership approach and skill

(McCleskey, 2014).

However the outcome of this event was the lack of team coordination along with lack

of communication and planning skills as well. During the event I had to arrange the resources

and plan things in the right way but it led to lack of team coordination and poor

communication skills. This event made me believe that my leadership skills are not up to the

mark. According to my understanding I have a sense and feelings, which was the main reason

behind the lack of planning (Pieterse, Van Knippenberg, Schippers, & Stam, 2010).

Through this even I learned that in order to become a good transformational leader I

will have to focus on the following skills, I will have to create a positive environment for the

employees, I will have to motivate and encourage only those ideas that can benefit the

organization and not the personal interest, I will have to encourage creativity by taking risks.

Moreover I will have to build skills by motivating, inspiring and guiding others as this the

main part of transformational leadership. The last thing on which I will have to focus would

be a good role model for the employees. Being a leader I need to set a good example as then

employees would follow the same (Harms, & Credé, 2010).

After the whole experience I have learned the following things about a

transformational leader. Transformational leader can be labelled as a leader who is vision-

focused and the one who should inspires positive changes in their followers. I have realised

that in order to turn out to be a good leader I will have to develop a vision that would inspires

others. Secondly I will have to build up my skills and Influence people as it will help me to

increases trust and respect with the employees. I will have to build up the courage to stand

up for my beliefs (Braun, Peus, Weisweiler, & Frey, 2013). I will also have to take risks to

attain my vision. I understand that there would be times when as a leader I wold assume the

possibility of risk for the sake of the employees or even for the sake of the organization.

These dangers may result in personal or professional sacrifices and loss. And lastly as a

transformational leader I will Show the employees that I appreciate them by thanking them

for their aids and if positive response. Give praise. I would become a good listener and

would hold up meetings to discuss the issues and problems of the employees (García-

Morales, Jiménez-Barrionuevo, & Gutiérrez-Gutiérrez, 2012).


The second event is related to my family. When I was growing up, I regularly had the

chance to see my father, a network chief, give talks, seat gatherings and hold raising support

drives. In excess of twelve or so races that he kept running for I just reviewed him losing

once and I frequently considered how he did it – what caused him to associate with the group

of spectators and how could he get individuals to appeal in to his thoughts

Throughout the previous 10 years I have been seeing charismatic leadership as – or

'divine blessing'. By my study I have learned that charismatic leadership is an essential

method for authorizing precise performs in others by technique for smooth communication,

effect and power of charm. Charismatic leaders persuade adherents to comprehensive things

or recover the manner in which convinced things are finished. This is done by magic up

energy in others to achieve an expressed vision or objective. Basically, the attractive initiative

style has its evidence in a type of courtliness. This administration style is nearly of spiritual

root (Babcock-Roberson, & Strickland, 2010).

Qualities of Charismatic Leaders, as recently referenced, charismatic leaders are the

correspondents who are amazingly gifted. These persons are articulate orally and they can

express with the persons they lead on a important, enthusiastic level. One of the upsides of

alluring administration is the volume of these persons to clarify a spellbinding or undoubted

vision. They have the aptitude to summon forceful feelings in their devotees too (Antonakis,


Moreover, charismatic leaders have a particular volume to analyse and unravel any

carelessness in an connotation. These unrealistic qualities ascribed to this leadership style

often outcome from basic reasoning, the accumulation of facts and learning methods to take

care of an variety of issues.

Through my understanding about my Dad I learned that charismatic leaders have

established qualities, according to my learning, charismatic leaders characterize plea as a

symbolic leadership impact; the leader represents something that connects with supporters.

This impact is established in the leader’s qualities, contentions and energy (Avolio, &

Yammarino, 2013).

I have also erudite that to develop a charismatic leader I will have to charisma

powerful influences by utilizing non-verbal and verbal charming leadership strategies

(CLTs). CLTs are a article that activates an outstanding vision done which a leader can attract

the factions. I also learned that the leaders do this by means of narrating or transmitting

different real life stories (Levay, 2010).They centre the message by differentiating their

situation (the correct way) charismatic leaders also offer tier explanatory conversation in

order to concentrate on the subjects of the followers, to make intrigue and get them to think in

an unexpected way; they give "proofs" by giving models, for the most part utilizing

arrangements of three; they talk about their qualities expressly – what's correct, what's up,

what's great and what's terrible; and they catch, imitate and outfit the conclusions of the

group, and afterward connect these expectations, fears, and desires to their very own vision.

I also erudite that in order to become Charismatic leaders I will have to build up the

following skills which are: I will have to set high purposes and speak with certainty that they

can be accomplished. I will also have to demonstrate energy: by my voice, by my face and

with my body. .

I learned that charismatic leadership is something beyond language. Charm isn't just

about words, beliefs and getting chose. It can complete things and it is useful for business,

especially in the long haul (Vlachos, Panagopoulos, & Rapp, 2013).


The third event is related to my university/ school. I used to play in my university

sports team. I still remember that when we use to play and win the game our coach use to

give the whole team rewards like appreciation, trophies and etc. however when the team use

to not perform well, we all used to get punished. We had to take 100 rounds of the college

ground. This was the procedure that our coaches use to follow (McCleskey, 2014).

Growing up, I realised that is a form of transactional leadership. In this leadership the

leader’s Transactional leadership is a kind of leadership in which the leaders endorse

obedience by supporters over both punishments and rewards. I learned a lot of things from

this event and the event mainly helped m me to learn about the transactional leadership. I

learned the transactional leadership have some of the clear rules and standards which are

needed for the execution can support profitability and effectiveness inside an organization.

Assistants will be expressed precisely what is expected from them, which can enable them to

perform better. Beginning a task with an unique sympathetic of what the true objective ought

to look like can make it simpler to reach the objective. With this impact, the transactional

leadership structure works viably in expelling uncertainty or vulnerability from an association

or its activities. Organizations don't need to manage blatancy, as they have a lot of targets to

meet (Jackson, & Parry, 2018)..

The next thing which I learned was that setting out clear rules and objectives helps in

estimating achievement. As far as learning, this sort of methodology makes it simpler to


recognize issue zones or the procedures that appear to work viably. By estimating execution,

the leader can examine the targets and the procedures utilized and change further objectives

and practices in light of past understanding. In general, the procedure can improve efficiency

and in this way gainfulness. I also learned that this style's stress on remunerating

subordinates that can adhere to directions and who are focused on accomplishing goals can

rouse specific sorts of assistants proficiently. Through the event I also learned the system's

structure is very clear to see, particularly when prizes and disciplines are set down

effectively. For the subordinate, the obviously characterized and executed framework offers a

workplace that abandons the misperception (Dumdum, Lowe, & Avolio, 2013).

I have learned the following things about transactional leadership which is that the

style is powerful. The courtesy on achieving transient objectives can give prompt advantages

and to model assistance a debilitated organization recover financially. This style is

particularly appropriate for areas, for example, assembling and deals. These are ventures

where destinations are effectively set, systems don't regularly require a great deal of

tinkering, and where the workforce can be unpractised. Besides, associations with issues can

profit by the administration system. The mandate and meticulous methodology can be

successful in cutting expenses of distinguishing the issue zones inside an association. In this

manner, a bombing organization could profit by applying this kind of leadership (Antonakis,

& House, 2014).

In an association, the dependence on the learning and mastery of a solitary individual,

the leadership can be tricky. While the leadership may be proficient and have a decent

comprehension of the business, any individual who just 'tunes in to themselves' can begin

experiencing exclusive focus. By adding various voices to basic leadership and by looking

forward and not simply remaining at the time, the way to deal with taking care of issues can

be progressively imaginative.

Curiously, transactional leadership style can cause issues on the off chance that it just

applies the' passive management by expectations’ technique. I learned before, this style

possibly responds when the subordinate doesn't meet the desires.

Through the above understanding about the event I learned that in order to become a

transactional leader I should have a passive approach to leading. The emphasis isn't on

continual management and oversight, but to defining the targets and limits. So in order to

become a transactional leader I will have to emphasise on the following three things which

will help me in becoming a good transactional leader (Tyssen, Wald, & Spieth, 2014).

To start with, as a leader I will have to set clear objectives and give clear direction.

The most vital piece of the leader’s main responsibility is to guarantee the association has an

unique vision and it is moving in the direction of and explicit targets en route to enable it to

arrive. As a leader alone I will have to settle on the methodology and procedures which

would be used to arrive at the targets, making a structure and which the subordinates can just

pursue (Odumeru, & Ogbonna, 2013).Moreover, my job might not be just to concentrate on

building up the targets. I will set a system that would be detailed incorporate data on the

particular advances the subordinates take. As a leader I will also have to set up a rule that will

make activities proficient and clear. As a leader my job would be to set and built up

frameworks to recompense a conduct that pursues the rules set out by the me and, then again,

use discipline as an inhibition to safeguard subordinates from acting in an improper way

(Riaz, & Haider, 2010).

I have also understood that when it derives to emerging these systems, the stress must

be on constancy and poise. As a leader I would not built a situation where various individuals

would be dealt different way. When there would be nonconformity from the established

events, I will react suitably and straight behavior on the correct track. Besides, my focus

would not be only on satisfying good behavior or gruelling bad behavior. I will build a

careful equilibrium in order to uphold work safety and inspiration. And lastly as a

transactional leader in will provide feedback on performance. I have learned that the Juniors

are better at attaining targets and succeeding procedures, if they are provided with

constructive feedback. Even if subordinate will be performing well, I will give them feedback

which will help them to identify the things, if they are doing right. According to my

understanding this is very beneficial and it will emphasize the positive behaviors and

understanding the steps to a more productive process. (Chaudhry, & Javed, 2012).


This event took place when I was a part of social event. I worked in an NGO where I

use to teach children on weekend. One day i heard the head talking to the employees of the

NGO and I got to know the donations that were given to the NGO were being used for their

own benefit instead for the children of the NGO. The NGO asked for donations for the

betterment of the children like providing food, shelter and etc. However during my stay I got

to know that all the money was being divided among the leaders and the employees of NGO

for their personal use. According to me this practice was very unethical Isaac (Mostovicz,

Kakabadse, & Kakabadse, 2011).

Through this event I learned a lot of things I would first explain what ethics is Ethics

is concern of an individual’s moral judgements about right and wrong. I learned that an

unethical practice can ruin the company or an any organisation as it influences the culture of

the company. Although the decision to behave ethically a person’s own choice in order to

prevent it one should have a code of conduct. According to my believe the Ethical behaviour

and corporate social responsibility can bring important assistances to a business. As if during

the above event if the leader would have been ethical and must have used the money for the

NGO, the NGO would have fulfilled the needs of the NGO (Ciulla, 2013; James, & Schmitz,


As a leader I will also hire those people who would have the same believe as."I do not

trust that each person is a fit for every business, and that is OK as a leader to under that my

company perform good I will make sure to find people who would be allied with the values

rather than just having employees with knowledge.

One of the most according things which I have learned is an important thing to

manage ethical practice in an organization is to have and Promote open communication. I

have learned that each and Every worker is dissimilar, even if they share resemblances. With

every choice that I will make, I will be very transparent and I will also encourage feedback

from my team. As according to my learning all this will help in becoming a better leader and

it will also help my workers feel more self-assured in distributing their thoughts or worries.

I also trust that one of the significant errands for a contemporary business is to make

an atmosphere where open message is fortified and that, more highly, people are listened to. I

have also learned that it is good and very important to Gathering feedback from the team as it

will help me as a leader to improve and will also help me to move the business forward.

Through various events in my life I have learned that Management is all about the

people Everyone has bias, but looking at the workforce in the world today , it can be seen that

the workforce is diverse and the employees nowadays do not believe in biasness and thus as

a leader I will behave in an honest manner in whatever I will do and I will also make a

comfortable environment for the employees. I will become an open-minded leader and I will

maintain and build good and better relationships with the employees or the workers (Zhu,

Avolio, Riggio, & Sosik, 2011).

I have learned from the even that a leader should behave ethical in order to make the

staffs work ethical. As in the above event the leader too was involved in an unethical practice

and the employees followed it. Through this I have learned that I will become a good and an

ethical example for my employees or the workers in order to be an ethical leader and in order

to become an moral company I will start from the top down. As I believe that the employees

will see your behavior, selections, and standards and will accept them in their own performs

(Jackson, & Parry, 2018).

As a leader I will make a code of ethics and conduct handbook for the employees and

will encourage them to behave ethically. As a leader of Companies I will inspire office ethics

by creation and backup staff to deed right. According to my learning and understanding Good

meanings and announcements aren’t enough, so as a leader I will reward the employees for

their ethical behavior. And as already mentioned I will build a strong code of conduct for the

employees in order to entice and safe employees with moral behavior, which will then

welfares the company culture and the bottom line (Burnes, & Oswick, 2012).


As per the above conversation, it is decided that this reflective essay emphases on

character growth zones. It also endorses that I am decent while execution in a team due to

operational leadership skills, persons managing capabilities, well message with the team, high

level of confidence, and ropes the choice of each member of the team. There is desirable to

make development in a diverse trait from previous periods. The leadership events and the

experience was very beneficial for me as it helped me to improve my capabilities and


comprehend my leadership, team administration skills and also improved reinforce my

character at a higher extent. I have increased my information that I need to commendation

myself with my addressed and weakness complementary skills that I have inadequacy.


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