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Internal evaluation for Environmental studies

Forest, land, water and energy resources and threats

Submitted by: Submitted to:

Loveleen Mr. Aashish Arora

Roll No. 1820993062




It was a new experience working on a research paper. I would like to thank Mr.
Aashish Arora for giving me this opportunity and guiding me throughout the work. I
would also like to thank my friends who helped me in the assignment and guided me.

It was a new experience and I got to learn a lot about the way of writing a research
paper. I also gained knowledge on the subject environmental studies. I got to know in
detail about the environment and the natural resources and also various threats that
have been caused by mankind to the natural resources. I got the awareness about
various harmful threats to natural resources which can cause huge destruction in
future. I also learned few ways to protect the environment. The assignment was based
on research which gave depth knowledge about the topic. The assignment was
completed on time and submitted as per the guidelines provided.

It was great working under such an assignment. I would like to use all the knowledge
gained during the further studies and surely hope to achieve maximum benefits later





6. interpretation 8
7. conclusion 9

The study comprises of various types of resources such as forest , water, land, energy
and also tells about the threats to such resources such as deforestation, soil erosion.
The study comprises of analysis of various people regarding the resources through a
statistical analysis. It objectives is to know about the details about the resources of
environment as atopic of environmental studies. The study was performed for the
college project. It concludes at the end the ways to help save resources. Limitation of
the study is that it was performed in a less duration.


For day to day activities we depend on our environment to provide us with variety of
goods and services such as air, water, minerals, soil, including climate and solar
energy. It forms biotic and abiotic part of nature. Microbes , animal and plants
compromise of biotic part.

Resources can be referred to transformation of any type of material to convert it into

any useful form or valuable. Resources can be classified either into abiotic or biotic
depending on living or non living and also renewable and non – renewable.

Forest resources are renewable resources. the word forest was derived from the latin
word ‘foris’ which means outside. The earth’s just over 4 billion hectares i.e. 31%
land surface is covered by forest. There are about 14 types of forest resources in India,
such as tropical dry deciduous forest, tropical moist deciduous forest, tropical
rainforest, subtropical forest, alpine forest, desert thorny forest etc.

Uses of forest can be described as :- commercial values such as wood timber selling ,
life and economy of tribal – such as medicine, food etc , ecological uses – such as
wild animals, plants and support million of species, aesthic values – such as recreation
and ecosystem.

Benefits of forest can be :- conservation of soil, soil improvement , control climate.

Various threats to forest are – deforestations, forest fires,climate changes, over

exploitation of timber.

Water resources can be salt water, ground water and surface water.

Uses of water resources can be agriculture, household, industrial, environmental

activities etc.

Water cycle is the process of recycle of the water naturally. Firstly the water from the
pool, oceans, seas collects and evaporates in the air and then it converts into the form
of clouds and then the clouds burst and submits into water in form of rain. The whole
process occurs many times.

Threats to water resources can be:-

Water pollution, water crisis, physical shortage, economic shortage, climate change,
population growth etc.

Energy resources – renewable , fossil, thermal, solar, nuclear, non- renewable etc.

Threats can be- global warming and climate change, rapidly changing industry, traiffs
and trade policy , regulation and public policy and talent retention.

Land resources

Uses can be agriculture, residential, industrial, forestry, park etc.

Threats - Land degradation and desertification

soil erosion


Irrigation salinity


Over drafting

B. PUSHPA, DR. M. KAMARASAN [2019]:- Performed study about forest fire
detection in the journal. The study was performed using video summarization. It is the
process which helps in creating and offering abstract view in a short duration of the
whole video. It was done through K- MEANS clustering.
The simulation analysis is performed on the FIRESENSE dataset and the results are
assessed under several dimensions The final outcome proves the efficiency of the
presented proposed model in a considerable way.

Simon Meisch – study was performed on water energy and food security nexus. It
highlighted the need of intergrative approach. While acknowledging the need for
urgent solutions in terms of sustainability, the nexus approach, at the same time,
makes a normative claim to tackle the needs of the poorest parts of the world
population. He proposed that security is now put forward as the key mechanism to
foster a new 'green' economy, and that the needs of the poorest are, if anything at all, a
secondary effect of the proposed nexus approach.

Gökan May- performed study about energy management, integration of environment

sustainability and eco- friendly. It also put forward environmental goals on the
company agenda. focus on the opportunities that human participants in a
manufacturing system can foster change toward eco-factories and that (ii) firm-intern
characteristics like enabling environmental capability, organization and structure will
likely determine upon successful transition and increased competitiveness.

Gregor Kungl- Paper examines the actions and techniques of Germany’s main
electricity companies—E.ON, RWE EnBW and Vattenfall—in reaction to the
liberalization of the German electricity market and measures to sell renewable
energies, market tendencies in addition to exogenous shocks inclusive of the
Fukushima nuclear disaster and the financial disaster. The have a look at offers a
comparative evaluation of those companies from 1998 to 2013, outlining their
development from thriving growth at the begin of liberalization up to the present day
nation of disaster. It identifies 3 strategic levels which the incumbents went thru
nearly synchronously and display how variations among their activities can be
attributed to their respective energy plant complicated, local positioning and
shareholder shape. With a focal point at the context of the Energiewende—Germany’s
commitment to shift in the direction of sustainable power production—this newsletter
contributes to the present day debate at the sustainable transformation of the strength
deliver system. The idea of strategic action fields by means of Fligstein and McAdam
serves as a theoretical framework.


Details study about various resources of our environment such as forest , land ,water
and energy .

Study of threats caused to these resources through natural calamities and human .

Analysis of views of different people regarding these resources.

Statistical analysis of data of various people regarding the knowledge and

contribution about the resources

Research Methodology

Research methodology used for this study was statistical data analysis .The data was
collect through primary source by filling questionnaires. It contained the views and
contributions of different people towards various resources of environment . The
study comprises of data and the graph in a statistical form .

The research approach influences design and provided an opportunity to consider

benefits and limitations of land , water and energy resources.


A research was conducted by distributing questionnaires among a population. About

70 people responded to it . The results of the survey displayed that about 60% of the
population uses water saving techniques in there daily life. Due to problem in the
safety of drinking water about 70% population consideration it necessary to install a
water filter at home.

About half of the population have faced trouble by energy resources. Due to unsafe
air in our air half of the population considers the need to install a air filter at home. It
was really glad to know that more than half of the population understand there
responsibility to save natural resources. It was also great to find that many of them
have planted a tree daily. Most 0f the population disposes of the waste in bins . 51 out
of 69 said that ots really important for all to save our natural resources.

Examples of data intrepation.

The picture tells the data about of whether people use water saving techniques or not
and the results predict that out of total 69, 62% save water.

As the data shows people think that it is necessary to install a water filter at home.


A number of key messages emerge from the foregoing discussion of water , land and
energy resources. Demand for these limited resources continues to increase as
populations grow and move. Sound management depends on reliable information
about the quantity and quality of water available and how this availability varies in
time and from place to place. It is important to enhance the understanding of all
elements of the water cycle and how human activities affect it, so that water resources
can be protected and developed sustainably.

Climate change greatly affects weather, precipitation, and the entire water cycle,

including water resources both above and below ground.

The growing problem of surface water availability and the increasing levels of water
pollution and water diversions threaten to hamper or even disrupt social and economic
development in many areas, as well as the health of ecosystems.

Groundwater resources can help meet demand, but too much of it is being withdrawn
and some of it is being polluted. It is important to better control the use
of underground water that will not be replenished.

Longstanding practices, such as collecting rainwater, are being refined and

supplemented by newer techniques such as artificial recharge, desalination and re-use.
More support is needed, not only for innovative technical solutions to improve
supplies, but also for the management of demand and the promotion of efficiency in
water use.

Growing changes in the availability of water resources will require political support
for the collection of information on water resources. That information will allow
policy-makers to make better decisions about the management and use of water.

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