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ENG-411: Stylistics

Course Code:ENG-411 Course Title: Stylistics

Year: 2017 Semester: Fall, 2017
Instructor’s Name: Moazzam Ali Malik Website:;
E-mail: Office Hours: 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm

Course The course will Equip students with the necessary linguistic and literary
‘tools’ (such as knowledge of grammatical categories and rules, sense
relations, and various figures of speech) to analyze a piece of literature
from the perspectives of both a linguist and a literary critic.
Course Type: Elective

Pre-requisites General understanding of the linguistic structures of poems, plays and

Goals  The students will develop in-depth understanding of key concepts
in stylistics.
 The students will be able to stylistically analyze a medley of
English and Urdu poems, and selected texts from the genres of
novel, drama, and shortstories from both the languages.
Text Book Textbook 1
Simpson, P. (2004). Stylistics. London: Routledge.
Downloadable from the link:
Or download from the website:
Textbook 2
Short, M. (2013). Exploring the language of poems, plays and prose.
London: Routledge.
Book not available in soft form. Visit UoG library or the contact the
course instructor for the copy.
Textbook 3
Sanger, K (1998) The Language of Fiction: Routledge.
Download from the website:
Additional Nørgaard, N., Montoro, R. and Busse, B. (2010). Key terms in stylistics.
Readings London: Continuum International Pub. Group.
Downloadable from the link:

Or download from the website:
Leech, G. and Short, M. (1981). Style in fiction. London: Longman.
Short, M. ed. (1998) Directions in the Teaching and Study of English
Stylistics. London & New York: Longman.
Tanaka, K. (1994) Advertising Language. London: Routledge, 1994.
Lectures 32 sessions of 45 minutes each

Attendance Policy A minimum of 70% attendance is required for a student to be eligible

to take the final examination.
The students with less than 70% of the attendance in a course shall be
given the grade SA (Short Attendance) in such a course and shall not be
allowed to take its End Term Exams and will have to reappear in the
course to get the required attendance to be eligible to sit in the exam when
the course is offered the next time.
Grading The course will be evaluated on the basis of the following percentage:
 Mid Term 25%
 Sessional work 25%
o Presentation/Practical 10%
o Assignment/Practical 10%
o Quizzes 05%
Final term 50%

Session Schedule
Sessions/ Topics Suggested Readings
1&2 An Introduction to Stylistics 1st Chapter of the Textbook 1
Basic Concepts:
& Textbook 2
Definition of Stylistics
Purpose of Stylistics (3 Rs) Please see above to find the
names of the textbooks and their
downloadable links
3& 4 Levels of Language 1st Chapter of the textbook 1, pg
5&6 Deviation and Foregrounding 1st Chapter of the Textbook 2
Foregrounding and Parallelism
Kinds of Deviation: Discoursal, Semantic, 2nd Chapter of the Textbook 2
More on Foregrounding, Deviations and
Lexical, Grammatical, Morphological,
Phonological and Graphological

9&10 Internal & External Deviations 2nd Chapter of the Textbook 2
More about Parallelism
Meaning, Style and Choice

11&12 Rhythm and Meter 1st Chapter of the Textbook 1

Kinds of Meter 5th Chapter of the Textbook 2
Teacher’s notes

13&14 Sound Meaning and Effect 4th Chapter of the Textbook 2

Alliteration, Assonance,
Rhyme, Sound Symbolism, Phonaesthemes

15&16 Presentations & Mid Term Examination

17&18 Key terms in Stylistics (Selected Terms Please Look above for the
Only) downloadable link given in the
section Additional Books
19&20 Narrative Stylistics 1st Chapter of the Textbook 1
Point of View in Fiction

21&22 Dialogue and Discourse 1st Chapter of the Textbook 1

Understanding Dialogue in Drama

23&24 Internal Point of View Unit 2 of the Textbook 3

25&26 External Point of View Unit 3 of the Textbook 3

27&28 Revision
29&30 Presentations & Quiz
31&32 Discussion on Assignments

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