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Name : Intan Nur Fadila

Class :K
NIM : 175030207141001


Profril PT. Pertamina (Persero)

Pertamina always works hard to build the nation by strengthening its commitment in the field
of new and renewable energy and business diversification.

PT Pertamina (Persero) has spent six decades in the energy industry. This commitment is
proven by providing higher quality products to meet the needs of consumers for superior
products. Now is the time, Pertamina solidifies its steps, facing challenges that stretch with
optimism to create sustainable business growth through investment and business optimization
in order to continue to grow in line with the expectations of all stakeholders.

Pertamina's milestone begins around the 1950s, the Government of the Republic of Indonesia
appointed the Army which later established the PT Sumatra Oil Exploitation Exploitation to
manage oil fields in the Sumatra region. On December 10, 1957, the company changed its name
to PT National Oil Company, abbreviated PERMINA. This date is celebrated as the birth of
Pertamina to the present. In 1960, PT Permina changed its status to Permina State Company
(PN). Then, PN Permina joined PN Pertamin to become the State Oil and Gas Mining
Corporation (Pertamina) on August 20, 1968.

Furthermore, the government regulates Pertamina's role in producing and processing oil and
gas from oil fields and providing fuel and gas needs in Indonesia through Law No.8 of 1971.
Then through Law No.22 of 2001, the government changes Pertamina's position so that the
Public Service Obligation ( PSO) is carried out through business activities.

Based on PP No.31 of 2003 dated June 18, 2003, the State Oil and Gas Mining Company
changed its name to PT Pertamina (Persero) which carries out oil and gas business activities in
the Upstream to Downstream Sectors. PT Pertamina (Persero) was established on September
17, 2003 based on Notarial Deed No.20 of 2003. On December 10, 2005, Pertamina changed
the seahorse into arrows with green, blue and red basic colors that reflected dynamic elements
and environmental concerns.

PT Pertamina (Persero) underwent a fundamental transformation and the Company's business

on July 20, 2006. PT Pertamina (Persero) changed the Company's vision of "becoming a world-
class national oil company"
Pertamina, through its subsidiary PT Pertamina International EP, acquired shares of the French
oil and gas company Maurel et Prom (M&P) with a 72.65% stake. On December 10, 2007. Then
in 2011, Pertamina perfected its vision, namely "becoming a world-class national energy
company". Through the EGMS on July 19, 2012, Pertamina increased its issued / paid up capital
and expanded the Company's business activities.

On December 14, 2015, the SOE Minister as a GMS approved changes to Pertamina's Articles of
Association in terms of optimizing the use of resources, increasing the capital placed and taken
by the state as well as the actions of the Directors requiring written approval from the Board of
Commissioners. This change was stated in Deed No.10 dated 11 January 2016, Notary Lenny
Janis Ishak, SH.

In 2017, one concrete step towards realizing the vision of becoming a world-class national
energy company is the success of completing the acquisition of shares of the French oil and gas
company Maurel et Prom (M&P). Starting from February 1, 2017 through a subsidiary of PT
Pertamina International EP, Pertamina is the majority shareholder of M&P with 72.65% shares.
Through majority ownership in M&P, Pertamina has access to operations in 12 countries spread
across 4 continents. In the future, Pertamina targets the production of 650 thousand BOEPD
(Barrels of Oil Equivalents Per Day) in 2025 from international operations, as part of
Pertamina's production target of 1.9 million BOEPD in 2025, in a concrete effort towards
Indonesia's energy security and independence.

Internal Factor Analysis

The following is a map of strengths and weaknesses that have been explored and explored by
observation methods and technical weightings carried out for internal factors :

No. Internal Factors Analysis Weight Ranking Weighted

1. Providing high quality products 0,20 4 0,80
2. Have good service 0,07 2 0,14
3. Reliable human resources 0,06 3 0,18
4. Experience in the oil and gas field 0,14 4 0,56
5. The use of integrated information technology 0,05 2 0,10
0,52 1,78
1. Lack of capital 0,15 3 0,45
2. Bureaucratic problems that hamper performance 0,05 2 0,10
3. Placement of employees that are not according to 0,09 3 0,27
4. The number of fleets is lacking 0,11 2 0,22
5. Supply dependence on one supplier 0,08 1 0,08
0,48 1,12
Total 1,00 2,90

External Factor Analysis

The following are opportunities and threats that have been experienced and examined by
observation methods and weighting techniques carried out for external factors, so we get the
final results of the weight and rating of each weight is as follows:

No. External Factor Analysis Weight Ranking Weighted

1. The business market is still high 0,10 3 0,30
2. Low price 0,11 4 0,44
3. Oil and gas resources are still quite high 0,08 2 0,16
4. Products, which can replace the dominance of 0,12 2 0,24
premium sales.
5. As a leader in the fuel oil (BBM) market 0,15 4 0,60
0,56 1,74
Threats (Ancaman)
1. The entry of private parties to operate in the field 0,09 2 0,18
of Non-BBM
2. More and more private parties are conducting oil 0,10 3 0,30
and gas exploration in Indonesia.
3. Influence of Intervention 0,08 2 0,16
4. Free market 0,11 2 0,22
5. Image that the products offered are competitively 0,06 3 0,18
higher quality
0,44 1,04
Total 1,00 2,78

Swot Analysis Pt. Pertamina (Persero)

SWOT analysis is a systematic way of analyzing the forms of threats and opportunities in order
to be able to distinguish future environmental conditions so that problems can be found.

From the swot analysis, companies can determine effective strategies that as far as possible
take advantage of opportunities based on the strengths of the company, overcome threats that
come from outside, and overcome existing weaknesses.

1. Strength
Internal strength at PT. PERTAMINA (Persero):
a. Providing high quality products
Products from PERTAMINA already have international recognition. Among them are
oil products from PERTAMINA that already have ISO certificates.
b. Have good service
For services, it has been able to distribute its products throughout Indonesia even to
remote areas.
c. Reliable human resources
HR at PT PERTAMINA (PERSERO) are people who are professionals in their fields.
Having proven abilities and experience. In addition, training and seminars related to
the business world are attended by many employees, who can improve their
knowledge and abilities.
d. Experience in the oil and gas field
PERTAMINA has been engaged in the oil and gas sector in Indonesia since 1968. With
considerable experience in the oil and gas sector, this factor can be one of the added
values. International experience and recognition related to the oil and gas world
makes PERTAMINA well respected in the oil and gas sector.
e. The use of integrated information technology
Information technology at PERTAMINA has been integrated and supports the
company's business processes. With the SBTI Division, this shows that there is a high
enough concern from the management to develop information technology.

2. Weaknesses
Internal weaknesses at PT. PERTAMINA (Persero):
a. Lack of capital
The current obstacle to PERTAMINA is the lack of capital in terms of exploration and
exploitation of natural resources, so the management builds cooperation with foreign
parties to do so.
b. Bureaucratic problems that hamper performance
A bureaucracy that is too complicated impedes the decision making process because
too much time is wasted in carrying out a decision.
c. Placement of employees that are not according to ability
Human resources at PT. PERTAMINA many of which placement and use are not optimal
so as to reduce the effectiveness and efficiency of the company.
d. The number of fleets is lacking
The increase in market demand that requires a high flow of goods distribution can be
hampered by the lack of a number of goods transport fleets that exist today.
e. Dependence of supply on one supplier, so that if there is a delay in product supply will
disrupt the company's operations.

3. Opportunities
External opportunities at PT. PERTAMINA (Persero):
a. The business market is still high
The use of oil and gas which is one of the world's basic needs now makes the demand
for these products remain high despite price fluctuations.
b. Low price
PERTAMINA can sell fuel at a low price because of the use of government subsidies.
This can be used by PERTAMINA as an opportunity to dominate the oil and gas market
in Indonesia.
c. Oil and gas resources are still quite high
There are still a lot of unexplored sources of oil and gas reserves in Indonesia. This oil
reserve can be used by PERTAMINA to increase sales to meet market demand.
d. Products (with high octane values that produce cleaner, non-subsidized combustion)
that could replace the dominance of premium sales.
e. As a leader in the fuel oil (BBM) market
PT. PERTAMINA (Persero) has the opportunity to change the service that is not good
and change the image embedded in the minds of consumers, making consumers
become consumers who have high loyalty at PT. PERTAMINA (Persero).

4. Threats
External threats to PT. PERTAMINA (Persero):
a. The entry of private parties to operate in the field of Non-BBM
With the inclusion of private parties engaged in the Non-BBM sector, PERTAMINA's
market coverage in terms of Non-BBM such as oil is reduced. This makes PERTAMINA's
income reduced.
b. More and more private parties are conducting oil and gas exploration in Indonesia
The private sector that conducts oil and gas exploration in Indonesia sometimes has
better funds and equipment than PERTAMINA. This causes the crude oil field which is
rich in oil reserves to be managed by the private sector.
c. Influence of Intervention
Because PERTAMINA is a multi-international company, there are intervening influences
within PERTAMINA, especially in strategic management positions such as the board of
commissioners. This intervention causes limited management space to determine the
policy to be taken.
d. Free market
With the free market, foreign companies engaged in oil and gas are allowed to market
their products in the territory of Indonesia. This will increase intense business
e. Image that the products offered competitively (Shell and Petronas) have a better level
of quality makes consumers interested in changing consumer products.

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