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1.What are the benefits of scatter diagram?

A) It shows the relationship between two variables.

It is the best method to show you a non-linear pattern.

The range of data flow, i.e. maximum and minimum value, can be

Observation and reading are straightforward.

Plotting the diagram is easy.

2.What is stratification?
A) 1. Stratification means to “drive the whole into smaller portions according
to certain criteria.” In case of quality control, stratification generally means to
divide data into several groups according to common factors or tendencies
2. Dividing into groups “fosters understanding of a situation.” this represents
the basic principle of quality control.
3. Stratification is a technique used in when data from a variety of sources or
categories have been lumped together, the meaning of the data can be
impossible to see
3.What is Histogram?
A) histogram is a graph that shows how often a value, or range of values,
occurs within a given time period
Histogram s provide a visual summary of large amounts of variable data.
Histograms were first introduced by Karl Pearson
Histogram is used to identify the frequency in the data spread through the
Histogram checks out for the occurrence of control and noise factors in the
Histogram visualize the spread of the data, provided the process in control or
to be adjusted
4. What are control charts?

A control chart is used for identifying whether the process variation are in
control or not.

•Line graph of measurements of a process overtime that has statistically based

control limits placed on it

•Process control charts monitor and display variations in a process output.

•Control limits are based on process variation

–Define expected variation range due to common causes

–+/-Three standard deviations from centerline

• Centerline represents the average of all measurements used

5.What are the advantages of 7 QC tools?

A) To Employee–Problem Identification & Solving, Data Collection &


•To Organization–Productivity, Quality, High Employee Morale.

•To Customer–Defect free Products.

•To society–Eco Friendly Environment

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