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Name: 39. Yasham Shaikh | ID: |3220 Answer of Qr. oA! YA |sigs ae 118 ww Mog ot 83) 0s (lh ar gs a % AE (Ul 104 % A EL SE Ve 53.99 104 1 £ Sr V4 vrelizi we al For hie h = lax Volue - Mio Value 14+ 3.33 loz NV he 121-49 i + 3.33 bey (60) a 2) 14 3.33(1-77) h =. oll, 64r h = 10.4 h = 4 (cont Ta _Maxks _ —~ 58 Ane tu eA — 68 4H 4+ 64 18 Ht 1) 194 — 88 ter ti 189 —— 98 soe HI 49 ——\08 4H 104 NIB VA yo — 28 O'-> ° WP cool SO I C-T. 4uq —_ 6s 59 —68 69 — 18 79 ——88% gq — 98 449 — [08 109 —|I8 19 128 £ |C- qG 48.5 {O 58.5 -— 7 685 —~ Qa 73.5 _ [) 33:5 — R 98.5 — Yo {08.5 2. 85 <= (28.5 Cumulotive Fmoquen oy ds tub ubion C— B los than C.F |'M 48.5 o 58.5 9g 68-5 14 18.5 26 Be-5 35 Wee Y6 108.5 BY 1185 58 (22-5 60 ove than C.F —VNw cue OF cinc-——o 10: 13200 Project Name Article No. | Answer of @3(a) — Word: “PROFESSION” Formula: "fr = il cso relins |g) = Ae | wou i) } ss » Pe = yowow s <= > x z-UMMNCw S|-—-Ny-— —p 2 > 4 y v tt ii yw yp vonon > é Be "Po = [Ol g St = Hel2uuloqity] a ~ Qris2, 45,658 ny Bor method U numbers ne, nepeoted. (gta) lx G2) x C= LAY ans. ©) df Teta! 55 897-5 N06 384 67 45H Li x| — | fx|¢—# ce |e -sllet-a | i jo —1a 1O [4, 5/145 |45 "8 37 31 18. 18 o—29) 7 o4-5171-5ha. 5nd WD) 8.18 57. ol 30 —34| i lau. 5 72-5 245-A9 44 | (18.18 90-9 fo—49 Cy yy. 5 171 [39-5-414 B23 28. \g ee | so—59) 2 le, 5) 104 49-5 54.5 5 B28. 8 4. 86 St TT d) Dean Deviation about moan: For Mean (x)! a EF x E+ * = 891.5 55 (x = 16.3181) (m.D» (M.D )< Ef Ilex aF (M.0)= 674-542. 5S | | | Made > L+ h [nati ] DFm -Fi-F2 Modo = 0.5 + ofta2-0) —] 2(21)-0-l0 Medle = 0.5 + 10 | 27.) 1 4Y Made = 0-5+ 10(0-6136) Made = 0:54 6-263 | 0) Quoxtile Deviation: §.02 Q3-@ mil For §): Q= lth (Ze -of | £4 y Hone » Ef - 55 2 13,75 4 OY So O1=0.54 10 (1375-0) 27 M=0-5+ 5.0925 Qi = 5.5925 For Qar Qs: l +b. (354 = y Hore 3&, = (3)(55) = 41.25 4 . So) Qs 2 195 +10 (4-25-31) 7 Qs= 14.54 10 (4.25) 7 Qs 219-5 +6.0T714 (Q3= 25.5714] Ne y ow 9-D = 25.5714 -5.5925 2 O-D= 19.9194 2 Answer of Qs Whi Maxblos= 3 Black Marbles * ol Red Morbloa = 5 ne 12 ye 3 p Lot B too the event; i wth 2 white maxblos ane drawn: b= em "Cy X "Co + °C x Cor“ Ci B= SRYXT+ESXIXS = | 2 +15 B= LT P(e)- nie) = 27 n(s) 220 P(B)= 0.122 <) } Red (Moanblos: Cs 0% Can Cae Cot C.% Cs C= SxIlxlOr 1x 4¥xXIlO C= 230+ 4O C= 70 P(c)= n(c) = 10 = P(c)=0-318! n(S) 220 d) At lost 2 black max bps : lot D be the event in which atleast 2 black morblos ane down D= 7Gi % "C2 KR Cot. Co X Ca Xm +403 x 3Co % Co D= 3X6xl4+I1x 6x5 - + 4X\XxI D=\8 +3044 O= 52 P(O)= n{D) n(S) P(D) = 52 2LO (P(o)= 0.2363) Answer of Qe. sight in| 40-62) 5 p46 42 | ig6-63 20 8-19 8.6 70-127. : ‘100 | % | fa] a? T Fa] 61 305 3721 18605) SS W34 3969 T1442 6&5 2739 4225 1774 67 1340 44gq 34780 A 5524161 33088 T1497, 504) 25287. (6558 26206 430652 a) Coebbicient of Variation CV= S_ x \00 x For Mean (%): ZF [00 — For S- 6. fen ler )= (etx)! se(S#-)) S = j/oot Liaoes2)— e858)" 100 (\oo-1) S =" 3065200 - 00 - 4300 1364. 71364 900 S-)/ 518 36 4400 G=75.8420 S= 2.4170 Now > ECVa Ss x (O90 “ CV= 9.4110 yloo 65-53 [Height [FC lass Bounclanal h0 —62| 5 | 54.5 —— 47.5 | 62 64 1g |e1.5 — gy.5 64 661 42 |en5 — ggg] 66 — 68) 20 65.5 — ges! 68 —— 70) ¥ 167-5 —~ 70.5, Wo 712) 7] 1694-5 —— 77.5} — «5q.S O | 00 6056 | 5 G5 (64-5 | 22 1 | 66-5 | 65 35 (68-5 | 85 |5 | 70-5 q> 7 12.5 100 | OQ Hustiogram on graph paper Answer of Qr 033,659, 12 n2-o »N=5 No- of Sample - m | 0,2,6 | 3] 053;.4 4 | 0), Beall 5 0,659 5 | 0, 6, 12 | 6.| 0,9,12 1 7 | 3,6,9 16 |} 3,6, 2] 7 Lae Ag 2) 659, 4919 ——Total_ |60} x we = gy t p : 3 }—4 NPR | | rl pro Oo IR U © Ww ! & | Ela)=Y E(%)= Ex » Us Sx mm , n E(a)= 60 » Ms 0+ 3464 44)) 1o & Blz)= 6 %.. Al = 30% Al= 6 ~ Hence Paro ued ‘Elaje Uf ~_ a ———— a fe —— Ansan of. Or Pouce J Cena F 2016 ta]. 20191 ave wee) log Wihet Yo Ys ¥xmq125 2.05). Rice 120 , 160 | \33.339 2-124 Roly 50 60 {20 2-079 Suget 50 55 | 410 | 2.04) ial Tikol Sie ast eaae a) Llowsiahited Aggrogat ive Mothed + Pon = En y 100 = Po = 320 x\0o 260 Pm = 113.076 -100 —— p) Un eds hg Average of Relative (41M GM) » Pon= Sv | ™m ‘ fon = 415.233 | Yy Pon? 118.959 —I00 | + Arig. (3 log ¥ ) Ardileg (2.245 ) Rritiles (2.073) Pon = |18.508-100 [Por = 12.5087. Taflater

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