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State of Bombay Vs.

F.N. Balsara
By Akash, Ananya and Agrima

● FN Balsara presented a petition in the High Court of Bombay, requesting a writ mandamus against
the Bombay State and Prohibition Commissioner, forbidding them from enforcing the provision of
the Bombay Prohibition Act, 1949 against him and also from passing orders to the effect.
● Balsara requested the Court to grant him the right to keep Whiskey, Brandy, Wine, Beer, Wine
mixed with medicine, etc. and also the rights to import and export them within the Custom limits.
● He contended that under the said Prohibition Act, his personal rights to trade were being violated.
Bombay Prohibition Act (1949)
- The Act places restriction on the production, manufacture, possession, transport, purchase and sale of
intoxicating liquors
Petitioner’s contention
1. Definition of "liquor" in the Act was too wide and went beyond the power vested in the legislature to
legislate with regard to intoxicating liquors under item 31 of List II
2. Questions of the validity of the whole act as it goes beyond the powers of the Provincial Legislature.
High Court
- The definition of the word ‘liquor’ is too broad.
- Held some of the Sections as valid and the Sections mentioned below as invalid;
❖ Sections 23(a) and 24(1)(a) - refers to "commending";
❖ Section 23(b); 24(1)(b) so far as it refers to "evasion";
❖ Section 39; Section 52; Section 53 in part; Section 136(1); Section 136(2) (b), (c), (e), (f); and
Section 139(c).
❖ The High Court also held Rule 67 of the Bombay Foreign Liquor Rules invalid.
❖ It further held that the word "addict" in the medical certificate was not warranted by the provisions of the
Sub-issue (a)
Seventh Schedule

Legislative List 1: Federal Legislation List.

- Entry 19: Import and export across customs frontiers as designed by the Federal Govern ment.

List 2: Provincial Legislative List.

- Entry 30: Intoxicating liquors and narcotic drugs, that is to say, the production, manufacture,
possession, transport, purchase and sale of intoxicating liquors, opium and Other narcotic
drugs, but subject, as respects opium, to the provisions of List I and, as respects poisons and
dangerous drugs, to the provisions of List III
Sub-issue (a)
Contention: The Act oversteps its legislative authority by passing laws regarding import and export,
which is under the jurisdiction of the Central Legislation as seen by entry 19. Entry 30, does not confer
powers to restrict export and import to the State.

In accordance to American principles and cases, prohibiting the sale or possession of a good
implies prohibiting the import of a good also, because one would not export a good, if there is no
scope of it being sold.
Supreme Court

1. Whether or not there are sufficient grounds for declaring the whole Act to be invalid.
a. The law is encroachment on the field which has been assigned exclusively to the central Legislation under
entry 19 of List 1.
b. Some of the material provisions of the Act interfere with or are calculated to interfere with inter-State trade
and commerce and as such transgress the provisions of section 297 of the Government of India ct.
c. High court having held a number of material provisions to be void, should have declared the whole Act as
void as these provisions are not severable from the rest of the Act.
Sub-issue (a)
SC: In regards to conflict between items in list 1 and list 2, the following principle is followed

“An attempt should be made to see whether the two entries cannot be reconciled so as to avoid a
conflict of jurisdiction”

Therefore, here the words ‘possession and sale’ in list 2, are to be read without any qualification,
meaning without any previous condition, and will not be doing any violence to the construction of entry
19 of list 1. Therefore, the word ‘import’ standing by itself will not include either sale of possession and
thus there is no conflict of interest.
Sub-issue (b)
Government of India Act:

Section 297 1(a) - No provincial government of legislature can prohibit trade between provinces.

- This Act is invalid as it prohibits import between provinces and thug goes against section 297 of
the government of India Act.
Sub-issue (b)
The validity of an Act is not affected if it incidentally trenches on matters outside the authorised field. If
the Act substantially falls within the powers expressly conferred upon the Legislature which enacted it,
then it cannot be held to be invalid, merely because it incidentally encroaches on matters which have
been assigned to another legislature

If the true nature and character of the legislation or its pith and substance is not import and export of
intoxicating liquor but its sale and possession etc., then it is very difficult to declare the Act to be
invalid.Even assuming that such a result may follow, the encroachment, if any, is only incidental and
cannot affect the competence of the Provincial Legislature to enact the law in question.
Sub-issue (c); (The Rule of Severability)
● Article 13 cannot make an entire Act inoperative, but only those provisions that are inconsistent with or
violative of the Fundamental Rights.
● The Court has the power to strike down such provisions, although should not be exercised beyond the
necessity of the case present.
● If the invalid portions of the Act are intertwined with the valid portions, then the invalidity of such
portions may result in invalidity of the whole Act in its entirety, since the valid portions cannot survive
independently. The ‘intention’ of the legislature is the determining factor.
● The severable invalid provisions may be struck down, not only to restrict but also to enlarge the
application of the law if such enlargement saves the law.
Sub-issue (c); (Definition of Liquor)
● Section 2(24) of the Act had a very wide definition of liquor. High court had defined ‘liquor’ as
any liquid which has alcohol, used in making intoxicating beverages. However, the supreme
court, after looking at various American and Indian legislatures for the definition of ‘liquor’,
defines it as not only those alcoholic liquids which are generally used for beverage purposes and
produce intoxication, but also all liquids containing alcohol.
● Section 39 of the Act in violation of Article 14, since concession was shown to the warships,
troopships, and military and naval messes and canteens.
○ Attorney General on this says that the military force has been regarded in this country as a class by itself.
○ High Court contended that the Section was void. although Supreme Court did not support it, saying that
they deserve the concession for all the hardship they bear throughout their career.
Sub-issue (c); (Continued)
Eight Sections of this Act held ultra vires on the ground that these provisions infringed the Fundamental Rights.

1. Clause (c) of section 12,as it affected the possession of liquid medicinal and toilet preparations containing
2. Clause (d) of section 12, as it affected the selling or buying of such medicinal and toilet preparations
containing alcohol.
3. Clause (b) of section 13, as it affected the consumption or use of such medicinal and toilet preparations
containing alcohol.
4. Clause (a) of section 23, as it prohibits the commendation of any intoxicant or hemp.
5. Clause (a) of sub-section (1) of section 24, so far as it prohibits commendation of any intoxicant or hemp.
6. Clause (b) of section 23, Sub-section (1) of section 136, Clauses (b), (c), (e), and (f) of sub-section (2) of
section 136 in their entirety.

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