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Talent strategies in time of crisis


17:30 - Welcoming & Intro for the Event

18:00 - Talent strategies in time of crisis
19:00 - Networking
Talent strategies in time of crisis

● COVID-19
● 1,2 mil Individual Labour Contracts are suspended
● Economic Crisis
● Recruitment processes - suspended - frozen - ongoing
● New roles on the market on the following
industries:health, biotechnology or pharmaceuticals
● Opportunities in the market
● Video conferencing applications have risen nearly five
fold since the start of the year (Slack, Zoom,Microsoft
● Digital Interviews only
Talent strategies in time of crisis
SET UP the Hiring Process:

McKinsey & Company, 2019

Talent strategies in time of crisis
SET UP the Hiring Process:

Leading Actors:

● Candidates
● Tech evaluators
● Hiring Authorities

- You are the Director -

Talent strategies in time of crisis
SET UP the Hiring Process:

● Assessment of the recruitment needs

● Employer Branding - 75% of job seekers research
potential employers before even making contact.
● Recruitment Marketing Automation
● Sourcing
● Screening
● HR interviews - Utilize Live Video Interviews or Recorded
Video Interviews.
● Engaging candidates with your organization
● Prepare the candidates for the digital tech evaluation
Talent strategies in time of crisis
SET UP the Hiring Process:

● Tech evaluation
● Prepare your tech team (best practices)
● Tech evaluation - new ways to do them
● Keep the candidate in the loop
● Offer
Talent strategies in time of crisis

Candidates experience
1. Attract - personalization lets candidates know that you value them as individuals.

2. Engage - interact with your audience.

3. Convert - your candidates in new hires.

4. Nurture
Talent strategies in time of crisis
KPIS - SLA - Performance Indicators

1. Having a blog, webinars, online events, meetups tailored to

your candidate persona.
2. Examine your SEO efforts and make sure your candidates can
find you.
3. Building a Talent Community - Use recruitment marketing
tactics (paid ads, social media channels, and referral) to attract
passive candidates to join your Talent Community.
4. Social listening and leading competitive studies are necessary in
order to overcome your competitors.
Talent strategies in time of crisis
What’s next in recruitment?

● Future competencies
Talent strategies in time of crisis
What’s next in recruitment?
● Robotic Process Automation
● Chatbots
● AI
● Advanced Analytics Tools
will Emerge as Key to Recruiting Success

● Refocus on the human-centric aspects of our work like
coaching applicants through pre-interview jitters and
staying in touch with hiring managers.
● Provide invaluable insight into how to best tailor future
RM campaigns, adjustments to your EVP.
● Use of these metrics to fine-tune your strategy to better
target just the right people, in just the right place, and
at just the right time.
Talent strategies in time of crisis
What’s next in recruitment?

Talent strategies in time of crisis

Cristina Cherecheș
Founder of Talent Matchmakers
T: 0746398250
S: cristina.chereches
15’ Break. Go mingle.
Thank you! ;)

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