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The VLT Adjustable Frequency (Danfoss)

Danfoss VLT2800 Series

HMI Setting:
Parameters Recommend Option Notes
PLC type Danfoss VLT2800 Series [AUX
Com port RS485 2W RS485 2W
Baud rate 9600 9600, 4800
Parity bit Even Even, Odd,
Data Bits 8 7,8
Stop Bits 1 1,2
PLC Station No. 1(According to PLC) 0­126

PLC Setting:
Communication mode 9600, Even,8,1 (default)

Device address:
Bit/Word Device Type Format Range Memo
Word Reference ddd dd:0~0 Control Bus Reference
DWord Parameter ddd Ddd:0­1000 Set Parameter
*How to control Reference and set Parameter,Please see the example project Danfoss_VLT.cmp
*RW100 Set PCD1 Control Word.
*RW101 read PCD2 Status Word

MT500 PLC[RS­485] VLT2800 [RS485]

6 RX­ 69
9 RX+ 68

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