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LLT. GUIDE MATHEMATICS CONTAINING Detalled study of all the topics m more than 1500 Pages, with Problem sets and ther solutions, followed by objective type questions, and J I T, Roorkee and M N R Papers Solved upto date By Prof M L KHANNA Head of Maths Deptt (Retd 1988) MEERUT COLLEGE, MEERUT AND Prof J N SHARMA Ex Senior Lecturer, Maths Deptt MEERUT COLLEGE, MEERUT Published by Jai Prakash Nath Publications EDUCATIONAL PUBLISHERS Garh Naechand: Chauraha, Gark Road, MEERUT CITY (INDIA) f COMA Am wr me Other Books on Mathematics by Prof M L Khanna Pablisked by us For Hon’s ond Post-Graduate Classes— Co-ordinate Solid Geometry Theory of Equations Vector Analysis (Algebra) Vector Calculus Determinants Spherical Trigonometry Astronomy Differential Catenius Integral Calculus Differential Calculus Partial Differential Equations Dynamics of a Particle For Degree Classes Algebra Trigonometry Co ordinate Geometry Differential Calculus Integral Calculus Diferental Equations Statics Dynamics Hydro-Statics Elementaty Set Theory and Number System 13 4 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 35 36 37 38 39 40 4 42 Statics Attraction Potential Spherical Harmonics Dynamics of Rigtd Bodies Liner Algebra Modern Algebra Functional Analysis Metre Spaces General Topology Differential Geometry Complex Variables Real Anatysis ({990) Modern Algebra Matrices Theory of Equation Solid Geometry 3 D Dynamucs of Rigid Bodies A Text Book of Integral Calculus A Text Book of Differential Catcuius A Text Book of Solid Geometry Note —A supplement to this guide containmng additional topics on Mathematics for Roorkee, Mot: Lal Nehra etc Engineering entrance Examinations 1s also avmlable (See contents P vi) is Rs 5000 B/B © Authors First Edition Twentieth Edition Price Rs 100 00 only Published by Jai Prakash Nath Publications MEERUT (U P) Phones 72213, 72214 It contains 600 pages and its price 1983 1989 Printed at Mohan Offset Printers ‘ PREFACE This book has been written for the help of those students who wish to seek admission through entrance examination to various 11 Ts and also other Engineering Institutes ike those of Roorkee, Mots Lal Nehru (Allahabad) ete There was no dearth of various gurdes avarlable in the market for the above entrance examinations but mostly they were cover- ing all the subjects hike Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and English inone volume We felt that no justice could ‘be done to any of the subjects within a Imuted number of pages'alloted to each of the subjects Hence we felt that we should bring out an exhaustive guide covering our subject Mathematics We have discussed the various topics prescribed in greater details which has resulted in the volume of the book exceeding 1100 pages but we are sure that the students will draw the full benefit by studying the same This 1s going to be a boon for all those students who do not have the facility of extra guidance for the preparation All the necessary results and theorems have been given in the beginning of each chapter and followed by problem set on these theorems Solutions to these problems have been given as well In the end we have given Objective Type Questions Our sincere advice to the students 28 that they should attempt the questions given tn problems set independently If they fail to do so them they should look to the! given solution ' You should feel your preparation of the subject complete only when you are able to:reproduce the solutzons of the problems without consulting the solutions given in the book oe We are grateful to ‘the publishers (M/s Jai Prakash Nath Publications and various Presses for:pubhshing and printmg this Volumnious book We are confident that the book will meet the requirement of all those for whom st 1s meant ‘ t 3 N Sharma (Retd) M Le Khanna (Reid )” Deptt of Maths Head of Maths Deptt + Meerat College, Meerut Meerut College, Meerut PREFACE TO TWENTIETH EDITION In this edition the book has agam been thoroughly revised and enlarged Many new questions have been added sesulng further increase in the volume of the book but thereby making xt exhausive and complete in all respects Objective type ques tions have been given after each chapter Latest papers of IIT. Roorkee & M N R examinations have been added in respective chapters We hope that this new edition of the book will be found very useful for various enginecting competitive examinations We shali very much appreciate suggestions from our readers for the improvement of the book M L Khanna JN Sharma Meerut PREFACE TO SECOND EDITION The subject matter has been thoroughly revised and printing mistakes have been removed as far as possible Rearrangement of probiem sets and them solutions tas been done so that the solution set follows the problem set Objective type questions ; have been given after cach topic Questions from Jatest papers of I{T, Roorkee and MNR have been added Chapter on set Theory has been withdrawn as now at 18 mot in the syllabi for IIT and a new chapter on Inequalities has been added This chapter on Set Theory has now been added in supplement for Rooskee and M N R_ All thss has resulted i the increase of the volume of the book by about 100 pages Consequently the price of the book has also been increased by alittle amount The printing of the book a5 ym contynvation except the last about one handered and fifty pages thus elimmating the error of missing ' pages \ Any suggestions for improvement of the book from any quarter will be nghly appreciated , ‘ M LL, Khanpva J N Sharma Meerut «9 1 WHERE IS WHAT ? t . i Chapters (Part-I) Pages t Trigonometry 1-258 1 Trigonomettical Ratios and Identities Por 3 2, Trgonometrical Equations 74 3 I, secd G—l and cosec A Bl, cosee A C~] To determine the values of other tergonometrical ratios in terms of & given ratio (The following method 1s valid only for acute angles) or coset 4- cot dee Tet sin O~ sae ah a Construct 1 trringle whose p=s and Ae] \ nnd hence the other side as y(t~s*) Now from the above trungle we can ; a fond the values of allthe remaming ratios = © vin Thus cos v= VU-s}=YU—sin* 0) res ___ stn vse (Ui—sin* 6) The remaining three ratios are recrprocals of the vbove three tan O=- ratios 1 wt Similarly of . pf _ Base _ 8 |, . eit cosé °F Hyp =p . e onstruct a triangle where b=c Tngononcirical Ratios and Identities and i=} so that p=4/(1—e*) Now from the triangle we can find the values of all the femasning ratios §=Thus sin B= (1 -e*) = 4/ (1 —- cos? 6), “8 4/(L—-cos’ 9} tan O= = cose The rem uning there ratros are reciprocals of the above three ratios Jana similar manner of = i= Percp tad P= t= = Bac =f, we construct a triangle where pd, bes] so that d= V/(l+") ! ting sin VERTED me t A cS da fF “Fy = WT Tan ay In particular af sm g=5/13 then ‘3 taking p=S and h=13, the base 1s af (13°--5 Js 2 0 2 5 Hence cos dar tan O=F etc The following formulae of Algebra must be noted ab = (a+b) —2ab, +h =(a+ bp ~3ab (ab) a §25(a—b)*43ab (a—~b) (a+b) (u--b} . eosSpat 2 (9 Cos 24 cos 34—cos 24 cos 7.4-+-cos A cos 104 sin 4A sin 3A—sin 2A sin 54+-sin 44 sin 74 8 5 oA 8 scot 64 cot 5d cos 84 cos SA—cos 124 cos 9A cup $28 84 00 sm 84 cos 5A--cos 124 si 9A stan 44 4 sin B (i) If ma AABC, cos A=y a Prove that it 1s an isosceles triangle 24 43 Trigonon etry (1) Prove that cos A cos 24 cos 4A cos 84 SAA 24 sin A and hence prove the following {7} cos 20° cos 40° cus 60° cos 80°= Another form sia 10° sin 30° stn 50° sin Tos; (i) cos 7° cos 14° cos 28° cos 56% 2 ee ge 16 I 15S 77g (i IT 83) (Remember) 1 14 4c {iir) cos 2 1s = C08 rr cos Another form an 4 a 4s i COS Fz COS py COS Fe C-S =. is = 2r - 1 (iv) cos Feos “F008 are ~% ro 2s | r an ft (%) cas \cos eg and cos B teas eg without using standard values (+1) stn 20° sm 40° sin 60° sin 80°-= 48 (MN R &1 (vit) tan 20° tan 40° tan 60° tan 80°=3 (Ei T 74} 3a Sn} (ri1)90 74 =, Si Sy 14°" 7g"g (a) sin 12° sin 48° sin $4°x= 3 GET (i) sin ie sm ue 1s equal to 40) -2 @ -i @? OI NR 84) {c}_ cos 60° cos 36° cos 42° cos 78°21 /16 (2) sin 6° sin 42° sin 66° sin 78x21 /16 and cos 6° cos 42° cos 66° cos 78° = 1/16 (e) tan 6° tan 42° tan 66° tan 78°} (f) sin 36° sen 72° sun 108° sin 144° 5/16 (x) (3 +008 5) (1+ cos 3 }{reos'g)(t4eo =i arr S- Gt Jr} (8) cong cos Fy 608 Fy 008573 con Fs 605 Fy COS Fema Trigononietri cal Ratios and Identinyes 25 43 (1) Ifcos (6+ p)=4/5 and sin (2—g)=5/13 and a, B, hie bet- ween 0 and 7/4, find tan 22 (iT 79) (11) Ifcos ¢==3/5, cos anil, prove that a-p 1 —p_64 sine gg 008 DT Gg 46 (a) Ifsin v-+siny=a and ¢ cos x--cos y= 6, show that 2ab QO sm@t)-a re 2. — (17) cos (enya thn2 : 2g, (trata? (1) tan 2 =aa/( wie ) {6) Ifsm x+-cos xa, evaluate sin*x-+-cos* ¢ 47 (i) IMtan A~t n B=x and cot B—cot A=y, prove that {oi cot (4- B)= x5 (if) If 2. cos A= xl /x 2 cos B= y+s/y, show that 2 cos (A~ B)=x/3 + p/x 48 Ifa and g are the solutions of acos @-+6 sin g=c, then show that () sin e-+sin B= ai sine sin B= aR 7d (4) cos a-tcos px egrses m cos p= Soe 49 (i) Ifa and B are the solutions of the equation a tan #4-B see @=c, then show that tan (+A) = 22 ~ G1 T 64,73) (a) Hf acoS 20+-5 sin 20=c has a and B as its solutions then prove that tan a+tan pees tan tan B= xe @ ET 7y (in) Ha and g are the two different values of @ lying between Qand 2% which satisfy 3 cos 0-+4 sin O=6 Find the value of sin (c-+-B) In case the given equation be wrong then try it with 9/2 in place of 6m RHS (IT 71) 50 () Find the max and min value of 7 cos 04-24 sin @ (ft) Show that the max and min, values of 8 cos 6-15 sin 9 are 17 and--17 respectively 26 (ul Proye Dy "konomerry (4 hit $ cog O43 Cos 4 73)4 4 hes between -4 and 19 air 79) (*») Max y, SIN X-begs Xs () 1 (hs) V2 (ny If OINR 93 ©) They h 4 sin x4 €05 11s may When x 45 equal to (1) 30°, tu e (14) 69 (ts) 452, NR 78) i 3 () Proye th Toes Tos 34 arr 74) (775) Prox, th 2 See 20°, arr 88) st If cosa Oo ™1) ang tant Stan a, Prove that cose 52 (x) i Hsin i =(3)" f tan Gan. Airs) tan g/2, Prove that COS Gp Sos f= ine cosg (ih TF cos aes, Prove that as fn 6/2, af) tan gy (9) IP cog g_ 20s 5; Roorkee 78) —cos g” Prove thar tan 9/2 8d hence sh 53 (%) If cos Os =afz tan #/2 V1 sin e OW that Sin err £08 &—~cos t C08 coy 2 then Prove tha =Atan %/2 cot &/2 = Cos fang then Prove that SIM (oe & =tane (2 SIn(a-+.p) 54 tan: 6: $5 “2 tint #+1, than coc 20-t-sinz $=0 angle 8 be d Into two Parts such that ‘he tangen; Are 18 ny times 1 angent oF the Other tp, ‘D Prove q Fetence Big obtamed from the equation SI Sm ma sin 6 2) Tem Cog 1 cos (9. (~n {Ot ny fan (4d) ip COS xan p cos *~2y) show that tan @/2 (1) ag tn =), show that z Frigono netrical Ratios and Ideptines 27 56 57 58 39 6 Qo 61 62 63 6 th tan (¥~}} tan pote (1) If sin @=a sin (0-+2a), show that tan (04 op = ie tane G) Hfcot? é=cot (8~ a) cot (02—B), stow that cot 2@=$ (cot a+ cot g) tana Lian y tang tiny sin 2a! sin 2¥ 14 sm 27 sin 2y (ei) Mian B = , prove that sin 2B Ifa =3ay 7 Prove that 2" cos # cos 20 cos 278 cos 29-1 =] ifsinGiz vy, sn (st+r—)), sm(vtve-z}) be imA P, Prove that tan x 10n y, tan cate aisoin A P If sec (f-a), sec dg, sec (+2) are in A P, prove that cos d=4/2 cos @/2 I+smad cos BO 25m A-2sn 2B cos A T-sinB ~ sin (A4—B)-+e0s A—cos B If tan ($+ x) ston +5), prove that 3--sin? x T}3 sm? ¥ sin 3x sin? x cas 3¥ cos? a==cos® 24 Tet cos cos A cos d=cos y cos @, sin a2 sit 9/2 sit 0/2, Prove that tan? «/2=tan* 8/2 tan® y/2 Show that for all real values of @ the expressionasin @ +6 sin 9 cos @-+-a cos? @ hes between #(a+-6)— 44/ {B+ (a—cF} and d(at+e)tay (6 +(a—e}?} (a) Prove that Prove fin y==S$tn ¥ _ __sin (a+B+y) tan a-Ptan f+ tan y—tan @ tan p tan yoo Beosy () If Ome B y sin (@-+B+Y) psn (oA) si 2d 7 @=tan A tan B faa @45)™ (a xe ) Prove that tan? @=tan if cos x-stan y Cos y=tan 2, cos zstan x, prove gin x==5in yosin Z=2 sin 18° Meonomery @) Proye that cS a, p are onnecteg bY the Felation e+ tan 2" B+tant p lant, fing the Value of In? tant, fan? go} P+sinty ©) I tang tangas J a~6 (v—2) “Acoss (+9) Sin? Cos (&-+9) Cos (py ®) cas G@ +8), S10 (ane } sin ¢ pt) SIN fy (2) of v2 Co desta 2) 5 Show thar Sin (4 Ba 4) 24> is ds Cos (45° arn Sin 15° Iv3 1, 5209 Hs Y v3) 80 (47355 a. 7 v2 “V3 3 34 “Attys ty). v; tt 2V2 3 + DV 3412 ACV atasays 1 MOHD ab ry ence V2# D444 @) 24D (y24 1 fFe choose f=22J0 ©) tan (ape ) W3ty2 eG §o ete OJ tan 00°4-45°4. 745 J ~tan 730 WP. 0 Tae 73 tan ay —] lan GP57 Trigonometrical Ratios and Identities 29 If A= 72? then tan Aa" 42 sit A_ cos 24 f , 0 A cos A~3sin Atos Aw in 2d 1~cos 15° Sin 15° or tan 7}°=1/6~4/344/2—2 As im part (a) Hence from (1) we get » 30 VOY 3EV2 -3 (VIED (V2—v3) tan (14 0 ESE VINT (341) (21) wel¥2~73) (V24D 2—] m2 to/2~1/3— 4/6 o__ 1—cos 45°__ I tn 22ft es Se V2 o__ 10s 22 . tan 113°= Se mcosec 22}°—cot 222° say (i -beot 224°) —cot 22} a V2 + Deve ) =V/(442V2)~(24 1) 2 Putting »=tan A in the given relation we get ice tine © 1 tanAtane_ 1 ertan « tanAttane tan (tay °° O4 a) a Now £= a and «=33° (given) samen! (0433), 4-33" =cot-( J3)n6" A= 60°—-33% = 27° Changing to sin 8 and cos 0, we get cos @_ cos 20 sin® sim 268 sin 20 cos 8—cos 26 sin 0 sin (28-8) cot # ~cot 20: sin 6 Sin £0 sin 6 sin 29 HOSEe 20 an tan (0-+-120°)_tan A __ sin sm A cos B n tan(@—30°) tart ian 8 cos A sin B where A=9+ 120° and Be @—-30° Applying componendo and dividendo, we get min sin n (A+B) sin (28+-90°) m—n™ sin n(4—B}~ sin 150° _ cos 29 cos 22 sin (180"—30") ein 30° =e COS 22 i 30 an fe) 12 3 Teigons netry (f) avin atm -n) Changing into sin and cos We pet cosAcosdd sin 3A sin A sin 3A cos A —Cos 3A sin A (08 SA Sin Asin JA GTA cos Acos 3d sin3A sin A cos (34 —A) t24 “sia (34 ~4} sin GA A) osm 34 FO sin (A~#) sindcas 2 cos 4 sn 2 smn B sin Asin Bsa A sin OR Cot LHS (cot 2 cat A}+ (cot C—cot 8)+{cot A -care)=0 Proceed as above On changing into sin and cos, we get Luge {4 +B) sin {4~ 3) _ sink An~site cos (4~ 8) cos (A+ 8)” cos? A—sin’? B From the given relation, we have Bes Sem Now apply comp and div sis (y-+8)+81n (y 8) cos (2 ~-f)+cos (7-48) sin (y-+8)- sin (y 5) cos (a—~B) - cos (a+) 2 sin ¥ cos § 2 cos « cos 8 Zcosysind 2sina sing cot S==cot a cot g cot 7 Proved Using sin* A sia? Beesin (4-+-8) sin (A—-B) we get LHS =stn (r/8-+A/2 47/8 ~ A/2) sin (7/84 Af2—-T/8 + Ap2) s=sin 7/3 sin AEl/y/2) sia A= RWS 5 LHS =ain (247-46) sin (24° -6°) sin 30° sin 18°—p METI Proceed as above LHS = ~ (cos? 78°—-sinf42°)== —cos (78° -+-42°) cos (78°—42°) C08 2D x= ar S+h S41 wx ~€08 120° cos 36° —(—p) Mgt tn VEE! LHS weos 20 cos 2¢-+{sin (@—-¢ FO+S) sin (8 ~ 8-9 P)] ==cos 28 cos 26-+sin 20 sin {—24) cos 20 cag 26 —sin 29 sin 2$=cos 2 (@-+9) R HS =(i—cos 2p)-+4 cos («-+A) sina sin B E2eas? (x-+p)—! mx ~-os 28-+-2 cos (2 +8) [2 sin « sin Bt-cos (a-+)} =~ cos 294-2 cos {a-4-g) [2 sin « Sin B45 & cos B —~Sitt & sta By Trigonometrical Ranos and Identrtes 31 s=--e0s 28-+2 cos (x-+£) cos (a— Bp) == ~-cos 28—(cos 2a-+-cos 28)=Cos 2n=LHS 16 RHS =(4—8) [cos (A—8)~2 cos A cos B]+4 cos" B =cos (4— [cos A cos #-+5in A sin B—2 cos A cos B} -tcos*? B =—cos (4—B) [cos A cos B— sin A sin B]-+cos? B = —¢os(4—#) cos (4-+B)+-cos? & e= —[cos? A~ sin? B]4 cos? B = —cos? A-}-(sin? B-cos? Bye 1—cos? A=sin® A 17 Proceed as in Q 16 18 LH S-=cos? A4+cos? #- 2 cos A cos B (cos A cos B ~sind sin B) = (cos? A- cos® A cos” B)+-(cos? #—cos® A cos? B) +4 2sin A sin B cos A cos B ==cos* 4 (1--cos? B)-+ cos" B (1 —cos? A) +2 sin Asin B cos A cos B = cos? 4 sin? B-+cos? B sin? 4 +2sin Asin 8 cos A cos 8 =={sin 4 cos B +cos A sin B)*==sin® (A+ B) 19 {1} Rearrangmg the given relation, we have to prove that tan 4+tan 24=tan 34 tl ~tan A tan 24) tan A-+-tan 24 ~tan 34 i~tan A tin 24 or tan (A+24)=tan 34 which 1s true (u) tan 15°-+4an 30°=1—tan 15° tan 30° ‘o \o or eel or tan (15°430%)=1 | or tan 45°=], which ss true °. e ° o__ tan 50°-+ tan 20° 20 70°=50"420", tan 70° Tan $0 tan 20° or tan 70°—tan 70° tan 50° tan 20°=tan 50°-++tan 20° or tan 70°--tan 20°= 78°)} Hi LHS 4 [(2 a 6 sim 66°) (2 sin 42° 510 . “ i feos 0°=-c0s 72°) (cos 36°—-cos 120) } [Gad 51 1 ap Says HE Lg 0-998 (h) Change im terms of sin and cos and then group 6° and 66° 42° and 78° as en part (li!) ee arts utes Triganometrical Ratios and Identities 45 (*) sin 36°=- 44 vilonvs) Sia 72°=cos [8°== =V(hv5) sin 108°=cos 18 sin 144°=s1n (180°— 36°) ==sin 36° LHS =(sin 36° sin 144°) (sin 72° sin 108°) =(sin 36° sin 36°) (cos 18° cas 18°) =zstn? 36° cos? 18° 10- 2V5 10+2V5_ w= 10020 _ 80 5 16 16 16x16 Texte 16 {ry cos cosf 5 — 3 s pesn Sx roar 7 cos F008 {5 Zpamsin <= qr r - cos 7 ~oos{ ig \.- cos 7 LHS =(1+-cos r/8) (1-+-sin r/8) (1 ~ sin 7/8) (1— cos 7/8) s=(1—cos? 7/8) (1 sin? -2/8)-=sin® 7/8 cos? ~/8 n ~]?2 2 2 ~2]2 sin g cos z] _ [ sin z| i1y_t “Hil 8 (vit) We know that «/!15 radian= 12° LHS =cos 12° cos 24° cos 36° cos 48° cos 60° cos 72° cos 84° cos 60°= 5 Cos 36°== vet cos 72°== sin 18°= aon wi VEEN v5 1 ° cos 48° LHS = 4 7 I(cos 12° cos 48°) (cos 24° cos 84°)} ml ‘cos 60° 4 cos 36° cos 108° +-cos “| “3 3 at [ft vail ved. “le rv") 4] _ ys Jys 1. 9 Sat ar 32 "46 = 128 45 (a) () cos (atp)= 4 tan (x py V4 is 4t) 3 sin (2—f)= 7 s tan ga sy ) ttan (a ~B) 46 46 1 47 @) cot B—cot Amy, tire aa? . Trigonometry () (iy gint® whee su cos (e- AY), cos! hm 3 x Ll tcos («—B) (i) Dividing the given relations, we get +ty) .. HF sinxtsiny @ 25m = 7 oo “Fe cosx+cosy oc 2 cos =F cos = eB + xy 2tan Af? tan (= 3 YZ )-4 Now sin A= yiant ap _aale 2a sit (ety) pat ~ LB (ff) Squaring and adding the given relations (sint x4 stn? y+ 2 sin x sin 3) J (cos* x+-cos* y +2 cos ¢ cas p)enat-+bF Or 2 (cas x cos y-+sin x Stn p)ecat-+ 5* ~2 at-5t—2 or cos yee ~~ eek A _l—cos A Xow Gi) tans“ | a ne aE oz boy tt) ~gt-— pt or tan (= lt f(a 43 } (B) sin® x+-cos* x==(Sin? x-+4-cos* x) (sint x—sint x Cost x *+cos* x) a= (sin® x--cos? x)*~3 sin? x cost x va] ~3 sin! x costx==} [4—3 sint 2x} Seo wa} [4—~3 (510 x-+ cos x)? ~ 1p} A ==} [4-3 (a1) BEE tee on tan A~tan B Yandtan ae” xf =tan A fan B \ Trieonomeirical Ratios and Identities 47 I w-ftian 4 tan 5 Now cot (4~ 8) = tan (4-8) “tan dian B- ¥ ty 1\2 (if) 2cos A=x+ t, 4 sn? 4=4—4 cost | x4 3) ye -[(++4) ~+] 1P 1 or domtane[ xt, 2s A=i{ xt) ¥ x Similarly 2 cos B=y-+ 4 2 sin B=i (»- +) Now 2 cos (A~-B)=2 (cos 4 cos B+ sia A sin 4) =2} [(+++) (+5) +e (*-4)(0-})] 3 = Piy4% ~2—-= sfloiditiz}i( oi d-2-3) =12 (2 +3 \n% a2. x FP » x 48 From the given relation we have acos @=.—bsm@ Square and change in terms of sin @ a (1 —sin® 6)==¢% ~2be sin 8-4 B sin? 9 (a?+ bY) sin? 9- Qhe sin B | (c2?—a)=O ts taots are singand sin 8 asaand Bare the valucs of 6 given 2 Sine {sin B==sum of TO0is== as sina sin 8=product of roots= ofa? at bt (7) Here arrange as a quadratic in cos 6 49 Here bsec@=e~—atan@d Square 5? (1-+-tan? 0)= ct 2ca tan 6+ a* tan? 6 (at — B®) tan® @—2ea tan 8+-(22--b) = ° ~ tan e-+tan p= ea poe tae tan pat Se -. tan at+ting “rea 2ec tan (e+ B)= I~ tan @ tan fan (a? -8)— (2 — “ait ~ tan® 2 tand (2) Witte cos 2a 1 tare tant ; —~» SIN 20 = Waer ett 48 Trigonometry (a!) Arrange as 2 quadratic in tan 0/2 as above 9 tan? 9/2 ~8 tan 0/24 30 Its roots are complex 83 04-43 9u~ivere bi-dacc 0 Hence the grnen equation is wrang If we choose 9/26 RES then tt becomes 19 tan? 0/I—16 tan 0/2-4+3=0 mt Pd ag © tan Bad on 5 Flan, qe fan 4 any = tan(24P — fan a/2i tan gi2 16/1S 4 2 to tan af/2tan B/2 1-4 9 3 2 tan *e 2 4 24 Now sin {a +A) = ET ae 8 “tan? baad 1 tan’ 2 i+ 9 so. Tn 7 cos 6 +324 sin 6, take Teor cos cand 247 sino reaf((7 2472S LHS =r (cos @ cos a-psin & sin e}=25 00s (0-@) Now max and mia values of eos (6-2) are Land —1 : Therefore the max and min values of given expression BP 25 and ~25 respectively (1) Proceed as above Gi) The given expression 3s 5 cos 84-3 (cas @ cos G0°~sin 9 sin 60°+3 ex} [(13 cos 6 ~ 34/3 sen O43 Pat Wercos 2 34/3—r sin a rez (169-4 27paea/(196)= 14 Given expressions: 5 {cos (0-+a)]-+3=:7 cos (e+e)+3 Hence max ind mun values of the expression are 743 and —74+31e 10 and ~4 respectively Gs) (ai) is correct QO) = Git) a8 correct __ 1 ¢08 10°—4/3 sin 10° ) LHS = sin 10 cas 10 Put lercose V—=rsing pel! Ind pod and tin as 4/3, a= 60° Lug . * £08.60" cos 10 ~ sin 60° sin 10°) sin 10 eos [O° Trigonometrical Ratios and Identities 49 ano 208 (60°+4-10°) a4 908 70° 4 sin_20° =4 $sin 20° Sin 20° sin 20. (vit) Proceed as 1 part (vi) f—cos@ 4/3— rt S10 Wehave tant «= tan? Y=sS 205 io eo ee sint!s ¢ = cost!3 Sin’? a--cosl & Vi-V @1) Y3tV@-1l) l==sin® a--cos* ak ((4/3-o (2? 1) AL V34+ tb Dek (63-4673 (2? HAt 64/3 at 2/3 213 coh r fra sto al 6/3at==1 of (int? «t-costltjian S qs as or sin?! ¢-+-costl? «~(z) -(2) t 52 (i) We know that 1—tan? 4/2 1-+-tan® 4/2 =k, say cos daa ite cos j= l—tan? $/2_., l-i ton? 9/2 I = Pian fo 14158 tant 92: from the given relation fl ~tan™ 8/2) -e (1+-tan? 8; (2) ~ (L-Ftant 6/2)=e (1 tant 9/2) Divide above and below by 1+tant 0/2 cos 8—e or cos $= iS coe cot a cos acosg+b (ti) cos = aid cos 1 —tant 6/2__@ (1-tan” g/2)-+b C4 tan® 4/2) i+ tan? 0/2 ‘a (1-Ftan® ¢/2)+6 (i~ tan® #/2) or 1—tan? 9/2_ (¢+4)—(a—8) tan? g/2 1-+ tan? /2 “(4 b)-+-(a—B) tan® 4/2 Apply componendo and dividendo 2 sant 6/2 2 2 (a-b) tant 3/2 ane (ad) tan 6/2= (353) tan 4/2 /, 53 35 Trigonometry (D (iii) Proceed as above 1—cos@ cos e—cas f) tant 6/22 OOS Ff 4 cose cos 8 () tan? 2 i+cos # (3 See | - -( 1. SS e~ 008 B ) } —cas & cos B ~ti--cos &)- cos B (I - cos a} ULF eos a) cas B (cos «) wl £o$ <) (1-rcos £) {(i+cos a} (1 ~cos g} 2 Stn? @/2 2 cos* B/2 n OF tant yes ald” Deiat Bie 8M" #72 CO BA tan 0/22 +tan «/2 cot p/2 Gi) The given relation is tana J tan fanE cos 6 Apply componendo and dividendo tane—tan Bf 1-~cos tana#iang I-+cos¢@ sin ( ta Jnthtan a Divide doth Sides by 2 co 2 31D © COS 3 —~eg5 rs 3 sin z 60s xcosy Cos y tos = or tan *~tany =1an }—tan - Or 2 tan stan vttans tan x, tan 3,Tan 2 ®re also in AP Sted see (S46) are in AP, 2 see f=sec ($—2)4 see (d+) 2 Os +cos (8+) or cos a SOS (8~a) cog +a) OF 2 (cost P—~sin? Becos g [2 cos § COs e] loos Ra sine x=2(1~¢o5? a) Cost a/2 ~& 2 cos a4? oan aon, ==2 2s dnb ~ —_ ~& 2 sin 8 co 4 & A+B 4 x77 28m “37 sin 2 , B 2 cos 448 cos “Hitt °—4— —p™ ~B Ae tos aa Bsn os 8 cos aH Pa sin a (008 Atco. 8)+sin (4 +8) baestn * cot de BAD C 2sn gcos cost sin = {608 A-tcos B)+sin 4 cos 8+ cos 4 sin B ©0s 4 cos F 60S am Sta? Boos (4-8) cos (e- , = f08 A (1 Sat pasos & (its A) ~thsn 4s tsin #) cos B Itsin 4 cos B I-sin FB = cos 4 ti30 8 0005 al sin tne COS c— Sine afr — i+sin 2a _ tan’ (3 +2 jo ~Sn Be 2sin © OS wmgin 2e tion we have to Prove that Trigonometetcal Ratios and Identities 53 I 62 63 dso y (+510 xp I-siny (f=sina)® 28m) _2 3 sin v+sin* x) 200 243 sin? yy sin + (3-+sin? x) “To antx LHS sin x G sin v-—~4 sin? x)-+c0s? x (4 cos? +~3 cos x) =4 (cost x—sin® v)—3 (cost x—sin x) ==cos 2x [4 (cost r-tsint x-+cos® x sin? x)~—3] =cos 2x [4 {(cos? x—$sin? x)*-+3 cos? v stn? r}—3] =cos 2x [4 cos? 2x—3 (1-4 stn? ¢ cos* x)]} =¢05 2x [4 cos? 2x-—-3 (1~sin*® 2x)] =cos 2x [4 cos? 2x—3 cos" 2x] =C0S 2x cos? 2x =cos* 2x We have to eliminate @ and ¢ sin? a==4 sin? ¢/2 sin? 0/2=(1—cos ¢) (1 — cos 9) wos am ( 1-208 1-245] or 1~—cost« (1 cos B i cosy mi—cos of byt) 4 208 mE 8OS Oh Ss B tiesy cos B cos 7 cos R+-cosY \ ng (1-+cos B cos ¥) or cos a Cos f 608? )=eos & B cos cos Btcosy Cos & I-Feosp cosy 1 Apply comp and dividend 1-cos B-cos y+-cosB cosy 1—cose 1-Fcos g-fcos y+ cos B cas y ~ L-tcos a (1--cos B) (l—cosy) — 1+cos & (I-F eos g) (i cosy) “I-Feos« , (2 sin* B/2) (2 sin? y/2) 2. sin? &/2 (2 cos? p/2) (2 cos* y/2) 2 cos? «/2 cr tan? B/2 tan* y/2=tan® a/2 * © piven exprestion ae ft (1 -cos 2014-5 sin 294 ¢ (1-+-cos 20)] exh (a-+e)+-$ 5 sir 20-44 (c~—a) cos 28 Hence by § 2(37) the least au? greatest values of the given expression are respectively 4 (abe)—4/ (6+ (c—a)?} and date) 4av/{ert © ~4)} so that the value of the expression fies between these values as required Apply comp and divi sip t= r to or 34 65 66 Trigonometry (a) sin (e+-B+y)easin (a+f) cos ¥-+-cos (a+p) sin ¥ e=5IN & COS 8 COS ¥-- COS & stn B cos ¥-+Cos & CONf SM? sin x sin P sin? Now divide each term by cos a cos B cos yand you get LHS (6) On putting the value ofsin (2 +8-++y) we have Sin e-+sin ft sin y—sin (e+ 2-7) sssina (i cos B cos ¥)4 sin # (1 cos 7 cos «) +sin y (I+ cos = cos p)--sinm asin isin y ot sp yall le sn 3st quadrant . cos a cos B38 + and fess than 1 so that I—cos a cosp as fave and alse sinyis $ave) | Thus every term in LHS 1s +1ve sinatsin B+siny > sin (0+-B+¥) Proved sin 0cos A-+-cos 8 sin 4 23m 4 cos A ain cos B peos 8 sin B {5 sta # ce} or {tan @cos 4+sin A}4/{sin B cos B) sx(lan @cos B 4 sin BY o/(sin A 60s 4) Collecung the terms of tan @ on one side and rest of the other we pet tan @ {{cos A /(s1n B cos B)~cos B af(sin A cos AY s={sin B o/(sin A cos 4)—sin 4 4/(sin B cos #)} ot tan 6 o/(cos A cos B} {4/{cos A sin BY ~ 4/{cos # sit Ay} = a/(sia A sin B) {o/(cos A sin B)~—~4/(cas B sin A)} tan @ ==a/{(tan 4 tan BY} or tant @=tan A tan B Making use of given relations we have cos? y=ntan® peesec® y-~-l==cot? z—1 costs tantx sintx f—cos?z Flan? z cost x—sin® x ex changing to sin x we get (2—ssn3 x) (1 —2 sin? x) aint x or J2aintx—6smixt2=0 or sint x—3 smnt xpl=t 348-4) 345 3-5 sin? xe Ne mA We have reyected the value of TAS as it 15 greater (hat ! 6-275 {/I-1P Y yet oy Men! or sin? > z =( 5 } sin xe Veo ne ws) or i+cos*x= -=2 sin 18° By symmetry we cam say that gin resi yossin zee? sin 18° Trigonometricat Ratios and Identities 55 67° From the given relation we have 3 cos ¥4+-sin x=3 cos y—sin y Q) Put3=r cosa Iorsing ra4/l0, tan aed t cos (x~a)=r cos (y-+a) x-amd yt) xe} of xeyt2e Clearly xe —y satisfies (1) 3x=-3) or sit 3x=sin (—35)—~—sin 3y or stn 3x-+sin Jy €8 Let us put tang-~x, tan B=}, tan yoz Axtyte3 xtyt 4737-4 siete | (given) () sink tant xt _ tanta ot Now sin? a= aes sin? eT aa a Tp y? Sin? a-bsint Bt siN* Y = Te ett 5 Ex? (1+y) ass 2) _ 1x3 Ch yt Cb z*) Neazat (1+ pty 22-+ 3 824) yt(1-2*-pxt dt 2txd) 2 sint a= $28 (Late yt patyy aE EOE xtpt xtptzt Zi x74+-2 (1—2xt yt?) + 3xty%24 by (1) = 24 Fxt— xtytat (23 DF wif xt4-F xlytp xyes ab xt--(1—2xt pied) + xty%23 by (1) se24E xt —xtptzteaN” by (2) (3) z= sin? aed by (3) 69 {a) Let us put tan @=#,, tan d=, tant (25) w a+b. i-tan® 0 ich 1-+tan? o~ int 2 Now a—&8 cos 20-a—5 aa) WF) ft a +d) tt (a+-8) Dans ‘| GFR ~~ Enlare t 2 mF Rs etal =a * io ) by (1) Also cos 2?@.————_.. ete Sunilury a—b coD Agen eae 8 (1+ 7,2) 56 Trigonometry @ 5 cos B= (a4. ys a4? =la+4p (a xo) ate se Which 3s tadepeadens FO (6) Carefiyy 00k ar e Westion Suggests Mat we hg © Prove 4 =p © know that 2 Cos? go $20, an Sint 9.44 Cos 2, @nging < the ven voittion OE sint y=, We get za boos axjtz a Cos 9 atl OS 2} =} ~¢ daly COs 2p) {I+ cog yi y) or fa +cog 2G COS 2y)2) “Cos 2 s 2y {C-beos 2x3 ~(l~c95 21)3} =2 (} , FOS 2yy or 2) beosz ‘) 70 (a) Let us *© We prove the 2Ven resuly iD © given Telations by 9, 40d cos 2 and Subtract, 1g t 08 B (cogs S+51n7 2) ( 277 sin 228 ad adding the py ven Flatron. We get 2 Tey Cos Fsintay 5 (Cosa Sint gy cos? Sin? By r21 (cost 9 a 4) Cost Sin? 2 42 cos 223 2 cos 28 Trigonometrical Ratios and Identitles 57 or 3 cost 28+8 cos 2B-3=0 ot 3 cos? 2B+9 cos 2B~cos 2B-I=-0 or (cos 28-43) (3cos 28-1) 0 Cos 2B==4 as cos 2834-3 sin? 2B =1- cos? 22==1—3-~8 sin 2B = v2 Hence from (1) sin (A~ B)= mye 2B= +3 $3 Angles of triangle fd B C be the angles of a untangle then we know that A+B+C=180° or B-+-C=180°~A (a) sin (B4+-C)=sin (180° —4}=sin A Similary sin (Ct A)=sin B sin (44+By=sin C Thus in a trrangle sine of any one angle is equal to sin of sum of the remaining tno angles (b) cos (8 #C)=cos (180° —4)=—cos A or cos A=~--cos (#4 C) Similarly cos (C-+A)=- cos B, cos B= —cos (CA) cos (4-+8)=— cos C, cos C= — cos (4-£.8) Thus the cosine of any one angle is equal to minus times the cosine of the remaining tio angles (ce) AtB-+-C==180°, 4 (A+B+C)=90° sin (25°) (Roarkce 68} Trigonometrical Ratios and Identities 39 (vue) In a triangle prove thar sin? 4-- sin? B-+-sin? C=3 cos 4 cos : cose -L cos aA cos se cos sg (ny) If 4+ 84+C=2r, prove that sin? 4-tsta? 84-sin? C3 sin 4 sm sin £ ~sin 344 38 sin 3 2 2 2 (x) Ina triangle ABC prove that sint A--sin’ B-+sin* C=22 +2 cos A cos B cos C +4 cos 24 cos 2B cos 2C In any triangle A B,C, prove the identities in Q 4, 5 and 6 4 (i) cos A-tens B+-cos C=14-4 sin 4/2 sin B/2 sm Cf2 (zi) cos A+-cos B—cos C= —1- 4 cos A/2 cos B/2 sin C/2 4 (ut) wean an IC 8 cos 14/2 cos B/2 cos C/2 (iI T 76) 5 (t) stn? A+sin? B—sin? C2 sin A sin Bos C (it) cos? A-+-cos? B+cos* C= 1—2 cos A cos B cos C (i?) sin® A-+sin? B-+-sin® C=2+2 cos A cos B cos C 6 (4) sin® A/24 sin? B/2-+-sin? C/2 =1—2 sin A/2 sin B/2 sin C/2 (a) cos? 4/24 cos* B/2-+-cos? C/2 =2-+42 sin 4/2 sin B/2 sin C/2 (isi) stn? 4/24 sint B/2 —sin® C/2 s=1—2 cos A/2 cos B/2 sin C/2 7 If x+y+z=7/2, show that Sin? x-+sin? p-+sin? 2—1—2 sin x sin y sin z cos? x-+cos? p-+-cos? z=2-+2 sinx sin y sin 8 IF A+B4Cex, prove that () cos A/2+-cos B/2-+cos C/2=4 cosz4 cos a2 cos" Z =24 cos ate cos ote cos tt 8 “ (sw A/2-+sin B/2-+sin C/2 =1+4sn nA on B -+-C gq sin —Z Sin 7 3r— ys SF +78 a Cyt as 4 = (Roorkee ay 2 ~3y? 3 ~)9 32 1=Sya 1-t3z7 4xy7 ety ~Gy at 24) Xa] IT 7 then Prove that v 2 Chat tye Ve 2 tpt a GF TTT TS Dain (8) Fo, any three *NBles 4, 40 Prove that tan Bm O) 4a C~4) 4 tan 2 12 Up A~Z Stan (2. C) tan Canz, Prove thar 0) a fan Af2 tan 2/24. tay 4/2 tan @) cot 2 +co¢ F/2-4-cop cy2. Anothe, form If x. J tray then tan ly > * tan tan z= (i) Cotxy Sot yp. Trigonometrical Ratios and tilentities él 13 15 16 20 If A+B 4+ C325, show that (2) cos S4 cos* (S-+A}+-cos® (S—B)-++c0s? (S—C) =2+42 cos A cos B cos C (Ii T 62) (ii) sin (S A)-+sin (S-~8)-+sin (S+C)—sin § == 4 siniA/2 sin B/2 sin C/2 If A+ B+ C+D=2-, show that cos A cos B+cos C ~-cos D =f sn 4t8 sin‘ 42? cos 25° 2 2 tan? A/2 ttant B/24+tan? C/2 2 I when A +} B+ C=1 Hence the minimum value of Z tan*1A/2 13 1 Ina triangle A, B C, prove that ain? A cos (B—C)-| sin 3 B cos (C—A)-+-sin? C cos (A~B) =3 sin Asin BsinC sin 3A cos* (B —C) +4 sin 3B cas* (C --A) +sin 3C cos? (4—8) =sin 34 sin 3B sin 3C Ina triangle if tan 4/2, tan B/2 tan C/2 are m A P then cos 4, cos B, cos C are also in A P If the tangents of the angles of a triangle are in AP, prove that the squares of the sides are in the ratio x? (x79) (B+¥%)? 9 (+7), where vig the feast or grea- test tangent - In a tuangle ABC prove that f cos # cas C+-53 cos C cos d-+c% cos A cos B =abe (1—2 cos A cos A cos C} Solutions fo Problem set (C) We shall make use of the formulae of § 3 Page 57 () LAS =2sm 4 cos A $2 sin (B+C) cos (B-C) s=2 sin 4 cos 4-42 sin A cos (BC) ==2 sin A [cos 4+cos (B—-C)]} =2sin Ad [cos(B C)—cos (2+C)]} w22sin A 2sin Bsin C, cos 4=—cos (B+C) =4sin dsm &snc fii) sin 24-++sin 2B , sin ( 7 O~ A) eosin (180°_ 2D =sin 24 LEestio Sty nN 2, +Sin B+sin 204 84 sin sno Prove 11 Proceeg aS in (1) (y 5, SIM! ¢. 25 4 vl A) x6) d=} Sia ‘Omes (1) nart 2 () the a0SRer we Want— and as su ‘h e write £o. 2 cose d co Bing ther tyo terms Ss =(2 ~)+42 Cos (, B—C) =-IT9 Sos? 49 COS 4 o, (8-~¢ S—Ip9 COs 4 feos 4. (2—cCy S~I49 $ 4 foe (8 )~cos (8-cy S—Ia~3 COs 4 ¢. [05 B eo, S—Inq COs 4 OS B eo 1) Here , Want 41 as We write cos Adem} 5 Sin? ce Ne the Other two terms Ina se Sin Sin ( Note 19 Sin? sin 4 ~ {sin ¢ D=—sin q Trigonometrical Ratios and Identities 63 (ii) By the help of Q 1 €/) and Q 3 (i), we have LHS 4sind sin BsinC “4 cos A/2 cos B/2 cos C/2 (2. sin A/2 cos A/2) (2 sin B/2 cos B/2) (2 sin C/2 cos C/2) = cos 4/2 cos B/2 cos Cfa — = 8 cos 4/2 cos B/2 cos C/2 (iv) On simplification we have to prove that sin A cos d-+sin B cos B+ sm C cos C sin Asm # sinc Multiplying both sides by 2, we get sin 24-+sin 28-+sin 2C=4 sin A sin BsinC which is Q | (9 () A+B+C=r, 3A+3B4-3C=3r 3A+3B _3n_3C 2 2 2 3A+3B 3c 3A +38 sin >> = C08 5 and cos a sin = Note A+3B 34-38 LHS =2 sm 24498 cos = +2 sin 5 cos 3E == —2 cos Leos 2428 22 sin ‘Leos x _ 3c 34-38 3¢ =—2 cos 7 [cvs ssn 2 __ 4. SEP 3A—38 34438 = 2 c08 5 [ cos “3+ cos cae ~~ 40s 34 cos 2Beos 3€ =~ 4 cas 3 00S =z cos 5 If tt be Zero then at least one factor 1s zero, hence $4 .90° or Ax60’ ete (i) Note Here A,B,C arenotangles of a triangle 1¢ A+ B+C4180° Combining the first two and last two, we get LHS 222 sin At Begs 452 BOP Ze sin (—442) 7 cos yb? cos A+B A- A+xB1A2C 2 sin = zz [eos A? —cos Aen te | sin (—@)=—sin 9 ore CHa 2 &in >" Stn A Gn Here 4.4. 2. % Trigonametr, @ a2 Sir At8 2 Sin oe. 734] =4 sin Ate Crs 189° sin (8420. _ ~A) 4-sin (4~ sin <4 Cn A4-Cm 1996 in (C~4) ten A) ~Em (e Dtsin ce ¢ 4+C~27 “FO +2 sa eos a+0-28) “C1 (2) (e) (4 d We Prove ¢: he Trigononctrical Ratios and Identities 65 4 (i) Here we wint +1 and so we wrife cos A=={—2 sin? A/2 LAS =1—2 sin? A/2+-2 cos Fhe cos as =2]—2 sin? 4/24 2 stn 4/2 cos aac s=]-2sm aia sin 4/2—cos 255] s]—2sm 4/2 [ss B £008 =] e=1- 2 sin f/2 [2 sin B/2 sin (—C/2)} 144 sin 4/2 sin B/2 sin C/2 sin (—0)=—sin 0 (1) Here write cos 4==2 cos? A/2—I1 and proceed as abave (ii) With the help of t () and Q 4(, LHS = = eT ca cos A/2 cos B/2 cos C/2 sin A=2 sin d/2 cos A/2 etc 5 (1) LHS =sin? A+sin (B+C) sin (B—C) saint 4+sin 4 sin(B-C) sssin A [sin A +sin (B—C)] =sin A [sin (8-+C)+sin (B-C)) =sin A (2 sin & cos C) ea? sin Asin B cosC (1) We write cos? d= 1 ~sin? A LHS =1~—stn? A-+cos* BY cost? C = 14-(cos* #~sin? A) -+-cos? C =1--cos (B--A) cos (B—A)+- cas? C =1~cos C cos (B—A)-+cos* C sal= cos Cleos (B—-4}- cos C] =zI~cos Clros (B—A)+cos (B+A)] == I~—cos C(2 cos A cos 8) =1—2 cos 4 cos A cos C (i) On changing sin? A to 1—cos? A etc rt reduces to part H Proceeding directly as we need 2, we write sin? A= 1—cos? 4 and sin” B-—1—cos* # LHS =2—cos? .A—cos? B+ sin? C =2—(cos*_4 sin? C)—cos? B =2~cos (A--C) cos (A~C)-cos B r=2-+4 cos B cos (4-C)~cos* B ' 2 } cos B [cos (4—C)—cos B] 66 qt "lgonamer, (0 (iy Trigonometrical Ratios and Identities 67 A+B ws CC 4 cos “> =F on ( zt ¥) =2 cos we wos? +2 sin ae cos ae sin 0==2 sin 0/2 cos 9/2 AtB =e feos 5 —— B sin 4 ] (by 1) 7 “c A~B zn A+B a=2 OS “4 fe t2 00s (5 ~ “s | m-A xc-B =2 cos PET 2 00s 252 cos 4 ] nA oor B -C au4 cog TT cos a cos =: - td) LHS =2 sin 2+? cos a! Bo cos 5 ~$) * 2 TE cos ae —2 sin? ae LHS =2 cos — m2 cos ~ Note =22 sin > = x—-C A-B_ A+B 1+2 sin 4 [eos 7 sin 4" by (1) =142 sin G[cos 453 ~c0s (3-4")] ==1+2 sin =P sin a sin RA 4 aA r-B re 144 sin™ —g sin gin =a (i) LAS =2 00847 Peos A-P_ sin ($-$) -C A-B n-C x-C€ m2 cos = 7% a2 sin —Z—cos =a r-C A-B r— =2 cos a, [cos a ~sla a =2 cos 36 cos 2= =? _ sin (*47)] 4 4 ==2 cos es 45? + cos(F +4 by) cos (7/2 +9) = —sin 6 ==2 cos Ele cos Ft A cos rt] == 2 cos ata cos ze cos me v=a4 Cos (rex) ~y) Sin Ge yy +2 sin & x» {2 sin ¢2 1© y) sm} Fos am, a and hase two ferms aS on pare (hi Trigonunctrival Ratios and Idensities 69 n tan A-+tan B LHS =a qian & tan apeangy TF ={ 1 { 1 tan A tan 2° ian atin tT in C tan ant or tan C-ttan d-Ltan @=xtan Af tan & tan C which fs true by (1) @) Pot x-tan d4,y=tnB and extant Since Sb IS 2, tan A-++tan Brian’ C- tan 4 tan B tan C=0 or 5,- §,=8 ~S 9 - or tan (Atatcy= 5 os =yo3,79 Aa pom0 or an or 24+428-+4-2C=0 or 2m tan (24-4+28+42C)=0 Si—S;, ret =o =. SyxSp or tan 24 }tan 28+-tan 2C=tan 24 tan 2B tan 2C, 2tand ae Now put tan 24 Toast Toe ett, () Proceeding as above tan (34-4-32-++-30}==0- SaaS =0 so that S=S, & of tan 34-+tan 38-btan We=tan 34 tan 3B tan 30 ~ 2 tan dA—tan’ A 3x~—3? Now put tan 34 Sed oe ete (if) Put x-=tan A, y=stan #, t=tan Ci Then xy+32-+2X= 1 gives a@tan Atan 3-+-tan & tan C+tan C tan d-1=0 or =§,—1==0 or 1~S,=0 or =-(=tan x Now tan (4-4+-8-+C)= Sr SS x A+B4+C=r/2 vor \2442B420=0 tan (24 +28+2C)=tan read a or tan24-+-tan 2B-+ tan 2C=stan 24 tan 28 tan 2C 0 Br er ee eT or or Telgonometry (py x By 2 lay #j ~yt *y (ir) Put Frnt. due a OF Cle so thar Sym0 &iven t 2 an [tpt ~s - Also ihe fan TFB t yen) txt Sec g 2a Hence Wwe Proved mm =3IN & op, mm sty Ve to Prove thae 2 # [sin 2a-Rein B+ sin Rear OF Sin 2e-bsin 28-+5In Pym 4 &, S ex [08 B cos When Ct Bh ya 5 or sin Bty=5,, 2-2) mcg % Above Felation Can be easily Provyeg (4) Pur 3 =2,0— =% 4~p PTE trang or ++ re tan Ore Or ES m=Q 3 20 p+. tan 7+tan "=tan 2 OW put the Values 12 @ fan Flan p Ag aod > 4 B+Om, A & Cy Pts teed A.B Cc - ten (Z ty 1S )stene or .. T5209 4, Spon] ze Or tan ea an a ‘0S tan € tay df (4) Dividing bot Sides 4, 1 4/2 tan 8/2 tan C/2 we get 4 & co; > hy Fete Fcot Scot ¥ 13 () Change 1D term, of Fouble a ages te co X, C08 = 3 (14-005 24) Also 4ttps Cmag LHS. Hl tcog 284 Theos OS ~ 2.4 1.4 009 (25~—2B) 114 00s (28-264 =2+8 12 cos 97) 08 4-4-5 os 25 —a_ oy 8 (8~cy ~ os (te Heos (py oC), *S—~ 4a B40 4 (2 cog 2 cos c) = 12 8 eos gee Trigonometricat Ratios and Identities wv Alternate LHS ~1]~— sin? S-++l—sin? (5 4)-+008? (S—2) ++cost($— iC) =2-++ [cost (S—&)—sin? $}+[cos? (S—C) sin* (S—A)] Now apply cos® 4—sin? B=:cos (4-+2) cos (4 ~ 2) etc (1) LHS =2 sin Aa gs a4 +2 cos 2S5€ sn(~$) 2 2 =2 sin + cos £54 —cos “tI, 25~-C=A+B 2 sin 4 2 sin sin F]=4 sin A sin F sin £ 2 2 2 2 2 2 A+ B4+C+D=25 LHS =(cos 4+cos C)—(cos #-{ cos D) DB Ae cos 4 se? cos ot 00s 25~ B-2 Now Han ~455, cos 248. ~cos SE ic LHS —2 cos HEF 4= $0 oe! 37| -c- -c~# =2 cos 5S) cos ADEE Boos 41 pne~8) 4 l) Now C+D=22—(44-8), C -B=2n~ (4 | D) (A+B)—(C4D)_{A+s) =aentd £B)A4 an 4 2 (44-8) (C+D) ALB = A+B cos ea COS (“22 z z Fas 5 0) (A+D)—~(C+3)_, At P)— PAE) (45? _ 5) 4 4 Again 3 3 =Si 2 Q Hence from (2) by the help of (2) and (3), we get LHS =4 cos4t& s, n SEB sin AEP We know from Q 12 (i), that when A+-B+C=2, then tan 4/2 tan B/2-+tan B/2 tan C/2+tan C/2tan d/2=1 (I) Or vz-+2x-+-xy=), where x=«tan A/2 etc cos AEP OP) cos (A$? 5 Jasin AE? 72 Trigonometry (1) Now tie know that S-N4O~or ea: PA or 22 yt 2p UDO OF A xt y or Ext > 1, a! tyes} OF tant A/2+ tay? A/2 -btane Caz 16 sin3 4 cos (7. C)=sim* 4 51n A egg (8~¢) =$ sint 42 S10 (2-40) cos (8 -c) =4 sin? 4 (sit 277-4 syn 2c) =Sin® 4 (sin 4 cos 4-+sin C cos Cc) CHS. Sin? 4 cys @-c S513 4 fsin & cos Bisin Ceos Hsin? 8 (sin Cogs C+sin A ws A) Hin? C (sta 4 C03 4+sin B cos 8) “in A sin Ben 4 SOs Pros 4 sin Be =8M 4 sin B Sin (4 FB + SIN A sin B smn ©. ==3 8in 4 sin &snc 17 cos 3824 fas* 8-3 cos 9 ros? 8=4 (cos 3943 cos 4 811 3.4 eps? (~O)==3 sin 34 feos 3 (gp - °) +3 cos (B~Q)] “$510 3 (BLE) cos 3 @-~O)rge, (384-30) cos (8-C) “4 (in 63-+-5in 6C)+2 (sm Cag #2C)-t51m (284-46) Now 4B 209 BFO)-+ 2B In 045) sin 484.20) 519 {2042 (B~4)) sin 2 (BA) LHS =F ton 62+sin §C)13 5 fom 2 (8A) tin 2 (C-By = sin 34 cost (8. C=, ap 5m 644.29 2 (sin C4A-+stn 6B-tsin 6¢) =24 gin 34 sin 3B sip C asin 21 “5iN 34 sin 3p Sin 30 18 tan AR—tan Ff tay 2f2~11n Cy2 Sta 42 tin 5€ ” Craps C08 Bas LiF 5 CP A-B & or sin “zy os s= 314 a cos Ajo 442 ~ A= 2 ssp 25654 ae Trigonometrteal Ratios and Idenuties 73 cos A, cos & cos C are in A P 19 Sneetand, tan # ton Caren AP, we have 2ton Bestan A+ tan Cc (1) where tand=r sothit 2 tan B=y¥+tanc (2) how tn a triangfe, we always have tan 4+ tan B+tan Cstan 4 tan Brin CQ 10 @)} By (t), 3tan Be vtan Stance or 3 tan Bey tan B(2tan B- vy) by (2) . This gtves tan pm? o ‘ =, and tan C=2 tin B— re a at B® ant Ast Bint C “ (34 y?}? 9 Vtxt aerate yd . x GB+r* 9 vP(eP49) (x43) 9 (L4x°) tavtg_ tan? @ sec? OT “tant il 20 LHS =£' [stn? A cos 2 cos C-+sin® B cos C cos A -bsin® C cos 4 ¢os 3] =A? [sin 4 (1--cost 4) cos Beas € Fsin & (1 —cos® #) cos C cos A *Fsin C (1—cos? C) cos 4 cos B] wh? [sin A cos Bcos C+sin B cos Coos 4 +sm C cos 4 cos SJ] anos A s9s Bos € £08 € (sin 24-+-sin 28-+sin 2C] ==f° [sin 4 cos B eos C - cos 4 sin (B+C)] ~MISACE BORE 4 an A sin B sik C Qiw =k* stn A [cos Bos C +cos A] —h* cos A cos B cos C sin A sin Bsn C [ sin (B -C)=sin Aj sk? sin df «in & sin C [l—2 cas 4 cos B cos C] cos A=: —cOs (84+) sin @=tan? @ cos dss abe [1—2 cos A cos # cos C] OMe trigay Equations ! Solution, Iles Eguations ti ce “Wation sh ~ 4 )) ' 2) Le ~le 1 oth thi » there APC two values 18 OF the Om & aad pt 9 <0 <2m, whch Satisty Maton Ada zB 2, ee aad Qr+7) oth ¢ Solttions a, luded tn EC 1g, * Wherg 7 the 5, ry the Seneray Solution 19 this ar ¢ ~ I > here Tr f Es, ay £1, +2, £3, In Patticys, Taf, TR Bx, Stn O° Gar @) Ler kum ‘his Cas, ny One Value > fa the ‘otery, Se fying ¢ &tven “quatig Hence Senera. lution 40 thus coc t¥en by O= ary Fn En 3 (e) Lets, T tn US case Ie Y one vaty, 37 in © Interval g Sle, Asie Yea €quation Hence &neray Solution 12 this Cas, Os 2nte = "ey Gi The "duane, COs 9. (~] Se Cy (4) Let leg ra keg In thy » there arg two ues of he form 8 In the !nteryay Pr which Satisry 8tven “quatro Ce fp, 8eneray Soli this eres is Biven by Oxy te ©) rep fxg ation nth, eas Pm2rn ge B or ¢ rte Trigonometrical Equations 7S Thus tn this case, the solution set con ists of all odd multiples of Hence we may write the solution as g=(2n+1)5 or Ganr+5, n El (c) Let k=} In this case there 1s only one value 0 of 6 in the interval —r < @ < 1% which satisfies the equation Hence the Solution in this case as O=20r, n El (2) kw~1l, Here @=~ 18 the only solution in the interval —~r OS x < 180° (IT 62) (8,) sec x cos Sx }I=0, 0 < x < 2x (Roorkee 78) (ec) sin 20=cos 38 Og x < 360° (IIT 68) Use this to find the value of sin 18° (2) tan 38=cor 8 (#4) tan 26 tan @=1 (Roorkee 80) {e) tan pd=cot gd (f) tan mx cot nx=0 - (g) sin mO+s1n nd=0 (4) Find the coord:mates of the pomt of intersection of the curves y=cos x, 3 =8in 3x if —r/2 Cx < rjf2 QUIT 82) 6 (a) cos & +cos 29-+-cos 390 * f (4) cas 0 cos 29 cos 30}, O ~?/3 = 5, F bore (cos 94.2) {2 cos g__ =o cos a) (reyected), COS Bead Om 2am tse “ We hare 9 2- (©) Cos r/3 “V3sstan ry3 =p | r/3 3 2 Stn 8 “ “603 0 3 7 Cos g or q a Sin? x2 Sin O43 or 4 on O42 Sin O— Tag 1 541 ~ ~. = 4 sin ciate aN yy 900, 1350 I5Q0 @) op SUnbERcar On sin 38 (2 Cos 264.1) 9 0 a Crp yy ae for given Tange 9.9 mn Fl hcstions We have 51n 36 C cos 2e~ d=: Trigonometrical Eanations 89 Faking “sign 3 yeQm ~ or ata ve x= (40 7 ” sr io asd, vers, a l, a= n=, => n= 3, v= 13-/7 Now taking ve sign, Sy - 3¥ 1% — Ved ~-/2 oF x 7 On bs 9 x= (4n—- 1) x ne 1, ver ~ 55 oe i ye 7 To 4 @) The given equatron cin be written as 4sm v sin Qr—*) sin (314 1)-23 sin v- 4 sin? + 4sin \ [sin® 3y~ sin® yJ=- 3 sin y—4 sin? v or 4 sin v sin? 3\~4 sin? y=3 sin \—4 sin?'y or sin v {4 sin? Iy~ 3]==0 sit V=0 Var 4 $m? 34-3 sin x= $5/3/2= rsin “3 Wen +$-/3 or vsur/3tn/9 See rule [V Page 67 7 (a) Combining 7é and 4, we get Oo corresponding tow=0 If, 2 ~ - 2 cos 38 —}= —cos y=eos (- - 5 )reos§- ar - We Bvt x O=3(6n £2) 5- r Ann n=O a= and all other values will be greater than 5 mz Rm Q- POF FT (6) sim 6.—(8in 4e—sin 21) 0 2 sttl 3x ¢os 3x —2 cos 3x sin y=0 : 2 cos 34 (sin 34 —sin V0 Telgonemery (0 OS¢ér © 4 0s 9 £03 26 cos 390.9 NIT re Oxm/y Cos 20=.9 Trigonometrical Equations 89 Taking }+sign 5y - IM r > vend - as or y= (an N= va(4n bI/7 nz.0, wr act, w=, az, Lag, n=-3 x= 1357/7 Now taking — ve sign, ay 27 \=2y--7/2 or 3s -(a 5 y= (4n—1) + ast, ver, ~ St 9 13 77’ 7 7 (:) The given equation cin be written as 4sin v sin (F1—¥) sin (30-F 1)-=3 sin 1-4 sin? y 4 sin x (sin 3¥— sin? vJ=3 sin \~4 sin? os 4sin isin 34~4 sin? y=3 sin 1-4 sin? x or sin v [4 sim? 3y~ 3]=0 sii x=0 Yor 4sin 34-3 sit 3x $6/3/2= rsin 7f3 Aveentt—/3 or ven /3ta/9 See cule IV Page 67 7 (a) Combining 7¢@ and #, we get Oger? 2 sin 46 cos 3@-++stn 4¢=0 sin 48 (2 cos 344 1)=-0 sin 40=0=sin 0 40=n- or d=n-/4 Vo b=0, r > corresponding ton=0 1,2 Cos 30: —4=: —cos F908 (-- F) 00s f= 3 3 Q- ~ w= mn = +2) — B= 2a bt 5 é=.(60+2) 5 tn n=O, by and all other values will be greater than ¥ ae EE (b) sm 6a—(sin 4e—sin 2,)=0 2 sin 3x cos 3x2 cos 3¥ sin ¥=—-O0 2 cos 3 (sin 3x—sin A= O 50 Tigo donietry () mer Oreo F uae ts ty =Sin > Free yry Pah ~1)% =2,, Say, Fes 2p. Phy *=pr, a OM Opp Pty Beery | =(2r4 Dryg {4,) Do vou ce) (Sin 951m 7 3a) y (sin 204 Sin 40) 2 sin 26 Cos O42 Sta 39 Cos 9 ¢: = Sin 2, H 30) 0 4 cos F sin Se ae) Cos 9. Osos e Pay Cos P= Omeo5 > Sana + %=(2n4-1) r Sin xen =Oxsi5 0 pening or ae © fon 2 sia (rcs a =. # Jas =9 Bo 2 eos 6 si as ~2 sin 9 5~ Cos fug 2sin 2 Co, a os =O eg 5 5.9 a OF Bx ape F 6 coef Format r Orne oo oe fe) Ce Bin, 8 the Woa Fase two Sls we ket 2 sin 3e oy Cos & Sin COs & Stn 39. Sin Oxy or (3 sin ow. Sina ay Or g Sy "84 Lio tigeds 4G) Magda dy, yon be in AP of non cero | prove that } 1 I \ ” Ga,* item OyFuny + + aa 2 tod ! “sanlatat ta) G1) mee me en oe oa, oa, Denia a00 45. The number of terms of an AP is even, the sul the odd terms is 24, of the even terms 30, and the last exceeds the first by 104, find the number of terms and th s¢r 46 Let the sequence a. a; 4 form an AP and Ieta prove that mm os ae 1,1 a ay at at +gt~a(o4 b+ +7 Onnt . “a +3 47 Find the sum of all two digit’ numbers which * divided by 4, yield unity as remainder 48 Tindan AP in which sum of any number of tert always three times the squared number of these terms 49 150 workers were engaged to finish a piece of wot! acertair number of days Four workers dropped the s¢ day, four more workers dropped the third day and so on. takes 8 more days to finish the work now Find the nuorbe! days sn which the work was completed 50 Along a road lic an odd number of stones place intervals of 10 meters These stones have to be assembled ar¢ the middle stone A person can carry only one stone at a i A man carned the yob with one of the end stones by ¢att, them in succession In carrying all the stones he covered 4 tance of 3km = Find the number of stones 51 Wetec, prove that 3 3 log, x, 3 log: ys 7 fo form an AP 52 (a) Provethatif p,q + (pq) are terms | necessarily consecutive) of an AP then there exists a atic number & such tha: (¢—g}/(¢ —p) eh 116 20 or or al or or Algebra (}} 2 Sad 2 ated @—D dla Z Baten d+ ota4d q 2a). (p+9)4 ~4| o-w+9 oa ]ene SE oy Q) S,-qand Syop Fa+(p~!) dleng, $1204 tq) dep Subtracting, 2=4 (Qa-d)- P=" dlag-p, 2a~d-++(p-+9q) dea2 (~—1), cancelling p—4 i 2a+-(pbg 2) dea —2 Sprame EEF 2a(pg=t) dl] LFF (—2}a~(p-+9) by (1) (1) Do yourself Hete geal for all and d==1, 2, 3 respectively for Sis Se bs wean for all StS FRM G1) tS 21D 3 =F ng l]t§ Bam lg Anednt 28,=92 G12 1+(a—1) Zea Qn) 2? S+S,=2 $3 f (a) Here @ and d are same as there 18 same AP and ae” 3n for Sy, Syand S, respectively — 3 (Sa—S,)—=a3 [> [24-f(2n—1) dF [2at (2D al u, = 38 [4a—20)-+ (4-2-1) dl =i [Qa+-(3n—1)d)=5, 1 e sum of 3a terms (b) We have 3 (@+7,)=pnt and (a-+ Tn) = pH Eliminating 4, we get Ty-Tm=2p (n—m) {a-+(u—1) dlJ—fa+a—) diag (a—iit) d (n—m)=2p (n—m) or de=2p Thus a+Ta=2mp gives Progressions (AP) tit 52 (b) Prove that the numbers /2, V3, 1/5 cannot be the terms of a single AP) with non zero common difference 53° U) Find the number of termscommon to the two A P $ 3,7, 11, 407 and 2,9, 16 7uy (1) Certam sumbers appear in both arthmaue progressions 17,21, 25, and 16, 21,26, , Find the sum of first hundred numbers appearing in both progressions 54 Each of the two triplets of numbers log a log 5, log ¢ and Jog a—log 26, log 2b —log 3e, log Ye—log ain an AP Can the numbers a, ,¢, be the Jengths of the sides of a triangle? If they can, what kind of irangle as st? Find the angles of the tnangte provided that it extsts Solutions To Problem Set (A) I Tymatddat, Tya+30d=—77 Solving the above two, we get d=13 and d=—3 qd) Sis % Rat(a~1) d] =2 [264-14 (—3)}=2—120 Let 7a=—17)0 Then a-+(n—J) dea —17 134+-Gi—1) (—3) = — 17 3ue33 of n=l] Let Sp=20 Then 5 [2a-+(a—1) dj=20 a (2x13-4(a—1) (—3)]=40 by CL) 3nt 2914 40=0 (1-8) n—5) 20 aa’ The value of 4 cannot be fractional a==20, d=: —4 and let 5,=300 ba e [2 20+ (a1) (~2/3)}=3300 ~ Sunpiifying —6ln+900—0 or (u—25) (a~36)=0 n=s25 or 36, Since common rauo is negative and §,,;= 544==300, tt shows that the sumi of Jast cleven re Tag, T2r Tq 18 zero 3 (a) Pattngaat, 23m m= aie We get the series 2s 1, 5/4, 3/2, a=}, d=} Siase> 483 (2 14-104) tlm YP x28-1470 Progresston{A Py” 117 or 2a-+(n—1) des2np 2a4+-(a—-1) 2pesQnp, grven ane Hence Sef Pat(p~1) det 5 2p (p—1) 2plep 23 (2) Here a1 for all, and des, 4 3, m respectively for the 14 al 3? nAP's We have to find sum of their wth terms PHA +@-YNVINE@—-Y B+ +41) 2) asf[l$1-t1 mterms]+ Gi 1) (1-+-243-++ a terms] satires qin s 412401) 341) @) Do yourself © Se5 FIZ1+~1) 1}, Se 5 12 24(n— 24 Sea [2n-++(n-—1) 27] SeES+ +S mn(142434 m+ 222) 42434 m) 8 (1) ni-n min+)) on (n-bl) A a et 2S ~T~ = dain (tl) Geel) Here we have used 142434 nas (ltu] fe See-5 5 lati] Here az3}, 2,3 m sespectnely and d==f,3,5 %i—1, and w=2 St S2t Set Sy =FIZ14G-1 1, = 5 2tG~1) 3] Sam € [2 +421) (2m1—1)] SitSy+534+ +5 ma (¢243+ m+ 2G=) 143454 +Qm—)l =n more), 20s) Fl t2m—1}, using S=F [a +} 110 tigebra (2) 440) Waa, a, eo, be in AP of non zero terms prove that I { l 1 O wat aaa an,t + na 2 11 1 } “ a+dn (a+ at 47 i 1 1 n-l (uj at “aa,t +? aide 45 The number of terms of an AP is even, the sum a the odd terms 13 24, of the even terms 30, and the last er exceeds the first by 10}, find the number of terms and th serie 46 Let the sequence a, @,, a, form an A P and let asd Prove that Ga, Oe, ae as Lh — atatat aoa aft a+ +7 Dant 4 ot os | Tet 47 Find the sum of all two digit numbers which when divided by 4, yield unity as remainder 15 48 Find an A Poin which sum of any number of terms always three times the squared number of these terms 49 150 workers were engaged to finish a piece of work * acertair number of days Four workers dropped the secon day, four more workers dropped the third day and so on takes 8 more days ta finish the work now Find the aumber © days in which the work was completed 50 Along aroad he an odd number of stones placed 2% intervals of 1@ meters These stones have to be assembled aroun the middle stone A person can carry only one stone at 3 ume A man carried the job with one of the end stones by carryisé them im succession In carryigall the stones he covered 2 8 tance of 3k Find the number of stones Sl 8- [rtf leat (n— Jeo gaia (ein 1) (.) The vatious groups of natural numbers are G,=(1), Gy=(2, 3, 4), Ge=a(5, 6, 7, 8, 9) The number of terms in successive groups are 1,3,5 which arein AP whose ath terms will be at(n- I d=t+(n—1) 2220-1 1) Hence the number of terms m ath group are 0) Ist term of Gy l= 1-+-(1—1)? Ist term of Gy 2514 1-+(2—1)* Ist term of Gy=5=1-+4=1+4+(3 - 1)? Ist term of Gy=1041+9=14(4—1)3 2 Hence Ist term of Gy=t-+ (Ita ie Also the terms mn each group form an A P of common a rence 1 Del Hence sum of terms which will be in A P an the ath group =f (2at(v—1) Dt = ana (2 (1+@—1}4(2n—-1—1) 1) by (1), (2) and Os =(2n—)) [n?—-2n+-2--2—11 (22-1) (?—n+1D = 20) — 303-439 — | 08+ (8 — 33-4 Jn— 1) =n+(n— 1) Alternative method for first term of G, The first terms are 1 2 5,10 P whose successive differences are 1,3, 5,7 etc which are 10 A Let S=I$2+54104+ +7, S= 142454 +Ts44+Tu Subtracting, O= 1+(1+34+5+ (a—1) terms)—7e Tat +25 [2 14(n—1—1) 2] =1+-(2—1) (a—1)==1+(n—1)? ad Hence the first term of nth group 1s 1--(a—1) as above in (2) by anotheninethod of mspection (b) Asim part (a) the number of terms in nth group |S an which are in AP ofcommon difference J and first ie successive groupsare 1 2 3 , and hence of mth group 8 Sum of terms of #th group a RE ant Qa) a! day (2a al of Progressions (4 BP) iit 52 (b) Prove that the numbers 1/2, V3 4/5 cannot be the terms Of a single AP with non zero common difference 53° (1) bind the number of termscommon to the two A P s 3, 7,11, 407 and 2,4, lo 7uy (u) Certain numbers appear in both arithmatic prozressions 17,21, 25, and 16, 21,26, Find the sum of first hundred numbers appearing in both progressions 54 Each of the two triplets of numbers log @ log &, log ¢ and Jog a—log 26, log 2h~log 3c fog Ie—log ain an AP Can the numbers a, 5, c, be the lengths of the sides of a triangle? If they can, what kind of triangle 1s it? Find the angles of the triangle provided that it extsts Solutions To Problem Set (A) io Reds, Tyat+d=—77 Solying the above two, we get a=13 and d=~3 qQ) Sih pat (a—l) d) = 42 [26414 (—3)]=~120 LetYa=—~—17) Then a+(i-—-1) d=—17 13-4 (@—1) (~3)=—17 3a=33 or nell Let S,=20 Then > [Qo+(i—4) d}=20 2 [2x13-4(1—1) (—3)]=40 by (1) 3n8—29n-4+40=0 (a—8) n—5)=0 no8 The value of m7 cannot be fractional a=20, d= ~¥ and let 54300 te $ [2 204 (n—1) (—2/3)] 300 ~ Simplifying #—61n+900—0 or (4-25) (2—36)=—0 ’ w=25 or 36, Since common ratio 1s negative and Sy,=354_=5300, it shows that the sum of last cleven te Tyg Taz, Tye 18 2er0 3) (a) Puttnga), 2,3 T= oh We get the Series as 1, 5/4, 3/2, a=}, d=} Sts Se 14 (104 tho 12 2821470 Progressions (AP) s19 '6 6 Do yours elf Ist terms of nth group=!-+ aed * Ist term of 50th group= 1226 Ans 62525 27 ‘The number of terms in successive groups are 1,2 3 , and hence in wth there will ben terms in AP of common diffe- rence 2 The only thing we have to find 1s the first term The successive first terms are 1, 3, 7, 13 whose successive differences 2, 4,6 are mn AP Smlt3474134 475 fs 143-7 47 +7 Subtract Ont OLtE6 (a—1) terms)—Ty a1 nent nt The terms in nth group form an A P orwhch gent—n-+1, d=2, nn Sas F 12 (=n) +G—1) 21 sh [r—n7-+1--a—lan near Let the three numbers in AP be a—d a, a+d Sum==3ae15 * ded Sum of their square ==(a—~d)*+ a'-+-(a-+d)'=83 or 3a%2dtea83 or 2d%=283-—3 25 P=4 of deeb? Hence the numb*rs are 3 5,7 or 7,5 3 Here 3aes12 a=4 Also (a—d)8--a9-f-(a-+-d)*=288 3a*+4-6adt=e288 or 24d%2288~-3% 642296 dics4 or d=+2 Hence the numbers are 24,6 or 6,4, 2 {a) Let the four numbers in AP be a-—3d, a—d, a+d, at3d Sum 4q=20 aqa5S Sunt of their squares==4a"+-20d%=120 20d*=120—4 x 25-=20 P=) or d=+l Hence the numbers are 2, 4, 6,8 or 8, 6, 4,2 (b) ae8,de+t Numbersan 5, 7,9,11 or 11,9,7,5 Here 4g=-28 ant Also G34) (a+) __ 80 Gd) @F 3d)” ilo figebra (2) 44 (t) faja,,0;, ,¢, be im AP of non zero terms prove that i 1 1 1 o aa,t ZyGnny TyTy—y + + ag, 2 11 1 a: +oq (c+ at +z) ~1 mw +41, ,1 24 90, 9 aay, Be Fn a8 f 45 The number of terms of an AP is even, the sum a the odd terms is 24, of the cven terms 30, and the Jast ie exceeds the first by 104, find the number of terms and th serie 46 0 Let the Sequence @,,0,, ds, form ao AP and fet a=? prove that Gs Oe, ae a flak a ay as? ast + a(t at Ta Groat as Ga ft 47 Find the sum of aif two digit numbers which whe? divided by 4, yield unity as remainder 8 48 findan AP in which sum of any number of terms always three times the squared number of these terms 49 150 workers were engaged te finish a piece of work a acertair number of days Four workers dropped the seco? day, four more workers dropped the third day and so of takes 8 more days to finish the work now Find the number © days an which the work was completed 50 Along aroad he an odd number of stones placed # intervals of 10 meters These stones have to be assembled arovs the middle stone A person can carry onfy one stone at 4 time Aman carned the yob with one of the end stones by carrying them in succession In carrying all the stones he covered 4 dis tance of kin Find the number of stones 51 aBey*22 prove that 3,3 logy x 3 loge y, 7 lee forman AP 52 (a) Provethatif p,q, r (pstq) ate terms ( necessarily consecutive) of an AP, then there exists a ratioy number A such tha, (r—g)/(g ~p) = t Tar 120 Algebra 2) or 15 [at~ 32 ~ Pom 9 fat 3 2ad} of Tt Idtertbad of TA9— Myre AI XT A Of $9 Fut did oF 3dt-ps bd —A9 oO (d=1) (R449), det Required numbers are 4, 6, 8, 10 2, Let the means be a, x; Xa so that Le Xp Xp Xe SD san AP of (1-4-2) terms. VW Ty meat (+ 1) ded + (m+ bd 30 dua aT U} We are given that uae Tr atid 5 Xone 9 Tn" at(m-fyd 9 er 9a4+63de=5a4 (5n1~5) d or 41 2 (5n1—68) 30. by () m+l or Um 2—75m—1020 1022 73 mes 1022 oe mes lO m 5 id 33 a, Xyy Xp Xe Sisan AP of n-+2 terns Where X49. Xe are A M’s between a and & b= Tua, G4 (41) d oof end 0 We have to find x--2,4+ +2 t =T+ Ty tT nay =(a+d)Hat2d)+ +(a+nd) exttatd (1243+ 2) = ratds (I+) wo na 2 (40) = 2 @atb—a) an Gt? {AM of a and 4] ath AM ofaand 6 1s z mdition atttortt — a45 ate 34 By the given co ogressions (A P) 113 T=, Thy=atd=b d=b—a fee Fea4(n—)) dae po2 wl aT ba 5 c-a c+b—2a Rew atl = a a dd) a (c+-4~2a) Seaz (athe say (ba) (@+e) by (D, Q) Ty=54—-Sy, Now Se=3n?+-4n Seai=3 (n—1)9+4 (2-1) 38-201 Ta=(327-+ 4n)—Ga? — 2n—1) by (1) 6n+1 * Ty=7, T2213, Ty 19 agen}, d=6 Ta nL I = [2a4-(et—1) d] 2 Sam at Sy 7 nt y Rati—1) dl] seem or 24 (a—ama (mt (n—1)—4 (Wt 1} or 2a (u-m)=d (n—m) dus2aq Ty h(m—1) d_at(m—l) 2a 2m] Sek T. a@+(n—1)@ a+(n—1) 3a tn~t Sy Patt) dl _ 3a48 5a Ba $014 J nF nal a ae _5at8 | onigta Tes Q 1 @) = We have to find pe een Ch ng atau of m=23 in £1) we get Tis og GUE 3 23)48 77 7 Pa adild 73yFls 1% “16 n=! ab 3 Tit Sri 2 ®) Y +H gy ERe w Progressions (4 P) or 2anth- 2 Batt cn tif beth b abs bat or th—gbesafPa—P) of as (a—5)=5* (a~b) * @teaga Above ss possible only when m=s0 ata be Let a and 6 be the two numbers so that 7+-e73 given (£) Let 2n (even) means be inserted between them so that Xu Xp Fu, 18 an AP of (2-4-2) terms whose first term 18 a and last term 13 5 and whose sum 1s EE? fat blaCetl) (at) Sum of the means=:Sum of the series—(a-+-6) (224-1) (given)=(#-+-1) (a--4)—(a+8) =n (a-+5} ur 2r-ple=n 43 by (1) or 1204-61310 n-=6 Hence the number of means inserted = 21= 12 36 Do yourself 37 Do yourself 38 Do yourself 39 Do yourself Oe T,=a,t-(n 1) d : (o=ai) =dor (lan) Cen | [Vlada ad rad [V@)+-V@liv@)~V@)=4 —TaseTeay [veo ved Tearrray |v ed—vees) 35 (2) 1 # | Jemrrves veo e.0 Adding we get — _ fb d d S=[/(an)—/(a) = Waytvay by (1) where S denotes the sum of the given series . f—-) Wn) Gi) 41 (a) Since the three terms are in A P 2 logiy (2*—- 1) = logy 2+-logss (2*+-3) of (2%-1)"=2 (244-3) 112 Algebra (2) (b) Using the property e (1) of P 105, we get GPA 9 Ay TF Ay6 Ayo Og Abe Hence the given relations reduces to 3 (Qy-k dey) 225, giving apt en 75, Hence $ i= 3 (ay-+ ay} 12% 75-2900 (c) Ans 98 4 Sax 64 2a+-Td=al6 jet Sio=361 . 2a+18sfen38 Solving a=l, = Sy= > (2 14-(2—1) 2Jesnt 5) Sip=3600, Syy=3600—} (3600) =-2400, because after paying 30 instalments (1/3)rd of debt ts § left The above two equations give 2a-+39d== 180 and 2a-+29d= 160 Solving them we get d==2 and a=S5l Ze the value of first mstalment 1s Rs 51 (b) Do yourself Ans 16 6 Sum of the interior angles of a polygon of n sides =(2n—4) n/2=(n~—2) 2 Also @==120°, d=s5° Fr (2 120°4(a— 1) 5°]=(u~2) 180° Cancel Sand sim tall ply 13—25n-+ 144220 (r= 9) (n—16)=0 * n=9,16 But when 7 © n=16, Ta a+(16—B d=120°+15 x 5°= 155 fait This 1s not possible as anterior angle cannot be greater tha 180° n==9 1s the correct answer 7 Ans $n (n log (a/b}+Iog abl 8 Ta=at(m~l) den Solving we get nel Tasat(n-V) dam d=—1 and a=m+ Tp=a-+(p—1) d=m-+n-1+(p— Yu Nemtnee Tingn=O+ (4-1) da(m+a—1) H(m fn—) (“= 0 nt 25 9 S=z (a+?) or ani =? ' @ l=a+(n—1) dso that datos Now put for n from (1) in (2) Alt Bag Ba by (yxkatad by ( 25—(--a) 0 -Fay— (Fa) ni 122 or 42 Algebra (2) or (y—1'=2 (9-43) where yo?" or y= 4p—S=0 acl * (-5SQ+N-0 or }=5, Vays or 2s=35 x=slog, 5 (b) Since 5144.44. 5t-%, g/2, 25%-- 25-7 are an AP, we have 2 af2aSits4-St-* £25 .25-«, Now put Ste so that ¢> 0, we then have 51-5 ft tt bt Bo (18 1/18) StL /1) aen(tm 1 t)*E24 S(t 14/242) =a(t—1 fry SC 14/2412 DB 12 Thus values of ¢ are given by the inequality a 2 12 Ti+ Trt Ts4 Ta Tait Toget n terms te nexta terms Add Ty-+ 7+ Tm to both sides, we get 28m T+ Ty + Timah (rata) terms 2Sm=Sain ind similarly 2 Som Sms > 25 E (2a-b¢m—-1) dja DUE" mre [2a4-(--n—1) d] a 2 n (at (m1) d}= lite mp [2a+(m-+p—1) dl @ We have to elim nate the unknown quanuties a and 7 2at(at-+-n—l) d__ 2m From ()) “ap@i—= Id man Now subtract (1) flom each side nd amen Sarat) nen Q) Similarly from (2) on replacing n by p in (3}, we get pd top Meu hd wp (4) Dividing (3) and (4), we get n -( man ) (ae - m+n mtr) (mn) (m@—p)_. fa. (n+p) BD ent cP mtn or (ove) (5 ,— t—(tp) (4 ~ x) or men) (Z-2) emis 7 Progressions (A P) 113 10 Ty=4, y=atd=b d=b—~a 1=T,=a+-(u—1) dee n—1a88 8 ~"d ba \ e-—a e+b-—2a npaytle a _t {e4+b—2a) Say (at ASE (abe) by (, °) MW Ty=Sa—-S,-1 Now S,=3nt--da Sp =3 (n—-13°+4 (2 -D= a3 —2n—I T= (3n*+-4n}—(3n?—2n—1) by (1) 6n-+1 T,=57, Ty=13, T=19 auT, d==6 Ta=6n-+ 1 = [2a4-(m—1) d 2 Sma, mn a Soom S at(n—~) dy tee =o or 2a (a—m)=4 un (A—1)—24 (ni —1)} or ms (a--in)=d (n—m) d=2a Tm ttla—l) d_at(a~l) 2a, amd Tm a+(n—l)d at(n—1) 2a iT _pRoto-) dj io - iat 22a +(a—l d'} nol ates 4 348 or "nls a | Tis a-+ild We have to find =5*- Pr ahiid Ch oing aen or w=23 in (1) we get Ty Stila _ 3 (23)4-8 77 7 ra a iid T3415 7% 16 ry St “=z 4 att 5,’ ala “GnF37 dy) Progressions (A P) 123 43° Now a°—a,%=(a:~ ds) (a+ as) —d (yb ) Osh — ama, ~ a4) (aq ag)e= —d (aya) Oy y= a~d (Geen teet) Adding we get m—d [tart dy] 2k 1 Sad Sym — > [ay tay) aw or S-=—dk (atau) We have to elimmate d a—8 Now a,=a,+(2h~1)d or, oe Putting the value of —-d in (1), we get om k (ay dn) Se aT Lit ata 44 mpi &) na ap an Ld Mactan dad ta td _ anh, My Onny Ay Gay Ot Dent Oy Tomy (a, -+4,4) = at (a3—a%,x) Lyllata a MFGn Gn On ty day 11 I Adding a 5) =(an+a,) [ae tty cal Q, An-y aq Dy 2 1! 1 } “t Oa tay fatat &n, Jou 1 1 ~| Gy Gn +3 Gage @, a4 } 1 aft _t “) ae, aa, al i lft. i 1 po vane] On~y Ty aq Ayny y. Whence by addition, we get ii4 or 14 16 Apgebta Q) Tp _,. CAG) if an! Tatas he n=2p-iin (D Ty, ! Qp-Dr! l4p—6 T, 4 @p—1)+27 Ep-+23 Now replace » by #1n the above (c) Procerd as ibove, Clearly the numbers between 250 and 1000 which are dive sible by3 arc 252, 255, 258 999 » Tyr 999ea-+(n- 1) d= 282-+(1n—1) 3 333=84tn—-1 * 4333-83250 =a lt na? [252+ 999 ]x 125 x 1251= 15637 (1) Odd numbers between 2 and 1000 are 3, 5,7, 9,11, 13,15 993, 995, 997, 999 Those odd numbers which are divisible by 3 are 3,9, 15, 21 ,993, 999 They form an AP of of which ama}, d=6, 125999 [=T,ca+(n—l) d 999a03+(n—1) 6 3332 42n—2 or 334=2n nos l67 S=5 letll= st (3+ 999]-22 x 10020167 x507 = 167% 500 + 167=83500 + 167==83667 (uy) Ans #* Qu) Ans 867 (Gav) Let the odd integers be 2m-+1, Qmn£3, Unt their numbd.r ben Then SP 1BEE (2 GMED+O—Y 2 a1 (2m) =Imay nt or 57—1P=Cimny—ne . Hence m==13 and a--m=57 or noS7—130044 Hence the :-quired oda integers are 27, 29,31, 13 wet the first term be A and common difference be D Spe P2444 9-1) DI” a It1s given that T,=aand Ty=b A+ (p—1) D= _ _b 4+q—1) p=} Sab racting (9-9) Dw and @ 124 Algebra Q) 1, 1 tft ty bee, a aa, ant + anaz i= dja, &n, al @#-Dd_anl d ayG, Ayan 45 Ans 8 terms, seriés is 14, 3, 43, 46 Let d be the common difference of the given AP Then since a,==0, we have a,=d, a,=24, ay=(n—l) ¢ 2d, 3d, 4d (i—ijd Hence LHS =a tagtagt +Gn2d 1 ,i.1 i ) —4(a+aytaat + w= HdT =e ( 14h)+(145)+ +( 14325) ! 14] ! ) t(gts)-(uertst ties wol+l+1-4 to (1-2) terms +5 =(n—~ Tana Qs 1) ae 47 The first two digit number which when divided by 4 leaves remainder 115 43-L1-13 and last 1s 4244197, form (4k-+1) Thus we have to find the sum of 13+17+2)4 97 which 1s an A P 97=13-++(n—1) 4 n=2) Soh [atl [134 97a! x 110-~1210 48 S,==374 by given condition > Lprat(n—) d]=3n? or 2a~dan (6—d) U The relation (1) #8 to hold good for all values of # LHS ¥ constant whereas R HS varies with x 1f 6—d<0 whielt #5 not possible Hence we must have 6-d=0 1e d=6 and then 2a—d=-0 2a=d=6 or a=3 A P is 349-415-4214 49 Let the work finish m # days when the workers started dtoP* ping so that the total number of workers who worked at these days 1s the sum o1 A P 150-146-1424 terms =F 12(150)-+(n—1) (-4)]=0 (152—2n) wo Progressions (Ad P) 115 a—bh a @) Adding 24+(p-+9--2) D=a+d, or 24-(ptq—l) Daatb+D=atb4+ a Jone us 4x soa -& 13 aM J= =(E+ DA fq sapis yjoq Suiprarq (2) 3 = (F+a=6 = (le) 64% ‘1-+47=ppo 4 ay? “Yo=8 (C—NZ) “yT=suasa s 6 A=) +140 (1-47) g uis==g (j ~4z) wis aig O=9 ws O=[g uis —g ([—4z) uts} g urs O=9 uis—p UIs 9 (JH) UIs (q-¥) us (g-+p) ug gus—y US a ol Mfg 10 © ey ~ so0=9= “pr humes * $09=0=8§ $09 Cit at=g 7/+ $09==9=9 509 Q=9 S09 gg S097 JO YAP S0I++99 SOD 09 $09-+6Z SOI= fp S09 BZ SOD T=gh $03 ~ 9% SOD zie ee SL pneg 10 Spm ez tle i -)t=a O=9z 09 ‘T=6 urs o=(i—¢ us) gz 500 0% 809 Z=a(1—g 3509 %) Tez sodguisT aan aay CS) ot uf —)—i=6 (2) UIS= gpg UIS—=g UNS O1/~ I) re 9 Ol/t uss ygf UIS=A UIs 16 SUONONDY pOopspatupuosi~ye 126 Algebra (2) Since J, m, mare -fve mntegers and ml, (nn) /n—/) 38 8 tational number (b) Th= ¥2, T= 3, T= VJ5 Y¥3—2=T,—-Th=(q—-B), VS— v3=¢-7)4 V3—V2_9-P V5—v3o rope SY @ ASP, q.7 are +e integers so £15 @ rationa number 10 (1) Squaring (1) we get 5—24/6=k* 8 --24/15) SeNarRAD) Wevo=@ t—8)/2= 9 589 @) Here 5 18 again a rationa' pumber = Square again oS Keb G—2a/[ 90)) R25? 9 1SK*-f 6st 64/10) k? or (15k4— 59-6) /6k?= + (10) @) LHS of (3) 13 rational whereas RHS -+y(10) 1s srrational which 18 not possible Hence 9/2, /3, v5 cannot be three terms of an AP 53 (a) Itas easy to observe that both the serses consist of 102 terms Let Tp=3+ 4(p—1)=4 p—1 and Ty=2+7 (q—1)=7q—5 be the general terms of the two series where both p and q ln between I and 102 We have to the values of p and q for which T;=T, re 4p—l=71q—-5 or 4(p+1l)=71q (1) Now p and q are ive integers and hence from (I) We con clude that g 1s multiple of 4 and so let gqa4s and as 7 Ites between L and 102 therefore s hes between 1 and 25 Now puttmg q=4s im (1) we get 4 (p-ti)=7 (45) or p=is—) Q) ‘Again p lies between? ud 102 and hence from (2); § should lye between | and 14 (instead of 1 and 25) ‘Thus there are only 14 terms common to both the A P’s T,=4p—1=4 (7s--1)—1 by (2) =285—5 Now put s=1, 2,3 14 and the common terms are 79 etc (u) Denoting the mth and mth terms of the IW) pie pressions by Zn and T’m, we have Ta 17+ (+l) feadat} and T’p=16-+Gu—1) S=Sm+11 For common terms, we must have Ty=T ow oe Anbl3=s m-ll = 5ma2 ntl) This shows that Qn+l = 5k, k=1, 3,5 23, 5h

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