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Goa Engineering Examination System Page : 1

University Collegewise Student Result Register for VI th Semester Exam

[ 01 Civil ] ** RC 2007-08 **
Seat P.R. No. ARE Pro Sex Name of the Candidate Sem. 6 Sem. 5 Grand
No. Cd. vi. Total Total Total
Max. 850 Max. 850 Max. 1700
Theory Min. 340 Min. 340 Min. 0680
Sess Total Practical Oral Remarks
Max. 100 25 125 50 Or 25 50 Or 25

1501 201408577 (A) N F ANJALI SASIDHARAN ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Structural Design & Detailing in Concrete 040 000 040F 010E
Transportation Engineering II 041 005 046E $4
Geotechnical Engineering II 040 010 050E
Environmental Engineering I 035 $5 012 047E $5 016E
Design of Steel Structures II 031 014 045F 017E
Surveying II 053 006 059E 014E

1502 201509295 (A) N M COLACO RUSSELL PHILIP

Structural Design & Detailing in Concrete 000 000 000A 011E
Transportation Engineering II 042 001 043F
Geotechnical Engineering II 000 010 010A
Environmental Engineering I 040 015 055E 000A
Design of Steel Structures II 029 000 029F 015E
Surveying II 040 002 042F 000A
205 F 355 $13 C 0560 $13 F

1503 201511307 (A) N M DESSAI RAJAS VITHOBA ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Structural Design & Detailing in Concrete 049 010 059E 016E
Transportation Engineering II 034 006 040F
Geotechnical Engineering II 014 010 024F
Environmental Engineering I 039 $1 009 048E $2 010E
Design of Steel Structures II 042 010 052E 016E
Surveying II 042 010 052E 006F

1504 201203538 (A) N F DIAS BENFRA PRISCA ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Structural Design & Detailing in Concrete 000 004 004A 015E
Transportation Engineering II 000 004 004A
Geotechnical Engineering II 000 011 011A
Environmental Engineering I 000 010 010A 000A
Design of Steel Structures II 000 000 000A 000A
Surveying II 000 002 002A 000A


Structural Design & Detailing in Concrete 037 004 041F 014E
Transportation Engineering II 045 017 062E
Geotechnical Engineering II 040 015 055E
Environmental Engineering I 035 $5 016 051E $5 000A
Design of Steel Structures II 017 011 028F 015E
Surveying II 041 010 051E 010E
327 $05 F 380 $04 C 0707 $09 F

P: Pass Class; F: Fails; A: Absent; N: Non Appearance D: First Class with Distinction;I: First Class; S: Second Class;
C: Passed in Compartment; X: Not answered Sem. 5
Goa Engineering Examination System Page : 2
University Collegewise Student Result Register for VI th Semester Exam

[ 01 Civil ] ** RC 2007-08 **
Seat P.R. No. ARE Pro Sex Name of the Candidate Sem. 6 Sem. 5 Grand
No. Cd. vi. Total Total Total
Max. 850 Max. 850 Max. 1700
Theory Min. 340 Min. 340 Min. 0680
Sess Total Practical Oral Remarks
Max. 100 25 125 50 Or 25 50 Or 25


Structural Design & Detailing in Concrete 040 013 053E 012E
Transportation Engineering II 052 014 066E
Geotechnical Engineering II 052 018 070E
Environmental Engineering I 053 010 063E 013E
Design of Steel Structures II 054 017 071E 015E
Surveying II 060 010 070E 005F
438 F 372 $06 C 0810 $06 F


Structural Design & Detailing in Concrete 000 010 010A 011E
Transportation Engineering II 000 006 006A
Geotechnical Engineering II 031 010 041F
Environmental Engineering I 029 012 041F 014E
Design of Steel Structures II 031 014 045F 015E
Surveying II 000 010 010A 010E
203 F 347 $13 C 0550 $13 F

1508 201509332 (A) N M NAIK KAUSHIK UMAKANT

Structural Design & Detailing in Concrete 049 011 060E 012E
Transportation Engineering II 061 012 073E
Geotechnical Engineering II 030 010 040F
Environmental Engineering I 040 015 055E 014E
Design of Steel Structures II 060 009 069E 016E
Surveying II 045 006 051E 010E
400 F 354 $13 C 0754 $13 F

1509 201509304 (A) N M NAIK OMKAR UMESH ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Structural Design & Detailing in Concrete 026 013 039F 012E
Transportation Engineering II 052 011 063E
Geotechnical Engineering II 024 015 039F
Environmental Engineering I 050 018 068E 014E
Design of Steel Structures II 044 017 061E 015E
Surveying II 040 014 054E 011E

1510 201203635 (A) N F SHAIK ROSHNAR ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Structural Design & Detailing in Concrete 000 013 013A 010E
Transportation Engineering II 000 010 010A
Geotechnical Engineering II 000 010 010A
Environmental Engineering I 000 016 016A 016E
Design of Steel Structures II 000 016 016A 018E
Surveying II 041 010 051E 010E

P: Pass Class; F: Fails; A: Absent; N: Non Appearance D: First Class with Distinction;I: First Class; S: Second Class;
C: Passed in Compartment; X: Not answered Sem. 5
Goa Engineering Examination System Page : 3
University Collegewise Student Result Register for VI th Semester Exam

[ 01 Civil ] ** RC 2007-08 **
Seat P.R. No. ARE Pro Sex Name of the Candidate Sem. 6 Sem. 5 Grand
No. Cd. vi. Total Total Total
Max. 850 Max. 850 Max. 1700
Theory Min. 340 Min. 340 Min. 0680
Sess Total Practical Oral Remarks
Max. 100 25 125 50 Or 25 50 Or 25

1511 201509353 (A) N M VEREKAR ROHAN RAMESH

Structural Design & Detailing in Concrete 048 015 063E 013E
Transportation Engineering II 043 014 057E
Geotechnical Engineering II 040 012 052E
Environmental Engineering I 051 013 064E 011E
Design of Steel Structures II 033 012 045F 018E
Surveying II 047 008 055E 015E
393 F 399 $10 C 0792 $10 F

1512 201509267 (A) N M VERNEKAR RUSHABH MAHESHWAR ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Structural Design & Detailing in Concrete 000 000 000A 012E
Transportation Engineering II 000 005 005A
Geotechnical Engineering II 014 010 024F
Environmental Engineering I 037 $3 008 045E $5 012E
Design of Steel Structures II 058 010 068E 017E
Surveying II 040 002 042F 010E


Structural Design & Detailing in Concrete 053 012 065+ 013+
Transportation Engineering II 039 $1 010 049+ $1
Geotechnical Engineering II 050 015 065+
Environmental Engineering I 058 017 075+ 015+
Design of Steel Structures II 035 $5 011 046+ $5 017+
Surveying II 053 013 066P 012+
423 $06 P 520 $05 C 0943 $11 C

1514 201309045 (E) N M AMITYANAND PANDEY

Structural Design & Detailing in Concrete 045 015 060+ 016+
Transportation Engineering II 044 010 054+
Geotechnical Engineering II 054 016 070+
Environmental Engineering I 055 016 071+ 018+
Design of Steel Structures II 047 015 062+ 016+
Surveying II 010 012 022F 018+
407 F 431 C 0838 F

1515 201511660 (E) N M BHUSARA RAHUL RAMTA

Structural Design & Detailing in Concrete 040 010 050+ 014+
Transportation Engineering II 050 013 063+
Geotechnical Engineering II 048 010 058+
Environmental Engineering I 040 009 049+ $1 010E
Design of Steel Structures II 035 $5 018 053+ $5 017+
Surveying II 054 012 066+ 005F
385 $06 F 401 $03 C 0786 $09 F

P: Pass Class; F: Fails; A: Absent; N: Non Appearance D: First Class with Distinction;I: First Class; S: Second Class;
C: Passed in Compartment; X: Not answered Sem. 5
Goa Engineering Examination System Page : 4
University Collegewise Student Result Register for VI th Semester Exam

[ 01 Civil ] ** RC 2007-08 **
Seat P.R. No. ARE Pro Sex Name of the Candidate Sem. 6 Sem. 5 Grand
No. Cd. vi. Total Total Total
Max. 850 Max. 850 Max. 1700
Theory Min. 340 Min. 340 Min. 0680
Sess Total Practical Oral Remarks
Max. 100 25 125 50 Or 25 50 Or 25

1516 201509312 (E) N M CHOORAKUTTY JOGIN GEORGE ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Structural Design & Detailing in Concrete 000 005 005A 000A
Transportation Engineering II 000 006 006A
Geotechnical Engineering II 047 010 057E
Environmental Engineering I 000 010 010A 000A
Design of Steel Structures II 000 004 004A 000A
Surveying II 043 002 045E $5 000A

1517 201203728 (E) N M HALDANKAR NIKHIL LAXMAN ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Structural Design & Detailing in Concrete 033 002 035F 011+
Transportation Engineering II 000 005 005A
Geotechnical Engineering II 032 #05$3 011 043+#05$3
Environmental Engineering I 078 010 088+ 010E
Design of Steel Structures II 042 006 048+#02 019+
Surveying II 054 007 061+ 010+


Structural Design & Detailing in Concrete 043 011 054+ 016+
Transportation Engineering II 053 008 061P
Geotechnical Engineering II 047 013 060P
Environmental Engineering I 053 011 064+ 016+
Design of Steel Structures II 050 010 060+ 018+
Surveying II 068 013 081+ 010+
440 P 381 $07 C 0821 $07 C


Structural Design & Detailing in Concrete 043 013 056P 012+
Transportation Engineering II 046 009 055+
Geotechnical Engineering II 044 010 054+
Environmental Engineering I 045 013 058+ 014+
Design of Steel Structures II 045 013 058P 017+
Surveying II 042 010 052+ 010P
386 P 363#09$03 C 0749#09$03 C


Structural Design & Detailing in Concrete 039 $1 011 050+ $1 014+
Transportation Engineering II 062 011 073P
Geotechnical Engineering II 050 011 061P
Environmental Engineering I 053 016 069+ 010+
Design of Steel Structures II 051 013 064P 018+
Surveying II 040 010 050+ 011+
420 $01 P 390 $08 P 0810 $09 C

P: Pass Class; F: Fails; A: Absent; N: Non Appearance D: First Class with Distinction;I: First Class; S: Second Class;
C: Passed in Compartment; X: Not answered Sem. 5
Goa Engineering Examination System Page : 5
University Collegewise Student Result Register for VI th Semester Exam

[ 01 Civil ] ** RC 2007-08 **
Seat P.R. No. ARE Pro Sex Name of the Candidate Sem. 6 Sem. 5 Grand
No. Cd. vi. Total Total Total
Max. 850 Max. 850 Max. 1700
Theory Min. 340 Min. 340 Min. 0680
Sess Total Practical Oral Remarks
Max. 100 25 125 50 Or 25 50 Or 25


Structural Design & Detailing in Concrete 045 012 057+ 014+
Transportation Engineering II 040 011 051+
Geotechnical Engineering II 043 010 053+
Environmental Engineering I 047 011 058+ 014+
Design of Steel Structures II 044 014 058+ 020+
Surveying II 050 006 056+ 005F
386 F 370 $13 C 0756 $13 F

1522 201401168 (E) N M NAIK SAHIL NARAYAN

Structural Design & Detailing in Concrete 040 013 053+ 012+
Transportation Engineering II 040 010 050E
Geotechnical Engineering II 042 010 052+
Environmental Engineering I 039 $1 012 051+ $1 012+
Design of Steel Structures II 045 008 053+ 017+
Surveying II 035 $5 011 046+ $5 004F
350 $06 F 383 $05 C 0733 $11 F

1523 201509289 (E) N M NARVEKAR DAMODAR ALIAS MAYURESH GAJANAN ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Structural Design & Detailing in Concrete 042 007 049+ $1 012+
Transportation Engineering II 028 010 038F
Geotechnical Engineering II 045 010 055+
Environmental Engineering I 049 007 056+ 010+
Design of Steel Structures II 046 003 049E $1 017+
Surveying II 035 $5 010 045+ $5 010E

1524 201203764 (E) N M PRAJAPATI DHARMESH DINESHBHAI ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Structural Design & Detailing in Concrete 040 002 042F 013+
Transportation Engineering II 028 010 038F
Geotechnical Engineering II 030 010 040F
Environmental Engineering I 035 $5 011 046+ $5 012+
Design of Steel Structures II 040 019 059E 018+
Surveying II 036 $4 010 046+ $4 010+

1525 201509320 (E) N M SALGAONKAR RUSHIKESH RAMAKANT ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Structural Design & Detailing in Concrete 050 005 055P 020+
Transportation Engineering II 040 012 052+
Geotechnical Engineering II 049 010 059+
Environmental Engineering I 038 $2 017 055+ $2 018+
Design of Steel Structures II 041 011 052+ 019+
Surveying II 057 004 061+ 010+

P: Pass Class; F: Fails; A: Absent; N: Non Appearance D: First Class with Distinction;I: First Class; S: Second Class;
C: Passed in Compartment; X: Not answered Sem. 5
Goa Engineering Examination System Page : 6
University Collegewise Student Result Register for VI th Semester Exam

[ 01 Civil ] ** RC 2007-08 **
Seat P.R. No. ARE Pro Sex Name of the Candidate Sem. 6 Sem. 5 Grand
No. Cd. vi. Total Total Total
Max. 850 Max. 850 Max. 1700
Theory Min. 340 Min. 340 Min. 0680
Sess Total Practical Oral Remarks
Max. 100 25 125 50 Or 25 50 Or 25

1526 201511664 (E) N M SANMIT P CHARI ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Structural Design & Detailing in Concrete 055 003 058P 019+
Transportation Engineering II 041 008 049+ $1
Geotechnical Engineering II 042 015 057+
Environmental Engineering I 051 010 061P 018+
Design of Steel Structures II 056 018 074P 019+
Surveying II 042 004 046P $4 010+

1527 201309030 (E) N M SATODKAR SHUBHAM ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Structural Design & Detailing in Concrete 040 014 054+ 013+
Transportation Engineering II 036 $4 010 046+ $4
Geotechnical Engineering II 014 010 024F
Environmental Engineering I 035 $5 012 047+ $5 010+
Design of Steel Structures II 035 $5 010 045+ $5 018+
Surveying II 040 007 047+ $3 004F

1528 201509325 (E) N M SHAIKH FAIZAL GAUS MAHAMAD ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Structural Design & Detailing in Concrete 035 $5 010 045+ $5 018+
Transportation Engineering II 019 013 032F
Geotechnical Engineering II 041 014 055+
Environmental Engineering I 000 014 014A 018+
Design of Steel Structures II 052 013 065E 019+
Surveying II 046 003 049+ $1 013+

1529 201509356 (E) N M SHIVA SINGH

Structural Design & Detailing in Concrete 059 002 061+ 000A
Transportation Engineering II 048 009 057+
Geotechnical Engineering II 055 010 065+
Environmental Engineering I 040 009 049+ $1 010E
Design of Steel Structures II 048 016 064E 017E
Surveying II 057 010 067+ 010E
400 $01 F 422 C 0822 $01 F

Read by Checked by Declared on Asst. Registrar-E(Prof) Controller of Examinations Registrar

P: Pass Class; F: Fails; A: Absent; N: Non Appearance D: First Class with Distinction;I: First Class; S: Second Class;
C: Passed in Compartment; X: Not answered Sem. 5
Goa Engineering Examination System Page : 7
University Collegewise Student Result Register for VI th Semester Exam

[ 02 Mechanical ] ** RC 2007-08 **
Seat P.R. No. ARE Pro Sex Name of the Candidate Sem. 6 Sem. 5 Grand
No. Cd. vi. Total Total Total
Max. 850 Max. 850 Max. 1700
Theory Min. 340 Min. 340 Min. 0680
Sess Total Practical Oral Remarks
Max. 100 25 125 50 Or 25 50 Or 25

1530 201509282 (A) N M DIUKAR ROHIT SUNIL ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Industrial Engineering 023 010 033F
Machine Design II 023 010 033F 017E
Gas Dynamics & Turbomachinaries 038 $2 009 047E $3 014E
Engineering Measurments & Metrology 043 013 056E 014E
Mechatronics 045 009 054E 018E
Operations & Project Management 031 007 038F

1531 201509315 (A) N M GAONKAR SHUBHAM PREMANAND ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Industrial Engineering 000 004 004A
Machine Design II 007 010 017F 014E
Gas Dynamics & Turbomachinaries 000 004 004A 015E
Engineering Measurments & Metrology 000 012 012A 000A
Mechatronics 003 004 007F 000A
Operations & Project Management 000 012 012A

1532 201509269 (A) N M HOBLE PRATIK PRASAD ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Industrial Engineering 036 $4 014 050E $4
Machine Design II 003 008 011F 016E
Gas Dynamics & Turbomachinaries 000 014 014A 018E
Engineering Measurments & Metrology 000 015 015A 015E
Mechatronics 052 009 061E 018E
Operations & Project Management 049 008 057E

1533 201508875 (A) N M KASKAR KRUPESH SHIVANAND ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Industrial Engineering 025 003 028F
Machine Design II 045 013 058E 018E
Gas Dynamics & Turbomachinaries 036 $4 008 044E $6 014E
Engineering Measurments & Metrology 040 013 053E 016E
Mechatronics 052 004 056E 021E
Operations & Project Management 044 010 054E

1534 201509286 (A) N M NAIK RAGHUVIR MAHANAND ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Industrial Engineering 035 $5 012 047P $5
Machine Design II 042 010 052P 017P
Gas Dynamics & Turbomachinaries 040 012 052P 016P
Engineering Measurments & Metrology 035 $5 014 049P $5 014P
Mechatronics 047 006 053P 012P
Operations & Project Management 064 012 076P

P: Pass Class; F: Fails; A: Absent; N: Non Appearance D: First Class with Distinction;I: First Class; S: Second Class;
C: Passed in Compartment; X: Not answered Sem. 5
Goa Engineering Examination System Page : 8
University Collegewise Student Result Register for VI th Semester Exam

[ 02 Mechanical ] ** RC 2007-08 **
Seat P.R. No. ARE Pro Sex Name of the Candidate Sem. 6 Sem. 5 Grand
No. Cd. vi. Total Total Total
Max. 850 Max. 875 Max. 1725
Theory Min. 340 Min. 350 Min. 0690
Sess Total Practical Oral Remarks
Max. 100 25 125 50 Or 25 50 Or 25

1535 201508916 (A) N M NAIK ROHIT CHANDRAKANT ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Industrial Engineering 000 004 004A
Machine Design II 000 010 010A 018E
Gas Dynamics & Turbomachinaries 038 $2 010 048E $2 015E
Engineering Measurments & Metrology 000 013 013A 014E
Mechatronics 054 007 061E 019E
Operations & Project Management 062 007 069E

1536 201401371 (A) N M TARI ANISH JAIPAL ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Industrial Engineering 000 009 009A
Machine Design II 000 011 011A 015E
Gas Dynamics & Turbomachinaries 028 008 036F 014E
Engineering Measurments & Metrology 000 014 014A 015E
Mechatronics 049 016 065E 018E
Operations & Project Management 030 013 043F


Industrial Engineering 065 000 065P
Machine Design II 054 008 062+ 015+
Gas Dynamics & Turbomachinaries 043 010 053+ 014+
Engineering Measurments & Metrology 053 017 070+ 018+
Mechatronics 048 008 056+ 017+
Operations & Project Management 040 016 056+
426 P 442 C 0868 C

1538 201203442 (E) N M CHARI VIKRAM VILAS ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Industrial Engineering 035 $5 014 049+ $5
Machine Design II 000 005 005A 013+
Gas Dynamics & Turbomachinaries 000 000 000A 000A
Engineering Measurments & Metrology 064 018 082+ 014+
Mechatronics 000 010 010A 016+
Operations & Project Management 040 007 047+ $3

1539 201406873 (E) N M KARAPURKAR DEEPEN DATTARAM ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Industrial Engineering 038 $2 015 053+ $2
Machine Design II 023 002 025F 014+
Gas Dynamics & Turbomachinaries 000 011 011F 012+
Engineering Measurments & Metrology 052 014 066+ 017+
Mechatronics 000 014 014F 000A
Operations & Project Management 009 006 015F

P: Pass Class; F: Fails; A: Absent; N: Non Appearance D: First Class with Distinction;I: First Class; S: Second Class;
C: Passed in Compartment; X: Not answered Sem. 5
Goa Engineering Examination System Page : 9
University Collegewise Student Result Register for VI th Semester Exam

[ 02 Mechanical ] ** RC 2007-08 **
Seat P.R. No. ARE Pro Sex Name of the Candidate Sem. 6 Sem. 5 Grand
No. Cd. vi. Total Total Total
Max. 850 Max. 850 Max. 1700
Theory Min. 340 Min. 340 Min. 0680
Sess Total Practical Oral Remarks
Max. 100 25 125 50 Or 25 50 Or 25

1540 201610527 (E) N M LOLAYEKAR NIKHIL NARESH ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Industrial Engineering 036 $4 010 046+ $4
Machine Design II 035 $5 013 048+ $5 017+
Gas Dynamics & Turbomachinaries 043 015 058P 014+
Engineering Measurments & Metrology 035 $5 016 051P $5 018+
Mechatronics 059 000 059P 010+
Operations & Project Management 043 016 059+

1541 201509360 (E) N M MOHAMMED SALIF SAYED ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Industrial Engineering 000 007 007A
Machine Design II 035 $5 010 045+ $5 018+
Gas Dynamics & Turbomachinaries 050 008 058+ 014+
Engineering Measurments & Metrology 000 009 009A 019+
Mechatronics 053 000 053E 010E
Operations & Project Management 000 007 007A

1542 201610551 (E) N M PRABHU VELGUENKAR SIDDHANT CHANDRESHWAR ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Industrial Engineering 061 013 074+
Machine Design II 004 011 015F 018+
Gas Dynamics & Turbomachinaries 043 014 057E 018+
Engineering Measurments & Metrology 050 015 065+ 019+
Mechatronics 041 012 053+ 019+
Operations & Project Management 035 $5 015 050+ $5

1543 201509050 (E) N M RITESH SINGH ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Industrial Engineering 065 004 069+
Machine Design II 040 007 047E $3 021E
Gas Dynamics & Turbomachinaries 000 007 007A 014+
Engineering Measurments & Metrology 050 000 050+ 017+
Mechatronics 047 009 056+ 010E
Operations & Project Management 000 000 000A

1544 201401048 (E) N M SAMANT SAMEER ANANT

Industrial Engineering 043 015 058+
Machine Design II 058 019 077P 016+
Gas Dynamics & Turbomachinaries 040 014 054+ 017+
Engineering Measurments & Metrology 040 021 061+ 020+
Mechatronics 041 019 060+ 023+
Operations & Project Management 037 $3 018 055+ $3
441 $03 P 482 $05 C 0923 $08 C

P: Pass Class; F: Fails; A: Absent; N: Non Appearance D: First Class with Distinction;I: First Class; S: Second Class;
C: Passed in Compartment; X: Not answered Sem. 5
Goa Engineering Examination System Page : 10
University Collegewise Student Result Register for VI th Semester Exam

[ 02 Mechanical ] ** RC 2007-08 **
Seat P.R. No. ARE Pro Sex Name of the Candidate Sem. 6 Sem. 5 Grand
No. Cd. vi. Total Total Total
Max. 850 Max. 850 Max. 1700
Theory Min. 340 Min. 340 Min. 0680
Sess Total Practical Oral Remarks
Max. 100 25 125 50 Or 25 50 Or 25

1545 201401374 (E) N M SHIRODKAR AMEY MAHADEV ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Industrial Engineering 048 013 061+
Machine Design II 002 010 012F 010+
Gas Dynamics & Turbomachinaries 035 #05 010 045+#05 018+
Engineering Measurments & Metrology 031 #04$5 024 055+#04$5 015+
Mechatronics 044 010 054E 010+
Operations & Project Management 040 014 054E

1546 201401419 (E) N M VIEGAS GAYLON CAVIN

Industrial Engineering 049 013 062+
Machine Design II 040 010 050P 014+
Gas Dynamics & Turbomachinaries 043 010 053+ 016+
Engineering Measurments & Metrology 047 016 063+ 018+
Mechatronics 035 $5 012 047+ $5 010+
Operations & Project Management 040 017 057+
390 $05 P 370 $10 C 0760 $15 C

1547 201401249 (E) N M VOLVOIKAR PRADOSH PRADIP ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Industrial Engineering 063 010 073+
Machine Design II 000 006 006A 012+
Gas Dynamics & Turbomachinaries 035 $5 010 045+ $5 000A
Engineering Measurments & Metrology 050 017 067+ 022+
Mechatronics 040 010 050+ 016+
Operations & Project Management 040 017 057+

Read by Checked by Declared on Asst. Registrar-E(Prof) Controller of Examinations Registrar

P: Pass Class; F: Fails; A: Absent; N: Non Appearance D: First Class with Distinction;I: First Class; S: Second Class;
C: Passed in Compartment; X: Not answered Sem. 5
Goa Engineering Examination System Page : 11
University Collegewise Student Result Register for VI th Semester Exam

[ 04 Electronics & Telecomm. ] ** RC 2007-08 **

Seat P.R. No. ARE Pro Sex Name of the Candidate Sem. 6 Sem. 5 Grand
No. Cd. vi. Total Total Total
Max. 850 Max. 850 Max. 1700
Theory Min. 340 Min. 340 Min. 0680
Sess Total Practical Oral Remarks
Max. 100 25 125 50 Or 25 50 Or 25

1548 201508935 (A) N M GAUNS SHIVAM SADASHIV ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Communication Engineering II 000 003 003A 020E
Peripheral Devices & Interfacing 000 005 005A
Power Electronics 000 008 008A
Antena & Wave Propagation 000 006 006A
Electronic Instrumentation 000 003 003A
VLSI Technology & Design 000 004 004A 026E


Communication Engineering II 050 014 064+ 031+
Peripheral Devices & Interfacing 049 004 053+
Power Electronics 066 017 083+
Antena & Wave Propagation 041 016 057+
Electronic Instrumentation 052 011 063+
VLSI Technology & Design 035 $5 011 046P $5 028+
425 $05 P 425 C 0850 $05 C

1550 201610478 (E) N M GAONKAR ANISH GOVIND ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Communication Engineering II 000 010 010A 030+
Peripheral Devices & Interfacing 040 016 056+
Power Electronics 042 018 060+
Antena & Wave Propagation 042 017 059+
Electronic Instrumentation 045 014 059+
VLSI Technology & Design 038 $2 015 053+ $2 030+


Communication Engineering II 042 006 048E $2 028+
Peripheral Devices & Interfacing 040 015 055+
Power Electronics 041 012 053+
Antena & Wave Propagation 055 012 067+
Electronic Instrumentation 047 014 061+
VLSI Technology & Design 027 011 038F 032+
382 $02 F 402 $11 C 0784 $13 F


Communication Engineering II 051 013 064+ 024+
Peripheral Devices & Interfacing 040 013 053+
Power Electronics 055 013 068+
Antena & Wave Propagation 060 014 074+
Electronic Instrumentation 054 008 062P
VLSI Technology & Design 054 015 069+ 033+
447 P 390 C 0837 C

P: Pass Class; F: Fails; A: Absent; N: Non Appearance D: First Class with Distinction;I: First Class; S: Second Class;
C: Passed in Compartment; X: Not answered Sem. 5
Goa Engineering Examination System Page : 12
University Collegewise Student Result Register for VI th Semester Exam

[ 04 Electronics & Telecomm. ] ** RC 2007-08 **

Seat P.R. No. ARE Pro Sex Name of the Candidate Sem. 6 Sem. 5 Grand
No. Cd. vi. Total Total Total
Max. 850 Max. 850 Max. 1700
Theory Min. 340 Min. 340 Min. 0680
Sess Total Practical Oral Remarks
Max. 100 25 125 50 Or 25 50 Or 25

1553 201508985 (E) N F GULE ASHWINI SANJAY

Communication Engineering II 050 022 072+ 035+
Peripheral Devices & Interfacing 064 019 083+
Power Electronics 060 020 080+
Antena & Wave Propagation 068 012 080+
Electronic Instrumentation 065 014 079P
VLSI Technology & Design 082 022 104+ 038+
571 P 473 P 1044 C


Communication Engineering II 040 012 052+ 024+
Peripheral Devices & Interfacing 035 $5 012 047+ $5
Power Electronics 035 $5 015 050+ $5
Antena & Wave Propagation 040 019 059+
Electronic Instrumentation 062 006 068P
VLSI Technology & Design 035 $5 013 048+ $5 035+
383 $15 P 398 $10 C 0781 $25 C

1555 201509193 (E) N M KUNDAIKAR SIDDHANT VASUDEV ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Communication Engineering II 035 $5 015 050+ $5 020+
Peripheral Devices & Interfacing 040 013 053+
Power Electronics 025 013 038F
Antena & Wave Propagation 052 017 069+
Electronic Instrumentation 041 010 051+
VLSI Technology & Design 043 010 053+ 024+

1556 201401611 (E) N M MAYEKAR VISHAL RAVI ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Communication Engineering II 051 002 053+ 020+
Peripheral Devices & Interfacing 035 006 041F
Power Electronics 023 010 033F
Antena & Wave Propagation 046 013 059+
Electronic Instrumentation 044 006 050E
VLSI Technology & Design 042 011 053E 030E


Communication Engineering II 054 016 070+ 040+
Peripheral Devices & Interfacing 052 015 067P
Power Electronics 048 018 066+
Antena & Wave Propagation 056 018 074+
Electronic Instrumentation 063 012 075+
VLSI Technology & Design 056 013 069+ 040+
501 P 480 C 0981 C

P: Pass Class; F: Fails; A: Absent; N: Non Appearance D: First Class with Distinction;I: First Class; S: Second Class;
C: Passed in Compartment; X: Not answered Sem. 5
Goa Engineering Examination System Page : 13
University Collegewise Student Result Register for VI th Semester Exam

[ 04 Electronics & Telecomm. ] ** RC 2007-08 **

Seat P.R. No. ARE Pro Sex Name of the Candidate Sem. 6 Sem. 5 Grand
No. Cd. vi. Total Total Total
Max. 850 Max. 850 Max. 1700
Theory Min. 340 Min. 340 Min. 0680
Sess Total Practical Oral Remarks
Max. 100 25 125 50 Or 25 50 Or 25

1558 201508927 (E) N M NAIK PRALHAD RAMA

Communication Engineering II 040 014 054+ 033+
Peripheral Devices & Interfacing 040 011 051+
Power Electronics 028 015 043F
Antena & Wave Propagation 035 $5 016 051+ $5
Electronic Instrumentation 051 010 061E
VLSI Technology & Design 035 $5 012 047+ $5 032+
372 $10 F 397 $05 C 0769 $15 F

1559 201509003 (E) N M NAIK VIVIDH BHARAT ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Communication Engineering II 035 $5 012 047+ $5 029+
Peripheral Devices & Interfacing 040 015 055+
Power Electronics 041 014 055+
Antena & Wave Propagation 038 $2 018 056+ $2
Electronic Instrumentation 054 004 058P
VLSI Technology & Design 046 016 062+ 035+

1560 201511560 (E) N F PATIL SAIDNYA SANDEEP ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Communication Engineering II 047 012 059+ 038+
Peripheral Devices & Interfacing 040 011 051P
Power Electronics 040 016 056+
Antena & Wave Propagation 045 014 059+
Electronic Instrumentation 055 006 061P
VLSI Technology & Design 035 $5 014 049+ $5 040+


Communication Engineering II 042 013 055P 035+
Peripheral Devices & Interfacing 040 018 058+
Power Electronics 040 017 057+
Antena & Wave Propagation 044 017 061+
Electronic Instrumentation 035 $5 010 045+ $5
VLSI Technology & Design 048 014 062+ 036+
409 $05 P 376 $16 C 0785 $21 C

1562 201509134 (E) N M PRABHU JEEVAN NILESH

Communication Engineering II 042 015 057+ 040+
Peripheral Devices & Interfacing 052 016 068P
Power Electronics 035 $5 014 049+ $5
Antena & Wave Propagation 044 011 055+
Electronic Instrumentation 035 $5 015 050+ $5
VLSI Technology & Design 046 013 059+ 038+
416 $10 P 437 $10 P 0853 $20 C

P: Pass Class; F: Fails; A: Absent; N: Non Appearance D: First Class with Distinction;I: First Class; S: Second Class;
C: Passed in Compartment; X: Not answered Sem. 5
Goa Engineering Examination System Page : 14
University Collegewise Student Result Register for VI th Semester Exam

[ 04 Electronics & Telecomm. ] ** RC 2007-08 **

Seat P.R. No. ARE Pro Sex Name of the Candidate Sem. 6 Sem. 5 Grand
No. Cd. vi. Total Total Total
Max. 850 Max. 850 Max. 1700
Theory Min. 340 Min. 340 Min. 0680
Sess Total Practical Oral Remarks
Max. 100 25 125 50 Or 25 50 Or 25

1563 201509177 (E) N M SEQUEIRA GARY SAMUEL

Communication Engineering II 043 013 056P 032+
Peripheral Devices & Interfacing 045 016 061+
Power Electronics 035 $5 015 050+ $5
Antena & Wave Propagation 038 $2 010 048P $2
Electronic Instrumentation 059 011 070+
VLSI Technology & Design 052 015 067+ 035+
419 $07 P 430 $08 C 0849 $15 C

1564 201105656 (E) N M SHIRODKAR SAISH YASHWANT ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Communication Engineering II 018 001 019F 015+#03$2
Peripheral Devices & Interfacing 025 001 026F
Power Electronics 030 #05$5 011 041E#05$5
Antena & Wave Propagation 006 001 007F
Electronic Instrumentation 009 000 009F
VLSI Technology & Design 022 011 033F 025+


Communication Engineering II 048 016 064+ 020+
Peripheral Devices & Interfacing 035 005 040F
Power Electronics 045 013 058+
Antena & Wave Propagation 044 017 061+
Electronic Instrumentation 047 010 057+
VLSI Technology & Design 035 $5 012 047+ $5 031+
378 $05 F 338 $13 C 0716 $18 F

Read by Checked by Declared on Asst. Registrar-E(Prof) Controller of Examinations Registrar

P: Pass Class; F: Fails; A: Absent; N: Non Appearance D: First Class with Distinction;I: First Class; S: Second Class;
C: Passed in Compartment; X: Not answered Sem. 5
Goa Engineering Examination System Page : 15
University Collegewise Student Result Register for VI th Semester Exam

[ 05 Computer ] ** RC 2007-08 **
Seat P.R. No. ARE Pro Sex Name of the Candidate Sem. 6 Sem. 5 Grand
No. Cd. vi. Total Total Total
Max. 850 Max. 850 Max. 1700
Theory Min. 340 Min. 340 Min. 0680
Sess Total Practical Oral Remarks
Max. 100 25 125 50 Or 25 50 Or 25

1566 201509214 (A) N M GAONKAR ABHIJIT ARJUN ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Modern Algorithm Design Foundation 038 $2 010 048E $2
Object Oriented Software Engineering 044 016 060E
Artificial Intelligence 026 010 036F 020E
Computer Graphics 002 016 018F 028E
Device Interface & PC Maintenance 042 010 052E
Data Communications 046 012 058E


Modern Algorithm Design Foundation 000 013 013A
Object Oriented Software Engineering 040 019 059E
Artificial Intelligence 050 011 061E 030E
Computer Graphics 063 018 081E 025E
Device Interface & PC Maintenance 059 017 076E
Data Communications 059 019 078E
423 F 485 C 0908 F

1568 201401546 (A) N M GODINHO CANASSIUS PERVIZ ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Modern Algorithm Design Foundation 028 008 036F
Object Oriented Software Engineering 032 010 042F
Artificial Intelligence 030 000 030F 020E
Computer Graphics 024 007 031F 023E
Device Interface & PC Maintenance 040 011 051E
Data Communications 029 007 036F

1569 201305646 (A) N M HAVIL VITHU BETKEKAR ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Modern Algorithm Design Foundation 026 008 034F
Object Oriented Software Engineering 027 010 037F
Artificial Intelligence 023 000 023F 028E
Computer Graphics 021 004 025F 022E
Device Interface & PC Maintenance 037 $3 010 047E $3
Data Communications 042 000 042F

1570 201509170 (A) N M NAIK NEHAL RAJENDRA ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Modern Algorithm Design Foundation 009 011 020F
Object Oriented Software Engineering 025 012 037F
Artificial Intelligence 024 010 034F 030E
Computer Graphics 002 018 020F 027E
Device Interface & PC Maintenance 037 $3 011 048E $3
Data Communications 040 012 052E

P: Pass Class; F: Fails; A: Absent; N: Non Appearance D: First Class with Distinction;I: First Class; S: Second Class;
C: Passed in Compartment; X: Not answered Sem. 5
Goa Engineering Examination System Page : 16
University Collegewise Student Result Register for VI th Semester Exam

[ 05 Computer ] ** RC 2007-08 **
Seat P.R. No. ARE Pro Sex Name of the Candidate Sem. 6 Sem. 5 Grand
No. Cd. vi. Total Total Total
Max. 850 Max. 875 Max. 1725
Theory Min. 340 Min. 350 Min. 0690
Sess Total Practical Oral Remarks
Max. 100 25 125 50 Or 25 50 Or 25

1571 201401604 (A) N M REDKAR SAHIL ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Modern Algorithm Design Foundation 000 000 000A
Object Oriented Software Engineering 027 000 027F
Artificial Intelligence 000 000 000A 000A
Computer Graphics 000 000 000A 000A
Device Interface & PC Maintenance 000 000 000A
Data Communications 000 000 000A

1572 20140609 (A) N M VAIGANKAR OMKAR ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Modern Algorithm Design Foundation 035 $5 009 044E $6
Object Oriented Software Engineering 036 $4 010 046E $4
Artificial Intelligence 025 002 027F 028E
Computer Graphics 022 006 028F 035E
Device Interface & PC Maintenance 035 $5 010 045E $5
Data Communications 043 006 049E $1

1573 201401700 (A) N M WAGH SAHEEL RAMRAO ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Modern Algorithm Design Foundation 012 006 018F
Object Oriented Software Engineering 043 014 057E
Artificial Intelligence 037 $3 010 047E $3 000A
Computer Graphics 025 001 026F 000A
Device Interface & PC Maintenance 049 010 059E
Data Communications 058 005 063E

1574 201509124 (E) N M FERNANDES ALOYSIUS MACBETH ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Modern Algorithm Design Foundation 020 008 028F
Object Oriented Software Engineering 040 017 057+
Artificial Intelligence 040 010 050+ 045+
Computer Graphics 038 $2 022 060+ $2 040+
Device Interface & PC Maintenance 035 $5 015 050+ $5
Data Communications 037 $3 013 050+ $3

1575 201401595 (E) N M GOMES GAVIN ROCKLYN ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Modern Algorithm Design Foundation 047 000 047E $3
Object Oriented Software Engineering 050 015 065+
Artificial Intelligence 020 000 020F 028E
Computer Graphics 053 000 053+ 035E
Device Interface & PC Maintenance 038 000 038F
Data Communications 000 000 000A

P: Pass Class; F: Fails; A: Absent; N: Non Appearance D: First Class with Distinction;I: First Class; S: Second Class;
C: Passed in Compartment; X: Not answered Sem. 5
Goa Engineering Examination System Page : 17
University Collegewise Student Result Register for VI th Semester Exam

[ 05 Computer ] ** RC 2007-08 **
Seat P.R. No. ARE Pro Sex Name of the Candidate Sem. 6 Sem. 5 Grand
No. Cd. vi. Total Total Total
Max. 850 Max. 850 Max. 1700
Theory Min. 340 Min. 340 Min. 0680
Sess Total Practical Oral Remarks
Max. 100 25 125 50 Or 25 50 Or 25


Modern Algorithm Design Foundation 055 010 065+
Object Oriented Software Engineering 054 015 069+
Artificial Intelligence 040 010 050P 039+
Computer Graphics 049 015 064+ 044+
Device Interface & PC Maintenance 041 017 058+
Data Communications 046 020 066+
455 P 450 $09 P 0905 $09 C

1577 201406816 (E) N M KAMAT NIKHIL YESHWANT ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Modern Algorithm Design Foundation 017 006 023F
Object Oriented Software Engineering 036 $4 019 055E $4
Artificial Intelligence 035 006 041F 030+
Computer Graphics 024 012 036F 043+
Device Interface & PC Maintenance 035 $5 010 045E $5
Data Communications 014 005 019F

1578 201509106 (E) N M KUNKOLKAR MUKESH RAMA

Modern Algorithm Design Foundation 035 $5 013 048+ $5
Object Oriented Software Engineering 048 014 062+
Artificial Intelligence 037 $3 010 047P $3 025P
Computer Graphics 041 017 058+ 020+
Device Interface & PC Maintenance 048 014 062P
Data Communications 055 010 065+
387 $08 P 412 $11 C 0799 $19 C


Modern Algorithm Design Foundation 040 005 045P $5
Object Oriented Software Engineering 051 013 064+
Artificial Intelligence 037 $3 008 045+ $5 030+
Computer Graphics 035 $5 010 045P $5 030+
Device Interface & PC Maintenance 045 005 050+
Data Communications 049 006 055+
364 $15 P 361 $08 C 0725 $23 C

1956 201306069 (E) N M KUNKOLKAR SAGAR SURYA

Modern Algorithm Design Foundation 042 007 049+#01
Object Oriented Software Engineering 043 010 053+
Artificial Intelligence 035 004 039F 024+
Computer Graphics 038 $2 007 045+ $5 020+
Device Interface & PC Maintenance 035 #05 010 045+#05
Data Communications 035 #03$2 007 042+#03$5
317#09$10 F 342#09 C 0659#18$10 F

P: Pass Class; F: Fails; A: Absent; N: Non Appearance D: First Class with Distinction;I: First Class; S: Second Class;
C: Passed in Compartment; X: Not answered Sem. 5
Goa Engineering Examination System Page : 18
University Collegewise Student Result Register for VI th Semester Exam

[ 05 Computer ] ** RC 2007-08 **
Seat P.R. No. ARE Pro Sex Name of the Candidate Sem. 6 Sem. 5 Grand
No. Cd. vi. Total Total Total
Max. 850 Max. 850 Max. 1700
Theory Min. 340 Min. 340 Min. 0680
Sess Total Practical Oral Remarks
Max. 100 25 125 50 Or 25 50 Or 25

1957 201509196 (E) N F TARI VAIBHAVI VINOD ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Modern Algorithm Design Foundation 044 005 049+ $1
Object Oriented Software Engineering 036 $4 015 051+ $4
Artificial Intelligence 046 000 046P $4 026+
Computer Graphics 046 010 056+ 024+
Device Interface & PC Maintenance 047 006 053+
Data Communications 035 $5 010 045+ $5

1958 201509199 (E) N F BORKAR SNEHA SURESH

Modern Algorithm Design Foundation 036 $4 010 046+ $4
Object Oriented Software Engineering 045 017 062P
Artificial Intelligence 044 003 047P $3 021+
Computer Graphics 053 010 063+ 045+
Device Interface & PC Maintenance 051 002 053P
Data Communications 048 012 060+
397 $07 P 413#10$08 P 0810#10$15 C

Read by Checked by Declared on Asst. Registrar-E(Prof) Controller of Examinations Registrar

P: Pass Class; F: Fails; A: Absent; N: Non Appearance D: First Class with Distinction;I: First Class; S: Second Class;
C: Passed in Compartment; X: Not answered Sem. 5
Goa Engineering Examination System Page : 19
University Collegewise Student Result Register for VI th Semester Exam

[ 06 Electrical & Electronic ] ** RC 2007-08 **

Seat P.R. No. ARE Pro Sex Name of the Candidate Sem. 6 Sem. 5 Grand
No. Cd. vi. Total Total Total
Max. 850 Max. 850 Max. 1700
Theory Min. 340 Min. 340 Min. 0680
Sess Total Practical Oral Remarks
Max. 100 25 125 50 Or 25 50 Or 25

1580 201509060 (A) N M NAIK SAHIL ULHAS ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Power Electronics 032 000 032F 028E
Digital Signal Processing 000 000 000A
Electrical Power System I 040 010 050E
Electrical Drives & Control 035 $5 013 048E $5 021E
Embedded Systems 040 000 040F
Electrical Machine Design 043 012 055E

1581 201508978 (A) N M VANSKAR TANVI PRAKASH

Power Electronics 014 010 024F 035E
Digital Signal Processing 054 011 065E
Electrical Power System I 071 010 081E
Electrical Drives & Control 035 $5 012 047E $5 025E
Embedded Systems 035 $5 012 047E $5
Electrical Machine Design 067 013 080E
404 $10 F 383 $13 P 0787 $23 F

1582 201509090 (E) N M ARUN SINGH RATHORE

Power Electronics 000 001 001A 022E
Digital Signal Processing 000 000 000A
Electrical Power System I 040 010 050+
Electrical Drives & Control 000 010 010A 036+
Embedded Systems 042 008 050+
Electrical Machine Design 036 $4 010 046+ $4
215 $04 F 392 $08 C 0607 $12 F


Power Electronics 014 009 023F 030E
Digital Signal Processing 036 $4 011 047+ $4
Electrical Power System I 035 $5 011 046+ $5
Electrical Drives & Control 037 $3 012 049E $3 036+
Embedded Systems 043 012 055+
Electrical Machine Design 042 014 056+
342 $12 F 360 $14 C 0702 $26 F

1584 201509073 (E) N M GAUNKER ANIRUDHA ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Power Electronics 016 000 016F 028E
Digital Signal Processing 007 000 007F
Electrical Power System I 040 005 045+ $5
Electrical Drives & Control 041 012 053+ 031+
Embedded Systems 037 000 037F
Electrical Machine Design 042 012 054E

P: Pass Class; F: Fails; A: Absent; N: Non Appearance D: First Class with Distinction;I: First Class; S: Second Class;
C: Passed in Compartment; X: Not answered Sem. 5
Goa Engineering Examination System Page : 20
University Collegewise Student Result Register for VI th Semester Exam

[ 06 Electrical & Electronic ] ** RC 2007-08 **

Seat P.R. No. ARE Pro Sex Name of the Candidate Sem. 6 Sem. 5 Grand
No. Cd. vi. Total Total Total
Max. 850 Max. 850 Max. 1700
Theory Min. 340 Min. 340 Min. 0680
Sess Total Practical Oral Remarks
Max. 100 25 125 50 Or 25 50 Or 25

1585 201509094 (E) N M GAWDE AKSHAY GUNO ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Power Electronics 000 000 000A 028E
Digital Signal Processing 000 000 000A
Electrical Power System I 047 005 052E
Electrical Drives & Control 001 010 011F 021E
Embedded Systems 041 000 041F
Electrical Machine Design 049 011 060+

1586 201406897 (E) N M KHARAT RAJESH RATO ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Power Electronics 000 013 013A 027+
Digital Signal Processing 000 000 000A
Electrical Power System I 000 010 010A
Electrical Drives & Control 038 $2 010 048+ $2 034+
Embedded Systems 035 $5 011 046+ $5
Electrical Machine Design 060 012 072+

1587 201305687 (E) N M KURPASKAR ROHIT ROHIDAS ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Power Electronics 024 008 032F 030E
Digital Signal Processing 035 $5 011 046+ $5
Electrical Power System I 044 016 060+
Electrical Drives & Control 021 017 038F 034+
Embedded Systems 040 010 050+
Electrical Machine Design 041 015 056E


Power Electronics 000 010 010A 024+
Digital Signal Processing 040 012 052+
Electrical Power System I 045 010 055+
Electrical Drives & Control 040 011 051+ 039+
Embedded Systems 000 007 007A
Electrical Machine Design 044 016 060+
298 A 431 P 0729 F


Power Electronics 012 007 019F 036+
Digital Signal Processing 040 012 052+
Electrical Power System I 048 017 065+
Electrical Drives & Control 003 014 017F 038+
Embedded Systems 040 012 052+
Electrical Machine Design 037 $3 014 051+ $3
330 $03 F 379 $13 C 0709 $16 F

P: Pass Class; F: Fails; A: Absent; N: Non Appearance D: First Class with Distinction;I: First Class; S: Second Class;
C: Passed in Compartment; X: Not answered Sem. 5
Goa Engineering Examination System Page : 21
University Collegewise Student Result Register for VI th Semester Exam

[ 06 Electrical & Electronic ] ** RC 2007-08 **

Seat P.R. No. ARE Pro Sex Name of the Candidate Sem. 6 Sem. 5 Grand
No. Cd. vi. Total Total Total
Max. 850 Max. 850 Max. 1700
Theory Min. 340 Min. 340 Min. 0680
Sess Total Practical Oral Remarks
Max. 100 25 125 50 Or 25 50 Or 25

1590 201509092 (E) N M NAIK SOHAN SUHAS ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Power Electronics 055 011 066+ 000A
Digital Signal Processing 058 011 069+
Electrical Power System I 062 015 077+
Electrical Drives & Control 041 011 052+ 041+
Embedded Systems 043 013 056+
Electrical Machine Design 040 013 053+

1591 201305677 (E) N M PRABHU MAKARAND MILAN

Power Electronics 042 006 048P $2 039+
Digital Signal Processing 045 004 049+ $1
Electrical Power System I 040 011 051+
Electrical Drives & Control 048 006 054P 035+
Embedded Systems 041 007 048+ $2
Electrical Machine Design 048 012 060+
384 $05 P 448 P 0832 $05 C


Power Electronics 028 012 040F 031+
Digital Signal Processing 052 007 059+
Electrical Power System I 036 $4 011 047+ $4
Electrical Drives & Control 040 007 047E $3 029+
Embedded Systems 053 011 064+
Electrical Machine Design 044 010 054+
371 $07 F 370 $11 C 0741 $18 F


Power Electronics 020 010 030F 033+
Digital Signal Processing 048 010 058+
Electrical Power System I 040 010 050+
Electrical Drives & Control 035 $5 010 045+ $5 036+
Embedded Systems 050 005 055E
Electrical Machine Design 044 010 054+
361 $05 F 377 $10 C 0738 $15 F


Power Electronics 022 013 035F 030+
Digital Signal Processing 035 $5 012 047+ $5
Electrical Power System I 058 013 071+
Electrical Drives & Control 039 $1 015 054+ $1 040+
Embedded Systems 055 012 067+
Electrical Machine Design 051 014 065+
409 $06 F 381 $07 C 0790 $13 F

P: Pass Class; F: Fails; A: Absent; N: Non Appearance D: First Class with Distinction;I: First Class; S: Second Class;
C: Passed in Compartment; X: Not answered Sem. 5
Goa Engineering Examination System Page : 22
University Collegewise Student Result Register for VI th Semester Exam

[ 06 Electrical & Electronic ] ** RC 2007-08 **

Seat P.R. No. ARE Pro Sex Name of the Candidate Sem. 6 Sem. 5 Grand
No. Cd. vi. Total Total Total
Max. 850 Max. 850 Max. 1700
Theory Min. 340 Min. 340 Min. 0680
Sess Total Practical Oral Remarks
Max. 100 25 125 50 Or 25 50 Or 25

1595 201401240 (E) N M VERNEKAR UPENDRA MAHESH ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Power Electronics 000 006 006A 035+
Digital Signal Processing 053 012 065+
Electrical Power System I 068 020 088+
Electrical Drives & Control 000 016 016A 043+
Embedded Systems 012 012 024F
Electrical Machine Design 000 017 017A

1596 201203680 (E) N M VIJAYAN TONY ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Power Electronics 035 $5 011 046+ $5 028+
Digital Signal Processing 045 011 056E
Electrical Power System I 037 $3 010 047+ $3
Electrical Drives & Control 035 $5 019 054+ $5 035+
Embedded Systems 028 013 041F
Electrical Machine Design 040 013 053+

Read by Checked by Declared on Asst. Registrar-E(Prof) Controller of Examinations Registrar

P: Pass Class; F: Fails; A: Absent; N: Non Appearance D: First Class with Distinction;I: First Class; S: Second Class;
C: Passed in Compartment; X: Not answered Sem. 5
Goa Engineering Examination System Page : 23
University Collegewise Student Result Register for VI th Semester Exam

[ 07 Information Technology ] ** RC 2007-08 **

Seat P.R. No. ARE Pro Sex Name of the Candidate Sem. 6 Sem. 5 Grand
No. Cd. vi. Total Total Total
Max. 850 Max. 850 Max. 1700
Theory Min. 340 Min. 340 Min. 0680
Sess Total Practical Oral Remarks
Max. 100 25 125 50 Or 25 50 Or 25

1597 201203837 (A) N M ANISH RAJENDRA PEDNEKAR ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Entrepreneurship Development 050 005 055E
Theory of Computation 036 $4 008 044E $6
Computer Networks 024 010 034F
Computer Graphics 025 004 029F 035E
Web Technology 035 $5 010 045E $5 030E
Software Testing & Quality Assurance 023 010 033F

1598 201406875 (A) N M GADEKAR NIKHILRAJ SURESH ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Entrepreneurship Development 000 003 003A
Theory of Computation 000 007 007A
Computer Networks 028 011 039F
Computer Graphics 052 007 059E 021E
Web Technology 035 $5 010 045E $5 025E
Software Testing & Quality Assurance 047 005 052E

1599 201203823 (A) N F GAUDE GAUTAMI TULSHIDAS ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Entrepreneurship Development 068 012 080E
Theory of Computation 040 012 052E
Computer Networks 036 $4 011 047E $4
Computer Graphics 020 012 032F 033E
Web Technology 028 010 038F 022E
Software Testing & Quality Assurance 062 018 080E


Entrepreneurship Development 047 015 062+
Theory of Computation 024 013 037F
Computer Networks 036 $4 017 053+ $4
Computer Graphics 053 016 069+ 035+
Web Technology 042 010 052+ 032+
Software Testing & Quality Assurance 052 022 074+
414 $04 F 390 $06 C 0804 $10 F

1601 201610664 (E) N F DESSAI SMITI SANTOSH

Entrepreneurship Development 040 015 055+
Theory of Computation 027 020 047F
Computer Networks 035 $5 018 053E $5
Computer Graphics 035 $5 017 052E $5 040+
Web Technology 041 015 056+ 040+
Software Testing & Quality Assurance 046 025 071+
414 $10 F 393 $16 C 0807 $26 F

P: Pass Class; F: Fails; A: Absent; N: Non Appearance D: First Class with Distinction;I: First Class; S: Second Class;
C: Passed in Compartment; X: Not answered Sem. 5
Goa Engineering Examination System Page : 24
University Collegewise Student Result Register for VI th Semester Exam

[ 07 Information Technology ] ** RC 2007-08 **

Seat P.R. No. ARE Pro Sex Name of the Candidate Sem. 6 Sem. 5 Grand
No. Cd. vi. Total Total Total
Max. 850 Max. 850 Max. 1700
Theory Min. 340 Min. 340 Min. 0680
Sess Total Practical Oral Remarks
Max. 100 25 125 50 Or 25 50 Or 25

1602 201203969 (E) N M DEVANSU JOSHI ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Entrepreneurship Development 041 010 051+
Theory of Computation 023 002 025F
Computer Networks 040 009 049+ $1
Computer Graphics 000 005 005A 000A
Web Technology 044 008 052+ 024+
Software Testing & Quality Assurance 040 007 047+ $3

1603 201610706 (E) N F FERNANDES JOAQUINA ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Entrepreneurship Development 047 014 061+
Theory of Computation 027 018 045F
Computer Networks 025 011 036F
Computer Graphics 035 $5 010 045+ $5 030+
Web Technology 040 012 052E 021+
Software Testing & Quality Assurance 048 022 070+

1604 201509207 (E) N M GAONKAR AJAY SANTOSH

Entrepreneurship Development 046 015 061+
Theory of Computation 040 016 056P
Computer Networks 040 011 051+
Computer Graphics 035 $5 010 045+ $5 040+
Web Technology 046 010 056+ 030+
Software Testing & Quality Assurance 035 $5 012 047+ $5
386 $10 P 402 $08 C 0788 $18 C

1605 201610708 (E) N F GAONKAR SUSMITA SHABA

Entrepreneurship Development 044 015 059+
Theory of Computation 035 $5 018 053P $5
Computer Networks 035 $5 012 047P $5
Computer Graphics 049 013 062+ 041+
Web Technology 035 $5 012 047+ $5 034+
Software Testing & Quality Assurance 048 024 072+
415 $15 P 415 $05 C 0830 $20 C

1606 201509201 (E) N M JOHN JOEL A RAYAN

Entrepreneurship Development 055 007 062+
Theory of Computation 040 005 045P $5
Computer Networks 052 010 062+
Computer Graphics 047 008 055P 036+
Web Technology 056 003 059P 023+
Software Testing & Quality Assurance 076 005 081+
423 $05 P 371 C 0794 $05 C

P: Pass Class; F: Fails; A: Absent; N: Non Appearance D: First Class with Distinction;I: First Class; S: Second Class;
C: Passed in Compartment; X: Not answered Sem. 5
Goa Engineering Examination System Page : 25
University Collegewise Student Result Register for VI th Semester Exam

[ 07 Information Technology ] ** RC 2007-08 **

Seat P.R. No. ARE Pro Sex Name of the Candidate Sem. 6 Sem. 5 Grand
No. Cd. vi. Total Total Total
Max. 850 Max. 850 Max. 1700
Theory Min. 340 Min. 340 Min. 0680
Sess Total Practical Oral Remarks
Max. 100 25 125 50 Or 25 50 Or 25


Entrepreneurship Development 059 006 065+
Theory of Computation 038 $2 007 045P $5
Computer Networks 037 $3 019 056+ $3
Computer Graphics 037 $3 011 048+ $3 038+
Web Technology 040 010 050+ 029+
Software Testing & Quality Assurance 059 015 074+
405 $11 P 378 $14 C 0783 $25 C


Entrepreneurship Development 043 008 051+
Theory of Computation 035 002 037F
Computer Networks 000 010 010A
Computer Graphics 050 010 060+ 032+
Web Technology 000 010 010A 030+
Software Testing & Quality Assurance 046 008 054+
284 F 458 P 0742 F

1609 201610488 (E) N M NAIK ANILKUMAR ARJUN

Entrepreneurship Development 046 015 061+
Theory of Computation 042 013 055P
Computer Networks 050 011 061+
Computer Graphics 055 012 067+ 042+
Web Technology 045 013 058+ 030+
Software Testing & Quality Assurance 061 021 082+
456 P 442 $01 C 0898 $01 C


Entrepreneurship Development 040 015 055+
Theory of Computation 030 015 045F
Computer Networks 040 011 051E
Computer Graphics 042 017 059+ 023+
Web Technology 035 $5 010 045+ $5 024+
Software Testing & Quality Assurance 048 016 064+
366 $05 F 375 $07 C 0741 $12 F


Entrepreneurship Development 055 006 061+
Theory of Computation 040 002 042F
Computer Networks 064 009 073+
Computer Graphics 065 011 076+ 022+
Web Technology 035 #05 006 041+#06$3 017+#03
Software Testing & Quality Assurance 053 012 065+
397#09$03 F 354#09$05 C 0751#18$08 F

P: Pass Class; F: Fails; A: Absent; N: Non Appearance D: First Class with Distinction;I: First Class; S: Second Class;
C: Passed in Compartment; X: Not answered Sem. 5
Goa Engineering Examination System Page : 26
University Collegewise Student Result Register for VI th Semester Exam

[ 07 Information Technology ] ** RC 2007-08 **

Seat P.R. No. ARE Pro Sex Name of the Candidate Sem. 6 Sem. 5 Grand
No. Cd. vi. Total Total Total
Max. 850 Max. 850 Max. 1700
Theory Min. 340 Min. 340 Min. 0680
Sess Total Practical Oral Remarks
Max. 100 25 125 50 Or 25 50 Or 25

1612 201511659 (E) N M NISHANT SINGH

Entrepreneurship Development 057 007 064+
Theory of Computation 035 $5 010 045+ $5
Computer Networks 048 007 055+
Computer Graphics 059 006 065+ 035+
Web Technology 040 004 044+ $6 022P
Software Testing & Quality Assurance 063 006 069+
399 $11 P 482 P 0881 $11 C

1613 201203883 (E) N M RAJESH GADI

Entrepreneurship Development 056 008 064+
Theory of Computation 035 003 038F
Computer Networks 040 009 049+#01
Computer Graphics 040 007 047+#03 020+
Web Technology 041 007 048+#02 020+
Software Testing & Quality Assurance 051 010 061+
347#09 F 339#09$12 C 0686#18$12 F

1614 201508961 (E) N F SHET SNEHA PRATAP

Entrepreneurship Development 051 016 067+
Theory of Computation 042 010 052+
Computer Networks 035 $5 010 045P $5
Computer Graphics 040 015 055+ 034+
Web Technology 035 $5 010 045+ $5 035+
Software Testing & Quality Assurance 044 014 058+
391 $10 P 369 $12 C 0760 $22 C

1615 201306027 (E) N M TARI LAVKUSH JANU

Entrepreneurship Development 070 017 087+
Theory of Computation 038 $2 014 052+ $2
Computer Networks 064 015 079P
Computer Graphics 066 009 075P 036P
Web Technology 047 016 063+ 030P
Software Testing & Quality Assurance 062 010 072P
494 $02 P 459 C 0953 $02 C


Entrepreneurship Development 035 $5 013 048+ $5
Theory of Computation 031 011 042F
Computer Networks 035 $5 010 045+ $5
Computer Graphics 042 012 054+ 030+
Web Technology 048 006 054+ 020+
Software Testing & Quality Assurance 055 007 062+
355 $10 F 380#09$04 C 0735#09$14 F

P: Pass Class; F: Fails; A: Absent; N: Non Appearance D: First Class with Distinction;I: First Class; S: Second Class;
C: Passed in Compartment; X: Not answered Sem. 5
Goa Engineering Examination System Page : 27
University Collegewise Student Result Register for VI th Semester Exam

[ 07 Information Technology ] ** RC 2007-08 **

Seat P.R. No. ARE Pro Sex Name of the Candidate Sem. 6 Sem. 5 Grand
No. Cd. vi. Total Total Total
Max. 850 Max. 850 Max. 1700
Theory Min. 340 Min. 340 Min. 0680
Sess Total Practical Oral Remarks
Max. 100 25 125 50 Or 25 50 Or 25


Entrepreneurship Development 044 004 048+#02
Theory of Computation 030 010 040F
Computer Networks 039 000 039F
Computer Graphics 037 #03 001 038+#08$4 025+
Web Technology 048 002 050E 010F
Software Testing & Quality Assurance 043 007 050+
300#10$04 F 412 $05 P 0712#10$09 F

1952 201509155 (A) N M SWARNIM RAWAT ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Entrepreneurship Development 041 010 051E
Theory of Computation 006 007 013F
Computer Networks 023 000 023F
Computer Graphics 025 012 037F 000A
Web Technology 024 006 030F 025E
Software Testing & Quality Assurance 047 012 059E


Entrepreneurship Development 057 011 068+
Theory of Computation 043 016 059P
Computer Networks 045 012 057+
Computer Graphics 054 017 071+ 036+
Web Technology 042 013 055+ 032+
Software Testing & Quality Assurance 060 016 076+
454 P 425 $03 C 0879 $03 C

1954 201408587 (E) N M KOKATNUR SARFRAJ ADAM

Entrepreneurship Development 040 004 044+ $6
Theory of Computation 035 010 045F
Computer Networks 035 $5 010 045+ $5
Computer Graphics 038 $2 007 045+ $5 025+
Web Technology 041 010 051+ 022+
Software Testing & Quality Assurance 057 010 067+
344 $16 F 392 $08 C 0736 $24 F

1955 201509259 (E) N M RATHI SUMEET SANTOSH

Entrepreneurship Development 060 012 072+
Theory of Computation 031 015 046F
Computer Networks 032 007 039F
Computer Graphics 046 002 048E $2 025+
Web Technology 050 000 050E 020+
Software Testing & Quality Assurance 048 000 048+ $2
348 $04 F 417 C 0765 $04 F

P: Pass Class; F: Fails; A: Absent; N: Non Appearance D: First Class with Distinction;I: First Class; S: Second Class;
C: Passed in Compartment; X: Not answered Sem. 5
Goa Engineering Examination System Page : 28
University Collegewise Student Result Register for VI th Semester Exam

[ 07 Information Technology ] ** RC 2007-08 **

Seat P.R. No. ARE Pro Sex Name of the Candidate Sem. 6 Sem. 5 Grand
No. Cd. vi. Total Total Total
Max. 850 Max. 850 Max. 1700
Theory Min. 340 Min. 340 Min. 0680
Sess Total Practical Oral Remarks
Max. 100 25 125 50 Or 25 50 Or 25

1960 201406888 (E) N F PRATIMA MISHRA

Entrepreneurship Development 052 017 069+
Theory of Computation 027 010 037F
Computer Networks 039 $1 010 049+ $1
Computer Graphics 046 012 058+ 034+
Web Technology 036 $4 011 047+ $4 032+
Software Testing & Quality Assurance 079 015 094+
420 $05 F 364#09$05 C 0784#09$10 F

Read by Checked by Declared on Asst. Registrar-E(Prof) Controller of Examinations Registrar

P: Pass Class; F: Fails; A: Absent; N: Non Appearance D: First Class with Distinction;I: First Class; S: Second Class;
C: Passed in Compartment; X: Not answered Sem. 5
Goa Engineering Examination System Page : 29
University Collegewise Student Result Register for VI th Semester Exam

[ 08 Mining ] ** RC 2011-12 **
Seat P.R. No. ARE Pro Sex Name of the Candidate Sem. 6 Sem. 5 Grand
No. Cd. vi. Total Total Total
Max. 850 Max. 875 Max. 1725
Theory Min. 340 Min. 350 Min. 0690
Sess Total Practical Oral Remarks
Max. 100 25 125 50 Or 25 50 Or 25

1617 201509001 (A) N M GAWAS DEEVESH DAMODAR ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Mining Machinery II 043 016 059P
Mine Environment I 051 013 064P 016P
Mineral Processing 061 017 078P 018P
Underground Metal Mining 047 015 062P
Mine Econimics & Valuation 057 016 073P
Mine Surveying 060 019 079P
Survey Camp / Project 018P 018P

1618 201408556 (A) N M GAWAS PRITAM LAXIMAN ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Mining Machinery II 035 $5 011 046P $5
Mine Environment I 037 $3 014 051P $3 015P
Mineral Processing 052 016 068P 017P
Underground Metal Mining 047 014 061P
Mine Econimics & Valuation 037 $3 015 052P $3
Mine Surveying 061 017 078P
Survey Camp / Project 017P 020P

1619 201509014 (A) N M KUNAL KASHINATH NAIK

Mining Machinery II 059 014 073P
Mine Environment I 059 014 073P 015P
Mineral Processing 068 017 085P 018P
Underground Metal Mining 075 017 092P
Mine Econimics & Valuation 069 017 086P
Mine Surveying 067 019 086P
Survey Camp / Project 016P 018P
562 P 462 $03 P 1024 $03 I

1620 201203699 (A) N M NAIK AMEY MHALU

Mining Machinery II 000 013 013A
Mine Environment I 064 014 078E 017E
Mineral Processing 074 017 091E 020E
Underground Metal Mining 000 018 018A
Mine Econimics & Valuation 000 022 022A
Mine Surveying 063 018 081E
Survey Camp / Project 018E 019E
377 F 477 P 0854 F

P: Pass Class; F: Fails; A: Absent; N: Non Appearance D: First Class with Distinction;I: First Class; S: Second Class;
C: Passed in Compartment; X: Not answered Sem. 5
Goa Engineering Examination System Page : 30
University Collegewise Student Result Register for VI th Semester Exam

[ 08 Mining ] ** RC 2011-12 **
Seat P.R. No. ARE Pro Sex Name of the Candidate Sem. 6 Sem. 5 Grand
No. Cd. vi. Total Total Total
Max. 850 Max. 850 Max. 1700
Theory Min. 340 Min. 340 Min. 0680
Sess Total Practical Oral Remarks
Max. 100 25 125 50 Or 25 50 Or 25


Mining Machinery II 027 013 040F
Mine Environment I 043 014 057E 015E
Mineral Processing 052 015 067E 019E
Underground Metal Mining 037 $3 014 051E $3
Mine Econimics & Valuation 054 018 072E
Mine Surveying 039 $1 019 058E $1
Survey Camp / Project 017E 018E
414 $04 F 366 $17 C 0780 $21 F

Read by Checked by Declared on Asst. Registrar-E(Prof) Controller of Examinations Registrar

P: Pass Class; F: Fails; A: Absent; N: Non Appearance D: First Class with Distinction;I: First Class; S: Second Class;
C: Passed in Compartment; X: Not answered Sem. 5
Goa Engineering Examination System Page : 31
University Collegewise Student Result Register for VI th Semester Exam

[ 02 Mechanical ] ** RC 2007-08 **
College : Padre Conceicao College of Engineering, Verna Exam Year : MAY-2019
Seat P.R. No. ARE Pro Sex Name of the Candidate Sem. 6 Sem. 5 Grand
No. Cd. vi. Total Total Total
Max. 850 Max. 850 Max. 1700
Theory Min. 340 Min. 340 Min. 0680
Sess Total Practical Oral Remarks
Max. 100 25 125 50 Or 25 50 Or 25

1622 201406602 (E) N F AARON AGNEL LOPES ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Industrial Engineering 046 007 053+
Machine Design II 000 009 009A 014+
Gas Dynamics & Turbomachinaries 037 $3 008 045+ $5 016+
Engineering Measurments & Metrology 046 006 052+ 018+
Mechatronics 000 010 010A 011+
Operations & Project Management 035 $5 010 045+ $5

1623 201510078 (E) N M ABRANCHES DELANO AURELIUS GARCIA ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Industrial Engineering 060 010 070+
Machine Design II 041 008 049+ $1 012+
Gas Dynamics & Turbomachinaries 042 003 045P $5 018+
Engineering Measurments & Metrology 044 005 049+ $1 019+
Mechatronics 041 005 046+ $4 012+
Operations & Project Management 035 $5 014 049+ $5


Industrial Engineering 060 011 071+
Machine Design II 050 014 064P 016+
Gas Dynamics & Turbomachinaries 040 014 054+ 018+
Engineering Measurments & Metrology 046 016 062+ 016+
Mechatronics 042 013 055+ 012+
Operations & Project Management 044 009 053+
421 P 392 $14 C 0813 $14 C

1625 201308758 (E) N M ANKIT SINGH NEGI ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Industrial Engineering 050 006 056+
Machine Design II 036 $4 011 047+ $4 010+
Gas Dynamics & Turbomachinaries 000 003 003A 012+
Engineering Measurments & Metrology 000 003 003A 017+
Mechatronics 000 006 006A 012+
Operations & Project Management 000 012 012A


Industrial Engineering 071 007 078+
Machine Design II 047 008 055+ 015+
Gas Dynamics & Turbomachinaries 042 012 054+ 017+
Engineering Measurments & Metrology 060 005 065+ 015+
Mechatronics 064 002 066+ 012+
Operations & Project Management 075 004 079P
456 P 460 C 0916 C

P: Pass Class; F: Fails; A: Absent; N: Non Appearance D: First Class with Distinction;I: First Class; S: Second Class;
C: Passed in Compartment; X: Not answered Sem. 5
Goa Engineering Examination System Page : 32
University Collegewise Student Result Register for VI th Semester Exam

[ 02 Mechanical ] ** RC 2007-08 **
College : Padre Conceicao College of Engineering, Verna Exam Year : MAY-2019
Seat P.R. No. ARE Pro Sex Name of the Candidate Sem. 6 Sem. 5 Grand
No. Cd. vi. Total Total Total
Max. 850 Max. 850 Max. 1700
Theory Min. 340 Min. 340 Min. 0680
Sess Total Practical Oral Remarks
Max. 100 25 125 50 Or 25 50 Or 25

1627 201406493 (E) N M BRAGANCA SHAYNE RUWIN ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Industrial Engineering 042 005 047+ $3
Machine Design II 000 003 003A 010+
Gas Dynamics & Turbomachinaries 000 003 003A 010+
Engineering Measurments & Metrology 000 004 004A 013+
Mechatronics 052 002 054E 015+
Operations & Project Management 000 002 002A


Industrial Engineering 054 006 060+
Machine Design II 042 004 046+ $4 014+
Gas Dynamics & Turbomachinaries 052 018 070+ 021+
Engineering Measurments & Metrology 050 004 054+ 019+
Mechatronics 053 005 058P 011+
Operations & Project Management 047 006 053+
406 $04 P 376#10$15 C 0782#10$19 C


Industrial Engineering 078 010 088+
Machine Design II 046 005 051P 015+
Gas Dynamics & Turbomachinaries 035 $5 010 045+ $5 014+
Engineering Measurments & Metrology 053 013 066+ 016+
Mechatronics 040 010 050+ 012+
Operations & Project Management 035 $5 009 044+ $6
401 $11 P 388#10$08 C 0789#10$19 C


Industrial Engineering 044 014 058+
Machine Design II 043 011 054P 015+
Gas Dynamics & Turbomachinaries 043 006 049+ $1 020+
Engineering Measurments & Metrology 055 010 065+ 018+
Mechatronics 036 $4 015 051+ $4 020+
Operations & Project Management 052 008 060+
410 $05 P 373 $08 C 0783 $13 C

1631 201308719 (E) N M COLACO PLATON ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Industrial Engineering 042 004 046+#04
Machine Design II 000 005 005A 010+
Gas Dynamics & Turbomachinaries 005 002 007F 011+
Engineering Measurments & Metrology 040 002 042+#05$3 016+
Mechatronics 000 002 002A 012+
Operations & Project Management 000 005 005A

P: Pass Class; F: Fails; A: Absent; N: Non Appearance D: First Class with Distinction;I: First Class; S: Second Class;
C: Passed in Compartment; X: Not answered Sem. 5
Goa Engineering Examination System Page : 33
University Collegewise Student Result Register for VI th Semester Exam

[ 02 Mechanical ] ** RC 2007-08 **
College : Padre Conceicao College of Engineering, Verna Exam Year : MAY-2019
Seat P.R. No. ARE Pro Sex Name of the Candidate Sem. 6 Sem. 5 Grand
No. Cd. vi. Total Total Total
Max. 850 Max. 850 Max. 1700
Theory Min. 340 Min. 340 Min. 0680
Sess Total Practical Oral Remarks
Max. 100 25 125 50 Or 25 50 Or 25

1632 201510114 (E) N M CORREA LINFORD

Industrial Engineering 053 013 066+
Machine Design II 045 011 056P 018+
Gas Dynamics & Turbomachinaries 036 $4 011 047+ $4 018+
Engineering Measurments & Metrology 055 015 070+ 023+
Mechatronics 041 013 054+ 016+
Operations & Project Management 054 015 069P
437 $04 P 428 $09 C 0865 $13 C

1633 201406537 (E) N M DANIEL FERNANDES

Industrial Engineering 051 010 061+
Machine Design II 025 013 038F 021+
Gas Dynamics & Turbomachinaries 035 #05 011 046+#05 018+
Engineering Measurments & Metrology 044 014 058+ 018+
Mechatronics 031 #04$5 011 042+#04$5 012+
Operations & Project Management 041 006 047E $3
361#09$08 F 409 $12 C 0770#09$20 F

1634 201510121 (E) N M DE MELO ARSENIO JOHN

Industrial Engineering 049 014 063+
Machine Design II 040 016 056P 015+
Gas Dynamics & Turbomachinaries 040 011 051+ 015+
Engineering Measurments & Metrology 060 016 076+ 022+
Mechatronics 045 010 055+ 012+
Operations & Project Management 028 #10$2 014 042+#10$2
407#10$02 P 427#09 C 0834#19$02 C


Industrial Engineering 027 004 031F
Machine Design II 040 010 050E 011+
Gas Dynamics & Turbomachinaries 037 002 039F 012+
Engineering Measurments & Metrology 040 007 047+ $3 017+
Mechatronics 057 002 059E 012+
Operations & Project Management 051 002 053E
331 $03 F 352#12$08 C 0683#12$11 F

1636 201406533 (E) N M FERNANDES CALLISTUS FRAZIER ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Industrial Engineering 045 007 052+
Machine Design II 000 004 004A 010+
Gas Dynamics & Turbomachinaries 000 002 002A 015+
Engineering Measurments & Metrology 042 003 045+ $5 017+
Mechatronics 000 010 010A 012+
Operations & Project Management 035 005 040F

P: Pass Class; F: Fails; A: Absent; N: Non Appearance D: First Class with Distinction;I: First Class; S: Second Class;
C: Passed in Compartment; X: Not answered Sem. 5
Goa Engineering Examination System Page : 34
University Collegewise Student Result Register for VI th Semester Exam

[ 02 Mechanical ] ** RC 2007-08 **
College : Padre Conceicao College of Engineering, Verna Exam Year : MAY-2019
Seat P.R. No. ARE Pro Sex Name of the Candidate Sem. 6 Sem. 5 Grand
No. Cd. vi. Total Total Total
Max. 850 Max. 850 Max. 1700
Theory Min. 340 Min. 340 Min. 0680
Sess Total Practical Oral Remarks
Max. 100 25 125 50 Or 25 50 Or 25

1637 201406550 (E) N M FERNANDES JOASCH

Industrial Engineering 041 011 052+
Machine Design II 035 #02$3 008 043+#02$5 015+
Gas Dynamics & Turbomachinaries 040 009 049+#01 017+
Engineering Measurments & Metrology 035 #05 009 044+#06 015+
Mechatronics 040 015 055+ 011+
Operations & Project Management 063 005 068P
369#09$05 P 394#09 C 0763#18$05 C

1638 201510225 (E) N M FERNANDES RHYS CLEMENT ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Industrial Engineering 039 $1 014 053+ $1
Machine Design II 045 010 055P 020+
Gas Dynamics & Turbomachinaries 035 $5 010 045+ $5 020+
Engineering Measurments & Metrology 051 014 065+ 020+
Mechatronics 036 $4 013 049+ $4 015+
Operations & Project Management 037 $3 013 050+ $3

1639 201608216 (E) N M GHADI ROHAN DAMODAR

Industrial Engineering 069 019 088+
Machine Design II 056 017 073+ 020+
Gas Dynamics & Turbomachinaries 058 014 072+ 022+
Engineering Measurments & Metrology 074 016 090+ 023+
Mechatronics 041 015 056+ 015+
Operations & Project Management 055 012 067P
526 P 481 $01 C 1007 $01 C

1640 201406585 (E) N M KAJARI NITESH GURUNATH ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Industrial Engineering 052 010 062+
Machine Design II 000 009 009A 015+
Gas Dynamics & Turbomachinaries 035 $5 015 050+ $5 019+
Engineering Measurments & Metrology 037 $3 012 049+ $3 019+
Mechatronics 047 006 053E 011+
Operations & Project Management 000 005 005A

1641 201510174 (E) N M KAMAT SNEHIT SANTOSH ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Industrial Engineering 078 008 086+
Machine Design II 035 $5 011 046+ $5 022+
Gas Dynamics & Turbomachinaries 000 010 010A 021+
Engineering Measurments & Metrology 065 018 083+ 023+
Mechatronics 035 $5 010 045+ $5 018+
Operations & Project Management 035 $5 011 046+ $5

P: Pass Class; F: Fails; A: Absent; N: Non Appearance D: First Class with Distinction;I: First Class; S: Second Class;
C: Passed in Compartment; X: Not answered Sem. 5
Goa Engineering Examination System Page : 35
University Collegewise Student Result Register for VI th Semester Exam

[ 02 Mechanical ] ** RC 2007-08 **
College : Padre Conceicao College of Engineering, Verna Exam Year : MAY-2019
Seat P.R. No. ARE Pro Sex Name of the Candidate Sem. 6 Sem. 5 Grand
No. Cd. vi. Total Total Total
Max. 850 Max. 850 Max. 1700
Theory Min. 340 Min. 340 Min. 0680
Sess Total Practical Oral Remarks
Max. 100 25 125 50 Or 25 50 Or 25

1642 201406588 (E) N M KAVTHANKAR PRAYAG SADASHIV ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Industrial Engineering 042 008 050E
Machine Design II 042 011 053+ 017+
Gas Dynamics & Turbomachinaries 039 $1 012 051+ $1 018+
Engineering Measurments & Metrology 042 012 054+ 017+
Mechatronics 021 008 029F 014+
Operations & Project Management 035 007 042F

1643 201406598 (E) N M MANINDER SINGH LALL ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Industrial Engineering 045 008 053+
Machine Design II 035 006 041F 016+
Gas Dynamics & Turbomachinaries 022 009 031F 014+
Engineering Measurments & Metrology 050 012 062+ 020+
Mechatronics 048 010 058E 012+
Operations & Project Management 011 003 014F

1644 201406638 (E) N M MONTEIRO SHAYNE ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Industrial Engineering 037 $3 011 048+ $3
Machine Design II 000 005 005A 014+
Gas Dynamics & Turbomachinaries 000 004 004A 015+
Engineering Measurments & Metrology 000 002 002A 018+
Mechatronics 043 003 046E $4 011+
Operations & Project Management 047 001 048E $2

1645 201608226 (E) N M NAIK MITESH MAHENDRA ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Industrial Engineering 049 017 066+
Machine Design II 038 $2 010 048+ $2 017+
Gas Dynamics & Turbomachinaries 043 003 046P $4 014+
Engineering Measurments & Metrology 060 018 078+ 018+
Mechatronics 035 $5 016 051+ $5 012+
Operations & Project Management 040 012 052+

1646 201203059 (E) N M NAIK SAIPRASAD PISALO

Industrial Engineering 038 $2 009 047+ $3
Machine Design II 038 $2 019 057+ $2 015+
Gas Dynamics & Turbomachinaries 000 011 011A 016+
Engineering Measurments & Metrology 035 $5 011 046+ $5 016+
Mechatronics 000 010 010A 018+
Operations & Project Management 059 020 079+
315 $10 A 419 $10 C 0734 $20 F

P: Pass Class; F: Fails; A: Absent; N: Non Appearance D: First Class with Distinction;I: First Class; S: Second Class;
C: Passed in Compartment; X: Not answered Sem. 5
Goa Engineering Examination System Page : 36
University Collegewise Student Result Register for VI th Semester Exam

[ 02 Mechanical ] ** RC 2007-08 **
College : Padre Conceicao College of Engineering, Verna Exam Year : MAY-2019
Seat P.R. No. ARE Pro Sex Name of the Candidate Sem. 6 Sem. 5 Grand
No. Cd. vi. Total Total Total
Max. 850 Max. 850 Max. 1700
Theory Min. 340 Min. 340 Min. 0680
Sess Total Practical Oral Remarks
Max. 100 25 125 50 Or 25 50 Or 25

1647 201510187 (E) N M NAIK VISHAL SHRIKANT ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Industrial Engineering 062 008 070+
Machine Design II 035 007 042F 018+
Gas Dynamics & Turbomachinaries 044 009 053+ 018+
Engineering Measurments & Metrology 060 016 076+ 020+
Mechatronics 040 010 050+ 012+
Operations & Project Management 043 014 057+

1648 201203079 (E) N M PEREIRA NOLAN OLAV ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Industrial Engineering 057 006 063+
Machine Design II 020 005 025F 015+
Gas Dynamics & Turbomachinaries 000 003 003A 017+
Engineering Measurments & Metrology 040 009 049+ $1 015+
Mechatronics 035 004 039F 017+
Operations & Project Management 000 003 003F


Industrial Engineering 040 010 050+
Machine Design II 050 006 056P 012+
Gas Dynamics & Turbomachinaries 040 005 045+ $5 016+
Engineering Measurments & Metrology 035 $5 012 047+ $5 018+
Mechatronics 037 $3 010 047+ $3 010+
Operations & Project Management 046 003 049+ $1
350 $14 P 366 $09 C 0716 $23 C


Industrial Engineering 056 017 073+
Machine Design II 045 010 055+ 017+
Gas Dynamics & Turbomachinaries 048 012 060+ 021+
Engineering Measurments & Metrology 055 004 059+ 017+
Mechatronics 054 006 060P 013+
Operations & Project Management 060 001 061+
436 P 482 $07 C 0918 $07 C


Industrial Engineering 052 014 066+
Machine Design II 046 007 053E 020+
Gas Dynamics & Turbomachinaries 035 $5 012 047+ $5 021+
Engineering Measurments & Metrology 050 013 063+ 019+
Mechatronics 040 006 046E $4 012+
Operations & Project Management 030 009 039F
386 $09 F 374 $16 C 0760 $25 F

P: Pass Class; F: Fails; A: Absent; N: Non Appearance D: First Class with Distinction;I: First Class; S: Second Class;
C: Passed in Compartment; X: Not answered Sem. 5
Goa Engineering Examination System Page : 37
University Collegewise Student Result Register for VI th Semester Exam

[ 02 Mechanical ] ** RC 2007-08 **
College : Padre Conceicao College of Engineering, Verna Exam Year : MAY-2019
Seat P.R. No. ARE Pro Sex Name of the Candidate Sem. 6 Sem. 5 Grand
No. Cd. vi. Total Total Total
Max. 850 Max. 850 Max. 1700
Theory Min. 340 Min. 340 Min. 0680
Sess Total Practical Oral Remarks
Max. 100 25 125 50 Or 25 50 Or 25

1652 201406684 (E) N M RODRIGUES JHONAL RAUNAK ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Industrial Engineering 057 008 065+
Machine Design II 044 008 052P 012+
Gas Dynamics & Turbomachinaries 040 006 046+ $4 020+
Engineering Measurments & Metrology 041 009 050+ 015+
Mechatronics 040 005 045P $5 012+
Operations & Project Management 040 005 045+ $5

1653 201406524 (E) N M RYAN DESOUSA ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Industrial Engineering 000 007 007A
Machine Design II 000 009 009A 012+
Gas Dynamics & Turbomachinaries 040 005 045+ $5 010+
Engineering Measurments & Metrology 000 007 007A 015+
Mechatronics 040 010 050E 015+
Operations & Project Management 000 004 004A

1654 201406761 (E) N M SAMBARI SAI BABA ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Industrial Engineering 043 015 058+
Machine Design II 043 012 055P 011+
Gas Dynamics & Turbomachinaries 040 012 052+ 019+
Engineering Measurments & Metrology 049 012 061+ 017+
Mechatronics 043 014 057+ 016+
Operations & Project Management 040 008 048+ $2

1655 201406688 (E) N M SAMIRAN ROUT ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Industrial Engineering 054 010 064+
Machine Design II 005 006 011F 020+
Gas Dynamics & Turbomachinaries 000 010 010A 017+
Engineering Measurments & Metrology 000 011 011A 019+
Mechatronics 000 011 011A 015+
Operations & Project Management 037 $3 007 044+ $6

1656 201510202 (E) N M SAYED MOHAMMED MUNEER

Industrial Engineering 051 012 063+
Machine Design II 055 014 069P 020+
Gas Dynamics & Turbomachinaries 050 013 063+ 019+
Engineering Measurments & Metrology 060 014 074+ 020+
Mechatronics 052 014 066+ 016+
Operations & Project Management 036 $4 012 048+ $4
458 $04 P 401 $17 P 0859 $21 C

P: Pass Class; F: Fails; A: Absent; N: Non Appearance D: First Class with Distinction;I: First Class; S: Second Class;
C: Passed in Compartment; X: Not answered Sem. 5
Goa Engineering Examination System Page : 38
University Collegewise Student Result Register for VI th Semester Exam

[ 02 Mechanical ] ** RC 2007-08 **
College : Padre Conceicao College of Engineering, Verna Exam Year : MAY-2019
Seat P.R. No. ARE Pro Sex Name of the Candidate Sem. 6 Sem. 5 Grand
No. Cd. vi. Total Total Total
Max. 850 Max. 850 Max. 1700
Theory Min. 340 Min. 340 Min. 0680
Sess Total Practical Oral Remarks
Max. 100 25 125 50 Or 25 50 Or 25

1657 201203090 (E) N M TARI SARVESH LXMIKANT ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Industrial Engineering 035 $5 013 048+ $5
Machine Design II 000 003 003A 010+
Gas Dynamics & Turbomachinaries 035 006 041F 016+
Engineering Measurments & Metrology 046 009 055+ 012+
Mechatronics 047 010 057+ 010+
Operations & Project Management 035 $5 011 046+ $5

1658 201406662 (E) N F WALE DISHA SANJAY

Industrial Engineering 058 018 076+
Machine Design II 042 013 055P 020+
Gas Dynamics & Turbomachinaries 042 019 061+ 018+
Engineering Measurments & Metrology 050 015 065+ 023+
Mechatronics 040 019 059+ 014+
Operations & Project Management 050 012 062+
453 P 432 $06 C 0885 $06 C

1959 200907137 (E) N M COUTINHO RYAN VALMIKI

Industrial Engineering 060 007 067+
Machine Design II 052 002 054P 012+
Gas Dynamics & Turbomachinaries 050 003 053+ 018+
Engineering Measurments & Metrology 051 015 066+ 010+
Mechatronics 045 005 050+ 010+
Operations & Project Management 048 011 059+
399 P 390 $06 C 0789 $06 C


Industrial Engineering 037 $3 012 049+ $3
Machine Design II 054 010 064P 014+
Gas Dynamics & Turbomachinaries 040 010 050+ 018+
Engineering Measurments & Metrology 038 $2 009 047+ $3 017+
Mechatronics 044 010 054+ 016+
Operations & Project Management 035 $5 010 045+ $5
374 $11 P 392 $02 C 0766 $13 C

Read by Checked by Declared on Asst. Registrar-E(Prof) Controller of Examinations Registrar

P: Pass Class; F: Fails; A: Absent; N: Non Appearance D: First Class with Distinction;I: First Class; S: Second Class;
C: Passed in Compartment; X: Not answered Sem. 5
Goa Engineering Examination System Page : 39
University Collegewise Student Result Register for VI th Semester Exam

[ 04 Electronics & Telecomm. ] ** RC 2007-08 **

College : Padre Conceicao College of Engineering, Verna Exam Year : MAY-2019
Seat P.R. No. ARE Pro Sex Name of the Candidate Sem. 6 Sem. 5 Grand
No. Cd. vi. Total Total Total
Max. 850 Max. 850 Max. 1700
Theory Min. 340 Min. 340 Min. 0680
Sess Total Practical Oral Remarks
Max. 100 25 125 50 Or 25 50 Or 25

1659 201406679 (E) N F BHANDARI KHANDEPARKAR AISWARYA PRABHKER ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Communication Engineering II 000 007 007A 020+
Peripheral Devices & Interfacing 024 004 028F
Power Electronics 000 003 003A
Antena & Wave Propagation 018 009 027F
Electronic Instrumentation 000 007 007A
VLSI Technology & Design 018 005 023F 022+

1660 201406763 (E) N M CHARI TEJAS RAMA ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Communication Engineering II 000 008 008A 022+
Peripheral Devices & Interfacing 000 010 010A
Power Electronics 000 010 010A
Antena & Wave Propagation 043 006 049+ $1
Electronic Instrumentation 000 010 010A
VLSI Technology & Design 000 010 010A 028+


Communication Engineering II 040 009 049+ $1 018+ $2
Peripheral Devices & Interfacing 040 008 048+ $2
Power Electronics 046 004 050+
Antena & Wave Propagation 035 $5 014 049+ $5
Electronic Instrumentation 041 006 047+ $3
VLSI Technology & Design 021 004 025F 020+
306 $13 F 348#10$13 C 0654#10$26 F

1662 201308671 (E) N M D'SOUZA AMTHONY CAIRNS PATRICK ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Communication Engineering II 000 004 004A 018+ $2
Peripheral Devices & Interfacing 000 001 001A
Power Electronics 000 004 004A
Antena & Wave Propagation 000 010 010A
Electronic Instrumentation 001 006 007F
VLSI Technology & Design 000 002 002A 021+

1663 201608164 (E) N M DODAMANI SAGAR SHRIMANT ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Communication Engineering II 000 004 004A 020E
Peripheral Devices & Interfacing 000 005 005A
Power Electronics 000 001 001A
Antena & Wave Propagation 000 000 000A
Electronic Instrumentation 000 009 009A
VLSI Technology & Design 000 000 000A 021E

P: Pass Class; F: Fails; A: Absent; N: Non Appearance D: First Class with Distinction;I: First Class; S: Second Class;
C: Passed in Compartment; X: Not answered Sem. 5
Goa Engineering Examination System Page : 40
University Collegewise Student Result Register for VI th Semester Exam

[ 04 Electronics & Telecomm. ] ** RC 2007-08 **

College : Padre Conceicao College of Engineering, Verna Exam Year : MAY-2019
Seat P.R. No. ARE Pro Sex Name of the Candidate Sem. 6 Sem. 5 Grand
No. Cd. vi. Total Total Total
Max. 850 Max. 850 Max. 1700
Theory Min. 340 Min. 340 Min. 0680
Sess Total Practical Oral Remarks
Max. 100 25 125 50 Or 25 50 Or 25

1664 201608166 (E) N M DSOUZA ROYCE HERMENEGILDO ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Communication Engineering II 038 #02 012 050P#02 021+
Peripheral Devices & Interfacing 040 011 051+
Power Electronics 040 011 051+
Antena & Wave Propagation 039 #01 012 051P#01
Electronic Instrumentation 058 012 070+
VLSI Technology & Design 037 #03 012 049+#03 034+

1665 201510190 (E) N M DUBALE SRIHARSH PRAMOD ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Communication Engineering II 035 $5 014 049+ $5 024+
Peripheral Devices & Interfacing 027 009 036F
Power Electronics 035 $5 012 047+ $5
Antena & Wave Propagation 047 010 057+
Electronic Instrumentation 046 010 056+
VLSI Technology & Design 037 $3 010 047+ $3 027+

1666 201406771 (E) N M FERNANDES JULIUS ANTHONY ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Communication Engineering II 035 $5 009 044+ $6 020+
Peripheral Devices & Interfacing 007 011 018F
Power Electronics 007 011 018F
Antena & Wave Propagation 038 $2 007 045+ $5
Electronic Instrumentation 046 010 056E
VLSI Technology & Design 041 010 051E 026+

1667 201510209 (E) N M GAUNEKAR KALPESH GURUDAS ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Communication Engineering II 027 015 042F 020+
Peripheral Devices & Interfacing 041 016 057E
Power Electronics 035 $5 013 048+ $5
Antena & Wave Propagation 037 $3 012 049+ $3
Electronic Instrumentation 040 012 052+
VLSI Technology & Design 035 $5 012 047+ $5 022+

1668 201203275 (E) N M GOSAVI DATTARAM MOHAN

Communication Engineering II 000 016 016A 018+ $2
Peripheral Devices & Interfacing 003 005 008F
Power Electronics 002 006 008F
Antena & Wave Propagation 009 014 023F
Electronic Instrumentation 002 011 013F
VLSI Technology & Design 000 006 006A 021+
113 $02 F 402 $14 C 0515 $16 F

P: Pass Class; F: Fails; A: Absent; N: Non Appearance D: First Class with Distinction;I: First Class; S: Second Class;
C: Passed in Compartment; X: Not answered Sem. 5
Goa Engineering Examination System Page : 41
University Collegewise Student Result Register for VI th Semester Exam

[ 04 Electronics & Telecomm. ] ** RC 2007-08 **

College : Padre Conceicao College of Engineering, Verna Exam Year : MAY-2019
Seat P.R. No. ARE Pro Sex Name of the Candidate Sem. 6 Sem. 5 Grand
No. Cd. vi. Total Total Total
Max. 850 Max. 850 Max. 1700
Theory Min. 340 Min. 340 Min. 0680
Sess Total Practical Oral Remarks
Max. 100 25 125 50 Or 25 50 Or 25

1669 201406764 (E) N M JADHAV SHARAD SHANKAR ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Communication Engineering II 000 011 011A 032+
Peripheral Devices & Interfacing 000 008 008A
Power Electronics 027 010 037F
Antena & Wave Propagation 000 008 008A
Electronic Instrumentation 048 016 064+
VLSI Technology & Design 037 $3 010 047+ $3 038+


Communication Engineering II 046 014 060+ 037+
Peripheral Devices & Interfacing 052 015 067P
Power Electronics 056 011 067+
Antena & Wave Propagation 057 011 068+
Electronic Instrumentation 079 016 095+
VLSI Technology & Design 048 009 057P 025+
476 P 452#10 C 0928#10 C

1671 201608168 (E) N M KHASNIS PARAG PANKAJ ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Communication Engineering II 000 012 012A 022+
Peripheral Devices & Interfacing 007 018 025F
Power Electronics 035 $5 011 046+ $5
Antena & Wave Propagation 022 013 035F
Electronic Instrumentation 035 $5 012 047+ $5
VLSI Technology & Design 040 011 051+ 028+

1672 201510223 (E) N M KUNJI SHUAIB SABIR ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Communication Engineering II 020 007 027F 045+
Peripheral Devices & Interfacing 040 012 052E
Power Electronics 000 006 006A
Antena & Wave Propagation 000 002 002A
Electronic Instrumentation 022 008 030F
VLSI Technology & Design 000 007 007A 038+

1673 201510224 (E) N M LOPES ERROL FRANCIS

Communication Engineering II 035 #05 009 044+#06 036+
Peripheral Devices & Interfacing 053 011 064E
Power Electronics 040 010 050+
Antena & Wave Propagation 014 011 025F
Electronic Instrumentation 048 010 058+
VLSI Technology & Design 045 009 054+ 033+
364#09 F 375#09$14 C 0739#18$14 F

P: Pass Class; F: Fails; A: Absent; N: Non Appearance D: First Class with Distinction;I: First Class; S: Second Class;
C: Passed in Compartment; X: Not answered Sem. 5
Goa Engineering Examination System Page : 42
University Collegewise Student Result Register for VI th Semester Exam

[ 04 Electronics & Telecomm. ] ** RC 2007-08 **

College : Padre Conceicao College of Engineering, Verna Exam Year : MAY-2019
Seat P.R. No. ARE Pro Sex Name of the Candidate Sem. 6 Sem. 5 Grand
No. Cd. vi. Total Total Total
Max. 850 Max. 850 Max. 1700
Theory Min. 340 Min. 340 Min. 0680
Sess Total Practical Oral Remarks
Max. 100 25 125 50 Or 25 50 Or 25

1674 201608170 (E) N M NAGVEKER SURAJ SHIVANAND ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Communication Engineering II 035 $5 010 045+ $5 025+
Peripheral Devices & Interfacing 043 006 049E $1
Power Electronics 040 011 051E
Antena & Wave Propagation 043 003 046+ $4
Electronic Instrumentation 035 $5 010 045E $5
VLSI Technology & Design 035 009 044F 022+

1675 201608174 (E) N M NAIK GIRISH PRAKASH ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Communication Engineering II 023 007 030F 024+
Peripheral Devices & Interfacing 041 010 051+
Power Electronics 041 004 045+ $5
Antena & Wave Propagation 035 #05 007 042+#05$3
Electronic Instrumentation 040 006 046+ $4
VLSI Technology & Design 035 #05 010 045+#05 021+

1676 201608179 (E) N M NAIK OMKAR DIGAMBAR ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Communication Engineering II 000 011 011A 020+
Peripheral Devices & Interfacing 035 #05 012 047+#05
Power Electronics 000 010 010A
Antena & Wave Propagation 038 #02 011 049+#02
Electronic Instrumentation 040 008 048+#02
VLSI Technology & Design 040 011 051+ 032+

1677 201510323 (E) N M NARVENCAR SIDDH DILIP ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Communication Engineering II 000 012 012A 020+
Peripheral Devices & Interfacing 000 011 011A
Power Electronics 018 011 029F
Antena & Wave Propagation 031 #05$4 010 041+#05$4
Electronic Instrumentation 052 011 063+
VLSI Technology & Design 000 015 015A 036+

1678 201203322 (E) N M PADMANABH RAWAL

Communication Engineering II 000 004 004A 020+
Peripheral Devices & Interfacing 000 006 006A
Power Electronics 042 012 054+
Antena & Wave Propagation 043 011 054+
Electronic Instrumentation 000 010 010A
VLSI Technology & Design 035 $5 010 045+ $5 025+
218 $05 A 358 $17 C 0576 $22 F

P: Pass Class; F: Fails; A: Absent; N: Non Appearance D: First Class with Distinction;I: First Class; S: Second Class;
C: Passed in Compartment; X: Not answered Sem. 5
Goa Engineering Examination System Page : 43
University Collegewise Student Result Register for VI th Semester Exam

[ 04 Electronics & Telecomm. ] ** RC 2007-08 **

College : Padre Conceicao College of Engineering, Verna Exam Year : MAY-2019
Seat P.R. No. ARE Pro Sex Name of the Candidate Sem. 6 Sem. 5 Grand
No. Cd. vi. Total Total Total
Max. 850 Max. 850 Max. 1700
Theory Min. 340 Min. 340 Min. 0680
Sess Total Practical Oral Remarks
Max. 100 25 125 50 Or 25 50 Or 25

1679 201406717 (E) N M PEREIRA CANCIO SAVIO ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Communication Engineering II 035 $5 013 048E $5 020+
Peripheral Devices & Interfacing 025 010 035F
Power Electronics 040 011 051+
Antena & Wave Propagation 038 $2 014 052E $2
Electronic Instrumentation 035 $5 010 045+ $5
VLSI Technology & Design 037 $3 011 048+ $3 021+

1680 201406774 (E) N M PUSHKER DHAVASKAR ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Communication Engineering II 000 008 008A 028+
Peripheral Devices & Interfacing 000 008 008A
Power Electronics 040 008 048+ $2
Antena & Wave Propagation 035 $5 013 048+ $5
Electronic Instrumentation 000 010 010A
VLSI Technology & Design 043 005 048+ $2 026+

1681 201406743 (E) N F RIVANKAR SONALI VIPIN ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Communication Engineering II 000 008 008A 020+
Peripheral Devices & Interfacing 012 009 021F
Power Electronics 040 004 044+ $6
Antena & Wave Propagation 035 $5 014 049+ $5
Electronic Instrumentation 000 012 012A
VLSI Technology & Design 008 010 018F 030+

1682 201510349 (E) N M SHENVI VINAY VINOD ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Communication Engineering II 022 010 032F 022+
Peripheral Devices & Interfacing 000 014 014A
Power Electronics 000 010 010A
Antena & Wave Propagation 000 012 012A
Electronic Instrumentation 042 010 052+
VLSI Technology & Design 021 011 032F 025+

1683 201308711 (E) N F SHETYE MANALI PRASAD

Communication Engineering II 042 015 057+ 037+
Peripheral Devices & Interfacing 037 $3 012 049P $3
Power Electronics 050 013 063+
Antena & Wave Propagation 055 014 069+
Electronic Instrumentation 065 017 082+
VLSI Technology & Design 035 $5 015 050+ $5 026+
433 $08 P 456 $07 C 0889 $15 C

P: Pass Class; F: Fails; A: Absent; N: Non Appearance D: First Class with Distinction;I: First Class; S: Second Class;
C: Passed in Compartment; X: Not answered Sem. 5
Goa Engineering Examination System Page : 44
University Collegewise Student Result Register for VI th Semester Exam

[ 04 Electronics & Telecomm. ] ** RC 2007-08 **

College : Padre Conceicao College of Engineering, Verna Exam Year : MAY-2019
Seat P.R. No. ARE Pro Sex Name of the Candidate Sem. 6 Sem. 5 Grand
No. Cd. vi. Total Total Total
Max. 850 Max. 850 Max. 1700
Theory Min. 340 Min. 340 Min. 0680
Sess Total Practical Oral Remarks
Max. 100 25 125 50 Or 25 50 Or 25

1684 201510357 (E) N M SHIRODKAR SHUBHAM PREMANAND ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Communication Engineering II 040 011 051P 022+
Peripheral Devices & Interfacing 035 #05 015 050+#05
Power Electronics 040 010 050+
Antena & Wave Propagation 058 008 066+
Electronic Instrumentation 044 011 055+
VLSI Technology & Design 035 #04$1 011 046P#04$1 030+

1685 201406783 (E) N M SUNEET KUMAR YADAV ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Communication Engineering II 052 013 065+ 028+
Peripheral Devices & Interfacing 000 004 004A
Power Electronics 040 008 048+#02
Antena & Wave Propagation 036 #02$2 013 049+#02$2
Electronic Instrumentation 037 $3 013 050+ $3
VLSI Technology & Design 035 #05 009 044+#06 025+

1686 201608192 (E) N M UMARYE UTKARSH UDAY

Communication Engineering II 035 $5 012 047+ $5 036+
Peripheral Devices & Interfacing 035 $5 013 048E $5
Power Electronics 043 015 058+
Antena & Wave Propagation 053 011 064+
Electronic Instrumentation 043 010 053+
VLSI Technology & Design 023 010 033F 030+
369 $10 F 384 $15 C 0753 $25 F

1687 201510364 (E) N M VARGAONKAR ATISH TIPU ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Communication Engineering II 035 $5 011 046E $5 022+
Peripheral Devices & Interfacing 020 014 034F
Power Electronics 023 010 033F
Antena & Wave Propagation 009 013 022F
Electronic Instrumentation 035 $5 013 048+ $5
VLSI Technology & Design 044 011 055+ 033+

1688 201510368 (E) N M VAZ VALLY

Communication Engineering II 035 $5 009 044E $6 022+
Peripheral Devices & Interfacing 044 011 055+
Power Electronics 036 007 043F
Antena & Wave Propagation 025 012 037F
Electronic Instrumentation 043 010 053+
VLSI Technology & Design 035 $5 011 046+ $5 021+
321 $11 F 394#10$10 C 0715#10$21 F

P: Pass Class; F: Fails; A: Absent; N: Non Appearance D: First Class with Distinction;I: First Class; S: Second Class;
C: Passed in Compartment; X: Not answered Sem. 5
Goa Engineering Examination System Page : 45
University Collegewise Student Result Register for VI th Semester Exam

[ 04 Electronics & Telecomm. ] ** RC 2007-08 **

College : Padre Conceicao College of Engineering, Verna Exam Year : MAY-2019
Seat P.R. No. ARE Pro Sex Name of the Candidate Sem. 6 Sem. 5 Grand
No. Cd. vi. Total Total Total
Max. 850 Max. 850 Max. 1700
Theory Min. 340 Min. 340 Min. 0680
Sess Total Practical Oral Remarks
Max. 100 25 125 50 Or 25 50 Or 25

1689 201510367 (E) N M VELIP NIKHIL SHAMAJI ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Communication Engineering II 035 $5 014 049+ $5 027+
Peripheral Devices & Interfacing 000 013 013A
Power Electronics 040 011 051+
Antena & Wave Propagation 049 013 062+
Electronic Instrumentation 050 012 062+
VLSI Technology & Design 050 012 062+ 035+

1690 201308714 (E) N M VOLVOIKAR SMITESH RAJENDRA ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Communication Engineering II 056 013 069+ 018+ $2
Peripheral Devices & Interfacing 036 004 040F
Power Electronics 040 005 045+ $5
Antena & Wave Propagation 042 012 054+
Electronic Instrumentation 043 012 055+
VLSI Technology & Design 043 008 051+ 024+

Read by Checked by Declared on Asst. Registrar-E(Prof) Controller of Examinations Registrar

P: Pass Class; F: Fails; A: Absent; N: Non Appearance D: First Class with Distinction;I: First Class; S: Second Class;
C: Passed in Compartment; X: Not answered Sem. 5
Goa Engineering Examination System Page : 46
University Collegewise Student Result Register for VI th Semester Exam

[ 05 Computer ] ** RC 2007-08 **
College : Padre Conceicao College of Engineering, Verna Exam Year : MAY-2019
Seat P.R. No. ARE Pro Sex Name of the Candidate Sem. 6 Sem. 5 Grand
No. Cd. vi. Total Total Total
Max. 850 Max. 850 Max. 1700
Theory Min. 340 Min. 340 Min. 0680
Sess Total Practical Oral Remarks
Max. 100 25 125 50 Or 25 50 Or 25

1691 201406623 (E) N M ABHISHEK PATTER ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Modern Algorithm Design Foundation 035 $5 012 047+ $5
Object Oriented Software Engineering 038 $2 009 047+ $3
Artificial Intelligence 043 007 050+ 042+
Computer Graphics 000 006 006A 043+
Device Interface & PC Maintenance 042 006 048+ $2
Data Communications 000 004 004A

1692 201308503 (E) N M ADWALPALKER UGAM KIRAN ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Modern Algorithm Design Foundation 040 006 046+ $4
Object Oriented Software Engineering 035 #05 011 046+#05
Artificial Intelligence 044 008 052+ 020+
Computer Graphics 035 $5 009 044+ $6 040+
Device Interface & PC Maintenance 034 #05$1 008 042+#05$3
Data Communications 027 008 035F

1693 201510234 (E) N M BORKAR SAURABH RAVINDRA ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Modern Algorithm Design Foundation 041 009 050+
Object Oriented Software Engineering 039 $1 011 050+ $1
Artificial Intelligence 000 006 006A 022+
Computer Graphics 000 010 010A 018+ $2
Device Interface & PC Maintenance 035 $5 012 047+ $5
Data Communications 000 005 005A

1694 201203045 (E) N M BORKER VISHNU SUNIL

Modern Algorithm Design Foundation 045 010 055+
Object Oriented Software Engineering 043 012 055+
Artificial Intelligence 028 006 034F 037+
Computer Graphics 040 008 048+ $2 039+
Device Interface & PC Maintenance 035 $5 014 049+ $5
Data Communications 035 $5 009 044+ $6
361 $13 F 355 $13 C 0716 $26 F

1695 201510235 (E) N M CARVALHO VAUGHAN SAVIO ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Modern Algorithm Design Foundation 039 $1 010 049+ $1
Object Oriented Software Engineering 047 013 060+
Artificial Intelligence 035 $5 010 045P $5 025+
Computer Graphics 052 010 062+ 020+
Device Interface & PC Maintenance 035 $5 010 045+ $5
Data Communications 045 006 051+

P: Pass Class; F: Fails; A: Absent; N: Non Appearance D: First Class with Distinction;I: First Class; S: Second Class;
C: Passed in Compartment; X: Not answered Sem. 5
Goa Engineering Examination System Page : 47
University Collegewise Student Result Register for VI th Semester Exam

[ 05 Computer ] ** RC 2007-08 **
College : Padre Conceicao College of Engineering, Verna Exam Year : MAY-2019
Seat P.R. No. ARE Pro Sex Name of the Candidate Sem. 6 Sem. 5 Grand
No. Cd. vi. Total Total Total
Max. 850 Max. 850 Max. 1700
Theory Min. 340 Min. 340 Min. 0680
Sess Total Practical Oral Remarks
Max. 100 25 125 50 Or 25 50 Or 25

1696 201406495 (E) N M CHARI PUNEET ANANT ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Modern Algorithm Design Foundation 000 004 004A
Object Oriented Software Engineering 000 005 005A
Artificial Intelligence 000 007 007A 020+
Computer Graphics 000 005 005F 000A
Device Interface & PC Maintenance 000 005 005A
Data Communications 000 007 007A

1697 201510242 (E) N M DESAI MALLIKESH MOHANRAO ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Modern Algorithm Design Foundation 026 003 029F
Object Oriented Software Engineering 037 $3 010 047+ $3
Artificial Intelligence 035 006 041F 020+
Computer Graphics 020 010 030F 020+
Device Interface & PC Maintenance 039 $1 012 051+ $1
Data Communications 036 $4 008 044+ $6

1698 201510077 (E) N M DIAS ALLISTER ERWIN ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Modern Algorithm Design Foundation 000 010 010A
Object Oriented Software Engineering 054 015 069+
Artificial Intelligence 000 005 005A 026+
Computer Graphics 048 006 054+ 038+
Device Interface & PC Maintenance 051 013 064+
Data Communications 000 005 005A

1699 201406526 (E) N M FERNANDES LEIGHNOSH STAUTBERT ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Modern Algorithm Design Foundation 000 016 016A
Object Oriented Software Engineering 051 015 066+
Artificial Intelligence 000 011 011A 032+
Computer Graphics 049 008 057+ 042+
Device Interface & PC Maintenance 035 $5 014 049+ $5
Data Communications 000 012 012A


Modern Algorithm Design Foundation 048 019 067+
Object Oriented Software Engineering 060 020 080+
Artificial Intelligence 066 018 084+ 045+
Computer Graphics 043 016 059P 040+
Device Interface & PC Maintenance 057 010 067P
Data Communications 035 $5 017 052+ $5
494 $05 P 562 $05 C 1056 $10 C

P: Pass Class; F: Fails; A: Absent; N: Non Appearance D: First Class with Distinction;I: First Class; S: Second Class;
C: Passed in Compartment; X: Not answered Sem. 5
Goa Engineering Examination System Page : 48
University Collegewise Student Result Register for VI th Semester Exam

[ 05 Computer ] ** RC 2007-08 **
College : Padre Conceicao College of Engineering, Verna Exam Year : MAY-2019
Seat P.R. No. ARE Pro Sex Name of the Candidate Sem. 6 Sem. 5 Grand
No. Cd. vi. Total Total Total
Max. 850 Max. 850 Max. 1700
Theory Min. 340 Min. 340 Min. 0680
Sess Total Practical Oral Remarks
Max. 100 25 125 50 Or 25 50 Or 25

1701 201406566 (E) N M KENKARE NANDISH VINAYAK ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Modern Algorithm Design Foundation 035 $5 013 048+ $5
Object Oriented Software Engineering 044 015 059+
Artificial Intelligence 025 009 034F 044+
Computer Graphics 021 008 029F 040+
Device Interface & PC Maintenance 035 $5 014 049+ $5
Data Communications 032 011 043F

1702 201308587 (E) N M MACIEL RYAN LOUIS

Modern Algorithm Design Foundation 053 004 057P
Object Oriented Software Engineering 037 $3 010 047+ $3
Artificial Intelligence 040 007 047+ $3 044+
Computer Graphics 058 010 068+ 035+
Device Interface & PC Maintenance 052 013 065+
Data Communications 036 $4 010 046+ $4
409 $10 P 372 $14 C 0781 $24 C

1703 201510253 (E) N F MALVANKER VAISHNAVI VISHWAS ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Modern Algorithm Design Foundation 027 007 034F
Object Oriented Software Engineering 037 $3 009 046+ $4
Artificial Intelligence 030 006 036F 020+
Computer Graphics 037 004 041F 020+
Device Interface & PC Maintenance 035 $5 011 046+ $5
Data Communications 059 006 065E

1704 201510255 (E) N M MAUZO YESHWANT HANUMANT ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Modern Algorithm Design Foundation 035 $5 009 044+ $6
Object Oriented Software Engineering 036 $4 009 045E $5
Artificial Intelligence 000 006 006A 020+
Computer Graphics 000 010 010A 000A
Device Interface & PC Maintenance 000 006 006A
Data Communications 000 010 010A

1705 201510256 (E) N M MORAES OSBORNE DARNELL ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Modern Algorithm Design Foundation 041 012 053+
Object Oriented Software Engineering 037 $3 014 051+ $3
Artificial Intelligence 035 005 040F 028+
Computer Graphics 002 010 012F 041+
Device Interface & PC Maintenance 000 006 006A
Data Communications 036 007 043F

P: Pass Class; F: Fails; A: Absent; N: Non Appearance D: First Class with Distinction;I: First Class; S: Second Class;
C: Passed in Compartment; X: Not answered Sem. 5
Goa Engineering Examination System Page : 49
University Collegewise Student Result Register for VI th Semester Exam

[ 05 Computer ] ** RC 2007-08 **
College : Padre Conceicao College of Engineering, Verna Exam Year : MAY-2019
Seat P.R. No. ARE Pro Sex Name of the Candidate Sem. 6 Sem. 5 Grand
No. Cd. vi. Total Total Total
Max. 850 Max. 850 Max. 1700
Theory Min. 340 Min. 340 Min. 0680
Sess Total Practical Oral Remarks
Max. 100 25 125 50 Or 25 50 Or 25

1706 201510257 (E) N M NAIK ANAND LAXMIKANT ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Modern Algorithm Design Foundation 035 $5 010 045+ $5
Object Oriented Software Engineering 000 011 011A
Artificial Intelligence 000 007 007A 000A
Computer Graphics 038 $2 011 049+ $2 020+
Device Interface & PC Maintenance 000 004 004A
Data Communications 040 011 051+

1707 201608150 (E) N F NAIK APURVA ANIL

Modern Algorithm Design Foundation 045 006 051P
Object Oriented Software Engineering 059 018 077+
Artificial Intelligence 040 010 050+ 028+
Computer Graphics 036 $4 010 046+ $4 020+
Device Interface & PC Maintenance 035 $5 014 049+ $5
Data Communications 051 008 059+
380 $09 P 411 $07 C 0791 $16 C

1708 201406608 (E) N M OZORIO AARON SEBASTIAO ESTEVAO ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Modern Algorithm Design Foundation 035 014 049F
Object Oriented Software Engineering 041 017 058+
Artificial Intelligence 025 011 036F 028+
Computer Graphics 036 $4 012 048+ $4 043+
Device Interface & PC Maintenance 035 $5 017 052+ $5
Data Communications 036 $4 014 050+ $4

1709 201510272 (E) N M RAIKAR AARYAN MAHESH ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Modern Algorithm Design Foundation 044 003 047+ $3
Object Oriented Software Engineering 030 011 041F
Artificial Intelligence 000 004 004A 000A
Computer Graphics 035 $5 010 045+ $5 000A
Device Interface & PC Maintenance 035 005 040F
Data Communications 038 $2 010 048+ $2

1710 201510275 (E) N M RODRIGUES BRENDAN MATEUS ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Modern Algorithm Design Foundation 035 000 035F
Object Oriented Software Engineering 026 005 031F
Artificial Intelligence 041 001 042F 000A
Computer Graphics 040 002 042F 010F
Device Interface & PC Maintenance 048 003 051E
Data Communications 064 008 072+

P: Pass Class; F: Fails; A: Absent; N: Non Appearance D: First Class with Distinction;I: First Class; S: Second Class;
C: Passed in Compartment; X: Not answered Sem. 5
Goa Engineering Examination System Page : 50
University Collegewise Student Result Register for VI th Semester Exam

[ 05 Computer ] ** RC 2007-08 **
College : Padre Conceicao College of Engineering, Verna Exam Year : MAY-2019
Seat P.R. No. ARE Pro Sex Name of the Candidate Sem. 6 Sem. 5 Grand
No. Cd. vi. Total Total Total
Max. 850 Max. 850 Max. 1700
Theory Min. 340 Min. 340 Min. 0680
Sess Total Practical Oral Remarks
Max. 100 25 125 50 Or 25 50 Or 25

1711 201510279 (E) N M SAWANT GOURISH CHANDRAKANT ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Modern Algorithm Design Foundation 000 005 005A
Object Oriented Software Engineering 053 010 063+
Artificial Intelligence 038 #02 003 041+#03$6 020+
Computer Graphics 000 007 007A 020+
Device Interface & PC Maintenance 036 #03$1 005 041+#03$6
Data Communications 035 #05 005 040+#10


Modern Algorithm Design Foundation 054 008 062P
Object Oriented Software Engineering 055 014 069+
Artificial Intelligence 047 009 056+ 020+
Computer Graphics 035 $5 010 045+ $5 020+
Device Interface & PC Maintenance 037 $3 011 048+ $3
Data Communications 047 011 058+
378 $08 P 440 C 0818 $08 C

1713 201510285 (E) N F SINGH RAJSHREE ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Modern Algorithm Design Foundation 063 004 067E
Object Oriented Software Engineering 070 009 079+
Artificial Intelligence 073 001 074E 000A
Computer Graphics 052 007 059+ 020+
Device Interface & PC Maintenance 044 005 049+ $1
Data Communications 046 003 049+ $1

1714 201203183 (E) N M VIKAS VERMA

Modern Algorithm Design Foundation 046 010 056+
Object Oriented Software Engineering 036 $4 011 047+ $4
Artificial Intelligence 035 007 042F 039+
Computer Graphics 048 012 060+ 038+
Device Interface & PC Maintenance 041 010 051+
Data Communications 044 006 050+
383 $04 F 412 $05 C 0795 $09 F

Read by Checked by Declared on Asst. Registrar-E(Prof) Controller of Examinations Registrar

P: Pass Class; F: Fails; A: Absent; N: Non Appearance D: First Class with Distinction;I: First Class; S: Second Class;
C: Passed in Compartment; X: Not answered Sem. 5
Goa Engineering Examination System Page : 51
University Collegewise Student Result Register for VI th Semester Exam

[ 07 Information Technology ] ** RC 2007-08 **

College : Padre Conceicao College of Engineering, Verna Exam Year : MAY-2019
Seat P.R. No. ARE Pro Sex Name of the Candidate Sem. 6 Sem. 5 Grand
No. Cd. vi. Total Total Total
Max. 850 Max. 850 Max. 1700
Theory Min. 340 Min. 340 Min. 0680
Sess Total Practical Oral Remarks
Max. 100 25 125 50 Or 25 50 Or 25

1715 201203105 (E) N M ANTAO SVEN CYRUS ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Entrepreneurship Development 000 014 014A
Theory of Computation 000 007 007A
Computer Networks 040 010 050+
Computer Graphics 045 015 060+ 020+
Web Technology 049 014 063+ 030+
Software Testing & Quality Assurance 037 $3 010 047+ $3


Entrepreneurship Development 066 014 080+
Theory of Computation 029 007 036F
Computer Networks 054 006 060+
Computer Graphics 053 010 063+ 030+
Web Technology 041 017 058+ 030+
Software Testing & Quality Assurance 040 013 053+
410 F 409 $12 C 0819 $12 F

1717 201510089 (E) N M BORKAR SAIRAJ SATISH ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Entrepreneurship Development 040 015 055E
Theory of Computation 028 011 039F
Computer Networks 014 013 027F
Computer Graphics 007 011 018F 024+
Web Technology 040 010 050+ 036+
Software Testing & Quality Assurance 015 011 026F


Entrepreneurship Development 042 010 052+
Theory of Computation 035 006 041F
Computer Networks 052 005 057+
Computer Graphics 044 006 050+ 023+
Web Technology 035 $5 010 045+ $5 034+
Software Testing & Quality Assurance 043 016 059+
361 $05 F 384 $04 C 0745 $09 F

1719 201608196 (E) N M DCOSTA PRINOY

Entrepreneurship Development 063 008 071+
Theory of Computation 035 $5 009 044E $6
Computer Networks 023 005 028F
Computer Graphics 042 013 055+ 024+
Web Technology 041 013 054E 029+
Software Testing & Quality Assurance 050 007 057E
362 $06 F 384 $11 C 0746 $17 F

P: Pass Class; F: Fails; A: Absent; N: Non Appearance D: First Class with Distinction;I: First Class; S: Second Class;
C: Passed in Compartment; X: Not answered Sem. 5
Goa Engineering Examination System Page : 52
University Collegewise Student Result Register for VI th Semester Exam

[ 07 Information Technology ] ** RC 2007-08 **

College : Padre Conceicao College of Engineering, Verna Exam Year : MAY-2019
Seat P.R. No. ARE Pro Sex Name of the Candidate Sem. 6 Sem. 5 Grand
No. Cd. vi. Total Total Total
Max. 850 Max. 850 Max. 1700
Theory Min. 340 Min. 340 Min. 0680
Sess Total Practical Oral Remarks
Max. 100 25 125 50 Or 25 50 Or 25

1720 201510105 (E) N M DE SOUZA ERROL

Entrepreneurship Development 048 016 064+
Theory of Computation 045 013 058+
Computer Networks 030 #05$5 014 044P#05$5
Computer Graphics 040 015 055+ 032+
Web Technology 046 009 055+ 030+
Software Testing & Quality Assurance 050 010 060+
398#09$05 P 417#09$09 P 0815#18$14 C

1721 201510142 (E) N F FALKAR SHESHALI SHIVA ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Entrepreneurship Development 040 015 055+
Theory of Computation 043 010 053+
Computer Networks 018 012 030F
Computer Graphics 035 $5 013 048+ $5 028+
Web Technology 040 008 048+ $2 031+
Software Testing & Quality Assurance 038 $2 010 048+ $2


Entrepreneurship Development 049 014 063+
Theory of Computation 035 $5 010 045+ $5
Computer Networks 049 005 054+
Computer Graphics 036 004 040F 038+
Web Technology 035 $5 009 044+ $6 021+
Software Testing & Quality Assurance 036 $4 008 044+ $6
349 $17 F 355 $11 C 0704 $28 F

1723 201510153 (E) N M GAONKAR ADARSH UMESH ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Entrepreneurship Development 000 012 012A
Theory of Computation 000 004 004A
Computer Networks 000 010 010A
Computer Graphics 000 010 010A 023+
Web Technology 035 006 041F 035+
Software Testing & Quality Assurance 040 008 048E $2

1724 201406563 (E) N M LYNDON MATHEW D' SOUZA ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Entrepreneurship Development 040 011 051+
Theory of Computation 006 006 012F
Computer Networks 006 012 018F
Computer Graphics 035 $5 011 046E $5 028+
Web Technology 040 014 054E 023+
Software Testing & Quality Assurance 040 007 047E $3

P: Pass Class; F: Fails; A: Absent; N: Non Appearance D: First Class with Distinction;I: First Class; S: Second Class;
C: Passed in Compartment; X: Not answered Sem. 5
Goa Engineering Examination System Page : 53
University Collegewise Student Result Register for VI th Semester Exam

[ 07 Information Technology ] ** RC 2007-08 **

College : Padre Conceicao College of Engineering, Verna Exam Year : MAY-2019
Seat P.R. No. ARE Pro Sex Name of the Candidate Sem. 6 Sem. 5 Grand
No. Cd. vi. Total Total Total
Max. 850 Max. 850 Max. 1700
Theory Min. 340 Min. 340 Min. 0680
Sess Total Practical Oral Remarks
Max. 100 25 125 50 Or 25 50 Or 25

1725 201308600 (E) N F MADGAONKAR POOJA BHIKARO ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Entrepreneurship Development 035 $5 010 045+ $5
Theory of Computation 000 006 006A
Computer Networks 017 006 023F
Computer Graphics 000 002 002A 020+
Web Technology 000 005 005A 022+
Software Testing & Quality Assurance 000 006 006A

1726 201308604 (E) N M MANERKAR VASANT BHAVANIDAS ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Entrepreneurship Development 035 #05 013 048+#05
Theory of Computation 025 013 038F
Computer Networks 003 008 011F
Computer Graphics 031 #04$5 010 041+#04$5 035+
Web Technology 001 012 013F 025+
Software Testing & Quality Assurance 052 006 058+

1727 201308605 (E) N M MASCARENHAS ADRIEL SNIDER ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Entrepreneurship Development 035 $5 011 046+ $5
Theory of Computation 035 $5 010 045+ $5
Computer Networks 013 007 020F
Computer Graphics 000 006 006A 020+
Web Technology 006 005 011F 021+
Software Testing & Quality Assurance 040 006 046E $4


Entrepreneurship Development 053 015 068+
Theory of Computation 055 013 068+
Computer Networks 037 $3 014 051P $3
Computer Graphics 043 015 058+ 034+
Web Technology 053 012 065+ 023+
Software Testing & Quality Assurance 045 013 058+
425 $03 P 421 $05 C 0846 $08 C

1729 201510336 (E) N M NAROJI SHUBHAM NANDAKUMAR ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Entrepreneurship Development 000 008 008A
Theory of Computation 000 007 007A
Computer Networks 000 010 010A
Computer Graphics 000 011 011A 036+
Web Technology 038 $2 007 045+ $5 021+
Software Testing & Quality Assurance 055 004 059E

P: Pass Class; F: Fails; A: Absent; N: Non Appearance D: First Class with Distinction;I: First Class; S: Second Class;
C: Passed in Compartment; X: Not answered Sem. 5
Goa Engineering Examination System Page : 54
University Collegewise Student Result Register for VI th Semester Exam

[ 07 Information Technology ] ** RC 2007-08 **

College : Padre Conceicao College of Engineering, Verna Exam Year : MAY-2019
Seat P.R. No. ARE Pro Sex Name of the Candidate Sem. 6 Sem. 5 Grand
No. Cd. vi. Total Total Total
Max. 850 Max. 850 Max. 1700
Theory Min. 340 Min. 340 Min. 0680
Sess Total Practical Oral Remarks
Max. 100 25 125 50 Or 25 50 Or 25

1730 201510342 (E) N M PAI KARTHIK DHANANJAY

Entrepreneurship Development 040 011 051+
Theory of Computation 020 004 024F
Computer Networks 027 010 037F
Computer Graphics 026 006 032F 036+
Web Technology 035 006 041F 028+
Software Testing & Quality Assurance 040 004 044E $6
293 $06 F 376 $10 C 0669 $16 F

1731 201203188 (E) N M PATHAK SACHIN KUMAR RADHERAMAN ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Entrepreneurship Development 045 010 055E
Theory of Computation 000 003 003A
Computer Networks 000 005 005A
Computer Graphics 000 001 001A 000A
Web Technology 000 003 003A 000A
Software Testing & Quality Assurance 000 006 006A

1732 201406641 (E) N M PILANKAR VAIBHAV V

Entrepreneurship Development 040 012 052+
Theory of Computation 026 004 030F
Computer Networks 028 008 036F
Computer Graphics 037 005 042F 022+
Web Technology 021 003 024F 026+
Software Testing & Quality Assurance 044 009 053+
285 F 341 $15 C 0626 $15 F

1733 201510305 (E) N M PRANJAL MISHRA

Entrepreneurship Development 045 009 054+
Theory of Computation 028 010 038F
Computer Networks 036 $4 010 046+ $4
Computer Graphics 042 010 052+ 044+
Web Technology 042 009 051+ 025+
Software Testing & Quality Assurance 037 $3 010 047+ $3
357 $07 F 374 $09 C 0731 $16 F

1734 201510347 (E) N M RAICAR JAMES ROY ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Entrepreneurship Development 051 014 065+
Theory of Computation 000 010 010A
Computer Networks 027 012 039F
Computer Graphics 000 011 011A 020+
Web Technology 040 010 050+ 022+
Software Testing & Quality Assurance 046 011 057+

P: Pass Class; F: Fails; A: Absent; N: Non Appearance D: First Class with Distinction;I: First Class; S: Second Class;
C: Passed in Compartment; X: Not answered Sem. 5
Goa Engineering Examination System Page : 55
University Collegewise Student Result Register for VI th Semester Exam

[ 07 Information Technology ] ** RC 2007-08 **

College : Padre Conceicao College of Engineering, Verna Exam Year : MAY-2019
Seat P.R. No. ARE Pro Sex Name of the Candidate Sem. 6 Sem. 5 Grand
No. Cd. vi. Total Total Total
Max. 850 Max. 850 Max. 1700
Theory Min. 340 Min. 340 Min. 0680
Sess Total Practical Oral Remarks
Max. 100 25 125 50 Or 25 50 Or 25

1735 201203199 (E) N M ROY AMRIT KUMAR

Entrepreneurship Development 041 019 060+
Theory of Computation 042 009 051P
Computer Networks 062 012 074+
Computer Graphics 035 $5 010 045+ $5 028+
Web Technology 045 013 058+ 022+
Software Testing & Quality Assurance 040 017 057+
395 $05 P 378 $05 P 0773 $10 C

1736 201608199 (E) N F SHERYL GAONCAR

Entrepreneurship Development 050 013 063+
Theory of Computation 036 $4 011 047P $4
Computer Networks 038 $2 010 048P $2
Computer Graphics 043 011 054+ 026+
Web Technology 042 014 056+ 028+
Software Testing & Quality Assurance 046 013 059+
381 $06 P 396 $03 P 0777 $09 C


Entrepreneurship Development 048 007 055+
Theory of Computation 038 $2 010 048+ $2
Computer Networks 042 007 049+ $1
Computer Graphics 043 010 053+ 043+
Web Technology 054 006 060P 031+
Software Testing & Quality Assurance 036 $4 016 052+ $4
391 $07 P 403 $07 C 0794 $14 C

1738 201406527 (E) N M TAYDEN ALMEIDA

Entrepreneurship Development 045 013 058+
Theory of Computation 025 009 034F
Computer Networks 027 007 034F
Computer Graphics 042 007 049+ $1 023+
Web Technology 035 007 042F 020+
Software Testing & Quality Assurance 040 010 050E
310 $01 F 342 $11 C 0652 $12 F

1739 201406664 (E) N M VAS MAVERICK CLINTON ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Entrepreneurship Development 044 019 063+
Theory of Computation 037 $3 019 056+ $3
Computer Networks 023 012 035F
Computer Graphics 048 018 066+ 029+
Web Technology 040 011 051+ 025+
Software Testing & Quality Assurance 039 $1 012 051+ $1

P: Pass Class; F: Fails; A: Absent; N: Non Appearance D: First Class with Distinction;I: First Class; S: Second Class;
C: Passed in Compartment; X: Not answered Sem. 5
Goa Engineering Examination System Page : 56
University Collegewise Student Result Register for VI th Semester Exam

[ 07 Information Technology ] ** RC 2007-08 **

College : Padre Conceicao College of Engineering, Verna Exam Year : MAY-2019
Seat P.R. No. ARE Pro Sex Name of the Candidate Sem. 6 Sem. 5 Grand
No. Cd. vi. Total Total Total
Max. 850 Max. 850 Max. 1700
Theory Min. 340 Min. 340 Min. 0680
Sess Total Practical Oral Remarks
Max. 100 25 125 50 Or 25 50 Or 25

1740 201308621 (E) N M VASTA NEHAL PRABHAKAR

Entrepreneurship Development 035 #01$4 011 046+#01$4
Theory of Computation 032 #03$5 015 047+#03$5
Computer Networks 056 005 061+
Computer Graphics 061 013 074+ 020+
Web Technology 040 013 053P 020+
Software Testing & Quality Assurance 035 #05 009 044+#05$1
365#09$10 P 365#12$06 C 0730#21$16 C

Read by Checked by Declared on Asst. Registrar-E(Prof) Controller of Examinations Registrar

P: Pass Class; F: Fails; A: Absent; N: Non Appearance D: First Class with Distinction;I: First Class; S: Second Class;
C: Passed in Compartment; X: Not answered Sem. 5
Goa Engineering Examination System Page : 57
University Collegewise Student Result Register for VI th Semester Exam

[ 04 Electronics & Telecomm. ] ** RC 2007-08 **

Seat P.R. No. ARE Pro Sex Name of the Candidate Sem. 6 Sem. 5 Grand
No. Cd. vi. Total Total Total
Max. 850 Max. 850 Max. 1700
Theory Min. 340 Min. 340 Min. 0680
Sess Total Practical Oral Remarks
Max. 100 25 125 50 Or 25 50 Or 25

1741 201510941 (A) N F DE SOUZA NICOLE QUEENIE ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Communication Engineering II 012 011 023F 020E
Peripheral Devices & Interfacing 035 $5 014 049E $5
Power Electronics 020 010 030F
Antena & Wave Propagation 009 011 020F
Electronic Instrumentation 020 017 037F
VLSI Technology & Design 021 010 031F 020E

1742 201210071 (A) N M PARKAR PRANAV RAMESH ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Communication Engineering II 025 015 040F 020E
Peripheral Devices & Interfacing 022 012 034F
Power Electronics 008 013 021F
Antena & Wave Propagation 016 013 029F
Electronic Instrumentation 011 013 024F
VLSI Technology & Design 023 010 033F 030E


Communication Engineering II 035 $5 017 052P $5 026+
Peripheral Devices & Interfacing 040 017 057+
Power Electronics 035 $5 021 056+ $5
Antena & Wave Propagation 047 018 065+
Electronic Instrumentation 045 019 064P
VLSI Technology & Design 035 $5 010 045+ $5 021+
386 $15 P 387#10$05 C 0773#10$20 C


Communication Engineering II 064 016 080+ 035+
Peripheral Devices & Interfacing 048 018 066+
Power Electronics 040 015 055+
Antena & Wave Propagation 046 016 062+
Electronic Instrumentation 052 013 065P
VLSI Technology & Design 040 015 055+ 026+
444 P 427#10$12 C 0871#10$12 C

1745 201607509 (E) N M DA COSTA MELISON ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Communication Engineering II 035 $5 015 050+ $5 022+
Peripheral Devices & Interfacing 040 015 055+
Power Electronics 025 #10$5 019 044+#10$5
Antena & Wave Propagation 049 015 064+
Electronic Instrumentation 053 017 070P
VLSI Technology & Design 040 014 054+ 020+

P: Pass Class; F: Fails; A: Absent; N: Non Appearance D: First Class with Distinction;I: First Class; S: Second Class;
C: Passed in Compartment; X: Not answered Sem. 5
Goa Engineering Examination System Page : 58
University Collegewise Student Result Register for VI th Semester Exam

[ 04 Electronics & Telecomm. ] ** RC 2007-08 **

Seat P.R. No. ARE Pro Sex Name of the Candidate Sem. 6 Sem. 5 Grand
No. Cd. vi. Total Total Total
Max. 850 Max. 850 Max. 1700
Theory Min. 340 Min. 340 Min. 0680
Sess Total Practical Oral Remarks
Max. 100 25 125 50 Or 25 50 Or 25


Communication Engineering II 041 013 054P 021+
Peripheral Devices & Interfacing 040 018 058+
Power Electronics 029 #06$5 016 045+#06$5
Antena & Wave Propagation 047 023 070+
Electronic Instrumentation 035 #04$1 016 051+#04$1
VLSI Technology & Design 035 $5 010 045+ $5 022+
366#10$11 P 384 $14 C 0750#10$25 C

1747 201407074 (E) N M DESAI PANKAJ DAULATRAO ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Communication Engineering II 017 010 027F 020E
Peripheral Devices & Interfacing 000 010 010A
Power Electronics 000 004 004A
Antena & Wave Propagation 035 $5 010 045E $5
Electronic Instrumentation 000 010 010A
VLSI Technology & Design 000 010 010A 025E


Communication Engineering II 048 019 067+ 028+
Peripheral Devices & Interfacing 040 014 054+
Power Electronics 035 $5 016 051+ $5
Antena & Wave Propagation 059 018 077+
Electronic Instrumentation 049 017 066P
VLSI Technology & Design 035 $5 010 045+ $5 024+
412 $10 P 394 $10 C 0806 $20 C

1749 201510954 (E) N M FURTADO SANATON

Communication Engineering II 035 $5 016 051+ $5 024+
Peripheral Devices & Interfacing 040 015 055P
Power Electronics 040 013 053+
Antena & Wave Propagation 035 $5 011 046+ $5
Electronic Instrumentation 035 $5 013 048+ $5
VLSI Technology & Design 040 010 050+ 026+
353 $15 P 382 $08 C 0735 $23 C

1750 201607519 (E) N M KALEKAR ROHIT BABUSO

Communication Engineering II 046 019 065P 028+
Peripheral Devices & Interfacing 035 #02$3 015 050+#02$3
Power Electronics 035 $5 020 055+ $5
Antena & Wave Propagation 040 018 058+
Electronic Instrumentation 035 #05 020 055+#05
VLSI Technology & Design 037 #03 012 049+#03 028+
388#10$08 P 422#10 C 0810#20$08 C

P: Pass Class; F: Fails; A: Absent; N: Non Appearance D: First Class with Distinction;I: First Class; S: Second Class;
C: Passed in Compartment; X: Not answered Sem. 5
Goa Engineering Examination System Page : 59
University Collegewise Student Result Register for VI th Semester Exam

[ 04 Electronics & Telecomm. ] ** RC 2007-08 **

Seat P.R. No. ARE Pro Sex Name of the Candidate Sem. 6 Sem. 5 Grand
No. Cd. vi. Total Total Total
Max. 850 Max. 850 Max. 1700
Theory Min. 340 Min. 340 Min. 0680
Sess Total Practical Oral Remarks
Max. 100 25 125 50 Or 25 50 Or 25

1751 201510956 (E) N F MADAR HUNAGUND VIDHYASHREE MALLESH ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Communication Engineering II 021 018 039F 036+
Peripheral Devices & Interfacing 040 018 058+
Power Electronics 035 $5 012 047+ $5
Antena & Wave Propagation 038 $2 024 062+ $2
Electronic Instrumentation 035 $5 015 050E $5
VLSI Technology & Design 040 014 054+ 030+


Communication Engineering II 000 011 011A 027+
Peripheral Devices & Interfacing 035 $5 011 046+ $5
Power Electronics 048 013 061+
Antena & Wave Propagation 046 017 063+
Electronic Instrumentation 040 010 050+
VLSI Technology & Design 040 012 052+ 020+
330 $05 A 364 $17 C 0694 $22 F

1753 201607527 (E) N M MIRASHI DARMESH ASHOK ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Communication Engineering II 040 011 051+ 028+
Peripheral Devices & Interfacing 040 013 053+
Power Electronics 040 011 051+
Antena & Wave Propagation 035 $5 012 047+ $5
Electronic Instrumentation 040 015 055+
VLSI Technology & Design 024 010 034F 022+

1754 201510926 (E) N M SAWANT SAISHWAR SHAMBA ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Communication Engineering II 046 017 063+ 025+
Peripheral Devices & Interfacing 036 $4 016 052P $4
Power Electronics 033 #05$2 013 046+#05$2
Antena & Wave Propagation 035 #05 013 048+#05
Electronic Instrumentation 048 013 061P
VLSI Technology & Design 038 $2 013 051+ $2 028+


Communication Engineering II 000 013 013A 036+
Peripheral Devices & Interfacing 000 012 012A
Power Electronics 028 011 039F
Antena & Wave Propagation 038 $2 010 048+ $2
Electronic Instrumentation 025 #10$5 010 035+#10$5
VLSI Technology & Design 040 010 050E 022+
255#10$07 F 371 $09 C 0626#10$16 F

P: Pass Class; F: Fails; A: Absent; N: Non Appearance D: First Class with Distinction;I: First Class; S: Second Class;
C: Passed in Compartment; X: Not answered Sem. 5
Goa Engineering Examination System Page : 60
University Collegewise Student Result Register for VI th Semester Exam

[ 04 Electronics & Telecomm. ] ** RC 2007-08 **

Seat P.R. No. ARE Pro Sex Name of the Candidate Sem. 6 Sem. 5 Grand
No. Cd. vi. Total Total Total
Max. 850 Max. 850 Max. 1700
Theory Min. 340 Min. 340 Min. 0680
Sess Total Practical Oral Remarks
Max. 100 25 125 50 Or 25 50 Or 25

1756 201308902 (E) N M SHARMA SUMEET KUMAR ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Communication Engineering II 053 011 064+ 025+
Peripheral Devices & Interfacing 035 $5 010 045+ $5
Power Electronics 035 $5 013 048+ $5
Antena & Wave Propagation 035 $5 013 048+ $5
Electronic Instrumentation 035 010 045F
VLSI Technology & Design 022 014 036F 020+

1757 201407090 (E) N F SHIRODKAR VISHVAPRIYA VISHWANATH ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Communication Engineering II 021 018 039F 034+
Peripheral Devices & Interfacing 035 $5 012 047E $5
Power Electronics 042 013 055+
Antena & Wave Propagation 036 $4 017 053+ $4
Electronic Instrumentation 054 015 069+
VLSI Technology & Design 035 $5 015 050+ $5 030+

1758 201510935 (E) N M SHIRWAIKER OMKAR ARUN ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Communication Engineering II 045 011 056+ 018+ $2
Peripheral Devices & Interfacing 046 011 057+
Power Electronics 035 $5 012 047+ $5
Antena & Wave Propagation 035 $5 013 048+ $5
Electronic Instrumentation 040 011 051+
VLSI Technology & Design 035 $5 010 045P $5 020+

1759 201407096 (E) N M SINGH RISHIKESH ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Communication Engineering II 044 012 056+ 025+
Peripheral Devices & Interfacing 035 $5 013 048E $5
Power Electronics 040 014 054+
Antena & Wave Propagation 024 013 037F
Electronic Instrumentation 000 014 014A
VLSI Technology & Design 022 013 035F 020+

1760 201510943 (E) N M VAIGANKAR VISHWATEJ BHETNATH ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Communication Engineering II 035 #05 010 045+#05 024+
Peripheral Devices & Interfacing 031 #05$4 010 041+#05$4
Power Electronics 000 011 011A
Antena & Wave Propagation 027 010 037F
Electronic Instrumentation 000 016 016A
VLSI Technology & Design 020 010 030F 020+

P: Pass Class; F: Fails; A: Absent; N: Non Appearance D: First Class with Distinction;I: First Class; S: Second Class;
C: Passed in Compartment; X: Not answered Sem. 5
Goa Engineering Examination System Page : 61
University Collegewise Student Result Register for VI th Semester Exam

[ 04 Electronics & Telecomm. ] ** RC 2007-08 **

Seat P.R. No. ARE Pro Sex Name of the Candidate Sem. 6 Sem. 5 Grand
No. Cd. vi. Total Total Total
Max. 850 Max. 850 Max. 1700
Theory Min. 340 Min. 340 Min. 0680
Sess Total Practical Oral Remarks
Max. 100 25 125 50 Or 25 50 Or 25

1761 201510944 (E) N M VELIP AJAY SURESH ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Communication Engineering II 035 $5 016 051+ $5 030+
Peripheral Devices & Interfacing 040 013 053P
Power Electronics 035 $5 013 048+ $5
Antena & Wave Propagation 040 016 056+
Electronic Instrumentation 041 011 052P
VLSI Technology & Design 040 012 052P 024+


Communication Engineering II 040 020 060+ 022+
Peripheral Devices & Interfacing 035 #05 015 050+#05
Power Electronics 040 021 061+
Antena & Wave Propagation 043 017 060+
Electronic Instrumentation 035 #05 016 051+#05
VLSI Technology & Design 021 014 035F 033+
372#10 F 354#10$03 C 0726#20$03 F

1763 201210074 (E) N M VERNEKAR JALAJA VENKATRAMAN ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Communication Engineering II 023 012 035F 032+
Peripheral Devices & Interfacing 021 010 031F
Power Electronics 014 013 027F
Antena & Wave Propagation 035 $5 017 052E $5
Electronic Instrumentation 023 013 036F
VLSI Technology & Design 025 011 036F 020+

Read by Checked by Declared on Asst. Registrar-E(Prof) Controller of Examinations Registrar

P: Pass Class; F: Fails; A: Absent; N: Non Appearance D: First Class with Distinction;I: First Class; S: Second Class;
C: Passed in Compartment; X: Not answered Sem. 5
Goa Engineering Examination System Page : 62
University Collegewise Student Result Register for VI th Semester Exam

[ 05 Computer ] ** RC 2007-08 **
Seat P.R. No. ARE Pro Sex Name of the Candidate Sem. 6 Sem. 5 Grand
No. Cd. vi. Total Total Total
Max. 850 Max. 850 Max. 1700
Theory Min. 340 Min. 340 Min. 0680
Sess Total Practical Oral Remarks
Max. 100 25 125 50 Or 25 50 Or 25

1764 201511059 (A) N M KAVATAGI SUNIL SURESH ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Modern Algorithm Design Foundation 037 $3 011 048E $3
Object Oriented Software Engineering 045 011 056E
Artificial Intelligence 046 014 060E 035E
Computer Graphics 022 015 037F 040E
Device Interface & PC Maintenance 042 015 057E
Data Communications 047 014 061E

1765 201511065 (A) N M POLJI DEEPTESH DHANANJAY ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Modern Algorithm Design Foundation 027 010 037F
Object Oriented Software Engineering 044 010 054E
Artificial Intelligence 040 016 056E 030E
Computer Graphics 036 $4 017 053E $4 029E
Device Interface & PC Maintenance 047 011 058E
Data Communications 041 014 055E


Modern Algorithm Design Foundation 000 009 009A
Object Oriented Software Engineering 035 $5 016 051+ $5
Artificial Intelligence 000 014 014A 041+
Computer Graphics 035 $5 015 050+ $5 030+
Device Interface & PC Maintenance 035 $5 011 046+ $5
Data Communications 000 017 017A
258 $15 A 447 $05 C 0705 $20 F

1767 201511029 (E) N M GAONKAR AVINASH MOHANDAS ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Modern Algorithm Design Foundation 035 $5 013 048+ $5
Object Oriented Software Engineering 028 #09$3 010 038+#09$3
Artificial Intelligence 057 014 071P 033+
Computer Graphics 035 #05 015 050+#05 035+
Device Interface & PC Maintenance 036 #01$3 012 048+#01$3
Data Communications 035 $5 015 050+ $5


Modern Algorithm Design Foundation 042 012 054+
Object Oriented Software Engineering 038 $2 010 048P $2
Artificial Intelligence 035 $5 010 045P $5 031+
Computer Graphics 039 $1 011 050+ $1 035+
Device Interface & PC Maintenance 035 $5 010 045+ $5
Data Communications 040 012 052+
360 $13 P 350#10 C 0710#10$13 C

P: Pass Class; F: Fails; A: Absent; N: Non Appearance D: First Class with Distinction;I: First Class; S: Second Class;
C: Passed in Compartment; X: Not answered Sem. 5
Goa Engineering Examination System Page : 63
University Collegewise Student Result Register for VI th Semester Exam

[ 05 Computer ] ** RC 2007-08 **
Seat P.R. No. ARE Pro Sex Name of the Candidate Sem. 6 Sem. 5 Grand
No. Cd. vi. Total Total Total
Max. 850 Max. 850 Max. 1700
Theory Min. 340 Min. 340 Min. 0680
Sess Total Practical Oral Remarks
Max. 100 25 125 50 Or 25 50 Or 25

1769 201511037 (E) N M GAUNS SAINAND VINAYAK

Modern Algorithm Design Foundation 054 014 068+
Object Oriented Software Engineering 051 011 062P
Artificial Intelligence 035 $5 010 045+ $5 048+
Computer Graphics 037 $3 013 050+ $3 037+
Device Interface & PC Maintenance 035 $5 011 046+ $5
Data Communications 037 $3 011 048+ $3
404 $16 P 373#10 P 0777#10$16 C


Modern Algorithm Design Foundation 046 010 056+
Object Oriented Software Engineering 048 020 068+
Artificial Intelligence 037 $3 016 053+ $3 042+
Computer Graphics 036 $4 013 049P $4 045+
Device Interface & PC Maintenance 035 $5 017 052+ $5
Data Communications 042 018 060+
425 $12 P 413 $17 C 0838 $29 C

1771 201511063 (E) N M MORAES ROYSTON PATRO ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Modern Algorithm Design Foundation 010 010 020F
Object Oriented Software Engineering 051 014 065+
Artificial Intelligence 036 $4 014 050E $4 022+
Computer Graphics 020 012 032F 038+
Device Interface & PC Maintenance 051 013 064+
Data Communications 035 $5 016 051+ $5


Modern Algorithm Design Foundation 035 $5 011 046+ $5
Object Oriented Software Engineering 047 010 057E
Artificial Intelligence 038 $2 012 050E $2 026+
Computer Graphics 036 $4 011 047E $4 038+
Device Interface & PC Maintenance 035 010 045F
Data Communications 035 $5 012 047+ $5
356 $16 F 379 $06 C 0735 $22 F

1773 201511091 (E) N M PANDIT SAISH SURESH

Modern Algorithm Design Foundation 040 010 050+
Object Oriented Software Engineering 043 010 053P
Artificial Intelligence 035 $5 012 047P $5 019+ $1
Computer Graphics 054 010 064+ 032+
Device Interface & PC Maintenance 044 011 055+
Data Communications 041 012 053+
373 $06 P 351 $15 C 0724 $21 C

P: Pass Class; F: Fails; A: Absent; N: Non Appearance D: First Class with Distinction;I: First Class; S: Second Class;
C: Passed in Compartment; X: Not answered Sem. 5
Goa Engineering Examination System Page : 64
University Collegewise Student Result Register for VI th Semester Exam

[ 05 Computer ] ** RC 2007-08 **
Seat P.R. No. ARE Pro Sex Name of the Candidate Sem. 6 Sem. 5 Grand
No. Cd. vi. Total Total Total
Max. 850 Max. 850 Max. 1700
Theory Min. 340 Min. 340 Min. 0680
Sess Total Practical Oral Remarks
Max. 100 25 125 50 Or 25 50 Or 25

1774 201511086 (E) N M TAMSE DARSHAN ANIL

Modern Algorithm Design Foundation 039 $1 016 055+ $1
Object Oriented Software Engineering 063 013 076+
Artificial Intelligence 042 015 057+ 037+
Computer Graphics 022 020 042F 038+
Device Interface & PC Maintenance 055 013 068+
Data Communications 042 017 059+
432 $01 F 446#10 C 0878#10$01 F

1775 201308888 (E) N F VALVAIKAR HARSHADA DULBA ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Modern Algorithm Design Foundation 003 010 013F
Object Oriented Software Engineering 047 015 062+
Artificial Intelligence 000 011 011A 030+
Computer Graphics 035 $5 013 048+ $5 023+
Device Interface & PC Maintenance 036 $4 010 046E $4
Data Communications 035 $5 012 047+ $5

1776 201511092 (E) N M YADAV JAYSINGH

Modern Algorithm Design Foundation 035 $5 012 047+ $5
Object Oriented Software Engineering 054 010 064E
Artificial Intelligence 037 $3 016 053+ $3 032+
Computer Graphics 035 016 051F 035+
Device Interface & PC Maintenance 062 010 072E
Data Communications 035 $5 011 046+ $5
400 $13 F 348 $05 C 0748 $18 F

1777 201511090 (E) N M YADAV VIKAS RAJ BAHADUR

Modern Algorithm Design Foundation 037 $3 010 047+ $3
Object Oriented Software Engineering 052 014 066+
Artificial Intelligence 049 016 065+ 027+
Computer Graphics 050 017 067P 030+
Device Interface & PC Maintenance 048 013 061+
Data Communications 047 016 063+
426 $03 P 442 $03 P 0868 $06 C

Read by Checked by Declared on Asst. Registrar-E(Prof) Controller of Examinations Registrar

P: Pass Class; F: Fails; A: Absent; N: Non Appearance D: First Class with Distinction;I: First Class; S: Second Class;
C: Passed in Compartment; X: Not answered Sem. 5
Goa Engineering Examination System Page : 65
University Collegewise Student Result Register for VI th Semester Exam

[ 07 Information Technology ] ** RC 2007-08 **

Seat P.R. No. ARE Pro Sex Name of the Candidate Sem. 6 Sem. 5 Grand
No. Cd. vi. Total Total Total
Max. 850 Max. 850 Max. 1700
Theory Min. 340 Min. 340 Min. 0680
Sess Total Practical Oral Remarks
Max. 100 25 125 50 Or 25 50 Or 25

1778 201510966 (E) N F ALVI DEVYANI MAHESH

Entrepreneurship Development 040 020 060+
Theory of Computation 035 $5 016 051+ $5
Computer Networks 036 $4 010 046+ $4
Computer Graphics 040 015 055+ 031+
Web Technology 048 013 061P 022+
Software Testing & Quality Assurance 045 015 060+
386 $09 P 429 C 0815 $09 C


Entrepreneurship Development 046 022 068+
Theory of Computation 042 011 053P
Computer Networks 045 010 055P
Computer Graphics 043 013 056+ 029+
Web Technology 041 014 055P 029+
Software Testing & Quality Assurance 040 015 055+
400 P 394 $09 C 0794 $09 C

1780 201511021 (E) N M DIJU DIVAKAR

Entrepreneurship Development 044 020 064+
Theory of Computation 035 010 045F
Computer Networks 035 $5 010 045+ $5
Computer Graphics 037 $3 011 048+ $3 032+
Web Technology 035 $5 016 051+ $5 020+
Software Testing & Quality Assurance 036 $4 014 050+ $4
355 $17 F 363 $16 C 0718 $33 F

1781 201510993 (E) N F GURAV RICHA YELLAPPA

Entrepreneurship Development 048 021 069+
Theory of Computation 044 013 057P
Computer Networks 035 $5 010 045+ $5
Computer Graphics 058 012 070P 021+
Web Technology 036 $4 013 049P $4 020+
Software Testing & Quality Assurance 038 $2 013 051+ $2
382 $11 P 410 $16 C 0792 $27 C


Entrepreneurship Development 040 020 060+
Theory of Computation 036 $4 015 051P $4
Computer Networks 051 010 061+
Computer Graphics 045 012 057+ 029+
Web Technology 035 $5 017 052+ $5 022+
Software Testing & Quality Assurance 045 017 062+
394 $09 P 411 $08 P 0805 $17 C

P: Pass Class; F: Fails; A: Absent; N: Non Appearance D: First Class with Distinction;I: First Class; S: Second Class;
C: Passed in Compartment; X: Not answered Sem. 5
Goa Engineering Examination System Page : 66
University Collegewise Student Result Register for VI th Semester Exam

[ 07 Information Technology ] ** RC 2007-08 **

Seat P.R. No. ARE Pro Sex Name of the Candidate Sem. 6 Sem. 5 Grand
No. Cd. vi. Total Total Total
Max. 850 Max. 850 Max. 1700
Theory Min. 340 Min. 340 Min. 0680
Sess Total Practical Oral Remarks
Max. 100 25 125 50 Or 25 50 Or 25

1783 201510995 (E) N F HARI SNEHA

Entrepreneurship Development 052 019 071+
Theory of Computation 035 $5 016 051+ $5
Computer Networks 037 $3 010 047P $3
Computer Graphics 037 $3 013 050+ $3 029+
Web Technology 044 015 059P 027+
Software Testing & Quality Assurance 043 013 056+
390 $11 P 404 $16 P 0794 $27 C

1784 201511050 (E) N M NAIK NITIN UDAY

Entrepreneurship Development 042 022 064+
Theory of Computation 035 $5 013 048+ $5
Computer Networks 035 $5 013 048+ $5
Computer Graphics 035 $5 013 048+ $5 032+
Web Technology 036 015 051F 026+
Software Testing & Quality Assurance 054 013 067+
384 $15 F 389#10$06 C 0773#10$21 F

Read by Checked by Declared on Asst. Registrar-E(Prof) Controller of Examinations Registrar

P: Pass Class; F: Fails; A: Absent; N: Non Appearance D: First Class with Distinction;I: First Class; S: Second Class;
C: Passed in Compartment; X: Not answered Sem. 5
Goa Engineering Examination System Page : 67
University Collegewise Student Result Register for VI th Semester Exam

[ 01 Civil ] ** RC 2007-08 **
Seat P.R. No. ARE Pro Sex Name of the Candidate Sem. 6 Sem. 5 Grand
No. Cd. vi. Total Total Total
Max. 850 Max. 850 Max. 1700
Theory Min. 340 Min. 340 Min. 0680
Sess Total Practical Oral Remarks
Max. 100 25 125 50 Or 25 50 Or 25

1785 201406319 (A) N M KULKARNI RITVIK KARUNAKAR ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Structural Design & Detailing in Concrete 014 010 024F 019E
Transportation Engineering II 011 010 021F
Geotechnical Engineering II 007 010 017F
Environmental Engineering I 008 013 021F 016E
Design of Steel Structures II 041 011 052E 017E
Surveying II 004 011 015F 010E

1786 201408156 (A) N M MULLA YUNUS MOHAMMEDALI ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Structural Design & Detailing in Concrete 018 011 029F 017E
Transportation Engineering II 000 009 009A
Geotechnical Engineering II 000 000 000A
Environmental Engineering I 000 012 012A 013E
Design of Steel Structures II 040 016 056E 017E
Surveying II 047 016 063E 012E

1787 201510854 (A) N M YASH DESAI ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Structural Design & Detailing in Concrete 000 006 006A 017E
Transportation Engineering II 000 008 008A
Geotechnical Engineering II 000 004 004A
Environmental Engineering I 000 011 011A 010E
Design of Steel Structures II 042 010 052E 018E
Surveying II 000 005 005F 008F

1788 201406259 (E) N M AHMED AREEB

Structural Design & Detailing in Concrete 044 000 044+ $6 012+
Transportation Engineering II 046 001 047+ $3
Geotechnical Engineering II 049 001 050+
Environmental Engineering I 040 007 047E $3 014+
Design of Steel Structures II 037 000 037F 017+
Surveying II 040 006 046+ $4 011+
325 $16 F 331 $15 C 0656 $31 F

1789 201308419 (E) N M ANDRADE FERWYN ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Structural Design & Detailing in Concrete 037 $3 010 047+ $3 016+
Transportation Engineering II 044 010 054+
Geotechnical Engineering II 002 010 012F
Environmental Engineering I 047 015 062+ 012+
Design of Steel Structures II 044 013 057E 016+
Surveying II 040 013 053+ 012+

P: Pass Class; F: Fails; A: Absent; N: Non Appearance D: First Class with Distinction;I: First Class; S: Second Class;
C: Passed in Compartment; X: Not answered Sem. 5
Goa Engineering Examination System Page : 68
University Collegewise Student Result Register for VI th Semester Exam

[ 01 Civil ] ** RC 2007-08 **
Seat P.R. No. ARE Pro Sex Name of the Candidate Sem. 6 Sem. 5 Grand
No. Cd. vi. Total Total Total
Max. 850 Max. 850 Max. 1700
Theory Min. 340 Min. 340 Min. 0680
Sess Total Practical Oral Remarks
Max. 100 25 125 50 Or 25 50 Or 25

1790 201510665 (E) N M ARLEKAR ASHISH ANAND

Structural Design & Detailing in Concrete 044 007 051+ 012+
Transportation Engineering II 044 006 050+
Geotechnical Engineering II 045 004 049+ $1
Environmental Engineering I 042 011 053+ 010+
Design of Steel Structures II 040 009 049P $1 016+
Surveying II 046 005 051+ 009+ $1
350 $03 P 329#10$13 C 0679#10$16 C


Structural Design & Detailing in Concrete 058 008 066+ 011+
Transportation Engineering II 036 $4 009 045+ $5
Geotechnical Engineering II 052 003 055+
Environmental Engineering I 037 $3 010 047+ $3 015+
Design of Steel Structures II 035 $5 013 048+ $5 018+
Surveying II 057 008 065P 010+
380 $13 P 385 $10 C 0765 $23 C

1792 201408122 (E) N M CK SAFNU ** Result kept under reserve **

Structural Design & Detailing in Concrete
Transportation Engineering II
Geotechnical Engineering II
Environmental Engineering I
Design of Steel Structures II
Surveying II


Structural Design & Detailing in Concrete 046 006 052+ 011+
Transportation Engineering II 053 006 059P
Geotechnical Engineering II 047 006 053+
Environmental Engineering I 038 $2 008 046P $4 018+
Design of Steel Structures II 049 005 054P 017+
Surveying II 050 006 056+ 010+
376 $04 P 346 $15 C 0722 $19 C

1794 201510704 (E) N M DESSAI SWARAJ SANDEEP

Structural Design & Detailing in Concrete 047 006 053+ 011+
Transportation Engineering II 048 010 058+
Geotechnical Engineering II 044 006 050+
Environmental Engineering I 044 009 053+ 017+
Design of Steel Structures II 074 009 083P 018+
Surveying II 053 004 057P 010+
410 P 359 $06 C 0769 $06 C

P: Pass Class; F: Fails; A: Absent; N: Non Appearance D: First Class with Distinction;I: First Class; S: Second Class;
C: Passed in Compartment; X: Not answered Sem. 5
Goa Engineering Examination System Page : 69
University Collegewise Student Result Register for VI th Semester Exam

[ 01 Civil ] ** RC 2007-08 **
Seat P.R. No. ARE Pro Sex Name of the Candidate Sem. 6 Sem. 5 Grand
No. Cd. vi. Total Total Total
Max. 850 Max. 850 Max. 1700
Theory Min. 340 Min. 340 Min. 0680
Sess Total Practical Oral Remarks
Max. 100 25 125 50 Or 25 50 Or 25

1795 201406294 (E) N M GAONKAR SHUBHAM BABA

Structural Design & Detailing in Concrete 035 $5 010 045+ $5 012+
Transportation Engineering II 033 009 042F
Geotechnical Engineering II 037 $3 011 048+ $3
Environmental Engineering I 030 013 043F 018+
Design of Steel Structures II 048 014 062E 017+
Surveying II 035 $5 013 048+ $5 013+
348 $13 F 385#09 C 0733#09$13 F

1796 201510722 (E) N M GAONKAR SWERN SURENDRA ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Structural Design & Detailing in Concrete 044 000 044+ $6 011+
Transportation Engineering II 000 004 004A
Geotechnical Engineering II 009 009 018F
Environmental Engineering I 008 006 014F 010+
Design of Steel Structures II 000 006 006A 010+
Surveying II 045 003 048E $2 010+


Structural Design & Detailing in Concrete 049 010 059+ 014+
Transportation Engineering II 033 006 039F
Geotechnical Engineering II 053 010 063+
Environmental Engineering I 035 $5 009 044+ $6 012+
Design of Steel Structures II 035 $5 010 045+ $5 018+
Surveying II 048 011 059+ 011+
364 $11 F 366 $11 C 0730 $22 F

1798 201607987 (E) N M HARMALKAR SHUBHAM ASHOK ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Structural Design & Detailing in Concrete 046 007 053E 012+
Transportation Engineering II 036 $4 010 046+ $4
Geotechnical Engineering II 024 004 028F
Environmental Engineering I 041 006 047+ $3 015+
Design of Steel Structures II 028 010 038F 019+
Surveying II 046 004 050E 009+ $1

1799 201510771 (E) N M KERKAR MANOJ

Structural Design & Detailing in Concrete 049 010 059+ 012+
Transportation Engineering II 044 009 053+
Geotechnical Engineering II 042 011 053+
Environmental Engineering I 042 009 051+ 017+
Design of Steel Structures II 061 010 071P 020+
Surveying II 047 017 064+ 017+
417 P 436 $04 C 0853 $04 C

P: Pass Class; F: Fails; A: Absent; N: Non Appearance D: First Class with Distinction;I: First Class; S: Second Class;
C: Passed in Compartment; X: Not answered Sem. 5
Goa Engineering Examination System Page : 70
University Collegewise Student Result Register for VI th Semester Exam

[ 01 Civil ] ** RC 2007-08 **
Seat P.R. No. ARE Pro Sex Name of the Candidate Sem. 6 Sem. 5 Grand
No. Cd. vi. Total Total Total
Max. 850 Max. 850 Max. 1700
Theory Min. 340 Min. 340 Min. 0680
Sess Total Practical Oral Remarks
Max. 100 25 125 50 Or 25 50 Or 25

1800 201510843 (E) N M KUKALEKAR RAHUL MAHENDRA ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Structural Design & Detailing in Concrete 046 017 063+ 015+
Transportation Engineering II 000 012 012A
Geotechnical Engineering II 000 013 013A
Environmental Engineering I 057 017 074+ 015+
Design of Steel Structures II 047 014 061+ 017+
Surveying II 000 009 009A 016+

1801 201307275 (E) N M M IBRAHIM SALIM ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Structural Design & Detailing in Concrete 040 003 043F 011+
Transportation Engineering II 017 002 019F
Geotechnical Engineering II 040 010 050+
Environmental Engineering I 029 003 032F 017+
Design of Steel Structures II 043 009 052E 018+
Surveying II 036 $4 010 046+ $4 009+ $1


Structural Design & Detailing in Concrete 053 010 063+ 013+
Transportation Engineering II 048 011 059+
Geotechnical Engineering II 040 010 050+
Environmental Engineering I 045 009 054+ 020+
Design of Steel Structures II 066 007 073P 018+
Surveying II 044 012 056+ 019+
425 P 393 $06 C 0818 $06 C

1803 201510791 (E) N M NAIK DEEPRAJ DAYANAND ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Structural Design & Detailing in Concrete 036 $4 008 044+ $6 016+
Transportation Engineering II 044 003 047+ $3
Geotechnical Engineering II 024 008 032F
Environmental Engineering I 050 009 059+ 017+
Design of Steel Structures II 048 009 057E 010+
Surveying II 049 002 051E 009+ $1

1804 201510800 (E) N M NAIK RAIKAR SHIVAM GURUDAS ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Structural Design & Detailing in Concrete 041 010 051+ 013+
Transportation Engineering II 040 011 051+
Geotechnical Engineering II 052 009 061P
Environmental Engineering I 051 012 063+ 019+
Design of Steel Structures II 040 010 050+ 010+
Surveying II 062 006 068P 011+

P: Pass Class; F: Fails; A: Absent; N: Non Appearance D: First Class with Distinction;I: First Class; S: Second Class;
C: Passed in Compartment; X: Not answered Sem. 5
Goa Engineering Examination System Page : 71
University Collegewise Student Result Register for VI th Semester Exam

[ 01 Civil ] ** RC 2007-08 **
Seat P.R. No. ARE Pro Sex Name of the Candidate Sem. 6 Sem. 5 Grand
No. Cd. vi. Total Total Total
Max. 850 Max. 850 Max. 1700
Theory Min. 340 Min. 340 Min. 0680
Sess Total Practical Oral Remarks
Max. 100 25 125 50 Or 25 50 Or 25

1805 201607999 (E) N F NAIK SAMIKSHA MODHU

Structural Design & Detailing in Concrete 051 009 060+ 015+
Transportation Engineering II 037 $3 009 046+ $4
Geotechnical Engineering II 054 010 064+
Environmental Engineering I 040 009 049+ $1 019+
Design of Steel Structures II 051 010 061P 017+
Surveying II 048 009 057+ 019+
407 $05 P 371 $08 C 0778 $13 C

1806 201510801 (E) N M NAIK SHUBAM SADANAND ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Structural Design & Detailing in Concrete 056 010 066+ 012+
Transportation Engineering II 042 010 052P
Geotechnical Engineering II 037 $3 010 047+ $3
Environmental Engineering I 060 008 068+ 015+
Design of Steel Structures II 058 013 071P 017+
Surveying II 046 012 058+ 010+


Structural Design & Detailing in Concrete 043 011 054+ 013+
Transportation Engineering II 037 $3 010 047P $3
Geotechnical Engineering II 042 007 049+ $1
Environmental Engineering I 056 011 067+ 018+
Design of Steel Structures II 035 $5 011 046+ $5 017+
Surveying II 040 009 049+ $1 010+
370 $10 P 397 $08 C 0767 $18 C

1808 201510803 (E) N M NAIK SURYAKANT ALIAS SHUBAM NAMDEV ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Structural Design & Detailing in Concrete 037 $3 009 046+ $4 011+
Transportation Engineering II 040 010 050+
Geotechnical Engineering II 043 010 053+
Environmental Engineering I 037 $3 010 047+ $3 012+
Design of Steel Structures II 035 $5 010 045+ $5 016+
Surveying II 052 002 054P 010+

1809 201308432 (E) N M PILLE RAHUL RAJU

Structural Design & Detailing in Concrete 052 004 056+ 007+#03
Transportation Engineering II 046 002 048P $2
Geotechnical Engineering II 035 $5 010 045P $5
Environmental Engineering I 057 009 066+ 010+
Design of Steel Structures II 035 #01$4 010 045+#01$4 016+
Surveying II 041 003 044+#06 015+
352#10$11 P 373 $15 C 0725#10$26 C

P: Pass Class; F: Fails; A: Absent; N: Non Appearance D: First Class with Distinction;I: First Class; S: Second Class;
C: Passed in Compartment; X: Not answered Sem. 5
Goa Engineering Examination System Page : 72
University Collegewise Student Result Register for VI th Semester Exam

[ 01 Civil ] ** RC 2007-08 **
Seat P.R. No. ARE Pro Sex Name of the Candidate Sem. 6 Sem. 5 Grand
No. Cd. vi. Total Total Total
Max. 850 Max. 850 Max. 1700
Theory Min. 340 Min. 340 Min. 0680
Sess Total Practical Oral Remarks
Max. 100 25 125 50 Or 25 50 Or 25

1810 201510822 (E) N M SAVAL DIPESH DEELIP

Structural Design & Detailing in Concrete 041 009 050+ 012+
Transportation Engineering II 035 $5 009 044+ $6
Geotechnical Engineering II 038 $2 010 048+ $2
Environmental Engineering I 048 005 053+ 015+
Design of Steel Structures II 064 009 073P 017+
Surveying II 036 $4 008 044+ $6 017+
373 $14 P 364 $12 P 0737 $26 C


Structural Design & Detailing in Concrete 059 010 069+ 012+
Transportation Engineering II 040 010 050+
Geotechnical Engineering II 045 010 055+
Environmental Engineering I 035 $5 012 047+ $5 010+
Design of Steel Structures II 042 009 051P 018+
Surveying II 057 003 060+ 018+
390 $05 P 367#10$15 C 0757#10$20 C

1812 201510853 (E) N M VERENKAR SWAPNIL SONU

Structural Design & Detailing in Concrete 048 003 051+ 012+
Transportation Engineering II 043 007 050+
Geotechnical Engineering II 050 004 054+
Environmental Engineering I 047 011 058+ 018+
Design of Steel Structures II 023 009 032F 019+
Surveying II 048 008 056+ 016+
366 F 347 $08 C 0713 $08 F

Read by Checked by Declared on Asst. Registrar-E(Prof) Controller of Examinations Registrar

P: Pass Class; F: Fails; A: Absent; N: Non Appearance D: First Class with Distinction;I: First Class; S: Second Class;
C: Passed in Compartment; X: Not answered Sem. 5
Goa Engineering Examination System Page : 73
University Collegewise Student Result Register for VI th Semester Exam

[ 02 Mechanical ] ** RC 2007-08 **
Seat P.R. No. ARE Pro Sex Name of the Candidate Sem. 6 Sem. 5 Grand
No. Cd. vi. Total Total Total
Max. 850 Max. 850 Max. 1700
Theory Min. 340 Min. 340 Min. 0680
Sess Total Practical Oral Remarks
Max. 100 25 125 50 Or 25 50 Or 25

1813 201510855 (A) N M JOEL VALEM FERNANDES ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Industrial Engineering 037 $3 014 051E $3
Machine Design II 009 002 011F 010E
Gas Dynamics & Turbomachinaries 020 010 030F 015E
Engineering Measurments & Metrology 021 010 031F 008F
Mechatronics 022 005 027F 016E
Operations & Project Management 003 005 008F

1814 201406371 (A) N M KAWLEKAR HARSHAD NARESH ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Industrial Engineering 003 010 013F
Machine Design II 000 004 004A 015E
Gas Dynamics & Turbomachinaries 039 $1 010 049E $1 015E
Engineering Measurments & Metrology 025 010 035F 013E
Mechatronics 043 010 053E 016E
Operations & Project Management 023 010 033F

1815 201307051 (E) N M ADELKAR DEVANAND RAMA ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Industrial Engineering 038 $2 008 046+ $4
Machine Design II 015 002 017F 010+
Gas Dynamics & Turbomachinaries 036 003 039F 014+
Engineering Measurments & Metrology 050 012 062+ 016+
Mechatronics 044 003 047+ $3 010+
Operations & Project Management 010 001 011F

1816 201608012 (E) N M BUDKULEY SAIRAJ NANDU

Industrial Engineering 074 013 087+
Machine Design II 035 004 039F 015+
Gas Dynamics & Turbomachinaries 040 010 050+ 016+
Engineering Measurments & Metrology 050 010 060+ 018+
Mechatronics 035 #05 008 043+#06$1 013+
Operations & Project Management 045 006 051+
392#09$01 F 363#09$15 C 0755#18$16 F


Industrial Engineering 035 $5 011 046+ $5
Machine Design II 046 010 056+ 012+
Gas Dynamics & Turbomachinaries 045 010 055P 017+
Engineering Measurments & Metrology 036 $4 010 046+ $4 012+
Mechatronics 048 010 058P 018+
Operations & Project Management 035 $5 012 047+ $5
367 $14 P 358 $16 C 0725 $30 C

P: Pass Class; F: Fails; A: Absent; N: Non Appearance D: First Class with Distinction;I: First Class; S: Second Class;
C: Passed in Compartment; X: Not answered Sem. 5
Goa Engineering Examination System Page : 74
University Collegewise Student Result Register for VI th Semester Exam

[ 02 Mechanical ] ** RC 2007-08 **
Seat P.R. No. ARE Pro Sex Name of the Candidate Sem. 6 Sem. 5 Grand
No. Cd. vi. Total Total Total
Max. 850 Max. 850 Max. 1700
Theory Min. 340 Min. 340 Min. 0680
Sess Total Practical Oral Remarks
Max. 100 25 125 50 Or 25 50 Or 25

1818 201406289 (E) N M CHARI OMKAR SUBHASH

Industrial Engineering 043 015 058+
Machine Design II 024 010 034F 016+
Gas Dynamics & Turbomachinaries 040 010 050+ 016+
Engineering Measurments & Metrology 070 010 080+ 020+
Mechatronics 053 011 064+ 016+
Operations & Project Management 035 $5 010 045+ $5
399 $05 F 395 $14 C 0794 $19 F

1819 201510821 (E) N M DACOSTA BRANZIO ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Industrial Engineering 058 016 074+
Machine Design II 040 008 048P $2 012+
Gas Dynamics & Turbomachinaries 035 $5 011 046+ $5 016+
Engineering Measurments & Metrology 041 011 052+ 020+
Mechatronics 043 010 053+ 013+
Operations & Project Management 035 $5 010 045+ $5

1820 201202946 (E) N M FERNANDES EUSTACE JONAS ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Industrial Engineering 035 $5 015 050+ $5
Machine Design II 035 $5 016 051+ $5 017+
Gas Dynamics & Turbomachinaries 000 014 014A 018+
Engineering Measurments & Metrology 040 012 052+ 016+
Mechatronics 035 $5 015 050E $5 022+
Operations & Project Management 045 020 065+

1821 201307085 (E) N M FERNANDES MAGBERT WAYNE ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Industrial Engineering 048 013 061+
Machine Design II 035 006 041F 012+
Gas Dynamics & Turbomachinaries 040 010 050E 016+
Engineering Measurments & Metrology 040 009 049+ $1 022+
Mechatronics 035 $5 013 048E $5 020+
Operations & Project Management 035 $5 015 050+ $5

1822 201105922 (E) N M GOMES CHAIM SAVIO

Industrial Engineering 043 020 063+
Machine Design II 005 007 012F 013+
Gas Dynamics & Turbomachinaries 029 #06$5 015 044+#06$5 017+
Engineering Measurments & Metrology 064 010 074+ 013+
Mechatronics 036 #04 010 046+#04 020+
Operations & Project Management 056 021 077+
379#10$05 F 395 $15 C 0774#10$20 F

P: Pass Class; F: Fails; A: Absent; N: Non Appearance D: First Class with Distinction;I: First Class; S: Second Class;
C: Passed in Compartment; X: Not answered Sem. 5
Goa Engineering Examination System Page : 75
University Collegewise Student Result Register for VI th Semester Exam

[ 02 Mechanical ] ** RC 2007-08 **
Seat P.R. No. ARE Pro Sex Name of the Candidate Sem. 6 Sem. 5 Grand
No. Cd. vi. Total Total Total
Max. 850 Max. 850 Max. 1700
Theory Min. 340 Min. 340 Min. 0680
Sess Total Practical Oral Remarks
Max. 100 25 125 50 Or 25 50 Or 25

1823 201406365 (E) N M KARAPURKAR SWAPNIL ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Industrial Engineering 035 $5 009 044E $6
Machine Design II 000 001 001A 015+
Gas Dynamics & Turbomachinaries 000 002 002A 010+
Engineering Measurments & Metrology 035 $5 010 045+ $5 014+
Mechatronics 040 010 050E 015+
Operations & Project Management 003 011 014F

1824 201608023 (E) N M MOHAMMAD FARAZ KHAN

Industrial Engineering 081 011 092+
Machine Design II 045 007 052P 018+
Gas Dynamics & Turbomachinaries 040 010 050+ 017+
Engineering Measurments & Metrology 052 010 062+ 018+
Mechatronics 045 010 055+ 017+
Operations & Project Management 067 020 087+
468 P 437 $08 C 0905 $08 C

1825 201510750 (E) N M MORAIS PRESCILY

Industrial Engineering 048 010 058+
Machine Design II 027 013 040F 015+
Gas Dynamics & Turbomachinaries 036 $4 012 048E $4 016+
Engineering Measurments & Metrology 040 014 054+ 016+
Mechatronics 035 $5 013 048+ $5 015+
Operations & Project Management 035 $5 014 049+ $5
359 $14 F 365 $14 C 0724 $28 F

1826 201406403 (E) N M NAIK KSHITIJ SHASHIKANT ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Industrial Engineering 035 $5 011 046+ $5
Machine Design II 053 010 063E 012+
Gas Dynamics & Turbomachinaries 044 010 054E 012+
Engineering Measurments & Metrology 052 010 062+ 018+
Mechatronics 030 006 036F 020+
Operations & Project Management 035 $5 010 045+ $5

1827 201510706 (E) N M PAI VIBHAV RATNAKAR ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Industrial Engineering 000 010 010A
Machine Design II 040 002 042F 015+
Gas Dynamics & Turbomachinaries 039 $1 010 049E $1 012+
Engineering Measurments & Metrology 053 012 065+ 016+
Mechatronics 040 004 044E $6 010+
Operations & Project Management 000 005 005A

P: Pass Class; F: Fails; A: Absent; N: Non Appearance D: First Class with Distinction;I: First Class; S: Second Class;
C: Passed in Compartment; X: Not answered Sem. 5
Goa Engineering Examination System Page : 76
University Collegewise Student Result Register for VI th Semester Exam

[ 02 Mechanical ] ** RC 2007-08 **
Seat P.R. No. ARE Pro Sex Name of the Candidate Sem. 6 Sem. 5 Grand
No. Cd. vi. Total Total Total
Max. 850 Max. 850 Max. 1700
Theory Min. 340 Min. 340 Min. 0680
Sess Total Practical Oral Remarks
Max. 100 25 125 50 Or 25 50 Or 25

1828 201408120 (E) N M PEREIRA SAVIO CUSTODIO ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Industrial Engineering 019 010 029F
Machine Design II 000 012 012A 015+
Gas Dynamics & Turbomachinaries 037 $3 012 049+ $3 014+
Engineering Measurments & Metrology 036 $4 012 048+ $4 015+
Mechatronics 013 012 025F 018+
Operations & Project Management 040 011 051E

1829 201608031 (E) N M SAHIL DAMODAR NAIK ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Industrial Engineering 060 020 080+
Machine Design II 041 007 048P $2 018+
Gas Dynamics & Turbomachinaries 035 $5 011 046+ $5 017+
Engineering Measurments & Metrology 044 016 060+ 020+
Mechatronics 043 013 056+ 019+
Operations & Project Management 052 015 067+

1830 201510775 (E) N M SIDDHANTH GURUNATH KALANGUTKAR ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Industrial Engineering 064 011 075+
Machine Design II 047 010 057E 018+
Gas Dynamics & Turbomachinaries 035 $5 010 045+ $5 016+
Engineering Measurments & Metrology 063 013 076+ 019+
Mechatronics 035 $5 014 049+ $5 019+
Operations & Project Management 000 010 010A

1831 201510634 (E) N M SINARI SAIRAJ CHANDRAKANT ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Industrial Engineering 000 013 013A
Machine Design II 000 004 004A 015+
Gas Dynamics & Turbomachinaries 000 010 010A 011+
Engineering Measurments & Metrology 046 010 056+ 015+
Mechatronics 041 008 049+ $1 010+
Operations & Project Management 000 014 014A

1832 201510632 (E) N M SINGBAL VISHANT MAHESH ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Industrial Engineering 065 014 079+
Machine Design II 041 006 047P $3 013+
Gas Dynamics & Turbomachinaries 056 010 066+ 014+
Engineering Measurments & Metrology 064 010 074+ 019+
Mechatronics 058 010 068+ 011+
Operations & Project Management 035 $5 014 049+ $5

P: Pass Class; F: Fails; A: Absent; N: Non Appearance D: First Class with Distinction;I: First Class; S: Second Class;
C: Passed in Compartment; X: Not answered Sem. 5
Goa Engineering Examination System Page : 77
University Collegewise Student Result Register for VI th Semester Exam

[ 02 Mechanical ] ** RC 2007-08 **
Seat P.R. No. ARE Pro Sex Name of the Candidate Sem. 6 Sem. 5 Grand
No. Cd. vi. Total Total Total
Max. 850 Max. 850 Max. 1700
Theory Min. 340 Min. 340 Min. 0680
Sess Total Practical Oral Remarks
Max. 100 25 125 50 Or 25 50 Or 25

1833 201510611 (E) N M VERENKAR AADESH KRISHNANATH ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Industrial Engineering 000 009 009A
Machine Design II 000 005 005A 014+
Gas Dynamics & Turbomachinaries 022 004 026F 010+
Engineering Measurments & Metrology 040 010 050+ 015+
Mechatronics 021 010 031F 010+
Operations & Project Management 000 011 011A

Read by Checked by Declared on Asst. Registrar-E(Prof) Controller of Examinations Registrar

P: Pass Class; F: Fails; A: Absent; N: Non Appearance D: First Class with Distinction;I: First Class; S: Second Class;
C: Passed in Compartment; X: Not answered Sem. 5
Goa Engineering Examination System Page : 78
University Collegewise Student Result Register for VI th Semester Exam

[ 04 Electronics & Telecomm. ] ** RC 2007-08 **

Seat P.R. No. ARE Pro Sex Name of the Candidate Sem. 6 Sem. 5 Grand
No. Cd. vi. Total Total Total
Max. 850 Max. 875 Max. 1725
Theory Min. 340 Min. 350 Min. 0690
Sess Total Practical Oral Remarks
Max. 100 25 125 50 Or 25 50 Or 25

1834 201511335 (A) N M SANJAY ALIAS NIKHIL S PHADTE ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Communication Engineering II 035 006 041F 028E
Peripheral Devices & Interfacing 044 004 048E $2
Power Electronics 038 $2 010 048E $2
Antena & Wave Propagation 020 019 039F
Electronic Instrumentation 035 $5 012 047E $5
VLSI Technology & Design 004 017 021F 020E

1835 201408130 (A) N M SARDESSAI ROHIT GURUDATTA ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Communication Engineering II 000 006 006A 030E
Peripheral Devices & Interfacing 022 003 025F
Power Electronics 000 015 015A
Antena & Wave Propagation 000 003 003A
Electronic Instrumentation 046 005 051E
VLSI Technology & Design 011 007 018F 035E

1836 201510762 (E) N M QUADROS JOHNASHUA BAPTISTA CLARO ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Communication Engineering II 044 009 053+ 024+
Peripheral Devices & Interfacing 000 006 006A
Power Electronics 040 010 050+
Antena & Wave Propagation 039 $1 008 047+ $3
Electronic Instrumentation 035 $5 010 045E $5
VLSI Technology & Design 001 000 001F 022+

1837 201608043 (E) N M ADARKAR SANKET SANJAY ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Communication Engineering II 035 $5 011 046+ $5 028+
Peripheral Devices & Interfacing 040 010 050+
Power Electronics 028 011 039F
Antena & Wave Propagation 042 014 056+
Electronic Instrumentation 035 $5 010 045+ $5
VLSI Technology & Design 037 $3 014 051+ $3 028+

1838 201510600 (E) N M AIGAL SHREYAS HARISCHANDRA ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Communication Engineering II 035 $5 010 045P $5 025+
Peripheral Devices & Interfacing 040 010 050+
Power Electronics 035 $5 010 045+ $5
Antena & Wave Propagation 037 $3 011 048+ $3
Electronic Instrumentation 046 012 058P
VLSI Technology & Design 043 008 051+ 034+

P: Pass Class; F: Fails; A: Absent; N: Non Appearance D: First Class with Distinction;I: First Class; S: Second Class;
C: Passed in Compartment; X: Not answered Sem. 5
Goa Engineering Examination System Page : 79
University Collegewise Student Result Register for VI th Semester Exam

[ 04 Electronics & Telecomm. ] ** RC 2007-08 **

Seat P.R. No. ARE Pro Sex Name of the Candidate Sem. 6 Sem. 5 Grand
No. Cd. vi. Total Total Total
Max. 850 Max. 850 Max. 1700
Theory Min. 340 Min. 340 Min. 0680
Sess Total Practical Oral Remarks
Max. 100 25 125 50 Or 25 50 Or 25

1839 201511339 (E) N F ANTONIO LISA DAYLE ROSARIO CARVALHO ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Communication Engineering II 049 005 054+ 026+
Peripheral Devices & Interfacing 044 001 045+ $5
Power Electronics 042 008 050+
Antena & Wave Propagation 016 006 022F
Electronic Instrumentation 012 005 017F
VLSI Technology & Design 005 003 008F 021+

1840 201406261 (E) N M ASHISH SUNOJ ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Communication Engineering II 040 009 049+ $1 020+
Peripheral Devices & Interfacing 035 $5 010 045+ $5
Power Electronics 042 015 057+
Antena & Wave Propagation 037 $3 015 052+ $3
Electronic Instrumentation 002 016 018F
VLSI Technology & Design 040 008 048+ $2 020+

1841 201406268 (E) N M CARVALHO CLESITON

Communication Engineering II 035 #05 012 047+#05 028+
Peripheral Devices & Interfacing 035 #05 012 047+#05
Power Electronics 035 $5 010 045+ $5
Antena & Wave Propagation 035 $5 012 047+ $5
Electronic Instrumentation 040 011 051P
VLSI Technology & Design 040 010 050+ 028+
343#10$10 P 358#10$07 C 0701#20$17 C

1842 201510610 (E) N M CHIRAG L C ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **

Communication Engineering II 025 007 032F 020+
Peripheral Devices & Interfacing 027 001 028F
Power Electronics 000 010 010A
Antena & Wave Propagation 035 008 043F
Electronic Instrumentation 035 007 042F
VLSI Technology & Design 014 007 021F 021+

1843 201510644 (E) N F FATHIMATH FAYIZA ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Communication Engineering II 040 011 051P 030+
Peripheral Devices & Interfacing 035 #01$4 007 042+#02$6
Power Electronics 035 #05 012 047+#05
Antena & Wave Propagation 040 012 052+
Electronic Instrumentation 040 014 054+
VLSI Technology & Design 035 #01$4 007 042+#03$5 021+

P: Pass Class; F: Fails; A: Absent; N: Non Appearance D: First Class with Distinction;I: First Class; S: Second Class;
C: Passed in Compartment; X: Not answered Sem. 5
Goa Engineering Examination System Page : 80
University Collegewise Student Result Register for VI th Semester Exam

[ 04 Electronics & Telecomm. ] ** RC 2007-08 **

Seat P.R. No. ARE Pro Sex Name of the Candidate Sem. 6 Sem. 5 Grand
No. Cd. vi. Total Total Total
Max. 850 Max. 850 Max. 1700
Theory Min. 340 Min. 340 Min. 0680
Sess Total Practical Oral Remarks
Max. 100 25 125 50 Or 25 50 Or 25

1844 201510647 (E) N M FERNANDES JOSS OLSEN ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Communication Engineering II 021 014 035F 028+
Peripheral Devices & Interfacing 041 010 051+
Power Electronics 025 015 040F
Antena & Wave Propagation 043 011 054E
Electronic Instrumentation 039 $1 011 050+ $1
VLSI Technology & Design 036 $4 013 049+ $4 021+

1845 201510649 (E) N M FERNANDES RYAN MANVEL ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Communication Engineering II 040 010 050+ 022+
Peripheral Devices & Interfacing 000 010 010A
Power Electronics 036 $4 008 044+ $6
Antena & Wave Propagation 035 $5 009 044+ $6
Electronic Instrumentation 012 007 019F
VLSI Technology & Design 018 003 021F 021+

1846 201406305 (E) N M GOMES PRESTLY

Communication Engineering II 035 #05 013 048+#05 030+
Peripheral Devices & Interfacing 041 013 054P
Power Electronics 048 019 067+
Antena & Wave Propagation 040 015 055+
Electronic Instrumentation 040 012 052+
VLSI Technology & Design 037 #03 008 045+#05 026+
377#10 P 385#10$07 C 0762#20$07 C

1847 201608060 (E) N M KAMAT SAIRAJ ALIAS KASHINATH SHRIKANT ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Communication Engineering II 000 010 010A 024+
Peripheral Devices & Interfacing 040 010 050+
Power Electronics 000 010 010A
Antena & Wave Propagation 000 003 003A
Electronic Instrumentation 000 006 006A
VLSI Technology & Design 000 003 003A 030+

1848 201510697 (E) N M NAIK LAKSHANK DASHRATH ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Communication Engineering II 040 011 051+ 021+
Peripheral Devices & Interfacing 036 $4 012 048+ $4
Power Electronics 035 $5 010 045+ $5
Antena & Wave Propagation 024 012 036F
Electronic Instrumentation 035 $5 012 047E $5
VLSI Technology & Design 000 002 002A 025+

P: Pass Class; F: Fails; A: Absent; N: Non Appearance D: First Class with Distinction;I: First Class; S: Second Class;
C: Passed in Compartment; X: Not answered Sem. 5
Goa Engineering Examination System Page : 81
University Collegewise Student Result Register for VI th Semester Exam

[ 04 Electronics & Telecomm. ] ** RC 2007-08 **

Seat P.R. No. ARE Pro Sex Name of the Candidate Sem. 6 Sem. 5 Grand
No. Cd. vi. Total Total Total
Max. 850 Max. 850 Max. 1700
Theory Min. 340 Min. 340 Min. 0680
Sess Total Practical Oral Remarks
Max. 100 25 125 50 Or 25 50 Or 25


Communication Engineering II 040 015 055+ 020+
Peripheral Devices & Interfacing 035 $5 013 048P $5
Power Electronics 035 $5 011 046+ $5
Antena & Wave Propagation 038 $2 012 050+ $2
Electronic Instrumentation 048 013 061+
VLSI Technology & Design 036 $4 012 048+ $4 025+
353 $16 P 392 $15 C 0745 $31 C

1850 201608083 (E) N M PRIOLKAR DAMU BABU ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Communication Engineering II 000 008 008A 020+
Peripheral Devices & Interfacing 000 011 011A
Power Electronics 000 011 011A
Antena & Wave Propagation 000 008 008A
Electronic Instrumentation 035 $5 010 045+ $5
VLSI Technology & Design 040 007 047+ $3 020+

1851 201510764 (E) N M RODRIGUES ELRICH VICTOR ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Communication Engineering II 040 008 048+ $2 022+
Peripheral Devices & Interfacing 040 012 052+
Power Electronics 036 $4 011 047+ $4
Antena & Wave Propagation 043 009 052+
Electronic Instrumentation 035 $5 010 045P $5
VLSI Technology & Design 041 006 047P $3 020+


Communication Engineering II 040 013 053+ 028+
Peripheral Devices & Interfacing 045 015 060P
Power Electronics 046 011 057+
Antena & Wave Propagation 035 $5 014 049+ $5
Electronic Instrumentation 035 $5 016 051+ $5
VLSI Technology & Design 035 $5 011 046+ $5 033+
377 $15 P 362 $07 C 0739 $22 C

1853 201608085 (E) N M SHAIKH RAHEEL ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Communication Engineering II 048 016 064+ 020+
Peripheral Devices & Interfacing 000 010 010A
Power Electronics 042 011 053+
Antena & Wave Propagation 052 010 062+
Electronic Instrumentation 000 012 012A
VLSI Technology & Design 006 014 020F 020+

P: Pass Class; F: Fails; A: Absent; N: Non Appearance D: First Class with Distinction;I: First Class; S: Second Class;
C: Passed in Compartment; X: Not answered Sem. 5
Goa Engineering Examination System Page : 82
University Collegewise Student Result Register for VI th Semester Exam

[ 04 Electronics & Telecomm. ] ** RC 2007-08 **

Seat P.R. No. ARE Pro Sex Name of the Candidate Sem. 6 Sem. 5 Grand
No. Cd. vi. Total Total Total
Max. 850 Max. 850 Max. 1700
Theory Min. 340 Min. 340 Min. 0680
Sess Total Practical Oral Remarks
Max. 100 25 125 50 Or 25 50 Or 25

1854 201510776 (E) N M SINAI KUNDE SHARVEYA SANDEEP ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Communication Engineering II 040 007 047+ $3 024+
Peripheral Devices & Interfacing 000 003 003A
Power Electronics 001 003 004F
Antena & Wave Propagation 035 $5 012 047+ $5
Electronic Instrumentation 002 005 007F
VLSI Technology & Design 007 002 009F 023+

1855 201406387 (E) N M SINGH PANKAJ ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Communication Engineering II 035 007 042F 034+
Peripheral Devices & Interfacing 048 016 064E
Power Electronics 046 011 057+
Antena & Wave Propagation 036 #04 015 051+#04
Electronic Instrumentation 021 016 037F
VLSI Technology & Design 035 #05 012 047+#05 021+

1856 201406390 (E) N M THATTAZHI LLEWELLYN ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Communication Engineering II 035 $5 013 048+ $5 030+
Peripheral Devices & Interfacing 035 $5 014 049+ $5
Power Electronics 043 012 055+
Antena & Wave Propagation 041 011 052+
Electronic Instrumentation 019 012 031F
VLSI Technology & Design 036 $4 010 046+ $4 020+

1857 201406399 (E) N M VIR PRATISH SHRIKANT ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Communication Engineering II 035 #04$1 011 046+#04$1 020+
Peripheral Devices & Interfacing 040 010 050+
Power Electronics 035 #03$2 009 044+#04$2
Antena & Wave Propagation 035 $5 010 045+ $5
Electronic Instrumentation 035 $5 009 044P $6
VLSI Technology & Design 037 #03 007 044+#06 020+

Read by Checked by Declared on Asst. Registrar-E(Prof) Controller of Examinations Registrar

P: Pass Class; F: Fails; A: Absent; N: Non Appearance D: First Class with Distinction;I: First Class; S: Second Class;
C: Passed in Compartment; X: Not answered Sem. 5
Goa Engineering Examination System Page : 83
University Collegewise Student Result Register for VI th Semester Exam

[ 05 Computer ] ** RC 2007-08 **
Seat P.R. No. ARE Pro Sex Name of the Candidate Sem. 6 Sem. 5 Grand
No. Cd. vi. Total Total Total
Max. 850 Max. 850 Max. 1700
Theory Min. 340 Min. 340 Min. 0680
Sess Total Practical Oral Remarks
Max. 100 25 125 50 Or 25 50 Or 25

1858 201510685 (A) N M MALVANKER SANTOSH VISHWAS ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Modern Algorithm Design Foundation 022 010 032F
Object Oriented Software Engineering 036 $4 010 046E $4
Artificial Intelligence 028 010 038F 020E
Computer Graphics 005 010 015F 020E
Device Interface & PC Maintenance 037 $3 014 051E $3
Data Communications 051 010 061E

1859 201307322 (A) N F VIEGAS MYRELL PATRICIA ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Modern Algorithm Design Foundation 035 $5 010 045E $5
Object Oriented Software Engineering 056 010 066E
Artificial Intelligence 027 010 037F 020E
Computer Graphics 018 010 028F 021E
Device Interface & PC Maintenance 036 $4 011 047E $4
Data Communications 042 010 052E


Modern Algorithm Design Foundation 051 019 070+
Object Oriented Software Engineering 035 $5 021 056+ $5
Artificial Intelligence 042 014 056+ 025+
Computer Graphics 040 018 058+ 029+
Device Interface & PC Maintenance 047 016 063P
Data Communications 043 017 060+
417 $05 P 440 $06 C 0857 $11 C

1861 201510619 (E) N M COLACO PRINCETON ANTHONY ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Modern Algorithm Design Foundation 035 013 048F
Object Oriented Software Engineering 036 $4 013 049E $4
Artificial Intelligence 036 $4 010 046E $4 044+
Computer Graphics 000 011 011A 028+
Device Interface & PC Maintenance 037 $3 010 047E $3
Data Communications 035 $5 010 045+ $5

1862 201510625 (E) N M DINIZSNEDEN VALEN ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Modern Algorithm Design Foundation 037 $3 014 051+ $3
Object Oriented Software Engineering 026 010 036F
Artificial Intelligence 021 013 034F 046+
Computer Graphics 035 $5 020 055E $5 039+
Device Interface & PC Maintenance 036 $4 011 047E $4
Data Communications 035 $5 010 045+ $5

P: Pass Class; F: Fails; A: Absent; N: Non Appearance D: First Class with Distinction;I: First Class; S: Second Class;
C: Passed in Compartment; X: Not answered Sem. 5
Goa Engineering Examination System Page : 84
University Collegewise Student Result Register for VI th Semester Exam

[ 05 Computer ] ** RC 2007-08 **
Seat P.R. No. ARE Pro Sex Name of the Candidate Sem. 6 Sem. 5 Grand
No. Cd. vi. Total Total Total
Max. 850 Max. 850 Max. 1700
Theory Min. 340 Min. 340 Min. 0680
Sess Total Practical Oral Remarks
Max. 100 25 125 50 Or 25 50 Or 25

1863 201510639 (E) N M FERNANDES JEUL MYRON ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Modern Algorithm Design Foundation 035 $5 013 048+ $5
Object Oriented Software Engineering 042 011 053+
Artificial Intelligence 035 $5 013 048E $5 039+
Computer Graphics 017 012 029F 030+
Device Interface & PC Maintenance 053 017 070E
Data Communications 039 $1 012 051+ $1


Modern Algorithm Design Foundation 035 $5 009 044+ $6
Object Oriented Software Engineering 038 $2 010 048+ $2
Artificial Intelligence 048 011 059P 039+
Computer Graphics 037 $3 012 049+ $3 020+
Device Interface & PC Maintenance 043 015 058P
Data Communications 036 $4 010 046+ $4
363 $15 P 364 $14 C 0727 $29 C

1865 201607906 (E) N M LOTLIKER SAEESH PANDHARINATH ** Result kept under reserve **
Modern Algorithm Design Foundation
Object Oriented Software Engineering
Artificial Intelligence
Computer Graphics
Device Interface & PC Maintenance
Data Communications

1866 201510684 (E) N M MIRANDA JOEL RYAN

Modern Algorithm Design Foundation 020 011 031F
Object Oriented Software Engineering 070 014 084+
Artificial Intelligence 040 016 056+ 044+
Computer Graphics 039 $1 010 049+ $1 023+
Device Interface & PC Maintenance 048 017 065+
Data Communications 062 010 072+
424 $01 F 405 $05 C 0829 $06 F

1867 201202963 (E) N M NAIK AKSHAY SANDEEP

Modern Algorithm Design Foundation 035 $5 014 049+ $5
Object Oriented Software Engineering 038 $2 015 053+ $2
Artificial Intelligence 036 $4 012 048+ $4 025+
Computer Graphics 035 $5 010 045+ $5 030+
Device Interface & PC Maintenance 047 010 057+
Data Communications 041 014 055P
362 $16 P 360 $12 C 0722 $28 C

P: Pass Class; F: Fails; A: Absent; N: Non Appearance D: First Class with Distinction;I: First Class; S: Second Class;
C: Passed in Compartment; X: Not answered Sem. 5
Goa Engineering Examination System Page : 85
University Collegewise Student Result Register for VI th Semester Exam

[ 05 Computer ] ** RC 2007-08 **
Seat P.R. No. ARE Pro Sex Name of the Candidate Sem. 6 Sem. 5 Grand
No. Cd. vi. Total Total Total
Max. 850 Max. 850 Max. 1700
Theory Min. 340 Min. 340 Min. 0680
Sess Total Practical Oral Remarks
Max. 100 25 125 50 Or 25 50 Or 25


Modern Algorithm Design Foundation 046 013 059+
Object Oriented Software Engineering 035 $5 019 054+ $5
Artificial Intelligence 047 014 061P 028+
Computer Graphics 035 $5 017 052+ $5 030+
Device Interface & PC Maintenance 043 013 056+
Data Communications 036 $4 012 048+ $4
388 $14 P 385 $08 C 0773 $22 C


Modern Algorithm Design Foundation 037 $3 013 050+ $3
Object Oriented Software Engineering 043 020 063+
Artificial Intelligence 053 013 066+ 032+
Computer Graphics 035 $5 018 053+ $5 023+
Device Interface & PC Maintenance 043 017 060P
Data Communications 046 013 059+
406 $08 P 401 $05 C 0807 $13 C

1870 201510703 (E) N M NAIK RAHUL KANTU

Modern Algorithm Design Foundation 039 $1 008 047+ $3
Object Oriented Software Engineering 046 012 058+
Artificial Intelligence 038 #01$1 011 049+#01$1 023+
Computer Graphics 022 #13$5 012 034+#13$5 022+
Device Interface & PC Maintenance 063 016 079P
Data Communications 046 011 057+
369#14$09 P 386 C 0755#14$09 C


Modern Algorithm Design Foundation 035 $5 013 048+ $5
Object Oriented Software Engineering 047 010 057+
Artificial Intelligence 036 $4 014 050+ $4 028+
Computer Graphics 037 $3 010 047P $3 022+
Device Interface & PC Maintenance 040 012 052+
Data Communications 043 013 056P
360 $12 P 397 $15 C 0757 $27 C


Modern Algorithm Design Foundation 000 013 013A
Object Oriented Software Engineering 052 012 064+
Artificial Intelligence 035 $5 013 048+ $5 025E
Computer Graphics 043 013 056+ 035+
Device Interface & PC Maintenance 035 $5 012 047+ $5
Data Communications 051 014 065+
353 $10 F 378 $05 C 0731 $15 F

P: Pass Class; F: Fails; A: Absent; N: Non Appearance D: First Class with Distinction;I: First Class; S: Second Class;
C: Passed in Compartment; X: Not answered Sem. 5
Goa Engineering Examination System Page : 86
University Collegewise Student Result Register for VI th Semester Exam

[ 05 Computer ] ** RC 2007-08 **
Seat P.R. No. ARE Pro Sex Name of the Candidate Sem. 6 Sem. 5 Grand
No. Cd. vi. Total Total Total
Max. 850 Max. 850 Max. 1700
Theory Min. 340 Min. 340 Min. 0680
Sess Total Practical Oral Remarks
Max. 100 25 125 50 Or 25 50 Or 25

1873 201607915 (E) N M S TALAULIKAR DEBASHISH ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Modern Algorithm Design Foundation 035 $5 014 049+ $5
Object Oriented Software Engineering 043 016 059+
Artificial Intelligence 035 $5 016 051+ $5 035+
Computer Graphics 037 015 052F 029+
Device Interface & PC Maintenance 050 021 071+
Data Communications 035 $5 016 051+ $5

1874 201510738 (E) N M SARDESAI RAJAT RAJAN

Modern Algorithm Design Foundation 043 016 059+
Object Oriented Software Engineering 040 015 055+
Artificial Intelligence 046 014 060P 028+
Computer Graphics 037 $3 013 050+ $3 026+
Device Interface & PC Maintenance 035 $5 014 049+ $5
Data Communications 053 010 063+
390 $08 P 373 $12 C 0763 $20 C

1875 201510755 (E) N F SINAI SAMBARI RIYA RAGHUVIR ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Modern Algorithm Design Foundation 035 #05 017 052+#05
Object Oriented Software Engineering 041 011 052+
Artificial Intelligence 035 #04$1 011 046+#04$1 038+
Computer Graphics 041 012 053+ 030+
Device Interface & PC Maintenance 042 010 052P
Data Communications 035 $5 010 045P $5

Read by Checked by Declared on Asst. Registrar-E(Prof) Controller of Examinations Registrar

P: Pass Class; F: Fails; A: Absent; N: Non Appearance D: First Class with Distinction;I: First Class; S: Second Class;
C: Passed in Compartment; X: Not answered Sem. 5
Goa Engineering Examination System Page : 87
University Collegewise Student Result Register for VI th Semester Exam

[ 02 Mechanical ] ** RC 2007-08 **
Seat P.R. No. ARE Pro Sex Name of the Candidate Sem. 6 Sem. 5 Grand
No. Cd. vi. Total Total Total
Max. 850 Max. 875 Max. 1725
Theory Min. 340 Min. 350 Min. 0690
Sess Total Practical Oral Remarks
Max. 100 25 125 50 Or 25 50 Or 25

1876 201510398 (A) N M DUARTE E BRAGANGA NATHAWIEL ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Industrial Engineering 016 011 027F
Machine Design II 006 010 016F 015E
Gas Dynamics & Turbomachinaries 012 007 019F 019E
Engineering Measurments & Metrology 018 009 027F 020E
Mechatronics 008 007 015F 018E
Operations & Project Management 027 010 037F

1877 201510379 (A) N M FULARI SHUBHAM KAMLAKER ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Industrial Engineering 018 010 028F
Machine Design II 005 010 015F 018E
Gas Dynamics & Turbomachinaries 023 011 034F 020E
Engineering Measurments & Metrology 020 006 026F 018E
Mechatronics 035 $5 010 045E $5 019E
Operations & Project Management 019 012 031F

1878 201611057 (E) N M AJGAONKAR SWATISH VISHWANATH ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Industrial Engineering 000 019 019A
Machine Design II 000 010 010A 018+
Gas Dynamics & Turbomachinaries 000 008 008A 016+
Engineering Measurments & Metrology 035 $5 009 044+ $6 023+
Mechatronics 035 006 041F 015+
Operations & Project Management 000 016 016A

1879 201510389 (E) N M CABRAL VINCENTE MATHIAS FERNANDES E ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Industrial Engineering 049 013 062+
Machine Design II 036 $4 009 045+ $5 015+
Gas Dynamics & Turbomachinaries 040 011 051+ 017+
Engineering Measurments & Metrology 043 013 056+ 017+
Mechatronics 040 012 052P 017+
Operations & Project Management 040 013 053+

1880 201510474 (E) N M CHODANKAR SAHIL DNYANESHWAR ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Industrial Engineering 047 010 057+
Machine Design II 040 008 048+ $2 018+
Gas Dynamics & Turbomachinaries 000 007 007A 010+
Engineering Measurments & Metrology 072 011 083+ 022+
Mechatronics 040 011 051+ 014+
Operations & Project Management 040 010 050E

P: Pass Class; F: Fails; A: Absent; N: Non Appearance D: First Class with Distinction;I: First Class; S: Second Class;
C: Passed in Compartment; X: Not answered Sem. 5
Goa Engineering Examination System Page : 88
University Collegewise Student Result Register for VI th Semester Exam

[ 02 Mechanical ] ** RC 2007-08 **
Seat P.R. No. ARE Pro Sex Name of the Candidate Sem. 6 Sem. 5 Grand
No. Cd. vi. Total Total Total
Max. 850 Max. 850 Max. 1700
Theory Min. 340 Min. 340 Min. 0680
Sess Total Practical Oral Remarks
Max. 100 25 125 50 Or 25 50 Or 25

1881 201510428 (E) N M D'SA CLYDE SAVIO ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Industrial Engineering 051 016 067+
Machine Design II 000 011 011A 018+
Gas Dynamics & Turbomachinaries 000 013 013A 020E
Engineering Measurments & Metrology 000 011 011A 022+
Mechatronics 000 009 009A 020E
Operations & Project Management 000 014 014A


Industrial Engineering 057 017 074+
Machine Design II 050 010 060+ 017+
Gas Dynamics & Turbomachinaries 040 015 055+ 016+
Engineering Measurments & Metrology 040 010 050P 017+
Mechatronics 035 #05 010 045+#05 014+
Operations & Project Management 035 #05 010 045+#05
393#10 P 390 $09 C 0783#10$09 C

1883 201309263 (E) N M DE SOUZA KEVIN FELIX

Industrial Engineering 028 011 039F
Machine Design II 040 016 056+ 013+
Gas Dynamics & Turbomachinaries 035 $5 012 047+ $5 020+
Engineering Measurments & Metrology 040 013 053+ 022+
Mechatronics 024 010 034F 016+
Operations & Project Management 041 018 059+
359 $05 F 479#09 P 0838#09$05 F


Industrial Engineering 031 #09 015 046+#09
Machine Design II 019 010 029F 018+
Gas Dynamics & Turbomachinaries 035 $5 012 047+ $5 014+
Engineering Measurments & Metrology 040 012 052+ 020+
Mechatronics 037 #01$2 010 047+#01$2 013+
Operations & Project Management 047 010 057+
343#10$07 F 388#09$02 C 0731#19$09 F

1885 201510444 (E) N M FERNANDES ROMERO

Industrial Engineering 060 014 074+
Machine Design II 035 $5 012 047P $5 022+
Gas Dynamics & Turbomachinaries 040 010 050+ 018+
Engineering Measurments & Metrology 050 010 060+ 017+
Mechatronics 040 010 050+ 016+
Operations & Project Management 051 016 067+
421 $05 P 389#09$08 C 0810#09$13 C

P: Pass Class; F: Fails; A: Absent; N: Non Appearance D: First Class with Distinction;I: First Class; S: Second Class;
C: Passed in Compartment; X: Not answered Sem. 5
Goa Engineering Examination System Page : 89
University Collegewise Student Result Register for VI th Semester Exam

[ 02 Mechanical ] ** RC 2007-08 **
Seat P.R. No. ARE Pro Sex Name of the Candidate Sem. 6 Sem. 5 Grand
No. Cd. vi. Total Total Total
Max. 850 Max. 850 Max. 1700
Theory Min. 340 Min. 340 Min. 0680
Sess Total Practical Oral Remarks
Max. 100 25 125 50 Or 25 50 Or 25


Industrial Engineering 060 014 074+
Machine Design II 043 010 053+ 018+
Gas Dynamics & Turbomachinaries 028 014 042F 018+
Engineering Measurments & Metrology 065 012 077+ 021+
Mechatronics 055 016 071+ 015+
Operations & Project Management 045 012 057+
446 F 429#09$05 C 0875#09$05 F

1887 201510487 (E) N M GOVEKAR AUDHUT ARJUN ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Industrial Engineering 016 009 025F
Machine Design II 040 013 053+ 015+
Gas Dynamics & Turbomachinaries 035 $5 015 050+ $5 018+
Engineering Measurments & Metrology 044 010 054+ 021+
Mechatronics 051 010 061+ 014+
Operations & Project Management 035 $5 012 047+ $5

1888 201510466 (E) N M NAGVEKAR PRATISH PRATAP ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Industrial Engineering 041 014 055+
Machine Design II 035 $5 011 046+ $5 017+
Gas Dynamics & Turbomachinaries 039 $1 012 051P $1 016+
Engineering Measurments & Metrology 050 010 060+ 018+
Mechatronics 035 $5 012 047+ $5 013+
Operations & Project Management 040 011 051+

1889 201510505 (E) N M NAIK UTKARSH UTTAM ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Industrial Engineering 050 008 058+
Machine Design II 041 010 051+ 020+
Gas Dynamics & Turbomachinaries 040 011 051P 016+
Engineering Measurments & Metrology 060 006 066+ 019+
Mechatronics 035 $5 011 046+ $5 016+
Operations & Project Management 044 015 059P


Industrial Engineering 064 005 069+
Machine Design II 035 $5 011 046+ $5 018+
Gas Dynamics & Turbomachinaries 038 $2 012 050P $2 015+
Engineering Measurments & Metrology 050 006 056+ 017+
Mechatronics 046 011 057+ 011+
Operations & Project Management 055 005 060P
399 $07 P 382 $13 P 0781 $20 C

P: Pass Class; F: Fails; A: Absent; N: Non Appearance D: First Class with Distinction;I: First Class; S: Second Class;
C: Passed in Compartment; X: Not answered Sem. 5
Goa Engineering Examination System Page : 90
University Collegewise Student Result Register for VI th Semester Exam

[ 02 Mechanical ] ** RC 2007-08 **
Seat P.R. No. ARE Pro Sex Name of the Candidate Sem. 6 Sem. 5 Grand
No. Cd. vi. Total Total Total
Max. 850 Max. 850 Max. 1700
Theory Min. 340 Min. 340 Min. 0680
Sess Total Practical Oral Remarks
Max. 100 25 125 50 Or 25 50 Or 25

1891 201611065 (E) N M NAROJI RAJAT UDAY ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Industrial Engineering 000 010 010A
Machine Design II 000 010 010A 016+
Gas Dynamics & Turbomachinaries 000 013 013A 016+
Engineering Measurments & Metrology 000 011 011A 022+
Mechatronics 000 012 012A 014+
Operations & Project Management 000 011 011A


Industrial Engineering 055 012 067+
Machine Design II 045 008 053+ 012+
Gas Dynamics & Turbomachinaries 057 007 064P 013+
Engineering Measurments & Metrology 045 011 056+ 016+
Mechatronics 035 $5 012 047+ $5 013+
Operations & Project Management 044 007 051+
392 $05 P 379 $06 C 0771 $11 C

1893 201510424 (E) N M PARAB ANKUR SUNIL

Industrial Engineering 063 012 075+
Machine Design II 000 013 013A 016+
Gas Dynamics & Turbomachinaries 042 013 055+ 016+
Engineering Measurments & Metrology 050 012 062+ 019+
Mechatronics 046 013 059+ 017+
Operations & Project Management 035 $5 014 049+ $5
381 $05 A 461 C 0842 $05 F

1894 201209901 (E) N M PEREIRA SHELDON BERNARD ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Industrial Engineering 037 $3 010 047+ $3
Machine Design II 040 006 046+ $4 012+
Gas Dynamics & Turbomachinaries 012 007 019F 016+
Engineering Measurments & Metrology 040 013 053+ 013+
Mechatronics 005 012 017F 015+
Operations & Project Management 044 011 055+


Industrial Engineering 045 010 055+
Machine Design II 054 012 066+ 022+
Gas Dynamics & Turbomachinaries 040 012 052+ 014+
Engineering Measurments & Metrology 042 011 053+ 023+
Mechatronics 050 012 062P 014+
Operations & Project Management 041 019 060+
421 P 416 $06 C 0837 $06 C

P: Pass Class; F: Fails; A: Absent; N: Non Appearance D: First Class with Distinction;I: First Class; S: Second Class;
C: Passed in Compartment; X: Not answered Sem. 5
Goa Engineering Examination System Page : 91
University Collegewise Student Result Register for VI th Semester Exam

[ 02 Mechanical ] ** RC 2007-08 **
Seat P.R. No. ARE Pro Sex Name of the Candidate Sem. 6 Sem. 5 Grand
No. Cd. vi. Total Total Total
Max. 850 Max. 850 Max. 1700
Theory Min. 340 Min. 340 Min. 0680
Sess Total Practical Oral Remarks
Max. 100 25 125 50 Or 25 50 Or 25


Industrial Engineering 050 015 065P
Machine Design II 037 $3 010 047+ $3 013+
Gas Dynamics & Turbomachinaries 035 $5 012 047P $5 020+
Engineering Measurments & Metrology 041 011 052+ 021+
Mechatronics 054 010 064P 015+
Operations & Project Management 035 $5 012 047+ $5
391 $13 P 421 $09 C 0812 $22 C

1897 201510414 (E) N M VIEGAS STENIO AUDEN

Industrial Engineering 067 019 086+
Machine Design II 037 $3 015 052+ $3 015+
Gas Dynamics & Turbomachinaries 051 012 063P 016+
Engineering Measurments & Metrology 053 011 064+ 022+
Mechatronics 040 013 053+ 017+
Operations & Project Management 047 013 060+
448 $03 P 468#09 P 0916#09$03 C

Read by Checked by Declared on Asst. Registrar-E(Prof) Controller of Examinations Registrar

P: Pass Class; F: Fails; A: Absent; N: Non Appearance D: First Class with Distinction;I: First Class; S: Second Class;
C: Passed in Compartment; X: Not answered Sem. 5
Goa Engineering Examination System Page : 92
University Collegewise Student Result Register for VI th Semester Exam

[ 05 Computer ] ** RC 2007-08 **
Seat P.R. No. ARE Pro Sex Name of the Candidate Sem. 6 Sem. 5 Grand
No. Cd. vi. Total Total Total
Max. 850 Max. 850 Max. 1700
Theory Min. 340 Min. 340 Min. 0680
Sess Total Practical Oral Remarks
Max. 100 25 125 50 Or 25 50 Or 25


Modern Algorithm Design Foundation 055 017 072+
Object Oriented Software Engineering 049 016 065+
Artificial Intelligence 050 021 071+ 042+
Computer Graphics 048 018 066+ 026P
Device Interface & PC Maintenance 051 016 067+
Data Communications 046 017 063+
472 P 451 P 0923 C

1899 201408252 (E) N M DALVI SANDESH ALIAS SHANTARAM SANJAY ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Modern Algorithm Design Foundation 037 $3 014 051+ $3
Object Oriented Software Engineering 025 010 035F
Artificial Intelligence 037 $3 014 051+ $3 022+
Computer Graphics 042 014 056+ 035+
Device Interface & PC Maintenance 041 012 053+
Data Communications 046 012 058+


Modern Algorithm Design Foundation 041 005 046+ $4
Object Oriented Software Engineering 030 003 033F
Artificial Intelligence 035 $5 010 045+ $5 028+
Computer Graphics 046 010 056+ 038+
Device Interface & PC Maintenance 042 005 047E $3
Data Communications 037 $3 010 047+ $3
340 $15 F 362 $14 C 0702 $29 F

1901 201510574 (E) N F NAIK KALPITA PRAMOD

Modern Algorithm Design Foundation 027 006 033F
Object Oriented Software Engineering 041 014 055+
Artificial Intelligence 035 $5 012 047+ $5 032+
Computer Graphics 047 011 058+ 022+
Device Interface & PC Maintenance 038 $2 013 051+ $2
Data Communications 043 012 055+
353 $07 F 385 $09 C 0738 $16 F

1902 201209813 (E) N M NARVEKAR ROHIT ARVIND ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Modern Algorithm Design Foundation 052 007 059+
Object Oriented Software Engineering 071 006 077+
Artificial Intelligence 058 013 071+ 034+
Computer Graphics 061 013 074+ 022P
Device Interface & PC Maintenance 052 013 065+
Data Communications 045 014 059+

P: Pass Class; F: Fails; A: Absent; N: Non Appearance D: First Class with Distinction;I: First Class; S: Second Class;
C: Passed in Compartment; X: Not answered Sem. 5
Goa Engineering Examination System Page : 93
University Collegewise Student Result Register for VI th Semester Exam

[ 05 Computer ] ** RC 2007-08 **
Seat P.R. No. ARE Pro Sex Name of the Candidate Sem. 6 Sem. 5 Grand
No. Cd. vi. Total Total Total
Max. 850 Max. 850 Max. 1700
Theory Min. 340 Min. 340 Min. 0680
Sess Total Practical Oral Remarks
Max. 100 25 125 50 Or 25 50 Or 25

1903 201209829 (E) N M PALEKAR CHINMAY GURUPRASAD ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Modern Algorithm Design Foundation 019 004 023F
Object Oriented Software Engineering 000 007 007A
Artificial Intelligence 008 010 018F 027+
Computer Graphics 000 007 007A 025+
Device Interface & PC Maintenance 036 $4 010 046E $4
Data Communications 000 010 010A


Modern Algorithm Design Foundation 038 $2 011 049+ $2
Object Oriented Software Engineering 051 015 066+
Artificial Intelligence 040 013 053+ 028+
Computer Graphics 025 010 035F 028+
Device Interface & PC Maintenance 047 018 065+
Data Communications 038 $2 012 050+ $2
374 $04 F 381 $11 C 0755 $15 F

Read by Checked by Declared on Asst. Registrar-E(Prof) Controller of Examinations Registrar

P: Pass Class; F: Fails; A: Absent; N: Non Appearance D: First Class with Distinction;I: First Class; S: Second Class;
C: Passed in Compartment; X: Not answered Sem. 5
Goa Engineering Examination System Page : 94
University Collegewise Student Result Register for VI th Semester Exam

[ 09 Electronics & Communication ] ** RC 2012-13 **

Seat P.R. No. ARE Pro Sex Name of the Candidate Sem. 6 Sem. 5 Grand
No. Cd. vi. Total Total Total
Max. 850 Max. 850 Max. 1700
Theory Min. 340 Min. 340 Min. 0680
Sess Total Practical Oral Remarks
Max. 100 25 125 50 Or 25 50 Or 25

1905 201510472 (A) N M DHAWASKAR SHUBHAM TULSHIDAS ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Communication Engineering - II 000 008 008A 026E
Introduction to Embedded Systems Design 000 011 011A
Power Electronics 000 009 009A
Antenna & Wave Propagation 000 005 005A
Electronic Instrumentation 000 011 011A
VLSI Technology & Design 000 010 010A 022E

1906 201510529 (A) N M GOVEKAR GAURESH SURESH ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Communication Engineering - II 018 012 030F 030E
Introduction to Embedded Systems Design 000 013 013A
Power Electronics 000 012 012A
Antenna & Wave Propagation 026 010 036F
Electronic Instrumentation 000 015 015A
VLSI Technology & Design 043 011 054E 030E

1907 201510488 (A) N M SAWANT ANUP VISHWANATH ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Communication Engineering - II 000 009 009A 026E
Introduction to Embedded Systems Design 000 011 011A
Power Electronics 000 008 008A
Antenna & Wave Propagation 000 010 010A
Electronic Instrumentation 000 011 011A
VLSI Technology & Design 000 012 012A 022E

1908 201510442 (E) N F CHARI VINA PUNDALIK ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Communication Engineering - II 000 011 011A 028+
Introduction to Embedded Systems Design 000 010 010A
Power Electronics 047 012 059+
Antenna & Wave Propagation 040 008 048+ $2
Electronic Instrumentation 035 $5 014 049+ $5
VLSI Technology & Design 035 $5 014 049+ $5 040+

1909 201510438 (E) N M DEOSEKAR SAHIL DILIP ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Communication Engineering - II 041 017 058+ 024+
Introduction to Embedded Systems Design 000 013 013A
Power Electronics 040 012 052+
Antenna & Wave Propagation 050 011 061+
Electronic Instrumentation 000 016 016A
VLSI Technology & Design 037 #03 017 054+#03 030+

P: Pass Class; F: Fails; A: Absent; N: Non Appearance D: First Class with Distinction;I: First Class; S: Second Class;
C: Passed in Compartment; X: Not answered Sem. 5
Goa Engineering Examination System Page : 95
University Collegewise Student Result Register for VI th Semester Exam

[ 09 Electronics & Communication ] ** RC 2012-13 **

Seat P.R. No. ARE Pro Sex Name of the Candidate Sem. 6 Sem. 5 Grand
No. Cd. vi. Total Total Total
Max. 850 Max. 850 Max. 1700
Theory Min. 340 Min. 340 Min. 0680
Sess Total Practical Oral Remarks
Max. 100 25 125 50 Or 25 50 Or 25


Communication Engineering - II 035 $5 013 048+ $5 021+
Introduction to Embedded Systems Design 035 $5 010 045+ $5
Power Electronics 047 017 064+
Antenna & Wave Propagation 040 013 053+
Electronic Instrumentation 040 013 053+
VLSI Technology & Design 000 011 011A 042+
337 $10 A 446 $01 P 0783 $11 F

1911 201510526 (E) N M GHATGE MADHAV BABAN

Communication Engineering - II 040 016 056+ 030+
Introduction to Embedded Systems Design 035 $5 014 049+ $5
Power Electronics 038 $2 012 050+ $2
Antenna & Wave Propagation 038 $2 010 048+ $2
Electronic Instrumentation 040 015 055+
VLSI Technology & Design 041 010 051P 033+
372 $09 P 360 $05 C 0732 $14 C

1912 201309134 (E) N M HARMALKAR PARAS SAINATH ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Communication Engineering - II 051 009 060+ 028+
Introduction to Embedded Systems Design 040 012 052+
Power Electronics 040 004 044+ $6
Antenna & Wave Propagation 044 007 051+
Electronic Instrumentation 043 007 050E
VLSI Technology & Design 035 008 043F 031+

1913 201408352 (E) N M KISHAN KRISHNAN ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Communication Engineering - II 040 008 048+ $2 029+
Introduction to Embedded Systems Design 000 002 002A
Power Electronics 000 005 005A
Antenna & Wave Propagation 000 007 007A
Electronic Instrumentation 000 005 005A
VLSI Technology & Design 000 010 010A 022+

1914 201309177 (E) N M MADGAONKAR NIKET SHRIKANT ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Communication Engineering - II 000 011 011A 026+
Introduction to Embedded Systems Design 000 007 007A
Power Electronics 035 $5 012 047+ $5
Antenna & Wave Propagation 000 007 007A
Electronic Instrumentation 037 $3 010 047+ $3
VLSI Technology & Design 000 010 010A 038+

P: Pass Class; F: Fails; A: Absent; N: Non Appearance D: First Class with Distinction;I: First Class; S: Second Class;
C: Passed in Compartment; X: Not answered Sem. 5
Goa Engineering Examination System Page : 96
University Collegewise Student Result Register for VI th Semester Exam

[ 09 Electronics & Communication ] ** RC 2012-13 **

Seat P.R. No. ARE Pro Sex Name of the Candidate Sem. 6 Sem. 5 Grand
No. Cd. vi. Total Total Total
Max. 850 Max. 850 Max. 1700
Theory Min. 340 Min. 340 Min. 0680
Sess Total Practical Oral Remarks
Max. 100 25 125 50 Or 25 50 Or 25

1915 201611105 (E) N M MATHOS FARRELL LUIS

Communication Engineering - II 040 010 050P 031+
Introduction to Embedded Systems Design 050 018 068+
Power Electronics 042 012 054P
Antenna & Wave Propagation 044 010 054+
Electronic Instrumentation 047 011 058P
VLSI Technology & Design 036 $4 013 049+ $4 035+
399 $04 P 382 $11 C 0781 $15 C

1916 201408331 (E) N M MOHD USMAN FAROOQI ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Communication Engineering - II 045 011 056+ 033+
Introduction to Embedded Systems Design 061 015 076+
Power Electronics 044 014 058+
Antenna & Wave Propagation 060 011 071+
Electronic Instrumentation 047 013 060+
VLSI Technology & Design 040 012 052P 022+

1917 201510485 (E) N F NAIK PRAJAKTA RAJENDRA ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Communication Engineering - II 042 007 049+ $1 032+
Introduction to Embedded Systems Design 043 015 058+
Power Electronics 042 014 056+
Antenna & Wave Propagation 035 $5 012 047+ $5
Electronic Instrumentation 035 $5 010 045+ $5
VLSI Technology & Design 015 006 021F 036+

1918 201611107 (E) N M NAIK SAILI RANJAN ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Communication Engineering - II 040 013 053+ 028+
Introduction to Embedded Systems Design 066 018 084+
Power Electronics 033 010 043F
Antenna & Wave Propagation 039 $1 011 050+ $1
Electronic Instrumentation 040 014 054+
VLSI Technology & Design 044 015 059+ 030+

1919 201408230 (E) N F RATHOD RAKHEE RAMESH ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Communication Engineering - II 046 014 060+ 020+
Introduction to Embedded Systems Design 055 010 065+
Power Electronics 043 006 049+ $1
Antenna & Wave Propagation 056 012 068+
Electronic Instrumentation 000 008 008A
VLSI Technology & Design 050 013 063+ 028+

P: Pass Class; F: Fails; A: Absent; N: Non Appearance D: First Class with Distinction;I: First Class; S: Second Class;
C: Passed in Compartment; X: Not answered Sem. 5
Goa Engineering Examination System Page : 97
University Collegewise Student Result Register for VI th Semester Exam

[ 09 Electronics & Communication ] ** RC 2012-13 **

Seat P.R. No. ARE Pro Sex Name of the Candidate Sem. 6 Sem. 5 Grand
No. Cd. vi. Total Total Total
Max. 850 Max. 850 Max. 1700
Theory Min. 340 Min. 340 Min. 0680
Sess Total Practical Oral Remarks
Max. 100 25 125 50 Or 25 50 Or 25

1920 201510378 (E) N M RAUT SANKET ANIL

Communication Engineering - II 035 $5 014 049+ $5 034+
Introduction to Embedded Systems Design 059 016 075+
Power Electronics 041 007 048+ $2
Antenna & Wave Propagation 045 011 056+
Electronic Instrumentation 064 012 076P
VLSI Technology & Design 045 016 061+ 034+
433 $07 P 397 $05 C 0830 $12 C

1921 201510504 (E) N M SHAH MUBASSHIR SIRAZ

Communication Engineering - II 035 $5 011 046+ $5 030+
Introduction to Embedded Systems Design 035 $5 016 051+ $5
Power Electronics 039 $1 007 046+ $4
Antenna & Wave Propagation 055 010 065+
Electronic Instrumentation 000 009 009A
VLSI Technology & Design 008 014 022F 032+
301 $14 F 392 $08 C 0693 $22 F

1922 201510544 (E) N M VYSHNEVE VIJAYAN PILLAI ** Result Withheld - (Sem. 5 not passed) **
Communication Engineering - II 000 010 010A 027E
Introduction to Embedded Systems Design 000 014 014A
Power Electronics 000 008 008A
Antenna & Wave Propagation 000 006 006A
Electronic Instrumentation 000 011 011A
VLSI Technology & Design 000 008 008A 023E

Read by Checked by Declared on Asst. Registrar-E(Prof) Controller of Examinations Registrar

P: Pass Class; F: Fails; A: Absent; N: Non Appearance D: First Class with Distinction;I: First Class; S: Second Class;
C: Passed in Compartment; X: Not answered Sem. 5

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