Guia 4 para Noveno Segundo Periodo

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"Ciencia, Tecnología y Valores"
Fecha: 2019-10-01

DBA No 3: Resume la información que ha leído o escuchado sobre temas relacionados con su entorno escolar y
académico a través de escritos estructurados.
DBA No 4: Realiza exposiciones cortas sobre un tema académico de su interés.
META DE APRENDIZAJE: Proponer acciones de reducción de inequidades (género a educación) en la
EVIDENCIAS DE APRENDIZAJE: Participación activa en actividades de compresión lectora y actividades audiovisuales,
trabajo en equipo, ( elaboración de afiches sobre desigualdad social, actividades proyectos PRAE Y PESSC, Ejercicios de complemen-
tación gramatical), evaluación escrita.
HÁBITO: Pensar en ganar ganar

• Match the opposite words and find them in the puzzle.

a w o r e d u c e n h
t s o l u t i o n e a
c u u n j u s t e r b
Woman/ Child/ Person/ Just/ right/ Fair/ men /Lack of/
e s e n d l r c d d u Inequity/ Education/ Unsustainable/ Masculinity/ Disrespect/
inequality/ increase/ people
p t q w f p e g u l n
s a u o m a e n c i d
Abundance/ unfair/ unjust/ wrong/ women/ animal/ children/
e i i m j u i o e h a equity/ reduce/ ignorance/ animals / equality/ respect/ adult /
r n t e n d w r p c n sustainable/ femininity./man

s a y n e v e w o l c
i b i g n o r a n c e
d l u e q u a l i t y
f e m i n i n i t y o

• Read the text and answer the questions (1-3)

A few years ago, scientists filmed mothers’ reactions to young babies. They needed a baby for their research (investigation). Although it was a
boy, they dressed it in pink.

They then gave it to several mothers to hold. Because the baby was dressed in pink, everyone praised its appearance and said things like,
"There’s a pretty girl". When the baby made a noise, or moved, they tried to calm it down by saying, "Stop crying, darling".

The scientists then dressed the same baby in blue. In spite of the fact that it was the same baby, the mothers. reactions were completely different.
This time they said things like, "What a big strong boy!" When the baby moved or made a loud noise, they laughed and encourag ed it, saying,
"Listen to that shout! What strong lungs!" Although the baby’s size hadn’t changed and the cries were identical, mothers reac ted differently to the
baby in blue.

1. The underlined sentence, everyone praised its appearance, means the same as
A. people criticized the boy’s looks.
B. people expressed positive feelings about the baby’s physical aspect.
C. people censured the boy’s clothes.
D. people demonstrated negative attitudes towards the baby’s actions.

2. According to the two types of reactions that the mothers showed, we can state that
A. if the mothers thought the baby was a boy, they talked to him softly.
B. if the baby boy cried, the mothers were very rude.
C. if the mothers thought the baby was a girl, they talked to her energetically.
D. if the baby girl cried, the mothers were very gentle.

3. Based on the context, we can say that

A babies behavior depends on the color they are wearing.
B. there is a strong natural relationship between color and a child’s sex.
C. people’s behavior towards babies is influenced by colors.
D. there’s a poor association between a baby's actions and the mother’s reactions.

• In your English notebook write the next activity.

Present simple. Escriba el verbo en paréntesis en tiempo presente. Tenga en cuenta si es afirmativo, negativo o pregunta

1) I _______ in a cafe now. (be) 2) _______________ tennis every week? (she/play)

3) They _______ to the cinema every Wednesday. (go) 4) ______________ a singer? (she/be)

5) You _____________the weather here cold. (find) 6) _____________on the bus? (they/be)

7) Lucy __________ her bicycle to work. (ride) 8) Why ______________ in France? (he/be)

9) I ____________ the piano very often. (not/play) 10) It _____________ cold today. (not/be)

11) We ______________ from Portugal. (be) 12) _____ _________________ too much noise at night? (we/make)

13) Where _____________________?(Harry/study) 14) _______________ foggy today? (it/be)

15) We _________________ late. (not/be)

Past simple
Escriba las oraciones en pasado: afirmativo, negativo o pregunta. Use el verbo en paréntesis

1) Where ________________________? (she/go) 2) What______________________________? (you/do)?

3) They ________________ in a bank. (not/be) 4) You _______________________ me. (not/call)

5) ________________________your red dress? (you/wear) 6) He _____________________ that book. (not/read)

7) I ______________________ four cakes for lunch (eat) 8) _____________________ last night? (eat)

9) Who _____________________ ? (eat) 10) She __________________ him. (not/meet)

11) It ________________ too expensive (be) 12) You _____________________ a friend. (meet)

13) I (not/forget) your book. 14) I (drink) two bottle of grape juice last night 15) He (leave) his son alone all day!

• Complete the text. Use present simple.

My family and I are always busy on Saturdays. In the morning, my sister Olivia and I (1) ____________ (play) basketball and then she (2)

___________(go) rollerblading with Dad. I (3) ___________(not like) rollerblading, so I usually (4) ___________ (help) Mum with the shopping.

In the afternoon, Dad and I (5) ___________(make) model planes and then in the evening we all (6) ___________ (watch) a film together. Saturday

is my favourite day.

• Change the verbs in brackets into the past tense. Some are regular and some are irregular.

Yesterday _______________ (to be) a busy day. I _______________(wake) up at 6am, _______________ (have) breakfast quickly and

then I _______________ (go) to work. I _______________ (finish) at noon and _______________ then (eat) some lunch. Afterwards I

_______________ (drive) to the shops, _______________(buy) some paint and then _______________ (paint) my bedroom. My
housemate _______________ (come) home from work so I _______________ (help) him paint his room, then we _______________

(repair) his chair as it _______________ (wobble) a lot. I _______________ (wish) I hadn’t, as I hurt my hand! After that I _______________

(clean) my house. I _______________ I (vacuum) all the downstairs and then _______________ (tidy) up the living room and the kitchen. I

was pretty tired by then so I ____________ (eat) some dinner, ) ______________(yawn , and _______________ (go) to bed!

Present perfect
• Complete the sentences with has, have, hasn’t or haven’t.

1- Dad hasn’t cleaned his shoes. 2- Mum _________ watched the news. 3- Hannah and Bradley __________ washed their clothes.
4- Tim and Sasha ___________ exercised. 5- Vivivian and I ___________ climbed a volcano.
6- Luke ____________ phoned his Mum.

• Para completar el párrafo use los verbos que están en paréntesis en la forma de pasado participio

Max: Is everything ready for Anne’s birthday party, Amy?

Amy: I think so. Mum’s __________________ (make) a cake and I’ve __________________(tidy) the house.
Max: Good. I’ve ________________ (cook) some party food.
Amy: Great. We’ve _________________ (write) her birthday card too. What about a birthday present?
Max: Oh no! I forgot. I haven’t ___________________ (buy) a present for Anne!
Amy: Don’t worry Max. Dad and I have ____________ (be) to the music shop. We’ve got a guitar for her.
Max: Cool! What a great present.

• Para completar el texto, tenga en cuenta si la oración debe ir en presente perfecto o en pasado simple. Tenga en cuenta que si hay una
expresión de tiempo en pasado, el verbo deberá ir en pasado.

Colin loves going to concerts. He started (start) 3 years ago. He’s seen lots of different bands and singers. Last year he _____________ (go)
to a heavy metal concert with his dad. He has also ______________ (be) to a jazz concert before. Yesterday he and his mum
_______________ (buy) tickets for a Latin concert. He’s never _______________ (see) a folk concert. The last one ____________ (be) in
June last year but he was busy.

• Present perfect – How long? Answer the questions about you.

1 How long have you been a student?

2 How long have you lived in your house?
3 How long have you had your schoolbag?
4 How long have you had your mobile?
5 How long have you studied English?
6 How long have you lived in your town?

• Use los verbos en paréntesis para poner las oraciones en el tiempo “past perfect” ( had + verb (p.p.)

1- When I got to the pub, no one was there. They (go) __________________ somewhere else.
2- I arrived home and found that my wife (go) ____________ away on holiday. All she left was a note.
3- I didn't play tennis with Tom yesterday afternoon because I (already/play) __________________________ twice in the morning.
4- The reason I didn't go to the cinema is that I (see) _______________ the film twice. I didn't want to see it for a third time.
5- A few years ago I went to my old school to visit some of the teachers. I saw Mr Field and Mrs Scott, but Mr Wells (die) _____________
two years earlier.
6- I was amazed to find out that I had a half-brother and that he (own) ______________ the shop in our street for the last ten years.
7- I got to the bus station two minutes late and saw that the bus (just/leave) ______________________.
8- I was extremely nervous about speaking at the conference. I (never/stand) ____________________ in front of so many people before.

A. TEAM WORK. Time: 50 minutes

Video: Gender Equality Explained By Children:

Video: How Kids See Class Differences | Regardless Of Class | CNA Insider:
video: Inequalities in education:

Unequal - social inequalities in health:

• In group, socialize the videos. Make a poster with phrases of social inequality. And then
explain them to your classmates. Example.

B. INDIVIDUAL WORK Time: 20 minutes

Read the text and do the activities below

Your Rights, the Rights of All of Us!

Human Rights are the essential rights that people should have to live like human beings in
their own right. All human beings deserve the oppotunity of achieving grownth and
development of their capabilities further than their basic needs and their survival.
To achieve this objective, The United Nations Organization approved, on the 10th of
December of 1948, the ¨Universal Declation of Human Rights¨, which marks the rules and
provides recommendations so that every country protects the rights of its inhabitants; and
disposes the rest of the human rights to be the fuoundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world.
However, the real model of the Universal Human Rights in the ¨Declaration of man and Citizen Rights¨ made in France during its civil revolution
in 1789.
Some curiosities that precede this declaration are: It proclaimed that its establishments would be valid not just for French citizens, but for all
people in the world, excepting slaves and women. Another group that was left apart from this first Human Rights Declaration was children.
The idea of establishing the rights of the littles emerged in the XIX century, but it was materialized on the 20th of November of 1956, when
the UNICEF proclaimed them officially.
Today, lots of Humans Rights have included in constitutions and laws of many countries which have remarkably changed the life quality of
many. The right to the life is the most violated right in the world.

✓ After you Read

• Fill the following chart with information found in the text.
Date Facts People Involved (if there are any)

• Read these questions. Then scan the text and underline the answers.
1- For whom were the establishments on the Declaration of Man and Citizen Rights valid?
2- What are the Human Rights?
3- Who officially proclaimed children’s rights?
4- Who was left apart from the Declaration of Man and Citizen Rights?

• VocabularyMatch the definition from column A with a term from column B.

Column A Column B

a- The act or process of growing, progressing ____ establishments

b- A rule of conduct or procedure established by custom, ____ Rights
agreement, or authority. ____ Law
c- Something that has been brought into official existence ____ Constitution
d- Regarded as belonging fundamentally to all people. ____ Development
e- One bound in servitude as the property of a person or household. ____ Slaves

• Write a short text about the different ways that human rights are violated and read it to your class.

HILO CONDUCTOR: Derecho a consumir alimentos naturales (frutas, verduras, cereales, legumbres) libres de
contaminación química.

ACTIVIDAD: Analizar el siguiente video:

Elaborar una monografía buscando información sobre personajes famosos que han sufrido desórdenes alimenticios por seguir patrones sociales
y exponerlos ante sus compañeros. Ejemplificar porque es importante mantener hábitos saludables.
HILO CONDUCTOR: Desarrollo del juicio moral

ACTIVIDAD: Analizar el video “El juicio moral y el juicio ético”; encontrado en el siguiente link
Proponer acciones de reducción de inequidades (género, acceso a educación) en la comunidad sobre el Desarrollo del juicio moral

• Discuss these questions

1- What are the reponsibilities of a father to his familiy?
2- What are the responsibilities of a mother to her family?
3- Are there different expectations for sons and daughters?
4- What habits are supposed to be appropriate for men but inappropiriate for women?
5- What behaviors are supposed to be appropriate for men but inappropriate for women?
6- What Jobs are supposed to be appropriate for men but inappropriate for women?
7- In your home, who does the cooking cleaning and household chores?
8- Are there more male or female managers and executives?
9- What Jobs do men and women not do in your country?
10- Who do you think has an easier life in your country? a girl or a boy? Why?

Lea el siguiente texto y realice el ejercicio de complete. Copie en inglés la palabra que corresponde en cada espacio.
Subraye o escriba la palabra en un color diferente.

1. House office work children

2. Out inside next to part
3. raise raising raises ir raised
4. cooked cooking cooks will cook
5. recognise will recognise is recognising are recognising
6. mother’s women’s children’s man’s
7. impact opportunity success low impact
8. say know have do
9. married single widow alone
10. drink cooking have eating


A major issue for women at work is how to balance _______________(1) and life. This balancing includes working in
or ___________ (2) of an office and at the same time, taking care of family, ______________ (3) children, keeping the
house clean and ______________(4). Fortunately, companies _______________ (5) that it isn't just a women's issue,
but a ____________ (6) issue, too. Fortune magazine recently ran an issue on fathers at work and the _____________
(7)that balancing work/family is having on them.

Employers are also having to deal with the fact that many workers are single parents. Almost 80% of children in the
U.S. will be raised in a single household sometime in their lives. This raises many new concerns for women at work. The
question for some becomes NOT, "How can I succeed?” But "Do I really want to work that hard and make the sacrificies
to my family that I need to make in order to succeed?

More and more people, including successful and well-known women-and men, __________ (8), "My family comes
first." “The fact that I'm a ___________ (9) parent and supporter of two young children has definitely influenced on
my decisions. It's important for me to ___________ (10) breakfast every morning and dinner at night with my children.
I have canceled meetings to make sure I am dedicating enought time to them.”

Questions to answer in the forum:

1.- In your opinion, cleaning the house, cooking and working for the benefit of the family is men’s or women’s

2.- What percentage of children in Colombia DO YOU THINK live with a single parent? Who are more common to see:
single mothers or single fathers?

3.- Who do you think should contribute more with raising the children, father or mother?

4.- Who do you think should contribute more with bringing money for food and other necessities at home, father or

5. Respond to the answer(s) of ONE of your classmates

Teniendo en cuenta su desempeño en el periodo, asígnese una valoración en una escala de 1 a 5 para cada criterio.
1. Honestidad
2. Participación
3. Responsabilidad
4. Interés y actitud en clase
5. Trabajo en equipo

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