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17. Read the article and select the most suitable title.

a. Have you ever stopped to think about the effect that TV commercials have on kids?
The average child in the United States watches over 40,000 TV commercials every single
year, that’s about 110 a day.
b. For children, what the TV shows is true and real. Their minds don’t understand that
monsters don’t exist, since they’ve just seen one! Likewise, when a TV commercial shows a
breakfast cereal turning kids into champion soccer players, they assume that the cereal
really has those powers.
c. But why is this such a terrible thing? Well, children are actually one of the main factors
in shopping decisions. They put pressure on their parents to buy a particular brand or
product. Unfortunately, many ads sell junk food, like candies and sodas, which contributes
to increasing child obesity.
d. In the United States, TV advertisement is considered the most effective form of mass
marketing. TV networks charge fortunes for commercial broadcasting during popular TV
events. The annual American football game, the Super Bowl is known as much for its
commercial advertisements as for the game itself. The average cost of a single 30 second
TV spot during this game (seen by 90 million viewers) has reached millions.

1. [The Annual Super Bowl / Effects of TV Commercials / Why We Buy]

18. Match the topics to the correct paragraph.

a. [Advertising powers / Relationship between commercials and obesity / Commercial

broadcasting / How many commercials do we actually watch?]

b. [Advertising powers / Relationship between commercials and obesity / Commercial

broadcasting / How many commercials do we actually watch?]

c. [Advertising powers / Relationship between commercials and obesity / Commercial

broadcasting / How many commercials do we actually watch?]

d. [Advertising powers / Relationship between commercials and obesity / Commercial

broadcasting / How many commercials do we actually watch?]

19. Read the article again and label the sentences True or False.

a. Children believe that everything they see must be real. [True / False]
b. Parents are often pressured into buying products by their children. [True / False]

c. Most TV commercials aimed at children advertise toys. [True / False]

d. If a company wants to show a commercial during a popular TV event, it is very expensive.

[True / False]

e. The Super Bowl is more famous for its commercials than for anything else. [True / False]

21. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in parentheses.

a. The aim of the experiment is _________ (investigate) the “butterfly effect.”

b. A friend asked me if I wanted _________ (go) to the concert on Friday.

c. She suggested _________ (take) the bus into the city downtown area.

d. I’m thinking of _________ (study) physics next year.

e. _________ (drink) too much soda is bad for your teeth.

f. I enjoyed _________ (work) with you on the project.

g. I need _________ (speak) to you about the homework.

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