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Angeles, Shane Aileen C.

BSN 2-2

1. Given a post CS patient either in a clinical and community setting, what are the attributes
and skills you must have so that you can provide effective nursing care?

● Exceptional Communication Skills

This skill is a necessity rather than an option. A great nurse has exceptional
listening and speaking skills. The rest of his or her work depends on these two
factors. Nurses can solve problems only if they’re able to effectively communicate
with patients and families. Patients expect nurses to understand their troubles
perfectly well before administering any medicine. An effective nurse is one who
can not only fulfill, but also anticipate patients’ needs.

● Attention to Detail
Good nurses realize that every step they take in providing patient care can have
grave consequences. This is why all effective nurses pay careful attention to
detail and make sure they do not miss any step. Whether it is reading and
understanding a patient’s chart or memorizing the details of a case, nurses take
nothing for granted. In a profession where a tiny mistake can ruin another’s life,
attention to detail is one quality that can either spell the difference between life
and death.

2. As part of the discharge plan what is the content of your health teaching concerning care
of the wound?

● Education using the teach-back method, ensuring availability of wound care

supplies, arranging home health care involvement (when needed), discussing
follow-up plans, and reporting to the emergency room with any signs or
symptoms of infection are all topics that should be discussed before the patient
goes home with a wound.

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