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Original article

Journal of Reinforced Plastics and

Experimental analysis and numerical 0(0) 1–21
! The Author(s) 2019
modelling of dry carbon woven Article reuse guidelines:
reinforcement preforming DOI: 10.1177/0731684419859071

W Najjar1 , X Legrand2, D Soulat2 and P Dal Santo3

In this paper, an experimental and numerical study of the preforming process of the G1151 carbon woven fabric
reinforcement is presented. The experimental analysis was based on tensile and shear tests. These tests were important
to analyse the behaviour of this particular woven reinforcement and to figure out some key phenomena related to its
deformation process. The numerical modelling is implemented in the commercial FEM software (Abaqus) using a
discrete finite element approach. The model is built using the concept of a “unit cell” formulated with a Hencky
linear elastic shell/membrane elements coupled with axial connectors. The connectors replace bar and beam elements
used in previous works and can have a linear or a non-linear behaviour. Shell finite elements are chosen to describe the
in-plane shear stiffness and to manage contact phenomena. The model parameters identification technique is based on
experimental constitutive tests and an inverse optimisation procedure. The model has been experimentally validated for
the case of hemispherical single layer preforming of the G1151 woven fabric.

Woven carbon fabric, forming simulation, G1151 reinforcement

Introduction to predict the fibre directions in the composite compo-

To improve the integrity and the lightening of aeronau- nent and optimize process parameters during this step.
tical structures, the use of composite materials Finite element methods are commonly used to sim-
with textile reinforcement is becoming an interesting ulate the preforming process; these approaches consid-
er the physics and the mechanical behaviour of the
substitute for metallic materials in manufacturing of
textile reinforcement.8 The fabric can be modelled as
structural and non-structural components of aircrafts.
continuum media with specific material behaviour.9–13
The G1151 woven carbon fabric is one of those rein-
Recently, Denis et al.14 proposed a dissipative consti-
forcements which currently receive a lot of attention
tutive model analogous to these used to model metal
for potential use in aircraft structure. The main proc- plasticity. Another approach consists of using discrete
essing way of the G1151 reinforced composite is resin structural elements to describe the textile structure at
transfer moulding (RTM) which is a popular the mesoscopic scale.15–17 A semi-discrete method,
manufacturing processes for industrial composite
materials.1–3 The first step of the RTM process is dry
preforming of the fabric reinforcement sheet. During
this step, significant local deformations may occur, LMPE, Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Ingénieurs de Tunis (Tunis
University), Tunis, Tunisia
especially in-plane shear strains,4 which result in local 2
GEMTEX, Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Arts et Industries Textiles,
variations of the textile reinforcement geometry. These Roubaix Cedex, France
variations strongly decrease the permeability of the 3
LAMPA, Arts et Métier ParisTech Angers, Angers Cedex, France
reinforcement and consequently affect the resin flow
Corresponding author:
impregnation.5–7 W Najjar, LMPE, Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Ingénieurs de Tunis (Tunis
The simulation of this preforming step becomes nec- University)-Avenue Taha Hussein Montfleury, Tunis 1008, Tunisia.
essary to decide the feasibility of the forming process, Email:
2 Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites 0(0)

which is a compromise between the continuous and

discrete approaches, is also used for simulation.18
These numerical studies led to a good comprehension
of the effect of the material behaviour and the process
parameters on the formability of preforms especially
for the case of single layer forming.
In this paper, the behaviour of the G1151 reinforce-
ment and its constitutive yarn is experimentally ana-
lysed. An emphasis is given to the study of the shear
behaviour of this textile. This analysis leads among
others to a comprehensive understanding of the effect
of the loading rate on the deformability of the rein-
forcement. A numerical model based on phenomeno-
logical description of G1151 interlock has been
introduced in the previous papers by the authors,19,21,22
this model is used in the present work to numerically Figure 1. G1151 Reinforcement.
analyse the hemispherical preforming of the G1151.
The numerical study has demonstrated among others
the impact of taking into account the crimp exchange
effect on the results.

Material characterization
The material studied in this work is the carbon fibre
woven reinforcement G1151 (Figure 1). This reinforce-
ment, which is produced by HexcelVR 19–23 is a thin three-
layered powdered interlock in which the thickness is
relatively small (lesser than 1 mm). It is used in the
aeronautical industry.
A previous article by the authors has investigated
the frictional behaviour of this specific reinforcement.20
Figure 2. Response of G1151 single yarn in tension.
In the current paper, the behaviour of the G1151 rein-
forcement is experimentally analysed, and an emphasis
is given to the study of the shear behaviour of this
textile. This analysis leads to a phenomenological
description of G1151 interlock reinforcement behav-
iour. A numerical study of this reinforcement preform-
ing has been then carried out using a model which has
been previously introduced by the authors.19,21,22

Tensile analysis
Behaviour of a yarn. The first test which has been per-
formed is a tensile test of a single yarn of G1151, the
length of this yarn was 200 mm. According to the sup-
plier catalogue, the yarn is 6K.23 The result of this test
is presented in Figure 2. Figure 3. Fabric directions.
The curve shows two sectors, the first one is linear; it
starts from the beginning till a strain percentage equal Uniaxial tensile test of the G1151 fabric. Tensile tests of a
to 0.7%, and it describes the elastic extension of the specimen of G1151 have been done in both weft and
carbon fibre yarn. The second sector is characterized by warp direction (Figure 3).
the damage initiation and the stiffness loss of the yarn. A Zwick tensile test machine equipped by a force
The curve illustrates the very low ductility and the brit- sensor of 100 KN is used to perform the tests. To
tle character of the used carbon fibre yarns. avoid sliding during test, the fabric reinforcement
Najjar et al. 3

Figure 4. Tensile test configuration.

specimen, which the geometry is shown in Figure 5, has

been attached in both extremities to the grips of the
tensile machine through a clamping device (Figure 4).
The tensile velocity was 0.1 mm/s for both direc-
tions, and the load has been applied till the break of Figure 5. Tensile test specimen dimensions.
the specimen. Figure 6 presents the load/extension
curves showing:

• The response in the weft direction.

• The response in the warp direction.

The curves are illustrative of the classical behaviour

of woven fabric in tension, induced by the mutli-scale
aspect of the material. The responses of G1151 show
two different modes of behaviour. The first one is non-
linear, it presents the response of the well-known un-
crimping phenomenon, and the second one illustrates
the linear response of yarns. In addition, Figure 6
shows that for the non-linear sectors of the curves,
the response in the weft direction is slightly different Figure 6. Behaviour of G1151 in tension.
from this in the warp direction, this can be likely
explained by the small difference of the weaving archi- According to Figure 10, the three curves have almost
tecture of G1151 between the weft and the warp direc- the same shape below a displacement of about 50 mm
tion.22 However, the linear response has almost the (which roughly corresponds to the shear locking initia-
same slope in both directions. tion of the specimen). Beyond this, the first curve, corre-
sponding to a 50 mm/min velocity is broken. The one
corresponding to a velocity of 25 mm/min continues to
Shear analysis smoothly deform (post buckling deformation) until a
Bias test. In order to characterise the G1151 woven displacement of 69 mm. The specimen can even deform
reinforcement in shear, bias tests have been done until a distance higher than 90 mm before breaking up,
(Figures 8 and 9). Considering the low values of when the used velocity is 10 mm/min. One can then con-
forces involved in a shear test of a woven fabric, con- clude that the deformability of the woven structure
trary to the case of tensile test in yarn directions, the improves for low loading speed. For this low velocity,
bias test has been performed in a tensile machine the yarns and even the filaments get enough time to reor-
equipped with a 1 KN force sensor. The tested speci- ganize and accommodate in a very slow shear deforma-
men geometry is shown in Figure 7. tion process. However, in case of high speed testing,
Figure 10 shows the results for three bias tests accommodation occurs only partially, at both levels of
with different loading velocities (v1 ¼ 10 mm/min, yarns and filaments. Therefore, the crack occurs prema-
v2 ¼ 25 mm/min, v3 ¼ 50 mm/min). turely at the time of locking initiation due to the high
4 Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites 0(0)

Figure 9. Bias test: Specimen dimensions.

Figure 7. Bias test: Specimen before deformation.

Figure 10. Evolution of the force versus displacement in bias

test for different loading velocities.

(60 mm  200 mm) have been performed, Figure 11

clearly shows that the test is repeatable. The curves
are almost identical especially for the phases corre-
Figure 8. Bias test: Deformed specimen.
sponding to pre-breaking deformation.
The curve in Figure 12 presents the evolution of the
local stress concentration in the contact areas. This result shear angle as a function of the load in the central zone
is interesting for preforming process optimization, and it of the specimen (useful area).
shows that low loading speeds induce additional post- This curve shows a locking angle of G1151 of
buckling ductility of the fabric subjected to shear, and
about 48 .
thus it improves the formability of the stamped preforms.
An intermediate velocity of 25 mm/min was then
chosen for the bias test characterization of G1151 rein-
Modelling of the G1151 fabric
forcement. This speed seems to be the most consistent
to investigate the deformability behaviour in case of In this section, the concept of the phenomenological
preforming. To verify the repeatability of the test, model and the principal used assumptions will be
three tests on three samples of identical size illustrated.
Najjar et al. 5

the same slope reflecting the material response of

yarns has been found for both curves. In the
remaining of this paper, the response along the
weft direction is retained.
(vi) The objective of the model is to predict quickly
and accurately the shear angles of the preformed
dry woven fabric. The prediction of the “stress
state” which is an ambiguous concept and does
not actually make direct physical sense in a fibrous
highly multi-scale non-continuous structure like
the woven fabric G1151 is out of the scope of
the developed model.

Figure 11. Repeatability of the force versus displacement Modelling strategy and choices
curves in bias test for the 25 mm/min velocity. To meet the objectives of the established model (accu-
racy and simplicity), the developments have been per-
formed within the concept of the discrete approach.
This approach was initially introduced by Cherouat
and Billo€et26 and Sidhu et al.27 The works of Sharma
et al.28 and Skordos et al.15 were remarkable in this
field. Some important developments were also pro-
posed by the team of Sherwood.16,29,30 Harrison pro-
posed a version of this model which takes into account
the bending stiffness of the reinforcement.31
This family of models has these advantages:

• It can be easily integrated into a general finite ele-

ment code.
• The number of parameters to be identified is rela-
tively small.
Figure 12. Evolution of the force versus shear angles in
bias test.
• The computation times are reasonable.

This approach is based on a description at the meso-

The main phenomenological assumptions used in scopic scale, not only of the physical entities associated
order to develop the discrete model are: to this scale but also the actual specific deforma-
tion mechanisms.
(i) During the preforming process, carbon fibre rein- The main feature of the present model is the numer-
forcement shows a very small yarn extension.24 ical unit cell. This cell does not necessarily describe a
The experimental analysis presented in the previ- “physical” unit cell the so called REV, but actually the
ous part of this paper confirms this fact. behaviour of an equivalent portion of fabric media.
(ii) For this kind of high strength fibre fabric, the sliding The proposed numerical unit cell is a hybrid-element
between yarns during preforming is not significant.8 built up using a continuous quadrangular entity, with
(iii) The shear and tension stiffness are considered four 1D elements located along its edges (Figure 13).
weakly coupled. Assumption (iv) allows us to associate this unit cell
(iv) Although the G1151 is an interlock, its small to a 2D entity (Figure 13). According to assumptions
thickness (<1 mm) and tiny flexural stiffness24,25 (i) and (iii), this unit cell is a finite strain (rotation)
allow us to consider it as a 2D fabric. The flexural element in shear and an infinitesimal strain entity in
stiffness is neglected in this study. tension. The continuous element of the unit cell is a
(v) Even though the tensile test results (Figure 6) quadrangular shell or membrane; it allows taking into
show a slight difference between tensile responses account the in-plane shear stiffness. It also manages
in each direction (weft and warp) for the non- contact interactions with tools and any other addition-
linear initial stage, in the present work, this small al layer of woven fabric. The four 1D elements of the
difference will be neglected and the material will unit cell establish the tensile stiffness of the equivalent
be considered as a balanced fabric especially that physical entity. In previous studies,16,29,31 truss and
6 Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites 0(0)

Figure 13. The unit cell modelling.

Figure 14. The use of “axial” connectors in the unit cell.

beam elements have been used to model the 1D tensile (Force ¼ f (displacement)) behaviour of the connec-
entities, and a material behaviour and inertial cross tor has to be determined.
section characteristics have to be identified, to describe • Reduced calculation cost. Indeed the connector is
correctly the mechanical responses and represent the not an actual finite element which the response has
tension stiffness of these 1D elements. to be calculated in the finite element solving process
The software Abaqus offers a comprehensive library but an additional constraint between the corner
of special elements to model connections. These con- nodes of the membrane element.
nectors give the possibility to apply kinematic or kinet- • The use of connectors allows simulating the forming
ic constraint, and to define specific behaviour of of several layers. Connectors do not involve in the
interaction between two nodes.32 interface contact, only the (shell/membrane) ele-
An axial connector (Figure 14) is used to define the ments will be involved in the contact calculation
axial force–displacement relationship between the two
nodes. The behaviour of the connector can be also Finally, it is important to mention that in the pro-
complex to describe physical non-linearities. This ele- posed approach, the mesh using the hybrid element has
ment type is used to materialize the 1D element in the to be aligned with the fibre directions.
developed model.
This choice has many advantages:
Analysis of unit cell behaviour
• Using the connectors, only few parameters In this section, the proposed hybrid unit cell mechani-
have to be identified. Actually only the local cal behaviour is analytically analysed in both tension
Najjar et al. 7

and shear loading. As it was already mentioned

(hypothesis vi), the classical concept of stress in contin-
uum does not actually make direct physical sense in the
fibrous highly non-continuous structure of the dry
woven fabric G1151. Our choice is then to formulate
the behaviour of the unit cell and then the whole mod-
elled fibrous material as force as a function of displace-
ment (Force ¼ fðdisplacementÞÞ.
Figure 15. Unit cell in tension.
Tension analysis
According to the hypothesis (i), the extension of the We can consider that
hybrid element is very small. This hypothesis allows
us to study the extension of the unit cell within the exx  0 (6)
infinitesimal strain concept. The tensile behaviour of
the hybrid element is considered to be elastic linear. ryy becomes then
An analytical study is done concerning a unit cell sub-
mitted to a tensile loading along the y axis as it is E
shown in Figure 15. ryy ¼  eyy (7)
ð1   2 Þ
The total force of the unit cell in tension can be
written as follows
Fmembrane can be written as
Ftotal ¼ Fconn þ Fmembrane (1)
Fmembrane ¼ ryy t0 Dl (8)

where Fconn is the load supported by the connectors,

where t0 is the thickness of the membrane t0 . In term of
Fmembrane is the force supported by the membrane.
material elastic properties, Fmembrane can be computed as
The mechanical behaviour of the linear connector is
written as
Fmembrane ¼ Dl (9)
F ¼ K0 Dl (2) ð1   2 Þ

The unit cell contains two connectors aligned with The total force can be then expressed as a function
the direction of loading. The load taken by connectors of the extension Dl and material parameters
is then:
E  t0
Ftotal ¼ ð2:K0 þ ÞDl (10)
Fconn ¼ 2K0 Dl (3) ð1   2 Þ

In the other hand, the plane stress state of the elastic The ratio between the total force and the force car-
membrane can be written in case of infinitesimal strain ried out by the connectors can also be calculated
as follows
2 3 ¼1þa (11)
2 3 2 3 Fconn
rxx 1  0
6 7 exx
6 7 E 6 1 0 7 6 7
4 ryy 5 ¼ :6 7:4 eyy 5 (4) with
ð1   2 Þ 4 ð1  Þ 5
rxy 0 0 2exy
2 E:t0
a¼ (12)
K0  2 ð1   2 Þ
where a is the contribution of the membrane in the
ryy ¼  exx þ  eyy (5) general tensile stiffness of the hybrid element.
ð1   Þ
2 ð1   2 Þ It depends mainly on the ratio Et K0 . This ratio is,

à priori, very small because E and t0 reflect the stiffness

The connectors in the transverse direction make the in shear which is small and K0 reflects the stiffness in
strain in that direction of the unit cell very insignificant. tension which has to be very high according to the
8 Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites 0(0)

hypothesis (i). This statement will be confirmed later on Let’s consider c as a shear angle, and c can be
when E; t and K0 values will be identified. The factor expressed as follows
a is then small too; the ratio FFconn
is then almost equal to
1 which means that the tension stiffness can be consid- p
c¼ h (13)
ered as totally carried out by the connectors. 2

Shear analysis The kinematic relationship allows us to write c as a

function of d
The behaviour of the hybrid element is then studied in
case of pure shear (frame picture kinematic). This is pffiffiffi !
p 1 d þ 2l0
actually the principal deformation mode to which is c ¼  2cos (14)
submitted the numerical unit cell. Considering the 2 2l0
hypothesis (i and iii), the shear analysis is performed
within the frame of finite strain (rotation). In this Fs is the shear force which is written as follows
paper, the large rotation, corresponding to the pure
shear deformation of the continuous element will be F F
FS ¼ ¼ c (15)
described by a Hencky elasticity model. Xiao and 2cosðh2Þ 2cosðp4  2Þ
Chen39 have demonstrated that this particular model
is a finite strain hyperelastic approach.
Considering equation (14), FS can be written as
In the continuous non-orthogonal approaches, cal-
culations have to be done within a material updated Fl0
coordinate system which is linked to the yarn directions FS ¼ pffiffiffi (16)
d þ 2l0
in order to accurately calculate stresses and describe
fabric behaviour.
In the present approach, the calculation is done The shear stress r12 , induced by FS is expressed
within the local orthogonal Green-Naghdi frame, (E ~i as follows
basis in Figure 16(b)) which rotates with the material,32
the track of the material directions (fibre directions) r12 ¼ (17)
came naturally via the particular structure of the l0 t
hybrid element constrained by the very stiff connectors
which guaranties a large shear strain combined to a If one assumes the hypothesis of volume preserving,
very small extension of the membrane/shell element. the thickness evolution of the continuous element can
However, the stresses calculated in the continuous ele- be calculated as a function of d and the initial thick-
ment do not have an actual physical sense. ness t0
Nevertheless, the behaviour of the hybrid element has
t0 t0
to be tuned, by calibrating the elastic parameters, to t¼ ¼ qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
pffiffi pffiffi (18)
have a force–displacement behaviour in agreement with sinh 1ð dþ 2l0 2 dþ 2l0
2l0 l0
experimental data of a bias test.

Figure 16. The unit cell shear analysis. (a) The unit cell in its actual environment. (b) Stress state of the unit cell and the different
coordinate systems which can be affected to the element. (c) Simplified equivalent model which the behaviour can be expressed as
F ¼ f(d).
Najjar et al. 9

Taking into account equations (16) and (17), the

shear stress can be expressed as follows
0 1
pffiffiffi !2
F @ d þ 2 l0 A
r12 ¼ 1 (19)
t0 l 0 2l0

On the other hand if the hypothesis of the finite

shear strain is adopted, the Hencky shear behaviour
~2 Þ as
is written in the coordinate system ðE~1 ; E

r12 ¼ GcL (20)

where G ¼ 2ð1þÞ
E ðshear modulusÞ and cL the
logarithmic-Hencky finite shear strain which is
expressed as
p c Figure 17. Simulation of unit cell in pure shear.
c ¼ ln tan
4 2

cL can be written as a function of d

pffiffiffi !!!
1 d þ 2l0
c ¼ ln tan cos

 pffiffi 2
B 1  dþ2l 2l0 C
r12 ðdÞ ¼ G  ln@ A
pffiffi (23)
dþ 2l0

Figure 18. Numerical evolution of shear force for different K0

The force as a function of the displacement “d” can value comparing to the analytical response.
then be written as follows
shows that the variation of the connector stiffness has a
little impact on the response. This demonstrates that, in
Gl0 t0 :ln 1X2
FðdÞ ¼
(24) coherence with hypothesis iii, the shear behaviour of
ð 1  X2 Þ the unit cell is weakly dependent on the stiff connec-
pffiffi tor behaviour.
With X ¼ dþ2l02l0
Numerical simulations of the unit cell shear test ana-
Unit cell shear parameters sensitivity
lysed above have been then performed. The configura-
tion of the test is presented in Figure 17. The used shell Figure 19 shows results for K0 ¼10,000 N/mm,
parameters are (E ¼ 20 Mpa; ð ¼ 0:5 to ensure the E ¼ 20 Mp, t0 ¼ 0:1 mm; and for different Poisson
volume preservingÞ; t0 ¼ 0:1 mm) the connector length coefficient () values.
l0 is 1 mm. This figure illustrates that the variation of  has a
The stiffness of connectors K0 , has been varied from very little impact on the response.
5000 N/mm to 100,000 N/mm. Numerical responses Figure 20 shows the results for K0 ¼ 10,000 N/mm,
presenting the force as a function of displacement  ¼ 0:3, t0 ¼ 0:1 mm and for different
and the analytical result according to equation (24) Young modulus E.
are shown in Figure 18. Figure 21 shows the results for K0 ¼ 10,000 N/mm,
Figure 18 shows that the numerical results are in  ¼ 0:3, E ¼ 20 MPa, t0 ¼ 0.1 mm and for different
agreement with the analytical calculation, and it also shell thickness
10 Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites 0(0)

Modelling of the tensile stiffness

It has been already introduced that the tensile stiffness
of the woven fabric is modelled by means of connec-
tors. However, when using connectors two major
options exist:

• One can use linear connectors, in this case, only

linear response of the fabric, corresponding to
the stiffness of yarns is considered. This stiffness
coincides with the slope of the linear stage of the
experimental tensile load/displacement curve. This
choice allows a simple and fast way to model the
tensile behaviour of fabric, but it has the drawback
of not taking into account the crimp
Figure 19. Numerical evolution of shear force for different
v values. exchange phenomenon.
• The second option consists in using non-linear con-
nectors. This makes it possible to model the actual
tensile behaviour of woven reinforcement including
the initial non-linear response caused by yarn un-
crimp effect.

In this paper, both options have been used

and analysed.

Case of linear connector

In this case, the connector behaviour is only character-
ized by the stiffness K0 , and the mechanical response of
the connector can be then written as F ¼ K0 Dl, where
K0 is the connector linear stiffness modulus and Dl is
Figure 20. Numerical evolution of shear force for different
the connector extension.
E values.
Identification of tensile parameters in case of
linear connector
To identify the tension parameter K0 , the experimental
uniaxial tensile test result has been used (Figure 22).
Only the linear part of the tensile response, for which
the slope is called Kfabric , has been considered.
The connector stiffness K0 is calculated by consider-
ing a geometrically equivalent tensile specimen, built by
connectors (Figure 23). N ¼ lL0 is the number of connec-
tors along the specimen length and n ¼ lb0 is the number
of connectors along the specimen width.
In the previous section of this paper, it has been
already shown that the tensile load is mostly carried
by the connectors. In case of the tensile test, the load
Figure 21. Numerical evolution of shear force for different is taken by the connectors aligned with the loading
t0 values.
direction. Those connectors are indicated by the red
arrows in Figure 23.
According to the figures above, one can conclude If one considers every red line corresponding to a
that the shear behaviour of the unit cell is very sensitive serial association of N connectors as a single spring for
to the Young modulus and shell thickness and weakly which the stiffness is equal to Kspring , Figure 23 shows
dependent on the Poisson ratio. that the global structure of the modelled specimen is
Najjar et al. 11

made by a parallel association of four springs. Kfabric are b ¼ 48 mmL ¼ 200 mm. The direction of the test
can be written as a function of Kspring was the weft direction. The result of this test is shown
nþ1 in Figure 22. Kfabric value calculated from the curve is
Kfabric ¼ Kspringi ¼ ðn þ 1ÞKspring (25) equal to 5508 N/mm.
i¼1 It is then possible to identify the stiffness value of
On the other hand, the spring (red line) is formed by the connector as a function of the selected mesh size
N serial connectors in which the elementary stiffness is using equation (28).
equal to K0 . As a function of K0 ; Kspring can be written as
Case of non-linear connector
Kspring ¼ (26) The first approach considered a linear behaviour of the
fabric in tension. However, the actual tensile response of
According to equations (25) and (26), K0 can be then the reinforcement shows a significant non-linearity at
calculated as follows the start of loading. To account for this phenomenon,
N a non-linear (polynomial) model of the behaviour of
K0 ¼ Kfabric (27) connectors is used to describe the response of the fabric.
ðn þ 1Þ
As a function of the specimen dimensions and the
connector initial length l0 , K0 can be expressed as
Identification of the global behaviour
(specimen behaviour)
ðlL0 Þ The overall behaviour of the tensile test can be defined
K0 ¼ Kfabric (28)
ðlb0 þ 1Þ by two parts (Figure 24):

The tensile test used for the identification is the one • The first sector is associated with a polynomial
h i
presented in Figure 4, where the specimen dimensions defined within the interval 0; 4DL
5 mm .
• The second sector is a straight line, which starts at a
displacement equal to 4DL
5 mm.

where DL ¼ 2:5 mm is the total displacement of

the specimen.
A forth orders polynomial has been used to describe
h i
the behaviour within the interval l 0; 4Dl
5 mm

Fglobal ¼ a4 ðdglobal Þ4 þ a3 ðdglobal Þ3 þ a2 ðdglobal Þ2

þ a1 ðdglobal Þ1 þ a0
Figure 22. Uniaxial tensile test response in the weft direction. (29)

Figure 23. Tensile specimen modelling and unit cell configuration.

12 Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites 0(0)

Table 1. Identified polynomial coefficients.

a4 a3 a2 a1 a0

3:22E2 1:08E3 7:90E2 1:85E2 31:3

Table 2. Identified linear coefficients.

a01 a00

5:5E3 5:78E3

And the global extension of the specimen dglobal can

Figure 24. Selected intervals to describe the speci- be expressed as a function of the local extension of the
men response. connector dlocal

The identified coefficients of this polynomial are pre-

sented in Table 1 dglobal ¼ N dlocal (32)
To model the linear behaviour of the specimen
(when the displacement d > 4Dl 5 mmÞ, the linear function Considering equations (31) and (32), equations (29)
formulated by the following equation is used and (30) can be re-written as follows
Fglobal ¼ a01  dglobal þ a00 (30)

> a4 a3 a2  
> Flocal ¼ ðNdlocal Þ4 þ  ðN  dlocal Þ3 þ  ðN  dlocal Þ2
> n þ 1 n þ 1 n þ 1 4Dl
< for dlocal 2 0; mm
a1 a0 5N
þ  ðN  dlocal Þ1 þ (33)
> nþ1 nþ1
> 0 0
> a1 a 4Dl
: Flocal ¼ ðNdlocal Þ þ 0 for dlocal > mm
nþ1 nþ1 5N

The identified parameters of this function are shown where

in Table 2.
• a0 ; a1 ; a2 ; a3 ; a4 are the coefficients of the polynomi-
Identification of the local behaviour al describing the non-linear behaviour of the ten-
sile response.
(connector behaviour) • a1 0 ; a0 0 are the coefficients of the linear part of
The global behaviour of the specimen governed by the response.
equations (29) and (30) induces a local response of • N and n are the parameters defined previously.
the connector. This response can be calculated based
on the tensile test specimen model presented in Figure Equation (33) expresses the local tensile behaviour
23. Actually according to this figure, Fglobal can be writ- of the non-linear connector in a general case. For the
ten as a function of Flocal case of G1151, the tensile behaviour can be then writ-
ten as follows
Fglobal ¼ ðn þ 1ÞFlocal (31)

> ð3:22E2Þ ð1:08E3Þ ð7:90E2Þ  
> Flocal ¼  ðN  dlocal Þ4 þ ðNdlocal Þ3 þ ðNdlocal Þ2
> n þ 1 n þ 1 n þ 1 2
< dlocal 2 0;
ð1:85E2Þ ð3:13E1Þ N
þ ðNdlocal Þ þ (34)
> nþ1 nþ1
> ð 5:5E3 Þ ð5:78E3Þ 2
: Flocal ¼ ðNdlocal Þ  ; dlocal >
nþ1 nþ1 N
Najjar et al. 13

Figure 25. Mesh 1, Nb of shell elements 266. Nb of connec-

tors 480 Figure 26. Mesh 2, Nb of shell elements 1012. Nb of connec-
tors 1920.

Shear parameters identification

The concept of the shear modelling for unit cell has
been shown in a previous section. The shear parameters
identification is based on a bias test and an inverse
method procedure allowing to approximate numerical
result of bias test to the experimental one.

Bias test simulation: Mesh sensitivity analysis

To choose the convenient mesh density of the bias test
specimen and to analyse the sensitivity of the simula-
tion results to the element size (l), simulations have
been carried out using specimens having the same
dimensions (the same as the experimental sample) but
using two different mesh densities as shown in Figures
25 and 26. The parameters used to describe the shear Figure 27. Force against displacement for bias test simulation.
behaviour of the membrane are arbitrary but they are
invariant for both cases.
The curves of the numerical evolution of the force as
a function of the displament for both mesh densities are error in the load–displacement curve. The algorithm
shown in Figure 27. optimizes then the three freedom degrees of the
Figure 27 shows that the two curves are exactly the shear model:
same for both kind of mesh, and this proves that shear
response of the structure is independent of element size. • The Young modulus E.
The first mesh will be retained for the remaining of • The thickness t.
the study. • The Poisson ratio .

A simplified scheme of the optimization procedure is

Identification procedure presented in Figure 28.
The procedure uses an optimization loop based on the The identified parameters of G1151 have been shown
Trust Region algorithm.19 It reduces the quadratic in previous works by the authors (Table 3) .19–21
14 Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites 0(0)

Figure 28. Identification procedure.

Table 3. Identified material parameters.

bars). The same study has also showed a friction slight-
ly higher between aluminium and G1151 (for a pressure
Eidentified ðMpaÞ tidentified ðmmÞ  identified varying between 0.2 and 2 bars).
For the analysed process in this paper, the binder is
12.5 0.005 0.16
made of Plexiglas and hemispherical punch is made of
aluminium. The shear angles and draw-in shapes are
Model validation and analysis of the effect more influenced by the friction between ply fabric and
of the tensile non-linearity blank holder where there is a sliding than by the one
between punch and reinforcement where the deforma-
To validate the model, preforming experiments of tions are mainly governed by the shape of punch.
G1151 has been performed using a specific forming The friction coefficient adopted for the simulation is
machine (Figure 29) which has been developed in the then 0.3 which corresponds roughly to the experimental
GEMTEX,19–22 and the obtained results using hemi- friction coefficient between Plexiglas and
spherical punch (Figure 30) has been compared to reinforcement.
numerical ones.
One of the main features of this machine is that the Shear angle analysis
blank holder and the die are transparent (Plexiglas
Analysis for (0 /90 ) oriented reinforcement. The first test
plates (Figure 31)) and this allows observing in-situ has been performed using an (0 /90 ) oriented G1151
the stamped reinforcement evolution. This solution is sheet (as presented in Figure 33).
suitable for room temperature preforming tests and A simulation of this operation has been done using a
permits to directly measure the shear angles and the linear behaviour of the connectors. A friction coeffi-
draw-in profiles of the stamped G1151 reinforcement. cient of 0.3 is used. In coherence with the experiment
conditions, a binder force of 50 N and a stamping
Processes parameters velocity 5 mm/s are used.
The geometry of the performing process is presented in Two kinds of continuum element have been tested
Figure 32. (shell elements and membrane elements).
Figures 35 and 36 present the shear angles obtained
• The punch velocity is 5 mm/s. for each case.
• The blank holder force is 50 N. Figures 35 and 36 show that the shell and membrane
elements give almost the same result. The global shapes
of both simulated part are practically identical and
Friction coefficient
globally coherent with the experimental result (Figure
A previous study by the authors on tribological behav- 34). The maximal shear angle is almost the same for
iour of the G115122 showed that the friction coefficient both cases (44.6 for shells and 44.17 for membranes).
between reinforcement and Plexiglas is between 0.35 This result seems reasonable if we consider the weak
and 0.25 (for a pressure varying between 0.2 and 2 mechanical properties of the continuum element.
Najjar et al. 15

Figure 29. The GEMTEX stamping machine.

Figure 31. Reinforcement before stamping.

The simulation results obtained using linear connec-

tor and non-linear connector and experimental data are
Figure 30. The hemispherical punch. presented in Figures 37 to 39.
Figures 37 to 39 show that both models seem to
The process is then simulated using shell elements correctly predict the shear angle contour. They also
and non-linear connectors where the identified behav- prove that models predict correctly the critical shear
iour is the following angle. However, it seems that the non-linear model is

Flocal ¼ 1:288E9d4local þ 4:32E7  d3local þ 3:16E5  d2local þ 7:4E2dlocal þ 1:25; dlocal 2 ½0; 0:02 mm
Flocal ¼ 2:2E4  dlocal  1:82 E2; dlocal > 0:02 mm
16 Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites 0(0)

Figure 32. The simulated process.

Figure 35. Shear angles results for shell elements.

Figure 33. The woven fabric sheet ((0 /90 ) oriented)

before stamping.

Figure 36. Shear angles results for membrane elements.

Figure 34. The woven fabric sheet ((0 /90 ) oriented)

after stamping.
Figure 37. Results for linear connectors.
slightly closer to the experimental result (The maximal
measured angle is 43 , 44.6 for the angle obtained by Indeed, the linear model overestimates this area com-
the linear model and 43.29 for the one obtained by pared to the experimental result. The non-linear model
non-linear connector). predicts, however, a more realistic smooth transition
Furthermore, the non-linear model seems to better pre- area, and a non-sheared area similar to the experimen-
dict the non-sheared area (area where shear angle is 0 ). tal one.
Najjar et al. 17

Figure 38. Results for non-linear connectors.

Figure 40. Experimental result (Global shape).

Figure 39. Experimental results. Figure 41. Experimental result (Measured angles).

Results for (45 /þ45 ) oriented reinforcement. The exper-

imental result obtained for a preform oriented 45 is
presented in Figures 40 and 41.
The shear angles obtained using simulations are pre-
sented in the figures below:

• Figure 42 shows the result using linear connectors.

• Figure 43 shows the result using non-linear connectors.

These figures show that simulations predict well the

critical shear angles (42 for the experimental result,
42.22 for the linear model and 41.90 for the non-
linear connectors).
To better apprehend the distribution of the shear
angles and to understand the effect of the non-
linearity on shear angles, the shear angles along the Figure 42. Linear connectors.
18 Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites 0(0)

Figure 45. Evolution of shear angles along the path.

Figure 43. Non-linear connectors.

for high shear angles, an opposite tendency can be

found, and in this case thepre-tensioned fabric has
lower shear stiffness.
These phenomena are quite noticeable in Figure 45,
where it can be seen that for a high shear angle range, the
linear model which omits the un-crumping non-linear
response and therefore coincide with a pre-tensioned
state, shows a lower shear resistance (corresponding to
higher shear angle value). However for low shear angles
(roughly angles below 12 ), the linear model generates a
significant shear angle resistance and consequently
lower shear angle values. This confirms the above indi-
cated result reported in the literature. In conclusion, the
results of Figure 45 clearly show the evident effect of
using non-linear connectors and therefore taking into
Figure 44. The path where shear angles are measured and the
three area specific of a hemispherical preform. account the crimp exchange effect on shear angle distri-
butions in the area where the fabric deformations are
not governed by the punch shape.
path shown in the Figure 44 have been analysed for
both linear and non-linear model.
Draw-in analysis
The curves of Figure 45 show the shear angle along
the path specified in Figure 44 for simulations using Figures 46 and 47 show a comparison between the sim-
both linear and non-linear connector behaviour. ulated (both linear and non-linear) and experimental
These curves demonstrate that both simulations give result of one-fourth of the boundary curve of the
almost the same result in the spherical region under- drawn-in for à 0/90 oriented reinforcement.
neath the tool where deformations are mainly governed These figures indicate a global agreement between
by the shape of the punch, and the same result has been numerical and experimental results. An insignificant
found by Komeili et al.33 difference has been found between the linear and
Beyond this area, it seems that there is a deviance non-linear model (Figure 46). However, a zoom of
between the two results. The non-linear model seems to the draw-in profiles (Figure 47) shows that the curve
generate a smoother and more gradual profile compar- obtained using linear connectors presents a hyperbolic
ing with the linear model. saturation shape composed by steep lower part and a
Some results in literature,34–36 which have been totally flat upper part, and this hyperbola is also char-
reported in Haghi Kashania et al.37 indicate that acterized by a sharp-turn. The non-linear tensile model
higher pre-tension (Which corresponds to the linear generates, however, a smoother quasi-parabolic curve
model in case of the present work, in which the un- closer to the experimental result. The non-linear model
crimping phase is omitted) level induces a higher gives then a more realistic shape and describes well the
fabric shear resistance at low shear angles. However, local geometry of the draw-in.
Najjar et al. 19

Figure 48. Boundary curve of the drawn-in (þ45 /45 ).

Figure 46. Boundary curve of the drawn-in part (0 /90 ).

Figure 49. Zoom of the surrounded area in Figure 48.

Figure 47. Zoom of the surrounded area in Figure 46. with Gong et al38 which demonstrated that the cou-
pling tension-shear has a little effect on the draw-in.
The shape of the preform oriented 45 directions is
also studied. Figures 48 and 49 show the simulated and Conclusion
the experimental profiles. These figures illustrate that
the simulations predict well the global experimen- In this paper, an experimental and numerical analysis
tal profiles. of the preforming of woven carbon fibre has been con-
However, The zoom of the surrounded section in ducted. To better understand the behaviour of the spe-
Figure 48 (Figure 49) show, in coherence with the result cific reinforcement (G1151), some constitutive tests
in the case of the (0, 90 ) oriented perform, that the have been realized, and it was particularly interesting
non-linear connector model gives a smoother profile to show the effect of the shear deformation rate on the
which is closer to the experimental profile than the deformability of this fabric. A numerical hybrid model
linear predicted profile. which was previously introduced19–21 has been used to
Although these results show that the non-linear simulate the preforming operation, the results are then
model generates curves slightly closer locally to the compared to experimental data, and a good agreement
experimental profiles, it seems that there is no signifi- has been found. The tensile stiffness of reinforcement
cant impact of the non-linear connector on the global has been modelled in two ways, the first considering in
draw-in shapes, and this conclusion is in agreement a linear stiffness, and the second uses non-linear
20 Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites 0(0)

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