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CEI Extraordinary Call for Proposals

Application Form
Extraordinary Call for Proposals 2020 _ Application Form

1. General Information

1.1. Title
Title and acronym, as appropriate, of the Activity

      Access of disadvantaged children backgrounds to digital education - AccEd-01

1.2. Applicant
Country, name and brief description of the Applicant's organisation

      Romania, Lopatari Technological High School is a rural school in Buzau County, that
educates students for all levels starting from pre-school, primary, secondary, vocational, high
school level, operating in six different locations: a central coordinating school and other five
affiliated schools. We have 422 students and 42 teachers. Due to the small number of students,
most of the primary education classes learn simultaneously, as well as two secondary education
classes. There are a total of 5 groups of pre-school education, 12 classes of secondary education
and 2 classes of high school education and 2 classes of vocational education. Some of the
students, after graduating from the gymnasium, go along with their studies in the community on a
professional or high school level.
1.3. Legal status of the Applicant
Legal status of the Applicant (public body, private entity, NGO, international organisation or other, and reference to
type of documentation attached as registration proof)
      Public educational unit registered to,
registration code SIIIR 1061104743, fiscal code: 29167512

1.4. Intended date and place of implementation

Please refer to the exact date and place of the proposed Activity

      Lopătari, Buzau county, Romania, 23.04 - 25.06.2020 (the start date can be advanced
depending on the obtained finances)

1.5. Requested CEI Grant

Up to a maximum amount of 40.000,00 €

21.620,00 €

1.6. Selected core sector

Please refer to point 2 of the Call for Proposals (Areas of intervention) and tick the selected core sector of your
project (only one)

Extraordinary Call for Proposals 2020 _ Application Form

1. Healthcare and telemedicine

2. Education and e-learning X
3. Support to micro, small and medium-sized enterprises

2. Description of the activity

2.1. Origin and background (max 1500 characters)

Please provide a brief description of the motivations that led to the presentation of the current proposal

     Located in a mountainous area with a poor infrastructure and few jobs, the community is
facing an accelerated aging process due to the constant lack of jobs caused by the exploitation of
forests and a massive phenomenon of population migration in EU countries or to the big cities in
our country. About 60% of the commune's population lives on the edge of poverty, which is also
reflected in the learning deficiencies of the children of these families. Our school is divided
geographically into six structures (one central coordinating school and one boarding school) + 5
affiliated schools (two secondary schools and three primary schools), located at distances of 5-10
km. There are 12 students with special educational requirements (6 in the level high school and
high school) who benefit from an adapted program, but do not have support teachers. All our
schools have access to internet, except one.
Being given the pandemic outbreak and the closure of schools, the classical educational process
was interrupted. Although some of the teachers are currently using various digital platforms and
software, there isn’t a unitary teaching system when using digital technology. In this context, the
implementation of an online learning platform is a challenge for us, given the fact that we want to
maintain communication with our students and the continuity of the learning process, in order to
help them develop the necessary skills. At this moment the school has obtained the right to use
the G suite and Office 365 for Education learning platform provided by Google. This ensures data
confidentiality in accordance with GDPR legislation
2.2. Description, objectives and expected results (max 4000 characters)
Please describe clearly and in very practical terms the intervention logic and the activities of your project vis-à-vis
the selected core sector. Clearly indicate related expected results and which is the benefit that your Activity will
bring to which target groups(s). Please make sure to be as specific as possible. 


2.3. Target group(s)1

Please indicate which target group(s) from which CEI Member State(s) will benefit from your Activity. Please
provide also tentative numbers
Target group Tentative

Target groups: 1) students; 2) teachers; 3) education operators; 4) doctors; 5) patients; 6) health operators; 7) citizens;
8) entrepreneurs; 9) other (please specify).
Extraordinary Call for Proposals 2020 _ Application Form

Bosnia and Herzegovina

Czech Republic
North Macedonia

Extraordinary Call for Proposals 2020 _ Application Form

2.4. Compatibility with the requirements of the Call (max 1500 characters)
Please explain how the proposed activity meets the requirements of the Call, in particular the provisions of Chapter
2 (Areas of Intervention) and Chapter 6.3 (Eligible Activities and Eligible Expenses)
      As mentioned in section 2.1, in order to be able to implement a platform learning platform
in our school, there is a major need among students for digital devices, connected to the Internet.
Out of 183 students from the fifth to the twelfth grade, we identified a number of 105 students
(88 students from high school and 17 students from primary school) who do not have the means
to buy a digital device. We hope that these devices be purchased as follows:
- 17 laptops (mini-book type), used by high school students, having a minimum configuration,
running the usual office suite software, Windows operating system and internet browsing
- 88 tablets - used by high school students.

The devices will be distributed to students based on a contract between our school and parents, by
which they will be obliged not to alienate or borrow them for two years. These devices will be
strictly used in the educational process of teaching and interactive evaluation.

The next area of investment is the creation of a digital laboratory within the school, called Learn
Interactive, equipped with an interactive whiteboard and video projector, a video camera with
tripod, laptop for teacher, internet connection, ensuring both classroom teaching and recording
and uploading. Virtual environment on different platforms (Youtube, etc). will be accessed.

The internet connection of the students who are not able to purchase their internet services, will
be made through a supply contract with Telekom Romania Communications, which will provide
free connections to all students using cards with monthly Internet traffic until 31.08.2020.
The teachers will attend two webinars, supported by certified trainers with the right experience in
digital education, based on a service contract. Each webinar will last for two hours, and the
content on the creation of lessons will be adapted to the platform used by our school. The
webinars will be recorded and uploaded to youtube, in order to be available to teachers.
2.5. CEI visibility (Max 1500 characters)
Please describe which actions you are planning to ensure adequate CEI visibility, including dissemination activities
in the post-implementation phase

      After the financing approval, the project will be displayed on the school's website, the
school's magazine (electronic format) and social networks (Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin), the
local online press, the school headmasters in Buzau county and the national online press,
specialized in education news.

All purchased hardware components will be inscribed with stickers depicting the CEI logo and
the project name. The digital lab Learn interactive will also be inscribed with the CEI logo and
the project title. Each activity of the project will be uploaded on the school's website and the
school's magazine (electronic format), social networks (Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin), the local
online press.

At the end of the project, taking into account the beginning of the courses, a conference will be
organized at school to present the results of the project, the impact on the community, students
Extraordinary Call for Proposals 2020 _ Application Form

and teachers experience, parents, community representatives, school headmasters. Inspectors will
also be invited, as well as the local press. The experiences gained during this project by students,
teachers and parents will be synthesized in a printed booklet that will be distributed during the
conference organized in our school. A short video (3 to 5 minutes long) will be posted on the
internet, social media networks and distributed by the local press, to be seen and considered as an
example of good practice.

Extraordinary Call for Proposals 2020 _ Application Form

3. Organisation and administration

3.1. Legal representative of the Applicant Institution

First Name and Family Name: FlorinelValentinAlbu
Official position: Headmaster
Institution: Lop[tari Technological Highschool
Address: Matesti, Buzau County, Romania
Telephone: 0730712916
Fax: 0238/704080

3.2. Person responsible for the implementation and final reporting

First Name and Family Name: Adrian Stănescu
Official position: Professor engineer
Institution: Lopătari Technological Highschool
Address: Lopătari, Buzau County, Romania
Telephone: 0763688357
Fax: 0238/704080

3.3. Person responsible for financial management and final accounting

First Name and Family Name: Vasile Potop
Official position: Accountant
Institution: Lopătari Technological Highschool
Address: Lopatari, Buzau County, Romania
Telephone: 0763112696
Fax: 0238/704080

Extraordinary Call for Proposals 2020 _ Application Form

4. Budget
4.1. Detailed estimated budget
Please provide a detailed budget estimate, indicating all the amounts in Euro according to the format € 1000,00 and
add budget lines as needed.
Please insert for each budget item:
 a short description
 estimated unit cost per participant or per item of equipment or other resource
 estimated subtotal related to that budget item

Budget line Unit cost Subtotal


1.1. Human Resources (man hour/day/month cost as appropriate)

Subtotal 1.1. € 0,00

1.2. Administrative costs (office supplies, postage, website, etc.)

Subtotal 1.2. € 0,00

1.3. Communication/promotion costs (graphic design, printing,

translations, etc.)

Subtotal 1.3. € 0,00


2.1. (Type of equipment and number of units)

Subtotal 2.1. € 0,00

Extraordinary Call for Proposals 2020 _ Application Form


3.1. (Elaboration, realisation, dissemination, etc.)

Subtotal 3.1. € 0,00


4.1. (Elaboration, realisation, video production, dissemination,

streaming, etc.)

Subtotal 4.1. € 0,00



Subtotal 5.1 € 0,00

6. OTHER (please specify)

Subtotal 6 € 0,00

TOTA € 0,00

Co-financing (if any; if applicable)

Amount: _________
Donor/provider: _______
Budget lines tackled: _______

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