Strength of High-Rise Shear Walls-Rectangular Cross Sections

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strength of high-rise
shear walls-
rectangular cross sections

27. Kani, G. N. J., "How Safe are Our Large Reinforced Concrete Beams?"
ACI Journal, Proceedings, V. 64, No. 3, March 1967, pp. 128-141.
28. Hognestad, E., Hanson, N. W., Kriz, L. B., and Kurvits, 0. A.,
''Facilities and Test Methods of PCA Structural Laboratory," Journal of
the Portland Cement Association, Research and Development Labora-
tories, V. 1, No. 1, pp. 12-20 and 40-44, 1959; V. 1, No. 2, pp. 30-
37, 1959; V. 1, No. 3, pp. 35-41; PCA Development Bulletin D33.
29. Hanson, N. W., Hsu, T. T. C., Kurvits, 0. A., and Mattock, A. H.,
"Facilities and Test Methods of PCA Structural Laboratory -Improve-
ments 1960-65," Journal of the Portland Cement Association, Research
and Development Laboratories, V. 3, No. 2, pp. 27-31, May 1961;
V. 7, No. 1, pp. 2-9, January 1965; and V. 7, No. 2, pp. 24-38, May
1965; PCA Development Bulletin D91.
PCA R/0 Ser. 1498

response of multistory
concrete structures
to latera I forces

This appendix describes the fabrication, instrumentation and testing of six
shear wall specimens. Methods and procedures employed were those nor-
mally used at the PCA Structural Laboratory ( 28, 29).
Because of the relatively large size of the specimens, 28 ft. 9 in. (8. 76 m)
by 6ft. 3 in. (1.91 m), and the small thickness, 3 in. (7. 5 em), all speci-
mens were cast in a horizontal position. This procedure facilitated both the
manufacture of formwork and placement of reinforcement and concrete.
Figure A1 shows one of the specimens before casting. The formwork con-
sisted of a double 3/4 -in. plywood base supported on 2x4 and 2x6 stringers.
The stringers were supported on 2x4 vertical struts properly braced. The
height of the struts was selected to accommodate a tilt-up assembly under-
neath the double 3/4-in. plywood base.
Reinforcement conforming to ASTM Designation: A-615-68, Grade 60 (4200
kgf/cm 2 ) deformed bars and annealed deformed wire was used in all speci-
mens. The deformed bars were used as flexural (vertical) reinforcement
and the annealed wire as shear (horizontal) reinforcement. Deformed bar
sizes were No. 4 and No. 5. Measured yield stresses for specific groups
of bars used in each specimen are listed in Table 1.
The D4 (A = 0. 04 sq. in. == 0. 26 sq. em) deformed wire reinforcement used
conformed\o ASTM Designation: A-496-64. Because of the relatively high
yield stress of the wire, it was necessary to anneal it to obtain a yield stress
of about 60 ksi. Results of trial runs in the laboratory indicated that an-
nealing the wire at 1100° F for one hour would provide the characteristics
needed. Based on these results, all deformed wire reinforcement was com-
mercially annealed at 1100° F in a gas-fired furnace for a period of one
Yield stresses obtained for individual groups of reinforcement are listed in
Table 1. Figure A2 shows representative stress-strain curves for both the
deformed bars and deformed wire reinforcement used in all specimens.
The normal weight concrete used was made with a blend of Type I cement and
3/4-in. maximum size Elgin aggregate. Design cylinder compressive
strength at test age, usually 10 days, was 6000 psi (420 kgf/cm 2 ). Measured
concrete strengths are listed in Table 1 in the text. Concrete quality con-
trol was based on a measured slump of 3 ± 1 in. All specimens were cured
under polyethylene sheets for a period of 3 days.

strength of high-rise
shear walls-
rectangular cross sections

Reinforcing bars were instrumented with electrical resistance strain gages.
Vertical bars were instrumented at a section near the base of the wall and
also at a section a distance tw from the base of the wall. Instrumented ver-
tical bars permitted measurement of the strain distribution along the wall at
these two sections. Several horizontal bars placed within a height Jw from
base of the wall were also instrumented. These gages provided an indication
of the strains produced by the shear deformations.
Gages were also placed on the concrete surface. These gages were located
near the base of the wall and at the extreme tension and compression fibers.
other gages were placed at mid-length of the wall.
Rotations near the base of the wall were measured with LVDT 1 s placed near
the extreme tension and compression fibers of the specimens. The LVDT1 s
were connected to directly measure angle changes. Gage lengths for mea-
sured average rotations were 40-in. (1. 00 m) for the 21-ft. (6. 40m) high
walls and 12-in. (30 em) for the 12-ft. (3, 66 m) high walls.
Lateral deflections of all specimens were measured at 3 ft. (91 em) or
18-in. (45 em) intervals from the base of the wall. Graduated scales were
read with a precision level (28) that has an optical micrometer reading to
0. 001 in. Out-of-plane deflections were measured near the cantilever end
of the wall using mechanical dial gages reading to 0. 001 inches.
Applied axial and lateral loads were measured with load cells. Reactions at
the restraining portion of the specimens were also measured with load cells.
All of this instrumentation was connected to continuous oscillographic re-
corders or strain indicator boxes as required. Figure A3 shows some of
the locations where instrumentation was used in the specimens.
Test Procedure
After the specimens were set in the test rig, readings were taken to assess
the effects of dead weight and loading equipment. The axial compression
force was then applied in increments. At the end of each increment, out-
of-plane deflections were checked. When necessary, adjustments were
made in the position of the hydraulic rams to insure that no large out-of-
plane deflections occurred.
After the full axial load was applied, lateral load was applied by hydraulic
rams. The number of increments of lateral load to obtain failure was
usually between 10 and 15. After each increment, all instrumentation was
read and cracks were marked and recorded. In addition, load versus de-
flection and load versus maximum compressive strain were continuously
monitored on X-Y recorders throughout the test.

response of multistory
concrete structures
to latera I forces

As a part of this investigation, a simple equation to calculate the flexural
strength of rectangular shear walls with uniformly distributed vertical rein-
forcement was developed. The solution is developed in accordance with
Section 10 . 2, Assumptions, of ACI 318-71 (1).
Figure B1(a) shows the cross section of a rectangular shear wall subjected
to combined bending and axial load. The total area of reinforcement, A ,
is assumed to be a continuous line of steel albng the fulll€mqth of the wa11.
The assumed strain distribution at ultimate is shown in Fig. B1(b). This
distribution implies that the load producing failure is smaller than that at
balanced failure conditions.
From equilibrium of forces as shown in Figs. B1(c) and Bl(d):
pifl (tw - c (1 + /3)] ~ + Nu == 0, 85 f~ {31hc + pJlc (1- {3) fy , .... (1)


Pv As/twh
h thickness of shear wall, in.
tw depth or horizontal length of shear wall, in.
c == distance from extreme compression fiber to neutral axis, in.
f3 ey~o.003

fy specified yield strength of reinforcement, psi

Nu design axial load at section, positive if compression, lbs.
f~ == specified compressive strength of concrete, psi
f31 a factor defined in Section 10. 2. 7, ACI 318-71
From Eq. (1) the distance from the extreme compression fiber to the
neutral axis, c, becomes:

c w+a ..... (2)

rw 2 w + 0. 85{31


strength of high-rise
shear walls-
rectangular cross sections

w •••• (3)

01 =: .... (4)
The ultimate resisting moment, Mu, of the cross section becomes:

Nu ) (1 {31 c )
Mu == Asfytw [ ( 1 + A I "2' - IT - T
c2 - 1
\ + 3{! 'J
- (31 )
s y w w
..... (5)
Equation (5) can be approximated, without significant loss of accuracy, by -
eliminating the terms containing c2 I t:V and dropping (31 • Equation (5) then
reduces to:

.... (6)

Figure B2 shows a comparison of results using Eqs. (5) and (6) for different
amounts of uniformly distributed flexural reinforcement. Two values of
axial compressive load are plotted: Nu == 0 and Nu == 0. 25 f~ J.wh. The re-
sults show that for the case of pure bending, N == 0, the approximate Eq.
(6) compares very well with the results of the fAore exact Eq. (5).

The above derivations are limited to rectangular shear walls with uniformly
distributed reinforcement and subjected to an axial load smaller than that
producing balanced flexural failure. In practice the magnitude of the axial
compression load is almost always smaller than Nu == 0. 25 f~ i.wh. Since
Eq. (5) is applicable up to Nu == 0. 425 {31 f~ J.wh, the proposed flexural
strength equations should apply to most rectangular shear walls found in
practice. Similar equations can be derived for different shear wall cross
sections and for distributions of vertical reinforcement other than uniform.

response of multistory
concrete structures
to lateral forces


total area of vertical reinforcement at section, sq. in.

area of horizontal shear reinforcement within a distance, s, sq. in.
c distance from extreme compression fiber to neutral axis, in.
d distance from extreme compression fiber to resultant of tension
force, in.
f story shear forces, lbs.

~ square root of specified compressive strength of concrete, psi

c specified compressive strength of concrete, psi
specified yield strength of reinforcement, psi
h thickness of shear wall, in.
total height of wall from its base to its top, in.
== depth or horizontal length of shear wall, in.
== design resisting moment at section, in. -lbs.
axial stress at the point of contraflexure
design axial load at section, positive if compression, lbs.
sy w c
s vertical spacing of horizontal shear reinforcement, in.
nominal permissible shear stress carried by concrete, psi
nominal total design shear stress, psi
shear force at the point of contraflexure, lbs.
total applied design shear force at section, lbs.
N jJ. h f'
u w c

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