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strength of high-rise
shear walls-
rectangular cross sections

Increase in ductility due to the concentration of reinforcement is apparent-

from the results in Fig. 8 of tests on specimens W -3 and W -6. At ulti-
mate, the curvature of W -6, with concentrated reinforcement is almost
twice that of specimen W -3 with uniformly distributed reinforcement. Re-
sults for specimens W -4 and W -5 shown in Fig. 9 also illustrate the in-
fluence of reinforcement distribution on the moment-curvature relationship.
In this case, however, the potential ultimate curvature of W-5 was not at-
tained due to a premature shear failure.
Modes of Failure
There were, in general, three distinct modes of failure observed in these
tests. Two of these can be classified as flexural while the third can be de-
fined as a shear failure precipitated by the formation of a 11flexure-shear 11
crack (27.)
Specimen W -1 reached its flexural strength by fracture of some of the
tension reinforcement at the base of the wall. A close-up of this fracture
zone is shown in Fig. 10. As a result of the low amount of reinforcement
used, pv 0. 0027, and the relatively high cracking capacity of the shear
wall, only one crack formed at the base of the wall. After the full elonga-
tion of the tensile reinforcement was exhausted, the bars fractured.
Figure 11 shows the flexural hinge observed in most of the other test speci-
mens. The behavior of this specimen is typical of an under-reinforced
section. Its strength is reached by crushing of the concrete in the compres-
sion zone after considerable yielding of the tension reinforcement. This
type of behavior produced a more uniform spread of cracks near the base of
the wall as shown in Fig. 11. All specimens, except W-1 and W-5, ex-
hibited these characteristics.
The third type of failure observed in these tests was designated 11flexure-
shear11 failure. As seen in Fig. 12, the inclined crack in these specimens
initiated from a flexural crack that started at a distance about equal to the
depth of the wall, tw, from the base. With increase in load, the flexural
crack turned toward the support at an angle of about 45°. At ultimate,
some of the shear reinforcement across the inclined crack fractured and
the concrete crushed in compression.
Flexural Strength
The calculated flexural strengths listed in Table 2 were based on Section
10. 2, Assumptions, of ACI 318-71. In addition, the effect of strain harden-
ing of the reinforcement was taken into account. Moment-curvature rela-
tionships and flexural strength based on these assumptions were calculated
viith the aid of a computer.

response of multistory
concrete structures
to latera I forces

For hand calculations, a simplified equation for flerural strength was de-
veloped. The development of this simplified approach is
described in detail in Appendix B. The flexural strength of rectangular
shear walls containing uniformly distributed vertical reinforcement and sub--
jected to an axial load smaller than that producing a balanced failure condi-
tion can be approximated as:

.... (1)

Mu == design resisting moment at section, in. -lbs.
As == total area of vertical reinforcement at section. sq. in.
fy specified yield strength of vertical reinforcement, psi.
~ == horizontal length of shear wall, in.

Nu design axial load, positive if compression, lbs.

c distance from extreme compression fiber to neutral
axis, in. (See Appendix B)
¢ capacity reduction factor
Shear Strength
Calculated and measured nominal shear stresses at failure for all specimens
are listed in Table 2. Calculated values are based on the ACI 318-71 shear
strength equations for shear walls. The value of¢, the understrength fac-
tor, was assumed equal to 1. 0. Measured values represent the nominal
shear stress at a section located at a distance Lw/2 from the base of the
Nominal shear stresses observed atyltimate varied between 1. 7 ./f~ and
7. 8.;r:;; psi (0. 451 ,jf~ to 2. 07J£6kgf/cm 2 ). As indicated in -
Table 2, the two specimens that failed in flexure-shear, fJW-3 and fJW-5,
had developed a shear stress greater than that calculated for ¢ == 1. If the
recommended value of ¢ == 0. 85 had been used, the measured to calculated
shear strength ratios of specimens W--3 and fJW -5 are 1. 33 and 1. 35, re-
spectively. It appears then, that the ACI 318 -71 equations for shear
strength of high-rise shear walls provide a conservative estimate of the
strength of these specimens. Furthermore, no reduction in shear strength
due to the proportions of the specimens, such as that postulated by Kani
('Zl ), was observed in any of these tests.

strength of high-rise
shear walls-
rectangular cross sections

Energy Absorptio.D
The area under the moment-curvature, M - 1/J, diagram is a measure of the
energy absorbing capacity of reinforced concrete members. Consequently,
the variables that affect the energy absorption of walls are the same as those
affecting their moment-curvature characteristics.
Figure 13 shows idealized M -1/J relationships for two rectangular shear wall
sections subjected to bending. In constructing these curves, it was assumed
that the amount of shear reinforcement was sufficient to develop the full
flexural strength of the two walls. One of the sections considered was as-
sumed to contain vertical reinforcement placed near the extreme tension and
compression fibers. For the other case, the reinforcement was assumed to
be uniformly distributed along the cross section. The total area of vertical
reinforcement provided is such that both sections have the same flexural
The energy-absorbing capacity of the shear wall with reinforcement near the
rmds only can be calculated on the basis of the equations presented by
Blume, Newmark and Corning ( 9).. The equations are based on the simpli-
fying assumptions that the yield moment is equal to the ultimate moment and
the M - 1/J relationship is elasto-plastic.
For the shear wall with the uniform distribution of vertical reinforcement,
the simplifying assumptions of Ref. (9) cannot be directly applied. As
shown in Fig. 13, the moment at first yield is appreciably lower than that
at ultimate. Consequently, the transition from the yield to the ultimate
capacity requires an increase in load. This increase in load depends on the
amount of vertical reinforcement and the presence of axial load.
In practice, most rectangular shear walls contain a distribution of vertical
reinforcement which is intermediate between those illustrated in Fig. 13.
As a result, the shape of their M - 1/> relationship lies somewhere between
the boundaries illustrated.
Table 3 lists the moment-curvature characteristics for the six specimens
tested in this investigation. Characteristics of each specimen and mea-
sured and calculated test results are presented in Tables 1 and 2. For spec-
imens fNJ -1, fNJ -2 and fNJ -3 containing increasing amounts of uniformly
distributed vertical reinforcement, the ductility ratio 1/1 I 1/J decreases with
increasing amounts of reinforcement. Measured value~ ale the average
curvature over a 40-in. (1. 00 m) gage length near the base of the walls.
Calculated values were obtained taking into account strain hardening of the
reinforcement and using the assumptions of Chapter 10 of ACI 318-71.
The influence of concentrating some of the vertical reinforcement near the
ends of the cross section is illustrated by the results of specimens fNJ -3
response of multi·story
concrete structures
to lateral forces

through fN\/-6. Specimens fN\/-3 and SW -4 contained uniformly distributed

vertical reinforcement while fN\/-5 and SW -6 represent an intermediate dis-
tribution between uniform and concentrated. Comparisons of curvature
ratios of SW -3 with SW -6 and fN\/-4 with fN\/-5 show the increase in ductility
when reinforcement is concentrated near the ends of shear walls.
The results of this investigation have provided basic information on the be-
havior and strength of rectangular reinforced concrete shear walls for high-
rise buildings. Important observations of these tests are listed at the begin-
ning of the report under CONCLUSIONS.
Although no load reversals were considered in these tests, it is expected
that the test results would not be affected because of the relatively small
magnitude of the shear stresses. For earthquake resistant design, partic-
ular emphasis should be placed on good detailing of the reinforcement, ade-
quate anchorage and splice lengths, construction joint details, among others,
in order to obtain a satisfactory performance.
The effect of gravity loads acting on shear walls should also be considered.
Neglecting these loads does not necessarily lead to conservative designs.
This investigation was conducted at the Structural Development Laboratory
of the Portland Cement Association under the direction of W. G. Corley,
Manager. The authors thank E. Hognestad, Director, Engineering Develop-
ment Departman and J. M. Hanson, Assistant Manager, Structural Devel-
opment Section, Portland Cement Association, for their constructive criti-
cisms made throughout this investigation.
Laboratory Technicians B. J. Doepp, B. W. Fullhart, W. H. Graves, W.
Hummerich, Jr., and 0. A. Kurvits performed the laboratory work.
1. ACI Committee 318, "Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Con-
crete (ACI 318-71)," American Concrete Institute, Detroit, 1971, 78 pp.
2. Uniform Building Code, International Conference of Building Officials,
Pasadena, California, 1970.
3. dePaiva, H. A. R. and Siess, C. P., "Strength and Behavior of Deep
Beams in Ehear," Proceedings ASCE, V. 91, No. ST5, Part I, Octo-
ber 1965, pp. 19-41.
4. Slater, W. A., Lord, A. R. and Zipprodt, R. R., "Shear Tests of
Reinforced Concrete Beams," National Bureau of Standards, 1926.

strength of high-rise
shear walls-
rectangular cross sections

5. Cardenas, A. E., Hanson, J. M., Corley, W. G. and Hognestad, E.,

"Design Provisions for Shear Walls," to be published in the ACI Journal.
6. ACI Committee 442, 11 Response of Buildings to Lateral Forces," ACI
Journal, Proceedings, V. 68, No. 2, February 1971, pp. 81-106.
7. Frischmann, W. W. and Prabhu, S. S., "Planning Concepts Using
Shear Walls," Tall Buildings,Pergamon Press, 1967, pp. 49-99.
8. Davenport, A. G., "The Treatment of Wind Loading on Tall Buildings,"
Tall Buildings, Pergamon Press, 1967, pp. 3-45.
9. Blume, J. A., Newmark, N. M. and Corning, L. H., "Design of Multi-
story Reinforced Concrete Buildings for Earthquake Motions," Portland
Cement Association, Skokie, Illinois, 1961, 318 pp.
10. Rosenblueth, E. and Holtz, I., "Elastic Analysis of Shear Walls in Tall
Buildings," ACI Journal, Proceedings, V. 56, June 1960, pp. 1209-
11. Khan, F. R. and Sbarounis, J. A., "Interaction of Shear Walls and
Frames," Proceedings, ASCE, V. 90, ST3, June 1964, pp. 285-335.
12. "Design of Combined Frames and Shear Walls," Advanced Engineering
Bulletin No. 14, Portland Cement Association, Skokie, Illinois, 1965,
36 pp.
13. Tall Buildings, Pergamon Press, 1967.
14. McLeod, I. A., "Shear Wall Frame Interaction - A Design Aid with
Commentary," Special Publication SPOll. OlD, Portland Cement Asso-
ciation, Skokie, Illinois, April 1971, 62 pp.
15. Derecho, A. T., "Analysis of Plane Multistory Frame-Shear Wall
Structures Under Lateral and Gravity Loads," Computer Program
Series, SR097. OlD, Portland Cement Association, Skokie, Illinois,
1971, 90 pp.
16. Schwaighofer, J. and Microys, H. F., "Analysis of Shear Walls
Using Standard Computer Programs," ACI Journal, Proceedings,
V. 66, No. 12, December 1969, pp. 1005-1007. ·
17. Tomii, M., "Introduction and Summary Design Procedures of Con-
crete Shear Walls," especially edited for United States - Japan Joint
Seminar, February 1967.
response of multistory
concrete structures
to latera I forces

18. Muto, K. and Kokusho, K., rrExperimental Study on Two-Story Rein-

forced Concrete Shear Walls,U Muto Laboratory, University of Tokyo,
Tokyo, Japan. Translated by T. Akagi, University of Illinois, Urbana,
Illinois, August 1959.
19. Ogura, K., Kokusho, K. and Matsoura N., "Tests to Failure of Two-
Story Rigid Frames with Walls," Part 24, Experimental Study No. 6,
Japan Society of Architects Report No. 18, February 1952. Translated
by T. Akagi, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois, August 1959.
20. Tsuboi, Y. , Suenaga, Y. and Shigenobu, T. , "Fundamental Study on
Reinforced Concrete Shear Wall Structures - Experimental and Theoret-
ical Study of Strength and Rigidity of Two -Directional Structural Walls
Subjected to Combined stresses M. N. Q. 11 Transactions of the Archi-
tectural Institute of Japan, No. 131, January 1967. PCA Foreign
Literature Study No. 536, November 1967.
21. Williams, H. A. and Benjamin, J. R., "Investigation of Shear Walls, -
Part 3 - Experimental and· Mathematical Studies of the Behavior of
Plain and Reinforced Concrete Walled Bents Under Static Shear Loading,"
Department of Civil Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, Calif-
ornia, July 1953, 142 pp.
22. Benjamin, J. R. and Williams, H. A., "Investigation of Shear Walls, -
Part 6 - Continued Experimental and Mathematical Studies of Rein-
forced Concrete Walled Bents Under Static Shear Loading," Department
of Civil Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, California, August
1954, 59 pp.
23. Benjamin, J. R. and Williams, H. A., "The Behavior of One-Story
Reinforced Concrete Shear Walls," Journal of the Structural Division,
ASCE, V. 83, No. ST3, May 1957. Also Transactions, ASCE, V. 124,
1959, pp. 669-708.
24. Benjamin, J. R. and Williams, H. A., "Behavior of One-Story Rein-
forced Concrete Shear Walls Containing Openings," ACI Journal, Pro-
ceedings, V. 55, November 1958, pp. 605-618.
25. Antebi, J., Utku, S. and Hansen, R. J., "The Response of Shear Walls
to Dynamic Loads," MIT Department of Civil and Sanitary Engineering,
(DASA - 1160), Cambridge, Mass. , August 1960, 290 pp.
26. Bresler, B. and MacGregor, J. G., "Review of Concrete Beams
Failing in Shear," Proceedings, ASCE, V. 93, No. ST1, February
1967, pp. 343-372.

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