Symptom of The Strong Feeling of Fear. He Described Fear As Being Related To All Living Creatures in Response To Perceived Danger

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Psychodynamic Theory Individual Psychology Analytical Psychology Object-Relations theory Psychoanalytic Social Theory Humanistic Psychoanalysis Interpersonal Theory

ocial Theory Humanistic Psychoanalysis Interpersonal Theory Post-Freudian Theory

(Sigmund Freud) (Alfred Adler) (Carl Jung) (Melanie Klein) (Karen Horney) (Erich Fromm) (Harry Sullivan) (Erik Erikson)
Utilizes sex and aggression as the Presents an optimistic view of Occult phenomena can and do
twin cornerstones of people while resting heavily on the influence the lives of everyone. Freud: Biological Has an assumption that social Individual personality can only -people develop their personality extended Freud’s infantile
Main concept

psychodynamic theory. notion of social interest ( oneness Klein: Interpersonal and cultural conditions, be understood in the light of within a social context. developmental stages into
with all human kind. Rooted from Self-realization is being whole. especially childhood human history. -Sullivan is first American to adolescence, adulthood, and
mother-child relationship) Self as the core of personality. Freud: less emphasis on mother experiences, are largely create a comprehensive old age.
Klein: More maternal responsible for shaping Human dilemma – the facility personality theory.
People are born with physical personality. of reason humans acquired. Erikson suggested that at each
deficiencies, if one acquires Freud: Sexual pleasure People have acquired this Human personality can be stage a specific psychosocial
inferiority complex – he then Klein: Human contact and (agreed with Freud in this because they have become understood through struggle contributes to the
People are motivated primarily by People are motivated mostly by Each of us is motivated not only
drives of which they have little or social influences and by their by repressed experiences but Human contact and relatedness. Humans are motivated by -energy system:
no awareness. People are striving for superiority or success. also by certain emotionally toned To actualize self realization. physiological needs (hunger, 1. Tensions

motivated to seek pleasure and to experiences inherited from our Infants innately strive for sex, safety) -potentiality for action
reduce tension and anxiety. If exaggerated deficiency, low ancestors. integration. To avoid 2. Energy transformations
social interest. disintegration, the ego must split only distinct human/existential -transform tensions to either
Motivation – Freud also called Both causal and teleological. itself to good and bad. needs can reunite people with overt or covert behaviour.
“dynamic” Began with aggression, to natural world.
masculine protest, to striving Tensions:
PersonalityDevelopment of

First years of life. First 4 to 5 years. Ages 35-40 (second half of life) First 4-6 months. Social/Cultural influences Called “Character – organized as typical behaviour
(middle life) rather than biological Orientations” patterns that characterize a
(instinct) person throughout lifetime (same
- Person’s relatively as trait/habit)
Did not overlook the permanent way of 1. related to specific zones
importance of genetic relating to people and 2. related to tensions
factors, but emphasized more things -Disjuntive (malevolence)
the social. - Personality: totality of -Isolating (lust)
Healthy IndividualPyschologically

Balance between the Id, ego, and Does not have an underdeveloped Balances between opposing forces After Oedipus complex: Given needs for love and Healthy individuals: better able Depends on the person’s ability Resolve identity crisis on
superego. social interest. (ex: introversion and affection during childhood. to find ways of reuniting to the to establish intimacy with psychosocial stages.
extraversion) - If the process runs world by productively solving another person.
Striving for success. smoothly, the child the human needs.
Self-realization (uses the four develops positive feelings To experience both intimacy and
functions of attitudes) towards both parents. Neurotics / insane are not. lust toward the same other
Freud also called “instincts”
-operate as a constant The striving for success or an unconscious physical impulse Where object relations theory was Horney opposed the instinct Reuniting with the nature. Successful interpersonal -------
Drives (instincts)

motivational force. superiority (final goal) toward action. taken from. concept; rather she proposed relationships
that culture is paramount in
Sex – “Eros” Final goal is determined at 4 or 5. archetype as the psychic Must always have an object. shaping personality.
Aggression – distraction/ During this age, creative power is counterpart to an instinct.
“thanatos” established, thus final goal can be First object – mother’s breast.
determined. both archetypes and instincts are
---- Each has different forms of unconsciously determined, and Child:
Provinces of the mind: ----- Levels of cognition: (not
Ego: Ego: certainly id, ego, superego) Ego – a positive force that

Id – pleasure principle Ego as the entire self or creates a self-identity, a sense

Ego – reality principle (grows out personality. More restrictive than Freud’s. Ego Core of object relations theory. 1. Prototaxic level – experiences of “I”. Center of personality, it
of Id during infancy. Partly as the center of the cannot be communicated. helps us adapt to the various
conscious, partly preconscious, consciousness, but not the core of Ego begins during the first 2. Parataxic level – prelogical. conflicts and crises of life and
and partly unconscious. Takes personality. breastfeeding experience of the Cause and effect relationship keeps us from losing our
decision on three levels) child. (before 3-4 years for freud) between two events. Parataxic individuality to the levelling
Superego – moralistic and Not the whole personality, but distortion – illogical belief that forces of society.
Punishment/suppression creates - Result of the conflict Neglect, pamper kids. Resulted from burden of Anxiety (non productive)
anxiety, which then stimulates Public Disgrace. When people produced between life freedom. -tension in opposition to the

repression (forcing of unwanted frighten themselves out of doing instinct and death instinct. Basic Hostility – when parents tensions of needs and to action
memories/thoughts into things. A symptom of the strong don’t satisfy the child’s needs The feeling of being alone in the appropriate to their relief.
unconscious) in order to lessen feeling of fear. He described fear as for safety and satisfaction. world.
that anxiety. being related to all living creatures -Self-system protects people
in response to perceived danger. This results to basic anxiety. against anxiety
----- -----
Plays minor role in Thoughts that are understood and Elements that are sensed by the ------- ----------- ------------
psychodynamic therapy. Contains regarded by the individual as ego.

mental elements that are in helpful in striving for success.

awareness at any given point in
time. Sources:

1. Perceptual conscious system

2. Elements from preconscious
Two types: ------ ------
Thoughts that are not understood Have no relationship with the ego. Highly unconscious. Since most Partially unconscious.

1. Unconscious proper and not helpful to a person’s of the concepts occur during
---contains all drives, urges, or striving for success. Personal Unconscious infancy stage
instincts, that are beyond our -embraces all repressed, forgotten,
awareness but motivates our subliminally memories and
actions and behaviors. impulses, forgotten events, and
---Phylogenetic endowment experiences originally perceived
below the threshold of
Rich source of unconscious Guide in solving future problems. Main source of archetypal --------
material. material.

Stages of Development Defense Mechanisms

- Largely unconscious “Safeguarding Tendencies” The child projects destructive People combat basic anxiety Fromm called “Mechanisms of
- Common to everyone - To hide inflated self-image urges towards the breast, now by adopting one of three Escape:
Repression and maintain their current seeing the breast as having the fundamental styles of relating
Reaction Formation style of life. bad instinct (bad breast.) to others: -due to isolation/aloneness,
Regression - Largely conscious people flee from freedom
Fixation - Only with reference to Child can project both good and 1. Moving toward people through this.
Sublimation neurotic symptoms bad objects. 2. Moving against people
Denial 1. Excuses (yes, but) (if, only) 3. Moving away from people 1. Authoritatianism
1. Infantile Period Personifications: (not stages) Erikson called “Psychosocial
-Oral Phase (1 year) 1. Oldest Child – Nurturing, 1. Childhood POSITIONS: -through dev stages, people Development”
-- Oral receptive (weaning) Protective of others, Organized - Anarchic (shattered acquire certain images of
-- Oral sadistic (biting) 2. Second Child – Motivated, consciousness) 1. Paranoid-schizoid position (3- themselves and others. -7 basic points
-Anal Phase (2 years) Cooperative, Competitive - Monarchic (see selves as 3rd 4) -epigenetic principle
-- Early anal period (toilet 3. Youngest Child – Realistically person) - child has an innate tendency to Bad mother – infant’s -interaction of opposites
training) Ambitious - Dualistic (subjective and control and destructive urges experience with the bad nipple. (syntonic and dystonic)
-- Late anal period (friendly to 4. Only Child – Socially mature objective, sees self as first person) towards the breast. Doesn’t satisfy hunger needs -interaction results to basic
feces) 2. Youth (Puberty to middle - child’s ego splits itself. Good mother – may come after strength
Complete Oedipus Complex: Oedipus Complex: Horney recognized the
1. First month – seeing breast as existence of Oedipus complex.
Before a young boy enters the good and bad
Oedipus stage, he develops some 2. 6 months – breast more positive Emphasized that it is through
amount of a feminine 3. see mom as good and wonder environment conditions and
disposition. how babies are made not biology. Result of neurotic
1. feminine nature - lead him to 4. fantize father’s penis feed the need for love.
display affection toward his mother with babies
father and express hostility 5. develop positive relationship, “Womb envy”
2. Latency Period
- 4th or 5th year until puberty
- a period of dormant
psychosexual development.
- parents’ attempts to punish or
discourage sexual activity in their
young children.

3. Genital Period

2 classes of schizophrenia:
Not being able to balance Inflexible splitting of the ego. Big factor to neuroses is 1. Necrophilia
to uncover repressed memories Underdeveloped social interest. between two opposing forces. cultural influences -love of death 1. Organic caused - beyond
(unresolved sexual and 2. Malignant Narcissism study of interpersonal psychiatry
aggressive memories) through 1. set their goals too high Desperate need for love - everything belonging to them 2. Grounded on situational
free association and dream 2. private worlds provides a fertile ground for is highly valued, not are not factors - amenable to change
analysis. 3. rigid and dogmatic style of life the development of neuroses. valued. through interperso psychi
3. Incestious Symbiosis
External factors: Neurotics strive in -extreme dependence towards
1. Free Association Technique Addresses people with lack of 1. Confession of pathogenic Play therapy instead of dream Neuroses grow out of basic -once a Freudian in his To improve patient’s
2. Dream Analysis (wish courage, exaggerated feelings of secret (similar to catharsis) analysis and free association. conflict during childhood. approach relationship with others.
fulfilments and repetition inferiority, and underdeveloped 2. Interpretation, Explanation, -Humanistic Psychoanalysis Client: disorders out of

compulsion) social interest. Elucidation (similar to freug Aim: reduce depressive anxieties Aim: have patients give up interperso difficulties
-Manifest content giving insights of their neurosis) and persecutory fears and mitigate their idealized self image, Client: seek sarisfaction of Aim: uncover difficulties. Retore
-Latent content 3. Education of patients as social harshness of internalized objects neurotic search for glory, and human needs their ability to participate in
-- condensation and beings (Adler’s) Technique: re experience early self hatred to an acceptance of Aim: know themselves consensually validated
displacement 4. Transformation (the therapist emotions and fantasies, therapist the real self. RelationshiP: person to person experiences. Give up some
3. Transference must be transformed himself to be pointing the difference between (not see client as ill) security operations
1. Theory mainly focused on 1. High in generating research 1. Difficult to falsify 1. Determinism 1. Low on generate research 1. Low internal consistency 1. low falsifiability, parsimony 1. High generate research
men. 2. Low falsifiability 2. Low in practical guide to 2. Either pessimistic or and falsifiability and parsimony 2. moderate org knowledge 2. average falsifiability
2. Determinism 3. High organization of action, internal consistency, optimistic 2. High on ability to organize 2. Nearly sterile in generating 3. fair to moderate guide to 3. high internal consistency
3. Pessimism knowledge parsimony 3. Causal knowledge of neurotics. research action 4. high guide to action
Critique and Concept of Humanity

4. Causality 4. High on practical guide to 3. Moderate in generating 4. Unconscious 3. Low on capacity to explain 5. low parsimony
5. Unconscious action research and organize 5. Social influence what is known in general 1. Both pessimistic and opti 1. Similarities
6. Biological rather than social 5. Low internal consistency knowledge 6. Similarities people 2. Balance free choice and 2. Interpersonal relations 1. middle (free choice vs
7. Moderate in similarities vs 6. Average parsimony 4. Low in guide to action determinism 3. Social influence determinism)
uniqueness 1. Neither pessimistic nor 5. Internally consistent 3. Teleology 4. Neither opti nor pessi 2. anatomy, history,
1. Free choice optimistic, deterministic nor 6. High parsimony 4. Conscious personality
2. Optimistic purposive. 5. Social 3. optimistic
3. teleological 2. Motivated partly by conscious, 6. Similarities, also has little 4. causality
4. Conscious personal unconscious, and 1. Deterministic uniquesness 5. mixed conscious and
5. Social collective unconscious 2. slightly free choice unconscious
6. Uniqueness 3. Both causal and teleological 3. Middle causal and teleology 6. social
4. Strongly biological 4. Middle conscious and 7. uniqueness
5. High similarities unconscious
5. Social influences
6. Similaritites
Other terms/Definitions:

Primary Narcissism - Infants are 1. The one dynamic force behind 1. Margaret Mahler’s view Neurotic Needs: Burden of Freedom:
primarily self-centered, with their people’s behavior is the striving for Psychological birth (first 3 -people are freaks of the
libido invested almost exclusively success or superiority. years) 1. Towards people (to protect universe
on their own ego. (universal) 2. People’s subjective perceptions -child becomes an individual themselves against feelings of - reason is both a curse and
shape their behavior and separate from caregiver, leading helplessness). They blessing
As the ego develops, children personality. to sense of identity. desperately strive for affection -more economic/political
usually give up much of their -Fictionalism -Normal Autism (3 or 4 weeks) and approval, or a powerful freedom=more isolation
primary narcissism and develop a -Masculine Protest -Normal Symbiosis (4/5) partner who will take -results in basic anxiety
greater interest in other people. In 3. Personality is unified and self- -Separation-Individuation (4/5 responsibility for their loves
Freud’s language, narcissistic consistent. month) (horney called: Morbid Positive Freedom:
libido is then transformed into - Organ Dialect dependence/co-dependency) -way towards self-realization
object libido. - Conscious and Unconscious Overlapping substages: - Affection and approval - to be free and not alone
4. The value of all human activity 1. Differentiation - Powerful partner -full expression of both rational
Secondary Narcissism - During must be seen from the viewpoint of 2. Practicing - Restrict one’s life in narrow and emotional potentialities
puberty, however, adolescents social interest. 3. Reapproachment borders -successful solution to human
often redirect their libido back to - Relatedness to Society 4. Libidinal object constancy 2. Against people dilemma (being part and
the ego and become preoccupied - Roots from mother-child - Power separated from the world)
with personal appearance and relationship (occurs after age 5) 2. Heinz Kohut’s view -Exploit others -overcomes terror of loneliness
other self-interests. (not - Father – child relationship (1: -self evolves from a vague and -social recognition/prestige Twin components:
universal) has an amount of self- emotional detachment, 2: paternal undiferrentiated image to precise -personal admiration LOVE and WORK
love. authoritarianism) sense of individual identity. -ambition and personal
- Social interest (sole criterion of achievement Called “Character
Once his Oedipus complex is human values) Early narcissistic needs: 3. Away from people (to solve Orientations”
dissolved or repressed, the boy 5. The self-consistent personality -Grandiose exhibitionistic self the basic conflict of isolation )
surrenders his incestuous desires, structure develops into a person’s - Idealized parent image -self-sufficiency and - Person’s relatively
changes them into feelings of style of life. independence permanent way of
tender love, and begins to - self consistent personality 3. John Bowlby’s Attachment -perfection relating to people and
develop a primitive superego. He structures becomes style of life. theory things
may identify with either the - a product of heredity, -Protest stage NEUROTIC TRENDS: - Personality: totality of
father or the mother, depending environment and person’s -Despair 1. Toward qualities that makes a
on the strength of his feminine creative power. -Detachment stage 2. Against person unique
disposition. - style of life develops with the 3. Away - Character: most
------------------------- final goal. (4 or 5) 4. Mary Ainsworth Strange important quality
1. Freudian Slips - Parapraxes - rigid style of life Situation - Substitute to instincts
(psychologically unhealthy - Secure attachment Intrapsychic Conflicts - 2 ways of relating to the
individuals) -Anxious-resistant attachment (originate from interpersonal world:
- flexible (psychologically -Anxious-avoidant experiences/conflict, but as 1. assimilation
healthy). Makes actions they become part of a person’s 2. Socialization
belief system, they develop a
Major problems of life: life of their own. Non productive orientations:
1. neighbourly love 1. Receptive character
2. sexual love 1. Idealized self-image (passively receive)
3. occupation (negative influences result to 2. Exploitative character
people alienating from (harshly getting things)
- psychologically healthy people themselves, thus desperation to 3. Hoarding character (keeping
are active in solving these. acquire a stable sense of things)
identity occurs. This dilemma 4. Marketing character (selling
6. Style of life is molded by can then be solved by creating themselves)
people’s creative power. and idealized self image ---
positive view of themselves Productive Orientation:
- It molds the style of life. that only lie with their personal - where people can resolve basic
- Freedom to create our own belief system) Through: human dilemma
style of life. -Compliant (good and saintly)
- Makes each person a free -Aggressive (strong, heroic, 1. Working (creative self-
individual. omnipotent) expression)
-Detached (wise, self 2. loving (care, responsibility,
Evolution: sufficient, independent). respect, knowledge)
1. Aggression to Masculine Protest Rather than growing for self -Biophilia (passionate love of
to Superiority, then success. realization, they more toward life)
Final goal - personal superiority or actualizing idealized self 3. reasoning/thincking (cant be
the goal of success. unifies image. separated from work and love)
personality and renders all behavior ELEMENTS:
comprehensible. a. The neurotic search for glory
Creative Power – determines the - Need for perfection
final goal. people’s ability to freely -Neurotic ambition
shape their behavior and create - vindictive triumph
their own personality. b. Neurotic claims
c. Neurotic pride
Age 4-5, people already have their 2. Self hatred
creative power and can set their -result from conflict between
final goal. real self and idealized self
6 ways to express:
Striving Force as Compensation a. Relentless demands on the
Striving For Personal Superiority self
---- inferiority complex b. Merciless self-accusation
Striving for Success c. Self-contempt
---- Psychologically healthy d. Self-frustration
individuals e. Self-torment
f. Self-torture
Subjective Perceptions: (the g. Self destructive actions and
manner in which they strive impuses
depends on their subjective
perceptions of reality) similar to FEMININE PSYCHOLOGY
Kelly’s Constructive - Opposed adler’s
Alternativism. masculine protest.
- Fictionalism (Fictions) - For horney, psychic
(perceptions of differences between
reality/expectations of the men and women are
future.) Ex: masculine result of cultural and
protest social expectations.
Methods of Investigation

1. Word Association test

- to demonstrate the validity of
Freud’s concept that unconscious
operates as an autonomous

-Jung’s purpose of the test is to

uncover feeling-toned complexes.

2. Dream Analysis
- Jung agreed to Freud in his
concept of latent contents,
believing that deeper meaning for
these contents lie in unconscious.
- purpose is to uncover elements
in the unconscious (personal and
collective) and associate them to
consciousness to facilitate the
process of self-realization.
-what we cannot express during
wake life will reveal itself in

(1) Big Dreams – different
meaning of dreams for
(2) Typical dreams – similar
meanings (archetypes)
(3) Earliest dream remembered
– experiences/memories from
age 3-4 years.

3. Active Imagination
- requires a person to begin with
any impression, then concentrate
on such impression until it starts
to move. They will be asked to
follow these images until they can
be freely communicated by the

-purpose is to reveal archetypal

images emerging from

-more advantageous than dream

analysis because this method is
highly in the conscious state.

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