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Changes to Pearson Edexcel AS/A level History specifications

This document summarises changes made to the AS and A level specifications and
sample assessment materials from the drafts made available in June 2014 to the final
accredited specifications and assessment materials made available in September

There are no changes to the overall structure or to the specified content of any topics for either
AS or A level History.

For both AS and A level, there are some changes to the sample assessment materials, and for A
level there are some changes to the coursework. The A level changes are detailed below,
followed by the AS changes.

A level assessment changes

1. Some wording changes have been made to one or two levels in the following mark

Draft SAMs Accredited SAMs

Paper 1 Section C Contextual knowledge is limited Some relevant contextual
(AO3) and presented as information, knowledge is included, with limited
Level 1 rather than being linked with the linkage to the extracts.
Second bullet point extracts.
Paper 1 Section C Demonstrates understanding of Demonstrates understanding of the
(AO3) the extracts by selecting and extracts and shows some analysis
Level 3 explaining some key points of by selecting and explaining some
First bullet point interpretation they contain and key points of interpretation they
indicating differences. contain and indicating differences.
Paper 2 Section A Contextual knowledge is limited Some relevant contextual
(AO2) and presented as information knowledge is included, with limited
Level 1 rather than applied to the source linkage to the source material.
Third bullet point material.
Paper 3 Section A • Simple or generalised • Demonstrates surface level
(AO2) statements are made about comprehension of the source
Level 1 the topic. material without analysis,
• Some accurate and relevant selecting some material
knowledge is included, but it relevant to the question, but in
lacks range and depth and the form of direct quotations or
does not directly address the paraphrases.
question. • Some relevant contextual
• The overall judgement is knowledge is included, with
missing or asserted. limited linkage to the source
• There is little, if any, evidence material.
of attempts to structure the • Evaluation of the source
answer and answer overall material is assertive with little
lacks coherence and precision. or no supporting evidence.
Concepts of reliability or utility
may be addressed, but by
making stereotypical

2. Aside from these general changes to mark schemes, most questions remain unchanged.
The only topic-specific change for A level is in Paper 3 Option 3A, Section 3 – Question 5
has been changed to avoid similarity in focus with Question 4.

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3. The coursework now targets both AO1 and AO3 (not just AO3, as previously). The focus
of the task is unchanged, but the AO1 marks recognise the skills of organisation and
communication that are deployed in a piece of extended writing of this length. An AO1
bullet point has been added within each level of the mark scheme.

4. The guidance on students choosing works, ensuring independence and the teacher’s role
has been amended.

Revised coursework pages, with changes highlighted in green, are given in Appendix 1 below.

AS assessment changes

5. A number of Paper 1 and Paper 2 AS essay questions previously included an

introductory sentence to make a date in the question explicit. These have been removed
in the following cases:
• Paper 1, Option A, question 2 and question 4
• Paper 1, Option B, question 1 and question 2
• Paper 1, Option D, question 3 and question 4
• Paper 1, Option F, question 4
• Paper 1, Option H, question 1
In instances where the question refers to a date which is not explicitly indicated in the
specification, introductory sentences have been retained.

6. The wording of the AS Paper 1 Section C interpretations question has been

amended to make clear the AO3 focus.

Draft SAMs example Accredited SAMs example

How far do you agree with the view that, Historians have different views about whether
during the last 10 years of Elizabeth's there was a general crisis of government in the
reign, the demands of war brought real last years of Elizabeth I’s reign. Analyse and
suffering for her subjects? evaluate the extracts and use your knowledge
To explain your answer, analyse and of the issues to explain your answer to the
evaluate the material in both extracts, following question.
using your own knowledge of the issues. How far do you agree with the view that, during
the last 10 years of Elizabeth's reign, the
demands of war brought real suffering for her

7. The sentence introducing each extract with a summary of the view for AS Paper 1
Section C has been removed across all options.

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8. Some wording changes have been made to one or two levels in the following mark

Draft SAMs Accredited SAMs

Paper 1 Section C Contextual knowledge is limited Some relevant contextual
(AO3) and presented as information, knowledge is included, with limited
Level 1 rather than being linked with the linkage to the extracts.
Second bullet point extracts.
Paper 1 Section C Demonstrates understanding of Demonstrates understanding of the
(AO3) the extracts by selecting and extracts and shows some analysis
Level 3 explaining some key points of by selecting and explaining some
First bullet point interpretation they contain and key points of interpretation they
indicating differences. contain and indicating differences.
Paper 2 Section A Contextual knowledge is limited Some relevant contextual
(AO2) and presented as information knowledge is included, with limited
Level 1 rather than applied to the linkage to the source material.
Third bullet point source material.

9. Source caption information in Paper 2 has been reviewed for consistency; some
captions have been amended as a result.
• Paper 2B.2, Source 4
• Paper 2C.2, Source 3
• Paper 2D.2, Source 4
• Paper 2E.2, Source 4
• Paper 2F.1, Source 1
• Paper 2F.2, Source 3

10. Aside from these general changes, most questions remain unchanged. The only topic-
specific change for AS is in Paper 1 Option A, Section C where the extracts for the
question have been changed; the question and indicative content have been updated

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Appendix 1: Revised coursework pages from accredited specification

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