Terms and Conditions 30% Rule Questionnaire PDF

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Terms and conditions 30% rule at Delft University of Technology (TU Delft)

The 30% rule is a tax facility intended for foreign staff with specific expertise that is scarce on the Dutch market. This
rule entails that employees may receive a maximum of 30% of their taxable income as a tax-free allowance in addition
to their salary. No tax is due on this amount, which is intended as compensation for extraterritorial costs. Applications
are assessed and granted by the Dutch tax authorities.


Given name(s):

Date of birth:

Future address in the Netherlands (if known):

Street and number:


Expected date of arrival:
1. Are you currently living/staying in the Netherlands?

Yes, since (if “yes” fill Appendix 1)

No (continue with question 2)

2. Please mention below all addresses where you have lived for the last 24 months before you start(ed) your
activities at our university.

Period: from to (dd-mm-yy)

Street and number:




Period: from to (dd-mm-yy)

Street and number:




If necessary continue on a separate sheet and attach. (Continue with question 3)

3. Have you ever lived, studied or worked in the Netherlands before in the past?

Lived (Fill Appendix 1)

Studied (Fill Appendix 2 in case you did a MSc study)
Worked (Fill Appendix 1)

For more information go to international.tudelft.nl

I declare the details have been provided truthfully and complete.


Signature :

Please send this form filled and signed to HRServices@tudelft.nl and enclose the following documents:
• Proof of registration/de-registration as a resident in the place of residence abroad in case you have lived in
Belgium, Luxembourg, France, Germany or United Kingdom. (Can be send later) Or;
• If there is no such registration requirement in the country concerned. For example a rental agreement, phone
bill, electricity bill, etcetera. (address and date from the past should be mentioned on documents)
• The filled Appendix (if applicable)

For more information go to international.tudelft.nl

Appendix 1 (if applicable)

In case you have lived before or already living in the Netherlands, please answer the
following questions

1. What was the purpose of your stay? (You can skip this question in case you have answered question 3 on the
front page)

Living (Continue with question 2)

Studying (Fill Appendix 2)
Working (Continue with question 2)

2. When have you lived in the Netherlands before?

Period: from to (dd-mm-yy)

Street and number:



If necessary continue on a separate sheet and attach. (continue with question 3)

3. Were you registered in the Netherlands?

(continue with question 4)

4. Have you been employed in the Netherlands before?

Company name:

Period: from to (dd-mm-yy)

If necessary continue on a separate sheet and attach. (Continue with question 5)

No (Go to question 8)

5. Have you previously benefited from the 30% rule in the Netherlands?

Yes (send us the 30% decision letter, previous contract(s) and termination letter)
(continue with question 6)

6. Was there a gap of more than three months between your previous contract and your new contract at TU Delft?

Yes (continue with question 7)

No (Go to signature)

For more information go to international.tudelft.nl

7. Have you been employed with a company who is exempted for paying taxes in the Netherlands? (for example
ESTEC, EPO, Embassy etc.)

Company name:

Period: from to

If necessary continue on a separate sheet and attach. (Go to signature)

No (continue with question 8)

8. Have you recently completed your PhD in the Netherlands or within 150 km from the Dutch border?

Yes (send us a copy of your PhD diploma and an updated resume/CV)


I declare the details have been provided truthfully and complete.


Signature :

Please send this form signed back as an attachment with the first page to HRServices@tudelft.nl and enclose all
necessary documents.

For more information go to international.tudelft.nl

Appendix 2 (if applicable)

In case you have studied in the Netherlands, please answer the following questions

The following questions are relevant to determine your main residence during your MSc study in the Netherlands
and are only based on the period that you have studied in the Netherlands.

1. When have you studied in the Netherlands before?

Period: from to (dd-mm-yy)

(continue with question 2)

2. Were you registered in the Netherlands during your study?

(continue with question 3)

3. Were you registered outside the Netherlands during that same time?

(continue with question 4)

4. Did you own or rent an accommodation outside the Netherlands?

Yes, since:


Street and number:




(continue with question 5)

5. Did your family member(s) (spouse/partner/children) lived on that address abroad during your study in the

No, they are living in the Netherlands since:
(continue with question 6)

6. Where did you make use of medical services the most during your MSc Study? (For example GP, dentist,
pharmacy, etc)

Outside the Netherlands (enclose proof)
(continue with question 7)

For more information go to international.tudelft.nl

7. Did you have a bank account outside the Netherlands during your MSc Study?

Yes (enclose proof)

(continue with question 8)

8. Did you participate in professional activities outside the Netherlands, such as a job or your own company?

Yes (enclose proof)

(continue with question 9)

9. Did you have subscriptions and memberships outside the Netherlands, for example sports club, newspapers?

Yes (enclose proof)

(continue with question 10)

10. How many times did you stayed in the Netherlands during:

 Weekends?

 Holidays?

 Other leave?

A special note:
If you recently lived in the Netherlands as a student, you will probably not meet the above mentioned requirements. In
case your main residence was at a distance of 150 km or more from the Dutch border during your study, you may be
eligible for the scheme. Please note that you should be able to substantiate your answers with evidence.

I declare the details have been provided truthfully and complete.



Please send this form signed back as an attachment with the first page to HRServices@tudelft.nl and enclose all
necessary documents.

For more information go to international.tudelft.nl

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