No Strong Feelings: Likes Dislikes

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BBC World Service | Learning English | How To

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Expressing yourself

- Likes
- Dislikes

- No strong feelings

No strong feelings

In this programme, we look at language you can use to answer a simple question about
something which you don't have strong feelings for. You neither like it or dislike it.

This programme is suitable for elementary/pre-intermediate learners.

When you've listened to the programme, don't forget to practise what you've learned with
the quiz below!

Listen - realmedia Download - mp3 (1.6 MB) Script (pdf - 23k)

Expressions from the programme

It's OK
I can take it or leave it
I don't mind it

Pronunciation - Consonant to vowel linking

Most of the phrases from this programme have consonant to vowel linking.

To find out more about this and other kinds of linking visit the Connected Speech section
of our Pronunciation area.

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BBC World Service | Learning English | How To

Pronunciation - Weak forms

In the phrase:

I can take it or leave it

the word 'can' is not stressed. When it is stressed it's pronunciation is:

When it isn't stressed it's pronunciation is:

This is called a 'weak' form. Weak forms are very important to the natural rhythm of

To find out more about weak forms visit the Schwa section of our Pronunciation area.


Arranging words
Re-arrange the letters to answer each question. The answers are all expressions from the
programmes on expressing likes, dislikes and this one.

Don't have flash?

You can also download a printable version of this activity.

Download Activity (pdf -13k)

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BBC World Service | Learning English | How To

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