Combative Sports

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1. What is your philosophy in learning combative sports?

 My philosophy in learning combative sport is “Always be yourself, express
yourself, have faith in yourself, do not go out and look for a successful
personality and duplicate it”
 Physical training portion of combative sport is one of the main factors of getting
into shape and the other factors are being diet, metal thought processes, and
genetics that we could achieve.
 The repetition of the many techniques in combative sports combined with
sparring, strength training, cardio training, and other auxiliary forms of physical
training can and will get you in your ideal form.
 Our confidence can come from a variety of places and factors but some of us
seem to be born with it and some of us never develop it that most of us develop
confidence through years of trial and error, and learning combative sport helps us
also develop confidence.
 Through repetition of certain patterns that are both physical and mental learning
combative sports can give one an increase in confidence through dissolution of
fear, not only in physical confrontations, but in instances that transcend the
physical aspect into other parts of our lives.
 Combative sports can give us an experience often like joining a team, family,
fraternity or sorority, giving one that sense of brother or sisterhood that he or she
intrinsically desires.
 Combative sports team or gym can lead one onto a path of positive existence,
providing his or herself with positive knowledge, so that he or she can provide or
be of service to others.
 You could develop a certain sense of companionship when you fight together
through difficult training session.
 Just like other sports or physical activities, there are injuries that can be
encountered in combative sports training or competition.
 Combative sports are systems of offensive and defensive combat movements
which include proper punching, kicking, blocking, and other combative skill even
though this form of sport was developed for self defense.
2. Are combative sports a good workout?
 Yes because training combat sports will require strength, power and good aerobic
and anaerobic stamina.
 It will help you build strong muscles, bones and tendons to take a hit and deliver
the required force at a target.
 You will also need to do sprints, jumps, running and shadowboxing. It will also
develop practical skills.
 As you attain a certain level of skill, strength and physical improvement, you will
experience a boost in your confidence.
 Combative Sports help you with your emotional and temperamental issues as
 It will teach you to take on any situation and change the way you look and
apprehend life.
 Also most exercise feel like chore because they require same routine.
 One can easily get bored with routine workouts but there`s always there`s always
something new to learn with combative sports.
 Learning new techniques keep you motivated and the drive makes you want to get
better each day.
 Training combative sports makes help to be fit.s

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