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PHYSICAL REVIEW B 78, 033103 共2008兲

Time-loop formalism for irreversible quantum problems: Steady-state transport in junctions

with asymmetric dynamics
P. Kakashvili and C. J. Bolech
Physics & Astronomy Department, Rice University, Houston, Texas 77005, USA
共Received 27 May 2008; published 7 July 2008兲
Nonunitary quantum mechanics has been used in the past to study irreversibility, dissipation, and decay in a
variety of physical systems. In this work, we employ a general scheme to deal with systems governed by
non-Hermitian Hamiltonians. We argue that the Schwinger-Keldysh formalism gives a natural description for
those problems. To elucidate the method, we study a simple model inspired by mesoscopic physics—an
asymmetric junction. The system is governed by a non-Hermitian Hamiltonian, which captures essential
aspects of irreversibility.

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.78.033103 PACS number共s兲: 72.10.Bg, 73.23.⫺b, 03.65.Yz, 05.70.Ln

Non-Hermitian formulations of quantum-mechanical evolution operators for each direction. One could argue that
problems have attracted substantial interest in almost all ar- the time evolution operator is the same along the full path, as
in the Hermitian case, ÛK共t , t0兲 = Û+Û− = TKe−i兰t0dt⬘H共t⬘兲 共where
eas of physics. In most cases, nonunitary approaches are uti- t ˆ

lized to describe irreversible processes—such as decay and TK is the time-ordering operator along the Keldysh contour兲,
dissipation—in open quantum systems. This kind of prob- which preserves the normalization along the contour,
lems has been addressed since the early days of quantum
mechanics when the complex eigenvalue method was pio- ÛK共t+0 , t−0 兲 = 1. This would mean that the time evolution would
neered to describe the ␣ decay of nuclei.1,2 Since then, non- be governed by Ĥ on both branches. Even though this choice
unitary approaches have been applied to theories of K and B ensures that the backward evolution is the algebraic inverse
meson decay,3,4 scattering and absorption of particles by of the forward one and it may seem a good choice, we should
nuclei,5 nuclear reactions,6,7 multiphoton ionization of emphasize that it does not describe the physical process
atoms,8,9 optical resonators,10 and free-electron lasers.11 faithfully. Physically, in the backward branch, the system
Growth models have been investigated by mapping a master should rewind its forward evolution and therefore Ĥ† should
equation into a Shrödinger equation with a non-Hermitian be the operator that dictates the dynamics. Then the back-
Hamiltonian.12 In the last decade, non-Hermitian theories ward time evolution operator is given by Û+共t0 , t兲 = Û−†共t , t0兲
were also applied to condensed-matter systems with
= T̃ei兰t0dt⬘H 共t⬘兲 ⫽ Û−−1共t , t0兲, which is automatically antitime
t ˆ†
localization-delocalization transitions. Pinning/depinning of
flux lines from columnar defects was studied13 in type-II ordered 共with T̃ representing the antitime-ordering
superconductors, and the effects of a single columnar defect operator兲.32 Of course, one recovers the familiar result in the
on fluctuating flux lines was considered by mapping to a Hermitian case. We see that a double-time approach is essen-
non-Hermitian Luttinger liquid model and using the density- tial and rather natural for non-Hermitian problems. Thus, the
matrix renormalization group 共DMRG兲.14 Generalized + branch is governed by the Hermitian conjugate theory and
DMRG has been applied also to a one-dimensional reaction- the time-ordered Green’s function 共G−−兲 is mapped into the
diffusion model with nonunitary time evolution15 and a non- antitime-ordered one 共G++兲 by Hermitian conjugation, which
Hermitian spin-1/2 Heisenberg chain.16 The closing of the is all natural and unambiguous in a time-loop formalism.
Mott gap has been investigated in the non-Hermitian Hub- This makes an extended SK method an appealing choice.33
bard model17 and evaporatively cooled Bose-Einstein con- To illustrate the formalism, we shall study a simple model
densates 共BECs兲 have been studied by a nonunitary quantum of a single-mode asymmetric tunneling junction 共see inset of
dynamics approach.18 All of the above studies use a variety Fig. 2兲, which captures essential aspects of irreversibility. A
of case-specific methods and are mainly concerned with ei- similar model has been studied in connection with spin-valve
ther time-independent or transient behaviors. In addition, devices.21 We shall study the steady-state transport of the
usually a particular class of non-Hermitian problems is dis-
cussed, a case when the energy eigenstates have only nega- Û− G−− G+−
tive imaginary parts 共thus describing only decay or dissipa-
tion兲. In this paper we present a framework that we apply to −
a steady-state formulation of an irreversible system. + t
++ −+
To define our approach we start with the Schwinger- †
Û+ = Û− G G
Keldysh 共SK兲 formalism,19,20 which turns out to be very
natural in the non-Hermitian case. In the SK formulation, the FIG. 1. 共Color online兲 Sketch of the Keldysh contour. The ar-
evolution of a system is described on a time loop 共Keldysh rows show the direction of the time evolution. Here G−− is the
contour, K兲 with “forward” 共“−”兲 and “backward” 共“+”兲 di- time-ordered Green’s function, G++ is the antitime-ordered Green’s
rections 共see Fig. 1兲, thus defining two distinct branches for function, G+− is the “greater” Green’s function, and G−+ is the
time evolution. Special care should be taken to define proper “lesser” Green’s function.

1098-0121/2008/78共3兲/033103共4兲 033103-1 ©2008 The American Physical Society


冢 冣
− sL − itL sL − 1 0
G−1共␻兲 − itR − sR 0 sR − 1
= , 共4兲
0.02 − 2vi sL + 1 0 − sL itRⴱ
0 sR + 1 itLⴱ − sR

where sr = tanh 2Tr r . Here, we assumed that the leads are in
0.02 equilibrium at their respective chemical potentials 共␮L and
␮R兲 and temperatures 共TL and TR兲.
0.04 Using Green’s functions, we can calculate the transport
properties of a generic AJ. By comparing to the symmetric
6 4 2 0 2 4 6 junction 共SJ兲 case, one sees the effects due to the nonunitary
V nature of the tunneling dynamics.
Current—We first describe a current flowing across the
FIG. 2. 共Color online兲 Current, I, as a function of voltage, V, for junction. We expect that there should be an asymmetry be-
different temperatures 共in arbitrary units兲. The current is shown for tween positive and negative voltage bias. We define the cur-
tR = tL = 0.05 and tR = tL = 0.03 共SJ case, dotted lines兲, for tR = 0.05 and rent operator in the usual way by Î = 21 ⳵t⌬N̂, where ⌬N̂ = N̂R
tL = 0.03 共dashed lines兲, and for tR = 0.05 and tL = 0 共solid lines兲. The
temperature increases from bottom to top and GQ indicates the
− N̂L, and N̂L and N̂R are the particle number operators for the
quantum of conductance. Inset: Sketch of the tunneling setup. left and right leads, respectively. While the current operator
is defined by the above formula, for an AJ the definition
needs to be supplemented by specifying on which branch ⌬N̂
system. The Hamiltonian of the model is given by Ĥ = Ĥ0 resides. On the − branch, the current operator is given by
+ Ĥt, where Î− = 21 ⳵t⌬N̂− = 2i 关Ĥ , ⌬N̂−兴, since Ĥ governs the time evolution

on this branch. This prompts us to use the time-ordered
Ĥ0 = 兺
Ĥ0,r = − iv 兺
dx␺ˆ r†共x兲⳵x␺ˆ r共x兲 共1兲 共“−−” component兲 Green’s functions for calculations. The
current is thus given by 共cf. Ref. 24兲

describes noninteracting left 共L兲 and right 共R兲 leads in a one-

dimensional formulation.22 ␺ˆ r†共x兲 关␺ˆ r共x兲兴 represent electron I− = 2v 冕

共␻兲 − tRGLR
共␻兲兴. 共5兲
creation 关annihilation兴 operators in the corresponding lead
and v is the Fermi velocity, which is taken to be the same for Of course, we get the same final results if we do calculations
both leads. on the + branch. In this case, the current operator reads Î+
The irreversible nature of the problem is given by
= 21 ⳵t⌬N̂+ = 2i 关Ĥ† , ⌬N̂+兴, in analogy with the − branch. Here
Ĥt = 2v 兺 tr␺ˆ r†共x = 0兲␺ˆ r⬘共x = 0兲, 共2兲 Ĥ† defines the time evolution and we should use the
r⫽r⬘ antitime-ordered 共“++” component兲 Green’s functions. Now
the current has the same form as in Eq. 共5兲 but with time-
which describes the tunneling with rates tL ⫽ tRⴱ in the asym- ordered Green’s functions replaced by antitime-ordered ones

metric junction 共AJ兲 case.34 共In this paper, kB = ប = e = 1.兲 and tL/R → tR/L . Direct calculations indeed show that I− = I+
Let us derive a local theory that captures the essential = I.
physics of the junction. After integrating out the leads ex- In the SJ limit, calculations can be done analytically and
actly for x ⫽ 0 in a path-integral formulation 共dropping the 2兩t兩2
the current is given by I = GV, where G = ␲共1+兩t兩 2兲2 共Ref. 25兲
coordinate dependence of the electron creation and annihila- and V = ␮L − ␮R. The well-known symmetry of the conduc-
tion operators兲, the local action reads22,23 tance in the SJ case, 兩t兩 → 1 / 兩t兩, is generalized to tR/L

→ 1 / tL/R
冕 ⬁ for the AJ one. The results for the current in the
A= ⌿̄共t兲G−1共t − t⬘兲⌿共t⬘兲dtdt⬘ , 共3兲 weak tunneling limit are shown on Fig. 2, where we see the
−⬁ anticipated asymmetric behavior for unequal tunneling
strengths. For large voltages the behavior is similar to the SJ
where ⌿ = 共␺L− ␺R− ␺L+ ␺R+ 兲T. We have doubled the basis of case with the corresponding tunneling rate 共t = tR , tL for posi-
the problem, which is customary in the SK formulation, and tive or negative bias, respectively兲. In the extreme limit when
assigned extra indices − and + to the fields according to the tL = 0, we see a clear diodelike behavior. The results also
particular branch of the Keldysh contour they belong to. In show temperature dependence 共that disappears in the SJ
Eq. 共3兲, we explicitly imposed the steady-state constraint by limit兲, in particular, the current is nonzero for zero voltage
specifying the time dependence of the inverse Green’s func- due to finite temperature effects 共I0 ⬀ T兲. For intermediate
tion G−1. In the steady state, the Green’s function depends and large tunneling strengths, the current is significantly dif-
only on the time difference, t − t⬘, and not on the “center-of- ferent from the SJ value even for large voltages. This can be
mass” time 共t + t⬘兲 / 2. Thus, the Fourier transform 共with re- seen on Fig. 3, which shows the conductance as a function of
spect to the time difference兲 is given by tunneling rate.


1.0 0.10

0.8 0.08

0.6 0.06


0.4 0.04

0.2 0.02

0.0 0.00
0 0.5 1 0.5 0 10 5 0 5 10

tR tR 1 V
FIG. 4. 共Color online兲 Current noise power, S共␻ = 0兲, as a func-
FIG. 3. 共Color online兲 Large-voltage conductance as a function
tion of voltage, V, for different temperatures 共in arbitrary units兲. The
of tunneling strength 共tR兲 for a SJ, t = tR 共dotted line兲, and in the
line styles and parameters are the same as in Fig. 2.
extreme AJ case, tL = 0 共solid line兲.

ogy with the behavior of the current兲. In the limiting case

The behavior of the conductance can be understood in
with tL = 0, we see the suppression of the noise for negative
terms of a perturbative expansion. For weak tunneling 共t , tR
voltage bias, which is consistent with the diodelike behavior
Ⰶ 1兲, the expansions for the symmetric and asymmetric cases
and is due to the reduction of the current in this regime 共see
are identical 共i.e., the leading orders coincide兲. While for
Fig. 2兲. In the shot-noise limit 共V Ⰷ T兲, the Fano factor F
intermediate tunneling 共t , tR ⬃ 1兲, many processes that are al-
⬅ S共␻ = 0兲 / 共2I兲 = 1 for weak tunneling, as in the SJ case.
lowed for the SJ are not allowed for the extreme asymmetric
Heat current—Now we shall turn to the thermal conduc-
one; hence the reduction of the conductance. For large tun-
tivity, calculate the heat current, IQ, and check the
neling strengths 共t , tR Ⰷ 1兲, the conductance decreases in the
Wiedemann-Franz law. To define the heat current, we use the
SJ case due to a resonance developing at the junction. In the
first law of thermodynamics to write
AJ case, this resonance is suppressed and, therefore, the con-
ductance increases and saturates at the quantum of conduc- ⌬Q = d⌬E + ␮LdNL − ␮RdNR , 共8兲
tance in the limiting case 共tR → ⬁兲.
Noise—Now we turn to the noise, which is a ␻-dependent where ⌬Q = QR − QL and ⌬E = 具Ĥ0,R − Ĥ0,L典. By using the
response.25,26 Bearing in mind the SK formalism, we define usual definitions for the currents, choosing a particular
the current-current correlation function as branch 共−兲 on the Keldysh contour, and defining the average
chemical potential ␮
¯ = 共␮L + ␮R兲 / 2, we get IQ

= IE− − ␮
¯ I−. Us-
S共t,t⬘兲 = 兺 具TK:Î␩共t兲::Î␩⬘共t⬘兲:典, 共6兲 ing the equations of motion for the electron creation and
␩⫽␩⬘ annihilation operators, and performing some algebra, the
heat current reads
where :: denotes normal ordering and is equivalent to the
standard definition given in the literature.25
From the definitions of the current operators on the cor-
responding branches, using Wick’s theorem27 and Fourier

IQ = 2v 冕 d␻
共␻ − ␮
¯ 兲关tLGRL
共␻兲 − tRGLR
共␻兲兴. 共9兲

+ −
transforming, we get the current noise power Our calculations on the backward branch yield IQ = IQ = IQ, in
exact analogy with the result for the electric current. In the
2 = 兺 trtr 关共Grr ⴰ Gr⬘r⬘兲 + 共Gr⬘r⬘ ⴰ Grr 兲兴
ⴱ +− −+ −+ +− SJ case, we obtain the well-known result28 IQ = K⌬T with
4v 2␲T̄兩t兩2
r⫽r ⬘ K = 3共1+兩t兩 2兲 2 , where ⌬T = TL − TR and T̄ = 共TR + TL兲 / 2. The
− 兺 trtrⴱ⬘关共Gr+−⬘r ⴰ Gr−+⬘r兲 + 共Gr−+⬘r ⴰ Gr+−⬘r兲兴, Wiedemann-Franz law holds and is given by K / 共GT̄兲
= ␲2 / 3 ⬅ L0, the Lorentz number.
In general, if bias voltages and temperature gradients are
where the correlation product 共G1 ⴰ G2兲共␻兲 is defined as applied, the electric and heat currents are given by
usual.26 In the SJ limit, we get the well established result25
I = L11V + L12⌬T + I0 ,
S共␻ = 0兲 = 8␲G2T + 2G共1 − 2␲G兲V coth . 共7兲
2T IQ = L21V + L22⌬T. 共10兲
The dependence of S共␻ = 0兲 on bias voltage and temperature For the SJ case, L11 = G, L22 = K, and L12 = L21 = 0, so no ther-
for weak tunneling is shown in Fig. 4. The results show moelectric effects are observed. For the AJ case, expanding
similar asymmetric behavior as for the current. For large the result to linear order in V and ⌬T, we see that still L12
voltages, the behavior of the noise power is similar to that of = L21 = 0. 共Notice that thermoelectric effects are observed in
the SJ with the corresponding tunneling rate 共in exact anal- this case but not at the linear order.兲 In terms of the transport


coefficients, the Lorentz number is defined as L22 / 共L11T̄兲. observables goes along with our physical expectations for
Our calculations show deviations from the Wiedemann-Franz the model. The approach is not limited to systems with
law. This behavior is due to the same effects as in the case of steady states and can be used to address general nonequilib-
the conductance and the presence of the nonzero I0 for the AJ rium situations. We intend to apply it, for instance, to study
case; L0 ⯝ ␲2 / 3 for small tunneling strengths, but it increases the formation and evaporation dynamics of interacting
as the strength increases. BECs, where a steady state is not achieved, and explore re-
We have presented a minimal extension of the Schwinger- gimes 共e.g., the unitary limit兲 that are not accessible with
Keldysh formalism to systems with non-Hermitian Hamilto- present methods.
nians and have shown that it is a natural choice for such
applications. As an example, we have studied a simple model We would like to acknowledge discussions with J. Kono
of an asymmetric tunneling junction where irreversibility is and A. Srivastava, which inspired this work. This work was
explicitly encoded into the Hamiltonian; hence making it partly supported by the W. M. Keck Foundation, Welch
non-Hermitian. We have calculated the steady-state transport Foundation and DARPA/ARO 共Grant No. W911NF-07-1-
properties of the junction and seen that the behavior of the 0464兲.

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