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1. If you have a Pt that’s allergic to "sulfa" drugs..

What class of drugs are they also allergic


2. Which pt is most likely to get TB?

a. 26 yo who smoke marijuana with a group of friends
b. 74 yo retired welder
c. don't remember the others

3. What diet would you give a pt w/ esophageal varicies?

4. Pt. recieving internal radiation.. Should the nurse limit her time w/ the patient to 30 mins
max??? I thought this was the answer b/c kaplan tought me when you deal w/ radiation
think "time, distance, shield" anyone know???

5. Assessment of a pt w/ scoliosis would present with?

a. concave cervical and lumbar spine
b. asymmetical iliac crest

6. Nurse should write an incident report if?

a. pt reports she is in a sexually abusive relationship
b. room mate tells pt that he brought his home sleeping pills and is secretly taking them
c. a staff nurse is seen giving a pt that is not assigned to a med
d. don't remember

7. High alarm will sound if?

a. pt is biting the tube
b. leak in the cuff
c. don't remember the rest

8. Pt understands teaching about the care of his prostetic eyeball when he states?
a. I will gently pull my lower eyelid down and press inward untill the eyeball comes out.
(I chose this)
b. I will store my eyeball in tap water overnight
c. I will put drops in my eye continually throughout the day

9. A young pt is most likely to get lead poisoning if?

a. he is drinking from a ceramic pitcher
b. Father refernishes old furniture at their home
(I'm torn b/w these b/c I know a is correct but old furniture may contain lead in the paint
and the child could eat the paint chips???)

10. A TB pt understands that he can reduce the risk of spreading his disease if he states?
a.) I won't sleep in the same room w/ my wife for 1-2 months
b. )I will stay away from pregnant women and children
c.) I will use plastic utensil when I eat (this answer was on 2 of my TB questions)
d.) don't remember

11. Pt in skeletal halo traction

a. pt should use sterile technique when cleaning insicions
b. pt should put lubricant on insicions

12. Pregnant pt should seek info. from a registered dietitian if?

a. on a vegan diet
b. takes vitamin B every day
c. eats at least 1 meal of fast food every day

13. Pt w/ a T12 spinal injury would?

a. urinate a little every 2 hrs
b. urinate a lot every 4 hrs
c. dribble unrine
d. pt won't urinate on his own

1. symptoms of another complication of atrial fib: Can't remember the answers except for
the one I chose. I chose slurring speech and weakness (embolic stroke is a secondary
compication of AFib)

2. charge nurse to assign 10 week pregnant RN to which patient: Fifth's disease, chicken
pox, RSV, thrush. I chose thrush because I know it doesn't harm preg and all other
illnesses are airborne.

3. question what meds for patient history of heart failure, kidney disease, high cholesterol,
and potassium of 2.9: Digoxin, lol beta ?, zocor, lasix, and ace check all that apply: I
chose digoxin and lasix(potassium level)

4. alot of discharge instruction questions for various surgeries, sinus, etc.

5. signs of autonomic dysreflexia: hypotension, tach, severe headache, ?

6. when would you stop a student nurse after seeing her do what? can't remember what
exactly. one was taking a pulse ox with a sao2 machine from the nurses station on a pt
with pc pneumonia, leaving old ties until new ties were put on during trach care.

7. assigning a lpn: taking a pt with TB to the xray dept., etc.

8. assigning a maternity nurse to which pt on a med-surg floor: rad mastectomy being

discharged in next two hours, etc.
9. check all that apply what would you expect to see in the aging process: shortness of
breath, dry skin, loss of vision, etc.

10. closed head injury receiving osmotic diuretic, expect to see showing it is working:
increased pulse, increased pulse pressure, etc?

11. taking iv chemo at home what is correct: flush remaining iv solution in toilet, put used iv
bags in red biohazzard trash bag and put in reg. trash, leave pt alone while receiving
meds, or do not let children go into bathroom or near toilet until after 48 hours.

12. performing a mammography what would you question: using powder or perfumes in the
last 2 days, do you have an internal pacemaker(answer), etc?

13. tx for RA: apply cold packs(not answer), etc?

14. discharge instr. for pt with scleraderma: ROM exercises, emollient to skin before going
outside, dry off thoroughly after bath, keep a cool house.

15. bipolar manic what to do: group therapy, keep in room, one on one therapy to reduce
stimulation(answer), etc.

16. how would nurse demonstrate concept of patient self determination act: this is advance
dir and living will.

17. what would you question at pt getting a thallium stress test: allergy to iodine was

18. Pt with thyroidectomy and feeding: ground beef and cranberry juice, ground chicken
and chocolate milk, vegetables and fruit, tuna fish with mayo. I chose tuna in mayo.
Thought that the first 2 answers had liquid to hard to swallow without aspiration and
tuna was only answer that was mushy and soft but not too thin.

19. ABG's what would you do before taking: suction, check for ulnar pulse, etc.

20. in labor getting pitocin. what demonstrates a complication of pit: contractions 2-3 min
apart with 60 sec. duration, accelerations up to 160 with contraction, fetal hr drops to
105 during acme of contration, etc.

21. what room to put a pt with multidrug resistant TB: private vented outside, isolation with
side room for supplies, isolation etc.?

22. what patient diet would you correct: cardiac pt states I include mushrooms and carrots
in my diet, etc.?? can't remember rest

23. Normal newborn exam: head and chest size the same, etc.?
24. 4 math problems. two asking ml/hr, one gtts/min, units/ml

25.symptoms of fat emobli: pettechie on skin, etc.

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