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Marianne Ryan PT

Award-Winning Author of Baby Bod

Do you have Diastasis Recti?

Did you ever wonder why so many women look pregnant several months or
even years after childbirth?
This is caused by the separation of the 2 Six-Pack muscles in the abdomen.
It happens naturally during pregnancy to make room for your growing baby
and it should return to normal after childbirth - But it does not in about 40%
of women.
Keep on reading to learn how to find out if you have a diastasis, tips on how
to deal with it and a few easy exercises you can start doing right now.
Diastasis Recti Test:

Lie down on a flat

Place a few fingers
just below your belly
button. Lift your
If you feel a
separation or if the
belly has a "soft
spot", it means you
have a diastases.

Examples of Positive Diastasis Recti Test:

Here are some tips on how to
prevent making a diastasis worse:
Avoid exercises that put a heavy strain on your
belly like heavy lifting and sit-ups. If you see
your belly bulging try modifying the exercise to
a level that does not cause it to bulge.
EXHALE! Remember to exhale when you exert
your abdominal muscles. The amount to exhale
should match the task. If you are lifting your
newborn, exhale softly. If you are lifting a heavy
pot of pasta water, exhale more deeply.
Avoid "jack-knife" movements. For example
when getting up from bed, roll up from your
side rather then doing a sit-up.
Avoid using tight abdominal binders for long
periods of time. Binders can weaken the
abdominal muscles and will make a diastasis
Try to prevent constipation or straining when
passing a bowel movement.
Exercises for
Diastasiis Recti
Gentle Pelvic Floor

This exercise is different from "Kegel" exercises because it includes good

alignment and breathing techniques.

Start position:
Lie on your back with your knees bent and a pillow under your buttock.
Align your rib cage over your pelvis
Exhale gently and contract your pelvic floor muscles - pretending you
are stopping the flow of a few drops of urine. HOLD contraction for 3
seconds. Remember to exhale the entire time you hold the contraction.
Next, quickly contract and relax your pelvic floor muscles 3 times.
Relax for 6 seconds
Repeat this series 5 times a few times per day.
When you feel like you can progress, hold for 4 seconds, do 4 quick
contractions and rest for 8 seconds in between each series.
Then progress to a 5 second hold, 5 quick contractions and 10 second
Try doing this exercise in several different positions, such as lying down,
sitting and standing. Do not forget to "stack" your rib cage over your pelvis
for better alignment.
Heel Slides

Start position:
Lie on your back with your knees and hips bent.
Align your rib cage over your pelvis.
Place your thumbs at the bottom of your rib cage and fingers on the
sides of your pelvis (look at picture). Feel for excessive movement in
the rib cage or pelvis. Make sure only your legs are moving during this
exercise. You may need to move your foot less if your pelvis or rib cage
Count out loud as your gently straighten one leg without letting the
foot touch the floor.
Then return to the start position.
Do this 10 times on each leg. Repeat 3 series of these exercises.
Make sure your belly is not bulging during the exercises! If it is, try moving
just a little bit and progress to full leg extension gradually.
Taffy Pulls

Start position:
Sit on the edge of a chair, and get into good alignment by "stacking"
your rib cage over your pelvis.
Hold an exercise band in both hands in the thumbs up position.
Then place one hand at shoulder height and the other on top on your
thigh. (Do not move the hand on your thigh during the exercise.)
Look at the hand that is shoulder height and exhale or count out loud as
your raise your hand in a diagonal. (Like "hitching a ride")
Continue moving your head and looking at the moving hand as you
raise it upwards in a diagonal and return it slowly to the start position.
Do this 10 times on each side.
Try to build up to doing 3 sets.
Make sure your belly is not bulging during the exercises and do not forget
to count out loud to prevent increasing pressure on the diastasis.

To Learn More Check out the

Baby Bod Blog
Look for the Book on Amazon
and the Exercise Tracker on
iTunes and Google Play.

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