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Brandon Stick Chica Rodríguez


Manuel Elkin Patarroyo Educational Institution





ACTIVITY 1. Match the vocabulary to the pictures More than one Word may match
each item (1 point). Then, you have to write the vocabulary english-spanish on a
separate sheet (1 point).

Coughing and sneezing

Global outbreak (Ebola)
Respiratory system
Prevent infection
Find a cure
Transmit disease
Symptoms Source of bacterial
Diagnostic test
Get a vaccine
Spread from person to person
Source of bacterial infections
Transmit disease Coronavirus
Respiratory system
Global travel

Coughing and sneezing

Diagnostic test

Prevent infection
Global outbreak
Global travel

Get a vaccine


Find a cure
Spread from person to
TRANSFER PHASE Activity 2. A. Complete the text with the words in the box
(0.5 points) B. Translate the text (0.5)
Pandemic- quarantine -symptoms- lockdown- treatment- contagious- transmit

Coronavirus is a pandemic that has made a lot of people sick. It is very dangerous
and we must be careful.
When you have coronavirus, you are very contagious and you can easily
transmit it to other people. The symptoms of coronavirus are a fever and a
The treatment of coronavirus is not easy.
You must stay in quarantine so that you don’t give the virus to anyone else.
Many shops and school are closed – this is called lockdown.


ACTIVITY 3.MATCH THE WORDS TO THEIR MEANING. Write the letter on the line (0.5point).

1. Suddenly starts to happen C A. FEVER

2. Extremely importan E B. TREATMENT

3. Conditions that can be passed from animals to humans H C. OUTBREAK

4. An illness which affects a person F D. COUGH

5. Pass something from one person to another G E. CRUCIAL

6. Suddenly push air out of your throat with a short sound D F. DISEASE

7. A very high temperature A G. TRANSMIT

8. Something that is done to cure someone who is ill B H. ZOONOTIC DISEASE

Activity 4. Make sentences. E,g. I´m going to use the sentence #7 and the word “a”
(fever). I write: Fever is when you have a very high temperature. If necessary use other
words to make sense of the sentence. (1.5 points).
 Fever is when you have a very high temperature.
La fiebre es cuando tienes una temperatura muy alta.

 The outbreak is a symptom that suddenly begins to happen.

El brote es un síntoma que de repente comienza a suceder.

 Zoonotic disease has conditions that can be transmitted from animals to humans.

La enfermedad zoonotica tiene Condiciones que pueden transmitirse de animales

a humanos.

 Cough is a symptom that suddenly pushes air out of your throat with a short

La tos es un síntoma que De repente empuja el aire fuera de tu garganta con

un sonido corto.

 A treatment is something that is done to heal someone who is sick.

Un tratamiento es Algo que se hace para curar a alguien que está enfermo.

 Coronavirus the extremely important disease is crucial to have an antibody


Coronavirus la enfermedad que extremadamente importante es crucial tener

una vacuna anticuerpos.

 If this disease that affects a person is not contained, it can

Transmit to many more.

Si no se contiene esta enfermedad que afecta a una persona puede

Transmitir a muchas más.

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