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Oracle® Cloud

Working with Disclosure Management for

Narrative Reporting

Oracle Cloud Working with Disclosure Management for Narrative Reporting,


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1 About Disclosure Management

Introduction to Disclosure Management 1-1
Disclosure Management Components 1-2
Understanding XBRL 1-4
Using Taxonomies 1-4
Installing Disclosure Management 1-5
Connecting to Narrative Reporting in Smart View 1-5
Navigating the Disclosure Management Ribbon 1-7

2 XBRL Planning Considerations

Before You Begin Using Disclosure Management 2-1
Disclosure Management in Narrative Reporting 2-1
Learning More About Disclosure Management 2-2
XBRL and Regulatory Resources 2-3

3 Working with the Sample Disclosure Management Report

Opening the Master Document 3-1
Working with the Report Manager 3-3
Opening Doclets and Reviewing the Mapping Tool Functionality 3-5
Publishing XBRL and SEC EDGAR output 3-14

4 Working with Master Documents and Doclets

Creating and Managing Disclosure Management Reports 4-1
Creating a Master Document in Disclosure Management 4-3

Uploading the Disclosure Management Report 4-3
Opening a Master Document in Disclosure Management 4-4
Adding doclets to the Master Document in Disclosure Management 4-4
About Master Documents 4-4
Navigating Documents in Explorer 4-5
Adding Doclets 4-7
Rearranging Doclets 4-9
Creating a Standalone Report of a Doclet 4-10
Hiding a Doclet Display in a Master Document 4-10
Removing Doclets 4-11
Using Microsoft Word Track Changes and Doclets 4-11
Migration of Disclosure Management Report 4-12

5 Working With Taxonomy Manager

6 Working with Taxonomy Designer

Designing a Taxonomy for the SEC Jurisdiction 6-1
Designing a Taxonomy for Global Jurisdiction 6-5
Working with an Existing Taxonomy 6-10
Importing a Taxonomy into Taxonomy Designer 6-10
Extending an SEC-based Taxonomy 6-12
Extending a Global Jurisdiction Taxonomy 6-25
Editing Custom Calculations in the Template 6-37
Adding an Anchoring Element 6-42

7 Mapping Financial Reports to Taxonomies

Mapping Overview 7-1
Tagging Indirect Data Sources 7-3
Navigating the Mapping Tool 7-4
About XBRL Taxonomy Concepts 7-5
About XBRL Contexts 7-22
About XBRL Units 7-26
About Footnotes 7-29
About Variables 7-34
About Dimensions 7-40
About Tuples 7-51
Mapping Text Block 7-57
Nested Tags 7-58
Removing Mapped Data and Deleting Disclosure Management Objects 7-59

Reviewing Mappings 7-61

8 Validating Disclosure Management Reports

Validation Overview 8-1
Validating with Rules Support 8-3

9 Publishing Disclosure Management Reports

Generating XBRL Instance Documents Process Overview 9-1
Generating Instance Documents 9-2
Displaying the Instance Document in the Instance Viewer 9-3
Reviewing IXBRL Generated File Name and Report Title 9-4
Using the Arelle Viewer Offline 9-5
Formatting Documents 9-6
Using Disclosure Management for EDGAR HTML Generation 9-14
Creating EDGAR Documents with Disclosure Management 9-15
Creating a Hyperlink in the EDGAR Document 9-16
Removing the Hyperlink from the EDGAR Document 9-16
Formatting Guidelines 9-16
Working with Inline XBRL 9-18

10 Rollover Disclosure Management Report in Narrative Reporting

Exporting the Quarterly Report in Narrative Reporting Web 10-2
Importing the Quarterly Report in Narrative Reporting Web 10-3
Changing the Taxonomy Report Properties in Disclosure Management 10-4
Publishing the Taxonomy Template 10-5
Changing the Taxonomy in Mapping Tool 10-6
Updating the Context Dates 10-7
Validating the Report 10-8
Migrating Taxonomies 10-9

11 High Volume XBRL Tagging Process

Configuring a High Volume XBRL Taxonomy 11-1
Setting the High Volume XBRL Options 11-3
Configuring Document Entity Information 11-4
Tagging Cells in the Regulator Template 11-10
Publishing an Instance 11-15

12 Performing Auto Tag in Disclosure Management
Auto Tagging the Master Document 12-3
Verifying Document Entity Information in Disclosure Management 12-5
Tagging the Level 3 Table Text Block Tags 12-5
Auto Tagging the Level 4 Tags 12-6
Auto Tagging the Table Cells in a Word Doclet 12-7
Auto Tagging Table Cells with Multiple Dimensions 12-8

13 Configuration Options
Setting the Disclosure Management Options 13-1
Reviewing IXBRL Generated File Name and Report Title 13-5

14 Performing Administrative Tasks

15 Tips and Troubleshooting

General FAQs 15-1

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About Disclosure Management
Related Topics
• Introduction to Disclosure Management
• Disclosure Management Components
• Understanding XBRL
• Using Taxonomies
• Installing Disclosure Management
• Connecting to Narrative Reporting in Smart View
• Navigating the Disclosure Management Ribbon

Introduction to Disclosure Management

Disclosure Management in Narrative Reporting helps you create and edit graphically
the Extensible Business Reporting Language (XBRL(c)) tagged submissions to a
regulatory agency (for example, a 10K or 10Q submitted to the SEC). You can
assemble financial statements, supporting schedules, and commentaries—which may
exist in Microsoft Excel, or Word—and map to and deliver the content in XBRL,
EDGAR, PDF, or HTML formats. Additionally, Disclosure Management lets customers
modify or extend taxonomies before the mapping process, and also use multiple
taxonomies. The key purpose of the product is to centralize and manage the critical
documents needed in the close cycle to significantly reduce the risk of an inaccurate
Disclosure Management offers a complete XBRL creation and management solution
with the following functionality:
• Enterprise-level XBRL mapping via drag-and-drop tagging in Microsoft Office
using Oracle Smart View for Office.
• XBRL Taxonomy management, editing, and viewing. Taxonomy management
includes extensions to taxonomies, which enables companies to customize their
filings for their financial needs.
Updated taxonomies can be used against existing maps.
• Instance document validation, generation, and viewing
• Document management, such as check out and check in
• Document publication in EDGAR HTML, XBRL, Microsoft Word, and PDF
XBRL reporting functionality is provided to licensed users of Disclosure Management
for Narrative Reporting, an optional licensed feature for Narrative Reporting.

Chapter 1
Disclosure Management Components

Bidirectional language functionality is not supported in Disclosure

Disclosure Management Components

Disclosure Management consists of the following components:

Use Explorer to view your master document, and to open and add doclets to it. You
can also assign permissions to master documents and doclets using Access Control
Lists. See Performing Administrative Tasks.

Report Manager
Use Report Manager to manage and produce reports using Master Documents and
A Master Document acts as a container file for subdocuments called “doclets.” A
doclet is a separate Microsoft Word or Excel file that includes selected data that you
want to include in the Master Document.

Doclets in Disclosure Management are not the same as doclets in Narrative
Reporting, although the concepts are similar. Doclets in Narrative Reporting
are individual pieces of a report that are assigned out to authors to provide
the content in a report package. They are uploaded and maintained in the
Narrative Reporting environment.
Doclets in Disclosure Management are files that contain only the data that
you want to include in your report. They are uploaded and maintained in the
Disclosure Management environment.

Disclosure Management enables you to leverage your last report as the starting point
for your next report by using the Master Document feature. With a Master Document in
Microsoft Word, you can copy the last report, embed Microsoft Word and Excel
sections into the document, rename it, and update the report view to the current Period
or Year. Any registered Microsoft Word document may be used as a Master
A Disclosure Management document becomes a Master Document when at least one
doclet is inserted into it.
See Working with Master Documents and Doclets

Taxonomy Manager
Use Taxonomy Manager to register and manage taxonomies. You can register a new
taxonomy, edit existing taxonomies, and manage taxonomy properties, as well as

Chapter 1
Disclosure Management Components

upload, download and delete taxonomies. Taxonomy Manager is accessible from the
Disclosure Management ribbon in Oracle Smart View for Office, and it is enabled
once you have successfully logged on.
See Working With Taxonomy Manager
Watch this overview video: How to register XBRL Taxonomies in Narrative Reporting
Cloud Disclosure Management.

Registering XBRL Taxonomies in Narrative Reporting Cloud Disclosure

Management Video.

Taxonomy Designer Template

For open taxonomies, such as US GAAP, use the Excel-based Taxonomy Designer
template to:
• Import any extended taxonomy for transformation
• Add, update, and move to conform to document creation
See Working with Taxonomy Designer

Mapping Tool
The Disclosure Management Mapping Tool maps information between the items of a
taxonomy and the selected data values in an Office document. It is the central piece
for most user interactions. Use the Mapping Tool to select taxonomies, manage
mappings, add variables, and validate XBRL instance documents.
The Disclosure Management Mapping Tool:
• Renders XBRL taxonomies and provides mapping functionality
• Provides the ability to create, edit, and delete variables in doclets and Master
• Includes taxonomy search capability
• Enables reviewing and validation of all mappings
See Generating Instance Documents
Watch this overview video: Navigating the Disclosure Management Mapping Tool in
Narrative Reporting Cloud.

Navigating the Disclosure Management Mapping Tool in Narrative Reporting

Cloud Video.

Disclosure Management High Volume XBRL (for specific South American

regulators only)
Disclosure Management High Volume XBRL is an XBRL instance generation engine,
which is designed to accept a series of intermediate mapping files that have
instructions to generate the XBRL instance.
Using Microsoft Excel, you can select a cell and apply annotations to it that define
which XBRL tags get applied automatically for each hypercube intersection point. This
tagging process enables you to generate the intermediate mapping file. This

Chapter 1
Understanding XBRL

intermediate mapping file is fed to the Disclosure Management High Volume XBRL
engine, which generates the XBRL instance.
An auto-tagging process uses the Microsoft Excel comment options to paint a targeted
cell. You can apply tags for a selected cell or range of cells.
See High Volume XBRL Tagging Process

Understanding XBRL
XBRL is a freely available electronic language for financial reporting that is based on
Extensible Markup Language (XML) and is produced and consumed by XBRL-enabled
software. After data is mapped, software—rather than human labor—is used to select,
analyze, store, and exchange information, thereby reducing the chances of error.
Moreover, because it is a standardized language, XBRL enables efficient apples-to-
apples comparison of financial data across multiple companies and industries. To this
end, XBRL applies identifying mappings to items of data, enabling them to be
processed and analyzed in an interactive way. XBRL mappings provide financial
communities with a digital standards-based method to prepare, publish, reliably
extract, and automatically exchange financial statements of publicly held companies.
XBRL does not establish new accounting standards. Instead, it enhances the usability
of existing standards.
XBRL taxonomies specify an arrangement of data so that the value of a concept is
defined within a context. For example, company ACME, Inc. reports Gross Profit
of $152,623 in Quarter 1. This information can be represented in XBRL as it indicates
the company identity (ACME, Inc.), a reporting concept (Gross Profit), the reported
currency (dollars), time period, and decimal/precision rounding setting.

Using Taxonomies
XBRL taxonomies are central to the creation of XBRL documents. Whereas the XBRL
documents contain a snapshot of business and financial facts, the XBRL taxonomies
provide the definitions and relationships about these facts. Taxonomies are the
“dictionaries” of XBRL. They define the individual reporting concepts (such as "net
profit") and the relationships between them. Different taxonomies are required for
different financial reporting purposes. Regional governments may need their own
financial reporting taxonomies to reflect their local accounting regulations.
Organizations such as nonprofits and corporations require taxonomies to handle their
own business reporting requirements.
XBRL taxonomies may represent hundreds of individual business reporting concepts
(elements). Each element has specific attributes that helps to define it, such as the
labels, data types, expected balance type, and other data attributes.
The published taxonomies are “standard” taxonomies that represent most of what a
typical company or regulator needs to report. Certain "open" taxonomies, such as
SEC-US-GAAP, also enable extensions to a published taxonomy, for reporting
specifications that are specific to the company or regulator. "Closed" taxonomies, such
as IFRS, do not allow extensions.

Chapter 1
Installing Disclosure Management

Installing Disclosure Management

You install Disclosure Management by installing Oracle Smart View for Office (see
Downloading and Running the Smart View Installer), and then enabling the extensions
for Disclosure Management (see Enabling and Disabling Extensions).
You must enable these extensions:
• Oracle EPRCS (required, prerequisite for the other Disclosure Management
• Oracle Disclosure Management EPRCS (required)
• Oracle Disclosure Management (HVX) EPRCS (required only for High-Volume

Connecting to Narrative Reporting in Smart View

You can connect to Narrative Reporting anytime you start Microsoft Excel, or Word.
See Creating a New Private Connections.
To connect to Narrative Reporting:
1. Open a Microsoft Word or Excel document.
2. Select the Smart View ribbon, and then click Panel.
3. In the Smart View Panel, select Private Connections.
Alternatively, from the Smart View Panel, click the arrow next to the Switch to

button, , and then select Private Connections from the drop-down list.
4. Click the arrow to display the drop-down menu and select your connection.

If you created private connection, then it should be listed under Quick Connect
URLs in the drop-down list.
5. In the Login window, enter your User Name and Password, and then click Sign
The Narrative Reporting Home panel is displayed. Narrative Reporting Home
allows you to quickly access your pending report package tasks. From the
Narrative Reporting Home, you can access:
• Incomplete Tasks—Incomplete report package tasks that are assigned to
• Active Report Packages—Active report packages for which you have tasks
and responsibilities.
• Recent Items—Items you have recently accessed.
• Library—The library of items in Narrative Reporting, including report and
reporting applications.
Image shows an example of Narrative Reporting Home.

Chapter 1
Connecting to Narrative Reporting in Smart View

6. Click Library and then perform an action:

To work with report packages in Word or Excel:
a. Expand the EPRCS node, then the Library node, then expand the Disclosure
Management folder, and then select a report.

You can also locate the report by navigating to:

• The Recent folder, if you have recently accessed the report in the
Narrative Reporting web interface
• The Favorites folder, if you have designated the report as a favorite in the
Narrative Reporting web interface.
• A user-defined folder, if the report was saved in a folder created in the
Narrative Reporting web interface.
b. In the Action Panel, select Open.

Chapter 1
Navigating the Disclosure Management Ribbon

Alternatively, you can right-click the report name and select Open, or double-
click the report name to open it.

Navigating the Disclosure Management Ribbon

After you install Disclosure Management, a new tab is displayed in Smart View. The
Disclosure Management tab contains the following ribbon commands:

Ribbon Command Description

Repository Group: Explorer Open the Explorer where you can store and
manage master documents and doclets.
Repository Group: Check Out Check out the selected document to edit its

access is
available for
documents that
are checked out
by another user.

Repository Group: Check In Check in to save all updates made to the

current document. Every time you check in a
document, a new version of the document is
also saved.
Repository Group: Undo Checkout Undo Checkout cancels a checkout. If you do
not want to check in your changes or you want
to start with a fresh copy, you can cancel
(undo) a checkout using Undo Checkout.
A user who has been assigned the
administrator role can undo the checkout of
another user, if the user who checked out the
document is not available to check it back in.

Chapter 1
Navigating the Disclosure Management Ribbon

Ribbon Command Description

Actions Group: Publish • Generates an XBRL instance document
on the server and downloads it to the
user's computer to the specified file or
path, and then optionally opens the
document in the viewer.
• Render your document in PDF format.
• The Excel/Word option generates a copy
of the current document without any
Disclosure Management metadata,
including mappings, from a Master
Document or doclet.

If the document is a Word file,
then "Word" is displayed; if the
document is a Microsoft Excel
document, then "Excel" is

Map Group: Mapping Tool Displays the Disclosure Management Mapping

Tool panel.
Map Group: Review Review existing mappings relevant to the
Office document in a Review tab in the
Disclosure Management Mapping Tool. In
Review mode, users can delete, modify, and
edit existing mappings within an Office
document. There are two views within the
review mode:
• Tree—Shows all the mapped data in a
hierarchical view of a concept and the
items that it contains.
• List—Shows all mapped data in a tabular
In both views, users can navigate to the
appropriate data in the Office document by
selecting a mapped item in the review list.
Alternately, you can select a section of text in
the current document to view only relevant
mappings in that section by clicking the Filter
Selection button on the Review tab.
You can also review mappings by clicking the
Review tab in the Disclosure Management
Mapping Tool.
Map Group: Format Launches the Format dialog box. Use the
Format options to set positive and negative
number symbols, decimal and precision
values, scale by values, date formats, and
string formats (rich, plain, or default).
Map Group: Validate Validates the mapped document using
validation rules, including:

Chapter 1
Navigating the Disclosure Management Ribbon

Ribbon Command Description

Map Group: Preview Enables you to specify the local path to the
Instance document and its taxonomy, and
render the instance document in a viewer.
Report Group: Manage Opens the Disclosure Management Report
Report Group: Properties Launches the Document Properties dialog
box. Use Document Properties options to add
and modify number prefixes and suffixes,
specify the default scaling value on mapped
numeric items, as well as thousands and
decimal separators for parsing Microsoft Word
document numerical data when mapping.
Report Group: Options Launches the Disclosure Management
Options dialog box where you can set global
options. Use options to select Disclosure
Management server options, set publish and
preview options and xbrl validation and
mapping options.
Report Group: Show Variables/Evaluate Provides a toggle between the Show
Variables Variables / Evaluate Variables button to view
variable settings or variable values.
Taxonomy Manager Provides the ability to manage taxonomy
versions. The user can register taxonomies
including taxonomy property artifacts as well
as upload, download and register new
taxonomy version.
Help Group: Help Displays the Narrative Reporting
documentation library.
Help Group: Technical Support Displays the Oracle Customer Support page.
Help Group: EPM Documentation Displays the Enterprise Performance
Management System Documentation Library.
Help Group: About Shows Disclosure Management copyright

XBRL Planning Considerations
Related Topics
• Before You Begin Using Disclosure Management
• Disclosure Management in Narrative Reporting
• Learning More About Disclosure Management
• XBRL and Regulatory Resources

Before You Begin Using Disclosure Management

Integrating Disclosure Management with your financial reporting system to produce
XBRL instance documents requires planning and organization. To determine the
necessary steps after you have installed Disclosure Management, consider the
• Taxonomy Assessment—Assess which taxonomy is most appropriate for your
XBRL filing requirements.
• Training—Implement a plan to train key personnel on XBRL filing requirements,
taxonomy concepts, and how to use Disclosure Management.
• XBRL Project Team—Assemble a team who can perform these functions:
– Manage the XBRL project
– Provide expertise in regional regulatory rules and the organization's reporting
– Demonstrate expertise in XBRL
• Mapping—Identify the personnel who are tasked to map your financial statements.
• Data Collection—Determine a process to consolidate and produce the financial
data that is persisted to the XBRL instance documents.
• Review—Implement a process for reviewing and validating instance documents.
The instance document should adhere to additional submission requirements that
the regulatory body imposes on XBRL submissions. Disclosure Management
provides the validation to ensure XBRL validity (per the XBRL specification), and
enforces some regulatory rules and submission criteria. However, additional
submission criteria may be required by a regulatory agency.

Disclosure Management in Narrative Reporting

Disclosure Management in Narrative Reporting supports three use cases:
• Open Taxonomies, such as those under SEC jurisdiction (for example, US-
GAAP) where the taxonomies are extendible: Enables you to design and manage
your extended taxonomies using Taxonomy Designer.

Chapter 2
Learning More About Disclosure Management

• Closed Taxonomies, such as those under IFRS jurisdiction, where the

taxonomies are not extendible: Enables you to register a downloaded taxonomy
and then map the elements to the appropriate data values in your master
document and doclets.
• High Volume Auto-tagging capability for certain South American regulator
reporting performed via a regulator-provided template (an Excel flat file w/ multiple
worksheets). Disclosure Management in Narrative Reporting can automatically tag
this template and greatly reduce the filing effort.

Using Disclosure Management with Narrative Reporting

Narrative Reporting is lightly integrated with Disclosure Management. There are two
supported scenarios:
• Creating your document in Narrative Reporting:
– Create your document in Narrative Reporting with leading-edge workflow,
audit, reporting, and data source capabilities.
– Export your completed and signed –off documents to the Disclosure
Management region of Narrative Reporting for regulatory reporting
preparation, including taxonomy preparation, mapping, validation, and EDGAR
and XBRL instance creation.
• Creating your document in Disclosure Management:
– Create your documents within the Disclosure Management region of Narrative
Reporting utilizing Disclosure Management capabilities in data source
connectivity via Smart View or other ERP sources.
– Complete the regulatory reporting preparation, including taxonomy
preparation, mapping, validation, and EDGAR and XBRL instance creation.

In either scenario, the work of mapping, tagging, validation, and instance
creation takes place within Disclosure Management. If you export a tagged
doclet from Disclosure Management and import it back into Narrative
Reporting as a doclet, you will lose the tagging information.

Learning More About Disclosure Management

To get more information or help on creating and managing the Disclosure
Management reports in Narrative Reporting
Review best practices and access these videos by clicking or tapping Academy on the
Home page:
Watch this overview video to create and manage the Disclosure Management reports.

Creating Disclosure Management Reports in Narrative Reporting Cloud Video.

Watch this tutorial video: Navigating the Disclosure Management Mapping Tool in
Narrative Reporting Cloud.

Chapter 2
XBRL and Regulatory Resources

Navigating the Disclosure Management Mapping Tool in Narrative Reporting

Cloud Video.
Watch this tutorial video: Mapping Disclosure Management Reports in Narrative
Reporting Cloud.

Mapping Disclosure Management Reports in Narrative Reporting Cloud.

Watch this tutorial video: How to register XBRL Taxonomies in Narrative Reporting
Cloud Disclosure Management.

Registering XBRL Taxonomies in Narrative Reporting Cloud Disclosure

Management Video.
Watch this tutorial video: Validating and Generating XBRL Instance Documents in
Narrative Reporting Cloud.

Validating and Generating XBRL Instance Documents in Narrative Reporting


XBRL and Regulatory Resources

The following XBRL resources and links are available online:

Oracle does not maintain the content of the sites below and is not
responsible for the maintenance and content contained at each site.

Table 2-1 XBRL Links and Descriptions

Resource Link
Main site
How XBRL Works video
XBRL in plain English
SEC XBRL Mandate
Search the Next-Generation EDGAR System
(includes XBRL submissions) webusers.htm
SEC Instance Document Viewer:

Chapter 2
XBRL and Regulatory Resources

Table 2-1 (Cont.) XBRL Links and Descriptions

Resource Link
SEC Interactive Data Webcasts
US XBRL Information, Reference Guide, and US XBRL Information
International Financial Reporting Standards International Financial Reporting Standards -
Guidance on using International Financial
Reporting Standards
IFRS Taxonomy
Financial Reporting Using XBRL
Superintendencia Financiera de Colombia

Working with the Sample Disclosure
Management Report
Use Disclosure Management reports to create and edit the XBRL tagged submissions
to a regulatory agency. Narrative Reporting includes an abbreviated US SEC 10Q
report with existing XBRL mappings to help you become familiar with the Disclosure
Management functionality by performing these tasks:
• Open the Master Document (Disclosure Management report) and review its
• View the Report Manager, where you can insert and manage doclets
• Open doclets and browse the XBRL taxonomy, review XBRL mappings, run the
XBRL validation and publish the output

An administrator must import the sample Disclosure Management report,
load the corresponding sample taxonomy and assign access to you before
you can view it.
See Installing Samples.

This topic covers:

• Opening the Master Document
• Working with the Report Manager
• Opening doclets and reviewing the Mapping Tool functionality
• Publishing XBRL and SEC EDGAR output

Opening the Master Document

To open the Master Document:
1. Connect to the Narrative Reporting in Oracle Smart View for Office. See
Connecting to Narrative Reporting in Smart View
2. In the Library, navigate to the Vision 10Q Sample and double-click to open it.

Chapter 3
Opening the Master Document

3. In the Explorer, you can view the list of doclets in the report. Select the Vision
10Q Sample.docx file on the top of the node, and then double-click the file to
open the report.

4. After opening the Vision 10Q Sample in Microsoft Word, you can scroll to view
the report contents.

Chapter 3
Working with the Report Manager

Working with the Report Manager

You use the Report Manager to edit and manage doclets in the master document.
To view the Report Manager:

Chapter 3
Working with the Report Manager

1. Open the Disclosure Management report in Smart View Microsoft Office. See
Connecting to Narrative Reporting in Smart View
2. Open a Master Document in Disclosure Management.
3. In the Disclosure Management ribbon, click

and then select

to open the Report Manager.

4. In the Report Manager, you can view list of doclets in the report such as, the
Microsoft Excel taxonomy template, Cover page, TOC, Caution Note, Balance
Sheet Excel doclet, Notes, Management Discussion doclets, and hidden
Document and Entity Information Excel doclet.

5. In Disclosure Management Report Manager, highlight the doclet that you want
to edit, and then click

to Show Edit Mode.

6. In Edit Mode, you can perform the following tasks: Either you can Add or
Remove a doclet. Select a doclet, or Open a doclet. You can orderly position the
doclet in the master document either by Move Up, or Move Down.

Chapter 3
Opening Doclets and Reviewing the Mapping Tool Functionality

7. After all the changes are complete, click Done.

8. In the Report Manager, click Actions, and then select Refresh All to update all
the changes in the master document. Click

to update the master document back in the server.

Opening Doclets and Reviewing the Mapping Tool

Using the Mapping Tool, you can map, review and validate the fact values in your
doclets to the XBRL taxonomy concepts.
In this section, the Balance Sheet and All Notes doclets will be opened and XBRL
mapping reviewed for both doclets.
1. Open the Disclosure Management report in Smart View Microsoft Office. See
Connecting to Narrative Reporting in Smart View
2. Open a Master Document in Disclosure Management.
3. In the Disclosure Management ribbon, select

to open the Report Manager.

4. Select the BalSheet.xlsx doclet, right-click and select Open. The BalSheet.xlsx
doclet will be opened in Microsoft Excel, you need to re-enter user credentials, if

Chapter 3
Opening Doclets and Reviewing the Mapping Tool Functionality

5. In Microsoft Excel, click

to open the Mapping Tool. The doclet needs to be checked out to view the XBRL
mappings, click

6. In Disclosure Management Mapping Tool, select Concept tab, expand the
taxonomy tree and double-click on Cash and cash equivalents concept. For
more information about the concept, select the Details panel.

Chapter 3
Opening Doclets and Reviewing the Mapping Tool Functionality

Before mapping the concept, you need to check if the mapped cells are
highlighted in the Microsoft Excel sheet, to prevent double tagging the

7. In Disclosure Management Mapping Tool, select Context tab to set the dates and
type of Context (Instant or Duration). The context represents time period and
entity information. You can view the dates and type of Context (Instant or
Duration) for each.

Chapter 3
Opening Doclets and Reviewing the Mapping Tool Functionality

8. In Disclosure Management Mapping Tool, select Unit tab to set the unit of
measure. Units represent unit of measure, for example, currency such as USD or

Footnotes are used in cases where there is a numbered footnote on a
grid cell, which need to be captured as part of the XBRL mapping. There
are none in the Vision 10Q Sample.

9. In Disclosure Management Mapping Tool, select Variable tab. You can view the
list of variables are used for period labels, data embedded in paragraphs, common
hyperlinks, and so on. The Vision 10Q Sample has variables, but they are not
used anywhere.

Chapter 3
Opening Doclets and Reviewing the Mapping Tool Functionality

10. In Disclosure Management Mapping Tool, select Review tab to verify all the
existing mappings. The Review tab enables you to review all the existing
mappings for the opened Excel or Word doclet. In the review mode, you can
remove, modify, and edit mappings.

If you double-click on the first row (Cash and Cash Equivalents, Mapped Value =
14,882), then the corresponding mapped cell value is highlighted in Excel and the
bottom panel displays information about the mapped value. If you want to edit the
mapping, you can make the changes in the bottom panel.

Chapter 3
Opening Doclets and Reviewing the Mapping Tool Functionality

11. In Disclosure Management Mapping Tool, click

. The List view displays individual concepts, contexts and units. You can perform
an action either using Actions menu or Toolbar button. You can double-click on
Concept, Context or Unit tabs to view the List view that will display mapped items

The view change may take some time to process, depending on the
number of items under a parent node in the List View.

Chapter 3
Opening Doclets and Reviewing the Mapping Tool Functionality

12. In Disclosure Management Mapping Tool, click

, select the file Type that you would like to export, and then click Export.

13. On the Disclosure Management ribbon, select Validate, and then click XBRL.

You can validate the mappings in a doclet or report, with any resulting validation
error messages displayed in the Validation tab.

In the Validation tab, if any validation errors are displayed, then you need to
rectify or fix it. In this doclet, there are no validation errors.

Chapter 3
Opening Doclets and Reviewing the Mapping Tool Functionality

14. Optional: In the Disclosure Management ribbon, select

to open the Report Manager. XBRL mappings may be found on either Word or
Excel doclets. Not all the doclets in the Sample report have XBRL mappings
however, as they are not required (TOC, MGMT Discussion, and so on). Open a
doclet to review the different levels of XBRL mapping required by the SEC.
In this example, let's select the 5 – All Notes.docx doclet, right-click and then click

15. Optional: In Microsoft Word, click

to open the Mapping Tool. The doclet needs to be checked out to view the XBRL
mappings, click

Chapter 3
Opening Doclets and Reviewing the Mapping Tool Functionality

16. Optional: In Disclosure Management Mapping Tool, select Review tab to verify all
the existing mappings.
If you double-click on the first row BASIS OF PRESENTATION, then the
corresponding mapped text value is highlighted in Microsoft Word and the bottom
panel displays information about the mapped value. The text highlighting may take
a few seconds to process. To apply a Level 1, Text Block tag the user must
highlight the entire disclosure to map it.

If you double-click on the second row Non-Operating Income, net, then the
corresponding mapped table value is highlighted in Microsoft Word and the bottom
panel displays information about the mapped value. The text highlighting may take
a few seconds to process. This identifies that a Level 3 Table Text Block tag has
been applied to this table.

If you double-click on the forth row Money market funds, then the corresponding
mapped cell value is highlighted in Microsoft Word and the bottom panel displays

Chapter 3
Publishing XBRL and SEC EDGAR output

information about the mapped value. The text highlighting may take a few seconds
to process. The Level 4 tagging for a table, where within each footnote, each
numerical value (in text and tables) should be detail tagged as done in the
financial statements.

Publishing XBRL and SEC EDGAR output

You can publish Disclosure Management Master Documents to the following formats:
• Inline XBRL (iXBRL)
• Microsoft Word
In this section, you will understand how the Vision 10Q Sample Report is exported to
XBRL and SEC EDGAR output. The Sample report is validated automatically as part
of the publish process.
To publish a report in XBRL and SEC EDGAR format:
1. Open the Vision 10Q Sample Master Document. See Opening the Master
2. On the Disclosure Management ribbon, click Publish, and then select XBRL.

3. Enter a file name, and select a destination, and then click Save to save the
published files.

Chapter 3
Publishing XBRL and SEC EDGAR output

The output file is a compressed file that contains all the XBRL report
files. It is saved with a .DMR (Disclosure Management Report) file

After the processing is complete, the instance document will be opened in the
Preview window.
In the Preview window, you can view the list of files by navigating to Reports

4. To publish to SEC EDGAR HTML, on the Disclosure Management ribbon, click

Publish, and then select EDGAR HTML.

Chapter 3
Publishing XBRL and SEC EDGAR output

5. Enter a file name, and select a destination, and then click Save to save the
published files.
After the processing is complete, the instance document will be opened in the
Preview window.

Working with Master Documents and
Related Topics
• Creating and Managing Disclosure Management Reports
• Creating a Master Document in Disclosure Management
• Uploading the Disclosure Management Report
• Opening a Master Document in Disclosure Management
• Adding doclets to the Master Document in Disclosure Management
• About Master Documents
• Navigating Documents in Explorer
• Adding Doclets
• Rearranging Doclets
• Creating a Standalone Report of a Doclet
• Hiding a Doclet Display in a Master Document
• Removing Doclets
• Using Microsoft Word Track Changes and Doclets
• Migration of Disclosure Management Report

Creating and Managing Disclosure Management Reports

This topic provides an overview of how to create and manage Disclosure Management
Reports in Narrative Reporting. It is not intended as a step-by-step guide, but rather as
a general description of the task flow.
To create and manage Disclosure Management Reports in Narrative Reporting:
• Creating a Master Document in Disclosure Management
• Uploading the Disclosure Management Report
• Opening a Master Document in Disclosure Management
• Adding doclets to the Master Document in Disclosure Management
• Navigating Documents in Explorer
• Navigating the Mapping Tool
• Performing Administrative Tasks
Watch this overview video to create and manage the Disclosure Management reports.

- Creating Disclosure Management Reports in Narrative Reporting Cloud Video.

Chapter 4
Creating and Managing Disclosure Management Reports

Tasks Perform These Sub Tasks For More Information

Creating a Master • In Microsoft Office, open a word Creating a Master
Document in Disclosure document to be used as a master Document in Disclosure
Management document. Management
• Save the master document locally.

that the
and styles
within the

Creating a Disclosure • Create a new folder in Narrative Uploading the

Management Report in Reporting Library Disclosure Management
Narrative Reporting Web • Create a Disclosure Management Report
Interface. report
• Upload the locally created master
document in the Narrative
Reporting Web Interface
Opening a Master • Open the Disclosure Management Opening a Master
Document in Disclosure report in Smart View Microsoft Document in Disclosure
Management Office Management
• In the Smart View Panel, newly
created library folder is made
available to the Disclosure
Management users
• Expand the folder structure, and
view the master document that is
available for both Disclosure
Management and Narrative
Reporting Web users
Adding doclets to the Using Disclosure Management Report Adding Doclets
Master Document in Manager you can edit and add doclets
Disclosure Management to the master document
Viewing and Managing the Using Explorer you can view and open Navigating Documents
Master Document in the master document and doclets in Explorer
Disclosure Management
Mapping the facts or data Using Mapping Tool you can map the Navigating the Mapping
to the Master Document in fact values in your doclets to the Tool
Disclosure Management taxonomy concepts
Provision the user access Using provisioning or Access Control Performing
roles to the Master Lists (ACLs) you can grant access to Administrative Tasks
Document in Disclosure master documents and doclets

Chapter 4
Creating and Managing Disclosure Management Reports

Creating a Master Document in Disclosure Management

For creating a master document, you can open a blank document in Microsoft Word,
and save it as a master document. Later, using Narrative Reporting Web Interface,
you can update the Disclosure Management report to the current Period or Year.
1. Using Microsoft Office, open a blank word document that you want to use it as a
master document.
2. On the File menu, click Save.
3. Enter a file name, and then click Save. The master document is saved locally.

Ensure that the master document contains required fonts, page layout,
and styles within the document.

After creating or importing the Disclosure Management Master
Document Report (Rolling Forward report in EPRCS), you can rename
the master document.
In Narrative Reporting Web User Interface, click on the Disclosure
Management report, select the menu in the upper right corner of the
Library, and then select Rename.
In the Rename dialog, you can rename the newly imported Disclosure
Management Master Document Report to a unique file name, and then
click OK.

Uploading the Disclosure Management Report

Using Narrative Reporting web, you can upload the Disclosure Management report
and make it available in the Oracle Smart View for Office Interface.
To upload the Disclosure Management Report:

1. On the Home page, select icon.

2. Click , and select Folder to add folder to the library.

3. From the Content Pane, click , and then select Disclosure Management
Report to store artifacts.

Chapter 4
About Master Documents

4. Click Choose File and select a file, and then click OK to upload the locally created
master document in the Narrative Reporting Web Interface and make it available
in the Smart View Interface.

Opening a Master Document in Disclosure Management

To open a master document or Disclosure Management report:
1. Connect to the Narrative Reporting in Oracle Smart View for Office. See
Connecting to Narrative Reporting in Smart View
2. In Smart View panel, navigate to newly created library folder that is made available
to the Disclosure Management users.
3. Expand the folder structure, and view the master document that is made available
for both Disclosure Management and Narrative Reporting Web users.
4. Open the Disclosure Management report in Smart View.

Adding doclets to the Master Document in Disclosure Management

To add doclets to the Master Document in Disclosure Management:
1. Open the Disclosure Management report in Oracle Smart View for Office. See
Connecting to Narrative Reporting in Smart View.
2. In the Master Document, place the cursor where you want to embed the doclet
3. From the Disclosure Management ribbon, click Manage.

You must ensure that the Master Document is not read-only content.

4. In the Disclosure Management Report Manager panel, click Edit, and then click
5. Select the doclet that you want to embed in the master document, and click Open.
6. In Disclosure Management Report Manager, click Done.

About Master Documents

A master document is a container file for subdocuments called doclets. Any registered
Microsoft Word document may be used as a master document. A Disclosure
Management document becomes a master document when at least one doclet is
inserted into it.
A doclet is a separate Microsoft Word or Excel file that includes selected data that you
want to include in the Master Document. A doclet enables you to split work on complex
reports by parts and later assemble the entire report from those parts. It also enables
you to separate logically independent pieces of a report and work on them in an
isolated manner increasing accuracy and efficiency.
When a report is saved as a Master Document, and a doclet is added to it, Disclosure
Management saves the corresponding Microsoft Word or Excel file in the subfolders in

Chapter 4
Navigating Documents in Explorer

which the Master Document and doclet reside. Disclosure Management also creates a
"published" folder in which the doclets are also saved. Although the Master Document
and doclets need not reside in the same folder, after they are added to a Master
Document, they should not be moved or deleted. Additionally, the XML files created by
Disclosure Management should not be modified directly.
Disclosure Management enables you to leverage your last report as the starting point
for you next report by using master documents. With a master document in Microsoft
Word, an administrator can easily copy the last report, embed Microsoft Word and
Excel sections into the document, rename it, and update the report view to the current
Period or Year.

Navigating Documents in Explorer

When you open a Disclosure Management document from Oracle Smart View for
Office, it opens in Explorer. From Explorer, you can open or download documents.
You can also see previous versions of a document.

Administrators can also provide access privileges to artifacts in Explorer. See
Granting Access to Master Documents and Doclets.

Opening and Checking Out a Document

After you open a document, you can then check it out, provided that no other user has
checked it out at the time. Once a document is checked out, you can create the next
version of that document. While you are working on a checked out document, other
users can only view all changes being made to the document except mappings, which
can be viewed after the document is checked in. When you check in the document, it
is saved to the Explorer. A read-only version is also saved in Explorer.

For non-Colombian taxonomy, this use case is valid.

To open and check out a document:

1. Open the Disclosure Management report in Smart View Microsoft Office. See
Connecting to Narrative Reporting in Smart View.

2. From the Disclosure Management ribbon, click .

3. In Explorer, select a document, and then double-click or click .

Chapter 4
Navigating Documents in Explorer

A document that is checked out by another user shows a "checked out"

. When you hover over the button, the user who has the documents
checked out is displayed.

The opened document is displayed in the Disclosure Management page, and the
Explorer window is closed.
4. In the ribbon, select Check Out.
After checking out and modifying a document, select Check In to save your changes
and check the document back in, or select Undo Checkout to discard your changes
and check the document back in. When you check a document back in, you can enter
a comment that you want to display for that version.

If you check in a document with one version of Microsoft Word (for example,
Word 2007) and then check it out with a different version (for example, Word
2010), the document will be opened in Read-Only mode. To correct this, in
Word open the Options panel, and in the General tab, navigate to Start Up
Options. Deselect Open email attachments and other uneditable files in
reading view. Then, click OK to save the change.

Downloading a Document from Explorer

You can download any file type from Explorer to your computer.
To download a document:
1. Open the Disclosure Management report in Smart View Microsoft Office. See
Connecting to Narrative Reporting in Smart View.

2. From the Disclosure Management ribbon, click .

3. Select a document, and then click . The Save As dialog is displayed.

4. Navigate to the location where you want to download the document, and then click

Chapter 4
Adding Doclets

Viewing Previous Versions of a Document

When a user changes and saves a master document or doclet to Explorer , a snapshot
of the document is saved. The snapshot of the document shows a detailed mapping
review with links to the mapping location in the document.
To view previous versions of a document:
1. Open the Disclosure Management report in Smart View Microsoft Office. See
Connecting to Narrative Reporting in Smart View.

2. From the Disclosure Management ribbon, click .

3. Select Properties, and then select the Versions tab.
The versions are displayed and are numbered consecutively, with the latest
version displayed on top. Each document is associated with a Revision number,
Comment, Modified by, and Revision Date.
4. To view a version, select it, and then from the Actions menu, select Open
The document is displayed in read-only mode.

Comparing Changes in Documents

You can compare the changes between a current document against a versioned
document in read only mode.
To compare changes in Documents:
1. Open the Disclosure Management report in Smart View Microsoft Office. See
Connecting to Narrative Reporting in Smart View.

2. From the Disclosure Management ribbon, click .

3. Select a doclet to compare from a previous version to the current version.
4. Go to the Properties tab and select the version of the doclet to open.
5. Open the document that you need to compare.
6. Click Compare on the ribbon.
7. The version that is opened will be compared to the most current version of the

Adding Doclets
Doclets can contain content from multiple sources, either by manual entry data or
function grids. Data in doclets can be mapped in the same way as a regular report.
When you add a doclet to a master document, the list of units and contexts is merged.
As a result, all contexts and units are available for both the Master Document and any
doclet. The doclet is a static file; however, each time the doclet is opened and
modified, (for example, a mapping is performed) and then saved, closed, and
refreshed in the Report Manager, the doclet is regenerated in the Master Document.
You can map the data in doclets before or after they are added to the Master

Chapter 4
Adding Doclets

Adding a doclet can be done in two ways. You can copy a Microsoft Word or Excel
document as a doclet, or use an existing (already registered), standalone Disclosure
Management document (without doclets). In the first case, the copied document is
created in the <MasterDocName>_doclets directory, which resides in the same
directory where the Master Document is saved. The original document remains intact.
In the second case, the Disclosure Management document may have associated
taxonomy, mappings, context, units and so on. As in the first case, the physical
document is copied to the same directory as the Master Document. All mappings are
retained for the newly created copy documents. Any sets of contexts and units defined
in Master Documents and in the doclet are merged. If the newly added doclet and
Master Document have different associated taxonomies, the “Change taxonomy”
procedure is applied to the doclet.

A best practice for including the function grids in the Master Document is to
include the function grids in their respective doclets, and then bring the
doclets into the Master Document instead of inserting the function grids

To add a doclet to the Master Document:

1. Open the Disclosure Management report in Narrative Reporting Web User
2. With the Master Document open, position your cursor in the document where you
want to embed the doclet content.

3. In the Disclosure Management ribbon, select .

4. In the Disclosure Management Report Manager panel, click , and then click

to display the Open dialog box.

5. Navigate to and highlight the doclet that you want to insert, and then click Open.
6. In Report Manager, click Done. The doclet content is embedded into the Master
Document as read-only content.
To map data in the doclet:
1. Open the Disclosure Management report in Smart View. See Connecting to
Narrative Reporting in Smart View.
2. Open the Master Document.
3. In the Disclosure Management ribbon, select Manage to open the Disclosure
Management Report Manager.
4. In Disclosure Management Report Manager, select a doclet.
and, on the shortcut menu, click Open to display the doclet in the main window.
5. In the shortcut menu, click Open.

Chapter 4
Rearranging Doclets

6. In the doclet, select a data point, and then perform mappings.

7. Select a data point and perform any mappings.

8. Save and close the doclet.

9. In the Switch To drop-down ( ), select the Disclosure Management Report

10. Navigate to the Master Document, and then expand the doclet list associated with
the Master Document.

11. Select the doclet, and then click .

Watch this overview video: Mapping Disclosure Management Reports in Narrative
Reporting Cloud.

Mapping Disclosure Management Reports in Narrative Reporting Cloud.

Rearranging Doclets
You can move the position of the doclets in a Master Document.
To reposition a doclet:
1. Open the Disclosure Management report in Smart View. See Connecting to
Narrative Reporting in Smart View
2. Open a Master Document containing doclets in Disclosure Management.
3. In the Disclosure Management ribbon, select Manage.

Chapter 4
Creating a Standalone Report of a Doclet

4. In Disclosure Management Report Manager, select the doclet that you want to

reposition, and then click .

5. To reposition the doclet, click to either Move Up or Move Down.

6. After changing the location, click Done to accept the change.
The Master Document shows the new location of the doclet.

Creating a Standalone Report of a Doclet

You can create a copy of a doclet as a new standalone report by saving it as a report.
After saving it as a standalone report, you can insert it into another Master Document.
A doclet saved as a standalone report retains the XBRL mappings, contexts, units,
footnotes, tuple groups, and any variables whose source information comes from the
doclet or from a static value. The doclet retains the report properties of the Master

You can insert a doclet into another Master Document without first creating a
standalone report.

To create a standalone report of a doclet:

1. Open the Disclosure Management report in Smart View Microsoft Office. See
Connecting to Narrative Reporting in Smart View
2. Open a Master Document in Disclosure Management.
3. In the Disclosure Management ribbon, select Manage.
4. In Disclosure Management Report Manager, highlight the doclet that you want
to use as a standalone report, then select Actions, and then select Save as

Hiding a Doclet Display in a Master Document

You can hide the display content of a doclet in a Master Document and from
generated output. When you hide the content of a doclet, the XBRL mappings are
preserved and are included in the generated XBRL instance.
To hide a doclet display in a Master Document:
1. Open the Disclosure Management report in Smart View. See Connecting to
Narrative Reporting in Smart View
2. Open a Master Document in Disclosure Management.
3. In the Disclosure Management ribbon, select Manage.
4. In the Disclosure Management Report Manager, highlight the doclet, then select
Actions, and then select Hide.

Chapter 4
Removing Doclets

When selected, the Hide option changes to Unhide. Use the Unhide
option to re-display the doclet.

Removing Doclets
You can remove a doclet from a Master Document.

Removing the doclet deletes the file and associated mappings, making the
doclet unavailable and requiring the doclet to be remapped. To remove the
doclet but preserve the file, use Save As Report option.

To remove a doclet:
1. With the Master Document open, from the Disclosure Management ribbon, select

2. In the Disclosure Management Report Manager, select the doclet , then click

, and then click .

Using Microsoft Word Track Changes and Doclets

Track Changes in Microsoft Word can cause issues during the generation of an
instance document and validation. If the track changes feature is turned on in a Word
doclet, then the Master Document imports all the Markup that is embedded in the
During the validation and instance generation routines, this markup can be an issue.
For example, if the 2 in the mapped value 123 is replaced by 4 then the value is 143,
the number with the change markup appears as 1423 in the instance document and is
validated accordingly.
To avoid this behavior, select one of the following solutions:
1. On the Microsoft Word ribbon, disable Track Changes by selecting the Accept All
Changes option and turning off the Track Changes option on the Review tab. This
allows you to commit all changes and remove the markup permanently from the
Microsoft Word doclet.
2. Before generating an instance document or performing validation, ensure that
Track Changes is changed from the Final Showing Markup to Final. Only the Final
version should be imported into the Master Document.

Chapter 4
Migration of Disclosure Management Report

Note that the second solution does not prevent the markup from being added to
the Master Document, but it resolves the issues related to instance document
generation and validation.

Migration of Disclosure Management Report

This feature enables you to migrate a Disclosure Management report from an existing
mapping of namespaces to a new target namespaces. Key operations performed
during migration:
• Changes taxonomy associations in the report and updates the corresponding
XBRL mappings properties.
• Identifies and migrates the report mappings by namespace, allowing users to
specify new target namespaces as needed. Any changes in the referenced
taxonomies are reflected in the migration process.
To migrate a document:
1. Connect to the Disclosure Management server.
2. From the Disclosure Management ribbon, select the Migration icon -

3. The Migration Report Wizard is launched. Click Next.

4. In Select Taxonomy, the list of registered taxonomies are displayed, select the
required taxonomy for migration, and click Next.
5. The Retrieving Taxonomies Data screen is displayed while it collects source and
target taxonomies from the server. When completed, click Next to display the
Migration Rules (namespaces) screen.
6. The Source Namespace column displays a list of all existing mappings within the
original report (Master Document and doclets combined). Corresponding to each
Source Namespace in the list, the Target Namespace column displays
namespaces where you can select, confirm, or override a namespace - one target
namespace per source namespace.
7. You must finalize a choice corresponding to each source namespace. If no default
namespaces are available among the Target Namespace list or if you want to
change the namespace, then click

to select a namespace from the Select target taxonomy namespace window, and
then click OK.
8. After selecting all the target namespaces, click Next to display the Processing

Concept mismatches can be reviewed in the Disclosure Management
Mapping Tool.

9. Once the process is complete, the Disclosure Management Report Migration is

Completed screen is displayed, and click Finish.

Chapter 4
Migration of Disclosure Management Report

When a user changes a taxonomy in a Disclosure Management document,
the existing XBRL concept mappings are retained in the Mapping Repository.
When a concept belonging to a mapping does not exist in the new taxonomy,
but continues to reference data in the document, it is considered

Working With Taxonomy Manager
Taxonomy Manager enables you to register and manage both open and closed
taxonomies. Capabilities include registering a new taxonomy, editing existing
taxonomies, managing taxonomy properties, as well as upload, download and delete
options. Taxonomy Manager is accessible from the Disclosure Management ribbon
bar and is enabled once you have successfully logged on.
Key features of Taxonomy Management:
• Uploading and registering new taxonomies.
• Setting and modifying properties
• Deleting existing taxonomies
• Updating an existing taxonomy registration
• Viewing registered taxonomies
• Refreshing the taxonomy list
• Downloading an existing taxonomy
Watch this overview video: How to register XBRL Taxonomies in Narrative Reporting
Cloud Disclosure Management.

Registering XBRL Taxonomies in Narrative Reporting Cloud Disclosure

Management Video.

Uploading and Registering New Taxonomies

To upload and register a new taxonomy:

1. On the Disclosure Management ribbon, select

. A tree view of currently registered taxonomies is displayed.

2. On the Taxonomy Manager dialog, select . The New Taxonomy

Registration dialog is displayed.

Chapter 5

3. Add the following information by clicking on the field names

• Taxonomy Upload (.zip archive)—Click the Browse button to select the new
taxonomy version to upload from your local machine. The taxonomy fills in the
File Name and File Size information for your review.
• Entry Point—Click on Entry Point and enter the XBRL file folder and entry
point of the taxonomy in the zip file. For example: orcl-20160531.xsd

The Taxonomy Entry Point is case-sensitive.

• Folder Name—Enter the folder name.

• Taxonomy Name—Enter the label associated with the entry point.

Taxonomy Name registration is limited to English characters only.

To set or modify additional (optional) properties

1. Click . The Add Properties pop-up is displayed.

Chapter 5

2. Select All or the individual properties and click OK. The property labels are added
to the New Taxonomy Registration dialog.
3. Add the property values.

To delete a Taxonomy Registration property, select the property and
click .

4. Click Save to upload and save the new taxonomy registration.

Updating Existing Taxonomy Registration

Updating a taxonomy:

1. On the Disclosure Management ribbon, select . The Taxonomy

Manager page displays the current taxonomy list registered with Disclosure

2. Select the taxonomy you wish to update, and click . The Update Taxonomy
Registration dialog is displayed where you can upload an updated copy of the
taxonomy and/or edit properties.

Chapter 5

3. To update taxonomy files, add or edit the following information by clicking on the
field names, and then entering the values.
• Taxonomy Upload (.zip archive)—Click the Browse button to select the new
taxonomy version to upload from your local machine. The taxonomy fills in the
File Name and File Size information for your review.
• Entry Point—Enter the entry point of the taxonomy in the zip file. For
example: orcl-20160531.xsd.
• Taxonomy Name—Enter the label associated with the entry point.
• Folder Name—Enter the folder name.
To set or modify additional (optional) properties:

1. Click . The Add Properties pop-up is displayed.

Chapter 5

2. Select All or individual properties and click OK. The property labels are added to
the Update Taxonomy Registration dialog.
3. Add the property values.

To delete a Taxonomy Registration property, select the property and
click .

4. Click Save to upload and save the updated taxonomy registration.

Deleting Existing Taxonomies

You can delete existing taxonomies from the Taxonomy Manager.
To delete an existing taxonomy:

1. On the Disclosure Management ribbon, select . The Taxonomy

Manager page displays the current taxonomy list registered with Disclosure

2. Select a taxonomy root node, and then click . A challenge dialog indicates that
the selected taxonomy will be deleted from the server: "Are you sure you want to
delete the taxonomy registration? Performing this operation will unload this
taxonomy from the server. It is recommended that no other users be logged in and
using the same taxonomy."
3. Select Yes. The system will delete the taxonomy from the server.

Viewing Registered Taxonomies

You can view the taxonomies are currently registered in the taxonomy cache.
To view registered taxonomies:

1. On the Disclosure Management ribbon, select .

2. Click .

Refreshing the Taxonomy List View

You can refresh the taxonomy list view in Disclosure Management by selecting

, and then clicking on the Taxonomy Manager pane.

Chapter 5

Downloading an Existing Taxonomy

If you need to make updates to an existing taxonomy, you can download the taxonomy
to your computer.
To download an existing taxonomy:

1. On the Disclosure Management ribbon, select .

2. Select a taxonomy, and then click . The File Download dialog is displayed:

Depending on your browser security settings, you may have to verify that
you want to download the file.

3. Click Save to start the download process. The File Open dialog is displayed where
you can select a location to save the taxonomy archive.
4. Select a location and click Save.

Unload Active Taxonomy

Click to unload a currently active taxonomy from the taxonomy cache.

Working with Taxonomy Designer
Taxonomy Designer enables you to extend your SEC-based taxonomy by either
creating an extension taxonomy by using a wizard in Microsoft-Excel, or by importing
an existing taxonomy in an easy-to-use, Excel-based template, and then modifying it
by adding, updating, and moving elements to conform to your document creation.

Designing a Taxonomy for the SEC Jurisdiction

To begin working with Taxonomy Designer, save a blank Word document as a
Disclosure Management document in the EPRCS Library. Open a blank Word
document, and connect to the Narrative Reporting in Oracle Smart View for Office, and
then locate the newly saved Disclosure Management document and folder in the
EPRCS Library.
Taxonomy Designer Templates must be attached to a Master Document.
Follow these steps to create and manage the Disclosure Management reports:
• Creating a Master Document in Disclosure Management
• Uploading the Disclosure Management Report
• Opening a Master Document in Disclosure Management
Watch this overview video to create and manage the Disclosure Management reports.

- Creating Disclosure Management Reports in Narrative Reporting Cloud Video.

To create a new Taxonomy for the SEC Jurisdiction:

1. On the Disclosure Management ribbon, select .

The New Taxonomy dialog is displayed.

Chapter 6
Designing a Taxonomy for the SEC Jurisdiction

2. Click Next.
The Setup Taxonomy properties dialog is displayed.

3. Enter the following taxonomy properties by clicking on the field names:

• In Base Taxonomy, select the Base Taxonomy from the drop-down list. The
list of all registered taxonomies that belong to a Jurisdiction such as: US
GAAP, and IFRS reporting taxonomies.

Chapter 6
Designing a Taxonomy for the SEC Jurisdiction

• In Taxonomy Date, click

to enter the date. Note: You must provide a valid date.

• In Ticker or Prefix (stock symbol), enter a valid prefix that is acceptable to the
• In Authority Info, enter a valid value. The Authority property value is a
Namespace Identifier with the combination of Taxonomy Date and Authority
4. Click Reference Taxonomies. Select the individual properties, and then click OK.
The selected list of property labels are added to the New Taxonomy Registration.
By default, DEI Reference Taxonomy is included in the selected list.

If you are creating a new US GAAP based Taxonomy, then you must
select COUNTRY 2017 Reference taxonomy, thus you can avoid
validation errors.

You must select either US GAAP 2019 or US GAAP 2018. If you select
both the US GAAP Reference Taxonomies, then you may get validation

5. Click Extended Networks. Select All or the individual properties, and then click
The list of all property labels added to the New Taxonomy Registration dialog.

Chapter 6
Designing a Taxonomy for the SEC Jurisdiction

6. Click Next in the Setup Taxonomy wizard.

7. Click Finish to complete the taxonomy registration.

Chapter 6
Designing a Taxonomy for Global Jurisdiction

Designing a Taxonomy for Global Jurisdiction

To begin working with Taxonomy Designer, save a blank Word document as a
Disclosure Management document in the EPRCS Library. Open a blank Word
document, and connect to the Narrative Reporting in Oracle Smart View for Office, and
then locate the newly saved Disclosure Management document and folder in the
EPRCS Library.
Taxonomy Designer Templates must be attached to a Master Document.

The European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) regulatory, which
is in-charge of maintaining European Single Electronic Format (ESEF)

Follow these steps to create and manage the Disclosure Management reports:
• Creating a Master Document in Disclosure Management
• Uploading the Disclosure Management Report
• Opening a Master Document in Disclosure Management
Watch this overview video to create and manage the Disclosure Management reports.

- Creating Disclosure Management Reports in Narrative Reporting Cloud Video.

To create a new Taxonomy for Non-SEC Jurisdiction:

1. On the Disclosure Management ribbon, select .

The New Taxonomy dialog is displayed.

Chapter 6
Designing a Taxonomy for Global Jurisdiction

2. Click Next.
The Setup Taxonomy properties dialog is displayed.

3. Enter the following taxonomy properties by clicking on the field names:

• In Base Taxonomy, select the Base Taxonomy from the drop-down list. The
list of all registered taxonomies that belong to Non-SEC Jurisdiction such as:
CIPC Reporting taxonomies.

Chapter 6
Designing a Taxonomy for Global Jurisdiction

• In Taxonomy Date, click

to enter the date. Note: You must provide a valid date.

• In Ticker or Prefix, enter a valid prefix that is acceptable to the Non-SEC.
• In Authority Info, enter a valid value. The Authority property value is a
Namespace Identifier with the combination of Taxonomy Date and Authority
4. Click Entry Points. Select an entry point, and then click OK.
The CIPC taxonomy exposes the following 16 entry points:
Each CIPC entry point is a different reporting scenario. You must select an
appropriate entry point to use when creating an extension taxonomy based on a
CPIC entry point.

Chapter 6
Designing a Taxonomy for Global Jurisdiction

5. Click Reference Taxonomies. Select the required Reference taxonomies, and

then click OK.
The selected list of property labels are added to the New Taxonomy Registration.

If you are creating a new CIPC based Taxonomy, then you must select
the required Reference taxonomies.
You can select the column header checkbox to include all reference
taxonomies in the extension taxonomy.

6. Click Extended Networks. Select All or the individual properties, and then click

Chapter 6
Designing a Taxonomy for Global Jurisdiction

The list of all property labels added to the New Taxonomy Registration dialog.

7. Click Next in the Setup Taxonomy wizard.

8. Click Finish to complete the taxonomy registration.

Chapter 6
Working with an Existing Taxonomy

Working with an Existing Taxonomy

You can import an existing taxonomy and then modify it to conform to your document

Importing a Taxonomy into Taxonomy Designer

To begin working with Taxonomy Designer, you must first import a taxonomy to use as
a template.

A user must have a Report Administrator Role or Library Administration Role
to be able to import a taxonomy template.

To import a taxonomy:
1. From Smart View, connect to Narrative Reporting (see Connecting to Narrative
Reporting in Smart View
2. Check out your master document.

3. In the Disclosure Management ribbon, click , and then select

The Import Taxonomy wizard is displayed.
4. Click Next.
5. In File Name, click Browse and navigate to your zipped taxonomy.
Optional: Select Perform Taxonomy Validation to validate the taxonomy during
the import process. If any errors are detected during validation, they are displayed
at the end of the import operation.

Chapter 6
Working with an Existing Taxonomy

6. Click Next.
7. Review the properties that were detected by the import program, and then click

The property fields are read-only.

Chapter 6
Working with an Existing Taxonomy

Optional: Click Reference Taxonomies to view a list of reference taxonomies

that were detected by the import program.
8. When the taxonomy has finished importing, click Finish.
After the taxonomy has been imported, you can view it in the Report Manager. The
template taxonomy is always the first item in the list of report doclets, and it cannot be
sorted out of this position.

Extending an SEC-based Taxonomy

After you import your template taxonomy, you can extend it by adding networks, line
items, and dimensional elements. You can add elements that are already defined,
such as a GAAP taxonomy member, or you can create new elements.
To illustrate extending a taxonomy, let's add a network and its associated XBRL
elements to a taxonomy using Taxonomy Designer.

Adding a Network
1. Connect to your Disclosure Management instance in Smart View, and check out
your template taxonomy.
2. In Microsoft Excel, right-click on the bottom worksheet tab where you want to add
the network, and select Add Section.
The Taxonomy Section dialog box is displayed.

Chapter 6
Working with an Existing Taxonomy

3. Enter a name for the taxonomy. In this example, we will enter SUBSEQUENT EVENTS.
4. In Section, select Statement, Disclosure, or Schedule. In this example, we will
select Disclosure.
5. Under Disclosure, select a level for each section that you want to add. In this
example, we will select all four levels.
6. Enter names for each network section. In this example, we will enter:
• 10870 - Disclosure - SUBSEQUENT EVENTS
• 20870 - Disclosure - SUBSEQUENT EVENTS (Policies)
• 30870 - Disclosure - SUBSEQUENT EVENTS (Tables)
• 40870 - Disclosure - SUBSEQUENT EVENTS (Details)

The name of each network section must include the type of network
("Statement", "Disclosure", "Document", or "Schedule"). For example, if
you are adding a schedule-type network, the names of each network
section must include the word "Schedule", such as "200100 - Schedule -
Valuation and Qualifying Accounts (Policies)".

Chapter 6
Working with an Existing Taxonomy

7. Click OK to close the Taxonomy Section dialog box.

The network sections are created.

Adding, Renaming, and Removing Sections from a Network

After you have added a network, you can edit it to add, rename, or remove sections
from it.
To edit a section:
1. Right-click the bottom worksheet tab that you want to edit, and select Edit
The section is displayed with checkboxes for all four levels. Levels that you have
selected are checked, and levels that you did not select are unchecked. In the
following example, levels 1, 3, and 4 were selected and level 2 was not.

2. Perform an action:
• To add a level that was not previously enabled, select the check box next to
the level and then enter a name for the level. The name of each network
section must include the type of network.

Chapter 6
Working with an Existing Taxonomy

• To remove a level that was previously enabled, de-select the check box next
to the level.
• To rename a level, edit the name of that level. The name of each network
section must include the type of network.
3. Click OK. The worksheet is updated with your changes.
Next, we add XBRL elements, such as abstracts or text blocks, to each section. You
can add elements that already exist in the taxonomy, or you can add extended

Adding an Existing XBRL Element to a Taxonomy

To add an existing element:
1. In the cell where you want to add an element, right-click and select Add Item.

The Manage Item dialog box is displayed.

2. Search for an existing element by entering the element name and clicking . In
this example, we will search for Subsequent Event, and then add the Abstract

3. Click OK.
The Taxonomy Element Search dialog box is closed, and the Manage Item dialog
box is displayed with the element that you selected.

Chapter 6
Working with an Existing Taxonomy

The fields for GAAP elements are read-only. If you want to change the
value of one of the fields, you must add a new extended element. See
Adding an Extended XBRL Element to a Taxonomy

4. Click OK.
The element is added to the section.

Chapter 6
Working with an Existing Taxonomy

Adding an Extended XBRL Element to a Taxonomy

An extended XBRL element is one that does not already exist in the taxonomy.
To add an extended XBRL element:
1. In the cell where you want to add an element, right-click and select Add Item.

The Manage Item dialog box is displayed.

2. In the Manage Item dialog box, select New Element.
3. In the Name field, enter a name for the element. In this example, we will enter
4. Select the Element Type from the following list:
• Abstract
• Axis
• Domain
• Line Item
• Line Items
• Member
• Table
In this example, we will select Domain.
5. Select the Data Type. In this example, we will select Domain.
6. For Period Type, select As Of or For Period. In this example, we will select For
7. For Balance Type, select Credit or Debit (if applicable).
8. For Negating select Yes.
9. For Group, select from the following:
• Item

Chapter 6
Working with an Existing Taxonomy

• Tuple
• Dimension
• Hypercube
In this example, we will select Item.

10. Click next to Labels to create a label for the member. The label
controls how the member will appear in the report.
Enter the label Text, Type, and Language, then select if the label is Preferred,
and then click Add.
11. Click OK.

12. Click OK to add the extended element to your taxonomy.

Chapter 6
Working with an Existing Taxonomy

The element name should be as per W3C standards, and should not contain any
space in between and avoid special character. If you create an element name that
are not as per W3C standards, then Taxonomy Designer will prompt you an error
message: "Element name is not XML valid. Would you like to make the name

Chapter 6
Working with an Existing Taxonomy

If you click Yes, then Taxonomy Designer attempts to convert them into W3C
standards by removing space and special characters.

Chapter 6
Working with an Existing Taxonomy

If you click No, then an exclamation point icon is displayed next to the element
name field.

Chapter 6
Working with an Existing Taxonomy

Example: Building a Hypercube in a Taxonomy

The following example will demonstrate how to add the elements necessary to build a
hypercube, including dimensions, domains, members, and an axis. It also includes
moving elements within a taxonomy.
1. In the cell where you want to add an element, right-click and select Add Item.

2. In the Taxonomy Element Search dialog box, enter the name of the element that

you want to add, and click . In this example, we will search for Subsequent
Event, and then add the Table element.

Chapter 6
Working with an Existing Taxonomy

3. Click OK to add the table element to the taxonomy.

4. Right-click the Table element in the taxonomy and select Add Item.
5. Search for Subsequent Event, and add the Line Items element.
Notice how the elements are indented correctly under each other.

6. Right-click Line Items, and select Add Item.

7. Search for Subsequent Event, and add a line item element. In this example, we
will add the Effect of Change in Tax Status element.
8. Next, add the axis element. Right-click the Table element, and select Add Item.
9. Search for Subsequent Event, and add the Axis element.
10. Right-click the Axis element and select Move Down to position it after the line
item element.

Chapter 6
Working with an Existing Taxonomy

Use Move Up and Move Down to position elements vertically within the
taxonomy. Use Move In and Move Out to increase or decrease the
indent of an element. If you move an element in or out, all of the
elements underneath that element are moved in or out as well. This
enables you to move entire branches with one action, instead of moving
one element at a time.

11. Next, add the default domain to the axis. Right-click the Axis element, and select
Add Item.
12. Search for Subsequent Event, and add the Domain element.

13. Finally, add a domain member to the domain. Right-click the Domain element,
and select Add Item.
14. Search for Subsequent Event, and add the Member element.

The completed hypercube should look like this:

Publishing the Updated Taxonomy

After you have finished modifying your taxonomy, check it back in and then click
Publish to publish it so that it can be associated with a master document. To
automatically register the taxonomy, in the Publish Taxonomy dialog box, enter the
folder and taxonomy name and click OK. If you do not want to register the taxonomy
automatically, deselect the Automatically Register check box. You can register the

Chapter 6
Working with an Existing Taxonomy

taxonomy manually by using Taxonomy Manager. See Working With Taxonomy


After you publish the taxonomy, use the mapping tool to associate it with a master
document. See About XBRL Taxonomy Concepts.

If the taxonomy template was already associated with a master document,
click in the mapping tool to update the master document with the new
version of your taxonomy template.

Extending a Global Jurisdiction Taxonomy

For creating a Non-SEC jurisdictions taxonomy, Companies and Intellectual
Property Commission (CIPC) embraces international best practices and the impact
of the use of XBRL when submitting Annual Financial Statements (AFS) online and in
improving efficiencies.
XBRL will make it easier for companies to report their financial information in an
electronic format.
After you import your template taxonomy, you can extend it by adding networks, line
items, and dimensional elements. You can add elements that are already defined,
such as a CIPC taxonomy member, or you can create new elements.
To illustrate extending a taxonomy, you need to add a network and its associated
XBRL elements to a taxonomy using Taxonomy Designer.

Adding a New Statement

1. Connect to your Disclosure Management instance in Smart View, and check out
your template taxonomy.

Chapter 6
Working with an Existing Taxonomy

2. In Microsoft Excel, right-click on the bottom worksheet tab where you want to add
the network, and select Add Section.
The Taxonomy Section dialog box is displayed.

3. Enter a name for the taxonomy. In this example, we will enter NewSection.
4. In Section, type of network is Statement by default.
5. Under Statement, select Line Items for each section that you want to add. In this
example, we will select a new line item.
6. Enter name for each network section. In this example, we will enter: [000.999]

Chapter 6
Working with an Existing Taxonomy

For creating extensions in Non-SEC jurisdictions, you can only add
Statement sections to the Taxonomy with a Line Items as sub section.
In this example, the section is NewSection and Statement section is
selected by default. The Statement section with a single Line Items.
You can provide the section name as [000.999] NewSection

7. Click OK to close the Taxonomy Section dialog box.

The network NewSection is added as the last section.

Renaming, and Removing Sections from a Network

After you have added a network, you can edit it to add, rename, or remove sections
from it.
To edit a section:
1. Right-click the bottom worksheet tab that you want to edit, and select Edit
The section is displayed with checkbox for a line items.

2. You can rename a line items, edit the name of that Line Items. The statement
name for that network section will be changed.
3. Click OK. The worksheet is updated with your changes.
Next, we add XBRL elements, such as abstracts or text blocks, to each statement.
You can add elements that already exist in the taxonomy, or you can add extended
To delete a section:
1. Right-click the bottom worksheet tab that you want to delete, and select Delete

Chapter 6
Working with an Existing Taxonomy

2. A warning message is displayed, whether you need to delete the section. Click

Adding an Existing XBRL Element to a Non-SEC Taxonomy

To add an existing element:
1. In the cell where you want to add an element, right-click and select Add Item.

Chapter 6
Working with an Existing Taxonomy

The Manage Item dialog box is displayed.

Chapter 6
Working with an Existing Taxonomy

2. Search for an existing element by entering the element name and clicking .
In this example, we will search for Asset.
• In the Taxonomy Element Search dialog, search for Asset, select Advanced,
and in Types select Text Block, and then select Base Taxonomy.

• Click

Chapter 6
Working with an Existing Taxonomy

3. In search result, select the Disclosure of other assets [text block], and then
click OK.
The Taxonomy Element Search dialog box is closed, and the Manage Item dialog
box is displayed with the element that you selected.

Chapter 6
Working with an Existing Taxonomy

The fields of an existing elements are read-only. If you want to change
the value of one of the fields, you must add a new extended element.

4. Click OK.
The element is added to the section.

Chapter 6
Working with an Existing Taxonomy

Adding an New XBRL Element to a Non-SEC Taxonomy

An extended XBRL element is one that does not already exist in the taxonomy.
To add an extended XBRL element:
1. In the cell where you want to add an element, right-click and select Add Item.

The Manage Item dialog box is displayed.

2. In the Manage Item dialog box, select New Element.
3. In the Name field, enter a name for the element. In this example, we will enter
4. Select the Element Type from the following list:
• Abstract
• Axis
• Domain
• Line Item
• Line Items
• Member
• Table
In this example, we will select Line Item.
5. Select the Data Type. In this example, we will select Monetary.
6. For Period Type, select As Of or For Period. In this example, we will select For
7. For Balance Type, select Credit or Debit. In this example, we will select Debit.
8. For Negating is not selected by default. In this example, you cannot select any
9. For Group, select from the following:
• Item

Chapter 6
Working with an Existing Taxonomy

• Tuple
• Dimension
• Hypercube
In this example, we will select Item.

10. Click next to Labels to create a label for the member. The label
controls how the member will appear in the report.
11. Enter the label Text as NewLabel.

12. In Type, select Standard.

13. In Language, English selected by default. Select the required Language from the
drop-down list, and then select if the label is Preferred.
14. Click Add.

15. Click OK.

16. Click OK to add the extended element to your taxonomy.

Chapter 6
Working with an Existing Taxonomy

17. Display the New Element to a Non-SEC Taxonomy

Chapter 6
Working with an Existing Taxonomy

Moving the Line Items in the Statement

To move the line items:
1. Right-click the Line Item element and select Move Down to position it after the
line item element.

2. Select Move Up and Move Down to position elements vertically within the
3. Select Move In and Move Out to increase or decrease the indent of an element.
If you move an element in or out, all of the elements underneath that element are
moved in or out as well. This enables you to move entire branches with one action,
instead of moving one element at a time.

Chapter 6
Working with an Existing Taxonomy

Publishing the Updated Taxonomy

After you have finished modifying your taxonomy, check it back in and then click
Publish to publish it so that it can be associated with a master document. To
automatically register the taxonomy, in the Publish Taxonomy dialog box, enter the
folder and taxonomy name and click OK. If you do not want to register the taxonomy
automatically, deselect the Automatically Register check box. You can register the
taxonomy manually by using Taxonomy Manager. See Working With Taxonomy

After you publish the taxonomy, use the mapping tool to associate it with a master
document. See About XBRL Taxonomy Concepts.

If the taxonomy template was already associated with a master document,
click in the mapping tool to update the master document with the new
version of your taxonomy template.

Editing Custom Calculations in the Template

After you import your template taxonomy, you can edit custom calculations in the
template. You can add contributor elements that are already defined in the
presentation network, or you can create new contributor elements.
Taxonomy Designer has the ability to find calculations from the calculation link base
after being imported into the template. This section describes how to edit the XBRL

Managing Calculations
To manage the custom calculations:

Chapter 6
Working with an Existing Taxonomy

1. Connect to your Disclosure Management instance in Smart View, and check out
your template taxonomy.
2. In Microsoft Excel, right-click on the line item where you want to update, and then
select Update Item.
The Manage Item dialog box is displayed with the element that you selected.

3. Click

next to Calculations to view and update the contributor member. You can re-
arrange the members, so that they will appear in the same order list in the report.
The Manage Calculation dialog box is displayed.

Chapter 6
Working with an Existing Taxonomy

All contributing elements in a calculation expression is analyzed and
validated before loading into the Contributors Data Grid.
All the contributor elements must be within the same network sheet.

4. In Manage Calculation, select a Contributor element from the drop-down menu

that displays the list of contributor elements in the Template sheet presentation
5. Optional: Search for an existing member by entering the Contributor element

name and clicking

In the Taxonomy Element Search dialog box, enter the name of the Contributor

element that you want to add, and click . For example, you can search for
Gross, and then click Search. The search items are displayed in the data grid.

Chapter 6
Working with an Existing Taxonomy

6. Optional: In Taxonomy Element Search dialog, select the required Contributor

element from the data grid, and click OK.
The Taxonomy Element Search dialog box is closed, and the Manage
Calculation dialog box is displayed.
7. In Manage Calculation, enter the Weight details that you want to add to the
calculation, and then click Add. The contributor element is added to the taxonomy
calculation table.

Before adding the contributor element to the table, you must verify the
period type. If the period type does not match, then an error message is

Chapter 6
Working with an Existing Taxonomy


To edit the Contributor element information, click

To delete the Contributor from the data grid, select a Contributor, and
then click .
To move up the Contributor in the data grid, select the Contributor,
and then click
To move down the Contributor in the data grid, select the Contributor,
and then click

8. Click OK.
The Manage Calculation dialog box is closed, and the Manage Item dialog box is
9. In the Manage Item dialog box, click

next to Labels to create a label for the member. The label controls how the
member will appear in the report.
10. Enter the label Text.

11. In Type drop-down list, select Total.

12. In Language drop-down list, select en-US, and select the label as Preferred, and
then click Add.

Chapter 6
Working with an Existing Taxonomy

13. To update the data grid and save the information, click OK in Labels dialog box.

14. To update the calculation in the network sheet, click OK in Manage Item dialog

Adding an Anchoring Element

When you need to create extension concepts to represent line items in the financial
statements because they are not available in the European Single Electronic
Format (ESEF) base taxonomy or they are company specific, it is required that these
additions be "anchored".
Anchoring, as required by European Single Electronic Format (ESEF), links an
extension concept to an appropriate concept in the ESEF taxonomy which can be
either Wider or Narrower in terms of definition. As a result, users that consume
financial data (such as data aggregators) can interpret and compare financial
information that was collected from companies who have extended their taxonomies.
As per Regulatory standards, you need an anchor for creating an extension taxonomy
concepts marking up the IFRS consolidated financial statements: statement of
financial position, statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income,
statement of changes in equity and statement of cash flows.

Before you begin adding an anchoring element, you must ensure that all the
required pre-requisites steps are verified.
The anchoring feature is available for new templates that use ESMA ESEF
base taxonomy.

If you are adding an anchoring element to a taxonomy, then it should satisfy the
following criteria:
1. Should be a base taxonomy element
2. Should not be abstract
3. Should not be dimensional (for example, a hypercube, dimension, member, and so
4. Should be the same period type as extension element (for example, As-of vs
5. Should be the same balance as extension element (for example, credit vs debit)
6. Should have the same data type as extension element (for example, string vs

For the current release, you can add an anchoring element for European
Single Electronic Format (ESEF) Jurisdiction only.

Chapter 6
Working with an Existing Taxonomy

The anchoring steps are creating a relationship between extension and base
Let’s consider an example, where the line item "Share capital and share premium"
does not have a corresponding ESEF taxonomy concept, these concepts are
represented by two different concepts: "Issued capital" and "Share premium". The
extension concept created would be anchored to "Equity" as the closest wider in
accounting meaning ESEF taxonomy concept as per the guidance. It is a combination
of two existing concepts, in the ESEF taxonomy, it needs to be also anchored to each
of the component narrower core taxonomy concepts indicating that it is wider than
them. The extension concept appears as the 'source' of the narrower ESEF taxonomy

If one of the narrower concepts is insignificant, it is not necessary to anchor
to it according to the rules.

For more information, see


Adding an Anchoring Element to a Taxonomy

An anchoring element is one that does not already exist in the taxonomy.
To add an anchoring element:
1. In the cell where you want to add an element, right-click and select Add Item.

Chapter 6
Working with an Existing Taxonomy

The Manage Item dialog box is displayed.

2. In the Manage Item dialog box, select New Element.
3. In the Name field, enter a name for the element. In this example, we will enter
4. Select the Element Type from the following list:
• Abstract
• Axis
• Domain
• Line Item
• Line Items
• Member
• Table
In this example, we will select Line Item.
5. Select the Data Type. In this example, we will select Monetary.
6. For Period Type, select As Of or For Period. In this example, we will select As
7. For Balance Type, select Credit or Debit. In this example, we will select Debit.
8. For Negating is not selected by default. In this example, you cannot select any
9. For Group, select from the following:
• Item
• Tuple
• Dimension
• Hypercube
In this example, we will select Item.

10. Click next to Labels to create a label for the member. The label
controls how the member will appear in the report.
11. Enter the label Text as newLabel.

Chapter 6
Working with an Existing Taxonomy

12. In Type, select Standard.

13. In Language, English selected by default. Select the required Language from the
drop-down list, and then select if the label is Preferred.

14. Click Add.

15. Click OK.

16. Click OK to add the extended element to your taxonomy.

Chapter 6
Working with an Existing Taxonomy

17. In the Manage Item dialog box, under the Anchoring tab, and click

to add an anchoring element.

If anchoring functionality is not detected, it might be because the
Template is older or you might have selected Base Taxonomy element,
and then the corresponding Manage Item dialog box, under the
Anchoring tab is disabled.

Chapter 6
Working with an Existing Taxonomy

18. In the Managing Anchorings dialog, in the Anchoring search for an existing
element by entering the element name, select either Wider or Narrower option,

and then click .

The anchoring type that you select has an impact on both the source and
target of the anchoring relationships:
a. If you select Wider anchoring type, then the source is the base
taxonomy element and the target element is the extension element.
b. If you select Narrower anchoring type, then the source element is
the extension element and the target element is the base taxonomy

In this example, we will search for IssuedCapital.

• In the Taxonomy Element Search dialog, search for IssuedCapital, select
Advanced, and in Types select Monetary, in Period Type select As Of, in
Abstract select No, and then select Base Taxonomy.

You must consider filtering the search to display reporting concepts
of the same Data Type, the same Period Type, and the same
balance, which helps you to reduce the number of elements to
review while selecting an anchoring element.

• Click to display all the search results.

Chapter 6
Working with an Existing Taxonomy

19. In search result, select the IssuedCapital, and then click OK.

20. In the Manage Anchorings dialog, click Add.

21. The Taxonomy Element Search dialog box is closed, and the Manage Item dialog
box is displayed with the element that you selected.

Chapter 6
Working with an Existing Taxonomy

22. Click OK.

The element is added to the section.

Mapping Financial Reports to Taxonomies
Related Topics
• Mapping Overview
• Tagging Indirect Data Sources
• Navigating the Mapping Tool
• About XBRL Taxonomy Concepts
• About XBRL Contexts
• About XBRL Units
• About Footnotes
• About Variables
• About Dimensions
• About Tuples
• Mapping Text Block
• Nested Tags
• Removing Mapped Data and Deleting Disclosure Management Objects
• Reviewing Mappings

Mapping Overview
Working with Data in Financial Statements
Financial statement files are opened in either Microsoft Word or Excel, from a number
of locations such as the local file system or a shared drive. These statements contain
both text and data.

Chapter 7
Mapping Overview

Mapping Financial Reports to Taxonomies

When you create XBRL-encoded financial reports, you correlate each piece of
information from the financial reports to a concept in the taxonomy. This process is
called "mapping".
The Disclosure Management Mapping Tool provides both a mapping button and drag
and drop functionality as mechanisms for mapping XBRL concepts to document data.

Chapter 7
Tagging Indirect Data Sources

If you need to tailor a taxonomy to define concepts which are not defined in a
taxonomy, extend the standard taxonomy using Taxonomy Designer. See
Working with Taxonomy Designer. This enables you to add new concepts,
indicate calculations, rearrange values, or rename labels.

When the process is complete, you review and validate the mapped document, create
the instance document, and submit it to the appropriate regulatory agency.

Tagging Indirect Data Sources

When working with Excel tables, Oracle recommends that you apply XBRL tags to the
Presentation worksheet (sheet1), and then reference (link) them to the appropriate
Oracle Smart View for Office worksheet (sheet2) responsible for the data refresh. This
preserves the formatting, bookmarks and XBRL tags on the Presentation worksheet,
and enables the Smart View grid to get refreshed with current data.
To select multiple source information:
1. Create an Excel doclet as sheet1 and add it to the Master Document.
2. Create the Smart View grid for the data source on sheet2.
3. Reference the cells on sheet one to be tagged on sheet2.
4. Tag the new table.
Disclosure Management extends functionality by storing mapping information on the
server instead of the document. Key features associated with this functionality include:
• Centralized storage of mappings, which contains up-to-date information about the
concepts, contexts, and units referenced in the document. Only fact values are
stored with the document, the loss of concept specific data is minimized.
• Preparing data for instance generation is faster.
• Context and units for facts can be changed independent of the original document.
• You can create facts not associated with the document content (for example, “nil”
• Disclosure Management validates compatibility between the period type of a
concept and the period type of a context at the time of mapping (before instance
generation and validation).
• An organized validation of compatibility is performed between dimensions and
primary items.
• Multiple mappings on the same value are now available.
• A prompt that allows you to choose either one or multiple source for mapping an
XBRL contexts, units, and footnotes can be mapped after the data is in the Office
document, but these maps persist only at the report or document level.

Chapter 7
Navigating the Mapping Tool

Navigating Between Smart View and Disclosure Management

Disclosure Management is an extension of Smart View. You can work with Disclosure
Management components (Report Manager and Mapping Tool) in Smart View by

using the panel's “Switch to” whenever you are connected to Disclosure
To work with Disclosure Management components in Smart View, select Panel

located on the ribbon. In the Smart View panel, select , and then select
Disclosure Management Mapping Tool or Disclosure Management Report
To work with the entire Disclosure Management product, click the Disclosure
Management tab.
To work with the entire Smart View program, click the Smart View tab. See Oracle
Smart View for Office User's Guide

Navigating the Mapping Tool

When you open the Disclosure Management mapping tool in Oracle Smart View for
Office, a tab is displayed for each of the five taxonomy elements, as well as tabs for
Review and Validate:

• Concept—Navigate, search, and select taxonomy concepts for mapping to

financial statement data. See About XBRL Taxonomy Concepts.
• Context—Create, edit, and select XBRL context definitions that provide
information about the business entity, a time frame and other optional details for
an XBRL fact. A context can then be mapped to XBRL facts. See About XBRL
• Unit—Create, edit, and select XBRL unit definitions that define the measure that
numeric data represent. Units can be mapped to XBRL numeric facts. Units
cannot be mapped to nonnumeric data. See About XBRL Units.
• Footnote—Create, edit, and select explanatory textual details about specific data
within the report. See About Footnotes.
• Variable—Create, edit and delete Static and Reference Variables. See About
• Review—Opens a review pane that displays XBRL mappings defined in the
document. See Reviewing Mappings.
• Validate—provides XBRL and EDGAR validation. This allows you to validate your
documents before generation. If an error occurs, a message is displayed in the

Chapter 7
Navigating the Mapping Tool

Validate tab and the location in the document where the error occurs is
highlighted. See Validating with Rules Support.

Depending on the width of the Disclosure Management Mapping Tool, all
seven tabs might not be displayed. By default, only the first four are
displayed. You can navigate between tabs that are not displayed by clicking
on the arrow in the top left or right of the Disclosure Management Mapping
Tool and selecting a tab. The Disclosure Management Mapping Tool can
also be resized to display all tabs.

Watch this overview video: Navigating the Disclosure Management Mapping Tool in
Narrative Reporting Cloud.

Navigating the Disclosure Management Mapping Tool in Narrative Reporting

Cloud Video.

About XBRL Taxonomy Concepts

Use the Concept tab to select a taxonomy, navigate, search, and select taxonomy
concepts for mapping to financial statement data. A taxonomy concept or element
(used interchangeably) refers to a member that is defined in a taxonomy. For example,
the concept Gross Profit is defined in a taxonomy. The Disclosure Management
Mapping Tool renders taxonomy concepts in a tree-view structure (showing their
parent-child relationships). The Disclosure Management Mapping Tool enables
taxonomy concepts to be mapped to data in a Microsoft Office document.

Selecting Taxonomies
The administrator registers the taxonomies available to the Disclosure Management
Mapping Tool.
Disclosure Management supports mappings from one taxonomy for each Disclosure
Management report. A Disclosure Management report represents the collection of
Master Document and doclets.
When users change a taxonomy, they are prompted to confirm the change. If the
change is confirmed, mappings that are consistent with the original taxonomy remain
intact, while mismatched ones are no longer applicable and will no longer be visible.
For more information, see Changing a Taxonomy.
If a taxonomy has already been attached to a Disclosure Management report, the
taxonomy is automatically opened with the document at login.
To select a taxonomy:
1. Open the Disclosure Management report in Smart View Microsoft Office. See
Connecting to Narrative Reporting in Smart View.

Chapter 7
Navigating the Mapping Tool

2. From the Disclosure Management ribbon, click .

3. In the Disclosure Management Mapping Tool panel, select the Concept tab.
4. In the Actions menu, choose Select Taxonomy.
5. Select a taxonomy, and then click OK.
The top-level taxonomy node displays in the Taxonomy pane.

If more than one cell is selected for a particular table and the concept
type is eligible for group tagging (based by server side rules for
corresponding concept type) you are prompted with "Would like to map
the entire table". If you select Yes, one mapping is created for the
selected cells, If you select No, separate mappings are created for each
For rendering a XBRL table from Microsoft Word you need to select the
Rich Text option in the application. This is accessed by opening the
Review tab in the Mapping tool UI. Select the mapped value in the UI
(notice radio buttons at bottom of UI for user selection of the desired
format.) Additionally, to complete a rendering of a XBRL table from
Microsoft Word ( level 3 text block tags) ) it is required that the user also
select text characters immediately preceding the table such as a table
title or sentence outside the table, so that the table is properly identified.

Changing the Taxonomy Language

Taxonomies can be shown in different localized language labels based on the
languages created by the author of the taxonomy. When another language is selected,
all labeling related to the concept tree and its various views, search, and detail reflect
the selected language.
Taxonomies can also be shown by their "Name". The "Name" option shows the unique
XBRL name that is defined for a concept. The "Name" option is useful for users who
prefer to view taxonomy concepts with their given XBRL name rather than their
localized labels.
To change the language of the taxonomy:
1. Open the Disclosure Management report in Smart View Microsoft Office. See
Connecting to Narrative Reporting in Smart View.

2. From the Disclosure Management ribbon, click .

3. On the Disclosure Management Mapping Tool panel, select the Concept tab.
4. With an open taxonomy, click the drop-down located on the panel ribbon and
select a language code, or select Name to display XBRL taxonomy names.

Chapter 7
Navigating the Mapping Tool

To select a taxonomy, click Actions, and then Select a Taxonomy.
Disclosure Management is not certified for the following languages: Bi-
directional, and Arabic usages.

Taxonomy Views
Taxonomies and tree structure views are defined in the taxonomy. Disclosure
Management provides five views, (Presentation, Definition, Dimension, Calculation
and Tuple) which can be viewed on the Concept tab of the Disclosure Management
Mapping Tool panel. You display a view for an active taxonomy on the drop-down list
(located on the far right of the Concept tab ribbon).
Following, are notable characteristics of the available views:
• Presentation View - The Presentation view is a type of relationship which is a
presentation linkbase (relationship file that defines how concepts relate to one
another presentationally in a taxonomy) which provides a hierarchical organization
of elements from parent to child. In some cases, the presentation hierarchy
presents a similar representation as your financial report.
• Definition View - The Definition view contains a variety of miscellaneous multi-
dimensional relationships within the taxonomy. It describes how the elements
relate to each other. Most commonly, this represents the definition linkbase from
your taxonomy.
• Dimension View - The Dimension view is displayed in a flat list. After you select a
view, the top pane shows the primary items defined in the active taxonomy. The
first item shows "Default Dimensions". In the view, the "Dimension Members" pane
is in the bottom pane of the Concept tab.
When you select a primary item from the top pane, the Dimension Members pane
(bottom pane) updates to display the dimension tree that represents the
assignable domains and domain members related to the selected primary item.
When you select the default dimension item, the Dimension Members tab updates
to display the default dimensions that are assignable to all taxonomy members.

For Presentation, Definition, and Dimension views, when you select a
primary item from the top pane, the bottom pane updates to display the
tree that represents the assignable domains and domain members
related to the selected primary item.
When you select the default presentation, definition, or dimension item,
the members tab updates to display the default dimensions that are
assignable to all taxonomy members.

• Calculation View - A hierarchical organization of concepts indicating calculation

relationships and indicates how different concepts relate to each other through
rollups. The totals are the parent nodes and the contributors are represented as
the leaf nodes. The concepts are displayed with debit and credit indicators and the

Chapter 7
Navigating the Mapping Tool

weight indicators next to each item. This information is also displayed in the
Details tab.
• Tuple View - An XBRL tuple is a collection of related concepts. A tuple allows
these concepts to be reported as a grouping, such that several different groupings
of the same concepts may be reported. Tuples may also include nested tuples,
although a circular dependency may not exist.

To change to taxonomy views:

1. Open the Disclosure Management report in Smart View Microsoft Office. See
Connecting to Narrative Reporting in Smart View.

Chapter 7
Navigating the Mapping Tool

2. From the Disclosure Management ribbon, click .

3. On the Disclosure Management Mapping Tool, select the Concept tab.

4. With an open taxonomy in the Taxonomy pane, click .

5. Select a view to use for viewing the taxonomy.

Changing Taxonomy Views

When working with a taxonomy, you can examine the structure of the taxonomy from
multiple perspectives or views. Disclosure Management provides several views for
displaying a taxonomy. The structure and number of concepts shown in a view
depends on the specifications designer. A concept shown in one view may not appear
in another view. Additionally, one concept can appear multiple times in the same view.
To change the view:
1. Open the Disclosure Management report in Smart View Microsoft Office. See
Connecting to Narrative Reporting in Smart View.

2. From the Disclosure Management ribbon, click .

3. On the Disclosure Management Mapping Tool, select the Concept tab.

4. With an open taxonomy, click , and then select a taxonomy view.

Presentation View
The Presentation view arranges concepts within the taxonomy in parent-child

Chapter 7
Navigating the Mapping Tool

Calculation View
The Calculation view arranges concepts by additive and subtractive relationships
between numeric concepts. XBRL calculations represent simply addition and
subtraction across concepts whose values share the same context (point in time) and
unit (measure) references.

Chapter 7
Navigating the Mapping Tool

Definition View
The Definition view contains a variety of miscellaneous relationships within the
taxonomy. Most commonly, it is used to represent dimensional relationships.

Chapter 7
Navigating the Mapping Tool

Dimension View
The Dimension view arranges concepts that are primary items and have XBRL
dimensionality. The Dimension view evaluates the available primary items,
hypercubes, dimensions, domains, and domain members in a taxonomy.

The dimension view is not defined within a taxonomy; rather, it is a
Disclosure Management provided view available to all taxonomies that use
XBRL dimensions.

Chapter 7
Navigating the Mapping Tool

Tuple View
Arranges concepts by tuple relationships. Tuples are a group of related concepts
containing multiple values. An individual tuple member by itself may not provide
enough relevant information; however, a group of tuple members provides more
complete information.

Chapter 7
Navigating the Mapping Tool

The tuple view is not defined within a taxonomy; rather, it is a Disclosure
Management provided view available to all taxonomies that use XBRL

Mapping Concepts
Mapping enables you to correlate taxonomy concepts with financial statement data.
The same item can be mapped multiple times to create multiple fact values.

Chapter 7
Navigating the Mapping Tool

To map a taxonomy concept to data in a Microsoft Office document (report/document

level mapping):
1. Highlight the data point to map.
To select multiple data points in Excel table cells, press Ctrl + Shift. A word,
sentence, or paragraph of free-form text in Microsoft Word can be selected.
For Microsoft Word tables, you must select the data value or multiple cells before
Taxonomy concepts can be mapped by dragging in Microsoft Word or Excel.
2. On the Disclosure Management Mapping Tool panel, select the Concept tab,

and select a taxonomy concept, and then click .

When a report/document level mapping is created, the cell is shaded yellow.
To map a taxonomy concept for a data cell from a Smart View Office document:
1. In the document, highlight the member (metadata label).
2. On the Smart View ribbon, select Panel, then in the panel, click the Switch to
drop-down and select the Concept tab.

3. Navigate to the taxonomy concept in the Taxonomy pane, and then click .

To prevent errors when tagging a paragraph that has a table directly below it
without a line feed in between, insert a line feed between the paragraph and
the table before tagging, include text above the table (for example, a title),
and extend the range of the tag beyond the table (for example, include a
space or line feed after the table).

See also Tagging Indirect Data Sources.

Removing Mapped Concepts

You can remove a taxonomy concept map from a data point in an Office document. If
your selection includes two or more mapped data points, the Remove Mappings dialog
lists the associated mappings of the data points.
To remove a mapped concept for a data point in an Office document:
1. Open the Disclosure Management report in Smart View Microsoft Office. See
Connecting to Narrative Reporting in Smart View.

2. From the Disclosure Management ribbon, click .

3. On the Disclosure Management Mapping Tool, select the Concept tab.
4. In the taxonomy list, select an XBRL concept.

5. Click the Remove Mapping button .

Chapter 7
Navigating the Mapping Tool

6. The Remove Mappings dialog displays, per row, a list of values that are mapped
with the selected XBRL concept.

7. Select the rows you want to delete and click .


To reverse the deleted row, select .

8. Select OK.
If the concept has associated XBRL dimensions, these are also removed from the
map repository.

Removing a mapped concept by clicking OK cannot be undone, and you
must remap the XBRL concept to recreate the taxonomy concept

Quick Mapping
Use the Quick Mapping feature to map the concept, context, and unit at the same time
instead of switching between the individual Concept, Context and Unit tabs when
mapping. Additionally, you can create global contexts and units that can be used in
both Microsoft Excel and Word.

Chapter 7
Navigating the Mapping Tool

To apply a quick mapping:

1. Navigate to the taxonomy concept in the Taxonomy pane, and click .

2. From the Context drop down, select the context.
3. From the Unit drop down, select the unit.
4. Select the data point to map.
To select multiple data points in Excel table cells, press Ctrl + Shift. A word,
sentence, or paragraph of free-form text in Microsoft Word can be selected.
For Microsoft Word tables, you must select the data value or multiple cells before
Taxonomy concepts can be mapped by dragging in Microsoft Word or Excel.

5. Click to map the concept.

Mapping NIL Values

You can assign a “nil” value in Disclosure Management by highlighting and mapping a
space or empty cell in Microsoft Word or Excel. Once the nil value is assigned, a new
entry appears in Review mode with a "" in the Mapped Value field. Facts reported with
the content of a nil value indicate that the value is not known or does not apply to the
element. In the XML Schema, facts reported with the content of a nil value are
assigned a ”true” attribute as in the following example: <us-

Chapter 7
Navigating the Mapping Tool

gaap:AccountsReceivableNetCurrentcontextRef=”I-2010” precision=”INF”
unitRef=”USD” xsi:nil=”true”/>

Refreshing Taxonomies
Refreshing a taxonomy tree retrieves the latest content from the Disclosure
Management server.

To refresh the taxonomy tree, select .

Viewing Concept Detail

Details about a selected taxonomy concept are available on the Concept Details pane
of the Disclosure Management Mapping Tool. This information reflects properties
related to the selected concept, such as Label, Name, or Data Type.

Chapter 7
Navigating the Mapping Tool

Some properties are optional.

To display the Concept Details tab. Click located directly below the Concept tab
horizontal scroll bar.

Table 7-1 Concepts Detail Pane Fields and Descriptions

Field Description
Label Identifies the human-readable name for the
Name Identifies the unique name of a concept in a
taxonomy. Each concept has a standard name
that equates to the concept name and is
unique in the taxonomy.
Data Type Identifies the expected data format that can be
associated with the concept (such as numeric
or string).
Abstract An abstract concept cannot be used to map
data in a report or document.
Period Type An attribute of a concept that shows whether
the concept is reported in an instant or
duration time period. The period type of the
concept must match the period type definition
in a context. For example, a context that is
defined as an "instant" cannot be associated
with a taxonomy concept whose period type is
Balance An optional attribute that identifies the balance
associated to a numeric value. Possible
values: credit or debit.

Chapter 7
Navigating the Mapping Tool

Table 7-1 (Cont.) Concepts Detail Pane Fields and Descriptions

Field Description
Tuple Facts containing multiple values and identified
by a single XML concept holding nested items.
A tuple member by itself may not provide
enough relevant information; however, a group
of tuple members provides the information
needed. For example, the tuple concept
"company address" may consist of the
following tuple members: "Name", "Street",
"City", "State", "Postal Code," and "Country". A
single tuple member by itself (such as "City"),
is not sufficient to describe the concept
"company address". The Disclosure
Management Mapping Tool provides a "tuple
view" under the Concept tab that shows all
existing tuples defined within a taxonomy.
Substitution Group An XSD (XML schema) entity that enables the
implementation of a multiple inheritance
structure. Many substitution groups are
available in XBRL and can be defined in
regulator taxonomies if desired.
Documentation Identifies any specific citations used to provide
further documentation about the concept.

Changing a Taxonomy
In Disclosure Management only one taxonomy can be associated with an Office
document; however, you can change the taxonomy associated with an Office
document. Before taking this action, carefully consider the consequences.
When you change a taxonomy in a document, Disclosure Management determines
whether any taxonomy maps exist in the Office document. If a taxonomy map does
exist, the following warning is displayed: “Changing the taxonomy associated with this
document may lead to loss of existing maps. Are you sure you want to change the
If you elect to change the taxonomy, the following processes take place:
• All full concept mappings are updated, and the namespace of each element is
changed from the source taxonomy to the target one. If any mappings are invalid
(referred to as "mismatched concepts"), the mappings are reported as errors
during validation.
• The contexts, units, and footnotes are retained (definitions and maps remain intact
because they are saved with the document).
If no taxonomy mapping has been made to the document, user confirmation is
unnecessary and the taxonomy can be changed. The Disclosure Management
Mapping Tool does not automatically render the new taxonomy selected by the user.

Searching Taxonomy Concepts

When you are working with taxonomies that have thousands of concepts, you can
search concepts by concept label and additional filters (concept name, date type,
abstract, and period type).

Chapter 7
Navigating the Mapping Tool

To search for a taxonomy concepts:

1. Open the Disclosure Management report in Smart View Microsoft Office. See
Connecting to Narrative Reporting in Smart View.

2. From the Disclosure Management ribbon, click .

3. On the Disclosure Management Mapping Tool, select the Concept tab.

4. On the Concept tab, select .

5. In Label, enter the name for the concept. For example, to search expense related
concepts, enter "Expense".
6. Optional: In the Name, enter the unique identifier of the concept.
7. Optional: In the Data Type, select the type of data associated with the concept.
The set of values depends on the types defined in scope of the taxonomy.
Options are:
• All
• None
• (based on the taxonomy, various types will display in the drop-down list)
8. Optional: In Abstract, select the true or false abstract attribute of a concept.
Options are:
• All
• False
• True
9. Optional: In Period Type, select the period or type associated with the concept.
Options are:
• All
• None

Chapter 7
Navigating the Mapping Tool

• Duration
• Instant
10. Click OK.
The results of the search are shown in the Search Results tab.

The Search Results tab can always be displayed by clicking located directly
below the horizontal scroll bar.

About XBRL Contexts

In the instance document, the context provides a unique identifier to the combination
of entity, scheme, and reporting periods assigned to an individual fact or value from
the report. Together with the taxonomy concept, the context defines the fact value and
enables XBRL to interpret the fact value in relation to other values. The context can be
applied to numeric and nonnumeric information. Contexts are required for every
mapped taxonomy concept.

Adding XBRL Contexts

To add an XBRL context:
1. Open the Disclosure Management report in Smart View Microsoft Office. See
Connecting to Narrative Reporting in Smart View.

2. From the Disclosure Management ribbon, click .

3. On the Disclosure Management Mapping Tool, select the Concept tab.

4. Click .
5. In Name, enter a name for the business entity, institution, or company.
This value is not persisted to instance documents.
6. In Entity ID, enter a unique identifier for the business or institutional entity.
7. In Scheme, enter contextual information about the fact.
Typically this value is a URL.
Specify a reference to the naming authority for the entity ID. For example, you
could specify that the context references the US GAAP framework.
8. In Type, select the time frame the fact represents.

Chapter 7
Navigating the Mapping Tool

Every taxonomy concept has a period type attribute. When associating a context
to a taxonomy concept the period types must match.
• Instant—Used for “point in time” concepts such as Balance Sheet accounts.
• Duration—Represents a flow of time such as a Profit and Loss or Cash Flow

9. In From, click the Select Date icon - - to select the starting period for the
reporting period.
When entering the date, use the xx/xx/xxxx format. The date format defaults to the
current locale of the browser. For example if the browser locale is set to a
European locale, the data is entered as “dd/mm/yyyy” even when it is a US GAAP

10. In To, Select Date icon - - to select the ending period for the reporting period.
This field is enabled only when the context type is "Duration".
When entering the date, use the xx/xx/xxxx format. The date format defaults to
the current locale of the browser. For example if the browser locale is set to a
European locale, the data is entered as "dd/mm/yyyy".
11. Click OK.

The context is added to the Context Listing pane and also on the corresponding
Details tab.

Mapping Contexts
To map a data point to an XBRL context in the Office document (report/document level
or function grid in Oracle Smart View for Office:
1. Select the data point to map.
To select multiple data points in Excel table cells, press Ctrl + Shift. A word,
sentence, or paragraph of free-form text in Microsoft Word can be selected.
For Microsoft Word tables, you must select the data value or multiple cells before
Contexts can be mapped by dragging in Microsoft Word or Excel.
2. In the Disclosure Management Mapping Tool panel, Concept tab, select an

XBRL concept and click .

The mapped data point is highlighted in yellow.

Removing Mapped Contexts

You can remove a mapped context from an Office document. Deleting a context
affects existing mappings that are associated with the deleted context.

Chapter 7
Navigating the Mapping Tool

Removing a mapped context cannot be undone and you must remap the
XBRL context to recreate the mapping.

To remove a mapped context from one data point or multiple data points in an Office
1. Select the mapped data point(s).

2. Select the Remove Mapping button - . The Remove Mapping dialog is


3. Click the Remove icon ( ) located next to the mapped context.

4. Click OK.

Updating Contexts
Changing the context definition affects all existing mappings that are associated with
the modified context.
To update a context:

1. On the Context Listing pane, select the context and then click .
2. Update the context detail as needed, and then select OK.

Deleting Contexts
You can remove an XBRL context from data in an Office document. When you delete
a context, you remove any existing document maps that match the "base context" and
dimensions associated with the context.
To remove a context:
1. On the Disclosure Management Mapping Tool panel, in the Context pane,
select the context to be removed.

2. Click .
3. Click OK to confirm.

Looking up Contexts
Use the Lookup feature on the Disclosure Management Mapping Tool pane to find
context by name, type, or from/to periods for the current document.
To look up a selected context:
1. On the Disclosure Management Mapping Tool, Context tab Lookup field, enter
a context value:
Available values types:
• Context name
• Context type

Chapter 7
Navigating the Mapping Tool

• From period
• To period

2. Click to search up in the listing or click to search contexts forward.

When the context is found, it is highlighted in the Context Listing pane.

Viewing Context Detail

Context details are shown on the Context Details pane for a selected taxonomy
context. This information reflects properties related to the selected context, such as
name, entity id, type, and from/to periods.

Table 7-2 Context Detail Pane Fields and Descriptions

Field Descriptions
*Name Specify the name or label of the context. This
name is not persisted to instance documents.
*Entity ID Specify a unique identification for the entity,
company, or institution. The entity ID
describes any distinguishing context. For SEC
filings, enter a company's SEC CIK number.

If the instance
document has
only one
association, do
not include the
company name
in the entity ID

*Scheme Specify a reference to the naming authority for

the entity ID. Typically this value is a URL. For
example, you could specify that the context
references the US GAAP framework.
*Type Specify the time period in which the fact is
relevant. Valid options are:
• Instant—Specific date (for example
• Duration—A period of time with defined
beginning and end dates (for example,
11/28/2009 through 5/28/10)
• Forever—Not date or period restricted

Chapter 7
Navigating the Mapping Tool

Table 7-2 (Cont.) Context Detail Pane Fields and Descriptions

Field Descriptions
*From Specify the start date of reporting period. Enter
the date in xx/xx/xxxx format. To select a date

from the Calendar, click .

The date format defaults to the current locale
of the browser. For example if the browser
locale is set to a European locale, the data is
entered as “dd/mm/yyyy” even in a US GAAP
To Specify the end date of the reporting period.
Enter the date in xx/xx/xxxx format. To select a

date from the Calendar, click .

The date format defaults to the current locale
of the browser. For example if the browser
locale is set to a European locale, the data is
entered as “dd/mm/yyyy” even in a US GAAP

About XBRL Units

In the instance document, each numeric value must specify its unit of measurement.
The unit of measurement can either be a simple unit of measure shown as a single
measure value (currency or monetary code), or a ratio of products of units of
measures. The ratio is depicted with a divide element containing a numerator and
denominator. Examples of a simple unit are the USD (U.S. dollar), CAD (Canadian
dollar), kilograms, FTE (Full-Time Equivalents), meters or share. A ratio of products,
for example, could be Euros per share (numerator: EUR; denominator:shares).

Adding XBRL Units

To add a unit:
1. Open the Disclosure Management report in Smart View Microsoft Office. See
Connecting to Narrative Reporting in Smart View.

2. From the Disclosure Management ribbon, click .

3. On the Disclosure Management Mapping Tool, select the Concept tab.
4. On the Disclosure Management Mapping Tool panel, select the Unit tab.

5. Click .
6. In Name, enter the name of the unit.
7. In Measure, select the unit type or enter a unit type.

The displays a list of unit types.

Chapter 7
Navigating the Mapping Tool

8. If you selected a ratio of products of units of measures unit type in the Measure
field, check Divide by, and then specify the denominator in Denominator.
9. Click OK.
The table below provides more information on the Unit entry fields.

Table 7-3 Unit Pane Fields and Descriptions

Field Description
*Name Enter a label for the unit. For example, enter
USD for U.S. dollars or EUR for Euros. This
value is not persisted to instance documents.
Measure Select the unit in which numeric items have
been measured; for example, dollars, shares,
Euros, or dollars per share.
• Currency values must have currency unit
types recognized by the International
Standards Organization standard ISO
4217. For more information, see: http:// that were valid
at the time the measurement occurred.
• Shares values must have a unit measure
of "shares".
• Rates, percentages, and ratios, not with
values multiplied by one number and
which are shown using a pure or
percentage data type must have a unit
measure of "pure".
Divide by Optional: Enables the division of measured
values using the measure shown in the
Denominator field.
Denominator Optional: Select the measure that functions as
the divisor of the measure shown in the
Measure field. For example if “iso4217:USD” is
in the Measure field, you could select “shares”.

Mapping Units
To map a data point in the Office document (report/document level or function grid in
Oracle Smart View for Office):
1. Select the data point to map.
To select multiple data points in Microsoft Excel table cells, press Ctrl + Shift.
A word, sentence or paragraph of free-form text in Microsoft Word can be selected
as well.
For Microsoft Word tables, you must select the data value or multiple cells before
You can map units by dragging in Microsoft Word or Excel.
2. On the Disclosure Management Mapping Tool panel, click the Unit tab and
select a unit from the list.

3. Click .

Chapter 7
Navigating the Mapping Tool

The mapped data point is highlighted.

Removing Mapped Units

You can remove a mapped unit for a single data point or multiple data points in an
Office document.

Removing a mapped unit cannot be undone, and you must remap the XBRL
context to recreate the mapping.

To remove a mapped unit for one or multiple data points in an Office document:
1. Open the Disclosure Management report in Smart View Microsoft Office. See
Connecting to Narrative Reporting in Smart View.

2. From the Disclosure Management ribbon, click .

3. On the Disclosure Management Mapping Tool, select the Unit tab.

4. Click to display the Remove Mappings dialog.

5. Select a mapped unit and click .

6. Click OK.

Updating Unit Detail

To update a unit:
1. Open the Disclosure Management report in Smart View Microsoft Office. See
Connecting to Narrative Reporting in Smart View.

2. From the Disclosure Management ribbon, click .

3. On the Disclosure Management Mapping Tool, select the Unit tab.

4. On the Unit Listing pane, select the unit and then click to display the Unit
5. Update the unit detail and then click OK.

Deleting Units
You can remove an XBRL unit. Deleting a unit affects all existing mappings that are
associated with the deleted unit; they no longer have a unit association.
To remove a unit:

Chapter 7
Navigating the Mapping Tool

1. Open the Disclosure Management report in Smart View Microsoft Office. See
Connecting to Narrative Reporting in Smart View.

2. From the Disclosure Management ribbon, click .

3. On the Disclosure Management Mapping Tool pane, select the Unit tab.
4. On the Unit Listing pane, select a unit.

5. Click .
6. Click Yes on the confirmation message.

Looking up Units
Use the Lookup feature to find a selected unit by unit name, measure, divide by
attribute, or denominator value.
To look up a selected unit:
1. Open the Disclosure Management report in Smart View Microsoft Office. See
Connecting to Narrative Reporting in Smart View.

2. From the Disclosure Management ribbon, click .

3. On the Disclosure Management Mapping Tool pane, select the Unit tab.
4. In Lookup field, enter the lookup by unit value.
Available values: unit name, measure, divide by attribute, or denominator value.

5. Select to search up in the listing or to search down in the listing.

The found unit is highlighted in the Unit listing pane.

About Footnotes
Many business reports regularly include explanatory textual details about business
data within the report; these are known as footnotes. Footnotes can be associated with
a data point in a financial statement that is mapped to a numerical taxonomy concept.
For example, a footnote is associated with $1000, which is mapped to the numerical
taxonomy concept “Marketing and Distribution,” which has a data type of

Adding Footnotes
To add a footnote:
1. Open the Disclosure Management report in Smart View Microsoft Office. See
Connecting to Narrative Reporting in Smart View.

2. From the Disclosure Management ribbon, click .

Chapter 7
Navigating the Mapping Tool

3. On the Disclosure Management Mapping Tool panel, select the Footnote tab.

4. Select to display the Footnote dialog.

5. In Name, enter a descriptive name for the footnote.
For example, if you are adding a footnote about revenue, you might enter
Revenue Recognition.
6. Select Formatted to view the formatting options.
See Table 1.
7. In Language, select a language from the drop-down menu.
8. Enter the footnote text in the text entry field.
For example, you might enter the text below for Revenue Recognition:
We derive revenues from the following sources: (1) software, which includes new
software license and software license updates and product support revenues, and
(2) services, which include consulting, On Demand, and education revenues. New
software license revenues represent fees earned from granting customers licenses
to use our database, middleware, and applications software and exclude revenues
derived from software license updates, which are included in software license
updates and product support revenues. While the basis for software license
revenue recognition is substantially governed by the provisions of Statement of
Position No. 97-2, Software Revenue Recognition (SOP 97-2), issued by the
American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, we exercise judgment and use
estimates in connection with the determination of the amount of software and
services revenues to be recognized in each accounting period.
9. Click OK.

Mapping Footnotes
To map one multiple data points to a footnote in the Office document (report/document
level or function grid in Oracle Smart View for Office):
1. Open the Disclosure Management report in Smart View Microsoft Office. See
Connecting to Narrative Reporting in Smart View.

2. From the Disclosure Management ribbon, click .

3. Open the Disclosure Management Mapping Tool pane and click the Footnote
4. On the document, select the data point to map.
To select multiple data points in Excel table cells, press Ctrl + Shift. You can
select a word, sentence, or paragraph of free-form text in Microsoft Word.
For Microsoft Word tables, you must select the data value or multiple cells before
You can map footnotes by dragging in Microsoft Word or Excel.

5. On the Footnote tab, select the footnote you wish to map, and click . The
mapped data point is highlighted.

Chapter 7
Navigating the Mapping Tool

Removing Mapped Footnotes

You can remove a mapped footnote for one data point or multiple data points in an
Office document.

Removing a mapped footnote cannot be undone and you are required to
remap the XBRL context to recreate the mapping.

To remove a mapped footnote for one data point or multiple data points in an Office
1. Open the Disclosure Management report in Smart View Microsoft Office. See
Connecting to Narrative Reporting in Smart View.

2. From the Disclosure Management ribbon, click .

3. On the Disclosure Management Mapping Tool pane, select the Footnote tab.

4. Select to display the Remove Mappings dialog.

5. Select a mapped footnote and click .


You can undo the action by clicking the Reset icon . However, once
you click OK, the removed footnote cannot be undone.

6. Click OK.

Updating Footnotes
To update a footnote:
1. Open the Disclosure Management report in Smart View Microsoft Office. See
Connecting to Narrative Reporting in Smart View.

2. From the Disclosure Management ribbon, click .

3. On the Disclosure Management Mapping Tool panel, select the Footnote tab.

4. On the Footnote listing pane, select the footnote and then click to display the
Footnote dialog.
5. Update the footnote detail and then click OK.

Chapter 7
Navigating the Mapping Tool

Deleting Footnotes
You can remove an XBRL footnote. Deleting a Footnote affects all existing mappings
that are associated with the deleted footnote; they no longer have a footnote
To remove a footnote:
1. Open the Disclosure Management report in Smart View Microsoft Office. See
Connecting to Narrative Reporting in Smart View.

2. From the Disclosure Management ribbon, click .

3. On the Disclosure Management Mapping Tool panel, select the Footnote tab.
4. On the Footnote listing pane, select the footnote to be removed.

5. Click .
6. Select Yes on the confirmation message box.

Formatting Footnotes
You can format a footnote by applying the standard word processing formatting,
manage indentation and spaces, and format a word, number, or an paragraph.

Table 7-4 Footnote Formatting Options and Descriptions

Formatting Icon Description

Font Type

Font Size






Justify Left



Clear Styling

Rich Text Editing Mode

Chapter 7
Navigating the Mapping Tool

Table 7-4 (Cont.) Footnote Formatting Options and Descriptions

Formatting Icon Description

Source Code Editing Mode

Foreground Color

Background Color

Justify Center

Justify Right

Justify Full


Numbered List



Add Link (Launches Explorer User prompt)

Remove Link

Looking up Footnotes
Use the Lookup feature to find footnotes.
To look up a footnote:
1. Open the Disclosure Management report in Smart View Microsoft Office. See
Connecting to Narrative Reporting in Smart View.

2. From the Disclosure Management ribbon, click .

3. On the Disclosure Management Mapping Tool pane, select the Footnote tab.
4. In Lookup field, enter the footnote name.

5. Click to search backward in the listing or click to search forward in the

The matching footnote is highlighted in the Footnote pane.

Viewing Footnote Detail

Footnote details are shown on the Footnote Details pane for a selected taxonomy
footnote. This information reflects the footnote name and description.

Chapter 7
Navigating the Mapping Tool

Table 7-5 Footnote Detail Pane fields and descriptions

Field Description
Name Displays the name of the footnote, which is not
persisted to instance documents
Footnote Displays the footnote text

About Variables
Variables contain a specific value that can be used repeatedly across Master
Documents and doclets. You can edit an existing variable to display a different value in
all the places the variable is mapped.
A placeholder for a variable is placed in a Master Document or doclet to indicate a
variable mapping. When the document/doclet is evaluated, the value associated with
the variable replaces the placeholder. There are two types of variables:
• Static Variable: A Static Variable is created with any user defined value and
mapped in the document/doclet. Variables can be numbers, dates, symbols,
strings, and so on. Static Variables are defined in a single location using the
Variable tab. The variable is used as a placeholder for that text in any location in
the documents. When evaluated, the placeholder displays the value of the variable
in the mapped areas. A useful example of Static Variables is for date
management. Since the same date appears in numerous locations throughout a
filing which must be individually updated during the rollover process, by using
variables, only the variable value needs to be changed during the rollover. Static
variables can be edited from any doclet associated with a given Master Document.
The original doclet information of the static variable is retained, no matter where it
was edited. For example, if a static variable created in doclet1 is edited in another
doclet or Master Document, the static variable value is updated and the original
doclet information is retained.
• Reference Variable: A Reference Variable can use any text or image in a
document/doclet to create a reference. Once the reference variable is created, you
can map the variable to create cross-reference or page-reference hyperlinks. If
your document contains a Table of Contents, you can use reference variables to
add a table of contents text and page numbers.

Creating a Static Variable

To create a Static Variable:
1. Open the Disclosure Management report in Smart View Microsoft Office. See
Connecting to Narrative Reporting in Smart View.

2. From the Disclosure Management ribbon, click .

3. From the Disclosure Management Mapping Tool, select the Variable tab. Click

and select Static Variable.

Chapter 7
Navigating the Mapping Tool

4. In the Static Variable dialog Name field, enter a unique identifier. For example,
CURR_YEAR. Do not use special characters and do not add spaces between
5. In the Value field, enter a value. For example, April 1, 2012.
6. Click OK to save the variable.
7. Variables are saved on the Variables tab.

Creating a Reference Variable

Reference Variables are useful in identifying key words, phrases and locations within a
document. The reference variable identifies a location or a selection of text that you
name and identify for future reference.
To create a reference variable:
1. Open the Disclosure Management report in Smart View Microsoft Office. See
Connecting to Narrative Reporting in Smart View.
2. Select some text, image, or data in the document or doclet.

3. From the Disclosure Management ribbon, click .

4. From the Disclosure Management Mapping Tool, select the Variable tab. Click

and select Reference Variable.

5. The selected text is populated in the Value field of the Reference Variable dialog.

If data in a grid is selected, the variable is created at the document level
- not the data source level.

6. In the Name field, enter a unique description. Do not use special characters and
do not add spaces between words.
7. Click Link to create the link to the selected text.
8. Click OK.

Locating Reference Variables

You can view the location of reference variables in a doclet and Master Document.
To locate variables:
1. Open the Disclosure Management report in Smart View Microsoft Office. See
Connecting to Narrative Reporting in Smart View.

2. From the Disclosure Management ribbon, click .

3. On the Disclosure Management Mapping Tool, select the Variable Tab.

Chapter 7
Navigating the Mapping Tool

4. Right-click a reference-type variable. The Reference Variable dialog is displayed.

5. Click Locate. The reference variables are highlighted on the document.
6. Click OK to exit the Reference Variable dialog.

Mapping Static Variables

Once you have created static variables, you can map them to a location within your
To map a static variable:
1. Open the Disclosure Management report in Smart View Microsoft Office. See
Connecting to Narrative Reporting in Smart View.
2. Select a location on your document where you want the variable to display.
3. From the Disclosure Management Mapping Tool, select the Variable tab to
display the variables list. For each variable in the list, the Type column conveys
the kind of variable attached to it - Static or Reference.

4. Select a Static type listing, then click .

5. The mapping instructions are added to the Details tab.

Mapping Reference Variables

Reference variables can be mapped different ways - as cross reference, page
reference, or hyperlink.

Mapping Reference Variables as Cross Reference

After you create a reference type variable, you can map it as cross references. Cross
references are used to refer text or images from one part of the document to another.
For example, If you create a reference variable named "Statement of Operations", you
can map that text to another location as a cross reference. On evaluation, the value of
the reference variable "Statement of Operations" is displayed in the mapped location.
To map reference variables as cross reference
1. Open the Disclosure Management report in Smart View Microsoft Office. See
Connecting to Narrative Reporting in Smart View.
2. Highlight the document location where you want to add a cross reference.
3. From the Disclosure Management Mapping Tool, select the Variable tab to
display the variables listing and search for a Reference type variable. You can
click the Type column header to group the list of variables by type.

4. Highlight a reference variable and click to display the Map Variable dialog.
5. Click Cross Reference to insert the value of the reference variable. This is the
default setting.
6. Optional. Click Insert as Hyperlink to add a link to the location of the reference
7. Click OK.

Chapter 7
Navigating the Mapping Tool

Mapping Reference Variables as Page Reference

The Page Reference inserts the page number of the reference variable in the mapped
location. You can select a reference variable and map it to the desired location. For
example, you can place the mapping in the Table of Contents. The generated result
will display the page number. You can also set up a hyperlink to the reference variable
so when you click the page number, you will link to the reference variable in the
To map reference variables as page references
1. Open the Disclosure Management report in Smart View Microsoft Office. See
Connecting to Narrative Reporting in Smart View.
2. Highlight the document location where you want to add a page reference.
3. From the Disclosure Management Mapping Tool, select the Variable tab to
display the variables listing and search for a Reference type variable. You can
click the Type column header to group the list of variables by type.

4. Highlight a reference variable and click - to display the Map Variable dialog.
5. Click Page Reference to insert the page number reference of the of the reference
variable location.
6. Optional. Click Insert as Hyperlink to add a link to the location of the reference
7. Click OK.

Mapping Reference Variables as Hyperlinks

You can select a reference variable in any place in the document, then use hyperlink
mapping to create the text you want to display in the selected location of the
document. For example, in hyperlink mapping you can add the text "Click Here" to
display in the document which will link to the location of the reference variable you
selected. You can also define screentip text that will appear when the mouse is held
over the selected location.
To map hyperlinks to reference variables:
1. Open the Disclosure Management report in Smart View Microsoft Office. See
Connecting to Narrative Reporting in Smart View.
2. Highlight the document location where you want to add a hyperlink.
3. From the Disclosure Management Mapping Tool, select the Variable tab to
display the variables listing and search for a Reference type variable. You can
click the Type column header to group the list of variables by type.

4. Highlight a reference variable and click to display the Map Variable dialog.

Chapter 7
Navigating the Mapping Tool

5. Click Hyperlink.
6. In the Text to display field, enter the hyperlink text you want to display in your
document. Required.
7. In the Screentip Text field, enter the text you want to display when the user's
mouse hovers over the selected text.
8. Click OK.

Viewing the Variable Listing

Variables can be viewed in the Variables pane of the Disclosure Management
Mapping Tool. The information includes:
• Name - User defined variable name assigned to the user. No spaces are allowed.
• Value - For static variable, the value entered by the user. For reference variable,
the value selected from the document.
• Type - The type of variable - Static or Reference.
• Location - The name of the doclet where the variable was created.
If the variable is created in the Master document, the report name is shown.
When you click on a variable in the list, its mapping is reflected in the bottom pane.
The information includes:
• Value - Using Word, the page and line number where the mapping is located in the
document. Using Excel, the page and cell location (row and column) where the
mapping is located in the document.
• Type - For reference variable, the mapping types that display - can be Cross
Reference, Page Reference, or Hyperlink. For Static variable, the Static Variable
type is displayed.
• Location - The name of the doclet where the mapping was done.

Editing Variables

To edit a variable, you select a variable and click .

Chapter 7
Navigating the Mapping Tool

• If you select a static variable, the Static Variable dialog is displayed. Enter a new
Value field and click OK.
• If you select a reference variable, the Reference Variable dialog is displayed. click
Locate to view the current location of the reference variable in the document - the
location is highlighted in yellow. In the document, click on a new location and in
the Link Variable dialog click Link. Click OK

• Click , to update the mapped locations of the variables.

Reference variables must be edited only from the doclet where they
were created.

Deleting Variables and Removing Variable Mappings

When you delete a variable, you also delete all the mappings. If any mappings for the
deleted global variable exist in a document, they are automatically removed. If a
variable is mapped in multiple doclets and the variable is removed from the Master
Document, the variable is removed from all the doclets.
You can remove a variable mapping from anywhere in a Master Document or a doclet
regardless of where the variable was created. Removing a mapping causes the
removal of variable information from that location in the document.
To delete variables:
1. Open the Disclosure Management report in Smart View Microsoft Office. See
Connecting to Narrative Reporting in Smart View.
2. On the Disclosure Management ribbon, select Mapping Tool, and then select
the Variables tab
3. Highlight a variable, click the Action drop-down and select Delete.
To delete a variable mappings:
1. Open the Disclosure Management report in Smart View Microsoft Office. See
Connecting to Narrative Reporting in Smart View.
2. On the Disclosure Management ribbon, select Mapping Tool, and then select the
Variables tab
3. On the Details tab, highlight a variable mapping, click the Action drop-down and
select Remove Mapping.

Viewing Variable Mappings in your Document

You can select a mapping in the Details tab to highlight the mapping location in a
current document.
To view mappings:
1. Open the Disclosure Management report in Smart View Microsoft Office. See
Connecting to Narrative Reporting in Smart View.
2. On the Disclosure Management ribbon, select Mapping Tool, and then select the
Variables tab.

Chapter 7
Navigating the Mapping Tool

3. On the Variables tab, click a variable to display the mappings in the Details tab.
4. Do one of the following to see the mapping in the document:
• Double-click a variable mapping.

• Highlight a variable mapping, then click .

• Highlight multiple variable mappings, then click .

Evaluating Variables
On the Disclosure Management ribbon, you can toggle between the Show Variables /
Evaluate Variables button to view variable values or variable definitions, respectively.
There are some limitations:
• In Microsoft Excel and Word doclets, page reference variables cannot be
evaluated since the page number value represents its position within the scope of
the Master Document only. The page reference evaluates correctly from the
Master Document.
• In Microsoft Excel and Word doclets, clicking on a hyperlink variable in evaluated
mode will only navigate to the appropriate location if the hyperlink target is within
the same doclet. If the hyperlink target is in a different doclet, clicking the link has
no effect. All hyperlinks are linked correctly from the Master Document.
• In the Master Document, all variables coming from all doclets are evaluated

About Dimensions
A dimension is a slice of a default domain of an axis of a hypercube. In taxonomies, a
dimension member is part of a group of other dimension members, which contain a
default dimension or default domain. A hypercube is also known as a "Table". For
example: Dimension members exist under a default dimension such as: Toys [Default
dimension], Dolls [dimension member], Bats [dimension member], and Balls
[dimension member]. XBRL defines two types of dimension:
• Explicit dimensions - The domain and members are known. The breakdown
structure and content is explicitly defined in the taxonomy.
• Typed dimensions - The domain members are unknown, including the breakdown
structure and content. These members may be infinite or impractical to enumerate
explicitly in the taxonomy.
You can use an XBRL dimension to add content to a measure value. You can think of
them as a categorization or segmentation of concepts. XBRL dimensions use
categories to describe how you arrived at a measured value by illustrating semantic
relationships between facts and how they have been segmented. For example, if a
Revenue concept contains a Region dimension and a Product line dimension, you can
reuse the Region and Product line dimensions for other concepts as well. The
Revenue concept must choose one value from each dimension. So you can't report
Revenue without saying which Region or which Product line is applicable. This would
generate a validation error. Some taxonomies specify a "default" which is generally the
"domain". So a default for the Region dimension could be "All Regions" and for
Product line could be "All Products". With these two defaults in place, a reported
"Revenue" with no explicitly mapped dimensions would indicate that you are reporting
"Revenue" for "All Regions" and "All Products".

Chapter 7
Navigating the Mapping Tool

The following image shows the "Default" notation on the Dimension Members tab:

In the mapping process, dimension members become associated with an XBRL

context. As such, the dimension mapping is associated with the concept map and
must be mapped after the concept has been mapped to the fact value.
XBRL dimensions are not the same as dimensions in Oracle Enterprise Performance
Management System products such as Essbase or Oracle Hyperion Financial
Management. While some conceptual similarities exist, no systematic relationships
exists between XBRL dimensions. The two should not be confused.
Basic terminology for XBRL dimensions:

Chapter 7
Navigating the Mapping Tool

• Hypercube—Expresses a collection of dimensions. The hypercube defines which

dimensions are associated with which primary items.
• Primary Item— A concept that represents a line item in a financial report. When a
hypercube is associated with a primary item, it determines which dimensions may
be applied.
• Dimension—Category by which information is reported.
• Domain and Domain Members—A set of all domain members that are used to
express a dimension.

Mapping Primary Items

Once primary items are shown by selecting the Dimension view on the Concept tab,
you map primary items in the same way that regular taxonomy concepts are mapped
(from the Presentation or Calculation views). Note that primary items are also listed in
the presentation and calculation views.
To map a primary item:
1. Open the Disclosure Management report in Smart View Microsoft Office. See
Connecting to Narrative Reporting in Smart View.

2. From the Disclosure Management ribbon, click .

3. On the Disclosure Management Mapping Tool panel, confirm that the
Dimension view is selected on the Concept tab.
4. On the document, select the primary item to map.

5. On the Concept tab, click .

Mapping Domain and Domain Members

After you select a primary item from the top pane, you can map domains and domain
members from the dimension tree in the Dimension Members pane. When mapping
domain and domain members, note the following:
• Multiple domains and/or domain members can be mapped from different
dimensions to the same fact value. For example, users can map the domain
members "Soda" and "New York" to the same fact value.
• Mapping multiple domain members from the same dimension to the same fact
value is not allowed. For example, you cannot map the domains "East" and "West"
from the "Regions" dimension to the same fact value.
• Hypercubes and dimensions are always abstract and Disclosure Management
does not allow you to map to Office document data.
• Default dimensions - Some taxonomies specify a "default" for a dimension which is
typically the domain. When the default is the intended dimension value, no
dimension mapping is needed. Rather, it is inferred. The following image shows a
default notation on the Dimension Members tab:

Chapter 7
Navigating the Mapping Tool

To map a domain or domain member:

1. Open the Disclosure Management report in Smart View Microsoft Office. See
Connecting to Narrative Reporting in Smart View.

2. From the Disclosure Management ribbon, click .

3. On the Disclosure Management Mapping Tool panel, confirm that the
Presentation or Definition view is selected on the Concept tab.
4. On the document, select the domain item to map.
5. Select the domain or domain member.

Chapter 7
Navigating the Mapping Tool

6. On the Dimension Members tab located on the bottom pane, click .

Report Level Mapping

When mapping a dimension for a report-level mapping, Disclosure Management
allows you to map:
1. The primary item. In the example below, the primary item mapping is made to a
cell in the document using the Concept tab:

2. A dimension to an individual cell. The image below shows the selected cell:

The image below shows the dimension that is mapped to the cell using the
Dimension Members tab.

Chapter 7
Navigating the Mapping Tool

3. A dimension to a selection of cells. The image below shows a group of selected


Chapter 7
Navigating the Mapping Tool

The image below shows the dimension that is mapped to the group of cells using
the Dimension Members tab.

Indirect Data Source Tagging

When working with Excel tables, Oracle recommends that you apply XBRL tags to the
Presentation worksheet (sheet1) and reference (link) them to the appropriate
worksheet (sheet2) responsible for the data refresh. See Tagging Indirect Data

Validating Dimension Mapping

To create a dimension map, Disclosure Management requires that the domain/domain
member can be associated with a valid taxonomy concept. The XBRL specification for
dimensions defines a binding relationship between a taxonomy concept and a domain
Prerequisites for creating a dimension map are:
• Existing Concept Map—You must first map a taxonomy concept before creating a
dimension map. Domain and domain member mapping cannot occur on Office
data that does not have an existing taxonomy concept map.
• Primary Item Compatibility—The mapped primary item must be compatible with
the given domain or domain member. Every primary item defines the
dimensionality that can be associated with it. For example, the domain "East" may
be mapped to the data that is also mapped to the concept "GrossProfit". However;

Chapter 7
Navigating the Mapping Tool

"East" should not be mapped to data that is also mapped to the concept
"CompanyName". While Disclosure Management lets you create this, it will throw
a validation error.

Dimension Map Storage

After you create a valid domain or domain member map to data in an Office document
(Microsoft Excel or Word), the Disclosure Management add-in stores information about
the mapped dimensionality. This information exists in addition to information about the
mapped taxonomy concept, its context, and its unit (for numeric concepts).

Context Management
Disclosure Management enables you to consolidate the contexts that use the same
context and dimension combination instead of creating another context per mapped
item (that is, a dimension associated with a fact-value). For example, suppose your
document is modeled as shown below:

• Cell B3 has a concept ("Revenue"), a context ("Qtr1"), and a domain ("East")

mapped to it. A context is generated that consists of "Qtr1" and "East".
• Cell B4 has a concept ("Profit"), a context ("Qtr1"), and a domain ("East") mapped
to it. This cell uses the same context as cell B3. Disclosure Management does not
create a new context for cell B4.
• The previous example generates four contexts ("Qtr1-East", "Qtr2-East", "Qtr1-
West", and "Qtr2- West"). However, there are only two explicitly defined contexts;
("Qtr1" and "Qtr2").
• The Disclosure Management add-in stores the dimensional information in much
the same way as it stores mapped taxonomy concepts, with the corresponding
data (in the Office document).

Context Pane
When a context is created, the context pane is updated and shows the list of contexts.
All contexts are read-only. However, you can map contexts as any other contexts
mapping. For version 1, users cannot rename the auto-generated name for the context
that is shown in the Context pane. The name consists of the context name, plus the
dimension name as shown in the dimension tree (for example: "Qtr1 - East").

Instance Generation
After the contexts are consolidated, they become actual contexts (for instance
documents only). The instance generation routine inserts XML comments above
context definitions (within the instance XML) documenting the context's user-friendly
name, enabling users to identify the contexts within the instance XML if they choose to
examine the XML.

Chapter 7
Navigating the Mapping Tool

Applying Typed Dimensions

Unlike explicit dimensions, where the breakdown in the taxonomy is known (finite) and
listed, Typed dimensions are used when the breakdown structure and content is
unknown, infinite or impractical to enumerate explicitly. Typed dimension values are
defined by the preparer and are not present in the taxonomy. The preparer can create
any number of members as per their reporting entity’s requirement. For example, a
typed dimension for "Sales Representation Name" can be reported multiple times for
each "Sales" person.
Disclosure Management supports the ability to tag typed dimension meta-values at the
document level and from all Disclosure Management supported sources.
After Typed dimensions are defined, they can be mapped, reviewed, validated, rolled
over, exported, and published in the same manner as explicit dimensions.
Mapping - requires a primary item mapping, contextual mapping, and (optional) Unit
mapping (depending on the data type of the primary item. As financial items tend to be
monetary, the user should always map a unit to the primary item to avoid XBRL
validation errors.

Creating a Typed Dimension Instance

You open a registered report and select a taxonomy that contains typed dimension
definitions, then select a dimension member. Then you create an instance by
identifying a primary item located on the Master Document, map each values
associated with the primary item, and then map the entire area of values in the Master
Document associated with the primary item.
To define typed dimension values
1. Open the Disclosure Management report in Smart View Microsoft Office. See
Connecting to Narrative Reporting in Smart View.

2. From the Disclosure Management ribbon, click to display the Mapping

Tool panel.
3. Click the Concept tab navigate to an XBRL concept in the taxonomy containing
typed dimension definitions.
4. When an appropriate XBRL concept is selected, the "Dimension Members" tab in
the lower pane displays both associated explicit and typed dimensions. Typed
dimensions use the Edit Dimension button, to identify them.

Chapter 7
Navigating the Mapping Tool

5. On the Dimension Members tab, click a dimension associated with an Edit

Dimension button .


The Edit Dimension button indicates that it is a typed dimension.

All the instances of the typed dimension definitions, if available, display on a typed
dimension tab located to the right of the Dimension Members tab.

6. Click .
7. To associate the dimension values to a value header, on the document, highlight

the value header, and then click the Capture Value button . The image shows
selected item.

8. You are ready to map the values associated with the value header. On the
Concept tab, select the typed dimension and, on the document select the value

you wish to map, then click . The mapped item is highlighted.

Chapter 7
Navigating the Mapping Tool

9. When you have completed mapping all the values for the selected value header,
select the dimension on the bottom pane, select the region in the document that

represents the values, and click .

Chapter 7
Navigating the Mapping Tool

About Tuples
An XBRL tuple is a series of related concepts. Unlike a taxonomy, a tuple requires
additional related concepts. A tuple member itself may not provide enough relevant
information; however, a group of tuple members does. For example, the tuple concept
"company address" may consist of the following tuple members: "Name", "Street",
"City", "State", "Postal Code", and "Country". One tuple member by itself (such as
"City"), is not sufficient to describe the concept "company address". Only when all
tuple members are provided does the concept become meaningful. The Disclosure
Management Mapping Tool provides a "tuple view" under the Concept tab that shows
all existing tuples defined within a taxonomy.

Working with Tuples

In the instance document a tuple group describes a collection of tuple members
nested within a tuple node. Like XBRL contexts, units and footnotes, tuple groups are
created and deleted by the Disclosure Management Mapping Tool. However, a major
distinction is that tuple groups are stored in the map repository. Note that tuple parents
are typically abstract (cannot be mapped) and its child members (also known as tuple
members) are non-abstract (can be mapped).
Not all taxonomies use tuples. Typically, taxonomies use either tuples or XBRL
dimensions but not both.

Chapter 7
Navigating the Mapping Tool

An embedded tuple is a parent tuple, which is defined inside another tuple. Embedded
tuples are similar to a tuple group (as defined above), except that they can only be
created and deleted from within their corresponding tuple group. It is not possible to
create a tuple group from an embedded parent tuple. Additionally, information about
embedded tuple group parents is not stored in an Office document.

Working with Complex Tuples

Using Disclosure Management Mapping Tool, you can define or create a tuple group,
and store in the map repository. The main advantage of complex tuple is that user can
select choices and set the max occurrences within the tuple.
The XBRL tuples can be viewed in the Concept tab. You display the Dimension view
for an active taxonomy by way of the relationship view list (located to the right of the
Concept tab ribbon). After you select the tuple view, the top panel shows all of the
tuple nodes (if any).
When you select a tuple from the top pane, the Tuples Detail pane (bottom panel)
updates to display tuple group member detail.
The bottom pane shows a Tuples Group pane, which enables you to map tuple
members to Tuple groups.

Chapter 7
Navigating the Mapping Tool

Chapter 7
Navigating the Mapping Tool

To change to the Tuple view:

1. On the Disclosure Management Mapping Tool panel, select the Concept tab.

2. With an open taxonomy that uses tuples, in the Taxonomy pane, click .

If the taxonomy does not support tuple, the "Tuple" text will be disabled.

3. From the drop-down menu, select Tuple.

To define the structure of the complex tuple group:
1. Switch to the Tuple view.
2. In the top panel, find the parent tuple element.
For example, you could look for "Company Address".

3. Create a tuple instance by clicking the New icon - .

4. You are prompted to provide a name for the tuple instance, and select choices
radio button, and set the Occurrences within the tuple.
Depending on the structure of the tuple, there can be choices or max occurrences
to enter. Sometimes there will be only choice, and sometimes only Occurrences.
Sometimes it could be a simple tuple. For example, you can view the both Choices
and Occurrences in the following image.

Chapter 7
Navigating the Mapping Tool

5. Click OK.
6. The tuple tree is recreated on the Tuple Group tab located on the bottom pane.

Chapter 7
Navigating the Mapping Tool

7. On the Tuple Group tab located on the bottom pane, map the individual tuple
members using the same mapping paradigm used to map regular concepts (in the
presentation view).
To map a tuple member to a tuple group:
1. From the master document, highlight a tuple member value that needs to be

mapped to Postal code NL, click located on the bottom pane.

For example, highlight 06902 value in the master document, and then map to the

tuple member to Postal code NL, and then click located on the bottom pane.
2. The mapped tuple instance of Postal code NL is added to the Tuple Group in the
bottom pane.

Chapter 7
Mapping Text Block

Mapping Text Block

Text Block is a set of textual information that is mapped to a qualitative or non-
monetary taxonomy concept; whereas a footnote can be assigned to any mapping.
In the following example, a text block is mapped to the Basis of Presentation and
Recent Account taxonomy concept.

Chapter 7
Nested Tags

Rich Text format option is selected by default in the "Review" tab when
tagging Block text, as it is a preferred option.
For rendering a XBRL table from Microsoft Word you must select the Rich
Text option in the application. This is accessed by opening the Review tab in
the Disclosure Management Mapping tool. Select the mapped value (for
selecting a desired format, use radio buttons at bottom of the panel).
Additionally, to complete a rendering of a XBRL table from Microsoft Word
(level 3 text block tags) you must also select text characters immediately
preceding the table such as a table title or sentence outside the table, so that
the table is properly identified.

To map text block to a taxonomy concept:

1. Open the document with the text block to map.
2. From the Disclosure Management Mapping tool, select Concept.
3. Navigate to a concept with the appropriate data type and map the text block.

Nested Tags
Disclosure Management supports any level of nested tags where a data value can be
tagged within another tag. Nested tags are useful when you need to tag items that
need to appear several times in the instance document. For example, a fractional
value may be tagged within text block, which itself has to be tagged separately within a
text tag. In this case the fractional value is displayed twice in the document. In one
instance the fractional value is included in the text block, and then again as a numeric

Chapter 7
Removing Mapped Data and Deleting Disclosure Management Objects

Disclosure Management handles nested tags based on which items are mapped and
where the mapping occurs:
• When a tag is created (a concept is mapped to a section of the document), the
new tag has no default context or unit.
• If a new tag is created using the "Quick Mapping" functionality, then the tag is
created with the specified context or unit from the Quick Mapping user interface.
• When a section of a document is highlighted and associated with a context or unit
for mapping, Disclosure Management identifies all "top-level" tags. A top-level tag
refers to a tag that is not nested within another tag.
• When a top-level tag is within a highlighted range, Disclosure Management maps
it to the context or unit. The mapping occurs whether or not a context or unit have
already been mapped. Any existing context or unit mappings are overridden.
• Top-level tags that either begin or end outside the highlighted range are ignored
and no mappings occur.

Removing Mapped Data and Deleting Disclosure

Management Objects
There is an important distinction between removing an XBRL map association and
deleting a Disclosure Management object:
• Removing an XBRL Map Association—Refers to removing or dissociating mapped
XBRL elements from data in an Office document. For example, you remove a unit
map from a numeric value table cell; however, the unit definition remains.
• Deleting a Disclosure Management Object—Refers to deleting a defined object
such as a context, unit, variable, or footnote. For example, users can delete a
defined unit from the list of units. When a Disclosure Management object is
deleted, the Disclosure Management object and any associated mappings are

Taxonomy concepts cannot be deleted in the Mapping Tool UI. Any edits to
the taxonomy concepts must occur in the taxonomy Designer template and
then refreshed into the Mapping Tool UI.

Removing XBRL Maps

You can remove XBRL mappings of taxonomy concepts, contexts, units, and footnotes
• One data point
• Multiple data points (an Office document which spans over two or more mapped
data points)
• Dimensions (which could be document level mapping associations)
• Tuples

Chapter 7
Removing Mapped Data and Deleting Disclosure Management Objects

When you remove a mapped item, the Remove Mappings dialog box displays the
mapped items that can be removed. The number of items listed depends on the
Disclosure Management object selected in the Disclosure Management Mapping
Tool. For example, when a unit object is selected, the dialog box enumerates the
document data points that are mapped to the unit object. After a mapping is removed,
it cannot be undone, and you must remap the data to the Disclosure Management
object to recreate the map. For taxonomy concepts, the mapping information is
removed from the Mapping Repository and does not appear in the in Review mode. If
the mapped concept has associated XBRL dimensions (document level associations),
they are also removed from the Mapping Repository.
Options for mapping removal are:
• Suppress the taxonomy concept map from the selected data point in the Office
document (the concept map is disassociated within the Office document, but not
removed from the Mapping Repository). This is different from overriding a default
mapping from a data point in an Office document.
• Permanently removing the taxonomy concept map from the member (the concept
mapping is removed from the Mapping Repository). In this case, when a mapping
is removed, it cannot be undone, and you must remap the member to the XBRL
taxonomy concept to recreate the map. The taxonomy concept is removed from
the Mapping Repository and does not appear in Review mode. Additionally, the
XBRL mapping affects all existing Office documents in Oracle Smart View for
Office, data derived from the same member.

Table 7-6 Remove Mapping Dialog Fields and Descriptions

Field Description
Type Shows the type of Disclosure Management
object: Concept, Context, Unit, or Footnote
Mapping Shows the XBRL taxonomy object to which the
value has been mapped
Value Shows the report value associated with the

Deleting Disclosure Management Objects

You can delete a defined Disclosure Management object such as a context, unit,
variable or footnote. For example, users can delete a defined unit object from the list of
units. In this case, not only is the Disclosure Management object removed; any
mappings within the Office document which are associated with the deleted object are
also removed. Before a Disclosure Management object is permanently deleted, you
can reset the procedure, However, after you permanently delete a Disclosure
Management object by clicking OK, you cannot undo the action, and you must
redefine the object and recreate the maps.

Taxonomy concepts cannot be deleted through the Disclosure Management
Mapping Tool because they are defined in taxonomies. If the concept is part
of an extension taxonomy, you can delete the concept in Taxonomy
Designer. See Working with Taxonomy Designer.

Chapter 7
Reviewing Mappings

Reviewing Mappings
The Review tab enables you to review all the existing mappings relevant to the Office
document. While in the review mode, you can remove mappings, modify, and edit
mappings in an Office document. In addition, you can select a section of text in the
current document to view only relevant mappings in that section by selecting Filter
Selection. Display options enables you to show mapped items in two formats: tree
view (consolidated maps) and list view (individual maps).
In both views, users can navigate to the appropriate data in the Office document by
selecting a mapped item in the review list. Selecting items on the Review tab shows
them highlighted in the Office document or Financial Reporting report.

Changing Tree or List Views

Display options enables you to show mapped items in two formats in Review mode:
• List—Shows a table containing all the individually mapped fact values. The
columns can be sorted and the table column header can be customized.
• Tree—Shows mappings in a hierarchical representation. Individual maps are
consolidated by concepts, contexts, units, and footnotes.
In both views, users can navigate to data in the Office document or Financial
Reporting report.

To switch between views, from the Review pane, click for the tree view, or
for the list view. This icon toggles between Tree View and List View.

Reviewing Dimension Mappings in a Report

You can review previously created dimension mappings in a "Review Export" report.
To review the typed dimension mappings of a primary report:
1. Open the Disclosure Management report in Smart View Microsoft Office. See
Connecting to Narrative Reporting in Smart View.

2. From the Disclosure Management ribbon, click .

3. On the Disclosure Management Mapping Tool, click the Review tab.

4. Click . The Export dialog is displayed.

5. Select "Detailed Mapping Review" and click Export. The system generates a
"Detailed Mapping Review" report for the primary item mappings.

Previewing Mapped Items

You can review the mapped value of an item on the Current Mapping tab in plain text
format. Additionally for numeric values, you can also see the value before applying any
formatting (which will be available for review on the corresponding Formatting tab). For
string values, only the plain text format is shown. The Current Mapping tab provides

Chapter 7
Reviewing Mappings

the ability to delete dimensions. You can also navigate to the Edit Dimension Members
dialog to add or delete dimensions (see Editing Dimensions).
The Review tab displays all the mapped items located in the document. You can limit
the list items to a selected section on the document. Disclosure Management provides
a Filter Selection toggle button where you can select a section of text in the current
document to view only mappings in that section. When the filter selection is "On", you
can select another section of the document, click "Refresh" and the filtered list of
mappings will display the mappings in the new section. Clicking the Filter Selection
button again, defaults to all the mappings in the document.
To preview a mapped item:
1. Open the Disclosure Management report in Smart View Microsoft Office. See
Connecting to Narrative Reporting in Smart View.

2. From the Disclosure Management ribbon, click .

3. On the Disclosure Management Mapping Tool, click the Review tab.
4. Change to List View, if not already displayed. Do this by clicking the Actions drop-
down and selecting List View. The list displays all the mappings in the document.

To display items located in a section of the document only, highlight the

section, and then click . Click again to remove the filter and
default to view all mappings in the document.

5. On the list view table, select a mapped value.

6. On the Current Mapping tab located on the bottom of the Review tab, preview the
value in Mapped Value field.

Doclet Paging
You can display only the mappings of a specific doclet by using the doclet paging
To enable doclet paging:
1. Go to options
2. Choose Enable Filter
3. Click the Filter button
4. Select the doclet mappings to display

Editing Dimensions
The Edit Dimension Members dialog lets you delete and add dimensions on a selected
cell. The dialog shows separate tabs for "Explicit" and "Typed" dimensions. The top
area shows a list box of related dimension members that you can add to the mapping
of the selected cell. The bottom area shows a list box of dimensions that are mapped

Chapter 7
Reviewing Mappings

to a selected cell. You can use the shuffle panel's "Add" and "Remove" buttons to

move dimension in and out of the list boxes .

To change dimension members:
1. Open the Disclosure Management report in Smart View Microsoft Office. See
Connecting to Narrative Reporting in Smart View.

2. From the Disclosure Management ribbon, click .

3. On the Disclosure Management Mapping Tool, click the Review tab.
4. On the Concept column, select a dimension. The Current Mapping tab located on
the bottom of the Review pane shows the selected dimension values.
5. You can either remove the dimension on the Current Mapping tab by clicking the

Delete button ( ) or click the Edit button ( ) to display the Edit Dimension
Members dialog.

6. Click . The Edit Dimension Members dialog is displayed. The Explicit tab or
Typed tab is presented based on the type of dimension you selected.

7. The top area shows a list of dimensions you can add to the document. The bottom
area displays the current dimension selected for the document.

8. Click the Shuffle buttons ( ) to add or remove dimension between the


Chapter 7
Reviewing Mappings

9. Click OK to return to the Current Mapping tab.

10. Important: Click .

Changing Context and Units

A context or unit mapping can be changed directly from the Current Mapping tab on
the Review pane.
To change a context or unit.
1. Open the Disclosure Management report in Smart View Microsoft Office. See
Connecting to Narrative Reporting in Smart View.

2. From the Disclosure Management ribbon, click .

3. On the Disclosure Management Mapping Tool, click the Review tab.
4. From the Review pane, click the Actions drop-down and select List View.
5. Select the mapped item.
6. Select the Current Mapping tab located on the bottom of the Review pane.
7. In Context drop down, select the context.
8. In the Unit drop-down, select the unit.

Setting the Flip Sign

Use the Flip Sign option to reverse the sign of a mapping, and negate its label when
the report is rendered. This feature is useful where a debit needs to be reported as a
credit or vice versa.

Before flipping the sign of a fact to a negative value, consider the impact to
other labels when the document is rendered. For example, in the US GAAP
taxonomy, a stock dividend reduces retaining earnings. If the fact value is
changed to a negative value, a double negative is created, and the value is
considered positive, which increases retained earnings.

To set the flip sign of a mapped item:

1. Open the Disclosure Management report in Smart View Microsoft Office. See
Connecting to Narrative Reporting in Smart View.

2. From the Disclosure Management ribbon, click .

3. On the Disclosure Management Mapping Tool, click the Review tab.
4. On the Review pane, click the Actions drop-down and select List View.

Chapter 7
Reviewing Mappings

5. Select the mapped item.

6. Select the Current Mapping tab.
7. In Flip Sign, select the check box.

Saving Changes on the Current Mapping Tab

When you add or modify any values on the Current Mapping tab, click .

Exporting Mapping Reviews

During any point in the filing process, you can select to generate among three types of
reviews, designed to provide specific information about a Master Document or doclet.
The reviews allow you to analyze existing mappings within a report and identify
existing or potential issues. The reviews are:
• Detailed Mapping Review – Shows details of mappings in a document. In a
Master Document, all mappings across all doclets are shown. In a doclet, only
mappings within the doclet are shown.
• Duplicate Mappings Review – Shows all mappings, and provides a distinction
among those with the same value and different values. Duplicate mappings with
different values produce a validation error and must be corrected. Duplicate
mappings with same values do not produce an error but should be reviewed for
• Negative Values Review – Shows mappings that are associated with negative
values, that is, mappings that produce an XBRL fact value with a negative number.
To export a report for viewing:
1. Open a Master Document or doclet.

2. On the Disclosure Management ribbon, select the mapping tool icon ( ),

and then select the Review tab.
3. Select the Actions drop-down, and then select Export. The Export dialog is
4. On the Type drop-down, select the report you want to review: Detailed Mapping
Review, Duplicate Mappings Review, or Negative Values Review, and then click
Export. Wait for the document to generate review information. When completed,
the File Download dialog is displayed.
5. Select one:
• Open - Open the report in a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.
• Save - Save the report to your local machine.
• Cancel - Cancel the generated report without saving.

Previewing and Modifying Numeric Formats

You can preview Formatting settings for mapped items on the Formatting tab and elect
to add or change default settings for numeric formats. For each mapped numeric value
the Formatting tab shows the:

Chapter 7
Reviewing Mappings

• Decimal or Precision place

• Scaled By (factor)
• Number format
• Positive Prefix
• Negative Prefix
• Positive Suffix
• Negative Suffix
To update a format:
1. Open the Disclosure Management report in Smart View Microsoft Office. See
Connecting to Narrative Reporting in Smart View.

2. From the Disclosure Management ribbon, click .

3. On the Disclosure Management Mapping Tool, click the Review tab.
4. On the Action drop-down, select List View.
5. Select a numeric value.
6. Select the Formatting tab located at the bottom of the Review pane.
7. Click the Action drop-down, and select Edit.
The Format dialog is displayed. For more information, see: Formatting Documents.
8. Make the formatting changes and click OK.

Validating Documents
You can launch the validation of the instance document in the Validate mode.
Validation performs these operations:
• Retrieves XBRL mappings from the Mapping Tool client tool.
• Checks and validates the XBRL mappings against the metadata in the taxonomy.
• Uses XBRL taxonomy schema rules and calculations to validate data accuracy
and compliance.
• Provides error messages from the Mapping Tool.
To validate an instance document:
1. On the Disclosure Management Mapping Tool panel, Validate tab, click the
Actions drop-down, and then select XBRL Instance validation type.
2. Review the validation summary.

Viewing Validation Error Messages

When you validate an instance document in list view, the validation status is shown in
the Status field:

Chapter 7
Reviewing Mappings

Table 7-7 Review Status Symbols and their Descriptions

Review Status Symbol Description

Error Status—Indicates an incorrect mapped




During the validation process, an incorrect mapping applied in the instance document
is displayed with the status in the Status field next to the mapped item. Use the
Validation pane to view the detail and suggested resolution for the error. You can view
a list of validation messages for each individual mapping. Upon validation, a row is
added to list of mappings that groups validation messages that do not belong.

To display the error message for an incorrect mapped item, double-click next to the
mapped item.

Resolving Error Messages

Common methods to resolve errors include the following:
• Changing a context to match the corresponding period type for a taxonomy
• Overriding mapped values in the financial statement.
• Setting scaling or negative options.
• Changing the precision or decimal settings
• Suppressing or removing mappings.
• Changing unit measures.

Chapter 7
Reviewing Mappings

Review Mode Navigation Options

Table 7-8 Navigation Options in Review Mode

Navigation Option Description

The list view shows individually mapped items
(List View) in a tabular format. This table provides
customizable and sortable column headers.
When you select an item in the list view, the
corresponding data in the Office document is
Mapped tuple members that are part of a tuple
group are displayed in this format:
• TupleParentName—Parent name (label)
of the mapped tuple member
• TupleGroupName—Tuple group name as
provided by the user
• TupleMemberName—Name of the tuple
(label) member
In the tree view, you can select the "Next"
(Next Mapping) button on the Review pane toolbar. This
causes the next mapped item in the tree to be
selected. When the last mapped item in the
tree is selected, and you click the Next button,
the first item in the tree is selected.
When in the tree view, a user can select the
(Previous Mapping) "previous" button in the Review pane toolbar.
This causes the previous mapped item in the
tree to be selected. When the first mapped
item in the tree is selected, and you click the
Previous button, the last item in the tree is
The tree view shows mapping information in a
(Tree View) hierarchical order. Individual maps are
consolidated by concepts, contexts, units, and

No tuple trees
are displayed in
tree view.

Validating Disclosure Management Reports
Related Topics
• Validation Overview
• Validating with Rules Support

Validation Overview
After you complete your mappings, you use validation to check them for errors or
inconsistencies before you generate your XBRL instance document. Oracle
recommends that you validate your individual doclets as you complete your mappings
and resolve any errors, and then validate your master document before you generate
your XBRL instance document.

Validation is a three step process. First you validate the taxonomy. Next, you generate
the instance document, which creates an XML file associated with the instance
document. XBRL is an XML-based framework and relies on XML syntax to declare
semantic meaning such as XLink and XML Schema. The last step is the creation of
the instance document, which can be exchanged with other business entities or filed
with a regulatory agency.

Validating Mapped Data

Disclosure Management supports three types of instance validation:
• Presentation—Validates the instance document for conformance to XBRL
specifications. For example, if a mapped concept is of Duration period type and
the instance document contains one date in the corresponding Context, the

Chapter 8
Validation Overview

presentation validation should fail, because Duration period type requires Start
and End dates to be defined.
• Calculation—Validates all computed values in the instance document per the
calculation relationships defined within the taxonomy. It uses the calculation
relationship defined in calculation schema while taking care of the Weight attribute
for numeric facts.
• Formula—Validates all computed values in the instance document per the
formulas defined within the taxonomy. Formulas in taxonomy facilitate business
analysis and forecasting as they support calculations of data type "Boolean" (true
or false) and "string" in addition to "monetary" item types.
To validate the taxonomy:
1. Open the Office document with the taxonomy to validate.
2. On the Disclosure Management ribbon, select Validate.
When the validation is executed, a gauge shows the progress.

Exporting Validation Messages

Validation messages can be opened or exported to your machine for the XBRL
instance that you validated.
To export validation messages:
1. Open an Office document in Disclosure Management.
2. On the Disclosure Management Mapping Tool pane, Validate tab, and then

click .

3. When validation is completed, click . The File Download dialog is displayed.

4. Click Save.
5. On the Save As dialog, navigate to the location to save, optionally change the file
name, and click Save. The Download dialog is displayed. You can click Open,
Open Folder, or Save. The messages are copied to a Microsoft Excel file.

Showing Calculation Traces

A calculation trace checks that the arithmetic in the documents corresponds to the
calculations in the taxonomy. The calculation trace notes discrepancies where the
addition differs from instance values representing sums during validation. This action
is performed after performing validations.

This option is available only if CalculationLinkBase exists in the taxonomy.

To show a calculation trace:

1. Open the Disclosure Management report in Smart View Microsoft Office. See
Connecting to Narrative Reporting in Smart View.

Chapter 8
Validating with Rules Support

2. From the Disclosure Management ribbon, click .

3. On the Disclosure Management Mapping Tool, click the Validate tab.
4. From the Actions menu, select Show Calculation Trace ....

You can also click .

Showing Formula Traces

A formula trace checks that the formulas of an XBRL document correspond to the
formulas in the taxonomy. Formulas include business rules expressed semantically.
For example a formula might include the definition for "Assets = Liabilities + Equity".
The formula trace records the failure of a formula during validation.

This option is available only if CalculationLinkBase exists in the taxonomy.

To show a formula trace:

1. Open the Disclosure Management report in Smart View Microsoft Office. See
Connecting to Narrative Reporting in Smart View.

2. From the Disclosure Management ribbon, click .

3. On the Disclosure Management Mapping Tool, click the Validate tab.
4. From the Actions menu, select Show Formula Trace ....

Validating with Rules Support

Disclosure Management provides additional rules validations including:
• Validation based on the XBRL 2.1 specification (by default) for dimensions,
linkbases, and the Unit Types Registry
• Regulatory validation for US Edgar Filing Manual Checks and the IFRS Global
Filing Manual
• Extension modules, which are available for tuple generation, custom functions,
and so on.
To perform a regulator specific validation:
1. Open the Disclosure Management report in Smart View.
2. From the Disclosure Management ribbon, select Preview.
The Preview dialog is displayed.
3. From the File menu, select a .DMR file or .XML file.

Chapter 8
Validating with Rules Support

Optional: You can also select the Open Report Folder or the Open US-GAAP
Report, and navigate to the file.
Once the file is loaded, a “Validate” menu item is added to the Preview dialog.
The Validate drop down is displayed.
4. Select Validate and then from the Validate drop down, select the validate option.
Options are:
• Taxonomy
A Disclosure System check log is generated and displayed in Preview.
To view the Disclosure System Log from the Preview Tool menu:
1. From the Disclosure Management ribbon, select Preview.
2. Select Tools, then View, and then select any one: .
Options are:
• Generic
• IXBRL Interactive Viewer

Using IXBRL Interactive Viewer, the report is displayed in a full
browser (Internet Explorer)

3. Select Disclosure System Check Log.

Publishing Disclosure Management
Related Topics
• Generating XBRL Instance Documents Process Overview
• Generating Instance Documents
• Displaying the Instance Document in the Instance Viewer
• Reviewing IXBRL Generated File Name and Report Title
• Using the Arelle Viewer Offline
• Formatting Documents
• Using Disclosure Management for EDGAR HTML Generation
• Creating EDGAR Documents with Disclosure Management
• Creating a Hyperlink in the EDGAR Document
• Removing the Hyperlink from the EDGAR Document
• Formatting Guidelines
• Working with Inline XBRL

Generating XBRL Instance Documents Process Overview

The following provides an overview of the process that you follow to generate an
XBRL Instance Document.
• Create a blank Microsoft Word document in the Narrative Reporting Web User
Interface to use as a Disclosure Management master document. The report should
have the formatting and page layout you want your Disclosure Management report
to have.
• Open the Disclosure Management report in Microsoft Word, using Oracle Smart
View for Office.
• Select a taxonomy.
• Map the data from your financial statements to concepts from the selected
• Review and modify any mappings.
• Validate the instance document.
• Generate and export the instance document for filing with your regulator.
Watch this overview video: Validating and Generating XBRL Instance Documents in
Narrative Reporting Cloud.

Chapter 9
Generating Instance Documents

Validating and Generating XBRL Instance Documents in Narrative Reporting


Generating Instance Documents

Whereas a taxonomy defines XBRL concepts and their relationship to other concepts,
the instance document is a report containing the actual data. There is a tight
relationship between taxonomies and instance documents. After a taxonomy is
created, you can use its definitions and their relationships to produce an XBRL report.
In addition to taxonomy references, instance documents also contain the following
• XBRL Context—Provides information about the reporting (business) entity, a time-
frame, and other optional details such as scenarios and dimensions.
• XBRL Unit—Describes what the numeric data represents. Examples of units are:
"US Dollars," "Euros," and "shares."
• Data—Instance documents contain numeric and/or textual data that reside within a
Microsoft Office document. The generic "document data" term can mean one cell
in Excel, or one word or entire paragraph in Microsoft Word. This term is used
throughout to mean data that can be mapped by the Disclosure Management
Mapping Tool. Additionally, numeric data can be scaled and have references to
The instance document is similar to an HTML Web page, but instead of the report
language being HTML that can be read by a browser, the language is XML read by a
variety of XBRL applications that consume and analyze instance documents.
The XBRL filing consists of the XBRL taxonomy and the instance document. The
XBRL taxonomy explains the metadata behind a company's disclosure, and the
instance document shows how facts are mapped to the taxonomy. Validation verifies
semantic relationships between concepts, confirming that the correct facts have been
mapped to the correct fact field in the base taxonomy. For example, validation verifies
that the facts filed for "Assets" equals the facts filed for "Liabilities" and the "Owner's
equities". XBRL instance document generation is the last step of generating the XBRL-
compliant disclosures. To ensure the accuracy of the XBRL data that is submitted in a
filing, Disclosure Management validates your taxonomy against XBRL taxonomy
specifications before creating the instance document.

Rendering the Instance Document

Disclosure Management performs detections on automatic taxonomies, multiple
taxonomies, and IFRS based reports and processes rendering different based on the

Automatic Taxonomies
Disclosure Management attempts to discover the taxonomy that is associated with an
instance document by reading the schema reference (SchemaRef) attribute within the
instance document. When detected, the attribute is used to render the instance
document using the Arelle Viewer (when available). When the taxonomy cannot be
detected, the user is prompted to provide the path or URL for the taxonomy.

Chapter 9
Displaying the Instance Document in the Instance Viewer

Multiple Taxonomies
When an instance document contains references to two or more taxonomies,
Disclosure Management attempts to load the taxonomies declared by the multiple
schemaRef attributes and renders the instance in the Arelle Viewer (when available).

IFRS-Based Report
After the Generate XBRL option is triggered, if an IFRS-based report is detected, it is
automatically shown in the Arelle Viewer (when available).
The following usage notes apply to IFRS-based reports:
• Many international taxonomies extend the IFRS taxonomy including the UK-IFRS
and Chilean taxonomies.
• Only the following versions of the IFRS taxonomy are currently recognized: 2016,
2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2006 and 2005. IFRS
taxonomies prior to the 2005 version are not supported.
• Disclosure Management cannot control the final rendering of instance documents
(this includes US GAAP based instance documents).

Displaying the Instance Document in the Instance Viewer

Disclosure Management provides several display options for the instance document
XBRL including:
• Displaying the XBRL in human-readable format from a generic viewer. In this
case, Disclosure Management applies a style sheet to the XBRL output.
• Displaying the raw XBRL from a generic or Arelle viewer
• Displaying the XBRL in human-readable format from your default browser
To display an instance document in a generic viewer:
1. On the Disclosure Management ribbon, select Preview.
2. Perform an action:
• For a non-US GAAP instance document, select Open, and then Open Report.
• For a US GAAP instance document, select Open, and then Open US GAAP

When Disclosure Management cannot auto-detect the taxonomy, it
prompts the user to provide the taxonomy path or URL.

3. Navigate to the folder with the instance document, and then click OK.
Optional: To select a Disclosure Management report located in another folder,
select Open, then Open Report Folder, then navigate to the folder in which the
report resides, then select the report, and then click OK.
4. Optional: To view the raw XBRL content of the report, select View, and then

Chapter 9
Reviewing IXBRL Generated File Name and Report Title

To display the instance document in a browser:

1. On the Disclosure Management ribbon, select Preview.
2. For a non-US GAAP instance document, select Open, and then Open Report.
3. Navigate to the folder in which the instance document has been stored, and click
Optional: To select a Disclosure Management report located in another folder,
select Open, then Open Report Folder, then navigate to the folder in which the
report resides, then select the report, and then click OK.
4. From Tools, select Open in Default Browser.

Reviewing IXBRL Generated File Name and Report Title

The South African regulatory authority (CIPC) requires that iXBRL files be titled in a
certain format for submission, thus you can review and manage the Report Title, and
XBRL Instance Name information.

General Settings
To set the report properties:
1. From the Disclosure Management ribbon, select Properties, and then General.

Chapter 9
Using the Arelle Viewer Offline

2. In XBRL Instance Name, enter the XBRL Instance information.

3. In Report Title, enter a report name.
4. Optional: In Report Language, select a language from the drop-down menu.

Some jurisdictions require the xml:lang attribute to specify the locale of a
tag or instance. The ‘xml:lang’ attribute in the root of the instance
document indicates in which language the report has been prepared.
Each tagged text fact should have an ‘xml:lang’ attribute whose value
corresponds to the language of text in the content of a tag. Each tagged
text fact should have an ‘xml:lang’ attribute that is assigned to the fact or
inherited, for example from the root element. It's value must correspond
to the language of text in the content of a tag. You can specify the
default locale as mentioned in the below image. However, the default
can be overwritten at the mapping level in the Review Pane of the
Mapping Tool UI.


6. Click OK.

Using the Arelle Viewer Offline

Disclosure Management enables you to render and view XBRL reports in the Arelle
viewer offline. This functionality is available because the Arelle Viewer program uses a
cache to store XBRL resources that are originally fetched from the Internet. After the
XBRL resources are in the cache, the Arelle Viewer references the files from the
cache to render the instance document.
To use the Arelle Viewer offline, copy the resource files to the same folder as the
instance files. If the dependent resource files are available in the same folder as the

Chapter 9
Formatting Documents

instance files (that is, the instance XML file, plus its taxonomy extension files), the user
is not prompted for the resource files. The Arelle Viewer uses the files from the folder

Formatting Documents
You can set global document properties that apply to all documents. In addition, using
a different option, you can override global settings for the current document that is
• number prefixes and suffixes
• thousands and decimal separators for parsing Microsoft Word document numerical
data when performing mapping (Document Properties)
• decimals or precision settings for all numeric data that is persisted to an instance
• scaling factors
• date formats
To apply document properties:
1. Select an option:
• To set global formatting options - On the Disclosure Management ribbon, click

and then select Transformation.

• To set the formatting options for the selected document: On the Disclosure

Management ribbon, click .

2. Optional: From Prefix or Suffix list, specify a prefix or suffix for positive
3. Optional: From the Prefix or Suffix list, specify a prefix or suffix for negative
4. Optional: From the Separator Characters list, select the character format to
represent thousands and decimal separators for the current report.
To specify custom separator character formats, select Custom from the Separator
Characters list, and then select a Thousands Separator character and Decimal
Separator character.
5. Optional: Select either Decimal or Precision, and then select a place from the
drop down.
6. Optional: Select Scale By, and then select the factor from the drop down.
7. Optional: From the Date format list, select a date format for the report.
Alternately, you can specify a Custom date format by selecting Custom from the
Date Format list, and enter the date format in the Custom Format field.
8. In the String Format drop-down, select the format of string values.

Chapter 9
Formatting Documents

If you are formatting the current document only, you can click the Reset
button to revert to the global formatting.

9. Click OK.

The Sample section shows the results of your formatting selections.

Table 9-1 Positive Number Symbols Fields and Descriptions

Field Description
Prefix Sets the symbol, which is placed to the left of
each positive value. Symbol options are:
• None
• $
• %
• [
• ]
The default prefix symbol is None.
Alternatively, you can specify another symbol
in the list by highlighting the field and typing
another symbol.
Suffix Sets the symbol, which is placed to the right of
each positive value. Symbol options are:
• None
• $
• %
• [
• ]
The default prefix symbol is None.
Alternatively, you can specify another symbol
in the list by highlighting the field and entering
another symbol.

Chapter 9
Formatting Documents

Table 9-2 Negative Number Symbols Fields and Descriptions

Field Description
Prefix Sets the symbol, which is placed to the left of
each negative value. Symbol options are:
• - (negative symbol)
• None
• $
• %
• [
• ]
The default prefix symbol is - .
Alternatively, you can specify another symbol
in the list by highlighting the field and entering
another symbol.
Suffix Sets the symbol which is placed to the right of
each negative value. Symbol options are:
• None
• $
• %
• [
• ]
The default prefix symbol is None.
Alternatively, you can specify another symbol
in the list by highlighting the field and typing
another symbol.

Table 9-3 Separator Character Fields and Descriptions

Field Description
Separator Character Sets the thousands and decimal separator
character format for numeric values from the
Separator Characters list.
You can specify a custom format by selecting
Custom from the Separator Characters list.
Next, select a thousands separator from the
Thousands Separator list, and a decimal
separator format from the Decimal Separator
Thousands Separator Sets the character for separating thousands in
values from the Thousands Separator list. For
example, you can select comma ( , ) to display
a value of 1,000, or you can select period ( . )
to display a value of 1.000. Options are:
comma ( , ), period ( . ), underscore ( _ ), and
(blank) space.
Alternatively, you can specify another symbol
in the list by highlighting the field and entering
another symbol.

Chapter 9
Formatting Documents

Table 9-3 (Cont.) Separator Character Fields and Descriptions

Field Description
Decimal Separator Sets the character to represent decimal points
(for example, 1,000.06) from the Decimal
Separator list. Options are: comma ( , ), period
( . ), underscore ( _ ), and (blank) space.
Alternatively, you can specify another symbol
in the list by highlighting the field and entering
another symbol.

Chapter 9
Formatting Documents

Table 9-4 General Information about the Decimal, Precision, and Scale

Field Description
General Information about the Decimal, When instance documents are generated,
Precision, and Scale Attributes numeric values mapped to XBRL line items
are saved with their raw data values. Any
formatting or rounding is removed from
numeric values. To report values correctly, you
need to apply both accuracy and scaling
properties. For example, if you map an item to
“30” but intend to represent this value in the
millions, two attributes must be supplied. First,
you must specify that the decimal attribute is
set to "6" to indicate that the number is
accurate to the millions. Secondly, you need to
specify that the scale factor equals 6, which
add 6 zeros to the mapped value 30 and
report the value 30000000 in the instance
Since every numeric value in an instance
document must have either a decimal or a
precision attribute, Disclosure Management
enables you to specify accuracy settings for all
numeric data that is persisted to an instance
document. In addition, you can specify a scale
attribute to determine the correct zero values
to include in the instance document.
• Decimal—The decimals setting states
how accurate a number is to the X
position with respect to the decimal place.
For example, a decimal attribute of ”0”
means that the number is accurate to the
whole number. A decimal attribute of ”2”
means the number is accurate to the
hundredths, and so on. The decimal
attribute is required for SEC filers.
• Precision—The precision attribute
indicates how many digits in the numeric
value are accurate. This means that the
number mapped to the line item is the
exact value shown in the instance
document (no rounding). By default,
Disclosure Management uses the
precision setting. This option is set to
“INF.” If values stored in a data source are
already scaled (for example, the stored
value of 250 may actually be 250,000), it
may be necessary to manually adjust the
precision attribute in the resulting XML file
after an instance document is created. For
more information regarding the precision
attribute, see the XBRL 2.1 specification.
• Scale By—The scaling attribute enables
you to indicate a factor whereby units of
values are multiplied by a scale factor to
determine the correct value to include in
the instance document. Scaling eliminates

Chapter 9
Formatting Documents

Table 9-4 (Cont.) General Information about the Decimal, Precision, and Scale

Field Description
the need to enter zeros in Microsoft Word
or Excel when mapping large numeric
For example, if you map the value $30,
and the value actually represents "30
million", it is necessary to set the scaling
factor to "6". This adds 6 zeros to the
mapped value 30, and reports the value
30000000 in the instance document. If
you apply a scale factor of ”-2” to “30”, this
means to subtract 2 zeros, i.e. “0.3”. (This
is often used when reporting percentages.
The report says 30% which is actually the
number 0.3).
Scaling is not mandatory. If a factor is not
used, the scaling automatically defaults to
0, meaning that no scale is applied. The
number “30” with scale=”0” is still “30”.

Chapter 9
Formatting Documents

Table 9-4 (Cont.) General Information about the Decimal, Precision, and Scale

Field Description
Decimal Enter the number of decimal places to which
the given value is accurate. This setting is
required for SEC filers.
Enter the setting as a positive whole number
to denote the accuracy of the value to the right
of the decimal point.
For example, enter "3" to specify that the
numeric fact is accurate to three digits right of
the decimal point. In another example,
if $42.38 is reported, then the decimals should
be set to 2. If the number is 36.69%, the
decimals should be set to 4.
You can also enter the number as a negative
"-" number to denote the accuracy of the value
to the left of the decimal point. For example if
you assign decimals to be "-3", the
amount $30,000 is said to be accurate to the
thousands. If decimals are "-6", the number is
accurate to the millions.

It is often
important to
complement the
decimals setting
with the scaling
property. For
example, if you
map the
value $30 and it
represents "30
million", it is
necessary to set
the scaling
property to "6".
This attribute
adds 6 zeros to
the mapped
value 30 and
report the value
30000000 in the

Chapter 9
Formatting Documents

Table 9-4 (Cont.) General Information about the Decimal, Precision, and Scale

Field Description
Precision Select to use a precision setting and choose
the number of digits of a numeric value that
are accurate.
For example, if you enter "7", the first seven
digits counting from the left, starting at the first
nonzero digit is correct to the seventh place.
By default, Disclosure Management uses the
precision setting. This option is set to “INF.

Table 9-5 Scaling Fields and Descriptions

Field Description
Scale By Select the initial global Scale by factor.
Scaling is a method whereby units of values
are multiplied by a scale factor to determine
the correct value to include in the instance
document. Scaling eliminates the need to
enter zeros in Microsoft Word or Excel when
mapping large numeric values. Scaling factors
are defined as an exponent of 10. For example
if the document has a mapped value of "2" and
the scale factor is "3", then the value in the
instance document is 2000. The default
scaling factor is 0, which does not scale
values. Negative scale factors such as "-1" or
"-2" are also supported.
For example, if you map the value $30, and
the value actually represents "30 million", it is
necessary to set the scaling factor to "6". This
adds 6 zeros to the mapped value 30, and
reports the value 30000000 in the instance
document. If you apply a scale factor of ”-2” to
“30”, this means to subtract 2 zeros, i.e. “0.3”.
(This is often used when reporting
percentages. The report says 30% which is
actually the number 0.3).
Scaling is not mandatory. If a factor is not
used, the scaling automatically defaults to 0,
meaning that no scale is applied. The number
“30” with scale=”0” is still “30”.

Chapter 9
Using Disclosure Management for EDGAR HTML Generation

Table 9-6 Date Format Fields and Descriptions

Field Description
Date Format Select the date format from the Date format
drop down. Valid options are:
• None
• "(D)D*(M)M"
• "(M)M*(D)D"
• "(D)D*(Mon)th"
• "(Mon)th*(D)D"
• "(Mon)th*(Y)YYY"
• "(Y)Y(YY)*(Mon)th"
• "(D)D*(Mon)th*(Y)Y(YY)"
• "(Y)Y(YY)*(D)D*(Mon)th"
• "(Y)Y(YY)*(Mon)th*(D)D"
• Custom (date format must be specified in
Custom format field)
Custom Format To specify a custom date format, specify the
custom date format.

Table 9-7 String Format Fields and Descriptions

Field Description
String Specify the format of the string. Formatting
options are available for nonnumeric XBRL
mappings in which the string is based on
concepts of the “”
type and its derivatives. The available
formatting options include:
• Rich text—Disclosure Management
extracts the HTML formatted content from
Office document and applies this
formatting to the nonnumeric item.
• Plain text—Disclosure Management uses
the formatting value of the corresponding
fact and applies the formatting to the
nonnumeric item.
• Default—A plain text format is applied to
nonnumeric items by default. However the
default configuration can be set to use the
rich text format for certain string types and
their derivatives.

Using Disclosure Management for EDGAR HTML

Related Topics
• Creating EDGAR Documents with Disclosure Management
• Creating a Hyperlink in the EDGAR Document

Chapter 9
Using Disclosure Management for EDGAR HTML Generation

• Removing the Hyperlink from the EDGAR Document

• Formatting Guidelines

Creating EDGAR Documents with Disclosure Management

For SEC filers, Disclosure Management offers a comprehensive solution to create,
validate and publish both EDGAR HTML and XBRL filings for the SEC. Using
Disclosure Management, users can generate both the EDGAR HTML and XBRL filing
documents from the DM Master document while ensuring that the generated output is
compliant with EDGAR Filer Manual validation rules.
The following steps focus specifically on EDGAR HTML generation, but are intended
to be used in conjunction with your XBRL creation steps. Users may choose to utilize
the same Master Document and doclets to generate both HTML and XBRL
To create EDGAR documents:
1. Incorporate your reporting content into your Microsoft Word and/or Excel doclets
as you would generally do. For EDGAR HTML generation, you need to create
additional doclets to include non-XBRL content including the cover page, table of
contents, additional notes, and other content.
2. Incorporate your doclets into the master document.
3. Optional: Utilize Disclosure Management variables to help manage the Table of
Contents or to keep common data in sync.
4. Finalize the look and feel of the master document. The master document should
look like the final report that you intend to generate into EDGAR HTML. Therefore,
care should be taken to ensure that doclets are arranged in the appropriate order,
formatting is appropriate, and non-desired HTML content is hidden from view, for
example, DEI tagging information for the XBRL filing.
5. Prior to validation or generation steps, ensure that Disclosure Management
variables are in “Evaluated” mode so that the master document appears as in its
final state.
6. On the Disclosure Management, select Validate, then US SEC, and then EDGAR
HTML to check your documents against the HTML validation rules for the EDGAR
Filers Manual.
7. Review and resolve errors as needed.
8. On the Disclosure Management, select Publish, and then EDGAR HTML to
generate the final documents. An EDGAR file save dialog is displayed.
9. Specify a zip file name and click Save. The zip file name will be the name of your
HTML document. You can rename this document at a later time if you choose. All
appropriate documents are saved into the named zip file. The zip file will include
the EDGAR HTML document as well as any image files that are used in your
After your documents are generated in the final step above, Disclosure Management’s
role in publishing your documents is complete. It is the filer’s responsibility to submit
the documents into the SEC website. Ensure that the appropriate EDGAR access
codes have been applied to submit your documents through the SEC submission
system. See EDGAR Filer Manual for more information.

Chapter 9
Using Disclosure Management for EDGAR HTML Generation

Creating a Hyperlink in the EDGAR Document

In this section, you can understand how to create a hyperlink from one EDGAR
document to another.
To generate the final EDGAR documents: On the Disclosure Management, select
Publish, and then EDGAR HTML. After opening EDGAR Report. Displays Exhibit
menu in the Preview dialog.
To create a hyperlink in the EDGAR document:
1. From the Disclosure Management ribbon, select Preview.
2. From the File menu, select Open Report. After opening EDGAR Report. Displays
Exhibit menu in the Preview dialog.
3. In EDGAR HTML Preview, select a text, and select Exhibit, and then select Link
to perform Exhibit linking.
4. In Exhibit Link, click Browse, and then select the Exhibit Report file to link in the
EDGAR document.
5. Optional: Select HyperLink to add an external link in the EDGAR document.
6. Click OK.

Removing the Hyperlink from the EDGAR Document

To remove the hyperlink in the EDGAR document:
1. From the Disclosure Management ribbon, select Preview.
2. From the File menu, select Open Report. After opening EDGAR Report. Displays
Exhibit menu in the Preview dialog.
3. In EDGAR HTML Preview, select the hyperlink text, and select Exhibit, and then
select Unlink to remove linking from the EDGAR document.
4. In Unlink Exhibit, select the Exhibit Report file to remove from the EDGAR
document, and then click Unlink.

Formatting Guidelines
Formatting considerations are important when creating your Disclosure Management
documents to ensure the proper look-and-feel of the resulting EDGAR HTML
document. It is the filer’s responsibility to create and maintain the desired formatting
within the Disclosure Management master document and doclets using standard
Microsoft Office capabilities.
Based on the final formatting within your documents, Disclosure Management will
provide the most accurate representation possible when publishing the content to
This topic provides suggestions, recommendations and limitations related to the
preparation of a master document that customers can follow to ensure that Disclosure
Management produces the desired EDGAR HTML output. While Disclosure
Management cannot guarantee a 100% seamless transformation of a master
document to EDGAR ready HTML, following the guidelines and recommendations
described here will produce a truer representation of the Word document.

Chapter 9
Using Disclosure Management for EDGAR HTML Generation

To preserve visual fidelity with your final report, Oracle recommends that you
use Internet Explorer to render EDGAR documents.

Doclet Considerations
The following considerations describe how doclets affect the overall pagination of the
master document:
• Empty Paragraph: By default, Disclosure Management adds an empty paragraph
before a doclet is inserted in the master document. This can produce unexpected
spacing between multiple doclets.
• Define Page Breaks: Oracle recommends adding a hard page break (using CTRL
+ ENTER) to separate the doclets where possible.
• Hidden Doclets: Hidden doclets will not be included in the EDGAR output. By
default, Disclosure Management removes all empty paragraphs surrounding the
content of the hidden doclets. In some cases, there may be some empty
paragraphs that remain before the content of the hidden doclet. Ensure that all
extraneous spacing is removed at the end of doclets.
• Hidden Doclet Location: Where possible, add hidden doclets at the end of the
master document. This will avoid some pagination issues that may occur if a
hidden doclet is intermixed with non-hidden doclets.

Word lets you divide the document into "newspaper style" columns. This can enhance
the formatting of the document. These columns are supported as EDGAR HTML
Splitting a single table across multiple columns is not supported. If you want to have a
long table split the rows across multiple columns, you must create as many tables as
there are columns to ensure same "look and feel" in the generated HTML.

Horizontal Lines or Rules

Do not use images (such as GIF or JPG files) for displaying horizontal lines or rules in
a Word document. All images in the Word document will produce individual graphic
files during the HTML conversion. This processing can take a long time if the image
exists in a header or footer. Word provides several built-in solutions for adding
horizontal lines within a paragraph:
• Insert Horizontal Line: From the Borders menu of the Home ribbon in Microsoft
Word, select Horizontal Line to insert a horizontal line where your cursor is
located. The horizontal line's properties can be edited by double clicking on it.
• Paragraph Borders: Use a paragraph border to create a horizontal line in a Word
document. To reduce the width of the line, modify the Right Indentation
paragraph property.

Chapter 9
Working with Inline XBRL

Working with Inline XBRL

When you produce a report in XBRL, the resultant file has tags that are readable by
machines, but the lack of a presentation format makes it difficult to read by people. In
contrast, inline XBRL (iXBRL) enables you to produce reports in a format that is
readable to both people and machines in a single file. The data in the report can be
arranged and formatted the way you want, and when a user views the report in an
iXBRL viewer, the tags can be expanded to show the XBRL information that has been
mapped to them.
Disclosure Management supports the Inline XBRL 1.1 specification.
iXBRL allows the user to view the XBRL tags on the document without having to
maintain or create a separate XBRL file. The same validation, tagging process,
taxonomy rules and best practices apply to both XBRL and iXBRL reports.
Many regulators accept XBRL, iXBRL, or both for regulatory filings. For example,
these regulators accept both formats:
• HMRC (UK) FRS 101, FRS 102
In addition, other regulatory agencies such as CIPC (South Africa) and ESMA (EU) are
in the process of working towards accepting iXBRL in the near future.

Publishing and Viewing iXBRL

To publish a report in iXBRL format:
1. On the Disclosure Management ribbon, click Publish, and then select iXBRL
The report is validated automatically as part of the publish process. The report can
be validated in UK HRMC format.
2. Enter a file name and select a destination to save the published files.
The output file is a compressed file that contains all the iXBRL report files. It is
saved with a .DMR file extension.
To view the report:
1. Locate the DMR file that was created when you published the report, and change
the file extension to .ZIP.
2. Open the ZIP file with a compression utility, and extract the file with an .XHTML
extension. This file contains your iXBRL report.
3. Open the XHTML file with a browser to view the report in HTML. Optionally, you
can open the file with an iXBRL viewer, such as Arelle or VT Fact Viewer, to see
the iXBRL metadata that is embedded in the document.
You can also preview a report in iXBRL by clicking Preview, then View, and then
iXBRL. When you preview the file, you can view the standard HTML text only. If you
want to view the iXBRL metadata in addition to the regular text, you should open the
file in an iXBRL reader, such as Arelle or VT Fact Viewer.

Chapter 9
Working with Inline XBRL

You can express concepts of durationItemType (for example us-
gaap:AcquiredFiniteLivedIntangibleAssetsWeightedAverageUsefulLife )
expressed as words and the system will transform them into valid durational
type outputs. For example, “Five years, two months” is transformed as

Some considerations when working with iXBRL:

• When working with tables of contents in Microsoft Word, do not use tabs to create
space, as this can throw off the page numbering.
• When you validate iXBRL, if Arelle is unable to connect to the internet to perform
the validation, see "Updating the HTTP cache" in Tips and Troubleshooting.
• You cannot nest tables or shapes in your report, or the system will display an
HTML syntax error when you try to generate iXBRL. Save the nested tables or
shapes as a single image file (for example, JPG or GIF) before you generate
• When working with ordered lists in Microsoft Word, do not use Set Numbering
Value to start the list with a number other than 1. If the ordered list in Word does
not start at 1, the system displays an error during validation.

Rollover Disclosure Management Report in
Narrative Reporting
This feature enables you to rollover a report from one period to the next by exporting
the original Disclosure Management report and then importing it as a new report. After
you import the report, you change the Variable Dates, and Context Dates for the new
period. You can then query the newly imported report in Oracle Smart View for Office.
Some considerations when rolling over Disclosure Management reports. Rollover is a
standard operation in Disclosure Management, where you can preserve the formatting
and XBRL tags in a document. Follow these steps to perform Rollover:
• Create a folder called Export. You can export the Quarterly Filing 2017—Q1
report to the Export folder.
• You can import the same report to a folder called Quarterly Reports, and then
rename the report from Quarterly Filing 2017—Q1 to Quarterly Filing 2017—
• You cannot open two master documents with the same name. After you rollover a
document from one period to the next, close the original document before opening
the new one.
To roll forward an existing Disclosure Management Report in Narrative Reporting:

Tasks Perform these Sub Tasks For More Information

Exporting the Quarterly Report • Create a common folder Exporting the Quarterly Report
in Narrative Reporting Web in the library. For in Narrative Reporting Web
example, Quarterly
Report Filing
• Create an another
Quarterly Filing 2017—
Q1 folder within the
Quarterly Report Filing
• Export the previous
quarterly report to a
common folder
(Quarterly Report Filing)
Importing the Quarterly Report • Create an another Importing the Quarterly Report
in Narrative Reporting Web Quarterly Filing 2017— in Narrative Reporting Web
Q2 folder within the
Quarterly Report Filing
• Import the previous
quarterly report from a
common folder
(Quarterly Report Filing)

Chapter 10
Exporting the Quarterly Report in Narrative Reporting Web

Tasks Perform these Sub Tasks For More Information

Changing the Taxonomy Changing the Report Changing the Taxonomy
Template Setting in Disclosure Properties Setting: Report Properties in
Management Client • Taxonomy Date Disclosure Management
• Name Space
Publishing the Taxonomy Enables you to publish the Publishing the Taxonomy
Template new taxonomy into the server. Template
Changing the Taxonomy in Changing the Taxonomy Changing the Taxonomy in
Mapping Tool affects all existing mappings Mapping Tool
that are associated in the
Updating the Context Dates Changing the context dates Updating the Context Dates
affects all existing mappings
that are associated in the
taxonomy template.
Validating the Report Enable you to perform Validating the Report
taxonomy template validation
Changing Variables Changing the variable dates About Variables
affects all existing mappings
that are associated in the
taxonomy template.

Exporting the Quarterly Report in Narrative Reporting Web

To export the previous quarterly report to a common folder:
1. Log into Narrative Reporting. On the Home page, select


2. Click , and select Folder to add folder to the library.

a. In Name, enter the folder name. For example: Quarterly Report Filing.
b. In Description, provide the report filing description, and then click OK.

3. From the Content Pane, click , and then select Folder to store artifacts.
a. In Name, enter the folder name. For example: Quarterly Filing 2017—Q1.
b. In Description, provide the report filing description, and then click OK.

4. From Create next to the Search icon, select Upload File.

5. Click Choose File to navigate to the Quarterly Report Filing that you want to
upload, and then click OK.

Chapter 10
Importing the Quarterly Report in Narrative Reporting Web

6. From the Content Pane, click , and then select Folder to store artifacts.
a. In Name, enter the folder name. For example: Quarterly Filing 2017—Q2.
b. In Description, provide the report filing description, and then click OK.
7. From the Home page, select Library.
8. Do one of the following, depending on the artifact:

a. For a root level folder, in the navigation pane, select the folder, then click ,
then click Export
b. For other artifacts (folder, report package, or application), in the right pane,

select the artifact to export, then click then select Export.

9. Choose a folder Quarterly Report Filing to put the export file in, then click OK.
The export process runs in the background. Check Messages to view the
notification once the export is complete.
Validate that the export was successful by checking the folder you exported the
artifact to and that the name of the export zip file is prefixed with Export. For
example, Export - Quarterly Report

Importing the Quarterly Report in Narrative Reporting Web

To import the previous quarterly report from a common folder:
1. To import the report file from Quarterly Report Filing folder to Quarterly Filing
2017—Q2 folder, perform these steps:
2. Navigate to the Quarterly Filing 2017—Q2 folder where you want to import, and
select the menu in the upper right corner of the Library, and then select
3. In Import box, select Library, and click Browse, and then select the Export -
Quarterly Report file to import.

Chapter 10
Changing the Taxonomy Report Properties in Disclosure Management

4. Select Current Folder where you want to import. For example: Quarterly Filing
2017—Q2 is the current folder.
5. Select Overwrite Existing Objects to replace any existing artifact with the new
imported artifact.
6. Select Include Access Permissions to include the already defined access
permissions on the imported artifact to the existing one. Then select OK.
The import process runs in the background. Check Messages to view the
notification once the import is complete. Verify the library folder you specified to
check that the file has been imported.

After importing the Disclosure Management Master Document Report,
you can rename the master document.
In Narrative Reporting Web User Interface, click on the Disclosure
Management report, select the menu in the upper right corner of the
Library, and then select Rename.
In the Rename dialog, you can rename the newly imported Disclosure
Management Master Document Report to a unique file name, and then
click OK.

Changing the Taxonomy Report Properties in Disclosure

To change the report properties:
1. Open the Disclosure Management report.
2. In the Disclosure Management Report Manager pane, select the Taxonomy

template, and then click .

3. Logon to Narrative Reporting, enter the user and password details.
4. Select Check Out, and then select Properties.
5. Select Taxonomy, and change the taxonomy settings:

Chapter 10
Publishing the Taxonomy Template

a. In Taxonomy Date, click to change the date.

b. The Namespace is automatically changes to the date specified in the
Taxonomy Date. For example,, where
20170930 represents the date format in YYYYMMDD.
c. Click OK to exit the report properties.
d. Click Reference Taxonomies. Select the individual properties, and then click
6. Click Check In. Enter your Comments, and then click OK to save the taxonomy
Successful check in message is displayed, and then click OK.

Publishing the Taxonomy Template

To publish the taxonomy template:
1. Open the Disclosure Management report.
2. In the Disclosure Management Report Manager pane, select the Taxonomy

template, and then click .

3. Logon to Narrative Reporting, enter the user and password details.
4. Click Publish, and then select Taxonomy.
5. In Publish Taxonomy, select the Location of the template.
6. Select Validate and Automatically Register.
7. In Auto Register section, enter the Folder Name, and Taxonomy Name, and
then click OK to publish the new taxonomy in to the server.

Chapter 10
Changing the Taxonomy in Mapping Tool

Validating the taxonomy template.

If any validation errors are displayed, fix the errors, and then publish the
taxonomy template.

Changing the Taxonomy in Mapping Tool

After validating the taxonomy template, you need to change the taxonomy associated
to the report.
To change the taxonomy associated to the report:
1. Connect to the Narrative Reporting in Oracle Smart View for Office. See
Connecting to Narrative Reporting in Smart View

2. From the Disclosure Management ribbon, click .

3. In the Disclosure Management Mapping Tool panel, select Concept tab.
4. From Action drop-down, and then Select Taxonomy to choose the newly created

Chapter 10
Updating the Context Dates

5. Select the associated taxonomy template, and then click OK.

Updating the Context Dates

To update the context dates:
1. Open the Disclosure Management report in Oracle Smart View for Office. See
Connecting to Narrative Reporting in Smart View

2. From the Disclosure Management ribbon, click .

3. In the Disclosure Management Mapping Tool panel, select Context.

4. On the Context Listing pane, select the context, and then .

Chapter 10
Validating the Report

5. Change the Context Dates to quarterly end dates, and then click OK.

Validating the Report

To perform taxonomy template validation:
1. Open the Disclosure Management report in Smart View.
2. From the Disclosure Management Ribbon, select Validate, and then select the
validate option.

Chapter 10
Migrating Taxonomies

Options are:
• Global IFRS

If any validation errors are displayed, fix the errors, and then publish the
taxonomy template.

Migrating Taxonomies
Migrating taxonomies is different from rolling taxonomies forward. In a roll forward, you
make a copy of a report and its accompanying extended taxonomy and then use it in a
different reporting period. When you migrate a taxonomy, you change the year of the
base taxonomy for an extended taxonomy from one year to a different year (for
example, from US-GAAP-2016 to US-GAAP-2017).
The migration process allows you to make use of newly approved concepts and to
remove deprecated concepts. Taxonomies in many jurisdictions may change on an
annual basis. In certain cases, base taxonomies that have become aged will not be
accepted by the Regulator as a basis for an extended taxonomy and must be
replaced. Disclosure Management will confirm whether the taxonomy in use will be
accepted by the Regulator prior to filing, or if the base taxonomy needs to be migrated
To migrate a taxonomy:
1. Before you begin migrating a taxonomy, complete your roll forward first. See
Rollover Disclosure Management Report in Narrative Reporting
2. In Taxonomy Designer, click Properties.
3. Select the Taxonomy tab.
4. Click the Base Taxonomy drop-down menu and select the base taxonomy to
migrate to, and then click OK.

The migration process can take several minutes to complete.

Chapter 10
Migrating Taxonomies

High Volume XBRL Tagging Process
Disclosure Management High Volume XBRL is an XBRL instance generation engine
designed to accept a series of intermediate mapping files that have instructions to
generate an XBRL instance.
Using Microsoft Excel, you can select a cell and apply tags to each cell. This tagging
process enables you to generate the intermediate mapping file. This intermediate
mapping file is fed to the Disclosure Management High Volume XBRL engine, which
generates the XBRL instance.
An auto-tagging process uses the Microsoft Excel comment options to paint, or tag, a
targeted cell. You can apply tags for a selected cell or range of cells.
At this time, Disclosure Management High Volume XBRL is used primarily for
Colombian regulator use cases.

Configuring a High Volume XBRL Taxonomy

You configure a high volume XBRL taxonomy by registering it and loading it in your
Taxonomy Manager.

Before You Begin

Before you begin configuring your high volume XBRL taxonomy, you must download
the taxonomy and template from your regulator's repository website. You must also
connect to Disclosure Management from Smart View.
To download the taxonomy and template:
1. Navigate to your regulator's taxonomy repository website. For example, for
Colombian taxonomies, navigate to Colombian Taxonomies.
2. Click the correct taxonomy number (for example, 103 Agricultura) for your filing.
The regulatory provides the following for each taxonomy:
• The required entry points (XSD files) for the taxonomy, such as Annual
Consolidated, Annual Single, and so on.
• The taxonomy itself (ZIP file).
• The taxonomy template (Microsoft Excel file).
3. Download the taxonomy (ZIP) and template files (Microsoft Excel) to your
Figure 1 shows an example of the entry points, taxonomy, and Microsoft Excel
template for the 103 Agricultura Colombian taxonomy.

Chapter 11
Configuring a High Volume XBRL Taxonomy

Figure 11-1 Colombian Regulator Taxonomy Repository Example

Connecting to Disclosure Management in Smart View

After you download the taxonomy and template, open the template in Microsoft Excel
and perform the following actions to connect to Disclosure Management:
1. Open the template in Microsoft Excel.

2. Click .
3. In Connection URL, enter the Disclosure Management server information.

You may have to restart Microsoft Excel for the server information to
take effect.

4. Click .

Configuring the Taxonomy

After you connect to Disclosure Management, perform the following actions to load
and register the taxonomy:

Chapter 11
Setting the High Volume XBRL Options

1. From Microsoft Excel, click .

2. In Taxonomy Manager, click .

3. Click Browse, and navigate to where you downloaded the taxonomy.
4. Perform the following actions to add the taxonomy reference field:

a. Next to the Actions dropdown, click .

b. Select Taxonomy References, and click OK.
5. On the regulator website, highlight the XSD link for the entry point that you want to
use (for example,
2016-04-01/ctrl-103-agr-ind-int_entry-point_2016-04-01.xsd, and paste it
in Taxonomy References.
6. On the regulator website, for the entry point that you just pasted in, highlight the
portion of the filename after the date, and paste it in Entry Point.
For the example in the previous step, you would paste ctrl-103-agr-ind-
7. Enter a folder name and taxonomy name for the taxonomy, and click Save.

Setting the High Volume XBRL Options

You can set the following types of High Volume XBRL options:
• Use General options to specify the Connection URL.
• Use Scan options to specify the Publishing, and Publish Options settings.

General Settings
1. From the High Volume XBRL ribbon, select Options, and then General.
2. In Connection URL, enter the Disclosure Management server information.
3. Click OK.

You may have to restart Microsoft Excel for the server information to
take effect.

Scan Settings
To perform publishing:
1. From the High Volume XBRL ribbon, select Options, and then Scan.

Chapter 11
Configuring Document Entity Information

2. To apply publishing, do the following:

• Publish Empty Cells—If selected, you can eliminate the cells that are empty
while publishing the XBRL documents
• Compute Missing Values— If selected, you can find missing mapped values
3. Click OK.

Publishing Options
To review messaging options:
1. From the High Volume XBRL ribbon, select Options, and then Scan.
2. Enter a value in Message Limit to store maximum number of reports at time.
3. Optional: Select Enable Diagnostics to view the report results.
4. Click OK.

Configuring Document Entity Information

The Document Entity Information (DEI) interface enables you to define the variables
for a Taxonomy Template. The DEI defines the required parameters for proper
instance generation, such as Entity ID, Schema reference, taxonomy namespace, list
of contexts, and units are used in the tagging process.
To add variables information in the DEI worksheet, perform these steps:

Chapter 11
Configuring Document Entity Information

1. In High Volume XBRL ribbon, select .

The Document Entity Information dialog box is displayed.

2. Refresh list of available taxonomies, and then in the Taxonomy drop-down, select
a required taxonomy namespace.
3. In Scheme, enter the scheme details that is needed for context definitions.
4. In Entity, enter a unique identification for the entity, company, or institution.
5. Select the required Contexts and Units information from the table below, and
then click OK.
One context and several units are created by default. While tagging range of cells, out
of the all contexts, the default context is displayed on the top of the drop-down list.
Similarly, out of all the units, the default unit is displayed on the top of the drop-down
To add new context variable properties, perform these steps:

1. Click to add new contexts variable information.

The Context dialog box is displayed.

Chapter 11
Configuring Document Entity Information

2. In Name, enter the name or label of the context.

The same context names can be used in the next quarter filing. For
example, for the I_currentQuarter, and D_currentYear variable, you
can change only the date, and use the same name.

3. In Type drop-down, select the required context type.

4. In From, select the start date of reporting period.
5. In To, select the end date of the reporting period.
6. Click OK.


To delete a context variable, select the property, and then click . In the
worksheet, the existing tags that are referencing to the deleted context are
not valid. You need to re-tag the cell to a valid context.

Chapter 11
Configuring Document Entity Information

Table 11-1 Context Detail Pane Fields and Descriptions

Field Descriptions
*Name Specify the name or label of the context. This
name is not persisted to instance documents.
For example, I_currentQuarter or
*Type Specify the time period in which the fact is
relevant. Valid options are:
• Instant—Specific date. For example:
Friday, January 01, 2017)
• Duration—A period of time starts with the
quarter or year start and ends with the
quarter or year end. For example, from
Friday, January 01, 2017 to
Saturday, December 31, 2017.
*From Specify the start date of reporting period. Enter
the date in Day, Month Date, Year format.
To select a date from the Calendar, click

To Specify the end date of the reporting period.
Enter the date in Day, Month Date, Year
format. To select a date from the Calendar,

click .

To add new unit variable information, perform these steps:

1. Click to add new unit variable information.

The Unit dialog box is displayed.

Chapter 11
Configuring Document Entity Information

2. In Name, enter the name of the unit

3. In Measure, enter a unit type.
4. Optional: Select Divide by, and then specify the denominator in Denominator.
5. In Decimals, enter a decimal value.
6. In Scaling, enter a scaling value.
7. Click OK.


To delete a unit variable, select the property, and then click . In the
worksheet, the existing tags that are referencing to the deleted unit variable
are not valid. You need to re-tag the cell to a valid unit variable.

Table 11-2 Unit Pane Fields and Descriptions

Field Description
*Name Enter a label for the unit. For example, enter
USD for U.S. dollars or EUR for Euros. This
value is not persisted to instance documents.

Chapter 11
Configuring Document Entity Information

Table 11-2 (Cont.) Unit Pane Fields and Descriptions

Field Description
*Measure Enter the unit in which numeric items have
been measured; for example, dollars, shares,
Euros, or dollars per share.
• Currency values must have currency unit
types recognized by the International
Standards Organization standard ISO
4217. See:
home.html that were valid at the time the
measurement occurred.
For example, iso4217:USD for monetary
items in US dollars , or iso4217:cop for
Colombian pesos.
• Shares values must have a unit measure
of "shares."
• Rates, percentages, and ratios, not with
values multiplied by one number and
which are shown using a pure or
percentage data type must have a unit
measure of "pure."
Divide by Optional: Enables the division of measured
values using the measure shown in the
Denominator field.
Denominator Optional: Select the measure that functions
as the divisor of the measure shown in the
Measure field. For example, if ISO 4217:
USD is in the Measure field, you could select
Decimal Optional: Enter the number of decimal places
to which the given value is accurate.

If the value is not
mentioned, then
by default the
values are
overridden from
DEI worksheet.

Chapter 11
Tagging Cells in the Regulator Template

Table 11-2 (Cont.) Unit Pane Fields and Descriptions

Field Description
Scaling Optional: Specify a number, whereby units of
values are multiplied by a scale factor to
determine the correct value.

If the value is not
mentioned, then
by default the
values are
overridden from
DEI worksheet.

Tagging Cells in the Regulator Template

After you register and load your taxonomy and configure your Document Entity
Information (DEI), you can begin tagging your cells in the regulator template. You can
select a single cell or a range of cells when tagging.
Before you begin the tagging process, scan all of the worksheets in the template and
gather the following information about each cell or range of cells:
• What type of tag should be applied
• Which parameters should be applied for each tag
The recommended order of tagging is as follows:
• First, tag Data element cells
• Next, tag Header element cells such as: Concepts, Dimensions, Context and Units
• Finally, tag Table element cells such as: Table Begin and Table End

Tagging in this order can help avoid tagging issues during validation.
Oracle recommends that you validate the tags after tagging each worksheet.
You can validate the tags either by using Arelle or by filing with the regulator.

Applying Tags to Cells in the Regulator Template

To apply tags for a cell or range of cells in the Taxonomy template, perform these
1. Download the Taxonomy template from Taxonomy Landing Page.

Chapter 11
Tagging Cells in the Regulator Template

From the Taxonomy landing page, select a required taxonomy template.
Taxonomy templates or Microsoft Excel templates are defined based on
industry code. For example: Bank of Colpatria has a code: 001 BANCOS,

See Configuring a High Volume XBRL Taxonomy

2. In Microsoft Excel, open the Taxonomy template, and then select a cell or range of
cells to apply a tag.

3. In the High Volume XBRL ribbon, select .

The Auto Tag Cell dialog box is displayed.

4. Select the tags to apply, such as: Data, Header, or Table tags for each cells in the
Taxonomy template.

While tagging a range of cells, the default context is displayed in the
Context drop-down list, and the default unit is displayed in the Unit drop-
down list.

5. After applying tags to each cell in the worksheet, click OK.

Follow these rules to apply tags to each cell:
Tag Name: Data tag
This defines that the cell is a data cell.

Chapter 11
Tagging Cells in the Regulator Template

Tag Type: #DATA comment in the cell. Select Negate Sign to flip the sign of the
numeric cell. For example, if the value is 500 and Negate Sign is selected, then the
value is reported as -500.

Tag Name: Concept

This labels a cell as a concept header.

Tag Type: #CON comment in the Excel cell.

Tag Name: Context
This defines the context of the cell.

Chapter 11
Tagging Cells in the Regulator Template

Tag Type: #CTX comment in the cell.

Tag Name: Unit
This defines that the cell is represented as a unit, such as: "shares" , "pure", or "USD".

Tag Type: #UNT comment in the cell. Optional: Unit parameters such as “decimals”
and “scaling” can be defined in the #UNT tag.
For example: #UNT($cop,decimals=”3”,scaling=”-3”)

If decimals or scaling attributes are not defined, then the default values are
taken from the DEI worksheet.

Chapter 11
Tagging Cells in the Regulator Template

Tag Name: Dimension

This defines that the cell is an explicit dimension label.

Tag Type: #DIM comment in the cell.

Tag Name: Table Begin
This marks the beginning of a table. This tag is used to delineate a clear section in the
sheet. You can tag the beginning of a table or a text block.
Tag Type: #TABLEBEGIN comment in the Excel cell.
Tag Name: Table End
This marks the ending of a table. This tag is used to delineate a clear section in the
sheet. You can tag the end of a table or a text block.

Tag Type: #TABLEEND comment in the Excel cell.

Chapter 11
Publishing an Instance

You can tag a cell with either #TABLEBEGIN or #TABLEEND, but not both.

In workbook, the primary concepts displayed in rows and the dimensions are
in columns for most of the network worksheets; however, these two networks
worksheets: 822390-21 and 822390-22 the primary concepts displayed in
columns and the dimensions are in rows. As a workaround, you need to re-
tag these two networks and regenerate intermediate mapping files.

Publishing an Instance
To publish an XBRL instance:
1. Open Excel or Word, and click the High Volume XBRL tab.
2. Click Connect.
3. Enter Disclosure Management user and password details.
4. Click Publish.
The publish dialog box is displayed.

5. In Report Name, enter the name of the report.

6. In Diagnostics Location, enter the location of the intermediate mapping files.
7. In Publish Option, click Select Worksheets to choose which worksheets to
In the Select Worksheet dialog box, select the required worksheet for publishing,
and then click OK

Chapter 11
Publishing an Instance

You may get duplicate tagging issues if you publish all worksheets at the
same time. Oracle recommends that you publish each worksheet, and
then validate the report. If there are any duplicate tags issues, then
resolve issues in the current worksheet.

8. Optional: Select Publish empty cells, and Compute missing values, and then
click OK

Selecting the Compute missing values option overrides the application
setting. See Setting the High Volume XBRL Options

Publishing begins, and the XBRL instance is generated.

9. To view the report status, click .

The Running Reports dialog box displays the list of successfully completed
reports and errors, if any exist.

You can store maximum of 50 reports at time.

After you update the Disclosure Management High–Volume XBRL client, you may
not able to view the previously stored reports in the Running Reports dialog.
Oracle recommends that you download the results and archive it in a different

Chapter 11
Publishing an Instance

location, which helps you to view the report results even after updating the
software. However, the Running Reports dialog box is not meant for long term

(Optional): After the report has finished, click to download a the zipped file
containing the XBRL instance and a validation log.
(Optional): You can delete a report. Select a report in the Running Reports dialog
box, and then click .

You can delete only Completed and Failed status reports.

(Optional): You can cancel a report from running at the background. Select a

report in the Running Reports dialog, and then click .

Publishing the instance produces a zipped file that contains a file with an
extension *.xbrl. This is the XBRL instance that was generated, which can be
validated using Arelle or Regulator.

Performing Auto Tag in Disclosure
To use the Disclosure Management Auto Tag feature, you must first apply the
corresponding Level 3 Table Text Block tags for each table in the report. This sets the
parameters to be tagged in each table.


• Verify that DEI (Document Entity Information) is present and tagged.

• Ensure that the report level settings are properly set for date format and
negative number format.

Before performing Auto Tag, you need to know the following considerations:
• Auto Tagging currently works for SEC Jurisdiction only.
• Auto Tagging does not currently tag Level 4 tags in narratives. For now,
it only attempts to recognize concepts within table with Level 3 tags in
SEC Jurisdiction.
• At this point, Auto Tagging does not automatically tag excel doclets.

Table 12-1 Performing an Auto Tag procedure in a Disclosure Management


Tasks Perform these Sub Tasks For More Information

Importing the Quarterly Report • Create an another Importing the Quarterly Report
in Narrative Reporting Web Quarterly Filing 2017— in Narrative Reporting Web
Q2 folder within the
Quarterly Report Filing
• Import the previous
quarterly report from a
common folder
(Quarterly Report Filing)

Chapter 12

Table 12-1 (Cont.) Performing an Auto Tag procedure in a Disclosure

Management Report

Tasks Perform these Sub Tasks For More Information

Opening a Document in • Open the Disclosure Opening a Master Document
Disclosure Management Management report in in Disclosure Management
Smart View Microsoft
• In the Smart View Panel,
the newly created library
folder is now available to
the Disclosure
Management users
• Expand the folder
structure, and view the
document that is available
for both Disclosure
Management and
Narrative Reporting Web
Working with Taxonomy Key highlights of Taxonomy Working With Taxonomy
Manager Management: Manager
• Uploading and registering
new taxonomies
Registering XBRL
• Refreshing the taxonomy
Taxonomies in Narrative
Reporting Cloud Disclosure
Management Video.
Changing the Taxonomy in Changing the Taxonomy Changing the Taxonomy in
Mapping Tool affects all existing mappings Mapping Tool
that are associated in the
Verifying Document Entity The Document and Entity Verifying Document Entity
Information in Disclosure Information (DEI) when tagged Information in Disclosure
Management with XBRL, properly identifies Management
the company and reporting
period of the filing.
Auto Tagging the Level 3 In the doclet, locate a table, Tagging the Level 3 Table
Table Text Block Tags and highlight the entire table Text Block Tags
then locate the correct Level 3
table tag in the taxonomy
using the Mapping Tool UI,
and then map the tag.
Auto Tagging the Level 4 Tags To auto tag the Level 4 tags in Auto Tagging the Level 4 Tags
a master document.

Chapter 12
Auto Tagging the Master Document

Table 12-1 (Cont.) Performing an Auto Tag procedure in a Disclosure

Management Report

Tasks Perform these Sub Tasks For More Information

Performing Auto Tag Process The Auto Tag operation Auto Tagging the Table Cells
in Disclosure Management should be performed on in a Word Doclet
individual doclets in the
Master Document; This
enables collaboration of
multiple users working in the
report. The operation will work
however solely on the master
document, but it is not
considered as a "Best
Auto Tagging Table Cells with The auto tagging process now Auto Tagging Table Cells with
Multiple Dimensions supports mapping of multiple Multiple Dimensions
dimension per table cell.
Reviewing Mappings in a The Review tab enables you Reviewing Mappings
Report to review all the existing Watch this overview video:
mappings relevant to the Mapping Disclosure
Office document. Management Reports in
Narrative Reporting Cloud.

Mapping Disclosure
Management Reports in
Narrative Reporting Cloud.

Auto Tagging the Master Document

After you register, and load your taxonomy, you can proceed to auto tag on the master
document in the Disclosure Management.
Before you begin the Auto Tag process, you must ensure that all the required pre-
requisites steps are verified:
• You must ensure that all the Word doclets are checked-in, before you work on it.
• You must ensure that the formatting options at the report level are set correctly,
such as the date format and the negative number format.

Chapter 12
Auto Tagging the Master Document

It's recommended that you validate the tags after the Auto Tagging process
is completed for each doclet. You can validate the Auto Tagged items by
reviewing them using the existing functionality.
Reviewing Mappings
Watch this overview video: Mapping Disclosure Management Reports in
Narrative Reporting Cloud.

-- Mapping Disclosure Management Reports in Narrative Reporting


After the Auto Tagging process is completed, the doclets that were selected
to be auto-tagged are checked-out. You must validate each doclet before
check-in, and then refresh it into the master document.

Performing Auto Tag on the Disclosure Management Master Document in Smart

To Auto Tag the Disclosure Management Master Document, perform these steps:
1. Connect to the Narrative Reporting in Oracle Smart View for Office. See
Connecting to Narrative Reporting in Smart View
2. In Smart View panel, navigate to newly created library folder that is made available
to the Disclosure Management users.
3. Expand the folder structure, and view the master document that is made available
for both Disclosure Management and Narrative Reporting Web users.
4. Open the Disclosure Management Master document in Smart View.
5. Click Auto Tag, and from the Select Doclet dialog you can either select All or
select the required doclet from the list, and then Click OK. The confirmation
message "Auto Tagging on the Disclosure Management master document is
successfully done." is displayed.

Chapter 12
Verifying Document Entity Information in Disclosure Management

The Auto Tag operation can be performed on the Disclosure
Management master document. However, be advised that since working
with individual doclets enables collaboration of multiple users working on
the report, it is more beneficial to Auto Tag individual doclets when there
are several users. If a user checks-out a Word doclet within the master
document, and another user simultaneously performs Auto Tagging on
the master document, then it may not be possible to view the checked-
out doclet from the Select Doclet dialog.

Verifying Document Entity Information in Disclosure

The Document and Entity Information (DEI) must be established for the report. The
DEI defines the required parameters for proper instance generation, such as Entity
Central Index Key, Document Fiscal Period Focus, Document Fiscal Year Focus,
Current Fiscal Year End Date , Document Period End Date, Document Period
Start Date, Document Effective Date, among several DEI concepts to enable a
successful submission to the SEC.
To verify the presence of information in the DEI worksheet, perform these steps:
1. Open the Disclosure Management report in Smart View. See Connecting to
Narrative Reporting in Smart View.
2. Open the Master Document.
3. In the Disclosure Management ribbon, select Manage to open the Disclosure
Management Report Manager.
4. In Disclosure Management Report Manager, select the Document Entity
Information worksheet doclet.
5. In the shortcut menu, click Open.
6. In the Document Entity Information worksheet doclet, select a data point, and then
verify the variables information in the DEI.
7. You must verify the following variables information in the DEI:
a. Entity Central Index key
b. Document Fiscal Period Focus
c. Document Fiscal Year Focus
d. Document Period End Date
e. Document Period Start Date
f. Document Effective Date

Tagging the Level 3 Table Text Block Tags

To tag the Level 3 tags in a doclet:

Chapter 12
Auto Tagging the Level 4 Tags

1. Open the Disclosure Management report in Smart View. See Connecting to

Narrative Reporting in Smart View.
2. Open the Master Document.
3. In the Disclosure Management ribbon, select Manage to open the Disclosure
Management Report Manager.
4. In Disclosure Management Report Manager, select a doclet.
5. In the shortcut menu, click Open.
6. In the doclet, locate a table, and highlight the entire table then locate the correct
Level 3 table tag in the taxonomy in the Mapping Tool UI and map the tag (also
mapping the correct context).
7. Save and close the doclet.

Auto Tagging the Level 4 Tags

To auto tag the Level 4 tags in a master document:
1. Connect to the Narrative Reporting in Oracle Smart View for Office. See
Connecting to Narrative Reporting in Smart View
2. In Smart View panel, navigate to newly created library folder that is made available
to the Disclosure Management users.
3. Expand the folder structure, and view the master document that is made available
for both Disclosure Management and Narrative Reporting Web users.
4. Open the Disclosure Management master document report in Smart View.
5. Click Auto Tag, and then select the required doclets to Auto Tag.

Chapter 12
Auto Tagging the Table Cells in a Word Doclet

6. A prompt is displayed, "Auto Tag will Overwrite exiting maps." Do you want to
continue. Click Yes.
7. After the Auto Tag is done, click OK.

Auto Tagging the Table Cells in a Word Doclet

After you register, and load your taxonomy, and configure your Document Entity
Information (DEI), you can proceed to auto tag the tables in the doclet.
The Auto Tag operation should be performed on individual doclets in the Master
Document, as it enables collaboration of multiple users working in the report. It is not
considered "Best Practice" to tag the Master document.
Before you begin the Auto Tag process, you must ensure that all the required pre-
requisites steps are verified:
• You must ensure that the Word doclet or Document is checked-out, before you
work on it.
• You must ensure that the formatting options at the report level are set correctly,
such as the date format and the negative number format.
• You must verify the Document Entity Information (DEI) are present and tagged

Chapter 12
Auto Tagging Table Cells with Multiple Dimensions

It's recommended that you validate the tags after the Auto Tagging process
is completed for each doclet. You can validate the Auto Tagged items by
reviewing them using the existing functionality.
Reviewing Mappings
Watch this overview video: Mapping Disclosure Management Reports in
Narrative Reporting Cloud.

Mapping Disclosure Management Reports in Narrative Reporting


Performing Auto Tag on the Disclosure Management report in Smart View

To Auto Tag the table cells within a word doclet, perform these steps:
1. Connect to the Narrative Reporting in Oracle Smart View for Office. See
Connecting to Narrative Reporting in Smart View
2. In Smart View panel, navigate to newly created library folder that is made available
to the Disclosure Management users.
3. Expand the folder structure, and view the master document that is made available
for both Disclosure Management and Narrative Reporting Web users.
4. Open the Disclosure Management report in Smart View.
5. Click Auto Tag.

Auto Tagging Table Cells with Multiple Dimensions

The auto tagging process now supports mapping of multiple dimension per table cell.
The table cells support for implicitly defined dimension values and supports multiple
explicit dimension values that are defined in the row or column headers. All these
multiple dimensions may be explicitly defined in the row and column headers, implicitly
defined for the whole table or as a part of the table and explicitly described in
preceding or within the proceeding text around the table.
After you register, and load your taxonomy, and configure your Document Entity
Information (DEI), you can proceed to auto tag the tables in the master document.
The Auto Tag operation should be performed on individual doclets in the Master
Document, as it enables collaboration of multiple users working in the report. It is not
considered "Best Practice" to tag the Master document.
Before you begin the Auto Tag process, you must ensure that all the required pre-
requisites steps are verified:
• You must ensure that the Word doclet or Master Document is checked-out, before
you work on it.
• You must ensure that the formatting options at the report level are set correctly,
such as the date format and the negative number format.

Chapter 12
Auto Tagging Table Cells with Multiple Dimensions

• You must verify the Document Entity Information (DEI) are present and tagged

It's recommended that you validate the tags after the Auto Tagging process
is completed for each doclet. You can validate the Auto Tagged items by
reviewing them using the existing functionality.
Reviewing Mappings
Watch this overview video: Mapping Disclosure Management Reports in
Narrative Reporting Cloud.

Mapping Disclosure Management Reports in Narrative Reporting


Configuration Options
This chapter includes information on setting Disclosure Management options.

Setting the Disclosure Management Options

You can set the following types of Disclosure Management options:
• Use General options to specify the Publish and Preview settings, as well as the
proxy settings for the Arelle XBRL editor.
• Use the XBRL options to specify the Mapping, Formatting, and Validation

Publishing Options
To apply publishing options:
1. From the Disclosure Management ribbon, select Options, and then General.

2. To apply publishing options, do the following:

Chapter 13
Setting the Disclosure Management Options

• Include images in published XBRL packages—Select this option to include

the image files within the XBRL package and include the appropriate
references with the XBRL documents; clear the selected option to exclude the
image files from the XBRL package and exclude any references from the
XBRL documents.
• Enhance financial table formatting—Select this option to auto-correct table
alignments, including adjustments to currency symbols and negative numbers
• Do not report 'id' attributes on generated facts—This option will not allow
you to display id attributes for facts in xbrls
• Fill the attribute 'decimal' with 'INF'— This option enables you to fill the
attribute 'decimals' for both non-monetary and all numeric facts with 'INF'
– Use for all numerical concepts— The attribute 'decimals' for all numeric
facts are filled with 'INF'
– Use for non-monetary numerical concepts— The attribute 'decimals'
for non-monetary numeric facts are filled with 'INF'
3. Click OK.

Preview Options
To apply preview options:
1. From the Disclosure Management ribbon, select Options, and then General.
2. Select Auto Preview Published Documents to view the Instance Viewer
immediately after the report is generated.
3. Click OK.

Arelle Proxy Settings

Disclosure Management uses Arelle to validate XBRL instances and taxonomies.
Arelle requires access to the internet to validate. If your network requires a proxy to
access the internet, you can enter the proxy information in these fields.
1. From the Disclosure Management ribbon, select Options, and then General.

Chapter 13
Setting the Disclosure Management Options

2. Choose an action:
• Arelle software is installed as a part of Disclosure Management Client
Installation, you no need to manually download the Arelle software.
During the installation process, you need to create a folder, with folder name
without spaces such as Arelle2018, and then point to the location in the
Disclosure Management Options Dialog.
• Select Use proxy server of Microsoft Windows Internet Settings to use
your default system settings for your proxy.
• Clear Use proxy server of Microsoft Windows Internet Settings and
manually enter the URL, port, user, and password to connect via your proxy.
3. Click OK.

XBRL Options
The XBRL options enable you to specify the settings for mappings, formatting, and

You can instruct Disclosure Management to preserve data selections as a default for
future mappings.
To preserve data selections as a default for future mappings:
1. From the Disclosure Management ribbon, select Options, and then select

Chapter 13
Setting the Disclosure Management Options

2. Enables you to filter the mappings displayed in the the review panel. Optional: If
you select Enable Filtering in review panel, then by default Retrieve mapping
in selected area is selected.
3. In Mapping List Limit in Review panel, add the allowed number range (range
from 200 to 4000) in the review pane.
4. Click OK.

The formatting option enables you to set a default font for XBRL mapping documents.
To use default fonts:
1. From the Disclosure Management ribbon, select Options, and then select
2. Select Default Font, and then select the font from the drop-down menu.

Disclosure Management provides the option to run SEC XBRL best practices
validation. In addition to the mandatory validation rules required for SEC submission,
Disclosure Management offers best practices which are intended to help the user
create higher quality XBRL reports but are not enforced during the SEC submission
Select Include SEC Best Practices in SEC XBRL Validation to enable SEC XBRL
best practice validation.

Chapter 13
Reviewing IXBRL Generated File Name and Report Title

Reviewing IXBRL Generated File Name and Report Title

The South African regulatory authority (CIPC) requires that iXBRL files be titled in a
certain format for submission, thus you can review and manage the Report Title, and
XBRL Instance Name information.

General Settings
To set the report properties:
1. From the Disclosure Management ribbon, select Properties, and then General.
2. In XBRL Instance Name, enter the XBRL Instance information.
3. In Report Title, enter a report name.
4. Optional: In Report Language, select a language from the drop-down menu.

Some jurisdictions require the xml:lang attribute to specify the locale of a
tag or instance. The ‘xml:lang’ attribute in the root of the instance
document indicates in which language the report has been prepared.
Each tagged text fact should have an ‘xml:lang’ attribute whose value
corresponds to the language of text in the content of a tag. Each tagged
text fact should have an ‘xml:lang’ attribute that is assigned to the fact or
inherited, for example from the root element. It's value must correspond
to the language of text in the content of a tag. You can specify the
default locale as mentioned in the below image. However, the default
can be overwritten at the mapping level in the Review Pane of the
Mapping Tool UI.


Chapter 13
Reviewing IXBRL Generated File Name and Report Title

6. Click OK.

Performing Administrative Tasks
A user must have a Report Administrator Role or Library Administration Role to be
able to perform these tasks:
• Granting Access to Master Documents and Doclets
• Updating the HTTP Cache

Granting Access to Master Documents and Doclets

You grant access to master documents and doclets by using Access Control Lists
(ACLs). You can define the following permissions:
• View
• Administer

You do not use the library access control in the Narrative Reporting web
client to define permissions for Disclosure Management artifacts. Instead,
you grant access to master documents and doclets using Explorer in the
Disclosure Management Smart View extension.

To grant access to a master document or doclet:

1. In Explorer, select a master document or a doclet.
2. Click Properties.
3. Click the Permissions tab.
4. Use the Search box to search for the user that you want to grant access for.

5. Click to add the user to the ACL.

6. Select the permissions to grant the user.
ACLs are not propagated. For, example if you apply an ACL in the Master Document,
it does not propagate to the doclets. ACLs in Disclosure Management are applied only
to artifacts such as doclets and Master Documents. They do not apply to Reports.

Chapter 14

Updating the HTTP Cache

Disclosure Management is packaged with the following base taxonomies:
• US GAAP 2019
• US GAAP 2018
• US GAAP 2017
• US GAAP 2016
• US GAAP 2015
• US GAAP 2014
• ESEF 2017
• IFRS 2016
• IFRS 2013
• IFRS 2012
• Colombian extension taxonomies: Information regarding colombian extension
However, when new versions of the base taxonomy get released, or new jurisdictions
get supported, the pre-packaged base taxonomy may not contain these additions. If
you try to register a taxonomy and the base taxonomy being referenced is not
currently packaged, an error is displayed. See Figure 1

Chapter 14

Figure 14-1 Missing Taxonomy Error

In these cases, you must use a command-line utility (CLU) to update your HTTP cache
with the missing taxonomy. Use the following procedures to assemble an updated
HTTP cache and then upload it to the server.
Downloading the Utility:
1. From the Narrative Reporting home page, select the drop-down arrow next to your
name, then Downloads, and then File Transfer Utility.
2. Unzip It should have two entries:
• eprcsctl.exe
• folder jre<version>
Assembling the HTTP cache zip file:

You must have access to the internet and have installed the Arelle XBRL
processor to complete this procedure.

1. From Arelle, select File, and then Open at the entry point of the taxonomy that you
want to upload.

The download of the taxonomy can take several minutes.

Chapter 14

2. When the dependent taxonomies have finished downloading, select Menu, then
Tools, and then Internet Manage Cache to navigate to the location where the
files were saved.
3. Zip up the http file as
Uploading the cache file to the server:
1. Open a command prompt, and navigate to where you downloaded the CLU.
2. Execute eprcsctl.exe. There are three parameters that you must specify:
• operation: This should always be update_dm_http_cache.
• server: The server URL that you are uploading to.
• uploadFile: The local location of the http cache file that will be uploaded.
Example: C:\eprcsctl.>eprcsctl.exe operation=update_dm_http_cache
server= uploadFile=C:\eprcsctl\

Installing the Arelle XBRL Application

The Arelle software will be used to view the instance of XBRL Report Generation. It
can also do basic XBRL validation.

Arelle software is installed as a part of Disclosure Management Client
Installation, you no need to manually download the Arelle software.

You need to create a folder, with folder name without spaces such as
Arelle2018, and then point to the location in the Disclosure Management
Options Dialog. See Setting the Disclosure Management Options

Tips and Troubleshooting
This chapter contains general information about some common errors encountered
with Disclosure Management.

General FAQs
The following section provides a list of general FAQs, tips, and troubleshooting
Question: Why is my validation hanging or taking a long time to complete?
Answer: Disclosure Management uses Arelle to validate taxonomies from Taxonomy
Designer and SEC XBRL Instances. You may need to configure the proxy settings for
Arelle. See Arelle Proxy Settings
Question: Why can't Arelle connect to the internet even though the proxy
settings are correct?
Answer: You may need to update the HTTP cache. Follow these steps:
1. Perform an action:
• Contact Oracle Support to receive a ZIP file containing the HTTP cache, and
then unzip the files to: <%USER_HOME%>\AppData\Local\Arelle\cache
• Follow these steps to create a ZIP file containing the HTTP cache:
a. On a PC with access to internet, install the Disclosure Management Smart
View Extension Client.
b. Run arelleGUI.exe, located at <%USER_HOME%>\AppData\Roaming
c. Open the Taxonomy Instance or XBRL Instance in Arelle.
d. After the Taxonomy or XBRL instance has finished opening, zip the
e. Unzip the zip file from step d to:<%USER_HOME%>\AppData\Local
2. After the HTTP cache has been updated, perform these steps to set the
workoffline setting to True:
a. Browse to <%USER_HOME%>\AppData\Local\Arelle
b. Open config.json using a text editor, such as Notepad++ (recommended
because of the JSON formatting plugin).
c. Add the statement, "workoffline": true, as in the below example:

"proxySettings": [

Chapter 15
General FAQs

"workOffline": true,

Question: Why isn't the Disclosure Management tab visible in Oracle Smart View
for Office?
Answer: First, make sure that you have downloaded and enabled the extensions for
Disclosure Management. See Installing Disclosure Management.
If you have verified that the correct extensions are enabled and the Disclosure
Management tab still isn't displaying in Smart View, the cause may be blank lines in
the Counters cache of your Windows registry. Perform the following actions to fix the
1. From your desktop, click Start, and then type cmd, but do not press Enter.
2. Right-click cmd.exe, and select Run as Administrator.
3. At the command prompt, type lodctr /r.
4. Restart your Windows machine, and then verify that the Disclosure Management
tab is displaying correctly.
Question: How do I eliminate duplicate tags?
Answer: After publishing the XBRL instance, validate the basic XBRL in Arelle. Click
Tools, and then Validation.

You can validate the tags by using Arelle or by filing with your regulator.

The High Volume XBRL validation results are displayed as follows:

Duplicate tags can appear for several reasons:

Chapter 15
General FAQs

• The same concept is present in two or more different worksheets. This issue may
not appear if you tag each sheet and validate one worksheet at a time. When you
publish the full workbook, however, if you have the same concept on two or more
worksheets, validation will display warnings for the duplicate concepts.
For example: Cell C27 in worksheet 310000 contains a concept, and the same
concept is present in different worksheet 410000 in cell C3.

To correct: Remove the tag from one of the cells.

• Dimensions are not tagged in a network table. This could result in several
duplicate tags, as the same data points for a concept in one column would be c-
equal, and u-equal to same concept in another column.
To correct: Tag DIM in the header of the table.
• Totals that represent a concept are tagged, and there are networks where that
concept is present in multiple tables.
To correct: Tag the concept in the first table only.
• The beginning and the ending of the period are tagged with the same context. If
the cells are tagged with the same context, then entire rows would be duplicates of
one another.

Chapter 15
General FAQs

Question: How do you find and correct missing context mapping?

Answer: After publishing the XBRL instance, validate the basic XBRL in Arelle. Click
Tools, and then Validation.

You can validate the tags by using Arelle or by filing with your regulator.

If you forget to tag a cell region with a valid context, then you may encounter the entity
missing for one or more mappings, and the validation report will render that cell as
The High Volume XBRL validation results are displayed as follows:

You can determine which mappings to fix by clicking on the Validation Report Table

Chapter 15
General FAQs

To eliminate this mapping issue, you need to return to the worksheet, identify a valid
context, and then tag a cell region. Then, re-publish the worksheet. You must
configure all Document Entity Information contexts with an entity so that the validation
report will not contain entities marked as UNKNOWN..
Question: Can you merge cells of the same type?
Answer: You cannot merge cells. As a workaround, if a few adjacent cells that are not
tagged and left empty, then those cells can be merged. For example, refer to the
network 818000 images.
Before merging the cells.

After merging the cells.

Chapter 15
General FAQs

Question: What happens to the existing tags if the property element is deleted
from the Document Entity Information (DEI)?
Answer: The existing tag becomes invalid, and that cell may not generate a proper
data-point. As a workaround, you need to re-tag the cell to a valid Context or Unit tag.
Question: What happens if a tag is applied to a cell, and then you apply a
different tag on the same cell or for a range of cells?
Answer: You may encounter the overridden dialog box.

If you click Yes, you can see the list of tags applied within the that range of cells.

Chapter 15
General FAQs

The dialog box display some of cells that contain Data tags,some that contain Header
tags such as Concept, Context, and Unit, and some that are tagged with Table Begin.

The symbol indicates that the value can be either one of these options: Null, or
Checked, or Unchecked.
If you click OK, then the tri-state tags will disappear from the worksheet.
Question: How do I roll over to the next quarter filing?
Answer: When rolling over to the next quarter filing, navigate to the DEI dialog box,
and then change the date of the context to the next filing date.
The same context names can be used in the next quarter filing (for example:
I_currentQuarter, and D_currentYear). You can change only the date, and re-use
the context name.

Question: When do I perform "Context Override"?

Chapter 15
General FAQs

Answer: You can perform "Context Override" for these two options:
• Context Override for particular Data Cells
If you need different context in a particular row or cell, then you need to perform
context override for that particular row or cell.
• Context Override for multiple period column in Header
If you need different context in the columns, then you need to perform context
override for each cell.

Question: How to verify and fix the mapped value calculation inconsistencies?
Answer: You can perform these steps to verify and fix the calculation inconsistencies:

• After publishing the report, select the completed job, and click
• Save the published report to local folder.

• Extract the zipped folder. Navigate to the reports folder. Open the HTML file, and
review the calculations traces.

Chapter 15
General FAQs

• If there are any missing mapped values, the highlighted values are with yellow
background. Open the XBRL Instance Document in Arelle and review the Fact
Table. All computed Total values should be in the Fact Table.
• You must expand and scroll right until the mapped values are found.

• Open the validation report and review the HTML for accuracy. If there are any
calculation inconsistencies, then the highlighted cells are displayed with the
warning message.

• You can try to fix the calculation inconsistencies and eliminate the computed Total
values in the calculation trace and the inconsistency messages in the validation

Chapter 15
General FAQs

Performing an Auto Tag procedure in a Disclosure Management Report

The end user can use Auto Tag feature to tag Level 4 values in Word tables. The user
must first manually tag the Document and Entity information (DEI) section which has
been created in a hidden Excel document, and manually tag the targeted table in the
Word document with the appropriate level 3 table text block tag. In some cases, the
application can display correct level 4 tags when the matching probability is >60% that
the level 3 table text block tag has been chosen. Some values may be incorrectly
tagged, if the user uses the wrong level 3 table tag. Before regulatory submission the
user must ensure that they are using the correct level 3 table text block tag for an
accurate filing.
Question: In the table, some cells are not getting mapped, why?
Answer: Before performing Auto Tagging Level 4 cells within the table, you must
follow these rules:
• User must tag Level 3 network description to closely match level 4 network
description. The Auto Tag process or algorithm picks the five top most Level 4
networks for analysis.
• The tree structure in Level 4 should closely match the tree structure in document
table, so that the algorithm is able to align and match to the document table
artifacts such as, labels, row offset, tab offset, and so on. Similarly, with network
tree artifacts such as, labels, sibling order, tree depth, and so on. The matching
probability should be greater than or equal to 60%.
• All the information that identifies as a Level 4 concept or dimension must reside
within the boundaries of the table. That implies, when a user applies Level 3 tag,
the range of selection should be enclosed within the table, and then user must
include a blank line above or below the table.
It is recommended to use the generic statement Table structure, which can be used
multiple times. The user must know what table represents, and what are the correct
Level 3 table text block tag, and then how to apply tag to it.
The table that appears once in a filing, is generally standardized in US GAAP, which
contains Level 3 tag.
A unique table can be created for company specific disclosures. You may look at base
taxonomy structure, and find associated concepts of a table.

Chapter 15
General FAQs

Question: In the table, the whole column is not getting mapped, why?
Answer: This issue may occur, if there is a Date in the column header combined with
a parent primary item merged cell.
In the image below, the cells under column May 21, 2013 will not be tagged because
May, 31, 2013 cell is underneath Intangible Assets, Gross which is a merged primary
item. However, the cells underneath Additions will get mapped.

Question: In the table, the whole row is not getting mapped, why?
Answer: This issue may occur, if the row headers contains a combination of
dimensions and primary items, only the primary items gets mapped.

Chapter 15
General FAQs

In the image below, the last 3 rows are the primary items and they will get mapped.


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