1st ESO-Unit-7-Test

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Smart Planet 1 Unit 7 Extra Test

Name Class Date

1 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb to be.
1 I at home yesterday because I was ill.
2 We at school yesterday because we’re on holiday.
3 Were you with Maria last week? No, I .
4 Luke on holiday with his parents last month.
5 They tired after the football match because they played for two hours.

2 Write the words in the correct order to make sentences and questions.
1 shops / weren’t / There / many / here
2 in / there / cinema / Was / your / a / town
3 in / centre / was / big / There / the / a / city / park
4 concert / there / people / Were / the / at / lots of
5 street / a / There / in / supermarket / wasn’t / our

3 Write the verbs in the past.

1 go
2 live
3 see
4 drink
5 stay
6 study
7 make
8 eat
9 shop
10 do

4 Choose the correct answer: a, b or c.

Yesterday I 1 at home all day because I 2 to relax. There 3 much on
television so I 4 my room and then I 5 on my games console.
1 a was b were c am
2 a want b wanted c wanting
3 a weren’t b isn’t c wasn’t
4 a tidies b tidy c tidied
5 a played b play c playing

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Smart Planet 1 Unit 7 Extra Test

5 Label the pictures.

1 2 3

4 5

6 Fill in the missing words.

1 You watch films at the .
2 You buy fresh food at the .
3 You have lessons at .
4 You go to exhibitions at the .
5 You buy everything you want or have a coffee at the .

7 Complete the transport places.

1 ferry
2 bike
3 bus
4 car
5 tram

8 Choose the correct answer: a, b or c.

I went to the 1 centre yesterday to meet my friends. I waited at the 2 stop for 20
minutes so I was a bit late but it was OK. Then I went to the 3 because I wanted to go swimming.
Then I walked to the 4 to buy some vegetables and I met my parents at the car 5 .
1 a shopping b shop c shops
2 a bus b train c bike
3 a skate park b sports centre c bowling alley
4 a stadium b museum c market
5 a stop b park c station

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Smart Planet 1 Unit 7 Extra Test

9 15 Write down the places in the order you hear them.

10 Read this email about Clare’s recent holiday in Prague.

Hi Rachel,
How are you? What are you doing at the moment? Did you go anywhere nice for your holiday?
I went to Prague for a week and came back yesterday. I had a really fantastic time and I stayed with my Czech
friend Jana. We met last year when we were at an English language summer school in Bournemouth.
She lives in an apartment near the airport so we took the tram to the city centre every day and then we walked
around as most of the sights are in the centre. There’s an amazing castle on a hill with a big cathedral and lots of
old buildings in the ‘Old Town’. There were also thousands of tourists because it’s such a beautiful city.
Of course we went to a traditional restaurant to eat the Czech speciality which is duck with red cabbage and
we went shopping because there are a lot of very modern shopping centres. It was expensive though so I
didn’t buy anything.
I was really excited too because we went to the new stadium to watch a match between Sparta Prague and
Chelsea, who are my favourite team.
I really want to go back again as there are so many places I didn’t visit and next time I definitely want to go to
the zoo.
Let’s meet up soon and I can show you my photos.
Love from

Answer the questions in complete sentences.

1 Where did Clare stay?

2 Where did she meet Jana?

3 How did they travel round Prague?

4 Why didn’t Clare buy anything?

5 Where did they watch the match?


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