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যা দর Transformation Of Sentence(Simple-Complex-Compound) এ িব ম

ুা হ লও সম সা আ ছ
তা দর জন এই এি বা য়িটক িল খিছ



Transformation শ িটর অথ হ লা পা র। সুতরাং, য কান এক ধর ণর Sentence ক অন ধর ণর

Sentence এ পা র করাই হ লা Transformation of Sentences। ত ব পা রর সময় আমা দর খয়াল
রাখ ত হ ব যন Sentence এর মূ
ল ভাব পিরবতন না হয়।

অথ, গঠন, Degree, হ া/না কাশ ইত ািদর উপর িভি ক র Sentence ক িবিভ ভা ব সাজা না যায়, তাই
Transformation of Sentences ও িবিভ ধর ণর হ য় থা ক।

Transformation of Simple, Complex & Compound Sentences-

1. Simple Sentence (সরল বাক )

2. Complex Sentence(জিটল বাক )

3. Compound Sentence ( যৗিগক বাক )

Simple Sentence (সরল বাক )

য Sentence এ একিটমা Clause ( একিটমা Subject ও একিটমা Finite Verb) থা ক তা ক Simple

Sentence ব ল।

Example : Messi plays Football

I am waiting for you

Complex Sentence

য Sentence এ একিট Principal Clause ও এক বা একািধক Subordinate Clause (সাহায কারী Clause)
থা ক তা ক Comparative Sentence ব ল।

Subordinate Clause এর ত সাধারণত if, though, as, because, since, that, so that, until, till,
unless, when, why, who, which, where, how, before, after, whether, while ইত ািদ ব স

Example : Although he is poor, he is honest

The boy who is industrious can shine in life.

Compound Sentence

িট Principal Clause যিদ and, or, but, yet, so, therefore ইত ািদ Conjunction ারা যু থা ক ত ব তা
Compound Sentence।

He is poor but he is honest

Ridwan is an industrious but & he will shine in life.

ব ু
রা,এবার বল দিখ,িন চর বাক িল কানিট সরল, কানিট যৗিগক কানিট জিটল?

1. Everybody knows that he is smart

2. Certainly Dexter will come

3. It’s been 84 years & I can still smell that fresh paint

এখন আমরা সহ জ িকছ িনয়ম িশখব যার মাধ ম আমরা এক ধর নর বাক থ ক অন ধর নর বাক ত
পা র কর ত পারব।

Simple Complex Compound Example


ারা Since/As/When And Simple: Going to market, he bought a pen.

Complex: As he went to market, he bought a pen.

Compound: He went to market & bought a pen



ারা Since/As/When

(িভ Subject) And


Subject) Simple: The weather being cold, we can’t go out.

Complex: Since the weather is cold, we can’t go out.

Compound: The weather is cold and we can’t go out. And Simple: He is too poor to buy any food.

Complex: He is so poor that he can’t buy food.

Compound: He is very poor and he can’t buy food.

Inspite of/



Gerund Though/Although But Simple: Inspite of his being poor, he is honest.

Complex: Though he is poor, he is honest.

Compound: He is poor but he is honest.

Sentence এর

মা ঝ to/

In order to

+ Verb + …. So that/

In order that

+ Subject + Can/could/may/

might+ varb And+Sub+

Want To/

Wanted To

+Verb Simple: He worked hard to earn money.

Complex: He worked hard so that he could earn money.

Compound: He worked hard and he wanted to earn money.


Pronoun + Gerund + ….. Relative Pronoun + who + verb + …. and Simple: People enjoying fresh
air are healthy

Complex: People who enjoy fresh air are healthy.

Compound: People enjoy fresh air and they are healthy.

+ verb

+ object It is/was + Subject + Relative Pronoun + Subject এর প রর অংশ It is/was + Subject +

and Simple: Health is wealth

Complex: It is health which is wealth.

Compound: It is health and it is wealth.

At the

age of

+ বয়স When + Subject + Is/was + বয়স Subject + is/was + বয়স + and Simple: At the age of
thirteen, Messi came to Barcelona.

Complex: When Messi was thirteen, he came to Barcelona.

Compound: Messi was thirteen and he came to Barcelona.


Gerund If যু affirmative sentence Verb + and + …… Simple: By studying, you’ll shine in life.

Complex: If you study, you’ll shine in life.

Compound: Study and you’ll shine in life.


+ Gerund If যু Negative Sentence Verb + or + …… Simple: Without eating a balanced diet, you
will be sick.

Complex: If you don’t eat a balanced diet, you will be sick.

Compound: Eat a balanced diet or you will be sick.



+ সময় When it + is/was + সময় It + is/was + সময় + and Simple: In summer, we visit our village.

Complex: When it is summer, we visit our village.

Compound: It is Summer and we visit our village.

…in order

to + verb
+ ….. …that/so that/ in order that/least……. And so Simple: We eat in order to live.

Complex: We eat so that we can live.

Compound: We eat and so we can live.


/both..+ …while… Not only….but also Simple: Besides being a good student, he is a good player.

Complex: He is a good student while he is a good player.

Compound: He is not only a good student but also a good player.

…too+ Adjective

/Adverb+ enough+.. …so+ Adjective/Adverb+ that+ Affiemative Clause …very+ adjective/adverb

+ and+ … Simple: The sum is easy enough to solve for the students.

Complex: The sum is so easy that the students can solve it.

Compound: The sum is very easy and the students can solve it.

এবার িন চর বাক লা একিট পা র কর ত চ া কর তা-

1.At the age of twenty, Mark Zuckerberg founded Facebook. (Simple)

2. The pond which is in front of Shahidullah Hall is large. (Complex)

3. Work hard and you can shine in life (Compound)

4. He is an honest man (Simple)

5. Shamir went to the market so that he could buy a 360 camera.(Complex)

এবার চল িবিভ িব িবদ াল য় এবং িত যািগতামূ

লক পরী া ত আসা লা ঝটপট দ খ িনই-

01.”Since the Water Is Hot He Could not drink it”.(রাজশাহী িব িবদ ালয় ২০১৪-১৫)

The correct simple sentence of the above complex sentece is-

A.The water was very hot,so I could not drink it.

B.The water being very hot,I could not drink it.

C.As the water being very hot,I could not drink it.

D.I could not drink the water because it was hot.

CA- B.The water being very hot,I could not drink it.
02.”He shut the door and went out”.(Make it simple)( (রাজশাহী িব িবদ ালয় ২০০৬-০৭)

A.Shutting the door,he went out.

B.He shutting the door before went out.

C.He went out shutting door.

D.Closing the door he went out.

CA- A.Shutting the door,he went out.

03.”Though he is poor,he is happy”.(Simple)(৬ বসরকাির িশ ক িনব ন ও ত য়ন পরী া-

২০১০,৮ম বসরকাির িশ ক িনব ন ও য়ন-২০১২)

A.Despite his poverty,he is happy. spite of his being poor,he is unhappy.

C.He is poor but happy.

D.In spite of his poorness,he is happy.

CA- A.Despite his poverty,he is happy.

04.”Though he tried hard,he failed”.(Compound)( ল/সমপযায় িনব ন ও ত য় পরী া-২০১১)

A.Je tried and failed.

B.In spite of his trying hard,he failed.

C.He tried hard but failed.

D.But for his trying hard,he failed.

CA- C.He tried hard but failed.

05.”Move and die”.(Simple)( ল/সমপযায় িনব ন ও ত য় পরী া-২০১১)

A.If You move,you will die.

B.By moving you will die.

C.Without moving you will die.

D.If you do not move,you will die.

CA- B.By moving you will die.

06.The Complex Sentence Of “He is Too Weak To Walk” is-(রাজশাহী িব িবদ ালয় এফ-১ ইউিনট

A.He is So Weak that He cannot walk

B.He is Very Weak To Walk

C.He is So Weak To Weak.

D.He is To Weak To Walk.

CA- A.He is So Weak that He cannot walk

07.”I Don’t Know His Father’s Name”.( বগম রা কয়া িব িবদ ালয় িবিবএ ২০১৩-১৪)

Make It A Complex Sentence.

A.I Do Not Know His Father Name.

B.I Do Not Know What Name His Father’s has.

C.I Do Not What His Father’s Name Is.

D.I Do Not That What His Father’s Name Is.

CA- C.I Do Not What His Father’s Name Is.

8.”In Spring,The Cuckoo Sings” Make It Complex.(রাজশাহী িব িবদ ালয় ২০০৮-০৯)

A.When It Is Spring, The Cuckoo Sings.

B.The Cuckoo Sings In Spring.

C.The Cuckoo Sings Only In Spring.

D.When The Spring Comes,The Cuckoo Sings.

CA- “A.When It Is Spring, The Cuckoo Sings”.

9.”Does He Wish Me To Go”.Which One Is Complex For This Sentence?(ইসলামী িব িবদ ালয় ২০০৯

A.Does He Want That I Should Go?

B.Does He Wish My Going?

C.Does He Wish That I Should Go?

D.Does He Wish That I May Go?

CA- C.Does He Wish That I Should Go?

10.”He Wants That I Should Go”.(Make It Simple)(রাজশাহী িব িবদ ালয় ২০০৯-১০)

A.He Wants My Going.

B.He Wants Me To Go.

C.He Wants That I Must Go.

D.He Wants That I Might Go.

CA- B.He Wants Me To Go.

11.Select The Right Compound Structure Of The Sentence(৩৮ তম িবিসএস)

A.He Is Poor And Honest.

B.As He Is Poor,He Is Honest.

C.He Is Poor But Honest.

D.Since He Is Poor,He Is Honest.

CA- C.He Is Poor But Honest.

12.”A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss” The Complex Form Of The Sentence Is-(৩৭ তম িবিসএস)

A.Since A Stone Is Rolling,It Gathers No Moss.

B.Though A Stone Rolls,It Gathers No Moss.

C.A Stone What Rolls Gathers No Moss.

D.A Stone That Rolls Gathers No Moss.

CA- D.A Stone That Rolls Gathers No Moss.

13.”If You Read,You Will Learn”-This Sentence Is A..........Sentence.(জনশি ,কমসং ান ও িশ ণ

বুরার ই া র-২০১৮,সহকারী পিরবার পিরক না কমকতা-২০১৬)

A.Simple B.Complex C.Compound D.Negative

CA- B.Complex

14.”He Gave Me A Dress Which Was Expensive”.(Simple).(১৪তম বসরকাির িশ ক িনব ন ( ল


A.He Gave Me A Dress Expensive.

B.He Gave Me A Dress And It Was Expensive.

C.He Gave Me A Expensive Dress.

D.He Gave Me An Expensive Dress.

CA- D.He Gave Me An Expensive Dress.

15.”I Saw Him Going To Market”.(Compound)(১৪ তম িশ ক িনব ন( ল পযায়)-২০১৭)

A.I Saw Him And He Was Going To Market.

B.I Saw Him Who Was Going To Market.

C.I Saw Him To Go To Market.

D.I Go To Market Which He Was.

CA- A.I Saw Him And He Was Going To Market

16.”It Is Beyond Doubt That He Is A Brave Man”.(Simple)(১৪ তম িশ ক িনব ন( ল/সমপযায়-২)-


A.It Is Doubtless That He Is A Brave Man.

B.There Is No Doubt That He Is A Brave Man.

C.Undoubtedly He Is A Brave Man.

D.He Is A Brave Man And There Is No Doubt About It.

CA- C.Undoubtedly He Is A Brave Man.

17.”I Know You”.(Complex)(বাংলা দশ প ী িবদু

তায়ন বা ডর সহকারী সিচব/সহকারী পিরচালক( শাসন)
-২০১৬,নবম িশ ক িনব ন-২০১৩)

A.I Know What You Are.

B.I Know Who You Are.

C.I Know Who Are You.

D.I Know What Are You.

CA- B.I Know Who You Are.

18.The Complex Form Of The Sentence-

“Study Hard Or You Will Fail” Is-(সাধারণ পু

লর আওতায় িবিভ ম াল য়র সহকারী া ামার-
২০১৬,উপসহকারী কৗশলী, শাসিনক কমকতা ও ব াি গত কমকতা-২০১৬)

A.If You Do Not Study Hard,You Will Fail.

B.If You Study Hard,You Will Fail.

C.If You Not Study Hard,You Will Fail.

D.In Case Of Your Study Hard, You Will Fail.

CA- A.If You Do Not Study Hard,You Will Fail.

19.”Besides Going To The Book Fair,I Bought A Number Of Books”.(Compound)(১৩ তম িশ ক

িনব ন ( ল/সমপযায়)-২০১৬)

A.I Not Only Went To The Book Fair But Also Bought A Number Of Books.

B.I Went To The Book Fair And Bought A Number Of Books.

C.Going To The Book Fair,I Bought A Number Of Books.

D.I Bought A Number Of Books When I Went To The Book Fair.

CA- B.I Went To The Book Fair And Bought A Number Of Books.

20.”He Worked Very Hard So That He Could Succeed In Life”.(Compound)( (১৩ তম িশ ক িনব ন
( ল/সমপযায়২)-২০১৬)

A.He Worked Very Hard But He Couldn’t Succeed In Life.

B.He Worked Very Hard And He Succeeded In Life.

C. He Worked Very Hard In Order To Succeed In Life.

D.He Wanted To Succeed In Life And So He Worked Very Hard.

CA- D.He Wanted To Succeed In Life And So He Worked Very Hard.

21.”Without Working Hard You Cannot Shine In Life”.(Make It Complex Sentence)(১২তম িশ ক

িনব ন-২০১৫)

A.In Spite Of Working Hard,You Cannot Shine In Life.

B.Though He Works Hard,He Cannot Shine In Life.

C.Unless You Work Hard,You Cannot Shine In Life.

D.Unless You Do Not Work Hard,You Can’t Shine In Life.

CA- C.Unless You Work Hard,You Cannot Shine In Life.

22.Select The Right Compound Structure Of The Sentence –(৩৮ তম িবিসএস)

“Though He Is Poor,He Is Honest”.

A.He Is Poor And Honest.

B.As He Is Poor,He Is Honest.

C.He Is Poor But Honest.

D.Since He Is Poor,He Is Honest.

CA- C.He Is Poor But Honest.

23.”I know What His Name Is”-......sentence.(ডাক অিধদ রর িবি ং ওভারিশয়ার-২০১৮)

A.Compound Sentence B.Complex C.Simple D.Exclamatory

CA- B.Complex

24.”Jumping Up He Ran Away”.This Sentence Is-(িবিভ ম ালয়/িবভাগ/অিধদ রর ব াি গত


A.Simple B.Compound C.Complex D.Gerund

CA- A.Simple

25.Choose The Simple Sentence Of “Munir Is A Boy Who Is Good”.(BRTA এর মাটরযান পিরদশক-

A.Munir Is Being A Good Boy.

B.Munir Is Not An Ugly Boy.

C.Munir Has Been A Good Boy.

D.Munir Is A Good Boy.

CA- D.Munir Is A Good Boy.

26.Which One Of These Sentences Is A Compound Sentence?( াথিমক ও গণিশ া ম ালয় য়র PTI

A.Owing To Weakness I Cannot Walk.

B.As I Am Weak I Cannot Walk.

C.I Am Weak But I Can Walk.

D.I Am Too Weak To Walk.

CA- C.I Am Weak But I Can Walk.

27.Good Example Of A Complex Sentence Is-(প ী িবদু

ৎ Sub Assistant Engineer(Civil)-২০১৬)
A.Tell Me The Name You Bear.

B.Tell Me What Is Your Name.

C.Tell Me What Your Name.

D.Tell Me What Your Name Is.

CA- D.Tell Me What Your Name Is.

28.When I Was Reading A Book,He Came”.It Is A-( া ম াল য়র িসিভল উপসহকারী কৗশলী-


A.Simple Sentence B.Complex Sentence C.Compound Sentence D.Exclamatory Sentence

CA- B.Complex Sentence

29.”He Is Rich But Honest”-Which Is The Complex Form Of This Compound Sentence?(গণপূ
অিধদ রর িহসাব সহকারী-২০১৬,প ী উ য়ন ও সমবায় ম ালয় উপ-সহকাির পিরচালক-২০১৬)

A.Although He Is Rich,He Is Honest.

B.Despite Being Rich He Is Honest.

C.In Spite Of Honesty He Is Rich.

D.His Accumulation Of Riches Did Not Affect His Honesty.

CA- A.Although He Is Rich,He Is Honest.

30.”He Acted On My Advice”-Complex Form Of This Sentence-(১৩ তম বসরকাির ভাষক িনব ন-


A.I Advised Him And He Acted.

B.I Advised Him That He Acted.

C.He Acted According To My Advice.

D.He Acted As I Advised Him.

CA- D.He Acted As I Advised Him.

31.”Without Working Hard You Cannot Shine In Life'.(Make It Complex Sentence)( বসরকাির ল
িশ ক িনব ন-২০১৫)

A.In Spite Of Working Hard,You Cannot Shine In Life.

B.Though He Works Hard,He Cannot Shine In Life.

C.Unless You Work Hard,You Cannot Shine In Life.

D.Unless You Do Not Work Hard,You Can’t Shine In Life.

CA- C.Unless You Work Hard,You Cannot Shine In Life.

32.”Read To Learn”.(Complex)(১১তম বসরকাির িশ ক িনব ন ও ত য়ন পরী া( ল/সমপযায়)-


A.By Reading,You Will Learn.

B.Read and,Learn.

C.If You Read,You Will Learn.

D.In Case Of Failure,to read,you will not learn.

CA- C.If You Read,You Will Learn.

33.”He Is So Dishonest That He Cannot Speak The Truth.(Simple)( বসরকাির িশি ক িনব ন-২০১৪)

A.He Is Too Dishonest That He Cannot Speak The Truth.

B.He Is Too Dishonest To Spoken The Truth.

C.He Is Too Dishonest To Speak The Truth.

D.He Is Very Dishonest And Cannot Speak The Truth.

CA- C.He Is Too Dishonest To Speak The Truth.

34.Convert The Sentence Into A Simple:

“He Said That He Was Innocent”.(৮ম িব জএস(সহকারী জজ)-২০১৩)

A.He Published His Innocence.

B.He Expressed His Innocence.

C.He Told His Innocence.

D.He Decleared His Innocence.

CA- D.He Decleared His Innocence.

35.”The Tea Is So Hot That I Cannot Drink It”.(Simple)(নবম িশ ক িনব ন-২০১৩)

A.The Tea Is Too Hot To Drink It.

B.The Tea Is So Hot To Drink.

C.The Tea Is Too Hot For Me To Drink.

D.The Tea Is So Hot For Me To Drink It.

CA- C.The Tea Is Too Hot For Me To Drink.

36.”Do Or Die” Is A........Sentence.(সহকারী পিরচালক(জনশি কমসং ান)-২০১২)

A.Simple B.Exclamatory C.Complex D.Compound

CA- D.Compound

37.”I Knew His Name”.(Complex)(৮ম বসরকাির িশ ক িনব ন ও ত য়ন-২০১২)

A.I Know What Is His Name.

B.I Knew What His Name Was.

C.I Know What Was His Name.

D.I Knew What Name Is.

CA- B.I Knew What His Name Was.

38.”You Must Work Hard For Success”.(Make It Compound Without Changing The Meaning)

A.Work Hard To Success.

B.Work Hard For The Success.

C.Work Hard And You Will Succeed.

D.Work Hard For Success.

CA- C.Work Hard And You Will Succeed.

39.”He Is Poor But He Is Honest.(Complex)(১২ তম িশ ক িনব ন( ল পযায়-২)-২০১৫)

A.Though He Is Poor,He Is Honest.

B.He Is Poor And Honest.

C.As He Is Poor,He Is Honest.

D.Since He Is Poor,He Is Honest.

40.”He Is So Weak That He Cannot Walk”.(Simple)( াথিমক িশ া অিধদ রর উ মান কাম

িহসাবর ক িন য়াগ-২০১৭,১০ম িশ ক িনব ন ও ত য়ন পরী া-২০১৪,১২ তম িশ ক িনব ন( ল পযায়-
A.He Is So Weak That Walk.

B.He Was Weak To Walk.

C.He Is Too Weak To Walk.

D.He Is Very Weak To Walk.

CA- C.He Is Too Weak To Walk.

41.”I Have No Pen That I Can Lend You”.(Simple)(১০ম িশ ক িনব ন ও ত য়ন পরীkkha-২০১৪)

A.Having No Pen,I Can Lend You.

B.Without Any Pen,I Can Lend You.

C.I Have No Pen To Lend You.

D.I Have Not Enough Pen To Lend.

CA- C.I Have No Pen To Lend You.

42.”Unemployment Is A State For A Man Having No Work To Earn Money”.(Complex)(১১তম

বসরকাির িশ ক িনব ন ও ত য়ন পরী া( ল/সমপযায়)-২০১৪)

A.Unemployment Is A State When A Man Has No Work To Earn Money.

B.Unemployment Is A State For A Man Who Has No Work To Earn Money.

C.Unemployment Is A State For A Man Who Has No Work.

D.Unemployment Is The Condition Of A Man Who Has No Work.

CA- B.Unemployment Is A State For A Man Who Has No Work To Earn Money.

43.Simple Sentence Consists Of......( িতর া ম াল য়রর িসিভিলয়ান াফ অিফসার এবং সহকারী

A.Two Clauses B.One Clauses C.Three Clauses D.Four Clauses

CA- B.One Clauses

44.A Simple Sentence Has......(রাজশাহী িব িবদ ালয় (িড-ইউিনট):০৮-০৯)

A.Onlt One Subject And Many Verbs. B.Only One Subject And One Finite Verb.

C.Only One Subject And Two Verbs. D.A Subordinate Clause.

CA- B.Only One Subject And One Finite Verb.

45.”This Bag Is Larger Than Yours”.(ইসলামী িব িবদ ালয়(িব-ইউিনট):০৫-০৬)

A.A Simple Sentence B.A Complex Sentence C.A Compound Sentence D.An Assertive

CA- A.A Simple Sentence

46.If It Rains,The Match Will Be Postponed. The Type Of This Sentence Is-(জগ াথ িব িবদ ালয় এ

A.Simple B.Negative C.Complex D.Compound

CA- C.Complex

47.Which One Is A Complex Sentence?(রাজশাহী িব িবদ ালয় ই ইউিনট:২০১৭-১৮)

A.The Water Being Very Hot,I Couldn’t Drink.

B.Since The Water Was Very Hot,I Couldn’t Drink It.

C.Being Poor,Jim Couldn’t Buy A Chain.

D.Because Of His Playing Well,He Won The Game.

CA- B.Since The Water Was Very Hot,I Couldn’t Drink It.

48.Which One Is A Compound Sentence?(রাজশাহী িব িবদ ালয় ই ইউিনট:২০১৭-১৮)

A.Seeing The Police The Theif Ran Away.

B.The Theif Saw The Police And Ran Away.

C.When The Theif Saw The Police, He Ran Away.

D.The Theif Saw The Police While He Ran Away.

CA- B.The Theif Saw The Police And Ran Away.( মিড কল ভত পরী া:২০১৩-১৪)

49.He Died In The Village Where He Was Born.The Simple Form Of This Complex Sentence Is-

A.He Died In His Village.

B.He Was Born In A Village And Died In The Same Village.

C.He Died In A Village Where His Birth Took Place.

D.He Died In His Native Village.

CA- D.He Died In His Native Village.

50.Although He Is Poor,He Is Honest(Simple)(৮ম িশ ক িনব ন-২০১২)

A.Despite His Poor,He Is Honest.

B.Despite His Honesty,He Is Poor.

C.Despite His Poverty,He Is Honest.

D.In Spite Of Having Poor,He Is Honest.

CA- C.Despite His Poverty,He Is Honest.

51.’The Boy Was Diligent,So The Teacher Praised Him.’The Simple From Of This Sentence Is-
(জাহা ীরনগর িব িবদ ালয় িজ ইউিনট:২০১৭-১৮)

A.The Boy Was Diligence As The Teacher Praised Him.

B.The Teacher Praised The Boy For His Diligent.

C.The Teacher Praised The Boy For His Diligence.

D.The Boy Was Praised By The Teacher For His Diligence.

52.The Battle Has Been Won But The War Isn’t Over Yet.The Complex Form Of This Sentence Is-
(জাহা ীরনগর িব িবদ ালয় িজ ইউিনট:২০১৭-১৮)

A.Though The Battle Has Won,The War Has Not Been Over Yet.

B.Though The Battle Has Been Won,The War Has Not Over Yet.

C.Though The Battle Had Won,The War Isn’t Over Yet.

D.Though The Battle Has Been Won,The War Isn’t Over Yet.

CA- D.Though The Battle Has Been Won,The War Isn’t Over Yet.

53.’I Will Kill You If Don’t Speak The Truth’.Compound Form Of This Sentence Is:(জাহা ীরনগর
িব িবদদ ালয় িজ ইউিনট:২০১৭-১৮)

A.Speak The Truth, or I Will Kill You.

B.I Will Kill You,If You Do Not Speak The Truth.

C.I Will Not Kill You,If You Speak The Truth.

D.Speak The Truth,Then I Will Not Kill You.

CA- A.Speak The Truth, or I Will Kill You.

54.Ten Years Have Passed Since His Father Died.Make It Simple.(রাজশাহী িব িবদ ালয় এ

55.A Simple Sentence Has-(RU 04-05)

A.Only One Subject And Many Verbs. B.Only One Subject And One Finite Verb C.Only One
Subject And Two Verbs. D.A Subordinate Clause

CA- B.Only One Subject And One Finite Verb.

56.A Simple Sentence Consists Of(BSMRSTU(B) 11-12, িতর া ম াল য়র িসিভিলয়ান াফ


A.One Clause B.More Than One Clause C.Two Clauses D.More Than Two Clauses

CA- A.One Clause

57.Simple Sentence-(IU (D) 12-13)

A.I Saw That He Was Reading B.I Saw Him Reading C.I Saw Him When He Was Reading D.I
Saw A Man Who Was Lame.

58.Which Is The Correct Simple Sentence?(KU (কলা ও মানিবক ল) 11-12)

A.The Sun Rose And The Fog Dispersed.

B.The Fog Being Dispersed,The Sun Rose.

C.When The Sun Rose,The Fod Dispersed.

D.The Sun Having Risen,The Fog Dispersed.

CA- D.The Sun Having Risen,The Fog Dispersed.

59.Which One Of The Following Is A Simple Sentence?(RU 03-04,সমবায় দ র ি তীয় ণীর

গ জ টড অিফসার-৯৭)

A.He Is Poor But Honest.

B.Though He Is Poor,He Is Honest.

C.In Spite Of His Poverty,He Is Honest.

D.He Is Poor And Honest.

CA- C.In Spite Of His Poverty,He Is Honest.

60.A Complex Sentence Has-(DU (IER) 07-08,RU 09-10,BSMRSTU (E) 14-15)

A.One Principal/Main Clause And One Or More Subordinate Clauses.

B.One Subject And More Subordinate Clauses.

C.One Principal Verb And One Clause.


CA- A.One Principal/Main Clause And One Or More Subordinate Clauses.

61.Which One Of The Following Is A Complex Sentence?(IU (খ) 12-13)

A.If I Know This Before!

B.Do You Not Repent For This?

C.A Villain Alone Can Do It.

D.I Know Why He Is Silent.

CA- D.I Know Why He Is Silent.

62.Which One Is A Complex Sentence?(RU (A- জাড়) 13-14,NU (বািণজ ) 11-12)

A.He Is Poor But Honest.

B.There Is No Mother But Loves Her Child.

C.Do Or Die.

D.He Tried Hard To Help Me.

CA- B.There Is No Mother But Loves Her Child.

63.Which One Is A Complex Sentence?(KU (BBA) 11-12)

A.The Water We Drink Must Be Pure.

B.The Evil Done By Men Lives After Them.

C.Give A Pen To Write With.

D.Inspite Of His Poverty, He Is Not Happy.

CA- A.The Water We Drink Must Be Pure.

64.”Though, Although, Because, Since,As' Implies The-(RU 10-11,থানা সহকারী িশ া অিফসার-০৬)

A.Negative Sentence B.Complex Sentence C.Compound Sentence D.None

CA- B.Complex Sentence

65.Which One Is A Complex Sentence?(BRUR 09-10)

A.He Is A Good Boy.

B.Though He Is Wealthy, He Is Miser.

C.He Is A Good Boy.

D.In Spite. Of His Wealth, He Is A Miser.

CA- B.Though He Is Wealthy, He Is Miser.

ন িত দমন বুরা সসহকারী পিরদশক-

66.Which One Of The Following Is A Complex Sentence?(দু
০৪,RU 07-08)

A.Only The Graduates Need Apply.

B.He Is Better Than Any Other Boy In The Class.

C.We Eat That We May Leave.

D.We Saw Him Writing A Letter.

CA- C.We Eat That We May Leave.

67.Do Whatever You Like.This Is An Example Of-(RU (B-Law) 16-17)

A.Simple Sentence B.Compound Sentence C.Complex Sentence D.Multiple Sentence

CA- C.Complex Sentence

68.What Is Lotted Cannot Be Blotted.This Is-(সরকাির মাধ িমক সহকাির িশ ক-২০০০,IU (C) 10-11)

A.Simple Sentence B.Compound Sentence C.Complex Sentence D.Multiple Sentence

CA- C.Complex Sentence

আ স

রাজশাহী িব িবদ ালয়

# মনশন # শয়ার

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