Wind Farm Development and The Use of Geogrid Stabilised Unbound Platforms and Floating Access Roads On Soft Ground

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Energy Geotechnics – Wuttke, Bauer & Sánchez (Eds)

© 2016 Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 978-1-138-03299-6

Wind farm development and the use of geogrid-stabilised unbound

platforms and floating access roads on soft ground

M.A. Horton, T.L.H. Oliver & J. Cook

Tensar International Ltd, Blackburn, UK

ABSTRACT: Onshore wind farms in Northern Europe are frequently located on land that is marginal in
terms of accessibility by conventional plant. They are frequently located in upland areas on soils of with little
recognisable shear strength at formation. These factors, coupled with increasingly onerous bearing capacity
and deformation demands for access track and working platforms for delivery and erection of turbines plus a
claims-conscious industry, make for challenging designs to deliver economical and safe construction.
This paper considers track and platform specifications and requirements, and examines the risks that these
contain in terms of safe and economical design and construction in upland areas. The paper examines design
methods incorporating the use of stiff hexagonal polymeric geogrids to stabilise access tracks and platforms.
The paper also discusses the advantages, limitations and problems involved with ‘floating’ working platforms to
create stiff platforms to limit movement on heavily loaded but very soft ground.

1 INTRODUCTION appropriate to this environment and able to detect any

sensitivity that natural site materials might possess.
1.1 Development in upland areas Investigations should be directed and interpreted by
appropriately experienced staff to ensure that design
Wind farm development in upland areas in the United
data passed to access roads and platform designers is
Kingdom has been conducted since the mid-1980s, ini-
reasonably accurate and reliable.
tially with small-scale developments but more recently
One of the issues with this type of land is that access
with much larger scale developments incorporating
can be poor. During ground investigations, the use of
many tens of turbines. In northern Europe, upland
low ground pressure plant may be the only means of
windfarm construction occurs on low-value land with
accessing much of the site to conduct activities as
relatively low productivity, commonly represented by
drilling and trial pitting; safe foot and plant access
moorland. Soils in such areas consist of peats and clays
might not be feasible on extremely poor ground. For
with very low stiffness interspersed with rock, the lat-
access roads, this is not always such an issue as rela-
ter frequently providing the source of the stone that is
tively shallow investigation (<1 m) at relatively close
used to construct the wind farm infrastructure.
spacing combined with deeper intrusive surveys at a
Construction of wind turbines in such areas can per-
wider spacing can provide adequate information for
mit dual land use, for example combined with forestry
or sheep and deer farming and recreational activi-
For working platforms however, deeper investi-
ties. There is advice available in previously published
gation is frequently required due to the need for
documents that outline good practice with respect
adequate information for turbine foundation design.
to construction in these environments (SNH 2010,
Turbines are often micro-sited (i.e. moved from
Scottish Renewables et al 2010).
originally planned locations) after preliminary inves-
tigations to take advantage of better ground condi-
1.2 Ground conditions
tions. The revised locations can then permit access
Upland areas in Northern Europe are typified by gener- for heavier, non-specialised plant to conduct detailed
ally wet ground conditions and soils with poor bearing investigation.
capacity. Soils frequently demonstrate shear strengths
typically of 24 kN/m2 (approximately 1% CBR) and
less and typically comprise varying depths of peat
and weathered glacial till clays. The latter can show
a marked tendency to lose shear strength when wet-
2.1 Development
ted and subjected to compaction loads, such that their
shear strengths can fall to less than 50% of that which As little as a decade ago, specifications for wind farm
might be obtained from a static soil test. It is therefore access roads were few and far between, depending
important that ground investigation techniques are upon the contractor building the site to determine

Figure 2. Main lift crane conducting a working platform
performance test.
Figure 1. Automated Plate bearing test being conducted on
a working platform using an excavator as a reaction load. Typically, requirements for access roads usually
specify an allowable bearing pressure of 180–220 kPa
or an EV 2 of 80–100 MPa.
design and construction, usually using traditional
More recently, wind turbine manufacturers have
formed their own specifications, commonly specify-
ing minimum access and working platform dimen-
3.1 Road types
sions, required geometry, minimum bearing capacities
for road and working platforms and sometimes com- There are essentially three road types in common use:
bined (or replaced by) requirements for Ev 2 and Ev 2 dig out and replace, floating and displacement.
to Ev 1 ratio (to determine adequate compaction). In Dig out and replace roads involve removing sur-
nearly all cases, verification of the roads and working face vegetation and soft superficial materials down to
platforms is required in terms of a plate bearing tests a more competent horizon, typically up to 1m depth
(e.g. BS 1377 Part 9 or an EV2 test (e.g. DIN 18134). (but can be more depending on specific site location
However, it is pointed out that the dimensions of the and conditions) and replacing with competent, usually
test plate for these tests (even for the largest test plates) granular, material to form a road, usually bringing the
is not the same as, say, the outrigger bearing plate on road up to or above the original ground level. Such
a 750t-lift crane; whilst they can provide a degree of roads require the removal and dumping of excavated
comfort, such a test does not replicate the dimensions material and, in the case of peat and allied materials,
and depth of influence of the real working load. this can make this construction less environmentally
On some sites, plate bearing testing on working plat- friendly than other techniques due to peat desiccation
forms is not the only testing undertaken. Where time and degradation.
permits, the main lift crane can do a more realistic bear- Floating roads (a focus for this paper) are utilised
ing test by raising the boom of the crane and aligning where deep peat is encountered and/or digging out
the counterweight load over each of the outriggers and and replacing would be uneconomic or undesirable.
spreader plates in turn. This places a load (of up to The usual method of forming these roads is not to
200t) over the outrigger for several hours allowing the strip-off the vegetation but to place the road directly
platform to be monitored. This represents a far more upon the existing surface. On a peat bog, for example,
realistic test of both loads and the loaded area for this the vegetation and root mat may be the stiffest part
application. of the formation as these deposits frequently show a
The use of EV 2 specifications (essentially a Ger- reduction in stiffness and shear strength with depth as
man highways-based specification with the blacktop the peat becomes less ‘rooty’ and more amorphous in
removed) has limited applicability on peaty windfarm consistency.
sites and those sites where the Ev 2 at formation is Floating roads can use ‘brash’ (tree branch trim-
less than 5MPa (approx. 1% CBR). In such sites, mings from forestry operations) or logs but more
alternative methods, including shear strength/CBR commonly nowadays use geogrids or a combination
assessment are required and alternative design can pro- of geogrids and brash in very poor conditions and
duce a more economical ‘floating road’ and platform especially over forestry furrows (Fig 3).
construction rather than by using such techniques as Floating roads nearly always settle after construc-
chemical stabilisation or cement mixing (which may tion. The weight of the placed geogrid and stone upon
be environmentally undesirable). the surface causes consolidation of the peat and leads

3.2 Geogrid/geotextiles and mechanisms
Geogrids and geotextiles have been used for several
years to improve the performance of access roads and
working platforms on soft ground. These materials
work in two distinct ways:
Reinforcement: the reinforcement geogrid or geo-
textile acts as a tensile element within the ground
helping to support the aggregate and running sur-
face in a ‘tension membrane’ or hammock mechanism
that depends on a certain amount of strain in order
to develop the strength needed to support the loaded
surface. This mechanism can need a considerable
anchorage length of material buried in the ground
(which may not be available under the shoulders of
the road alone) and may need additional geogrid or
geotextile buried in the ground at the sides of the
access road in order to prevent the geogrid or geotex-
tile from pulling through the ground; it is not adequate
Figure 3. Geogrid-stabilised floating access road on deep to assume that the buried length along the road line is
peat in felled forestry constructed on brash bundles (‘facine sufficient to allow the geogrid or geotextile to strain
mats’). as a wheel load is imposed radially and will strain the
geogrid/geotextile in all directions.
Geogrids and geotextiles operating with such a
to an increase in shear strength and stiffness. At some mechanism usually need to strain to the order of 2% in
point this increase is sufficient to support the road with order to start functioning, although due to the nature of
only minor or insignificant further settlement. some materials, strain at full tensile strength can be of
Floating roads can cause relatively little damage to the order of 7–9%. This can lead to deformation at the
the peat and can allow it to remain relatively undam- surface of the road leading to additional rutting (over
aged under the road line. However, on slopes, the and above that imposed by the axle passes themselves)
aggregate in the road can act as a drain and the detail which will need to be remediated with additional mate-
design of such roads on slopes needs careful consid- rial, reflected deformation down through the aggregate
eration to ensure that the road does not damage peat layer onto the formation (this is where the strain in the
bogs at the top of the slope. geogrid is occurring to support the surface loads) and
The use of stabilisation geogrids can have an advan- ponding of water at both the surface and at the forma-
tage in that they can permit a marked reduction in the tion surface (within the aggregate layers), which can
thickness of aggregate that needs to be used. Typically, lead to softening of the formation.
on peat with a CBR of less than 1% this reduction can Stabilisation: at present this mechanism is restricted
be up to a third. This reduction in road thickness is an to a single manufacturer (Tensar International Ltd)
advantage not only in cost terms but the reduction in and a single innovative product (TriAx) which is
dead-load leads to a reduction in overall road settle- a polypropylene, punched and drawn, monolithic,
ment post-construction leading to better serviceability hexagonal geogrid with triangular apertures.
and less remediation during use. This product works as a stiff geogrid with inte-
Displacement roads use large quantities of dumped gral nodes between the ribs to interlock with suitably
rock pushed (or allowed to settle in very poor ground sized aggregates and markedly reduce their tendency
conditions) into the surface of peat and that essentially to move when trafficked. The aggregate stabilised by
displace it horizontally, building up a pyramid of stone the geogrid aperture (in a ‘fully confined’ zone), in
that can eventually be used to found the road upon, the turn, provides stability to the aggregate layers above
base having reached (or the load of the stone having (in a partially confined zone) and typically this can
created through consolidation of underlying strata) a be to a distance of 350–500 mm above the geogrid
firmer horizon. layer (Fig 4); if a design requires a thicker aggregate
This method of construction is usually only used in layer, then it may be necessary to introduce a sec-
very wet and extremely poor ground conditions with ond layer of geogrid to ensure that the whole of the
virtually no shear strength and where a floating road aggregate thickness is either fully confined or partially
would become unserviceable in a short time due to set- confined.
tlement. It is also used where there are floating bogs The incorporation of integral nodes joining the
(vegetation and root mass several meters thick sitting geogrid ribs is important in that the almost 100%
on water). It is relatively expensive and time consum- junction efficiency they impart ensures that aggregate
ing and can only be used where there is no risk of particles remain interlocked and confined when loaded
damage to infrastructure to the sides of the road line; with stone; broken junctions (such as with welded
some vertical displacement (heave) of peat can occur products placed on very soft ground) are unable to
in rapid filling operations. interlock and confine the aggregate meaning that

Figure 4. Model of confinement for TriAx stabilisation

reinforcement from the intact ribs (with the associated

deformation) is the only mechanism that can prevent Figure 5. Estimation of standard axle passes for a typical
rutting. aggregate delivery vehicle.
The calculation of access road thickness incorpo-
rating TriAx stabilisation geogrids depends on the use safe (or necessarily economical) to substitute another
of empirical testing of various aggregate thicknesses unrelated geogrid into such designs without reassess-
and different formation stiffnesses. This testing allows ing the design. This information should come from
the calibration of designs incorporating TriAx with adequate testing both in the laboratory and in the field
respect to the ground conditions, expected trafficking to corroborate the design values.
and acceptable rut depth. Such data cannot be derived The Ev 2 method can lead to the development of
theoretically and involves many trials using wheeled designs that can be overly thick for roadway design on
traffic loading in order to determine design data that such sensitive ground. The Ev2 method aims to limit
can be used reliably and is a method advocated by deformation at the top of the aggregate layer to avoid
Giroud and Han (2004). It has proven to be a reliable overstressing blacktop. However, as the vast majority
and economical method of access road design. of wind farm access roads have an unbound surface,
Crucially, the stabilisation mechanism is a low- the reduction in deformation has a limited scope; most
strain mechanism and does not depend upon the tensile geogrid stabilised wind farm, access roads on peat
strength of the geogrid at a specified strain; confining will deform (largely elastically) under the passage of
and stabilising the aggregate particles generates strain vehicles and it is often more important to limit the
levels of the order 0.5% for a trafficked, correctly cal- differential movement between the axles of the vehi-
ibrated and designed access road. This results in less cles (especially very long vehicles delivering turbine
deformation in terms of rutting (which can also be lim- blades).
ited based upon the requirements of the design), less CBR target methods follow a similar methodol-
deformation at the formation surface (as the geogrid ogy but would also require some form of calibration
is straining much less than with the tension membrane to ensure target values are likely to be met by a
mechanism) allowing the formation to retain its shear geogrid and thickness of aggregate on a given subgrade
strength and function to help to support the road. A stiffness .
main aim of design with the stabilisation mechanism An alternative method which is permitted by the use
is to prevent deformation at the surface and protect the of geogrids such as TriAx which have been calibrated
formation. as described in section 3.2, is to assess the type and
amount for trafficking that is likely to enter the site
3.3 Access road design (rendering these in terms of ‘standard axles – either
Design of wind farm haul roads can use several 80 kN or 100 kN) and using this data to produce a suit-
methods of design, all of which are of empirical ori- able road thickness consistent with allowable rutting.
gins. Many of these methods can also be used with Axles that are not ‘standard axles’ are converted
geogrids in order to restrict the thickness of aggregate using the ‘4th power rule’ (RRL 1970) to standard
used in their construction over an unreinforced and axles as follows (80 kN example):
unstabilised construction. Ns = (actual axle loads/standard axle load)3.95
The Ev 2 method for reinforced or stabilised float-
ing roads usually uses design charts (or computerised Where Ns = vehicle equivalency in terms of standard
versions of such charts) with modifications to take axles.
account of the reduction in aggregate thickness that So for a typical standard 20t payload road-going
can be effected by incorporating one or more layers of vehicle, the vehicle imposes 5 standard axles worth of
geogrid. These design charts need to be calibrated for damage (in terms of rutting potential) upon the road
the specific product to be used and it is not entirely (Figure 5).

It should be noted that the standard axle loads for 3.4 Additional checks
an off-road articulated hauler can be much higher for
In all cases, a check should be made for the worst-
each visit.
case wheel load on an expected tyre footprint to check
The trafficking takes two forms:
against bearing capacity failure in a similar way to
the loads being checked on a working platform (see
Construction traffic – the traffic required to actually section 4). In some deep peat deposits, it may also be
build the access roads and working platforms. This necessary to take into account possible circular slip
traffic, which can include heavily loaded aggregate failure through the platform and into the peat deposit
delivery vehicles (articulated haulers and road-going for stationary loads. However, site operational rules
trucks) is by far the most onerous loading on most that dictate that no vehicle should remain stationary
wind farms in terms of trafficking and standard axles. on any floating road section can help to minimize road
On very large sites, other traffic is almost negligible thickness and reduce the requirement to conduct such
in terms of total standard axles. analysis; it is difficult to obtain appropriate parameters
for such assessment in peat due to the soft nature of
In-service traffic: the traffic that uses the access the deposits and difficulty in sampling and testing in
roads to access and build other elements, such as the laboratory.
concrete and steel delivery trucks for turbine bases,
cranes for turbine construction and turbine mast, blade
and nacelle delivery vehicles. On smaller sites, such
vehicles (especially concrete delivery wagons) should 4 WORKING PLATFOMS
always be included in an assessment of trafficking as
they can form a higher proportion of the total traf- 4.1 Working platform types
fic than on larger sites and may increase the road and All working platforms will require a certain number
platform thicknesses as a result. Pick-ups and light of vehicle visits in order to construct them, in addi-
vans can be excluded from this assessment as they tion to the vehicles that will use them operationally,
impose relatively little damage in terms of standard such as piling rigs and cranes. The total number of
axles, vastly simplifying the assessment. axles needs to be taken into account in any trafficking-
All traffic that is expected to use the site is assessed related design assessment and added in to the road
as above in terms of standard axles, the total number of thickness calculations so that the additional traffic is
stared axles required is totaled and each section of road accounted for in the road thickness calculation.
is designed, based on the empirical trafficking testing There are generally two types of working platforms
conducted previously, to give an aggregate thickness used on wind farms, mainly at turbine lifting locations:
when incorporating an appropriate TriAx geogrid to Working platforms founded on a firm stratum:
suit this total. generally these will suffer from little in the way of
For some wind farms, the method can become settlement and can often be dig-out and replace, replac-
quite involved; the access roads are designed from the ing the soft, near surface material with aggregate or
furthest point away from the aggregate access point less compressible material with a geogrid stabilised
and then designed back towards the access points such top surface. Such platforms may need to be assessed
that the trafficking becomes cumulative – the parts for edge stability if surrounded by deep peat or similar
of the access road taking the most traffic are then soft deposits.
assured of having sufficient thickness to ensure their Floating working Platforms: these are more contro-
performance consistent with the total axle loads and versial and less commonly used. On very soft and deep
trafficking, yet the least trafficked sections (typically peat, it is difficult to justify their use for crane lifts as
spurs to single turbines) have less thickness to give edge stability and rotational failure of the platform
the most economical construction for the respective (which any incorporated geogrid will be hard-pushed
sections. to mitigate) may become dominant failure mecha-
It should be noted that all of these methods can only nisms leading to catastrophic failure of the platform
give the required performance with a certain minimum and a potential to lose the crane.
quality of aggregate. Poor quality, crushable, rounded However, on smaller wind farms with more lim-
and poorly graded aggregates can all lead to a road ited financial resources, it may be possible to build a
that underperforms when used in a geogrid-stabilised working platform, say, designed for the piling rig for
or reinforced road. If it is desired to use such mate- the ‘can’ for the base of the turbine and then use the
rial for economic reasons, the designer needs to be same piling rig at the outrigger positions for the lifting
informed before design commences so that allowances crane. However, it should be noted that this limits the
may be made for the sub-optimal aggregate, usually by type of crane that might be able to use the platform for
increasing the road thickness. any subsequent maintenance or turbine replacement; it
On very soft peat formations, the use of good will need to have outriggers in a similar arrangement
quality aggregate will ensure a minimal road to that of the crane that the platform was originally
thickness which is likely to reduce settlement of designed for. Piles also need to be designed in order
the road after construction and ensure long-term to deal with a lack of lateral support from peat in deep
serviceability. deposits and also that the platform may settle relative

of comfort; they do not represent a realistic test of
the loads and area that a large crane can impose on
an outrigger plate (which may be 200 t on an area of
2.5 m × 6 m), nor the depth of influence of such a load.
Tests conducted on some sites involve the main lift
crane raising an unloaded boom and rotating to place
the full counterweight load over each of the outrigger
in turn, often for several hours, and monitoring settle-
ment. This is a far more onerous and realistic test of
such a working platform and gives better confidence
of the performance during a lift.



Where wind farm access and working platform con-

Figure 6. Working platform with piled outrigger positions struction takes place on very soft ground, cognizance
on very deep soft peat showing settlement around piles should be taken of the speed of construction.
caps due to consolidation. Geogrids are unable to prevent With peats, care should be taken to avoid load-
such movement but can stiffen the platform to minimize ing the surface very rapidly with the full construction
differential settlement. thickness, especially in very wet ground, or where the
vegetation and root mat is relatively thin, as this can
to the pile cap and pile, requiring remediation to ensure induce shearing of the vegetation and root mat near sur-
serviceability (Fig 6). face, which is often where much of the shear strength
Working platforms are required to have an lies. Geogrids are unable to compensate for this rapid
allowable bearing pressure of 200–260 or an EV 2 construction as the shear plane usually lies right on the
of 100 to 120 MPa in many turbine manufacturers’ edge of the road pyramid and outside the zone of influ-
specifications. ence of the geogrids themselves. However, on sites
where this has been observed by the authors, it does not
4.2 Working platform design appear to be detrimental to access road performance,
although the open shear plane can be disconcerting.
There are a number of methods for working platform In a similar fashion, rapid construction over sensi-
design. In the UK, guidance in the form of BR470 tive clays (especially near-saturated weathered glacial
(BRE 2004) produces safe but relatively uneconomic till clays) can lead to a marked reduction in shear
designs. A review of this document produced in 2011 strength (by up to more than 50%) and especially
suggested that alternative methods could be used pro- where compaction plant is used on relatively thin lifts
viding they were validated by appropriate laboratory of aggregate fill above the formation; such sensitivity
and field testing (BRE 2011). should be picked up during the ground investigation
Although EV 2 design methods can be used to stage. Geogrids are again unable to deal with such cir-
achieve a specified EV 2 at the top of the platform, cumstances as the loss in shear is a function of the
some geogrid manufacturers use their own in-house formation materials response to construction stresses.
methods to assess such platforms. This involves the This usually reveals itself by marked have during com-
use of a ‘load spread’ method where the expected pres- paction and under such circumstances, construction
sure on a specified loaded area is dissipated through a must be halted and the section of road left undisturbed
design platform thickness through an angle established until the excess pore-water pressure has reduced and
through appropriate laboratory and field testing to get some of the shear strength has been restored; further
a pressure at formation level that gives an acceptable work will only make the situation worse and requires
factor of safety against bearing capacity failure. a reassessment of the construction method. It is usu-
This is usually done by iterative calculation and can ally better to track-in at least the first few layers of
lead to an economical design that still maintains the aggregate instead of using formal compaction.
desired safety in such platforms.

4.3 Working platform testing

Working platforms are frequently tested using either
EV2 (DIN1834 2001) tests or BS1377:Part 9:1990 For in excess of 20 years, geogrids have provided a safe
(BSI 1990) plate bearing tests. Whilst such tests are and economical solution for the construction of wind
relatively easy to conduct and might be appropriate for farms on soft ground in upland areas. With the correct
tracked plant and very small outrigger bearing plates level of appropriate ground investigation data, access
on small cranes, even the largest plates commonly used roads and working platforms can be designed incorpo-
in such test (750 mm or so) can only provide a degree rating stabilisation geogrids such as TriAx to minimize

construction thickness consistent with trafficking and BRE, 2004. ‘Working Platforms for Tracked Plant’, UK
bearing capacity requirements. Building Research Establishment.
The use of these methods will ensure serviceability BRE, 2011. ‘Working Platforms for Tracked Plant – Use of
of the constructed areas throughout the construction Structural Reinforcement – A BRE Review Seven Years
On’ UK Building Research Establishment.
phase and later design life of the wind farm. The abil- DIN1834 2001-09, 2001. ‘Determination and Strength Char-
ity to minimize construction depths can also lead to acteristics of Soil by the Plate Loading Test’.
a significant saving in the amount of CO2 generated Cook, J., Dobie, M. & Blackman, D. 2016. ‘The Development
by such activities from the construction and quarrying ofAPT methodology in theApplivcation and Derivation of
plant as this plant is having to quarry, transport, place Geosynthetic benefits in Road Design’, Accelerated Pave-
and compact less material compared to non-stabilised ment Testing Conference, Costa Rica, September 2016 (in
construction. print).
Giroud, J. P. & Han, J. (2004) ‘Design Method for Geogrid-
Reinforced Unpaved Roads. Part II. Calibration and
Applications’, Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenviron-
REFERENCES mental Engineering.
RRL, 1970. ‘A Guide to the Structural Design of Pavements
SNH, 2010. ‘Floating Roads on Peat’, Scottish Natural
for New Roads’. UK Department of Environment Road
Note 29, 3rd Edition, UK Road Research Laboratory.
Scottish Renewables, 2010. ‘Good Practice during Windfarm
BSI, 1990 BS1377:Part 9:1990 ‘British Standard Methods
Construction’, Scottish Renewables, Scottish Natural Her-
of Test for Soils for Civil Engineering Purposes – In-Situ
itage, Scottish Environment ProtectionAgency & Forestry
Commission Scotland.


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