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Review Article

Acetabular Bone Loss in Revision

Total Hip Arthroplasty: Evaluation
and Management

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Neil P. Sheth, MD As the number of primary total hip arthroplasty (THA) procedures
Charles L. Nelson, MD performed continues to rise, the burden of revision THA procedures
is also expected to increase. Proper evaluation and management
Bryan D. Springer, MD
of acetabular bone loss at the time of revision surgery will be an
Thomas K. Fehring, MD increasing challenge facing orthopaedic surgeons. Proper
Wayne G. Paprosky, MD preoperative patient assessment and detailed preoperative
planning are essential in obtaining a good clinical result.
Appropriate radiographs are critical in assessing acetabular bone
loss, and specific classification schemes can identify bone loss
patterns and guide available treatment options. Treatment options
include impaction grafting and cementation of the acetabulum,
noncemented hemispheric acetabular reconstruction, structural
allograft reconstruction, noncemented reconstruction with modular
porous metal augments, ring and cage reconstruction, oblong cup
reconstruction, cup-cage reconstruction, and triflange

A pproximately 300,000 primary

total hip arthroplasty (THA) pro-
cedures are performed annually in the
Preoperative Patient
United States,1 and that number is ex- Thorough preoperative patient as-
pected to increase as the population sessment is critical in cases requiring
ages and as younger patients are con- acetabular component revision, and
sidered for the procedure. Conse- patient history is a key component.
quently, the burden of revision THA is All prior procedures must be noted
From Penn Orthopaedics, Hospital projected to increase exponentially. and a detailed history of all perioper-
of the University of Pennsylvania, The major indications for revision of ative complications obtained. Pain is
Philadelphia, PA (Dr. Sheth and the acetabular component include asep-
Dr. Nelson), OrthoCarolina Hip &
the most common complaint requir-
tic loosening, hip instability, peripros- ing revision, and the history must
Knee Center, Charlotte, NC
(Dr. Springer and Dr. Fehring), and thetic osteolysis, and periprosthetic in- document the location, type, charac-
the Department of Orthopedic fection, which typically is managed with ter, duration, temporal nature (eg,
Surgery, Rush University Medical two-stage exchange. Acetabular revi-
Center, Chicago, IL (Dr. Paprosky). pain at night only, pain on ambula-
sion surgery is challenging because of tion), and exacerbating and remit-
J Am Acad Orthop Surg 2013;21: the variation in remaining bone qual-
ting factors (ie, activity-related symp-
ity and bone stock. Typically, the degree toms) of the pain as well as previous of bone loss at the time of revision dic- treatment attempts. The time from
tates the type of reconstruction used. surgery or the duration of symptoms
Copyright 2013 by the American Each reconstruction option has inher- can also influence diagnosis and
Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons.
ent advantages and disadvantages. management, as in the case of acute

128 Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

Neil P. Sheth, MD, et al

Figure 1
Radiographic Evaluation
Preoperative radiographic assessment
requires projections that include the en-
tire prosthesis. An AP pelvis and a lat-
eral hip view usually suffice. An AP
view of the hip may be necessary to vi-
sualize the entire femoral implant.4
For the AP pelvis view, the x-ray
should be centered over the symphy-
sis pubis and aligned with the coccyx
to allow assessment of leg length.
All plain radiographs are assessed for
component position, potential compo-
nent loosening, the presence of eccen-
tric polyethylene wear, and the location
Axial CT angiogram demonstrating the close proximity of the ureter (arrow) and degree of osteolysis with associated
to the acetabular component. This image was used in preoperative planning bone loss. Judet views (ie, iliac oblique,
for revision left total hip arthroplasty. obturator oblique) are helpful in eval-
uating remaining acetabular bone stock
and the implant-bone interface.5
hematogenous infection, which is differential of >60% segmented neu- CT is useful as an adjunct in fur-
managed with irrigation and dé- trophils is considered suspicious for ther defining osteolysis and pelvic
bridement along with head and liner infection.2,3 bone loss.6 In cases in which the ac-
exchange. Physical examination includes assess- etabular component is medial to the
The lack of a pain-free interval fol- ment of the patient’s general health, Kohler line, retained cement is pres-
lowing primary THA may prompt lumbosacral spine, and contralateral ent, and/or previous screws are pres-
questioning of the indication for sur- limb, followed by a detailed examina- ent, Judet views and/or a three-
gery, or it may indicate the presence tion of the affected hip and lower dimensional CT reconstruction with
of low-grade sepsis. Deep infection extremity with documentation of pre- contrast are valuable to evaluate the
must be ruled out. Serum erythro- vious incisions. Detailed motor (ie, pelvic vessels, ureter, and bladder
cyte sedimentation rate (normal, <20 side-lying abduction), sensory, and vas- and their proximity to the acetabular
mg/dL) and C-reactive protein (nor- cular examinations must also be per- component7 (Figure 1).
mal, <10 mg/dL) should be obtained formed. The patient’s gait must be eval-
in all revision patients. Elevated se- uated for the presence of painful
rum inflammatory markers should ambulation (ie, antalgic gait) and the Preoperative Surgical
prompt a preoperative hip aspira- presence of weakness resulting in a Planning
tion. Synovial fluid analysis includes compensatory gait pattern (ie, Trende-
anaerobic and aerobic cultures as lenburg gait secondary to poor abduc- Surgical Exposure
well as a cell count. A white blood tor function). Limb-length discrepancy The approach for revision surgery is
cell count of 2,500 to 3,000 and a should be evaluated, as well. determined based on surgeon experi-

Dr. Sheth or an immediate family member serves as a paid consultant to or is an employee of Zimmer. Dr. Nelson or an immediate
family member serves as a paid consultant to or is an employee of Greatbatch Medical and Zimmer and serves as a board member,
owner, officer, or committee member of the J. Robert Gladden Orthopaedic Society. Dr. Springer or an immediate family member is a
member of a speakers’ bureau or has made paid presentations on behalf of DePuy and CeramTec and serves as a paid consultant
to or is an employee of Stryker and ConvaTec. Dr. Fehring or an immediate family member has received royalties from, is a member
of a speakers’ bureau or has made paid presentations on behalf of, serves as a paid consultant to or is an employee of, and has
received research or institutional support from DePuy and serves as a board member, owner, officer, or committee member of the
American Association of Hip and Knee Surgeons and The Knee Society. Dr. Paprosky or an immediate family member has received
royalties from Wright Medical Technology and Zimmer, is a member of a speakers’ bureau or has made paid presentations on behalf
of Zimmer, serves as a paid consultant to or is an employee of Biomet and Zimmer, and serves as a board member, owner, officer, or
committee member of The Hip Society.

March 2013, Vol 21, No 3 129

Acetabular Bone Loss in Revision Total Hip Arthroplasty: Evaluation and Management

Figure 2 able. Osteotomies about the greater as well as the type of reconstruction
trochanter can be categorized as that is needed to obtain stable fixa-
standard single plane, trochanteric tion of the acetabular implant.
slide, extended trochanteric, and The American Academy of Ortho-
Wagner8 (Figure 2). paedic Surgeons (AAOS) introduced
The standard single plane osteot- an acetabular bone loss classification
omy is indicated in cases of previous based on the presence of segmental,
trochanteric escape or in which en- cavitary, or combined defects10 (Ta-
hanced acetabular exposure is re- ble 1). This classification is simple in
quired.8 Fixation methods with this its organization; however, it is not
quantitative, and its practical appli-
technique have demonstrated union
cation is limited.
rates ranging from 62% to 99%.8
Several other classifications have
The trochanteric slide osteotomy
been described, but the most widely
capitalizes on the attachment of the
used is the Paprosky classification of
vastus lateralis soft-tissue sleeve to
acetabular bone loss.11 This classifi-
minimize the risk of proximal tro-
cation is comprehensive and pro-
chanteric fragment migration. The vides treatment recommendations
remaining abductor and vastus at- based on the location and degree of
Illustration depicting the paths of tachments generate a resultant me-
different osteotomies about the
bone loss. Studies have demonstrated
dial compression force vector that adequate reliability and validity.12,13
greater trochanter for use in
revision total hip arthroplasty: confers enhanced fragment healing. The Paprosky classification is based
A, standard trochanteric; Extended trochanteric osteotomy on four variables: location or migration
B, trochanteric slide; C, extended enhances exposure and facilitates
trochanteric. (Reproduced from of the hip center of rotation in refer-
femoral component removal. The ence to the superior obturator line, de-
Archibeck MJ, Rosenberg AG,
Berger RA, Silverton CD: original Wagner osteotomy used an gree of teardrop destruction, amount of
Trochanteric osteotomy and fixation extended anterior trochanteric os- ischial osteolysis, and integrity of the
during total hip arthroplasty. J Am teotomy that reflected the anterior
Acad Orthop Surg 2003;11[3]: Kohler line (ie, ilioischial line) (Table
163-173.) one half of the abductor complex in 2). Use of these four variables facilitates
continuity with the anterior one objective assessment of bone loss in-
third of the proximal femur. In 1995, volving the superior dome, medial ac-
ence and utility for the planned re- the Wagner osteotomy was modified etabular wall, and posterior column.
construction. In conjunction with to include an extended lateral tro- In type I defects, the hemispheric
patient factors (eg, high risk for in- chanteric osteotomy, in which the shape of the acetabulum is main-
stability), other factors that influence abductor complex is reflected in con- tained (Figure 3, A). There is no hip
the choice of surgical approach in- tinuity with the lateral one third of center migration, nor is there de-
clude the need for additional expo- the proximal femur.9 The length of struction of the teardrop or ischial
sure (ie, osteotomy), the degree and the extended trochanteric osteotomy osteolysis, and the Kohler line re-
location of femoral and acetabular is planned preoperatively, allowing mains intact. The anterior and the
bone defects, and the presence of dis- for at least 4 to 6 cm of diaphyseal posterior columns are intact, allow-
torted anatomy. The posterolateral stem engagement. Typically, this os- ing for component stability, and
approach is the most utilitarian and teotomy is performed through an ex- >70% of the prosthesis can be sup-
affords excellent circumferential ex- tensile posterolateral approach. ported by host bone. Type I defects
posure of the acetabulum and iliac can be managed with a nonce-
wing. Most reconstructions can be Acetabular Bone Loss mented, porous-coated hemispheric
managed with this approach; how- Classifications implant with the use of adjunctive
ever, if mobilization of the femur is Following removal of the acetabular screw fixation for initial mechanical
difficult or if it is necessary to gain component, the degree of bone loss stability.11
access high on the iliac wing, a femo- is correlated to the preoperative ra- Type II defects are subdivided into
ral osteotomy can enhance exposure. diographic assessment. Bone loss types A, B, and C. Type IIA defects
Various locations and configura- classifications are helpful in assessing result in bone loss in the superior ac-
tions of femoral osteotomy are avail- the location and degree of bone loss etabular dome with <3 cm of supe-

130 Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

Neil P. Sheth, MD, et al

rior hip center migration (Figure 3, managed with a noncemented, po- vere teardrop and ischial osteolysis,
B). There is neither ischial osteolysis rous hemispheric implant with bone with complete disruption of the
nor minimal teardrop osteolysis, and grafting of the medial defect and the Kohler line.11 Type IIIB defects may
the Kohler line is intact. The anterior use of adjunctive screw fixation for be associated with pelvic discontinu-
and posterior columns are intact, al- initial mechanical stability. Compo- ity. Biologic fixation is unlikely with
lowing for component stability, and nent stability is achieved through the use of a noncemented acetabular de-
particulate bone graft is used to ad- existing rim.11 vice alone. Instead, a noncemented
dress bone loss. Type IIA defects can The most complex bone loss pat- acetabular device must be used in
be managed with a noncemented, terns are encountered in type III de- conjunction with structural allograft,
porous-coated hemispheric implant fects. These defects may be associ- a reconstruction cage, modular po-
with the use of adjunctive screw fixa- ated with pelvic discontinuity. Type rous metal augments, or a combina-
tion to achieve initial mechanical sta- IIIA defects are referred to as “up tion of these options.
bility.11 and out” and type IIIB defects as “up
Type IIB defects involve <3 cm of su- and in.” In type IIIA defects, 30% to Acetabular Component
perior and lateral hip center migration, 60% of the acetabular rim is miss- Removal
resulting in a superior dome defect (Fig- ing, and the columns are nonsup- During preoperative planning, the
ure 3, C). There may be minimal tear- portive (Figure 3, E). Superolateral surgeon must identify implants that
drop and ischial osteolysis, but the migration of the hip center is >3 cm,
Kohler line is intact. The anterior and and there is moderate teardrop and Table 1
posterior columns are intact, allowing ischial osteolysis. The Kohler line re-
American Academy of
for component stability, and >50% of mains intact. The use of a nonce- Orthopaedic Surgeons
the prosthesis is in contact with host mented, porous hemispheric implant, Classification of Acetabular
bone. Type IIB defects are managed along with supplemental porous Deficiencies10
with a noncemented, porous hemi- metal augments or structural graft, is Type Description
spheric implant with the use of adjunc- recommended. Adjunctive screw fix-
tive screw fixation to achieve initial me- ation through the acetabular shell is I Segmental defect
chanical stability. Biologic fixation is required, as is screw fixation through II Cavitary defect
possible even when up to 30% of the the graft or augment. The augment III Combined segmental and
cavitary defect
cup is uncovered.11 should be cemented or attached to
IV Pelvic discontinuity
Type IIC defects are medial wall the acetabular shell to increase the
A Discontinuity with mild
defects (Figure 3, D). Superior hip stability of the overall construct.11 segmental or cavitary
center migration is minimal, but Type IIIB defects are the most se- loss
there is medial migration with mod- vere defects encountered in revision B Discontinuity with moder-
erate teardrop osteolysis and viola- THA (Figure 3, F). These defects ex- ate to severe segmental
tion of the Kohler line. The anterior hibit >60% deficiency of the acetab- or cavitary loss
and posterior columns are intact, al- ular host bone stock. The acetabular C Discontinuity with prior
pelvic irradiation
lowing for component stability; rim and columns are completely non-
V Hip arthrodesis
however, the hemispheric rim may be supportive. Superomedial hip center
distorted. Type IIC defects can be migration is >3 cm, and there is se-

Table 2
Paprosky Classification of Acetabular Bone Loss11
Femoral Head
Type Center Migration Ischial Osteolysis Kohler Line Teardrop

I None None Intact Intact

IIA Mild (<3 cm) None Intact Intact
IIB Moderate (<3 cm) Mild Intact Intact
IIC Mild (<3 cm) Mild Disrupted Moderate lysis
IIIA Severe (>3 cm) Moderate Intact Moderate lysis
IIIB Severe (>3 cm) Severe Disrupted Severe lysis

March 2013, Vol 21, No 3 131

Acetabular Bone Loss in Revision Total Hip Arthroplasty: Evaluation and Management

Figure 3

Illustrations of the Paprosky classification of acetabular bone loss. A, Type I. B, Type IIA. C, Type IIB. D, Type IIC.
E, Type IIIA. F, Type IIIB. (Adapted with permission from Paprosky WG, Perona PG, Lawrence JM: Acetabular defect
classification and surgical reconstruction in revision arthroplasty: A 6-year follow-up evaluation. J Arthroplasty

are already in place. Surgical reports ers, and screwdrivers. However, the pacted, well-contained cancellous
on prior procedures performed else- decision to remove a well-fixed im- graft along with a cemented polyeth-
where are an essential part of the plant must be made carefully to ylene cup. This technique is suitable
planning process. In cases in which avoid excessive bone loss during re- for simple cavitary defects. It also
acetabular component revision is re- moval.14 The use of an explant de- can be used for segmental or com-
quired, component removal with the vice that has blades to cut through bined structural bone defects in
least amount of additional bone loss the bone-prosthesis interface facili- which metal mesh is used to create a
and preservation of key bone stock is tates safe and expeditious removal of contained defect. Pelvic discontinuity
paramount. Complete circumferen- most acetabular components. must be stabilized with a plate prior
tial exposure of the acetabular rim is to impaction grafting. Bridging with
important for safe component re- metal mesh alone is inadequate.
moval. A bone tamp placed at the Clinical Results by Busch et al15 recently reported long-
edge of the acetabular shell can be Reconstruction Method term results (20- to 28-year follow-up)
used to determine the stability of the following acetabular impaction graft-
component. Even well-fixed compo- Impaction Grafting and ing. In their original study, a cohort of
nents may require removal as a result Cementation of the patients with either cavitary or com-
of component malposition. This may Acetabulum bined segmental and cavitary bone de-
require the use of special tools or in- Acetabular impaction grafting re- fects was treated with acetabular im-
struments such as explants, trial lin- stores bone stock with tightly im- paction grafting and cementation of a

132 Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

Neil P. Sheth, MD, et al

Figure 4

A, Preoperative AP pelvic radiograph of a patient with a type IIC acetabular defect of a prior hip implant.
B, Postoperative AP pelvic radiograph of the same patient following revision to a noncemented acetabular shell with
adjuvant screw fixation.

polyethylene liner.16 Of the original the longest clinical follow-up (mean, cases (Figure 5). Early results have
cohort of 42 patients younger than 15 years; maximum, 19 years) of demonstrated enhanced biologic fix-
age 50 years, 37 patients were avail- noncemented acetabular cup use in ation and decreased stress shielding
able for follow-up beyond 15 years.15 revision THA. In a cohort of 138 surrounding porous metal surfaces.23
Using aseptic loosening as the end hips (131 patients), only 1 cup
point, this cohort demonstrated sur- (0.7%) was revised for aseptic loos- Structural Allograft
vivorship of 85% at 20 years and ening. Cup survivorship was 96% Reconstruction
77% at 25 years.15 Long-term using revision for aseptic loosening Bulk structural allograft is an option
follow-up of impaction grafting has as an end point. A total of 19 cups in cases in which there is inadequate
demonstrated effective restoration of were revised for recurrent instability, host acetabular bone for component
bone stock and adequate cemented infection, or femoral component fixation and stability. The purpose of
fixation of polyethylene liners in the complications. These results are con- the allograft is to provide structural
setting of bone loss. sistent with other revision series, stability for the noncemented com-
which demonstrate worse clinical ponent until host bone ingrowth into
Noncemented Hemispheric outcomes following revision THA the acetabular component occurs. In
Acetabular Reconstruction than following primary THA be- general, allograft is preferred in
Noncemented reconstruction is the pre- cause of soft-tissue compromise, young patients because it may result
ferred method of acetabular recon- bone deficit, and an inability to per- in the availability of increased bone
struction in revision THA, specifically fectly restore hip biomechanics. stock that can be used in future re-
for Paprosky types I and II defects.17 Noncemented acetabular recon- construction. However, concerns ex-
Several studies have demonstrated struction requires column and partial ist regarding the potential for al-
favorable midterm (minimum, 5- to rim support as well as the use of sup- lograft resorption, infection, and
10-year) results using noncemented plemental fixation (Figure 4). Many potential loosening of the construct.
acetabular sockets with a rate of manufacturers now market porous Several studies have evaluated the
aseptic loosening ranging from zero metal options to enhance initial sta- midterm results of structural al-
to 11% and >90% survivorship with bility and promote biologic fixation lograft in revision THA. Graft type
aseptic loosening as the end in deficient bone beds. Structural al- (ie, femoral head, distal femur, total
point.18-21 Della Valle et al22 reported lografts also can be used in these acetabulum) and surgical technique

March 2013, Vol 21, No 3 133

Acetabular Bone Loss in Revision Total Hip Arthroplasty: Evaluation and Management

Figure 5

A, Photograph of a modular porous metal augment placed adjacent to a revision porous metal noncemented
acetabular shell. B, Preoperative AP radiograph demonstrating a severe type IIIA defect of the right hip necessitating
reconstruction using porous metal augments in conjunction with a noncemented hemispheric shell. C, Intraoperative
photograph of a noncemented hemispheric acetabular shell cemented to a modular porous metal augment. D, AP
pelvic radiograph following noncemented hemispheric acetabular reconstruction with the modular porous metal

are the most important factors in de- 15% of revision cases performed follow-up was 5 years (mean, 16
termining clinical success. An early with femoral head or distal femoral years). With re-revision for aseptic
study by Paprosky et al11 demon- allograft and a noncemented device loosening as an end point, cup survi-
strated component loosening in 4% (mean follow-up, 6.8 years). vorship at 15 and 20 years was 67%
of cases (all type IIIB defects) at a More recently, Lee et al25 retro- and 61%, respectively, and graft sur-
mean follow-up of 5.7 years after re- spectively reviewed 74 patients vivorship was 81%. Satisfactory
vision to noncemented acetabular treated with minor column shelf mid- and long-term results have been
shells with either femoral head or structural allograft for uncontained achieved with the use of structural
distal femoral allograft. DeWal et al24 host acetabular bone deficits measur- allograft in revision THA; however,
reported component loosening in ing 30% to 50%. Minimum clinical the availability of porous metal aug-

134 Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

Neil P. Sheth, MD, et al

ments has led to a reduction in the etabular shells with porous metal screw breakage, and the other 12
use of allograft. augments. There were no cases of were radiographically stable. No pa-
aseptic loosening at a mean tient required repeat surgical inter-
Noncemented follow-up of 45 months. vention. The early results with po-
Reconstruction With For patients with pelvic discontinu- rous metal augments appear to be
Modular Porous Metal ity and severe bone loss, treatment promising. However, long-term
Augments options include custom triflange follow-up data are necessary because
cups with plate fixation, cup-cage of concerns regarding the manage-
A relatively new concept in the man-
constructs, a hemispheric shell, or ment of these augments should infec-
agement of severe acetabular bone acetabular impaction grafting. Re-
loss involves the use of noncemented tion develop after ingrowth has oc-
cently, a distraction technique that
hemispheric or elliptical components curred.
combines a hemispheric shell and po-
in combination with modular aug- rous metal augments has been used
ments.26 Unlike oblong or triflange Ring and Cage
to manage pelvic discontinuity. Re-
constructs, independent use of an ac- Reconstruction
gardless of the reconstruction option
etabular shell and one or more mod- selected, healing of pelvic discontinu- Rings and cages are indicated for use
ular augments optimizes bone con- ity is difficult. in revision THA when remaining
tact and positioning of the shell and In the setting of pelvic discontinu- bone stock is deficient and the device
the metal augment. Although both ity, the distraction technique involves can act as a scaffold while protecting
the shell and augment can be inde- the use of noncemented, hemispheric morcellized or structural allograft
pendently fixed to the pelvis, typi- components and augments. A reamer during the bone remodeling phase.
cally, the augment and noncemented is used until two points of contact The two types of ring used are the
shell are “unitized” with cement. are made, typically posteroinferior to roof reinforcement ring and the anti-
The purpose of the augment is to anterosuperior. Once contact is protrusio cage. The roof ring pro-
provide structural support for the ac- made, the size of the uncemented ac- tects the superior acetabular dome,
etabular component until bone in- etabular shell is estimated. A series whereas the antiprotrusio ring ex-
growth occurs. of augments is used to decrease the tends from the superior ilium inferi-
All augments are secured first to volume of the acetabulum. The aug- orly to the ischium and protects the
the host bone with screws, then to ments may provide primary stability entire acetabulum. The major advan-
the noncemented acetabular shell (ie, contact between host bone and tages of rings and cages are the abil-
with cement. Morcellized bone graft augment to achieve initial mechani- ity to cement a liner in any position
is placed into any remaining cavities cal stability of the shell) or primary independent of the ring position and
before the shell is impacted into posi- fixation (ie, the initial mechanical the elution of local antibiotics from
tion. Additional screws are placed stability of the shell lies between two the cement. The major disadvantage
through the cup into the ilium. points of host bone, but the aug- is the risk of cage fracture or loosen-
Noncemented porous sockets used ments provide additional surface ing resulting from lack of biologic
in conjunction with modular porous area for fixation of the construct).17 fixation. However, if the graft re-
metal augments have demonstrated The use of augment distraction for models by the time of ring fracture, a
acceptable clinical results in the set- the management of pelvic disconti- subsequent standard noncemented
ting of Paprosky type IIIA defects. nuity is technically difficult, and only acetabular revision is often possible.
Sporer and Paprosky27 reviewed the short-term follow-up data are cur- The use of cages has decreased be-
outcomes of 28 patients treated with rently available. cause of cage breakage over time and
this type of reconstruction for Pa- The use of modular porous metal because of increased enthusiasm for
prosky type IIIA defects. At a mean augments with a noncemented socket the use of porous metal components
follow-up of 3.1 years, only one pa- using distraction has been shown to and augments.
tient required re-revision for recur- be effective in managing Paprosky Midterm results with the use of a
rent instability, and all other patients type IIIB defects with pelvic disconti- ring or cage have been satisfactory.
had radiographically stable con- nuity. In one study, 13 patients were Zehntner and Ganz30 followed 27
structs. Van Kleunen et al28 evaluated retrospectively reviewed at a mean patients for a mean of 7.2 years
97 hips (90 patients) with Paprosky follow-up of 2.6 years.29 At final (range, 5.5 to 10 years) and reported
types II, IIIA, and IIIB defects that follow-up, only 1 hip had possible 80% survivorship of a roof ring con-
were managed with noncemented ac- radiographic loosening secondary to struct at 10 years. Goodman et al31

March 2013, Vol 21, No 3 135

Acetabular Bone Loss in Revision Total Hip Arthroplasty: Evaluation and Management

evaluated 42 hips at a mean follow-up metal acetabular shell is used in con- protrusio cage. At a mean follow-up
of 4.6 years after implantation of junction with a spanning ilioischial of 26 months (range, 18 to 43
Burch-Schneider cages and reported cage to allow for mechanical con- months), there were no failures for
76% survivorship with revision due to struct stability while trying to aseptic loosening. Although early re-
construct fracture or loosening as an achieve biologic fixation of the sults following reconstruction with a
end point. A recent evaluation of the acetabular shell. Kosashvili et al34 re- porous metal shell in conjunction
Burch-Schneider antiprotrusio cage in viewed a consecutive series of 26 ac- with modular porous augments and
60 elderly patients undergoing revision etabular reconstructions with a cup- an antiprotrusio cage seem promis-
THA for AAOS types III and IV ac- cage construct in 24 patients with ing, long-term follow-up studies are
etabular bone loss indicated that, at fi- pelvic discontinuity. The mean needed.
follow-up was 44.6 months (range,
nal follow-up, only one revision was
24 to 68 months). Failure was de-
performed, for recurrent instability.32 Triflange Reconstruction
fined as component migration of >5
Radiographic evidence of component In some cases, defect bridging tech-
mm. Twenty-three hips demon-
loosening was absent in all cases. niques are required instead of defect
strated no clinical or radiographic
Currently, this treatment option may matching techniques. Paprosky type
evidence of loosening at final
be optimally used in elderly patients
follow-up (88.5%). The mean Harris IIIA and IIIB defects typically require
with extensive bone loss that pre-
hip score improved from 46.6 points management with a defect bridging
cludes the implementation of a hemi-
(range, 29.5 to 68.5 points) to 76.6 technique; major structural allografts
spheric shell and for whom long-
points (range, 55.5 to 92.0 points) at or antiprotrusio cages may be con-
term fixation is not mandatory.
2 years (P < 0.001). The authors sidered as salvage options for these
concluded that cup-cage constructs defects.
Oblong Cup Reconstruction
were a reliable option for the man- To generate a custom triflange con-
The use of oblong cups is one tech- agement of pelvic discontinuity (Fig- struct, a plastic hemipelvic model is de-
nique of defect matching in revision ure 6). veloped based on a three-dimensional
THA. These cups are designed to The cup-cage construct can be used CT scan of the patient’s pelvis. This
achieve mechanical stability on host to manage not only Paprosky types model is used to create a custom po-
bone, not on structural allograft. IIIA and IIIB bone loss but also pel- rous or hydroxyapatite-coated flanged
Oblong cups are most commonly in- vic discontinuity. In this technique, a titanium device (Figure 7). Model gen-
dicated for superior rim defects (ie, noncemented acetabular shell with eration preoperatively can be very help-
Paprosky types IIB and IIIA), and or without a porous metal augment ful for understanding bone defects and
less bone removal is required to is fixed to host bone. An antiprotru- for teaching purposes before surgery.
match the defect. Few long-term data sio cage is then placed in the nonce- These individualized constructs allow
are available on this technique. mented shell to stabilize the disconti- for potential biologic fixation of the
Landor et al33 recently reported mid- nuity. Proponents of this technique construct to the ilium, ischium, and pu-
term results in a comparison of two dif- believe that the cage provides initial bis. In cases of pelvic discontinuity, a
ferent oblong cups used to treat pa- stabilization of the discontinuity, triflange component allows for rigid
tients with Paprosky type IIB and IIIA thereby allowing time for biologic fixation that spans the discontinuity; in
defects (mean follow-up, 7.3 years in fixation of the porous noncemented contrast, rings and antiprotrusio cages
group 1 and 9.7 years in group 2). At shell and augment to host bone. are flexible. Rigid fixation may lead to
final follow-up, aseptic loosening rates Ballester Alfaro and Sueiro Fernán- subsequent healing of the discontinu-
of 5.3% to 13.5% were seen in each dez35 evaluated 13 patients with Pa- ity.
patient cohort. Oblong cups may have prosky type IIIA bone loss and 6 pa- Excellent midterm clinical results
a limited role in revision THA for the tients with Paprosky type IIIB bone have been reported following place-
management of specific bone loss pat- loss that was managed with porous ment of triflange constructs in revi-
terns; however, their use has largely metal shells and modular buttress sion THA. Dennis36 retrospectively
been supplanted by modular porous augments. Five of the 19 patients reviewed 24 hips at a mean of 4
metal augments. had pelvic discontinuity, identified years following triflange cup inser-
either preoperatively or intraopera- tion. One cup required revision for
Cup-cage Reconstruction tively, and underwent a cup-cage re- loosening, and two additional cups
Cup-cage reconstruction is another construction with a porous shell, demonstrated radiographic loosen-
relatively new technique. A porous modular buttress augment, and anti- ing, but the patient refused subse-

136 Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

Neil P. Sheth, MD, et al

Figure 6

A, Preoperative AP pelvic radiograph demonstrating severe bone loss and vertical displacement of the left acetabular
component. B, AP pelvic radiograph obtained following placement of a cup-cage construct to address severe
acetabular bone loss.

Figure 7

A, Preoperative AP pelvic radiograph of a patient who underwent previous primary total hip arthroplasty following
pelvic irradiation. There is evidence of superior migration and possible pelvic discontinuity secondary to underlying
radiation necrosis. B, Photograph of a custom triflange component that was created based on a hemipelvic plastic
model. The device was designed to span the bone defect and obtain screw fixation along the ilium and ischium. C, AP
pelvic radiograph demonstrating a well-fixed triflange construct at 9-year follow-up and healing of the underlying pelvic

quent surgical intervention. DeBoer aseptic loosening, and healing of the with low rates of component loosening
et al37 performed triflange compo- discontinuity was radiographically and with healing of the discontinuity.
nent insertion in 18 patients (20 evident in 18 of the 20 hips (90%). Concerns regarding the triflange con-
hips) with massive acetabular bone Triflange constructs in the setting of struct include the overall cost, the fea-
loss and pelvic discontinuity. At a severe acetabular bone loss with or sibility of biologic ingrowth, and the
mean follow-up of 10 years, none of without pelvic discontinuity have dem- long-term effect of the stiff metal con-
the components had been revised for onstrated excellent midterm results, struct on host bone.

March 2013, Vol 21, No 3 137

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