Data Structure A 1

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Data Structure

Assignment 1
Introduction and Array
1. What is data structure? Differentiate between primitive and non primitive data structure
and explain in brief various data structure.

2. Write the name of operations which are performed on data structure.

3. Differentiate between linear and non liner data structure. Also give examples.

4. What do you mean by complexity? Explain Big O, Big θ, and big Ω notations.

5. Suppose that it is known that the running time of a algorithms always about n log n and
running time of an another algorithm is always about n3 what can you say about the
relative performance of the algorithm?

6. What is an array? Describe its type in details.

7. How you will represent a two dimensional array in memory? A two dimensional of an
array x [5] [4] is stored in row major order, the first element of array is stored at
location 80.Find the Memory location of x [3] [2] if the each elements of array requires 4
memory locations.

8. Discuss the complexity about sorting and searching methods.

9. Write an algorithm of Binary Search.

10. Sort the list 56, 57,92,38,44,90,61,73 by using selection sort, insertion and bubble sort

11. Write the definition of sparse matrix, Implement transposition of a sparse matrix in c
12. Write algorithm of bubble sorting describe analysis of worst, best and average case
complexity of this algorithm

13. Distinguish between static memory allocation and dynamic memory allocation.

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