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NIM : 2193321059
Prodi/ Fakultas : ENGLISH EDUCATION Paraf Dosen:
Kelas : Reguler/ Ekstensi
Pertemuan: SKS : 6
Materi : Neorolinguistics
Indikator Capaian : Dapat mendeskripsikan, mengelaborasi, menyusun makalah kajian linguistics neurolinguistics.
1. Deskripsikan pengertian Neorolinguistics menurut 2 orang ahli atau lebih!
2. Simpulkan dengan menggunakan bahasamu sendiri pengertian Neorolinguistics berdasarkan jawaban no. 1!
3. Tuliskan contoh data Neorolinguistics!

1. Definition Neurolinguistics by experts :

 According to Ahlsen (2006: 3), neurolinguistics examines the relationship between language and communication in other aspects of
brain function, in other words exploring brain processes for language production and communication. This study involves an attempt to
combine neurological / neurophysiological theories (brain structure and function) with theories linguistics (language structure and
function). In addition to neurology and linguistics, psychology is a source of neurolinguistic studies. Neurolinguistics has a close
relationship with psycholinguistics, but is more focused on the brain. General neurolinguistic studies are the study of language and
communication after brain damage. The methods widely used now for neurolinguistic studies are experimentation, model construction
and neuroimaging.
 Fernandez and Cairns (2011: 81) explained neurolinguistics is the study of language representation in the brain and the discovery of
aphasia is the birth of this interdisciplinary study. Although there is a debate between psycholinguistics, linguistics and neurolinguistics
about the language process is a process of the human neurological system.
2. Conclusion by me about computational linguistics and Neurolinguistics :
 From the opinions of the experts above about Neurolinguistics, it can be concluded that Neurolinguistics is the relationship of language
and communication to other aspects of brain function, in other words exploring brain processes for language production and
communication, although there is debate between psycholinguistics, linguistics and neurolinguistics about language processes. human
neurological system.

3. Examples of data :

For example: speech disorder in stroke sufferers Using Neurolinguistics studies. neurolinguistic studies that aim to explain the form of
phonemic disorders pronounced by stroke sufferers. Data collection techniques used are the recording techniques and the method of Simak
Libat Capable (SLC). Furthermore, to analyze the data, the writer uses the methods and techniques for direct elements. The technique for the
direct elements will be supported by basic and advanced techniques such as sleep techniques, dressing techniques, re-engineering, and
expansion techniques. The results of the study prove that the disorder that occurs in stroke patients when reciting phonemes is the removal,
addition and replacement of phonemes in an uncertain position. Stroke sufferers who experience disorders of the left nerve cannot pronounce
the phonemes correctly. This disorder is included in the category of aphasia and dysarthria. The results of the research show that the events that
occur in stroke sufferers are the events of impregnation, replacement, and phoneme addition.

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