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Shannahoff-Khalsa D. (2012) Meditation: The Science and the Art. In: V.S. Ramachandran (ed.)
The Encyclopedia of Human Behavior, vol. 2, pp. 576-584. Academic Press.

© 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Author's personal copy

Meditation: The Science and the Art

D Shannahoff-Khalsa, University of California San Diego, La Jolla, CA, USA
ã 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Glossary the individual experiences both existence and nonexistence

Chakras An energy center of consciousness associated simultaneously, and where the field of consciousness then
with the seven nerve centers (nerve plexuses) of the body becomes a novel sensory experience, wherein new levels of
and one with the psychoelectromagnetic field of the awareness and new skills in the mental realm are developed.
body, called the aura. Pranayama The yogic system of meditative breathing
Kundalini Comes from the word ‘kundal,’ meaning coiled exercises.
energy and the creative potential of an individual. Yoga An ancient science and art where the finite experiences
Meditation The art and science of how to manipulate the the infinity consciously within oneself.
thought waves to achieve a state of thoughtlessness, wherein

Introduction The Science of Meditation

According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the word medi- The Western experimental scientific literature on meditation
tation can have at least two meanings that are relevant here: started in the 1960s. In 2005, the National Institutes of Health
(1) “The action or practice of profound spiritual or religious and National Center for Complementary and Alternative Med-
reflection or contemplation; spec. a variety of private devo- icine funded a systematic review of the scientific literature that
tional exercise consisting of the continuous application of the was published in 2007. This is the most comprehensive sys-
mind to the contemplation of a particular religious text, truth, tematic review to date and it was published as Meditation
mystery, or object.” Or (2) “In Buddhism, Yoga, and other Practices for Health: State of the Research. This review was con-
systems of religious or spiritual discipline: a practice of the ducted by the University of Alberta Evidence-based Practice
mind (and body) aimed at achieving the eradication of ratio- Center. Comprehensive searches were conducted in 17 elec-
nal or worldly mental activity.” The latter definition is closer tronic databases up to September 2005. Other sources of
to the subject and intention for this article. A note on the potentially relevant studies included hand searches, reference
historical origin, a brief overview of the scientific evidence tracking, contacting experts, and gray literature searches. The
supporting the efficacy of meditation, and a description of studies had to be in English, be comparative, focus on any type
some techniques and how they can be applied are covered. of meditation practice, include more than 10 adults, and pro-
Also, the yogic concept of consciousness along with the vide quantitative data on health-related outcomes. Studies
‘eradication of rational or worldly mental activity’ as noted on the different meditation techniques were then included
in the second definition is briefly discussed. The major focus for analysis in one of five broad categories, which were defined
of this article is on the techniques discovered in the original as mantra meditation, mindfulness meditation, yoga, Tai
system of yoga referred to here as ‘Kundalini Yoga as taught Chi, and Qi Gong. Evidence on the state of the research
by Yogi Bhajan,’ which was an integrated science before was provided from 813 predominantly poor-quality studies.
various individuals, groups, or lineages proceeded to selec- Physiological and neuropsychological effects of meditation
tively fractionate the system, or were later left with only practices were also evaluated in 312 poor-quality studies.
the remnants of the original ancient teachings as a result of Meta-analyses of results from 55 studies indicated that some
natural catastrophes and nomadic invasions. Descriptions meditation practices produced significant changes in healthy
of some of the other popular meditation techniques that are participants. The authors conclude “Many uncertainties sur-
now taught are also included. round the practice of meditation. Scientific research on medi-
The exact time of the historical origins of the discovery of tation practices does not appear to have a common theoretical
yogic meditation techniques remains controversial. However, perspective and is characterized by poor methodological qual-
the evolution of this ancient science was believed to have its ity. Firm conclusions on the effects of meditation practices in
origins long before the advent of the formal religions. This healthcare cannot be drawn based on the available evidence.
suggests that the initial experiential efforts and much of the Future research on meditation practices must be more rigorous
experimental study that led to the development of these in the design and execution of studies and in the analysis
meditation techniques may go back to at least 7000 B.C.E. and reporting of results.” However, this summation statement
The people who participated in this ancient process of dis- does not imply that high-quality and well-controlled studies
covery, called the ‘rishis’ (people of power), are thought demonstrating important health benefits for ill populations or
to have lived in the region of the Indus river valley. This unique findings in the healthy have not been published. The
ancient society is now called the Indus-Sarasvati civilization, aforementioned conclusion is a generality. It provides a state-
which is believed to be the first civilization in the Indian ment that is a ‘mean’ of the published studies. The problem
subcontinent. with this review is analogous to an attempt to make a

Encyclopedia of Human Behavior, Second Edition (2012), vol. 2, pp. 576-584
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Meditation: The Science and the Art 577

description of all the organisms in the sea. There are so many funding has been allocated to the field. In addition, this article
different ‘species’ that it is difficult to conclude much more is limited in length and cannot give adequate attention to the
than that there are simply millions of different species in the more noteworthy findings in the fields of both the basic
sea. In meditation research, no two studies have been the same, sciences and clinical sciences. However, there are substantial
that is, attempts to replicate previous findings per se have been new scientific insights in the understanding of the dynamics of
almost nonexistent. There are variations in the techniques mind–body relations, functions of the brain and peripheral
studied, age ranges, skill levels, healthy versus disordered nervous system, the natural endogenous mechanisms that
populations, the parameters measured including variations of have evolved in humans for the purpose of self-regulation.
the scale(s) used, types of control group if any, length of the All these insights were based on the ancient teachings of the
studies, testing conditions, etc. Also, this type of analysis does rishis. The variety of highly structured techniques described in
not focus on, or extract, the more unique and important find- the following sections suggests that the ancients had developed
ings of single studies. what may best be called a ‘technology of the mind,’ and indeed
However, several unique meditation studies that have may provide us with very sophisticated insights for under-
shown important results are described here. Lazar and collea- standing the nature of human consciousness and the pathways
gues studied the brain’s physical structure using magnetic reso- for mental development.
nance imaging (MRI) to assess cortical thickness. They looked
at 20 subjects who had long-term experience with ‘Insight
meditation,’ which involves a focus of attention on internal Description of Kundalini Yoga Meditation Techniques
experiences. They found that brain regions, including the pre-
frontal cortex and right anterior insula, and other areas asso- The following techniques in this section are all from the original
ciated with attention, interoception, and sensory processing and ancient system of ‘Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan.’
were thicker in the meditation practitioners compared to con- From 1969 to 2004, Yogi Bhajan taught openly what had been
trols. They also found that differences in prefrontal cortical kept secret for the last 3000 years; previously, it had been trans-
thickness were more pronounced in older practitioners, sug- mitted by a few masters to selected disciples. During these
gesting that meditation might offset age-related cortical thin- 35 years, he taught 5000 different meditation techniques.
ning. Shannahoff-Khalsa and colleagues compared a unique Selected techniques are provided for their highly structured
multipart disorder-specific Kundalini Yoga meditation proto- nature, complexity, and often disorder-specific or other benefits.
col for treating obsessive compulsive disorder patients against Prior to being hidden in secrecy, these and many other techni-
the classic mindfulness meditation technique and the relaxa- ques were practiced by both yogis and householders.
tion response for a matched patient group. This was a rando- In the system of Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan,
mized controlled trial, and after 3 months, the control group there is a mantra that is chanted prior to practice, which is
showed no efficacy on any of the six psychological measures called ‘tuning in.’ This procedure helps to induce a protected
used to assess psychological symptom severity; however, the meditative state of mind and helps to keep the system balanced
Kundalini Yoga group showed a significant improvement on and safe. This mantra is unique and only specific for this
all six scales. The groups were then combined using the effica- system.
cious protocol, and after a 1-year trial, the patients showed a
71% improvement on the Yale-Brown Obsessive Compulsive
Technique to Induce a Meditative State: ‘Tuning in’
Scale, the current ‘gold standard’ for psychological assessment
of obsessive compulsive symptoms. To date, this clinical trial Description of the technique: Sit with a straight spine and with the
remains the most effective treatment result for all treatment feet flat on the floor if sitting in a chair. Put the hands together
modalities for this disorder. Tang and colleagues studied a at the center of the chest in the ‘prayer pose’ – the palms are
traditional Chinese medicine meditation technique called inte- pressed together with 10–15 lbs of pressure between the hands
grative body–mind training (IBMT). They report that 11 h of (a mild to medium pressure, nothing intense). The area where
IBMT increases fractional anisotropy, an index indicating the the sides of the thumbs touch rests on the sternum with the
integrity and efficiency of white matter in the corona radiata, thumbs pointing up (along the sternum), and the fingers
an important white matter tract connecting the anterior cingu- are together and point up and out at a 60 angle to the ground.
lated cortex to other structures. They conclude that IBMT could The eyes are closed and focused at the ‘third eye’ (imagine a sun
provide a means for improving self-regulation and perhaps rising on the horizon or the equivalent of the point between
reducing or preventing various mental disorders. Finally, Brefc- the eyebrows at the origin of the nose). A mantra is chanted out
zynski-Lewis and colleagues studied ‘concentration medita- loud in a 1-1/2 breath cycle. Inhale first through the nose and
tion’ in which sustained attention is focused on an object chant ‘Ong Namo’ with equal emphasis on the Ong and the
such as a small visual stimulus or the breath. Using functional Namo. Then immediately follow with a half-breath inhalation
MRI, with age-matched participants, they found activation of a through the mouth and chant ‘Guru Dev Namo’ with approxi-
network of brain regions typically involved in sustained atten- mately equal emphasis on each word. (The ‘O’ in Ong and
tion that showed an inverted u-shaped curve in which expert Namo is a long ‘o’ sound; Dev sounds like Dave, with a long ‘a’
meditators had more activation than novices. They conclude sound.) The practitioner should focus on the experience of
that the hours of practice suggest a possible plasticity in these the vibrations these sounds create on the upper palate and
brain mechanisms. throughout the cranium while letting the mind be carried by
Given the potential for new advances in healthy develop- the sounds into a new and pleasant mental space. This should
ment, prevention, and for treating illnesses, only trivial be repeated a minimum of three times.

Encyclopedia of Human Behavior, Second Edition (2012), vol. 2, pp. 576-584

Author's personal copy
578 Meditation: The Science and the Art

The first meditation technique is included here because two in sequence: first, inhale and exhale slowly through the nose
clinical trials using it have shown significant efficacy in the only, and then with the second breath, inhale through the
treatment of obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD) patients. mouth with the lips puckered as if to kiss or make a whistle;
This technique has also been studied using whole-head 148- after the inhalation, relax the lips and exhale through the
channel magnetoencephalograpy brain imagining. mouth slowly; for the third breath pattern, inhale through
the nose and exhale through the mouth (the lips are not
puckered) the fourth breath pattern is inhaling through the
Meditation Technique for Treating OCD
puckered lips and exhaling through the nose. Continue this
Description of the technique: Sit with a straight spine in a com- four-part cycle for 11–31 min.
fortable position, either with the legs crossed while sitting on
the floor or in a straight back chair with both feet flat on the
Tershula Kriya – An Advanced Technique for Attaining
ground. Close the eyes. Use the right thumb tip to block the
Healing Powers and for Overcoming Phobias
end of the right nostril, the other fingers pointing up straight.
Allow the arm to relax (the elbow should not be sticking up or This technique was taught for ‘achieving self-mastery and
out to the side creating unnecessary tension). A small cork learning to heal others from a distance’ and it is one of the
or secure plug can also be used to plug the right nostril. Inhale most advanced techniques in the system of Kundalini Yoga.
very slowly and deeply through the left nostril, hold the breath Yogi Bhajan commented: “Tershula Kriya can make you a
in for a long time, exhale out slowly and completely through perfect master.” While it presents a challenge for learning, its
the same nostril only (left nostril), and hold the breath out benefits go far beyond the amelioration of phobias.
for a long time. Every effort should be made to keep the four Description of the technique: Sit in an easy pose. Bring your
phases of the breath cycle of equal duration. The mental elbows next to the ribs, forearms extended in front of you, with
focus should be on the sound of the breath. Continue this the hands in front of the heart center area, right over left,
pattern with a maximum time of 31 min for each sitting. palms up. The hands are 10  higher than the elbows. There
Initially, begin with a comfortable rate and time, but where is no bend in the wrists, the fingertips to the elbows form a
the effort presents a fair challenge for each phase of the straight line. The thumbs are extended out to the side of the
breath. This technique should be perfected and has its great- hands, the fingertips and palms do not exactly line up, they are
est clinical benefits when the complete breath cycle is one slightly offset. The eyes are closed looking at the backs of your
minute in duration, each section of the cycle lasting exactly eyelids. For the inhale, pull back on the navel and inhale
15 s. This rate of respiration for the full 31 min can be through the nostrils and hold. Mentally repeat the mantra
achieved by most individuals within 5–6 months with daily Har Har Wha Hay Guru as long as you are able to retain the
discipline. The ancient yogis claimed that 90 days of 31 min breath. While you are doing this, visualize your hands sur-
per day using the perfected rate of one breath/min with the rounded by white light. For the exhale, exhale through the
four 15 s per phase would completely eliminate all obsessive– nostrils, and as you exhale, visualize lightning shooting out
compulsive disorders. The balance of equal times for the four from your finger tips. When you have fully exhaled, pull mulb-
phases is akey with this technique. hand (pull in on the rectum, sex organs, and navel) and hold
for as long as you can, again mentally repeating the mantra Har
Har Wha Hay Guru. The maximum time is 62 min. Other
Gyan Mudra Kriya
comments by Yogi Bhajan include “It has been suggested that
This meditation was taught for when you do not know what to this meditation be done in a cool room or at night when the
do, and it is claimed to be excellent for treating anxiety dis- temperature is cooler, because it stimulates the Kundalini
orders and inducing a clear and stable state of mind. The claim directly and generates a great deal of heat in the body. The
is that “it is very simple, but very powerful if done correctly, word Tershula relates to the thunderbolt of Shiva, the ultimate
that it coordinates both brain hemispheres, gives powerful deliverer. Tershula can heal everything. It is a self-healing
insight, solves many complications, and coordinates the mys- process. This meditation is for the gunas. It brings the three
tery of the spiritual phenomena into the mastery of the three nervous systems together. It also gives you the ability to heal at
bodies (physical, mental, and spiritual).” a distance, through your touch or through your projection.
Description of the technique: Sit straight, rest the back of one Many psychological disorders or imbalances in the personality
hand in the palm of the other with the thumbs crossing each can be cured through practice of this meditation. It is very
other in one palm. If the right hand rests in the palm of the left helpful in getting rid of phobias and especially father phobia.”
hand, the left thumb rests in the right palm and the right
thumb then crosses over the back of the left thumb. Either
Gan Puttee Kriya – A Meditation for Healing the Past,
this hand orientation is acceptable or the reverse with the left
the Present, and the Future
hand resting in the palm of the right hand and then the right
thumb is in the left palm covered by the left thumb. The hands Description of the technique: Sit with a straight spine, either on
are placed at the heart center level about two to three inches in the floor or in a chair. The back of your hands are resting on
front of the chest, but the hands do not touch the chest and the your knees with the palms facing upward. The eyes are nine-
elbows are resting down against the ribs. The eyes are open but tenths closed (one-tenth open, but looking straight ahead into
focused on the tip of the nose (the tip/end point that you the darkness, not into the light below). Chant from your heart
cannot see). The breathing pattern has four parts that repeat in a natural, relaxed manner, or chant in a steady relaxed

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monotone. Chant out loud the sound Sa (the a sounds like nose meets the forehead. Silently vibrate the five primal sounds
‘ah’) and bring your thumb tips and index finger tips together ‘Sa Ta Na Ma’ at the brow point (the fifth sound here is the
quickly simultaneously; then chant Ta and touch the thumb sound ‘ah’ that is basic to the other four sounds. The effects of
tips to the middle finger tips; then chant Na and touch the each syllable of the mantra have been described earlier in the
thumb tips to the ring finger tips; next chant Ma and touch technique called Gan Puttee Kriya. This mantra is claimed to
the thumb tips to the little finger tips; then chant Ra and touch put one’s consciousness through the cycle of infinity, life,
your thumb tips and index finger tips; next chant Ma and death, and rebirth. Continue for 5–7 min and slowly build
touch the thumb tips to the middle finger tips; then chant Da the practice to a maximum of 31 min.
and touch the thumb tips to the ring finger tips; now chant Sa
and touch the thumb tips to the little finger tips; then chant
‘Shabd Kriya’ – A Meditation for Treating Insomnia,
Sa and touch your thumb tips and index finger tips; next chant
Regulating Sleep Stages, Promoting the Growth of
Say (sounds like the word ‘say’ with a long ‘a’) and touch the
Personality, and Mastering the Mental Realm
thumb tips to the middle finger tips; then chant So and touch
the thumb tips to the ring finger tips; now chant Hung and Description of the technique: Sit with a straight spine with both
touch the thumb tips to the little finger tips. Chant at the rate of feet flat on the floor. Place the hands in the lap, palms up with
one sound per second. The thumb tip and finger tips touch the right hand over the left hand. The thumb pads, last joint,
with a very light 2–3 lbs of pressure with each connection. This are touching together and point forward. Focus the eyes on the
helps to consolidate the circuit created by each thumb–finger tip of the nose with the eyelids half closed. The tip of the nose
link. Start with 11 min and slowly work up to 31 min of prac- is the point you cannot actually see, but if you use a finger tip
tice. To finish, remain in the sitting posture and inhale and to touch the end of the nose; this is where the eyes are focused.
hold the breath for 20–30 s while you shake and move every This is not an ‘eyes-crossed’ posture but may seem like it
part of your body. Exhale and repeat this two more times to initially. The sides of the nose will look blurry during the
circulate the energy and to break the pattern of tapping, which focus, but a real cross-eyed posture makes the sides of the
affects the brain. Immediately proceed with focusing the eyes nose appear to balloon up, which is not the correct eye posture.
on the tip of the nose (the end point that you cannot see) and Inhale through the nose only in four equal parts, mentally
breathe slowly and deeply for 1 min. The sounds used in this vibrating the mantra Sa Ta Na Ma (one syllable per part of
meditation are each unique and they have a powerful effect on the 4-part inhale). Hold the breath and mentally vibrate the
both the conscious and subconscious mind. The sound Sa 4-syllable mantra a total of four times for a total of 16 ‘beats’,
gives the mind the ability to expand to the infinite, Ta gives and then exhale through the nose in two equal parts mentally
the mind the ability to experience the totality of life, Na vibrating the mantra Whahay Guru, one word per part or
gives the mind the ability to conquer death, Ma gives the beat. This equals a 22-part or 22-beat cycle. Continue for at
mind the ability to resurrect, Ra gives the mind the ability to least 15 min and work up to 62 min. When finished, relax
expand in radiance, this sound purifies and energizes, Da gives completely and go to sleep. One of the caveats with this medi-
the mind the ability to establish security on the earth plane, it tation technique is that it may disrupt sleep for several weeks
provides a ground for action, Say gives the totality of experi- when it is first practiced, prior to having its healing benefits.
ence, So is the personal sense of identity, and Hung is the
infinite as a vibrating and real force. Together, So Hung means
The Jupiter Finger Chakra Meditation – A Meditation
‘I am Thou.’ The unique qualities of this 12-syllable mantra
for Abused and Battered Children for Developing
help cleanse and restructure the subconscious mind and heal
a Balanced Psyche
the conscious mind to ultimately experience the super con-
scious mind. This meditation was originally taught by Yogi Bhajan as a
meditation for children, but it can also be practiced by adoles-
cents and adults. It was claimed that anyone with past trauma
Medical Meditation for Habituation – A Technique for
resulting from abuse and victimization will benefit from this
Curing Addictions
practice. Even someone without past trauma supposedly can
Description of the technique: Sit either in a chair or on the floor. improve the balance of their personality by its use. This medi-
Straighten the spine and make sure the first six lower vertebrae tation helps to balance the chakras and meridians in the body.
are locked forward. This means the lower back is pushed It is an excellent meditation technique for children. It will
forward as if you are ‘at attention.’ Make fists of both hands evoke many feelings that have stuck with the individual since
and extend the thumbs straight. Place the thumbs on the childhood. It will help adults get rid of the ‘childhood syn-
temples and find the niche where the thumbs just fit. This is drome,’ a condition where they cling to something that is
the lower anterior portion of the frontal bone above the tem- already finished. This syndrome can easily ruin and limit
poral–sphenoidal suture. This place is usually sensitive to the anyone’s life.
touch, so do not apply pressure per se, simply touching is Description of the technique: Sit with a straight spine either on
adequate. Lock the back molars together and keep the lips the floor or in a chair. Place the left hand on the chest at the
closed. Vibrate the jaw muscles by alternating the pressure on heart center with the fingers and thumb pointing toward
the molars. A muscle will move in rhythm under the thumbs. the right. Use the index (Jupiter) finger of the right hand
Feel it massage the thumbs. Keep the eyes closed and look at (keep the other fingers closed in a relaxed fist with the thumb
the brow point – the ‘third eye’ – the point where the top of the over the other fingers) to touch in sequence the following

Encyclopedia of Human Behavior, Second Edition (2012), vol. 2, pp. 576-584

Author's personal copy
580 Meditation: The Science and the Art

points – (1) the middle of the lower lip, (2) the tip (end) of the practiced alone, there are no other requirements for other
nose, (3) the outer skin area or edge/corner of the eye socket techniques to achieve full human development. For example,
(the region of the skull bone near the outside of the eye), and the rate of respiration can eventually be reduced to less than
(4) a point about three-fourths of an inch above the indent of one breath per minute during practice. This technique changes
the nose which is just below the forehead (a point that would one’s perception of the self and the world. The practitioner
be the midpoint between the eyebrows). Chant the following develops a consciousness that becomes the living experience of
mantra (Sa Ta Na Ma) out loud in sequence with the touching the timelessness of life, transcending time and space. The neg-
of the respective points. Chant Sa as one touches the lower lip, ative patterns of the subconscious mind are eliminated. This
Ta as one touches the tip of the nose, Na as one touches the technique helps to overcome the stumbling blocks of the inner
outer edge of the eye socket, and Ma as one touches the world. It helps to cut through inner darkness, and it eliminates
forehead point. But since there are two eyes and thus two both neurotic and psychotic mental patterns. According to
outer edges of the eye socket, the patient alternates sides each Yogi Bhajan: “You are cleaning your subconscious. You can
time they go up in the sequence. Start by touching the right side clean it as fast or as slowly as you want. You have to decide how
first. Each round of touching the points and chanting the much time you want to devote to getting rid of the fear, anger,
mantra through takes about 4–5 s. Keep the eyes closed when insecurity, etc.,. . . the negative thoughts in your subconscious
doing this meditation. The maximum time is 33 min and it can that block your success and prosperity.”
be practiced for the full time the first time. Younger people may Description of the technique: Sit with a straight spine on the
have to start with 11 min or even less. When ending the tech- floor in a cross-legged position, or on a firm chair with both
nique, inhale deeply and hold the breath, then while holding feet flat on the ground. The lower spine (lumbar region) is
the breath, feel the ‘inner child’ by self-hypnosis, exhale, pressed forward slightly. This spinal posture signals the ner-
inhale, and hypnotize one’s self, picture oneself as a child in vous system to remain alert by setting a ‘ready mode.’ The eyes
one’s own heart, where the left hand has been resting, concen- are open and focused at the tip of the nose – the end that you
trate, exhale, inhale, and repeat the picture of one’s self, bless cannot see. With eyes focused at the tip, the sides of the nose
that child, be that child, and let the breath go. appear to blur. Some individuals are less able to achieve this
eye focus, and practice over time can help to overcome this
deficit. This eye position is called ‘Ajna Band,’ which means
The Ultimate Pranayam – Sodarshan Chakra Kriya
mind lock. Focusing the eyes in this way pressurizes the optic
The developmental stages of self-realization and awareness nerve and helps to stabilize thought processes. It is a common
experienced through the practice of this technique were in element with meditation techniques that are used to tranquil-
part described by the ancients: “I am powerless, my power ize the mind. Initially, the eye muscles may become sore due to
has been broken, my unstable mind has been stabilized, and a lack of use. The breathing pattern has three phases:
my unadorned soul has been adorned. I drink in the Ambrosial
1. Use the right thumb tip to block off the right nostril (close
Nectar. Within my mind, I utter the Name of the Primal Lord,
the nostril by covering the end, not by pushing in the side);
the source of all virtue. My vision, that You and I are separate,
keep the four fingers of the right hand pointed up straight;
has melted away. I worship the One who is worthy of being
and inhale slowly and completely fill the lungs.
worshipped. I trust the One who is worthy of being trusted.
2. While holding the breath, begin pumping the navel point
Like water into water, I merge into the Lord. I meditate and
in and out for a total of 48 pumps while mentally vibrating
contemplate the Luminous, Triumphant Lord. I am lovingly
the sound Wha Hay Guru 16 times per 48 pumps, with one
absorbed in the Nirvana of God.”
pump per Wha, one pump per Hay, and one pump per
Yogi Bhajan comments: “If you can do this meditation for
Guru, or 16  3 sounds ¼ 48 pumps.
62 min to start with, and develop it to the point that you can do
3. Then, slowly exhale through the right nostril by first closing
it 2 1/2 h per day, it will give you ‘Nao niddhi, athara siddhi’
off the left nostril with the end of the index finger. This
or the nine precious virtues and 18 occult powers. And in those
three-phase cycle is repeated. (Note that the reverse pattern
27 total virtues of the world lies the entire universe. When
of inhaling through the right nostril, holding, and exhaling
practiced 2 1/2 h every day, it makes a perfect superman out
through the left nostril is not performed.) Yogi Bhajan
of you. It purifies, it takes care of the human life, and brings
recommended a counting scheme to maintain the exact
together all 27 facets of life and makes a human perfect, saintly,
numbers of pumps and ‘Wha Hay Gurus.’ “For counting
successful, and qualified. This meditation also gives one the
1–16 (Wha Hay Guru’s), one (with three pumps), two (with
Pranic power. This kriya never fails. It can give one all the inner
three pumps), three (with three pumps) is counted with
happiness and bring one to a state of ecstasy in life. It will keep
the little finger moving slightly three times, four (with three
all the chakras open so you will not fall into any ditch. It is
pumps), five (with three pumps), and six (with three pumps)
better to live a life of courage than to live many many years like
moves the ring finger three times, seven (with three pumps),
a coward. Courage is in inner vitality, and if all your chakras
eight (with three pumps), nine (with three pumps) moves
are open, you will not be handicapped in vitality. You will get a
the middle finger three times, ten (with three pumps), eleven
grip on your life. No matter how bad circumstances are, your
(with three pumps), and twelve (with three pumps) moves
intuition will guide your way to happiness, and your vitality
the index finger three times, thirteen (with three pumps),
shall support you.”
fourteen (with three pumps), fifteen (with three pumps)
This pranayama technique, as a single technique, is the
moves the thumb slightly for three beats, and sixteen (with
ultimate in Kundalini Yoga meditation techniques. Its mul-
three pumps) brings the index finger over to close the left
tiple facets make it a completely balanced technique. When

Encyclopedia of Human Behavior, Second Edition (2012), vol. 2, pp. 576-584

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nostril just before exhaling through the right nostril.” When 6. As the time comes to a close, sit for a minute or two,
ending this meditation, after the last exhale, inhale and hold becoming aware of where you are. Get up gradually.
the breath for 5–10 s and mentally circulate the energy pro-
duced; then exhale. Then stretch and shake the entire body
Sahaja Yoga Meditation as Taught by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
for 1 min to complete the exercise. The bija mantra Wha Hay
Guru induces a state of great wonder, bliss, and ecstasy, an Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi says on her Web site: “You can receive
experience of the totality of the universe, the universal nature your Self Realization (connection with your Self) while sitting
of consciousness, and the oneness and unity of creation. in front of your computer. The only condition is your sincere
Eleven minutes is the first peak of accomplishment, followed desire to have it.”
by 31 min, 62 min, and 2 h and 31 min. Description of the technique (extracted from her Web site):
“During the experience you will keep your left hand with
the palm upwards on your lap and place the right palm on
Descriptions of Other Popular Meditation Techniques various parts of the body on your left side only with a specific
sequence (see below), while keeping your eyes closed for the
This section includes five popular meditation techniques entire duration. This way you will be free of distractions and
called the Mindfulness Meditation, Sahaja Yoga Meditation, able to keep your attention inside. The sequence for placing
Transcendental Meditation®, Ujjayi meditation as taught by your right hand during the guided meditation is the follow-
Swami Sivananda, and Zen Meditation. Other similar medita- ing (on left side only), first hold it with the palm against
tion techniques are also widely taught, including the Vipassana the chest at the heart center level, then on the chest below the
technique, the Relaxation Response by Herbert Benson, the nipple line, then just above the waist line, then against the
four Art of Living meditations as taught by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, side of the neck; for the next three positions, the right hand is
and techniques by Swami Muktananda of the Siddha Yoga held in the middle of the forehead, the back of the head, and
lineage, Swami Satchidananda of the Integral Yoga Society, then the top of the head. Now, after the end of the medita-
Swami Rama of the Himalayan Research Society, and Swami tion, see if you are feeling relaxed and if your thoughts have
Ramdev of the Divya Yog Mandir Trust. Most of these techni- slowed down or gradually disappeared. This is the first stage
ques are common to the Hatha Yoga meditation tradition. of meditation – thoughtless awareness – where you are fully
alert but without any thoughts, in a state of pure and peaceful
Mindfulness Meditation Technique consciousness. Now see if you can feel a sensation of a gentle
cool breeze in your palms and above your head. It might be
The standard description for this meditation is the following:
warm in the beginning which is a sign that your Kundalini
One can practice Mindfulness Meditation by sitting in an
energy is purifying your chakras, but it will eventually cool
appropriate upright position, cross-legged, and by focusing
down. You can verify it by placing your left palm 6–12 in.
on the breath or anything else, such as mental and physical
above your head, then trying with the right palm. If you are
processes which help the practitioners to become aware of their
unable to feel it, you have probably not forgiven everyone.
present thought patterns and inner state. The practice of Mind-
Say again from your heart, ‘Mother, I forgive everyone,’ a few
fulness Meditation focuses one’s attention on one’s thoughts,
times and check again if you feel the cool breeze above your
actions, and present moments nonjudgmentally. It does not
head. This is the beginning of a fantastic journey into your
encourage evaluating or thinking about past actions, nor does
own spiritual existence. It is a door opened to a new dimen-
it take one’s thoughts into the uncertain future. Mindfulness
sion of your awareness, which you can open and explore. If
Meditation helps and trains the mind from getting distracted
sustained through regular meditation, you will be able to feel
by outside disturbances and enables one to focus one’s
your subtle centers (chakras) as well as the chakras of others
thoughts and relax the mind.
on your fingertips, and correct them using your spiritual
Description of the technique:
energy (Kundalini).”
1. Find a quiet and comfortable place. Sit in a chair or on the
floor with your head, neck, and back straight but not stiff.
Transcendental MeditationW Technique
2. Try to put aside all thoughts of the past and the future and
stay in the present. Transcendental Meditation®, also called the ‘TM’ technique,
3. Become aware of your breathing, focusing on the sensation was formulated by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. Some claims about
of air moving in and out of your body as you breathe. Feel the TM technique are the following: “The ordinary thinking
your belly rise and fall, the air enter your nostrils and leave process is said to be transcended (or gone beyond) as the
your mouth. Pay attention to the way each breath changes awareness gradually settles down and is eventually freed of all
and is different. mental content, remaining silently awake within itself, and
4. Watch every thought come and go, whether it be a worry, producing a psychophysiological state of restful alertness.”
fear, anxiety, or hope. When thoughts come up in your These periods are referred to as “pure consciousness or tran-
mind, do not ignore or suppress them but simply note scendental consciousness.” Steps in TM® Meditation: Step 1,
them, remain calm, and use your breathing as an anchor. Sit comfortably; Step 2, Close your eyes; Step 3, Engage in
5. If you find yourself getting carried away in your thoughts, effortless mental repetition of a special sound for approxi-
observe where your mind went off to, without judging, and mately 20 min, twice daily. Note: The special sound in Step 3
simply return to your breathing. Remember not to be hard is a Sanskrit mantra(s) that is claimed to be exclusive to the
on yourself if this happens. TM® tradition. These mantras are taught when a person pays

Encyclopedia of Human Behavior, Second Edition (2012), vol. 2, pp. 576-584

Author's personal copy
582 Meditation: The Science and the Art

for the teachings and the recipient is instructed not to share his The Art of the Practice and the Application of
or her mantra with others. the Techniques

Ujjayi Pranayam Meditation Today, a majority of people practice meditation techniques for
the purpose of achieving a calmer state of mind, reducing
The ujjayi meditation technique, as described here, along with stress, and finding inner peace. Some practice to gain the
its claimed attributes is one of at least seven different medita- experience of a greater or transcendental awareness. Many
tion techniques taught by Swami Sivananda. This technique is also seek a more natural approach to the treatment of psychi-
a standard practice in many Hatha Yoga traditions. atric disorders and psychological issues, and for improving
Description of the technique: Sit in your usual asana. Close the social relationships. However, in addition to self-healing, the
mouth. Inhale slowly through both the nostrils in a smooth ancients devised the science of meditation primarily for the
uniform manner. Retain the breath as long as you can; do it purpose of exploring the unknown realms of the psyche and
comfortably and then exhale slowly through the left nostril by for mastering the realms of consciousness. They understood
closing the right nostril with your right thumb. Expand the the possibility of devising a neurodevelopmental approach to
chest when you inhale. During inhalation, a peculiar sound is awakening the dormant regions of the brain and developing
produced owing to the partial closing of the glottis. The sound unique mental powers, or what yogis called the siddhis.
produced during inhalation should be of a mild and uniform The ancients apparently achieved a great understanding for
pitch. It should be continuous also. This Kumbhaka may be the nature of consciousness. They discovered the chakras, the
practiced even when walking or standing. Instead of exhaling subtle energy centers that supposedly relate to the eight differ-
through the left nostril, you can exhale slowly through both ent levels of consciousness. This is a very foreign area for the
nostrils. Swami Sivananda comments on this technique. “This western scientist who has at least two primary questions about
removes the heat in the head. The practitioner becomes very the nature of consciousness: (1) Can consciousness transcend
beautiful. The gastric fire is increased. It removes phlegm in the time and space? and (2) Is consciousness only an epiphenom-
throat. Asthma, consumption and all sorts of pulmonary dis- enon of the brain? The ancients devised a practical and system-
eases are cured. All that arise from deficient inhalation of atic view of consciousness that has eight discrete levels. Yogis
oxygen and diseases of the heart are cured. All works are viewed the chakras as repositories or centers for psychic or
accomplished by Ujjayi Pranayam. The practitioner is never mental energy. They claimed that an individual’s conscious-
attacked by diseases of phlegm, nerves, enlargement of the ness is then determined and affected by the amount of energy
spleen, dyspepsia, dysentery, consumption, cough or fever. and the distribution of activity in the eight centers, and that
Perform Ujjayi to destroy decay and death.” this is related to the individual’s behavior, personality struc-
ture, and level of awareness. Ultimately, meditation techniques
Zen Meditation Technique are supposedly a means of healing the mind and also attaining
higher levels of consciousness.
Zen Buddhist meditation originated in India and was intro- In addition to the more subtle nature of the chakras, each
duced to Japan from China in 1191 AD. Sit on the forward chakra also supposedly has a physiological correlate in the
third of a chair or a cushion on the floor. Arrange your legs in body. The first chakra is related to the area of the rectum
a position you can maintain comfortably. In the half-lotus (sacro-coccygeal plexus); the second chakra to the sex organs
position, place your right leg on your left thigh. In the full (sacral plexus); the third chakra to the navel point region (solar
lotus position, put your feet on opposite thighs. You may also plexus); the fourth chakra to the heart center (cardiac plexus);
sit simply with your legs tucked in close to your body, but be the fifth chakra to the thyroid and parathyroid or throat center
sure that your weight is distributed on three points: both of (laryngeal plexus); the sixth chakra, called the ‘third eye,’ to
your knees on the ground and your buttocks on the round the activity of the pituitary gland; the seventh chakra, called
cushion. On a chair, keep your knees apart about the width the ‘crown center,’ to the pineal gland and cerebral cortex;
of your shoulders, feet firmly planted on the floor. Take a and the eighth chakra is the aura or the psychoelectromagnetic
deep breath, exhale fully, and take another deep breath, field that surrounds the body.
exhaling fully. With proper physical posture, your breathing The intensity of activity in any one chakra supposedly
will flow naturally into your lower abdomen. Breathe natu- affects one’s world perspective, understanding of cause and
rally, without judgment or trying to breathe a certain way. effect, and source of motivation and desire. An individual
Keep your attention on your breath while practicing this Zen who lives mainly in the consciousness of the first chakra is
meditation. When your attention wanders, bring it back to concerned primarily with survival. His or her action and values
the breath again and again – as many times as necessary! are based solely on the need to survive. Fears and paranoia
Remain as still as possible, following your breath and return- coincide with this center, as do instincts, concerns about elim-
ing to it whenever thoughts arise. Be fully, vitally present with ination, destructive sexual activities, and habitual and addic-
yourself. Simply do your very best. At the end of your sitting tive activities. Blocks and imbalances in this center can lead to
period, gently swing your body from right to left in increasing a rigid and stubborn mentality and a range of diseases. Second
arcs. Stretch out your legs and be sure they have feeling before chakra consciousness reflects a mentality directed mainly
standing. Practice easy Zen meditation every day for at least toward reproduction and sexual activities. Overactivity here
10–15 min (or longer) and you will discover for yourself leads to sexual neuroses, whether it is in the form of abnormal
the treasure-house of the timeless life of zazen – your very sexual indulgence or a ‘puritanical’ and abstinent mentality.
life itself.

Encyclopedia of Human Behavior, Second Edition (2012), vol. 2, pp. 576-584

Author's personal copy
Meditation: The Science and the Art 583

A balanced second chakra helps establish a creative and expres- of different meditation techniques. Some are much easier than
sive mentality. The third chakra is the center of power, territory, others to practice, and the approach for the beginner, novice,
and ego: the ‘Me’ mentality prevails to the exclusion of the or intermediate practitioner should be based on what he or
well-being of others. This center is the source of physical well- she hopes to achieve and how much time and effort he or she
being. When it is weak, deficiencies lead to a wide range of wants to commit. The best advice here is to experiment with a
illnesses and a weak character, drive, and will power. The first variety of techniques and to seek the direct guidance from
three levels are claimed to be equivalent to the nature of the a well-trained and talented teacher, regardless of the system
beast and all three of these levels also prevail throughout the that is chosen.
animal kingdom. Much of society’s ills are the result of an
imbalance in the first three chakras. Yogis view development
in going from the third level of consciousness to the fourth as The Clinical Application of Techniques for Patient
the biggest step in human development. The fourth chakra, the Populations
heart center, embraces the human element of compassion,
the attitude to nurture and give without consideration of the All the techniques described earlier are claimed to be of benefit
cost to one’s self. This center is considered to be the first level of for mental health purposes. However, the evidence presents a
‘higher consciousness,’ where the human can experience a true challenge because of the relatively poor overall quality of the
expansion in awareness. Love is born through activity in this published clinical trials. Some of the best- and well-designed
center. When the heart chakra is not awakened, greed, self- randomized controlled trials that showed substantial efficacy
ishness, and ego dominate. The fifth chakra is the center for still require replication by others. However, there is reason
creative communication through expression. When this center to be optimistic as yogis had discovered techniques that are
is active, the individual can speak and live a blunt truth, and supposedly ‘disorder-specific.’ These disorders include OCD,
when it is blocked, that person will feel stifled and unable to be depression, generalized anxiety disorder, phobias, bipolar dis-
direct and truthful with others. A characteristic of ‘higher con- orders, addictions and impulse control disorders, sleep disor-
sciousness’ that supposedly manifests with this center is that of ders, ADHD and comorbid disorders, PTSD, schizophrenia,
clairaudient awareness. The sixth chakra allows for both sides the variants of the personality disorders, the pervasive devel-
of the coin to be seen and here the dual nature of life is opmental disorders, and cancer. None of these disorders are
understood in the sums of the polarities rather than simply new and yogis had recognized these disorders even in ancient
as ‘right versus wrong.’ This center is said to be responsible for times. Individuals who are interested in attempting to treat any
intuition and clairvoyant abilities. Supernatural abilities are of these disorders with meditation techniques should seek the
also said to be governed by this center. The seventh chakra is assistance of those who are highly trained both with the spe-
the center for saintly intelligence, and thoughtless awareness cific techniques and the specific disorders. In time, clinical
where actions are based on concern for the highest good for all. trials will likely test the efficacy of these techniques in well-
This center is called the ‘thousand-petalled lotus,’ and it is said designed studies and no doubt compare meditation techniques
to be the seat of universal consciousness where there is a clear from different systems in ‘head-to-head’ trials.
realization of how all things are connected. The eighth chakra
is the aura, and how it functions is representative of the rela-
tionship of all the other chakras. This chakra is said to act both Summary
as a shield against illness and calamity and as a source of
attraction for events in one’s life. Awareness in this center The discovery of meditation techniques goes back to the time
takes one’s consciousness beyond the realm of time and before the advent of the formal religions. Today, there are at
space, into the realm where the past, the present, and the future least 5000 different meditation techniques that are known,
merge. It is said that if an individual lives in the consciousness discovered by the ancient yogis. However, only about six tech-
of this center too long, the world will pass them by. niques are commonly practiced in the West. While hundreds of
The fully awakened yogi supposedly has the ability to con- different scientific studies have been conducted, the majority
sciously activate any and all chakras in any given combination have used the Transcendental Meditation® technique, the
for achieving the most effective outcome under any given Mindfulness Meditation technique, the Relaxation Response,
situation. Supposedly normal individuals have one chakra the Zen Meditation technique, and a variety of Hatha yoga
that predominates to establish their primary personality, and meditation techniques. A recent systematic review of the scien-
over time, this center may change as a personality matures. This tific literature finds that there are many uncertainties about
growth process is supposedly one of the benefits of some the practice of meditation, the scientific research does not
meditation techniques. have a common theoretical perspective, the work is character-
ized by poor methodological quality, and that firm conclu-
sions cannot be drawn about the health effects based on the
The Development of a Personal Practice available evidence. However, since this research is only in its
infancy and very little funding has been appropriated for this
Some systems offer a single meditation with a supposed benefit work, it is not surprising that little can be said about the
or range of benefits, and some systems offer a few techniques positive virtues of the work. Nonetheless, there are a number
that vary significantly in their overall effects and benefits. The of well-designed trials that show unique and important
original parent science of the yoga, called Kundalini Yoga, the results. In addition, since there are so many different, highly
Yoga of Awareness, as taught by Yogi Bhajan, has thousands structured, and complex techniques, along with the deep yogic

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insights into the nature of consciousness, there are good rea- Shannahoff-Khalsa DS (2003) Kundalini yoga meditation techniques in the treatment of
sons to be optimistic about the true richness of this topic for obsessive compulsive and OC spectrum disorders. Brief Treatment and Crisis
Intervention 3: 369–382.
future study. A definition of meditation is offered – the art and
Shannahoff-Khalsa DS (2005) Patient perspectives: Kundalini yoga meditation
science of how to manipulate the thought waves to achieve a techniques for psycho-oncology and as potential therapies for cancer. Integrative
state of thoughtlessness, wherein the individual experiences Cancer Therapies 4: 87–100.
both existence and nonexistence simultaneously, and where Shannahoff-Khalsa DS (2006) Kundalini Yoga Meditation: Techniques Specific for
the field of consciousness then becomes a novel sensory expe- Psychiatric Disorders, Couples Therapy, and Personal Growth. New York:
W.W. Norton.
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mental realm are developed. psychiatry (a review article). CNS Spectrums: The International Journal of
Neuropsychiatric Medicine 12: 625–634.
Shannahoff-Khalsa DS (2008a) Psychophysiological States: The Ultradian Dynamics of
Further Reading Mind-Body Interactions. San Diego, CA: Academic Press.
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Alternative and Complementary Medicine 12: 817–832. Press.
Bhajan Y (1997) The Master’s Touch: On Being a Sacred Teacher for the New Age. Shannahoff-Khalsa DS (2010) Kundalini Yoga Meditation for Complex Psychiatric
Espanola, NM: Kundalini Research Institute. Disorders: Techniques Specific for Treating the Psychoses, Personality, and
Bhajan Y and Khalsa G (1998) The Mind: Its Projections and Multiple Facets. Espanola, Pervasive Developmental Disorders. New York, London: W.W. Norton.
NM: Kundalini Research Institute. Shannahoff-Khalsa DS (2012) Sacred Therapies: The Kundalini Yoga Meditation
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Neural correlates of attentional expertise in long-term meditation practitioners. Shannahoff-Khalsa DS, Ray LE, Levine S, et al. (1999) Randomized controlled
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Healthcare Research and Quality.
Ospina MB, Bond K, Karkaneh M, et al. (2008) Clinical trials of meditation practices in – Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan.
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Medicine 14: 1199–1213. taught by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi.
Shannahoff-Khalsa D (2004) An introduction to Kundalini yoga meditation techniques – Swami Muktananda for the Siddha
that are specific for the treatment of psychiatric disorders. Journal of Alternative and Yoga Path.
Complementary Medicine 10: 91–101. – Swami Rama founder of the Himalayan Research
Shannahoff-Khalsa D (2006) A perspective on the emergence of meditation techniques Society.
for medical disorders. Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine – Swami Ramdev, a founder of the Divya Yog Mandir Trust.
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Shannahoff-Khalsa D, Sramek BB, Kennel MB, and Jamieson SW (2004) Hemodynamic Yoga.
observations on a yogic breathing technique claimed to help eliminate and prevent – Swami Sivananda and the Divine Life Society.
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pp. 283–329. New York: Marcel Dekker. Meditation as taught by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi.

Encyclopedia of Human Behavior, Second Edition (2012), vol. 2, pp. 576-584

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