Essay No2. by Ar. Ricardo O. Apo JR

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(Newton’ Third Law)

Urbanization is a natural part of developing society, it both have good and bad side of it.

As a natural part of it, it is inevitable that in a country's economy to move away from

agriculture and towards industry.

People tend to move to cities for better access of employment, healthcare, infrastructure,

facilities, basic necessities(sanitation and clean water), easy access to transportation and


Some of the positive(boom) factors of urbanization are

Increase in Employment possibilities, People are lured to urban area for a better life and high

paying salary because of more job opportunities

A highly urbanized area offer more schools, healthcare facilities, better living(housing) and

trades to choose from

Some of the negative(bane) side of urbanization

An urban area may experienced overcrowding or over population, as a result things may get

complicated/uncomfortable or saturated, with the rise of population the basic necessities

also rises and comes with it is the rise of cost of living

The demand for food may impact the prices of commodities

Water also plays a big role in human life, as its daily necessities may become constraint with

the lack of enough resources, things may become inconvenient and services can be affected

if the supply is not maintained

The lack of social or affordable housing may rise, and the prices of land, houses and

infrastructure in an urban area tend to rise it became expensive that most people can't afford
it anymore, thus creating slums and poverty.

Overpopulation can also scare the social services like education and health care facilities

Transportation might have a hard time coping up with the volume of commuting people,

Streets tend to be congested especially during roush hours, traffic will become a part of daily

lives, losing more time and resources

With the rise of houses, buildings and infrastructure also rise the demand for electricity which

the lack of enough supply can lead to to rotational black outd that can greatly affect the daily

lives, services and industries that depend on it

Employment sector may also tend to be competitive to the degree that it will be much harder

to find a job, especially the high paying ones, as a result people become unemployed or


With people and industries tend to be out of hand or control it creates pollution and health

may become affected

In such a negative impact some people ten to resort into crime just be able to survive in their

daily lives

Action must be undertaken, plans must be done off hand or ahead of urbanization to prevent

or limit the negative impact of urbanization, as they say “prevention is better than cure”.

Ar. Ricardo O. Apo Jr.
DURP Plan 201 students (Sections B and F)

Why urbanization may benefit the environment - Guanghua Wan
Op-Ed / Opinion | 23 January 2013

What is Urbanization and What are the Positive and Negative Effects?
By Josy O’Donnel -April 30, 2018

Living in Urban Areas

Created by: moonbow0701Created on: 10-02-18 17:37

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