Crime and Cybercrime

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I will start by saying that we are living in a period of time where the number of crimes
and cybercrimes has being increasing, maybe due to the development of e gadgest and
IT (New Thecnologies). Never in recorded history has technology been as widely
extended as IT.

As far as Cibercrime, I think that being a cybercriminal is not easy. They must have
specific knowledge about computers, internet, networks and so on.

Morover, cybercriminals are considered to be clever and intelligent people. They

usually are computer science students who have the best marks at university and who
have won a lot of contests and prizes related to technology…But They are also said to
be shy and introverted and they are thought not to go out of the home and to be always
the fact typing on the computer.

As a result, when cybercriminals manage to enter into the computer system of a big
company ends up taking them on or employing them. Obviously, when this happens, the
cybercriminal who has carried out a successful cyberattack becomes a priceless worker
in order for companies to improve their security.

As far as where I live, it seems to be a peaceful place. However, the number of crimes
has been increasing in past months ( in the lately months). Every day we can see on the
news that something really serious has happened such as a murder , a burglary, a
robbery o even a cybercrime.

In addition ,nowadays it´s said that due to the economic crisis, crime is on the rise and
even some criminals appear to be organiced in groups who act in different cities,
following the same patterns.

But I am most worried about these kind of crimes committed by people from Eastern
Europe who are extremely dangerous and cruel and who are well trained because they
used to be soldiers and who don´t mind firing. Furthermore, they usually attack
luxurious villas on the coast and if they find out that someone is inside, they might even
tie them down or, what is worse, they might kill them.

Finally, in summary I will say that this kind of crimes terrify me and made me catch
my breath, therefore I have carried out extra security strategies at home, in order to
improve my security at home such as a doble-lock on the door and alarm system and
cameras wich have been a rip-oll. Cost and arm and a leg.

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